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Oshawa Daily Times, 24 Dec 1930, p. 1

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A Growing Newspaper in a Growing City Oshawa Daily Times Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer 'All the News While It Is News" i2 Cents a Week; 3 Cents a Copy TWELVE PAGES SEEK PROBE OF EXCHANGE AT WINNIPEG Requests Presented to the Federal Government by Western Premiers Made Public by Premier Bracken SEEK FIXED PRICE Suggestion Made That Short Selling on Winnipeg Grain Exchange Should Be Investigated (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Winnipeg, Dec. 24.--Advisabil- fty of investigation into short selling ou the Winnipeg Grain Ex- change was offered to the Domin- fon government for consideration when prairie premiers made their pilgrimage to Ottawa, it was known today. Copy of a letter pre sented by the premiers on Novem- ber 18 to Sir George Perley. then acting prime minister, was obtain- ed from Hon, John Bracken, Mani- toba premier, Four proposals were advanced to the dominion as the means of remedying the economic difficul- ties in the west, according to the letter, The message was pro- duced by Mr. Bracken when he was asked to amplify his state- ment that one of the results urged by the prairie premiers should be attalned by the dominfon's recent decision ensuring orderly market- ing of the west's 1050 wheat crop. Srne suggestions, advanced in or- der of preference by the govern- ment-heads of Manitoba, Saskat- chewan and Alberta, were, In (1) Guaranteed domestic price for Canada wheat of 70 cents, Fort William, ' (2) Assurance of the banks against loss in carrying on the wheat pool in an orderly way. (3) Establishment of a govern: ment stabilization board, (4) Consideration of advisabil- ity of ordering a grain board probe into short selling on the Winuipeg Exchange, Unemployment Drops London.--A substantial reduction in unemployment figures has come as an unexpected Christmis gift to Great Britain, On Dec, 15 the total was 2,- 299,592, which is 7,370 less than the week before,although still 996,035 ov» er the same week last year, FIREMEN INJURED IN BOSTON BLAZE All Available Fire Apparatus Was Required to Fight Stubborn Blaze in Seven Storey Building Boston, Dec. 24.--One fireman was severely injured, several sus tained minor injuries and burns, and more than a dozen were over come during a fire on the outskirts of the leather district early today. The origin of the blaze was un known and thp loss could not be determined im. .ediately, Five alarms were sounded bringing every available plece of downtown fire apparatus to the scene, before the fire In the 7 storey brick building at 11 Colum- bia Street was brought under con trol two hours after it was dls covered, Narrow streets, hot air explos: fons, and dense smoke combinen to hamper the firemen in thelr work. An area of high pressure covers the Kastern States and the Great Lakes and another is centred over tho northern Rocky Mountain States. The storm which was oft the Atlantic const yesterday has moved northeastward to New foundland, causing strong winds and heavy snowfalls in the Maritime provinces. A moderate snow fall has occurs red in Southern Ontario, while in the Western Provinces the weather has been fair and comparatively mild. Forecast :=lLower Lake Re. glon = moderate northwest winds, fale and rather cold to. day, Thursday -- southerly . winds mostly fair and a little indie Georglan Bayi=-- m _ nd eather cold to. day. Thursday = southerly winds and a little milder, KING SPENDS CHRISTMAS WITH FAMILY Cares and Responsibilities of Q HRISTMAS.....there is no day like it in all the year. For though one day may be sweet with the memory of Maytime lilacs and not rer freighted with the mournful ghosts of funeral flowers, Christmas is all snou nd gree. holly anc. the scarlet flame of illusions that never die. All the Holy Mystery of CHRISTMAS is but a background for its homelier meaning. Outside, indeed, seraphic hosts may wheel and flash lanc- es of immortal flame across the arc of night. Songs of archangels may rouse shepherds, and strange Kings come seeking the Prince of such a star as Magi never saw before. But the true shrine of Christmas, now as two thousand years ago, is within humble doors where a Mother broods above the aureoled head of a Little Babe. Mothers and Little Children . .. . they make this Holiest of Days and explain it. They are the shrine where life's music beats like a tide of light. Listen and you will hear. . .. .Boy chuirs singing ' O come all ye faithful"; roll of mighty organs, uplifted voices of a world dreaming that Love, Sympathy and Understanding are poss- ible. And back of them, tinkle of music boxes in chubby hands; the perfect laughter of heart's delight. CHRISTMAS.... .We wish you a Merry One; and beyond that. a Glad New Year. Serious Riots In Upper Burma More Than a Dozen Persons Killed and Many Wound. ed by Rioters in Tax Re- sisting