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Oshawa Daily Times, 24 Dec 1930, p. 3

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SY at DS we pr -" Wyn this madre RAS EAT RS REL NE LW THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1930 PAGE THREE Thousands of Unfortunate People Receive Christmas Cheer 1600 Needy hi dren Are Presented With Gifts from Oshawa Boy Armories Filled With Un fortunate Children Who Are Greeted by Joyful Santa Claus and Receive Toys and Candy WIDE VARIETY IN TOYS PRESENTED Something to Delight Heart of Each One of the Chil. dren That Swarmed Building--Orchestra Play- ed Christmas Airs Bixteen hundred needy Oshawa ehildven, ranging in ages from one to fourteen years, wera presented with toys at the Armories yesterday afternoon, In effect Banta Clans paid a preliminary visit to Oshawa and through the activities of the Boy Scouts of the city he gave gifts to boys and girls whose homes he knows he can not visit Christ. mas eve, Not that it is the faul! of the boys and girls, or of their parents, hut rather hecause of exist. ing conditions which have thrown hundreds out of work for months must the jolly old fellow fail in his duties on the night mak, There was a lot which was joyful and a little of something which was wistful about the scene in the Ar- mories yesterday afternoon, The children who crowded into the building were full of expectation, hope and eagerness und there is no doubt that the toys brought smiles to their faces and shouts of glee from their lips, But the parents who came with the youngsters, al though evidently attempting to share the joys of little ones and al- though very grateful for what was being done for them, could not help but show by a stray look or glahee the anxiety and heartbreak which months of unemployment have caused, Tt was a wonderful and joyous thing to see the Boy Heouts doing their good turn each day many times over in the distribution of the toys hut it was also sad to think that in this eivilized world, with our much vaunted progress and marvellous Inventions, unem- ployment should rise up like na spectre to haunt thousands of de- serving people, But enough of sorrow on the day before Christmas, If ever a true Christmas spirit was manifest it was surely manifest at the Armor. ies yesterday, Tickets had heen previously distributed by the scouts (Continued on page 2) ner Coming Lwents | 8 Cents pur word each in sertion. Minimum charge for each insertion, 88¢ BPECIAL CHRISTMAS HVE Dance at New Snooker Dance Hall, Brock and Division, In- eluding novelty dancing, 10 o'clock till 2, Melody Doya' Or- chestra, (147h) CHOSEN FRIENDS DANCE TO night, Engel's Hall, Admission abe, (148a) Too Late To Classify HOUSE ON NABSAU STREET, $12 per month in winter months, Ap py Rose Real Estate, Simcoe Bt, & (147¢) cout Toy Shop OBITUARY | DEATH OF AARON VAN LUVEN The death oceurred early this poring, of Aston Van Luyen, in his seventy-sixth year, at his home, 77 Ontario Street, Oshawa, The late Mr, Van Luven had been ill fora [hout four months, Born north of Kingston, seventy years ago, the de- censed moved to this community Just the | before Christ. | Seven Years ago from Trenton and during his stay in this eity has lived a retired lite, Besides his sorrowing widow, there remains to mourn the loss, three | dnushters, Mrs. P, Godin, Toronto, , Lowry, Orono, Mrs. BB, Kim erley lurke St, Oshawi, and one son, Harry, who operates a farm neay Sydenham, Ontario. The funera) serviee will be held at the hone on Friday afternoon, at 3.30 o'clock und Rey, C1, Cragg, of King St, United Church will be fn charge of the service, Interment will be in the Mount Lawn Cemetery EDWIN NTACEY Edwin Btacey, one of the most prosperous farmers of the west and a native of this district, died in Re- rina, Bagk., on Bunday December 21, nt the age of 4) years, My, Btacey was horn on a farm near Courtice in the township of Darlington, and spent his younger days at the place of his birth, He was married to Miss Grace Bly, of Darlington, and in 1907, shortly after his marriage, moved to West- ern