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Oshawa Daily Times, 24 Dec 1930, p. 4

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THE OSHAV/ A RAI "Ih I emwnr tb. The Oshawa Daily Times THE OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER (Established 1871) An independent new every noon except Sondgrh p14 le hans Hy 4 7 att at" Coors, Poblishin " 1% wi A AR a Mansging Director, nt The Oshawa Dail dan Prom, the Ca 4 n ciation, the (800 Audit Bureaw of Bi, y SUBSCRIPTION RATES Delivered by earrier, in Oshawa and suburbs, 12¢ » week, By mail in Canada (outside Oshawa carrier delivery limits) $3.00 a year; United States, $4.00 » year, TORONTO OFFICE 518 Bond Building, 66 Temperance Street, Telephone Adelaide 0107, H, D. Tresidder, representative, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1980 THE FIRST CHRISTMAS (St, Luke, Chapter 2, Verses 8 to 19) And there were in the same country shep- herds abiding in the field, keeping watch over thelr flock by night, And lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them, and they were sore afraid, And the angel said unto them, Fear not; for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people, For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Baviour, which is Christ the Lord, And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger, And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host, praising God and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men, And it came to pass, as the angels were gone away from them into heaven, the shep- herds said one to another, Let us go even now unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which is come to pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us, And they came with haste, and found Mary, and Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger, And when they had seen it, they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning the child, And all they that heard it wondered at those things which were told them hy the shepherds, But Mary kept all these things, and pon. dered them in her heart, | THE SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS Tomorrow is Christmas Day, Tomorrow is the day on which the whole of the Christian world halts in its activities to worship at the shrine of the babe of Beth. lehem, to live out the spirit of Him who came as a little child, to become the Saviour of the world, and to give to mankind the greatest of all gifts, the gift of himself, Tomorrow is the day when the spirit of giving is para- mount, since it echoes the thought which is found in the minds of all men, that the ex- ample of Him who came to earth as a little child can only be emulated by finding the joy of giving to others, as He gave himself for all, Oshawa has had a wonderful demonstra- tion of the spirit of Christmas this year, The magnificent response to the appeal of the Associated Welfare Societies was an exem- plification of that spirit, The work of the Christmas Cheer Fund, in providing Christ- mas dinners for those in need, the work of the Boy Bcouta of the city in providing toys for children in needy homes, and the efforts of all the other agencies which have been directing their energies along these lines all these are but a demonstration of the de- sire of the people of Oshawa to live out the Christmas spirit in a practical way, Thanks . to these efforts, there should be no families in want in Oshawa tomorrow, The work has been done thoroughly, and those who are charged with the responsibility of carrying it out are confident that every family which is in neal at all is being cared for, In individual homes, the spirit of Christ- mas will again be in evidence, in large or small measure as means afford, measure of the spirit of Christmas is not in the material value of the gifts that are given, It is to be found in the thankful heart which is impelled by reason of the rea. lization of the true significance of Christmas to give of itself in thought for others, And 50, ag we remember our children, our parents, and our other loved ones, let it he because we are also remembering Him who has made this Christmas festival possible, Let it sink down into our minds that on this annivér. sary of the first Christmas, we should not forget that our firat duty is to honor Him and to so conduct ourselves, not only on the Christmas anniversary, but all through the year, in such a manner as to be worthy of that great gift which He gave to us all, THERE I8 A SANTA CLAUS In the year 1807, Virginia O'Hanlon, then eight yeara old, wrote to the editor of the New York Joint out that some of her little fri ad claimed that there was no Santa Claus, and asking the direct ques: tion: "Please tell me the truth, is there a Santa Claus?" This was anawered in the following editorial which has become one of the 'classics of American literature: 4 | able this existence, But the true | "Virginia, your little friends are wrong, They have heen affected by the skepticism of a skeptical age, They do not helieve ex- cept they see, They think that nothing can be which is not comprehensible by their Jit- tle minds, All minds, Virginia, whether they be men's or children's, are little, In this great universe of ours man is a mere insect, an