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Oshawa Daily Times, 24 Dec 1930, p. 6

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PR RR RE A RE THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMFS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1930 The Whitby Daily Times ed 0, my ot Bod REPRESENTATIVE--JAMES H. ORMISTON ' Caristmas Cheer Given To 64 Local Families Perce of Volanises Workers From Yarious Loed Sn Handled and Delivered Large ySumiiies of fo a Sa eas Mids Generous in ol citizens, "Jott the Council Cham: ber for all parts of the town, eit} gens very kindly supplying trucks, traflers and cars for the big Santa Claus delivery, Apostles of Ferooge, character: zed hy Charles Dickens as having Santa Claus joined forces with volunteer social Welfare workers on Tuesday to bring joy and hap piness to 64 Whitby families who fre in need, Christmas boxes, laden with food galore dpa many little extras donated by generous heart Carew Lumber Company Limited EXTEND CHRISTMAS GREETINGS AND BEST OF GOOD WISHES FOR 1931 EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER DELIVERY -- SERVICE UNEQUALLED PHONE 12and 1111 ' 74 ATHOL ST. W, OSHAWA Tales Travel The king's Highway The Season's Greetings The development of the King's Highways has encouraged frequent travel and more in. timate social and business intercourse, It has been our earnest endeavour to con: tribute to your continued progress and pros perity by bringing to all the communities on our routes the full benefits of this splendid system of highways. The members of Gray Coach Lines organ: ization are happy to join in extending to all, that old, old wish--A Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year, 'GRAY COACH LINES ing Street WHITBY Phone 131 ave smyed had they seen the huge sila of hones of Christmas Cheer ww they were brought Inte" the Connell Chamber by local mer: 'hants from whom they were pur- 'hased, Never before In Whithy'« ietory has there heen wich no onerous response for relief, and never before have local church, lodge and various community or: ganigations worked so hard to see that no needy family was forgot ten at Christmas, Volunteer workers had not only to handle the Christmas hoxes, but #lso toys sent in by the Boy Seouts, White Gifts hy the Sunday fichoolw, fruit, vegetables, candy, ment, and other good things sent in, Women workers from the V.0, N.,, Women's Institute, O14 Girly, Association, the various churches, officials of Whithy Fost of the Canadian Legion, were on hand bright and early on Tuesday morn~ ing, and, working with a wil, everything was practically delivers od by noon, Care was taken to ses thet no Whitby family was fore gotten, as lists were carefully checked, Threadgold Bros, and traflers, rendered excellent service in delivering hoxes and parcels, Private car owners weru also on hand and they were quick ly pressed into service, The names of all whe nelpes will be published In a later issus of this paper, In the meantime the commities Is deeply gratefyl to, sll, Without thelr help a larke and' with trucks '| noble task could not have been so well performed, The Christmas Cheer and Wels fave Fund has now reached the $900 mark, It is stil} open and the Committee intends to carry on dure ing the winter assisting needy wimilies, ! The Week In Whith children will spend Christmas fn Galt, Mr. Jack Hutehlson, of Quegn University, Kingston, Is holidaying with bis parents, Mr, and Mrs, I A. Hutchison, Miss Isabelle Burber, makoo, Mich, Is with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Barber, Walnut Bt, for the Christmas holidays Mr, Erple Rousseau | in town for Christmas, Miss Burroughs, of Collingwood, Is spending the Christmas vacation with Mrs, James Tweedie, Byron it, N, Mrs, Green and daughter, Kath rym, of Bt, town for a time owing to the Mr, A, Breen, A group of youn, people of th LY. LU, of Whithy Baptist Chur 'Jl endeavor to revive the oh Inglish custom of carol singing of Christmas eve, They will sing ul the homes of members of th hurch who have been confined to thelr homes hecause of age, In firmity or sickness, Miss Marjorie Ross returned on |# nday after spending the pas! ) ith at Salt Springs, Antigonish, 8, Dr, J, F, 'd his thanks to tr titute, young ladies of Ontario I Ales' College and Ralvation ¥ ay for entertainment and trey # on the inmates at the House of uge last week, Donations were » received from Claremont and Itona, The annual Christmas tree and esatertalnment of the Sunday Behool of St, John's Church, Por \ hitby was. held last Thursday levening, There was an excellenl p.ogramme of ohoruses, drills, » 108, recitations, ete, while pinta Claus pald his annual v At and distributed presents to pli, Prizes and diplomas were als. d «Aributed to clever and regular a ending scholars of the