Campaign (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Rangoon, Burma, Dec, 24 -- More titan a dozen persons have been kill- ed and many wounded in the Thaar- waddy and Insein districts of Upper Burma by rioters who attacked sev- eral villages in the oburse of a tax resisting campaign according to re- ports received here today, It is know that four native officials were slain in the villages, in one of which the rioters were reported this morning to be still fighting with po- re, It.is believed that the police in- flicted heavy losses upon them. The outbreak thus far appears to be purely local and is confined to the two districts, Officials, here, how- ever, are taking no chances and have sent heavy reinforcements to the ar- ected regions. TOWN 1S DESTROYED BY EARTHQUAKE Salta, Argentina, Dee. 24--The town of La Poma was reported re- stroycd by an carthquake early today. The authorities here organized a re- lef expedition which 1&ft this morn ing. The quake was felt strongly in Salta and there was some panic am- ong the inhabitants, ° - Fear Disturbances Berlin--The entire Berlin police was instructed to be in readiness for outbreaks expected on Christmas eve They were instructed to disperse communistic anti-Christmas demon- strations. BRITISH VESSEL RUNS AGROUND Call for Help Is Sent Out by Freighter Which Runs on Rocks on Coast of Florida New York, Dec, 24.--The Mac Kay radio received information to- day that the British freighter, Jameson, was aground seven miles south of Jupiter, Fla. and was calling for assistance. The MacKay station intercepted another message at 5.05 a.m,, say. ing that tho. tug Perry was on the way to the Jameson's assistance from Fort Lauderdale, Fla, The Jameson was than on the beach, shipplog water badly. on POISO. L.QUOR PARTY » J MN ' . CAUSES FIV. DEATH Boston, Dec, 24--Poison lqgivor, ser- ved at a drinking party in an aban doned shack Old Colony Boulevard, has taken the lives of five Boston men Dr. William J. Brickley, associate medical examiner, attributed the deaths of the men to poison liquor and police today sought several other participants in the drinking party, which was held Sunday night. off the Musso.ini as $ anta Claus Premier of Italy Is Person- ally Distributing Christmas Cheer Fund to Needy Fam- ilies of Country (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) "Rome, Dec. 24--Premier Mussolini in the role or Santa Claus, has dis- tributed among Italy's needy half a million lire, or about $26,315 worth f Chrstmas cheer. The fund was placed at his dispos- al by an industrial leader of Milan, who remained anonymous 'I'h er turned over 250,000 lire for dis- tribution by the Muun «uv, deration for the aid of families hkely to be dispossessed for non-payment of rent; 100,000 for winter air work carried on by Milan fascists, 100,000 to help redeem winter clothing from Milan pawnshops, and 50,000 fo: gen- eral charity. Two Burned to Death Cowiehan, Vancouver Island, B.C, William Thompson, aged 70, pion- eer of this district, and his house- keeper, a middleaged woman named Mrs, Stirling, were burned to death when fire destroyed the aged man's house. ; . Canadian Station Desired Port Arthur.-~Mariners are ad- vocating a Canadian life-saving station being established in this district, an island lying outside Thunder Cape being suggested ar Ideal for such a station, . (IBRARY IS PROVIDED FOR SETTLERS IN NORTH (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Cochrane, Dee, 24-A settlers library of 1,200 volumes collected by the 1. Eaton Company and D, J, Pofumer- lau, district agricaltural representa tive have been catalogued and i¢ about ready for service in the dis trict, - Regulations have been drawn LJ] w Lof agriculture. | | | FL.:Si SOD TURNED TODAY "FOR NEW FACTORY TO BE OCCUPIED BY A. E. Coulter, President of Coulter Manufacturing Company, Performs' Cere- mony in Presence Large Group of Citizens-- Industrial Foundation Di- rectors Let Contract to T. B. Mothersill and Com-| pany, and Show Faith in Citizens of Oshawa A splendid Christmas box was handed out to the citizens of Osh- awa this morning by the Oshawa Industrial Foundation, Limited, and the Oshawa Chamber of Commerce when, at ten o'clock, the first sod was turned for.the plant of the Coulter Manufacturing Company on Simcoe Street South, The turning of the first sod, a ceremony per- formed by A. E. Coulter, president f the company, in the presence of \ large group of prominent citizens and clvic officials, followed the letting of the general contract for the construction of the factory hullding to T. B, Mothersill and Company of. this city, Construe: tion work is to be started immedi- ately, and it is anticipated that a gang of men will be on the job on Friday morning, the toolhouse al- ready being In position on the pro- perty. The directors of the Oshawa In- dustrial Foundation, Limited, also announce that they are obtaining prices, an dhope to be in a position to let the contracts for the