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Oshawa Daily Times, 26 Dec 1930, p. 4

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Ea DD lL ee (= THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 26, 193) The Whitby Daily Times ry Th Le KR " REPRESENT ATIVE--JAMES H. ORMISTON TWO ACCIDENTS (CHRISTMAS WAS PAGE FOUR The Oshawa Daily Times THE OSHAWA DAILY REVORMER (Established 1871) yew Oo same night, For the intervening four days Ethier cared for bimself and when police officers visited the bouse last night, was able to stand up and talk to them without rajs- ing any suspicion that he was hurt, The first visit of the police was perfupctory as they were secking levesque, who was missed from his place of employment spd was known to be an acquaintance of Ethier, Shortly afterwards a neighbor told the police that he was suspicious of that apartment and a wmecond visit followed. As careful search. this time revealed to 40 shillings 8 month, the native wag called upon to pay an annual tax of one pound a year, plus Invar fably two shillings six peence as & pensity for the Jate payment of thet tax. This meant that a minimum n ar of 10 per cent, of a native's earn- Ings was paid out In direct taxation while in indirect taxation as well, the native hurden was becoming Fatal Accident, With Four hou ior ant heavier, snd was Sone iad 0 Frit. on, Others Injured, Mars the a oakels, sheeting, and many , other articles of necessity were Christmas Day Festivities ||. 0 =") heavy tax which the ne- tive had to pay, Mr, Veel sald, and SAYING LITTLE BUT DOING MUCH 1t is interesting to note, in a despatch from Paris, that the outstanding models of aircraft at the Paris Aero Show are the Bri- tish exhibits, This is the greatest aircraft show in continental Europe, and the nations vie with one another in seeking to excel with their machines, Yet it has been found that from every standpoint, particularly of a technical nature, the British aeroplanes y / v of The Cans cov By Nir 5 oy of stand out pre-eminent above all others, News of this kind is something of a sur- CAUSED BY DRIVER A HAPPY DAY AT in Toronto it was felt that as soon as the na- tiv ame 1 { t 0 ® hecame a large consumer of mruggle. levesque"s body and signs of a Ethier was taken to ha Delivered by wwe, x ky pi Weise, 2 iy haa so niaking fo boasts aoe, Die. 20a-Alldauns 1 ee ie en sr, | headquarters where bis foury was week, By anads ( rrier aircraft, True, machines w vosdway, 4 Vight sedsn crashed 3 Jue dole aven 1, | fiwcovered. 84. delivery Vimits) $300 & years stes, $400 » | the Schneider Trophy for speed, and other : : Bead-on Into an OncomIDK street ear |artiele 41a not in any aay compete | Beveral documents, believed to od you, TORONTO Mach isu iave sade wpisndid sounds in long. oe 8 Guess aud Lovkwoid Siresie lle (with locally 'yroduced goods," 100 18 Lorestute Writing, were fife $18 Bond Building, 66 Te: Street, Telephone nee 8. But these accompiishmen the occupants and serionsly Injur-|the n Purticulprly advoeaiod | (16 Tor the nvarrel. Ore Won o oe Adelaide 0107, H, D Tr 7, representative, were not blazoned forth in great newspaper | One Car Upset on Road and Patients Received Gifts, Spe- I y In} fhe Edin bo hott betes fought i das Ne wae renee | headlines, They were accomplishments of Another Ditched-- cial Dinner and Enter. 'is nich EAD © waLen. |10 ® Jerse extent, to seduce mortals made out for $170 in Ethler's fa. or FRIDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1930 men who regard them as part of thelr ob, as None Hurt tainment aged 42, 427 Maple Avenue, Hami): Do aduh, The aained he a ggg oof incidents in the performance of duty, and so sll | tom. : tives owing to thelr ignoranee of | were also found, eal Tr WAS A MERRY CHRISTMAS they have said very little about them, In w-- Christmas was a very happy day sicHanD' ye. od 4 hygiene, wore deplorable and called There was a strong possibility' to~ other words, Britain has been saying very A hit snd run motorist, name | oo. (ne patients and staff of the " + BE +|for immediate action, that