ant, in his intellect, as compared with the boundless world about him, as mea- sured by the intelligence capable of grasp- ing the whole of truth and knowledge, Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus, He exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exfst, and you know that they abound and give to your life its highest beauty and joy, Alas! how dreary would he the world if there were no Santa Claus! It would be as dreary as if there were no Virs ginias, There would be no childlike faith then, no poetry, no romanee to make toler- We should have no en- joyment, except in sense and sight, The | eternal light with which childhood fills the world would be extinguished, Not believe in Santa Claus! You might as well not believe in fairies! You might get your papa to hire men to wateh in all the chimneys on Christmas eve to eatch Banta | Claus, but even if they did not see Bantn | coming down, what would that prove? No: body sees Santa Claus, but that is no sign that there is no Banta Claus, things in the world are those that neither children nor men can see, Did you ever see fuiries dancing on the lawn? Of course not, | but that's no proof that they are not there, Nobody can conceive or imagine all the won- ders there are unseen and unseeable in the world, ' You Year apart the baby's rattle and sec what makes the noise. inside, but there is a vell covering the unseen world which not the | strongest man, nor even the united strength of all the strongest men that ever lived, could tear apart, Only faith, fancy, poetry, love, romance, can push aside that curtain and view and picture the supernal beauty and glory beyond, Is it all real? Ah, Virginia, in all this world there is nothing else real and abiding, No Banta Claus! Thank God! he lives, and he lives forever, A thousand years from now, Virginia, nay, ten times ten thousand years from now, he will continue to make glad the heart of childhood," A ---------------- CLOSING THE LIQUOR STORER The Brantford Ministerial Association has passed a resolution asking that, while the present economic depression lasts, the liquor stores in Ontario should be closed, This is by no means the first resolution of this kind to he passed in the last few weeks, and theve is a growing feeling that the Liquor Control Board would be doing a public service by simply shutting up shop until conditions im- prove, This suggestion is not made as a matter of promoting temperance, although that would be one effect, It is suggested as a matter of economic necessity, to prevent the wastage on liquor of money which should be spent on food, fuel, clothing and other necea- sities, It in a known fact that there are men who, regardless of the needs of their families spend money in the liquor stores which would otherwise go to provide the necessities of life for their families, It is true that every effort is being made to ensure that those receiving relief are not allowed to pur- chase liquor at these stores, but at the best this is & make shift plan, and the interests of economy would be much better served by closing the liquor stores for the present, EDITORIAL NOTES Experts claim that the world is suffering from a shortage of gold, So far as we are concerned, we knew. all about that years ago, With meals selling at 10 cents in Regina, it looks as if a regime of pre-war prices has get in, : Ien't it a good thing that it was a woman who said, in a speech at Ottawa, that there was more bribery and corruption in elections since women started to vote? When a woman refers to her husband as her sparing partner it is not hard to guess hig nationality, Those people who complain about having too much work should he thankful they can- not complain of having too much leisure, To find out what political party a news- paper favors, it is only necessary to read what it has to say regarding the change in the leadership of the Liberal party, Down in Wallaceburg, a bread war has caused some of the bakers to give away bread, That is the kind of a war which would be welcomed in almost any commun- ity, : The British Government is suve of at least a month more in office, Parliament has adjourned until January 21, "No man or women who listens to good music can hate his neighbor or bemoan the fate this life metes out,"--Loving A, Schuler, "It is not enough that women should know only. what men know." Lady Astor, \ The Christ-Child Cometh Matthew 11, 2, "We have seen His star in the east, and are are some to worship Him," Within the black steel-polished, Arctic skies The wan stars fade, the pale green fires arise, And, roseate turning, fling thelr banners forth, (Btill orchestra of beauty of the North) Crashes each flaming chord from near and far, And at the zenith burns the Bethlehem Star} Awake! Awake! The Christ-Child cometh! Wisps of grey mist half veil the Southern Bes, The shadowy mountains loom exepctantly In waiting stillness, At each coral verge of dreaming islands laps the long, slow, surge Of silent waters, while the Cross still gleams When lo! "tis mingled with the Star's bright beams, Awake! Awake! The Christ-Child cometh! The dense, secretive Eastern night is gone, Faint wafts of thin chill air presage the dawn; The jungle hushes, all its world grows