plumb- ing, heating and electrical works in connection with the building at an early date. Large Group Present The ceremony of turning the first sod was a simple one, there being no speeches, but a photographer was present to make a pictorial record of what 18 considered an im. of | COULTER CO. h [nortant incident in the industrial life of the city. Along with Mr, | Coulter at the ceremony, as onlook ers and terested participants, | were Mayor T, B, Mitchell, Gordon 1), Conant, president of the Oshawa Chamber of Commerce; George W, | McLaughlin, president of the Osh- awa Industrial Foundation, Limit | wl; I, 8. McLaughlin, president ot | General Motors of Canada, Limited; | Ald. George Hart, Ald, W. Boddy, {Ald T. Knox, Ald, T, Hawkes, Clif- ford Griffin, superintendent of the Coulter Manufacturing Company, W. M. Gilbert, A, G, Storie, IF, Mothersill, Bruce McConnell, Mcintyre, W, W, Park, Leon Fr er, R, D, H. ston, C, C. Btenhouse, Frank Red den, City Clerk Hare, City Engine- er Smith, Fire Chief Elliott, and M. Mecintyre Hood. Mr, Coulter used a speclally chromium plated shovel to perform the task of turn- ing the first sod, and did it truly and well while . the party stooa around in an interested group. Much Business Waiting The decision of the Oshawa In- dustrial Foundation to make ah im 1ediate start on the Coulter Fac: tory, although the capital stock 1s sues providing for the financing has not yet been fully subscribed, was reached as a result of the great pressure of business which has been received by the Coulter Company. The company, according to Mr. Coulter, has a tremendous volume of orders walting for production, more business, In fact than has ever before been on hand in the month of December, and he was frankly worried because of the delay in get. 'ing the building started, Faith in Citizens In spite of the fact that the fin- ancing was not completed, the di- rectors of the Oshawa Industrial Foundation decided to have faith in the people of Oshawa, and to go ahead with the construction of the factory, confident that the stock is. sue would, in the near future, he "ully subscribed, and that the eit fzens of Oshawa, in their turn, would justify the faith placed in (Continued on page 2 Man Killed and Another Wounded In Connecticut Payroll Robbery New Haven, Conn, Dec. 24=One man was shot to death and another wounded today in a payroll robbery in front of the Allington Branch of the American Mills Company in up to he approved by the department | West Haven, Police in West Haven said the pay roll was stolen, but its value had not been determined. The bandits fled in an automobile owned by the 'pay- master, The dead and wounded men were take to New Haven hospital. Neither liad been identified, 0. ! Preston, Alex Bell, E, C. | Hodgins, R, 8. Morphy, D, I'. John- HOTEL STRIKE BRINGS CO.{VETION TO TORONTO | (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Cleveland, Dec, 24,--Because of trike of unlon employes in | four leading downtown hotels, the | triennial convention of the Broth- erhood of Locomotive Firemen and Englnemen has been transferred | from Cleveland to Toronto The | meeting will last through the of June and it was esti. month | mated delegates will spend $700,- | 000 | Umon horet employes quit work | several months ugo when the | hotels insisted that they sign in- { dividual contracts irrespective | unfou membership, | Two Held on Arson Charge Toronto Men Arrested on Charge of Setting Fire to Home of Max Wortzman | on Monday 'Nght (By Canadian Mess Leased Wire) Toronto, Dec, 24,--Samuel Born- stein, 45, and Samuel Levine, 48, were arrested last night by local detectives on a charge of arson, Both men are alleged to be. tho "fire-bugs'" who set fire to the home of Max Wortzman, on Mon- day night, According to polico a strange itory was told by nearby residents that they had seen two figures with clothes on fire and shoes burned off, running from the Wortziman home, prior to an ex plosion and spectacular blaze. Gasoline was poured on the floor and furniture of rooms in the house then set on fire, police claim, following a lengthy in: vestigation, After thelr arrest the men were xamined by a physician and in- Juries were found on their feet and legs which were ascribed to burns. Bornstein: is a former busi- ness partner of Wortaman, who left his home Monday accompan- led by hig family. VEILED PROPAGANDA SHOW IN MOVIE FILMS Rouyn, Que, Dee. 24=Two moving picture films exhibited in a local thea tre. under the auspices of a Ukran- fun soeicty have been seized and sent to Quebec for examination, It is al- leged that the picture plays masquer- ading an entertainment are in reality thinly véiled Communistic propagan- da and were passed by the provincial board of censors under a misrepre- of | Britain Fixing | Wheat Quotas | Bill Being Prepared to Give Advantage to Empire- | Grown Wheat in British Market (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) London, Dec. 24-The lernment is understood