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Oshawa Daily Times, 24 Dec 1930, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1930 PACE FIVE doa sm a-- Women's Interests in the ome --- and the Community Social & Personal | Pave MecCaldon, Miss Nina Gough RN, Mr, -V, Phillips will be holiday vistors with My, and Mrs, H, Gough, Rowe street, Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Myers, of Ottawa, will spend Christmas with the latter's parents, Pr, and Mrs, HB, J, Hazlewood, King street east, A happy event was celebrated Mr, snd Mrs, Mrs, Samuel Behwaris to resd the following address: Dear Friends: We have Le) her to celebrate with you and to offer our loving congratulations on this, your sliver wedding anniversary, apd to express our heart-Aelt desire that many more years of life may hn granted to you and that you may he spared to celehrate your golden wedding day, We think you for your kind invitation and if In siter years you look hack upon his even: Ing spent together, may you feel ke saying: on Tuesday evening, in the eity, when Mr, and Mrs, M, Henniek, Simeone street south, entertained over one hundred guests af n din. ner hald in the Oshawa Byneagesue on Albert street in honor of their sliver wedding anniversary, Mr. ¥, Burke who was unanimously elected toast-master, called wpon We have painted out pleasures on Memory's wall In hright colours that will net fade; And the one we have painted the hrightest of all Is that of the friends we have made on Decemher B1st, 1980, Dear Mr, and Mw, Hennick, on hehalf of some of your friends, the Indies nf Hadassah of Oshawa here gathered, we ask you to secept this token of triendship, #igned on he- halt of the Ladies Hadassah of Oshawa, At the most proper Lime the pre- sentation of a beautiful silver flow ur hasket containing a honquet of roses was made by Mrs, Engel, This followed hy the unpacking of other gifte--n sliver candy tray from Mr. and Mrs, I, Hyman, a silver fruit dish trom Mrs, A, Dimes and family, n silver cake plate from Mr, and Mrs, Max Bwartz and family, # finn sliver candy dish from Mr, Burns and a pair of can dle sticks from the daughters and sons of Mr, and Mrs, M, Hennlek, The bride and groom, slthough taken completely by surprise, made appropriate replies and then all joined in singing "Por They Are dolly Good Pallows," When speeches of congratulations and good will had heen made by some of the guests, the tables and chalrs were cleared for music and dan- cing, Thanks for the success of the dinner owing to Mrs, Marks, Mrs, H, Engel, Mrs, Berman, ahly asalsted hy Misses Finestéing. Mrs, Morris Rehwarts, Miss Anne Hon niek, Mrs, Ollgissor and Mrs, Bin. DRENINONSS MONEE ES MONEE MENDY DMN Visit Cur "tore AND SEE OUR LINK The Fashion Shoppe 84 SIMOOE #7. §, We invite you to come in and look around at ow Christmad Gift Sugges: tions " LAMBLE'S Kayser (hitton or Service Hose, Bilk to top, $1 00 LJ finavanteed firsts ATKINK HORIERY AND LINGERIE SHOP 14% Simeon Bt, Bouth I Hearliest Christmas Greetings To the Cit'zens of Oshawa FROM THE R. NEILL SHOE STORE : OWE AH SARAH STRING od ¥) | To our many friends and patrons we take pleasure in wishing them A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR THE FAIR Simeoe St. 8 Phone 1173 / [A footprint m nd, Yor we no veeovd lene hehind, Atte Jue Oitey dumper the Hare travels about considerably in the Green Vorest He has to in winter in order to get enough to sat, That Is one reason Old Mother Nature has given him snowshoes, Of conver, they are not real snoweshoes, hat they wnswey the BUFpose of snowshoes and male It powssinle for Jumper to ny whont op soft snow in which Hithe people much smaller and Vghie than he would Aounder ahont What Old Mother Nature has dons for him Is to give him very hig tool with long toes and covey these in winter with uw heavy cout of hair, This makes hriond pads of the fest and Jumper does not sink in the WOW us others do It was a moonhight wight, Jumper Whkes the moonlight He likes to travel about then, This night he had followed the Laughing Bronk deep In the Green Forest, He want ed wome willow hark anil willow twigs