Canada. He took up land at Central Buts, near Moose Jaw, Bask," and started farming on a large scale, He be- came one of the most successful far- mers in Maskatehewsnu, and earned a wide and favorable reputation in that province, He sold his farm about two years ago, and moved to Waterous, near Regina, Although quite often urged to accept a publie office, Mr, Stacey always declined, preferring to confine his interests to those of his family, Besides his wife, deceased leaves two sons and two daughters, all In Western Canada, He Is also survived by six brothers and three sisters, They are; Bamuel, of Central Bute, Bask; C, N, Stacey, 120 Park road south, Oshawa; John, 471 Bimeoe street south, Oshawa; W, G, Btacey, 219 Verdun road south, Oshawa; R, H, Btacey, H08 Simcoe street north, Oshawa; Walter, 161 Athol street east, Osh- awa; Mrs, B, Hastings, Toronto; Mrs, Emma Smith, Detroit; and Mrs, 7, Draund, Gibha street, Osh- awn, Two sisters, Mrs, Tennant and Mrs, Henry Hogarth, prede- copsed him some time ago, and his parents dled when he was quite young, FUNERAL OF GEORGE MILLER With dignity and solemnity, the hody of the late George Miller, one of the deans of Oshawa's husiness men, was borne to its last resting place yesterday afternoon, while the citizens of Oshawa paused in the midst of thelr Christmas acti vity, to do reverence to one, whose passing Is mourned so sincerely by the community, The funeral was one of the lar- gest ever held in this elty and a fit. ting tribute to a man who was one of the ploneers of Oshawa's hus ness, His passing in widely regret. tad and yesterday afternoon, the citizens of Oshawa from every walk of life, gathered to pay their last respects to the man whose death han left a gap in the ranks of Osh- awa's leaders, which can never be fled, The funeral 'service was held at | Oshawa Collegiate Pupils Receive Prizes All photographs by Camphell's COMMENCEM ENT EXERCIN Ollwen Ward, tied fi fleld championship Maundrell, boys' champlon (15) Henderson, Mion priv for outstanding school, It. 8B. McLaughlin udio, TALENT Above are shown pupils of Oshawa Vocational Institute awarded tokens ot mencement exercises Friday (1) Rosalie Bmith, R, 8, McLaugh Hn scholarship for highest stand- ing in third year commercial conrse, (2) Krnle Marks, Ross Mi Kinnon scholarship for profiel- ency in French conversation, fifth year, (3) Dorothy ('rothe Hoss MacKinnon scholarhip for profiel ency In French conversation, fifth yoar, (4) Bhirley Fowke, Mi J W. Cowan scholarship for hi AND EFFORT BECOGNIZED prize-winning | and Murray Collegiate und | standing who were | Cannin ' merit at com lunt AT Johnston cane for out of school, (6 Mabel {, Motaughlin schol proficiency in second ln) course, (7) Ruby Coulter, girls' Junfor field day champion (8%) Agnes M, Bruce, Mrs, 1, W, Fowke scholarship for hMehest standing In ¢lassles, fourth your (0) Erle Armitage, boys' senior field day champlon (10) Htanley Harris, Ross MacKinnon cholurship for proficiency in {don Dryce, Mi P. WwW, French eonvercation, fourth year. | scholarship for highest (11) Maude Everson, R, HB, M¢ In departmental Laughlin scholarship for highest | guage option, (1%) standing In departmental exami= | standin in special commercial | Cragg, Carter scholarship pations, sclence option, (6) Are | course, (12) Dorothy Gallagher, [at $100, first class nold Jobb, Hoss MacKinnon | / McLaughlin scholarship for ubjects In honot matrl scholarship for proficiency in| highest standing In second Year | this summer French copversation, fourht year, | commercial, (13) Allee Rows, who conducted by Rev, K Harton, of | SE : EVERION SA HELL EE SIESHIN, SNS (LM, EXECUTIVE tice i ic leum, At the Mau Auli i short service was held and the men hers of the Masonle Order perform ed tho last rites | carnival on February 26 Kiwanian KR, N. Hassett od a watch for the {the most ticket Innumerable floral tributes told of the popularity of the deceased | and expressed the sympathy of the THOM HORS, ovo host of friends and aguuintances, lod AA relatives and the differént orvanisa | Cadet corps, frull reported, | with