Ethier would not recover, hos. ho of 447 Maples Avenue, Hamilton, -- -- pital authorities sald today. Jes This year, as never before, the spirit of | little, but has been doing s great desl in the | unknown, was responsible for two | Ontario Hospital at Whitby. Every | right arm smputsted. SOUND "LAST PONT" NIGHTLY |- Both men were employees of the nd goodwill was abroad in Oshawa at the | matter of aircraft development, to such an | motor accidents near the CPR. | ooiiont received gifts, there was a | DOROTHY WALSH, aged 16, IN VRANCE, A Worcs Were Yinplozesy . subway in Whitby on Christmes 8f- | so 0iat Christmas dinner of roast [same address; severe lacerations i , ya ¢Ompany an 68+ Christmas season, One had only to note | extent that she stands above sll other coun. | {ernoor shout 4.30. turkey, plum pudding and other [and body injuries, . London. Alvng He Mae 2 te Levesque's body was dressed in his oe, the work that was going on during the first tries of Europe, at least, in this respect, George Richards, corner of Nel. | good thinks, also special supper, JOHN MURPHY, sged 41, of 162 we arn i ot. lotonded by 5 Frio uniform when found, to three days of this week to realize that su- | That is a proud position to hold, and one |.on and Ontario sireeis, Bowman. Pt Hine o'clock {19 dimvihwiion fatto Street, Toronto; minor in. the "inst post," Is to bo sounded Pr eet -- } ' t " when | 0 . , ight [I 4 ; . " ' ia perhuman effort was being made to see | which indicates that the old mother country she, was travelling wom. thon oF sitia basen, Olcott of Oo VIN: MURPHY, aged 34, same nig tly ot 10 actos, to the| Go who hath made the daisies fi that every family in the community was | is not yet decadent, great rate of speed, turned out to | the Board of Visitors, pald a visit laddresn; minor injuries, A Bwiss end of the line, wherever | nd every ely thing, Ore cared for, was supplied with a measure of ---------------- pass him and struck his car on the $0, gvary devartment of the Inst | tava ish, did In Bt. Michasl's | Writish woldlers ure buried the post | "16, JF SSSIEE OOF BEATIES ng! the good things feh are associated with ME 'AN MAG NE WE SIN side, causing it to turn completely tnt on, Dri, J vendo Mita Ye Hoabita Jrom a broken b Hor go i to be younded, the Inipertal War | ite the Christmas season, It was a tremendous AMERICA! AGAIN % ADVERTISING spouse pi Spa, ca He Jighwa Tr We. ne I hand was takan fo the same hospil- raves Commission aunounces, ho gn 1 derta 0 neter Hy, ie | ) ¢ Christmas dinner | 8 # badly lacerated arm - fer the | bet task, one that was un ken saertuly Eimer Davis, of Kingston, president of | with him were hurt and the car | was served the CHENIN GITNOF | NICH Jt War Talore racist a ot liom rote ren it by a large band of volunteer workers, an y ' v {a sedan, was only slightly damag | antertainment in the mugle hail [10 8mputate, His condition is wer I the Canadian Manufacturers' Association, in | antertainmen I} hes 0 8 one that was, we believe, carried out with | ed. { with Dunean Jt, Cowan, in musie, | 04s. . Dorothy Walsh, a daughter, 0 we are young and simple, TH a recent speech, struck at the root of one of | : Ella Whitmore. |A%ed 16, was rushed to Toronto 1 praise we may be bold; a maximum of success, the reasons for the Influx of United States | Travelling behind the hit and {Hong 40d Rory: ter nde | E88 Conerst Hospital suffering | A The children in the temple The good work had its first outward ex- | coods into Canada, This reason, he assert | | at yt! gun & man named R, | 0 lverton, music novelty: | (TOM & Jacerated forehead and body | | He heard in days of old. en 4 ' 4 § NY natt, 63 Springdale Boulevarde, |! , {Injuries. She will recover. John {And if our hearts are humble al, pression on Tuesday afternoon, when the ed, was to be found in the advertisements | who was obliged to drive his car a7 Cameron, charyeiey 43ncing; Murphy and his daughter, Jean, | " ' He says to you and me, le boy scouts of the city made thelr distribu. | uh form the greater part of many mag. | to the