anid yee hered that there were some young il lows growing wround the pond of Paddy the Beaver, Jumper ls fund of willew and having thouiht i he eonldp't got It wit nf hin mind I guess yon know Wow tha $0) now he was on his winy up tl Laughing Brook, He was keeping a sharp wateh tor danger, knowing full well that on a wight Whe this there would he hungry folks ahrond Hooty the (reat Horned Owl Yowler tha Hah (at, Od Man (19 vote, Reddy Vox, Billy Mink ihadow the Weasel, Any or all pol these misht he hunting in this part of the Green Forest, Vartioniar) 1d he watch for signs of Yowler 'he Hoh Cat, who is vary fond of Tare, Also, he was nll the time looking for a moving daw whigl nieht he Hooty the Owl, Ha veached the pind of Pudd the Heayer without mishap Oni as ha peaped out from henealh an nyerhanging, snow-eaovered hem lock hraneh, ho saw a swiftly moy tug shadow, hut heard no sounu "That was made hy Hooty the Owl," sald he to hme "Honty was Aying Just aver the taps of the trees and mude that shadow on the snow, Vl stay right here for a | while to give him a hanes 1o.g0 th nother part of the Gyean Pores." Bame time later from far away toward the edge of the Green Poy ont there eamo the. sound he had | heen hoping to hear, It was the | hunting eall of Hooty the Owl Al | ones Jumper then hopped ont anid iarted on his way asain, You sn he knew now where Hooty wan and that there was nothing ta fear fron him at present 0 nt Inst Jumps reached the pond of Paddy the Ben ver, Like the smiling Pool, 11 wa frosen aver and the fem wa eavared with snow Ho could wn Paddy's hig house, wu hig white mound, standing ahove the ee Paddy did not venture aut aon the nond, hut kept to the hush svauna it, He orvossed Paddy's dum and neoasantly was (na thicket of youn willaws, How good that bark and the huds and tender twigs tasted! OHI he pu horn, Amenr the gues! some from out of town Mr, and Mes, BR, A Wright and family, Plviston street, will spond Christman with friends In Lindan Ontarie, | our most loved earnls In the enjoyment pi that Leip he whos torgol tn keep waleh for dunger, Hae hopped shout, esting sili irk here, standing up to ite of i tenduy twig there, and [eel Ing well satishied with We ip gener hound with his present oeeapiation in parficular ' Al Jue he had sul pshied his appt te und decided Lo vest and pay hapr take a Withee nap, Hao hopped Wver Lo one end of Paddy's dom and patted under a Witle hemlock ree, a Hitle to one wide wheres eonld Jook ont pepnse Paddy's pond hm where he would nit hie fikely HH hie wees hy Bing Ha WERE ean Wong that ji Hardly hud he tiled hhisedd comfortably whan glanee fell on it hia mye (TA |} Hen up whyipt) Tustin tym hiding pli uw fontprint in tin Huw i " ul gan fang i wid Fink [161 ang right he snw ne {print Iowan plain to ine ol print hind that way ut het | Fimpey stoned a that pring moron Ff hhin Ho owu print Io» nat unhik win Honker 1} hin hays vied he fi Ley i } 0 toe nile, hy ri Lip he kind ui prin i ade by a foal the to were Joined hy a wuh 4 sik Jump don Otter ha lonked 1 aomeihing | ili 1h) id | Hi | hi [ol itl wy ( neh doi tht the Wi Very Ing lan Hie poset fhe mm i ha nf whirl 0 tn himself URIan In tn he CRT wh Fiumpey ith he | YOUNG PEOPLE HAVE FIRESIDE MEETING AT FIRST BAPTIST Candle Hehe nnd aw Christy trae, an open Nee place ond a happy home Hike atmosphere formed the hackgronnd for a presentation of Christmas Carol the first Baptist Young mesting londay night The Btewardehip Commission Wis In charge of all arrangements and they prepared and presented a most gptertaining program. A it He playlet formed fhe the presentation of whont the authors and the inspira Hons that have klyen us some nt aap fl ourse of the playlet the Jit pronp around the Arve plan san me of the old Christmas favor ies and two of the players elad 1a mediaval fashion dramatized th carol of "Good King Wenceslas! I'he audience joined with the vant In singing the Anal number Little Pawn of Hethlehem Relops {AIT gathorod tor a period of cirollin Favourite requested and sing Ant meeting wos close hy wu prayer from 1h During the husin puting un pouneement was made of the Tou