by preparing le the Daily Express to islation for quota purchasing of wheat for the | British market, following generally | on the lines discussed at the recent imperial conference. The details of the 1 he bill which [as vet It is forecast, however, that il firstly t forth a percentage jolt British wn wheat to be taken by millers; secondly, the percentage that "millers must secure from the wheat-growing members of the Brit- ish commonwealth and thirdly, set out that percentage, or remainder of market requirements, which may be scented trom foreign countries, As was known at the time of the conference, the British government will not attempt to divide the empire quota between the different domin- ions, Besides Canada, wheat is grown in large quantities in Australia, South Africa, India, and New Zealand. Lit w Sudbury Recount Sudbury.--The manner in which the recount of the ballots cast in the Mayoralty election of Dec, 1 last should be conducted featured the opening session of the recount before Judge Proulx, the Bench ruling that he would confine the proceedings to an examination and count of the ballots, and that he would not permit an examination of the poll books, FIRES STARTED BY GAS EXPLOSION Docks at Stockton, Cal, Sprayed With Flaming Gasoline and Buildings Set on Fire Stockton, Cal, Doc, 24, ~-- A Union Oil Company barge exploded while being loaded in the Stock ton channel here last night, spray. ing tho docks with "flaming gaso- lino and starting fires that caused damage estimated by officials at $200,000. No one was injured. The barge had started to pump aboard 155,000 gallons of gasoline. The pump line leaked and was be lieved the pump motor short er sentation. culled, igniting the fluid, british gov- | is | said 10 be underway, are not kn wn | State Are Forgotten in Royal Observance of the Christmas Festival PRINCE TO BE THERE Princess Elizabeth and Prin- cess Margaret Rose Will Bring Youthful Spirit In- to the Home of Royal Family (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) sandringham, England, Dec, 24, Nowhere in the world this Christmas eve will there he a more cosy fireside or a more united | household than that of the British royal family. . During holidays the King | forgets the cares and vast respon- sibilities of state, forgets the pomp | and ceremonial of court, and be~ | comes just a family man, spending | a happy Christmas among his child- ren and grandchildren, The King and Queen are spend~ | Ing thelr holiday quietly in their country home Sandringham houge, which stands in Norfolk, surrounded by rolling heath land and pine woods that sweep down. to the sea, Here it is that the King free from the routine of life at | Buckingham Pgelace "becomes a | simple country gentleman, | Only the red despatch boxes | containing government papers and | state documents which comes | twice a day by King's messenger | from London, remind him of the | affairs of the empire. Around the royal family eirele Christmas eve will be the Prince of Wales with his brothers, Prine cess Ilizabeth, daughter of the Duke and Duchess of York, with { her baby sister, the four months | old Princess Margaret Rose, whl | bring the youthful spirit of bois« | terous happiness without which ng f ( hristmas can be complete, HINDU-MOSLEM | | TANGLE PERSISTS Lhe | Delegates to Conference, | However, and Busily En- gaged in Observing the | | | | | London, Dec, 24, -- Christmas comes with the Indian round-table conference still overshadowed by the Hindu-Moslem disputes, Six weeks of negotiation have failed to result in a settlement of the difficulties which admittedly lle at the foot of a successful issue to the conference. The main issue is over the electorates, Premier Ramsay MacDonald, who had hoped to spend Christmas at Lossiemouth, his Scottish home, is remaining at £hequers, country home of the prime ministers, where he will consult with experts and keep in touch with the situation, Yet, though they cannot agree over the electorates, the delegates from India's two rival commune ities are touched with the spirit of Yuletide, Moslem and Hindu alike are sending Christmas cards. NEGRO KILLED IN MINE TROUBLE Shots Fired From Ambush as Truck Load of Negroes Went to Work Madisonville, Ky.,, Dec, 24--An at- tack on a truckload of miners going to the Trio Coal Conrpany's mine to day resulted in a negro miner being killed and another wounded. A group of men opened fire on a truck in which miners were being taken to work, firing from bushes near a road intersection, Robert Springfield, 17, was killed and Roger Samuels, 20, was injured. The truck was turned back and the wounded negro was brought to a hospital here, It was believed he would recover, New York.~Seven persons, in cluding two women and a child, were safely remoyed from three barges today before the hoats sank after a collision with the flrness- Red Cross steamer Dominica dur «Ing a snow storm in the harbor,

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