diteh, to avoid a arash [Margaret Mmm nde Dlanin us ii were taken to Hi, Michael's Hospit Suffffer the little chitdren, Ne tion of toys to sixteen hundred needy chil. azines whic ve. SMPOMteL om that coon: 1 he car landed right side 1p | seman LOR 198 PHOBIA Save al wiiffering from minor injuries And Tet them come to Me" ot dren of the city, This represented the cli- | | ov ich are J} te , ito) Ry UD: against & fence. No person. was | Concert uae aniuysd by or audienty - Auto Twisted Mass , be 4 ry. These magazines, coming into the coun- | hurt, } whie p \ he automobile was a complete He sees the bird that wingeth max of many weeks of hard work on the é gindness to all, wreck, The radiator was smashed ggg of ts way o'er earth and sky ng try by tens of thousands, carry advertising Constable John Thomas, acting | At five o'clock a feature of the Its way o'er earth and sky; rs part of the boys, and the children who gath- | 0 ied Btates prod | ny : a. [In and the engine was a twisted i He hears the fark that singeth j ucts, and since adver | chief for the day, investigated and | Christman supper was an individ: [mass of steel, H t "| Dead Body Found in Cup- nin th . ahi i ered in thelr hundreds for the distribution tising does A results, these displays | found that no person had taken | nal Christmas cake served to each Taupo ne Row | He Sther ve: | dnd rok P au. 0 the heaven 30 Web! en i were loud in thelr appreciation of the gifts create a demand for American goods, rather the hit and run driver's number, patient, tery to the police when they exam. boa Own And says (well pleased to sec), or which were handed out. The shining, than for those manufactured in Canada ined the car. { House Wounded "Safer he little children = ys Isughing faces of the children as they re- It fs : : | Sets p-- ec And let them come to Me. : understood that the authorities at ' ' ¢ oy ' i celved their gifts from the hands of the | ouewe have realized the danger of this Bowmanui e Dai y Times NA IVE su Montreut, Que. Dec. Trier: 1 i come wear Him ho scouts were ample reward for whatever ef- | e140 qvertising to the home market for | bullet wound over the heart, Max. | And solemnly we'll sing; 3% fort may have piel put forward dor, i Canadian goods, and are trying to devise Representatives Phone No. 53 ima Fiber, today wha lying ber NT chise 1a suring of tear His, all, there is nothing quite so much wo 3 | tween lite and death In a local | We'll make our voices ring; some means of placing a check on it. This { | hospital, His fellow workman, |For in our temple speaking, while as to make a little child happy at the pleat. 1 He says to you and me, if will be a step In the right direction, not alone Louis Leveeque, is dead and nolice |, ys to) } of Christmas season, from the ie o holding the home x NAY Svh xtramol ' | Let Ethier contend the slaying Sufler the lille EHLLIeS oi ; One cannot spsk In oo strong tars of | market for home product, wis sn has. | OHIO MAO WAS [GLADNESS BROUGHT 2 sist srs srr vs | 5 sod ii ode ue 9 on, | The two men, Levesque dead, 1d : a ae vous fous ho | ME to keep aut of Conde magasives which : Oia] TAs Soot 08 Fer STURT YE JO | gerne dpa o the Christmas Cheer Fund this year. Ap: | are so powerful that they are making it hard A PEACEFUL DAY T0 LOCAL HOMES itdren sound education. Domestic | fupt night in Fbiers home. Lever: ANN : . proximately 800 familles were supplied | an publications to rH Thus 4IUL / LE bg gdh que' Body Wea 3% & UPHORTE WHE | te her Wint 413 You going te ie with full Christmas dinner, and all the | 4 (4 possible for the government to kill two five children to Mind #chools | mye apartment bbre signs of a | Little Daughter--I'm going to ie work of distribution was done on Wednes- | Livds with one stone and any action taken | Welfare Committee Provid- ) JROTS han ATT eet days wing struggle and evidence of drinking, | marry an engineer, ; day afternoon, If any allt the city | glong this line will be much appreciated by ed Dinners for the te OF dg other small Jobs fn the lo. | DONC RRNOURRL. | ane [pr Tit? 4 