Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer News While It Is News" ov are Subove ws "i Pied vy OSHAWA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1930 12 Cents 8 Week; 3 Cents a Copy EIGHT PAGES is J od To tmp Monae Bel I, U.88R~Local au- thorities ided to tear down all the city's monuments to Czarist Generals, using the metal for the erection of a huge monument to Nicolai Lenin, Four Prisoners Escape Buffalo, ~Vour prisoners, recent Iy transferred to the Attica Prison mp from Auburn, made thelr es- eape during Christmas festivities at the eamp last night. Carol Singers Injured Buffalo.--~An automobile drove fheadlong into a group of carol singers at Newfane, Niagara Coun- ty, early today. Six were injured severely and a number of others slightly, 4 Burns to Death Greenville, 8.C.--E, C. Couch, 22, was burned fo death when the combination office and waiting room of the Eastern Air Transport, Inc, at the local airport was destroyed by tire, $500,000 Vire in Hangar Chanute Field, Champaign, 11], ¥ire swept a large hangar at the Government Post destroying the building and radio equipment valu- ed at $600,000. IAquor Cargo Seized New London, Conn,~--A $100,000 Mquor cargo was seized when the constggard vessel CG200 captured the British supply boat "Audrey B" snd its crew of ten after a chase in 'which the rum-runper was raked with shells, Pedestrian Injured Port Credit--Harold Cook, Lorne Park, suffered a fractured leg and arm and head Injuries when knock- od down by a car on the highway at the westerly limits of Port Credit, | Six Die in Fire Whiting, Ind.--8ix men were burned to death in a frame tene ment building where they had been celebrating' Christmas by drinking. 50,000 in Jail Washington, -- Fifty thousand ersons are in jail and prisons this hristmas for violation of the dry laws, the assoviation against the prohibition amendment estimated today, Brokenshiro Has Relapse Toronto. ~John Brocenshire was yoported by Bt. Joseph's Hospital authorities early this morning to dave suffered a relapse, 'He had & very poor day and is not in very good condition," they stated, Brock. enshire is charged with the murder of P. C. Roy McQuillin, ------------------------ CAPTAIN CAMPBELL HAS NEW SPEED CAR Will Attempt to Make New World's Record for Auto- mobiles at Daytona Beach, Florida, in January London, Dec, 26.~~When Captain Malcolm Campbell races down Day- tona Beach in January he will be driving the most powerful racing car in his hazardous experience, The new *Plue Bird" is much fower than the car in Which he d 214 miles an hour over the same sands in 1028, When he i» goated at the wheel the top of Cap: tain Campbell's head is less than 45 inches from the ground. The car has a clearance of only 314 inches, It is powered by a 12-cylinder supercharged Napler motor de- veloping 1,450 horsepower, at 3.600 r.p.m, While in 1028 the engine had only 920 h.p. The bore.of the mo tor is 139.7 and the stroke 130.17 The engine itself weighs 1,114 unds and thus develops one h.p. or every % pound. The wheel- base is 12 feot 6 inches and the Jength of the car overall is 25 foot 6 inches, The whole car weighs 214 tons. AGAIN REMA. DED ON CHARGE OF MURDER (By Canadian Pres Leased Wire) Toronto, Dec, 26.--~Appearing in police court again today on a charge of murder in connection with the slaying of Police Constable Roy Mc. Quil!in. Harry Clarkson of Windsor, was remanded uutil Jan, 2. Clark: son's companion at the time of the shooting, John Drockenshire of Windsor, is still in hospital with in- juries received from police revolv- ors, WEATHE!L ---- Pressure in high from the Mississippl Valley westward over the United States ad latively low across Cana pe a ¥ shallow depression covers the southeasterly states. The weather has been mild over the Dominion with some local snowfally and. flurries from Ontario east ward, Forecasts: Lower Lake Re. glons = Moderato winds, cloudy and comparatively mild tonight and Saturday with som~ local falls of vain or sno Georglan Iiny == Mods erate winds cloudy tonight and saturday with local snowfalls or flurries, ELECTION PROSPECTS INDEFINITE Work Started Today on Site 10 EXPEDITE | ERECTION OF NEW FACTORY Workmen Started This Morning by Laying Out Stakes for New Factory to be Built on Simcoe Street South WILL PROVIDE WORK Oshawa Industrial Founds- | tion Goes Ahead With Construction in Hope That Citizens Will Supply Finances Men were at work this morning on the site of the new factory which is to be built on the industrial arca on Simcoe Street South for the Coul- ter Manufacturing Company, On Luesday evening, the contract was let to T. B, Mothersill and Son, of Oshawa, on Wednesday the first sod was turned by A. E, Coulter, pres- ident of the company, and this morn- ing the workmen proceeded with the preliminary work which has to be dune before actual construction can be started, The outlines of the fac- tory building have been staked out, and