wenlor Crt, dny hoy nrship fai Veur commer wpead In typing, and medinte fleld day Douglas Conant, ata fleld day hoys chimmplon, (1 lost wis of the best {members Oshawa ever Prosldent itor of sympathy he home, at 2.80 o'clock, snd was | one Hoh's comment will he The Kiwanians were nt this moting on thelr ta Sales Promotion Subject at Kiwinia Kiwanis Christmas Meeting Kiwanlan tions of which ho wan a member | : at ko Among the many floral tributes | were those from the Rotary Club, | : ' Oshawa Hunt Club, Lebanon Lodga, | °0 Barker, wnlog promotion Pentalpha Chapter, Oshawa Curls | manager for Ophnwa Zone of ing Club, Oshawa Golf Club, Peter. [16 nernl Motors of Canada; in an ad borough Golf Club, Gardon McKay, | dress on Halesmanship at the Ki I Torohito, from the different family club luncheon Yesterday. relations und those people with | This was the Christmas meeting whom he had had business connec: |e jo cjuh, nnd the Christmas épir tions, Fh of good cheer permeated the Among the many people who ut | wathering Mine host, Joo, Welsh, tended the funeral were: Mr, ana |perved a seasonal repast, which al ; Mrs, Soriven, a sister of the de-| most nppronched banquet dimen. | Inks and tho Town of ceased, New York City; Mrs, Pers | fons, and the community singing ford His roctsion will kins, son and daughter, of Detroit; | at the 'meeting consisted of many | known early In January, Mr, und Mrs, W, 1H, Doherty, hus completed the r of the deceased, the Lebanon | daugh- | wellknown Christmas earols, Er nie Colborne, hoy soprano, sang | United Counties of lodge attended in a body, an did land and Durham, the Oshawa Hunt Club, A large henutifully "Night of Nights," =a number of the Rotarians of the | Kyorybody tn a salesman, declare Frank the Judge L. V, O'Connor bourg has concluded hi of evidence In connec appeal of the countlos, report of the valuators, the Townships of and Seymour, the | wanls Village Noy,' Bay Henry, Mr, Tred Dalles, Mr, Char | 15. #mith spoke of the lois sustain Christmas number, nlso giving the | seléction "Danny : | elty were also present | Tribute to George Miller The pall bearers wera; Dr, 1° I, | During the meeting, President R leg Balles, Mr, I, A, Hoar, Mr, I", | ad hy the oity and the Rotary Club M. Tait and Mr, D, M, Tod Hin the death of George Miller, "He A LEO, GRAY ® HE URING members of our community kind and faithful to us. We wish them the mer- riest of days. "Produced in Canada" 1930 the have been M. TOD Christmas HR CANADIAN INDUSTRIAL ALCOHOL COMPANY LIMITED Montreal Vancouver v L Junioy Margaret Edmondson girl of seholur hip for student obtaining greatest kirtsy' champion intermedi standing examination, Laurence H honors iiss working service had, sont to the | Rotary Club by the Kiwanians started off [ers, and parents who desire Lo learn ¢ of soll Willen und 47 hing un onelling already 0 places open In the | Jack hove (Continued on page ! | NORTHUMBERLAND APPEAL tion with the ngainst the covering Alnwick, of Hast Campbell ba made when Hurvey Northumber winter weather wit and free Alco-Meter Service, Sle Jou SCIENTIFIC RADIATO) Maple Leaf Anti-Freeze is used by thousands of automobile owners throughout Canada. Free Alco-Meter Service--an exclusive feature of all Maple Leaf Dealers --has taken the guess work out of radiator protection. safety measures give you guaranteed security againat freezing. Stop at any Alco-Meter Station before your oe ir be tested be sure and yo be sorry. instruments are not Alco-M MAP HOLD LEADERSHI | | TEACHERS, CLASSES Andrew's Church The any Hehool teachers, those po fn work of alt kinds amor hoy girly and young people parents of this elty, to learn methods of Leaching fdeals wavs of Hying, will be pre | again during the firs, woe ko unyy, The holding of un Hin raining Hehool here has h an annunl event sinee the 0 Heligions Education © ounell ished the fipst wehool here in The wsehool will be enlarged this year, und he several more clagres held last youl The | haen inereaning uyery year, [ In sxpected that each of the ¢ to he set up thi filled, The school it, Andrew's