avi : went uncared for, then it certainly was not both manufacturers and magazine publish. t ¢ cations," nouncement, Levesque had been | Little Daughter--Oh that doesn't | the fault of the Christmas Cheer Fund, for | or, sine | | Unfortunate Toys Distributed for Kiddies | 01% Joc, (ie JLo Des fs | dead since 'Saiurday aight and | matter, 1 soon make bim civil, every possible means was used to ensure rm That Santa Might Have [the Tramskei, bators the Native | Ethier had shot himselt during the --Answers. : Not] iting occurred to eonomic Comm inic Kokatad A that the distribution was complete, And ing very exe : o Commimsion st Kokstad, t . we break the peacefulness of Christman Forgotten recently, according to the Ca " ? 4 here again, the tearful thanks of men and (OURISTS IN QUEBEC EE o Eis sh ae recently, sceording to the Cape Ar : re women in distress rewarded the workers, ; was perhaps 8 Brighter day Ahan | The first Bowmanville troop of| Where there were two boys in r f " and made them feel that they were making hu province of Quebec has Just complet. |ususl the only indication of I Be: |, "51s gia chair bit towards (one Bousehold, he inspector said. § MIXED SCT ATCH | v a real contribution to the joy of the Christ. | ed an oxcellent tourist season, according tu |nl. Day was the heavy trafic which | making Christmas happy tor foie oul aLiond. schour overs day Th } Mas season in Oshawe. # bulletin issued by the Quebec department |wax noticed on the Highway during the toys which during the | (Urn. There was ~undoubledly a GRAIN ' And yesterday, in Rotary Hall, the dinner | of highways. During the first ten months A MORE of those F0it | 14st few waekn they have been hard lack of opportunity for the ducal. 0 and entertainment of the homeless and sin- | of 1930, 710,832 foreign cars enered the pro- | (sue weregout, partly to get an ap- af work collecting and mending. on |; oni, 1 wag being realized by the 8 gle unemployed men Was An event long to vince, As compared with 608,923 in the same ite for "He most 100d for Tea) kina 5 of the seouts in a natives Mi greater opportunities EGG MASH be remembered. Over a hundred men as- | period of 1929, an Increase of 16.7 per cent, [Of the yout WiC PEE IG BH O00 ie [truck borrowed from the Bowman- | [ROWIS be E1Een oF then to receive FULL-O-PEP 8 sembled for this function, staged by the | In the volume of foreign tourist traffie. And |ihis meal wan being prepared. How. | lle Foundry toured the town call | ngiorats. Tuspoctor Roms ex: LAKKO . Canadian Legion, and from noon until late | the Interesting point Is tlat 65 per cent of Stel, Whatyvey to town, | had been brought to their atten: Mop nion thet the sdumz: SCHUMACHER " at night they were made to feel that they | these tourist cars stayed in the province for | 7 fre BUI whieh was blowing | tion. In many of these homes thers | Gy, git ons Than the uneducated ih A were amongst friends, and that Christmas | a period of time ranging from two days to [st off the fire wiarms twice but DEN have buen w very UNDADDY (ive, but he also felt that further PRATT & DR. HESS y n ., ) i. 8 had a real meaning to them, two months, and only 35 per cont remained otherwise the day "passed -u the seouts provided so many toys |flucetion shoud lie in the direc. EGG PRODUCER : is addition jo Shue a et ve lous Shs rode, Ontario reports have in Rely wg 's Ch detrei IO uo the boys were $dueation, partichiarly Sites 4 cor . : ' scale, churches, lodges and » . 