Bunda) 8 hool, Mrs, T, Desmond, Brock Streuvt north, leaves on Friday for Toledo, Ohio, where she will attend the wed: \t : ding of her son, James, which takes piste in that city on Monday next, ecember 29th, . The Ontario Ladies' College closed on Thuesday last for the Christmas holidays, and will re-open again on January 6th, The death ool rred & hod her daughter, Mrs, Crang | Regal Road, fora on Tr \ on of Mrs, H, M, arscallen, sister: nl aw of Rev, Dr, C, R, Carscallen, i Ladin and governor of the Ontar. Coles. The deceased had Ry ' health for some been eo had visited Whitby on two occasions where she made quite a few tients tho w learn with egret of her demise, The funeral was held in Toronto on Saturday, ------ SEND IN USED FOOTWEAR Donations of boots, rubbers and leggings will be used to advantage by the Police Department in helping many of the men who apply for pees \w ission night after night to sleep in the loeal lockup, Few if any of them are Reed of proper footwear, Chief H, W, Quantrill sald Tuesday morning as he told of one man who walked to Whithy from Toronto with light slippers on and was se crippled jup the next morning that he could hardly move, Used footwear if left at the (police station will be taken care of © [ALL SAINTS' CHRISTMAS TREE The annual Christmas tree and ens tertainment of Al Saints' Church Sunday School, held on Thursday ev. ening last, and piedided over by' the rector, Rev, E, R alah Adye, proved to be a night of real joy for the lite tle folk, There was a splendid pros gram, and Santa Claus arrived with sleigh bells jingling and distributed home o Mr, and Mra, 8, L, Wilhelm and | ne of Kalo | visiting | Thomas, are staylug in lous {linens of the former's futher | ELDERLY) THE STAFF OF The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada IN OSHAWA, NOW NUM- BERING 110 WORKERS, EX- TEND TO THEIR MANY PA- TRONS w= Heartiest Christmas Greetings and Best Wishes for the New Year all respects, befitting the most pro. gressive community in the province, Their ambition is that throughout 1930 they may be able to maintain the city's service at a standard in H, M. BLACK, Manager IRRIIBIIN the presents from the Christmas. tree wll the 400d boys and girls, In. deal, none were missed, A desk rayer book was presented to the unday School hy the Junior branch t the W.A, given hy Mr, Adye, and accepted by Mr, Bell, Sunday School superintendent, The full programme wis as follows; A Christmas carol § piane solo, Hel: in Deverell; chorus ' 'Jesus Bida Us Shine, Primary Dept; recitation, Wily Allan; dialogue, "Mother Cro recitation, Georgina Camp: se," Ih 1, "Santa Claus"; recitation, Joan Lavery wishes to ex | the Women's | larke; vocal duet, Vivian Rice and Margaret Hagell, "Star of the East" tation, Marie Williams; presenta- tion of Prayer Book, by Juniors ;-re tation, Marjorie Gammon, "The Bad tle Do nN"; dinlogues Elsie Ross, lith Adams, Anna Town | banjo so o, 'Hermard Clarke; dalogue Bill Ruddy's class; recitation, Howard Toms, "When I'm a Mani" solo, arjorie Gammon, recitation Elsie Ross; dialogue, "The Christmas Sto King" recitation, Elsie Bailey; recitation, David Ross, SANTA CLAUS AT NT, ANDREW'S Many little folks, and older ks an well, were made happy at t, Andrew's' Presbyterian Church i Monday night when Banta (Jaus, during the annual Christ mas entertainment, dropped in and datributed gifts from a huge tree 'heh stood in one corner of the uiday School room, For this an. wal event the school room Was acked to the doors, and the children gave a very fine program with the following numbers: Hymn, "It Came Upon a Midnight lear; chorus by the school 'Shine Out O Blessed 8tar"y "Children's Ohristman', by Miss Mowat's class; plano duet, Fran: cod Hinkson and Irene Johnson: recitation Kenneth Phin; dialogue, Mrs, Lavis' class; recitation, Joan Ormiston; lullaby, Mrs, Charlton's class; recitation, Wilma Wilkin: son; dialogue, Miss Brawley's olass; recitation, Bernice Gordon: hymn, Mrs, Lavis' class; reoitas tion, Alva Gillespie; chorus by the sohool, "Hlow Ye Golden Trumpets Rlow"; recitation, Joyce MoGilly. ray: plano solo, Kathleen Heard; tableau, Mry, Reld's class; solo and ohoruy, Ella Muir and girls of Mra, Thomson's class; recitation, Au: drey Connelly; song, Miss Hraw. loys olass; ohorus by the school, "Saw You Never In The Twilight'y playette, Mrs, Thomson's olass, The minister, Rev, John Lind: say, who presided, presented specs Inl prises to pupils for regular ate tondance at Sunday School, To Margaret Sleep went a special prise for being in attendance for 00 Sundays in the year not only at DEATH OF JAMES BENGOUGH The following from the Buffalo Courler-Express of December 14th refers to the death of a former roaldent and native son of Whithy, My, James Rengough: Niagara Falls, Deo, 14,-James Beugough, 67 