cher Tralning Course which star Innuary hth at 5. Andrews Ohurel The BY. INU, 18 eo operating with the Bunday Hehool afficials In an tempt to have an Inerensingly large number of our young neaple take advantapn of the splendid op umd Han tare up hang ht i | piston Miss Aureen Dawson has gone | her heme in Tamworth, Ontario for the Christmas vacation Miss Noreen Raid will sueat of friends In Toronto Christman Day, Miss Vivien MoeRitehle, of thi elty, la -apending a holiday and Christman at her home in Talbot ville, Ontarlo,g Mr, and Mrs, Harley Windsor, will spend with the former's mother, Mews James (regory, Hond street, Osh AWA, 4 Mes, R, E. Butler, of Wand stook, 18 the guest af her daughter, Mrs. Lo ©, Wood Simege street north Misa Ellen Wardrobe and Mi Alfred Wardrobe of Tovonto, an to he the Chyeistinas guests of Ay and Mps, Carl CHF, Bryce street Oshawa, Mr, and Mya, Hohert © Reem of Detvait, Mich, arvived in town today ta he the guests of My, and Mrs, W, H. Clarke, Division styeet LT! th fur Hayes, of Chylstinge | portunity for training whieh this chonl provide Menihors wep wlan rorinded of the annus! Wateh Night Herviea held in eaninuction with the Baptista of Whith Thin | year the meeting Is In Whithy fohureh and already a large peroont vin of the members have algnified i thelr intention of attending this [wervice on New Year's Eve Brewery Far Sale [Kingston The Lake Ontario Hrewing Company at Portsmouth offered for sale, hin there wa just ane hid, wud this was refused | It learned that New i! th are seeking un Joday aptl {no iit has been iil fia th Hea involved Ad nie hut Hones | ' Pronhle in Burg | Rangoon rang wud wore despatohed ta the Thar waddy distviet tn Upper Boavia, where 300 villagers an Monday at eked anuthor village, The attack wa ratived alter King two non Furapean aftiolala, patio {the eity tank piace last evening Wh THe an returned and |, vehiela top | information | During the | Jahn | | Wi | {OSL portant pete of CHRISTMAS CAROLS SUNG AT SIMCOE STREET CHURCH One of Lhe prettiest and wos, ms prewive Christman services held tu Bimeos Brest nied Chiuveh when tha Canadian Girlie tn Training of OhAwa sang Christmas carols and Leondneted wu eandle Wghting cere {mony "Fhe caries were flashed on Ww persen wo that all present oud in In winging the ever popular Christmas airs, Lo an. pecompan- ment on the organ paved hy Mrs, I, Wilkins, The hesutifnl story | writien hy Henry Vanlyke, called the "Vir Christmas Trew" was read hy Mise Jean Mathews, Miss Mary Vieteher vimdeyed a solo, en: titled "Joy Lo the World," Al the conebumon of the carol winging the Hhts were dimmed and Miss Win. nie Gough took her pluce wi the front of the church hefore » al taper, Repeating passages of iptire and other verses she wove an effective selling In words for the Hghting of tha tall candle. Prom tha ceptie vandle she Hehted 8 HIE smaller one that she passed [Oh th two girls who in turn pass: | tl thelr Huht on se that finally Ihe whole group of C010, % in the ont part of the chinreh were hold ng uw Heed ean sinking the words of the hyvinn which the mond vi GO, HEDL that will not Jet ms ou I yield ms of yen |) fiekering toreh ta thee | Loves We borrowed ray | unehine higee, Is doy fulvey hu | Hed from the church ear ely ght ' y heart ri hut Thy lay viel the gird Hein July PARTY nt ive pari Win Hit hey our th vier of the Euslern Bitar for th af the Children's Shel tev, "Whe orchestra of Bowth Bim fon Behoal added moeh pleasure tn the event Little Teddy Morgan | tests ed on the programm Alley it refreshment nil i the olose of wilie gus ur cited each ehild with nf rand Much eradi Karl CHK nnd in Hitee who made the HIrange ments Their desire 10 dn Homi / aven greatoy ne exempli od in the manner In which mone Fained on a ralie, to huy a il ed nd wn ohild's vo King cha Yused An Lhe sun room in () fly far convalescent I Mrs, irown's pleasure tn pr ANE these to the matron, Mi Colyer, who made a fitting rep! thanking the ladies for the won Asrful Chirtstmas splvit they h hown, EVERYONE IS SHESHAN SINS i. EXECUTIVE (Continued from page §) elected to constitute the anrp Was annnuneed hy weoretary