'onlder ' AY * lat 8 a.m, In Bt, John's Chure 4 me houses the Te | tain standard had been reached, H & L ] L d f ' ) re , 1 CAL 0.8 , when the rec- [able to gratify the wishes of the| Ray, G Veel, ) : f ous kinds contributed to making it a merry dicated a decrease In tourist traffic this year, ikuin ot 1 i hn men, Inmates when the parents made rH Chr hh Bid AR rn ogg yt e, imite : Christmas in Oshawa, The job was well | this report is surprising, It shows that Que: |1viiiiy United Church also held a [known what the little ones were years' experience, pointed out that 54 Church Street » Phone 203 ' done, In every home in the city, we believe, | bec, because of its good roads, and Its insist service on Christmas morning. yuutivg jor Chrsimas iv oe White native wages in the Rostad . " : " "Q ' . "0 o ) 0 the day a ee, district a there was cause for gratitude, there was | ent publicity regarding the tourist attrac. A holise Tepost L i ho bie nbd A Bo VR veraged from 15 shillings ; Od Eh thove, wha Worked | aatimation of Louris from the United Btkte | ota at wore sie Boudy | Hen Basin Clow Tor 4h eb only those assisted, but those who worked, estimation of tourists from the Unite ate | with meals as were a eo ne la ' . tl Pl 4 } munity [and a teddy bear and the scouts 2 must have aes a hapby day yoserdny, fo, , and Din Sule to wrant from Ontario the i He Joya tin: the Com A are allo Us do The Dart of meaty * . ' after all, the joy of giving Is one © 9 nor of-being the most popular tourist pros | There might have been a few who |Claus in this home. The homow ments eft rom risimas 0 in ; fo o , hich benefited from the work of { chief joys of the Christmastide season, vince. Ontario can well afford to take a leaf [dd not have a merry Christmas but |W p ! for | the scouts are very grateful to the . Ee -------- from the book of Quebec by copying the pub. they must have been a very few i thin body scoured the town so that | boys for their help and kindness. : licity methods adopted by the French Cana- [no person should be without on this THD. ERT A FAITH WORTH SUPPORTING On Wedneaday morning the first sod was eut for the factory which is to be erected. for the Coulter Manufacturing Company on Simcoe Street South, This morning the ac- tual work of construction was . started, This factory is being built by the Oshawa Industrial Foundation, and the remarkable faith of its directors in the citizens of Osh. awa lg shown by the fact that although the capital stock issue to provide for the financ- ing of the building has not yet been fully subscribed, they are going ahead, confident that the citisesns will rally to their support, and will subscribe the necessary money, The assurance that the Coulter Company 'plant ia to be built at once, and will, within few months, be giving employment to Ron one and two hundred men, ought to be sufficient to arouse the civic spirit of the citizens, and to ensure that there will be no further delay in subscribing the money necessary, not only for this factory, but also for a factory for another industry which is desirous of ting here, The faith of the divectora of the i Ty Industrial Founda. tion must, for the sake of the future of Osh- awa, be justified, Otherwise, the city might as well cease its efforts to secure new industries. Oshawa is at the parting of the ways, It i either go ahead, or re- main stagnant. e directors of the Osh. awa Industrial Foundation are it to forward, Have they the support of their fallow-citizens? That is the most impor tant qu for Oshawa at the present sd {t will be in' the manner in which the subscriptions to the atock issue of the Foundation reach the ob. jective which haa been sets dian province and letting the world know in no uncertain terms what this province has to offer, EDITORIAL NOTES All classes of Americans must continue the great battle for peace,~General John J. Porshing. There is a marked tendency among the young these days to lead their private lives in publie.~Edward M. Ruttenber. Too many Nelsons would spoil a navy; one pling eye is enough for a fleet.--Robert nd. It would be a ghastly humor to breed healthy men and send them out once in 50 years to butcher one another.~Bishop of Monmouth, It is very well to talk about * disarmament but before we get it, we will have to have economic disarmament.--Agnes MacPhail, only woman member of the Canadian House of Commons, "Publicity is stronger than the strongest nation." ==Alanson B, Houghton, "The novels we read in our youth very often shape our political opinions."