years old, dled sud: denly at his howe, 880 Sixth street, Niagara Falla, at 11 o'clock this morning, He had been tn poor health for several years; but hia condition was not gounoldered seri: ous until a4 few hours before h death, Heart disease was the cau of death, He was the father of Benny Ben ough, former catcher of the But fale International League clu and the New York Yankees, au now with the Milwaukee club « the American Association, Mr, Bengough was born In Whit hy, Ont, on January 17, 1868, H. came to the old village of Niagar falls about 47 years ago and had resided here ever since, He enter od the employ of the Carter Crum Company, remaining with the con ern after it became the American ales Book Company, For years he had been superintendent, He re signed in October, $048, to become connected with the Acheson luk Company at Butfalo For two years he had been secretary of (he dagara Falls Orpheus Noclety, Hesldes hin widow, Mrs, Mar aret Loulse Bengough, he Is arvived hy two sons, Hernard O (Henny) and Walter J, Hengough and uw deughter, Margaret 1, Hen gough, all of this elty, and two brothers, Thomas Nengough, To ronto, Ont,, and William sough, New York, The funeral took place from the amily home at 5.80 Wednesday morning, and 8t, Mary's Chureb at 9 o'clock, Burla! will be In Riverdale oemetory, CHAPTER OFFICERS INSTALLED Last Friday evening in the Mason io ys il the officers of Keystone Chapter, No, J§, R. AM, were install: ed, Ex, Comp, M, Jermyn was In charge of the We ia ase sisted by pia principals, The als ficers installed Were! 1st Principal=F, A, Nixon, Im, P.P.=Hugh Robinson vl PR, A, Sennett, Jed, P--Fred Landon, 8S, E=W, M, Jermyn, 8, NJ, R, Frost, Treasurer--A, H, Allin, I, 8=M, 8 Cha a. eT h Prin 1. 8D, Mg! iveay. M, ih Ve iy E Kearney M. 3rd Veil=\W, va Hewis, N ; ™ Veil=-(, Freeman, - Ist Veil=W, ( 8 Murkar, Janitor ~Nid Hilliard SCHOOL PUPILS ' HAVE TAKEN WELL TO PENNY BANK | A statement issued a few days ago by the Peany Hank head office shows that the pls of Kings Dundas and Droek Street schools had on deposit at the end of Octahen, the sum of $480,00, Bighty four ne ont of the pls at Dundas Street sohoo! hate deposits; T6 per vent at Street and TH per cont at y school, The amount we deposit on the date wens tioned is for a period of two months, as the Penny Hank Aystenm was not inaugurated in local schools watil the begins ning of the fall term, ho © Ranks eral statement shows that pupils all over the Sore IPERIIS BRINN @ moony DOING GOOD WORK H, W, QUANTRILL hithy's (Thief Constable who ecole lected nearly $1,000 in fines and feds In five months, according to Town Treasurer's statement, pravinee of Ontario have on des sit $1,881,888.81, and that heva ave 447 schools making cular weekly, or monthly des osits, Last year there were nly 807. Whithy is listed as me of the new accounts in the hank, _ | WHITBY POLICE DEPARTMENT HAD VERY BUSY YEAR Chief Quantrill in Five Months Collected Over $900 - According to the financial state. ment which will he presented to the ratepayers on momination night, pext Monday, the tots) amount col- lected in fines and fees by the Po- lice Department for 11 months was $1,640.00, Of thie amount $964.00 was collected hy Chief of Police H, Ww, Quantrill in a period of five months, My the end of December he will have collected over $1,000 in eix months, His predecessor in ofMce, Herbert Gunson, now Chief Constable at Bt, Thomas, in six months collected In fines and fees the sum of $386,00, The total police estimate for the YEAT WAS 600, so that the amount. lacking is only #1161,00, Last week it was erroneously stat: ed that the years' estimate wap $3,000, end the amount down B63, The Police Department under Chief Quantrill has had a very busy glx months, many cases heing dealt with hy the eourts, Police court work, however, Is only part of the police duties, as the ehief is pani- tary inspector and truant oMcer, & E CRUISAR BERR fan ~ Season's ¢ Greetings Claus che, [LUKE FURNITURE Co. 63 King Street East F OUR wishing carries 2 proper weight, Santa will Christmas stockings bulge with goed things, WON GRAND PRIZE MISS FRANCES BONLEY Who was the winner of the Grand Prige in the Gazette and Chrons cle und Oshawa Dally Times Subscription Contest, Winning cheque for 800 In Vivu of car, \ scientist of the United National Museum has disc ed that buttertly emanate that make the » themselves wings of ra graph plates | ioen ww oextended peri ---------- -- ¢ IAIN SIBMW SHINN tr TY e make your wig Phone 78-79 | NENGNENS DANCES MNS NNN DIENENENED MINE NNN OX RN Hen SEASON'S GREETINGS wou Iw MAY YOUR STOCKINGS BE FILLED WITH GOOD THINGS THIS CHRISTMAS HEART'S DESIRE ave AND THE COMING YEAR TAILORED TO YOUR 'BURNS CO. LTD. CORNER KING AND SIMCOE STREETS

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