before many days have passed it is likely that appreciable progress will have been made with the factory. As was to be expected, a large num- ber of men were on hand at the site this morning, looking for employ. ment, but work ha. not as yet advan ced sufficiently to provide work for a great number, although it is like! that the beginning of the week will see a substantial number of men at work, The building Is belng erected for the Coulter Ee ne Company by the Oshawa Industrial Foundation which is going ahead despite the fact that the capital stock issue with which the construction project is be- ing financed hay not as yet been fully subscribed, . The directors, however, arc hopeful that within a very short time the necessary finances will have been provided, and they are showing their faith in the co-operation of the citizens by going ahead on that hope, In an effort to "pep up" the sub- scription campaign, a luncheon of a group of interested citizens was held at the Hotel Genosha today, when plans were made for an intensive drive to put the campaign over the top, and make possible the further industrial development of the city. STORES BURNED INBRANTFORD Hamilton Fire Brigade Re- sponds to Call for Assist ance--Damage Done to the Amount of $150,000 (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Brantford, Dec. 20,~--Fire, breaking out in a 'confectionery stere here last night, caused dam- age estimated at nearly $160,000 before being brought under con- trol by the local fire department, with the assistance of one pumper and twelve men from the Hamil ton 'department, who made a fast trip over ley highways, Before tho blaze was brought under contre) it had gutted completely the Ar- tomis Sweets, in which it origin- ated, and the Metropolitan Store adjoining, The first burst out on a city colebrating Christmas, It came al- most without warning, for the first indication of {ts appearance was a slight curl of smoke trickling from a window of the confection. ory store, Simultaneously with the alarm, the store, smoke filled, seemed almost to explode, Flames shot through the entire structure, and as suddenly swept Into the Metropolitan store. 33 Are Killed i. Earthquake Shocks Salta, Argentina, Dec, 26.--New earth tremors and heavy ralus yes terday added to the misery ot the population of La Poma in the An. den, where 33 persons were killed and more than 70 injured when an earthquake destroyed that village on Wednesday, > A rellel expedition which are rived at La Poma after a 24-hour mare over a rough mountain road found the survivors still ter. ror-stricken, camped amidst the wreckage of their homes, Six new shocks were felt .this worniag throughout the Province of Salta. of Coulte r Co. Plant | TURNING FIRST SOD FOR THE COULTER COMPANY'S PLANT | Hy 4 Gi in et INTERESTING CEREMONY OBSERVED ON WEDNESDAY Above is a photograph of the group of citizens present at the turning of the first sod of the factory, for the Coulter Manufacturing Company. A: E: Coulter, president of the company, is seen pushing the special spade into the ground. Grouped behind him are the interested citizens of Osh- awa who have had much to do with the Company locating here. Included Italian Fliers Ready To Start Long Flight across Atlantic (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) 26,~A fleet Of fourteen Italian sea- planes reposed on the calm Atlans tic waters here today ready for their great adventure, As soon as all preparations are made and weather conditions RYO Vaisels which will be ready to race | British Premier Faces D:ffi- | or right twelve of the. planes win strike out across the open ocean for Natal, Brazil, on the first transate | lantie Bolama, Portuguese Guinea, Dec, | squadron, flight of such a large air From Natal they wil fly to Rio Do Janeiro and possibly to Buenos Alres. | | The distance of about 1,00 miles | Is to be patrolled by a number of Italian destroyers and other naval any loeality where one of the planes" wireless may indicate the ship Is coming down, Geologists are Gathering | | | For Toronto Convention ------------------------------------ Toronto, Dec, 26, Foremost geologists of Canada und the Unit. od States are converging on Tor onto for the important three-day annual convention of the Geolog! cal Boelety of Amerlea, to bo held at the University of Toronto from Doc. 20 to 81 inclusive. From the leading Canadian cen- tres, and from United States points between New England and Califor. Two Tor to Me tas CNR. Directors Four Escaped Toronto, Dec, 26, Fred K, More row and Gordon FI. Perry, two To- ronto men prominent In finance and industry, will ropresent On- tario or the reorganized hoard of directors of the Canadian Natlonnl Rallways, With Tom Moore's reap pointment this will complete On- tario's representation. | Within a fow days the Dennett Government is expected to an- nounce the new directors whose ap- pointment' has busied Hon, Dr, R. J. Manion, Minister of Railways and Canals, ever since Lo assimen that portfollo after last Summer's election, Stevens Coming Back to Ottawa Another Conference Regard: ing the New Trade Treaty With Australia to be Held (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Ottawa, Dec. 26.