church, Monday, Janaary o, and cont until Friday evening, Genernl Courses attending the #choo to take elther ona ( or a special than year, will he Those he able goneral courses, course In one oi Following a TesO a who attend Oshawa r girly' (14) flald ments pusged hy tho { your, an Course sehool Ia nl venr sions 1s provided | will be taken by Rey, and will be on 'Materials Methods of Missionary Kiduen inter- | which 1s No, 4 in the el (16) |¢ UTED The charge who dedlre lof prayer worship will | of Mey, A, M, Irwin, to engage in the poetivities, many elght o'clock, in time for hip service, und High er the study on m valued | either, study period, or im 13 | tudy on "The New I ulation which Is being taken by ey. pole This course 18 one « | required courses for those (es for the diploma In education, and the | "Tanching value of the Now mont" by Duncan will be usec | Npecial Classes | There will nlvo bo six spec [tion course The mary and junior department 7) Gor Cowun lan fons glons club Van A lot of teaching children method will stud twelve years of nge, A bd or No 1 thelr respective divisions of hoys will study | "Muterinls nnd | tonehors of girls will take "Adolesconce and "Leaders Wor. Young People will have tho will tunity to study the introduet ) No, 1 course in this clase, the which Kiwunis ] Ter donut. No ' A Methods," course, (irowth upp the "Young People's Ma eh of those « 5 respectively hy the Work lDoard, the Boys | Board, the Girls' Work Boar the Young People's Ch Union of the city, The heginners' group taught by Miss Evelyn Gay ty, Leaders of the groups will ho announced lat pointments having not yet mada puble by the fous Education Counell, Time Table Altered time table of the (Continued on page of Co hearing | wl Perey he | ol the | The 2) No Need to Worry! INJOYABLE winter evenings with friends at bridge . . . hours of dancing to t strains of an orchestra , , , these amusements were made for pleasure, and should not be marred by doubtful thoughts about the safety of your car, Protect your car Hog the uncertainty Maple Lent Anti-Freeze PROTE your car, and have the Maple Leaf won't Remember that all' testing eters, ANTI EZE Sold at Leading Garages and Service Stations Equally Eficient for Trucks und Busses Corbyville Toronto . Winnipeg TRAINING SCHOOL HERE IN JANUARY PARENTS, WILL BENEFIT FROM unnuil opportunity for interests considerably there enrolment has und It lange will be held In starting zutjon f the wix de on CEC come at the winy for ament," Tonta- falizen- heginners, conre No and teachers of ONrKOR WARK TO Children's of this other Ontario nchool has ogether, they These two EAF P School Enlarged With Extra | Classes--To be in St. | sun 1% the , and better und santed { Jan: ndard ecome shnwi estab 1026, will were well on nuing 1 will if tha part lution d the mise Thin Take, ana tion,' active a In Those week wore for in the the AW, if the wehiers reli text pris tench under 1y the LE pchers OUTrKe, and | wu of oppors ary or using nual," (quests Work d and ristian 11. he five or, ap- heen Rell he of C- eo PME i ons a BYR | ness and efficiency, however, 'Willing Workers Are Engaging In Task of Distributing Large Boxes Filled With Provisions | Busy Scene Presented a in this Christmas Cheer Depots| ss and & as' Baskets are Shipped Away to Waiting Trucks | NEWSIES DESERVE Well MERRY CHRISTMAS Title makings of a good shine, he never you down, It he gcts mumps or the measles, hoe makes sure another hoy, just nx pound as he, delivers your Times sale and ary on your pep, A quiet chap, the other hoys holding his end up, whether to help out his family or merely Lo start young towards the goal of independence, Anyway, at, this happy wsea~ son of the year, look at him, wes In him a faithful member of that fellowship of men and women, who render to your house constant and unfailing Kerviee And, if Httle wllver tion pass hetween fair city a merry prosperous New ~-- Arrangements Planned MANY HEARTS TO BE HAPPIER TOMORROW | Christmas Cheer Committee | Expresses Appreciation | for All Who Assisted in Work--No Family to Go Without Christmas