still ; Bome drowsy bird sends forth his wakening trill; The temple bells' soft jangle sounds afar, When suddenly, with widening rays, bursts forth the Star! Awake! Awake! The Christ-Child cometh} The chimes peal out their Ydinss ad and sweet, O'er hall and cottage ,farm and el A street, The chill white snow reflects and dawn's pale light, The most real | The icy trees like glittering diamonds bright, Faintly the stars flash out across the skies, And in their midst the Christmas Btar doth rise! Awake! Awake! The Christ-Child cometh! ~BELIZABETH CAMERON, {GUILLOTINE I$ WORKED IN PUBLIC French Executions, However Are Not So Open as Formerly ED Mel LROY, EDITORMANA: | GER OF THE WAXAHACHIE | pb : | Paris, Dee, £4,~1In connection The Officers and Staff of the Central Canada Loan and Sabings Company Wiel You a Very Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year (TEXAR) DAILY LIGHT, RAYH: | THAT here In America wo have | ie {sleur Anatole Deibler from the oM- inl post of publie executioner, in gone to extreme on the matter of axempting things from taxation, Particularly Is this true of honds and new Industries, The federal government, when it exempted its war honds, started a condition vhieh today has caused hillions of | dollars to go out of healthy elrey lation Many other federal, state municipal and county honds have been allowed to follow that lead The result has heen that the wealthy class of this country have heen enabled to still further shift olusses financially Much money has heen withdrawn from industry, comierce and agriculture and has gone into: tax-free bonds, with the n result that the small home-owner | Pethler will shortly become "Hon: ind will property-owner Is having tn take on the additional burden of taxation which was shifted from the shoulders of those who converted thelr- wealth to honda It 14 not & healthy condition, On the contrary, It Is a condition whieh must goon elaim the attention of those who hold: the governmental reins There must soon come turning point While . husiness conditions In Ameriea are not As had as they have heen painted, this | § pacurition has | matter of ta fre contributed much to that degree of husiness depression whieh cannot he denled HCONOMICN WAN NOT FOUND. KD ON A THEORY THAT MONEY COULD BE RETIRED FROM AC, TIVE CIRCULATION, CINCULAS TING MONKEY I» THE LIK BLOOD OF PRORPEIITY, THH NOONKNR orn LGINEATORN LEARN THIN BASIC TRUTH THR BETTER FOIL AMERICA, ENGLAND OPENS NEW SCHOOL. OF RELIGIOUS DRAMAg First Institution of Ite Kind |g: "ls Opened at Bourne- mouth Se------ London,- A school of religlous drama--the first of its kind----has heen opened at Nournemouth and Ia heing conducted hy the Hritish Drama League on behalf of the Re. | § Hglous Drama Bociety, At the fos mal opening by Rt, Rev, Frank Theodore Woods, Nishep of Win: chester, hin lordship sald they had ample precedent for the religious drama of today, It was for them to do what they could in their day and generation with more cultured standards and higher ideals, both In the matter and manner of the plas, They must encourage the movement for production of sacred soenea fn such ways ah would make them aets of devotion and worship on the part of those responsible for them and acta of sacred education ta those who saw them, The Bishop said such a move: ment was needed in these days aa in the Middle Ages, If they looked round at English life at present they would nate an extraordinary erage for the pletures, as they were called, Why should the plotures or the dama always be left to what was merely secular and, compara: tively speaking, common-place? Why should they not use the eye and ear when they wanted to reach the minds and consciences of the Jeapia} If It waa true that the Bib. ® wai not read so much as it once was, then suvely they might hope to | § ] reach through Arama many people wha possibly might never be reached through the print. ed page, They all hoped that the sohaol would encourage the think: ing out, preparation, and prodyo tion of religious dramas in the apir. It ot 'worahip and devotion, accom: Jailed hy the best technique possi: . religions [squares in front of prisons spectar | at work is no longer the spectacular | his heen In effect since 1014, the burden of governmental expense | upon the shoulders of the middle | pant of an | Francs retires he is given the title || [11 is In this sense that ith the coming retirement of Mon. command of the guillotine, the fact that axecutions In France are still nominally publie is impressed upon the people. 'However they are pot #0 public nowadays ns formerly, for while they are still held in open CP tors are kept at a distance by troops, and an early hour Is chosen for an execution, so the guillotine display it once was, The change It is customary when the ocey- ofMcial position In|] Christmas 1930 if honorary holder of the oMee, and Moansieyr arary Exexcutioner te the Frencn ftapublie." It has heen announced that he is going out of business and is hullding a villa in Paris in whieh he proposes to spend the remainder of his life, O all our Patrons and Friends we wish the utmost Health, Wealth and Happiness for the New Year of 1931, which we are about to enter.

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