Hrook that Kiwanian A, J Pavlchill of Oshawa has heen named mn member of the distriet eominitte: an awe and yesulations. The am el governor, Isupe MeNab of Pe { terhovo, will ho in Oshawa for the (tnstatintion of aoMeers and Ladies beht, dihiary K, I'he to Fhiomas eluh warded te the Oshawa Will models of tha Kiwanis em Mun, one to he retained hy the lo {ral olub and the ether passed on aw thanew exeeitive sees fit, The lo elih wan eangratulated on It fovurd in Kiwanis work, nalesmmnship I'he sponkor of the day was In: fodueed hy Kiwanian Ross Bireh Faloamanship was a subject th wis developed to a high de | gree today, sald Me, Darker, and overyhady was a salesman, whethep he sold ideas, pepsanalily, goods or orvies The speaker quoted stntistios howling that 84 percent of antome: hile sales had heen traced to adver Heng, BD peroent to enstomers' ex: perienea With the praduet, #10 per cant to a nser's favorable enmments to thele friends, and A pereent to direet sles solloitation Advertising was a specialized Work now, and was now done largely through advertising amen log, Mora snles should pesult fram this medium in the future, My, Barker commented, Thy m al f eustomer and his 0 others wire I i wpon the superior quality of the goods, and quality improved, any partientue produet would henes He move and more in this way Rosulte of sulosmen's solloftation where theye was need fap rotor notivity, and here was where SH10R PPOMOton work epnme ye on taining of splosmon wie one ol Hh Fiiiked tar h "lf he ed and m mn har My un his wil I has for elul two il wl rane colent na The first vequinite of a salesman made hy do with the gaining or losin IL doesn't cost anything to mile, and # smile bu ons of our Wig: Barker vemared Knowledge of wile, Lem, in this connection the produ wax another essentisl, and mneh time was spent in Leach ing salesmen facts shot 'Wes or whatevey they had to sell Symomnatic gotleitation the most important. factors, 16 our higgest asset, hist unless we Are systematic tn ony work, we ean waste a 10L of time Lhe speaker wid, | wisi n With the (ites i Lhe wii York was personality, tor the Impression 44 vol, sal) hed much 19 his ammels,"' Mr "Finally, make others hilleve ae you hellove, for, after all, that is! he essen of walesianehly,"' was Mr, Barker's concluding thought A vole of thanks to was moved hy Kiwanian A, ¥, Me Gityray, Camphell Adams vonlo was a vigor al the meeting ELGAR'S LATEST WORK IS "NURSERY SUITE" | London 1944, tn write for the of shit seven uf old-ta Yuyhies hee will he I has not reOre arly in the New Bee or two smull The "Nursery dedicated 10 the and the two With Pineess liga hel) favenrel Hose yl ep Bir Edward Vignr, not ed composer, Master of tin [ Muslek winue {apired hy the Wirth of Hike Princess Margaret Howe | Buln' hit Orenestrg Yenr 11 WOrks fm ~~ ols automo: | was ont of "ime the speaker of to Wing's heen in FORE LSNLSEI LON ONISNS Nursery It Ww enn hort pieces hioned niu performed published gether with hy Bir Bd ine' his Dio lienn nf | | | I'he an Heriin nun fi 857.000 ployed "y 1% du 1,600 | 1640 PEF: 0] of 00 Frings baer nihe 1 Princess | 0h mors 1) ore ---------- GOODWILL GOOD WISHES This Christmastide to All Qur Friends and Patrons German Enemployment Viginy Tu Foul I'he Wi IVE) MW DTW TW SIE AS Christmas Cheer and -- (a) Eb SRR SLE SLES SLE DLE SLE AD ROMO BRD. MDE WD The final Commonwegith's $1A0,000,000 Youn econvers reveal Lhe loan way ly the pubis of #inount of 88,4 Cunberry, Australia of nen Ire f the the fis persion (4) the hseribe strain Lo 00,060 ee Season's Greetings We wish to thank our many patrons and friends for their generous support during the year now closing We wish you all a very MERRY CHRISTI TAS and A HAPPY NEW YEAR LAMBLE' SIMCOE ST. SOUTH i A Merry Christmas Happy New Year And A Is The Sincere Wish | (RR Of THE JEWELER 20 Rimooe Rtreet H Phone 180 MILLIE THE TOILER GENTLEMEN SMILE NOW OER THAT'S RIGHT, --= VLASH on / = Al NS S WHAT ARE aN) LOOKING OR, Mac ? THAT $10,000 CHECK 'wow WERE PRESENT TO ME. \ DROPPED \T WHEN WE BHOT TWEE MC Ne NE Jo Np A Ar NECN WOU 1

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