Dinner | chip he is, man, lets the | | A great The Rain or working while play, He In Hundreds of askals of pro- visions, sufficient to provide good cheer for 500 Oshawa and Fust | Whithy township families, arf heing distributed to needy homes today, A host of willing workers are engaging In the task and al though they have a big Job on their hands everything has been well planned and it Is expected that the distribution of Christmas cheer may be completed this af- ternoon, One can readily imagine the joy which the arrival of a hox piled high with good things to eal will bring to many anxious homes, Faced with the prospect of spend ing a dreary, miserable Yuletide, hundreds of deserving people are ut once provided with the means to make them happy. A good sized roast of beef, potatoes, peas, tea," | sugar, butter, milk, Christmas cake, buns, candy and all the trimmings for & real good dinner are included, The provisions have been wecured from ahout 25 local grocery stores and a number of butcher shops, Kast Whitby town- ship contributed $300 to the Christ mas Cheer fund this year, and a number of township families re- siding In the suburbs of the city are helng cared for as well, A busy scene was presented this morning at Rotary Hall and In a large room of the General Motors employment building, which are boing used as depots for the dis pensing of the baskets, Each box of provisions had to he checked over to seo that nothing was miss- ing and then loaded with a num- ber of 'similar boxes on a waiting truck to be whisked away and de livered to the homes, Everything seemed to he going with smooth. you can, make a wink of appreclas you! SURPRISE PRESENTATION Leon Osler was agreeably take en hy surprise yesterday afternoon when the floor staff of the Regent Theatre presented him with a gift fn honor of the Christmas Heason and In recognition of the high es. teem In which he is held, The gift was a beutiful silver flower hasket containing a houquet of red care ations, A PRACTICAL GIFT C, EK, Horn of Hampton Hampton, has presented fare Association with 70 flour, seven lbs, each, for bution to families in need, lour will he distributed Welfare office to the hest age Mille, Wels hogs of distrie Thin by the advante Obituary D, M, BOY LE The death took plate on Sunday of D, M, Boyle, late of Langstaft, who resided with W, Martin, of Port Whitby, A native of Kdmre Mills, he was one of the oldest members of Thornhill Lodge, AF, and AM, and is survived hy two sons, Herbert of Langstaff, snd Ol. lle, of Oak Ridges; one sister Mrs, R, Chapman, of Langstaff and one brother, lev, Alex, Boyle, of 20 Gillard Avenue, Toronto, The fun. eral took place on Wednesday from the parlors of Weight & Taylor, ag Richmond Hill, Card of Thanks ande Mrs, C, Gibbs, Pacifia avenue, wish to thank their friends and nelghbours and Dr, Wilson who were so kind to them during thelr recent sad bereavement, (148a) In a statement to The Times this morning, C, N. Henry, chairman of the Christmas Cheer Committee of the Oshawa Associated Welfare So- cicties voiced the appreciation of the committee for all those who had in any way assisted in the work which the committee undertook, "On behalf of the Christmas Cheer Comittee he id "1 wish to ex- --~------ -- tend our thanks and appreciation to all who have so bor Fh and gener Died ously given of their time and re-| VAN LUVEN--At an early hour sources to this worthy cause, Qui this morning, at his residence, slogan this year has been that ho 77 Ontario street, Aaron Van family in Oshawa should go without Jauven, in hig 70th year, Christmas cheer and in our humble Funeral from his late residence, opinion we believe that we have lived [ 77 Ontario street, Iriday, Des up to this ideal. It might be inter- | comber 26th at 8.830 p.m, Inters esting to state that over 800 families | ment at Mount Lawn Cemetery, have been cared for, We wish ev- (1480) Mr, GENOSHA Supper Dance FRIDAY, DEC. 26th Sam Collis and His Orchestra Dancing 9 Till 2 LFhune 3000 for Table Reservations es a --.

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