~Hon, H, mn. Stevens, minister of trade and com- merce, is on his way back to Ots tawa from Vancouver at the request it 1s understood, of Premier R, B Bennett conveyed in a wire sent by Mr, Bennett from the maritime pov. ince, The likelihood is that the pre. mier may reach Ottawa from Sack- ville, N.B,, sometime tomorrow and a meeting of the cabinet in the course of the day is probable, It is understood that Hon, Park: er Moloney, Austealian minister of markets, will po in the capital to. morrow night, and following the return of Mr, Stevens there will be a conference respecting the propos. ed new Canada-Australin trade pact, Mr. Moloney spent Christ: was in Quebec City, New York.--Polson in the Yule tide cup of cheer killed ten person Including a woman, and sent eighi others to hospitals in serious cond! tion. Amoug those gravely {ll is a 16-year-old boy, ! the society, specialists in their flelds, arc coming to deliver a wide variety of addresses, as contribu- tions to the geological knowledge [i members and non-members of of the worla. Two Australian geologists, T. W, Edgeworth and GG. A, SBussmileh, of Bydney, N.B.W., will also de. liver papers, Nen Captured Men Made Spectacular cCs- cape From County Jail at Been Recaptured (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Windsor, Dec. 26,---The last o four men who escaped in u specs tacular jail break from the Eand- wich County jall Christmas morn- ing was captured this morning at Amherstburg by provinelal police, ax lo walted a boat to take him to the United States, Ho was Willard Mellish, Monroe, Mich, awaiting trial on charges of conspiracy to kidnap. His threo companions, A, Finlay, 306, alleged leader of the daring quartet, Norman Teetzel, 20, and Tony Decker, 22, hoth of Brantford, were apprehended yesterday even: Ing by flying squads of Windsor and Wadkerville police, after two shots had been fired in the air by police, Findlay was in jall awaiting trial as one of the gunmen who held up a Tecumseh boulovard gas station some weeks ago, Becker and Teetzel are the two vouths who were captured at Sar nla, a week ago, after, it is allog- od, they held up an East Windsor gas station and escaped with the days receipts. Big Order for Rails Placed (By Canadian Presa Leased Wire) Halifax, N.8. Dec. 26.--Accard. ing to information received in Hall fax financial circles the New York Central Railway, largest of the oastern railway group in tha nit od States, has placed orders for 131,000 tons of steel rails for 1931 delivery, wn ae are tiers es 3 Sandwich, But All Have! | | | | | | I | | ments in the group are Gordon D. Conant, merce; George W. McLaughlin, presi R. S. McLaughlin, President, General T. B. Mitchell, and other public-spirited citizens who are taking a keen interest in this project to advance the | ¥ACDONALD PREPARIKG HONOR LIS) | cult Task in Selecting | Those to be Honored on' New Year's Day (By Thos, T, Champlen, Canadian Press Staff Correspondent ) London, Dee, 20 Prime Minis. ter Ramsay MacDonald is busy put ting the final touches to the New Year's honors list, Much ss the government has been eriticlzed on its general policy, Nttlg-fault has over heen found with the recoms- mendations honors which pre- for of the continent and of other parts | Mier Ramsay McDonald hag at any time submitted to His - Majesty Nowadays, of course, all such recs | careful honors ommendations undergo a gerutiny by tho special committee of the Privy This revisory body was created af ter the fall of the war-time coall tion government, Heads of government depart may submit a lst of the | elvil servants whom they consider deserving of recognition | wel chief whip, in consultation with the chalrman of the party in of. fice, 1s responsible for the political recommendations, | Recognition of services to science | and the arts provides the Premler with many difficult decisions, He usually recelves some assistance from official bodies in this regard, Earthquake in Quebeo Quebec.