-=Colonel Wedgewood, M.P, "The passion for wealth without work is the bane of all noble striving and the pollu. tion of civic and national life," -=Canon Don- aldson, great festival, -------- INSTAL OFFICERS RAM. CHAPTER Oshawa and Cobourg Dig' nitaries Conduct Ceremony in Bowmanville Newly elected officers of Palestine Chapter G.R.C. No, 249, Royal Arch Masons of Bowmanville were in- stalled recently, Ex Comp, ¥. C, Hoar, assisted by V, Ix Comp, Sher. man Cooper of 8t. John's Chapter, Cobourg, Ex. Comp, W, J. Youden, P.Z., of Cobourg, and W, R, Chap- man, Z, of Pentalpha Chapter, Osh. awa, conducted the installation. OMecers installed are: %.~~John Baker, EDZ --G.C.Ronnyocastle, H.~=E. H, Brown, JM, W, Comstock, Roribe E.=J, R, 8tutt, Scribe N.--R, M, Cotton, Troan. F, FF, Morris D, of C,==F, €, Hoar P. 80j--T, RB, Gilehrist 8, 8o).--W, R, Strike J. 8Soj.~A, E. Billett, Chaplain=~W, J, Brags, Organist---8, a M. of 4th Vell--I' J. Groat M, of 3rd Vell---Geo, E, Chane M. of 2nd Veil-¥F, 0. Mellveen NM. of 1st Vell--L. W, Dippell Stewards G, A, Edmonstone, N, I. Metcalfe, Janitor==L, A, Parker, pi The Comforter "Caustic sald some very unkind things about my latest poem!" "Don't pay any attention to what { that man says! He. is just repeats ST, PAUL'S HAS 'SACRED AREA' : Excavations Forbidden in Area for Safety of Edifice London, Dec, 24,~The forma tion of a "sacred area round Ht, Paul's Cathedral for the purpose of preserving the building from dans ger is now receiving the serious ats tention of the City Corporation, It is proposed that a space shall be de- fined within which no excavations shall be permitted which would im. peril the safety of the fabric, 3 Tho Cathedral authorities have long recognized the Importance of the subject, the urgency of which has frequently been referred to, The large expendituroe on the re- atoration of the bullding has led to a rovival of the question, particul arly in view of the expiration of leaves of premises near the Cathe dral and the possible erection of buildings whieh would require deep basements. The subject is being considered by a committee of the City Corpora tion and a plan has heen preparod showing an area around the Cathe: dral tn which ft is suggested there should ba no excavations that would be a source of danger to the building. The plan, it ia pnders stood, has been a subject of déscus. sion between the committee and the Cathedral authorities. If what has been described as the Sacred Area fs decided upon, Parliamentary powers, it is stated, will be requir ed to give the Corporation the nee. Qasary control over work of excavas | ing what someone has told him!" we, » he HB RASS, |< tion. , Of age. Clearing. One Price GIRLS' UNDERWEAR, 38c GARMENT Light, fleecy nap. cream cotton Vests & Bloomers for girls to 14 years of 35 c Their Real Worth Clearing Saturdty, each ..... chiffon, Substandards of quality, PURE SILK HOSE Full-fashioned, 68¢ Pair Allen A. Pure Silk Hose in service Clearing Saturday, 65 c A FEW BOXES GIFT HAND. KERCHIEFS. CLEARING, BOX Clearing Saturday At A Fraction MEN'S FINE PRINTED SILK AND LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS Regular values, 75¢ to $1.25. 49¢ their $1.25 Saturday, Pair ards of $1.00 quality for, 22 ONLY SILK N Saturday iin * GOWNS, 69¢ Lace trim Rayon Gowns, in large size. Mauve only, Clearing 69 Pair. IGHT aid MEN'S BITEX HOSE, 28¢ PAIR Only 40 pairs left, so out they go Full-fashioned Pure Silk Hose with the inner hose substand- 28¢ Pure Irish Linen, Ladies' Rayon Vests and Bloomers to clear vi... Pure Linen, kerchiefs that have become each. Clearing at, BROKEN SIZES ° --: DC DISPLAY HANDKERCHIEFS, 10c EA. - hand-embroidered Hond- ed in display work, Regular 19¢ and 25¢ ERD sivssrsnerisnne sisencnrsinsssseinne Saturday, MEN'S LINEN INITIAL HANDKERCHIEFS, 25c Hand embroider- ed initials, but not all initials left. CHILDREN'S CASHMERE HOSE 25¢ PAIR for children, black, white, sand. their 'best quality, On sale, pair slightly muss. 10¢ Allen A Pure Wool Cashmere Stockings Sizes up to 6 1.2, Colors Substandards of MANY MORE ITEMS wi W. A. Dewland, Limited LL BE ON DISPLAY IN STORE AT QUALLY LOW PRICES

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