~ Earth trembling last. Ing from 16 to 60 seconds were felt In this vicinity yesterday af{ernoon, The shocks were felt particularly in the neighborhood of Murray Bay, ! This is the second time {n° two weeks earth shocks have been felt | in this distriet, Missing Aviators | Bouies are Found Montreal, Dee, 26,~-Lost for over a year in the desolate hinter- land of Quebec, tho bodies of Pllot' WwW. H, ("Bi ) Cannon and his mochanle, Leonce Ligotte, who dis appeared on Oct, 9, 1920, while flying from St. Fellelen, Que, to Chibougamau, have been found Telegrams were received here yes. terday from Arthur Lisotte, father of the dead airman, to the effect that Indlans had returned to Rob. erval with part of tho plane's wings, bearing the registration marks of Cannon's machine, They explained they would be able to return und identify the locality in which the aeroplane was found, somewhere north of Lake St. John, Grain Company President Dies (Dy Canadian Press Leased Wire) Winnipeg, Dec, 26,--J, GU, Gag president of Alberta Pacific Grain Company, died last night after o brief illness, Mr. Gage had ral lled several times from a critiea sondition developing from compli cations after an operation for an nendicitis, Yesterday, however, he lapsed again and failed to rally. He was 64 years olds Sov ert -- EE ta Counel, | | Rallways had been effected, | | "and professional men from v president, Oshawa Chamber of Com- dent, Oshawa Industrial Foundation; Motors of Canada, Limited; Mayor industrial development of Oshawa, Ca' tured Priests And Nuns Release P'eiping, China, Dee, 26, ~~ The Apostolic delegation here has been informed that four foreign priests | and five nuns of a party captured by Chinese Communists last Octo- 1 NLY SEVEN MEMBERS OF 930 COUNCIL HAVE MADE THEIR INTENTIONS KNOWN FOURMENDIED | INSIDE BIG VAN Pceuliar Tragedy Reported | From New York, With| Four Negroes as the Vie-| tims (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) New York, Dec, 26,~Entombed four days in what is advertised as the largest motor van in the world, | the bodies of four negros who ap- parently died from suffocation were found at a parking place last night, Reconstructing the tragedy, po- lee sald the men shut themselves n the truck to sleep after a trip from Philadelphia last Sunday and it three ofl lamps. These 6xhaust- ed the oxygen from the Interior, they sald, and killed the men in their sleep. Deaths in West ber have been released. At the time of the capture it was | reported that the Italian Catholle Bishop Monsignor Mignani, . six priests and ten nuns were in the hands of the Reds, Later the Bishop and one of the priests were released to arsagge ransom, New Board of ( Named | Minister of Railways and Canals Makes Announce- ment Today of Persounel to Take Charge of Rail ways (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Ottawa, Dec, 26, - Hon, R, J, Manion, minister of railways and canals, announced today that' re- organization of the rectors of the Canadian National Tha members of the former board re- alned, Include: Sir Henry Thornton, and chairman Gerard Ruel, K.C',, legal vice- president, Canadian National Rail. ways, Montreal, V. I, Smart, Deputy Minister of Ratlways and Canals, Ottawa, Tom Moore, president of the Canadian Trade and Labour Con. gross, Ottawa, New Members The new menibers include following representative president the business arlous parts of the Dominion: ! (Continued on paige J) Hoard of dl- | Victims Meet Death From Various Causes in Winni- peg, Calgary, Moose Jaw | and Vancouver ------ (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Winnipeg, Man., Dec. 26, A holiday toll of five deaths today had added a touch of sadness to the festivities of Christmas in the west. Two accident fatalities were recorded in Winnipeg and others near Moose Jaw, at Calgary and at Vancouver, | Thirteen-year.old Mary Pud. ludny fell to death in an uncovered | well at Calgary as she hurried to a | neighbors to deliver presents | Christmas Eve, | Miss Allison Candlish was struck | dead on a Vancouver strect by a motor car whose driver eped away. | and her sister, Mrs, H, Connell, | was gravely hurt, One of Mrs, | Connoll's legs was torn off hy the rushing car and the other was so mangled that amputation was ne- cos 'Y. strangled to death as his head | was pinned beneath his overturned | truck, Colin C, Johnston, 2h, was | found on a road near Moose Jaw | The car had skidded and rolled | over, | Migs Grace Tyler, 33, was killed | when she fell from a fourth floor | window in the Winnipeg hotel | where she was employed, | Ludwig Gruber, 42, received | fatal injuries when struck by a | motor car on a Winnipeg street. CPR. Appointment | Montreal, Que.~Appointment of | George Hodge, assistant general | manager, eastern lines, to be man- ager of the newly created depart: ment of personnel of the Canadian | Pacitie Rallway was announced to- day by Grant Hall, vice-president of the company, Barris, Dee, 26,~~Terribly in. Jured when the big sport coupe in which they were driving to Toron- to turned over and bounced 200 feot through the alr, Captains Matt and Ted Groen, well-known lake mariners of Midland, dieq hero yosterday. Rushed to the Royal Victoria Hospital shortly after noon from Churchill, where the accident oc- curred, the two young skippers were operated upon, but were so badly injured 'that they died dure Two Lake Captains Hurled to Death When Car Skids on Slippery Highway ing the afternoon, Both men suf. fered f(ractured skulls and inter. nal injuries, The two brothers, Matt, aged 38, and Edwin, aged 384, left Mid. land about 11 o'clock yesterday to drive to Toronto to meet Wilma Mongraw, stepdaughter of Matt, They were driving a powerful coupe purchased last year by Matt and hoped to arrive in Toronto in time to meet the Chicago train bearing the young woman home from a holiday trip, Only December 25 No Attempt at | | Moscow, Dee, 20,~~FChristmas i Day dawned in Soviet Russian with { the meagerest activity to reflect | the celebration in the, Christian world outside, There was not a Christmas tree to be found, oven among the Shritians, who usually celebrate noderately, There were said to 0 no Christmas trees available | 'ocauso the authorities do not {permit the promiscuous cutting of 'plucs and overgreens, in Russia, With Christmas Festivity At the Church of the Redeemer in Moscow, one of the greatest edifices left standing In Russia by the Communist antl religious cam- palgn, some 400 worshippers ob served the day, most of them aged men and women, Few i. any young people attend ed the scanty services In the church, most of the youth of the country never haviug heard ot Christmas, w [ | Others Are Expected, How- ever, to Make Their In- tentions Known at Meet: ing of the Council to be Held Tonight CONTEST IS SURE FOR MAYORALTY Nominations for Municipal Offices to be Held on Mon- day, With Public Meeting in Council Chamber in Evening ' With nominations to be held on Monday next, only seven members of the present city council have given definite indication of their intentions with regard to seekng re-electon. But the final meeting of the council is to be held tonight and it is confidently expected that practically. all the members will announce whether they will be candidates at the next election or not, The municipal pot is beginning to show signs of boiling. With Christ mas off the minds of the ctizens they are now more inclined to give ate tention to municipal matters and the chief subject of conversation locally now concerns who will guide the des- tinies of the city, through the varie ous public bodies, city council, pub- lic utilities commission and board of education, durng 1931, : | ; The Mayoralty With Mayor Mitchell, retiring after two years in office, Ald, George Hart chairman of the board of works, in the present council has announced that he will be a candidate for this office while it is expected that Ald. P, A. Macdonald, chairman of the finance committee, will also be a con- tender, lle, however, has not as yet definitely committed himself, There is a possibility that there may be other candidates in the field for the mayoralty, In this connection there have been persistent rumors that M, McIntyre Hood, president of the Oshawa branch of the Canadian Le- gion, will contest the mayoralty but Mr, Hood this morning intimated that he was not prepared to make any puble statement as yet in this regard, Another feature of the sit- uation is that Eddie McDonald, geli- styled leader of the unemployed, has indicated his 'intentions of seeking election as Oghawa's chief magistrate, At any rate, Mr, McDonald has de- | finitely declared that he will be a { candidate for city council. I A large number of names have heen mentioned as possible alderman ic candidates and a keen contest is expected in all of the city's five wards. Two members of the present council, Ald, Clifford Harman and Ald, Robert McDonald will not seek re-election while it is probable that one or two others will also voluntarily drop out, Two aldermen have de- finitely stated that they are seeking re-election, Ald. Wm, Sulley, in the south-west ward, and Ald, J, B, Wa- terous in Cedardale. Nominations for mayor, members of the public utilities commission and board of education, are to be held Monday morning from 10 o'clock to 11 o'clock, in the city council cham« bers, Simcoe street north, City Clerk ". 15, Hare, points out, Nominations for aldermen are to be held from 12 noon to 1 o'clock at the appointed places in the five wards listed below as follows i= South-West Ward, Centre Street Public School. South-East Ward, Albert Public School, North-West Ward, Cit North-East \Vard, Public School, Cedardale Ward, Cedardale Public School Aspirants for the various offices will probably be given a chance to address the ratepayers at a meeting in the ity hall Monday night. 180 Lost Lives New York.--Death rode with Christmas, taking 130 Myves in auto- mobile accidents, fires, drownings, hunting misfortunes, brawls and a poison liquor. Johnny J. Jones Dies in Florida Deland, Fla,, Dec, 26, = Death came yesterday to Johnny L, Jones, while Christmas lights twinkled, removing from the scintillating midway, one of its bost known im- presarios. The carnival man died while his show folk celebrated the holl. day before their annual long swing around the country, where the name of Jones was synonymous with white tops and bright lights, Mr, Jones had been in. ill. health a long time, but he was forced to his bed only last Tuose day. He died of uremia, Street Hall, Mary Street