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Oshawa Daily Times, 26 Dec 1930, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1930 Pe (/ THE C nee s" where meets LEEDS CTION No INANT i» BARRIFTEIw Solwitors Notaries Vublle Ete . Conveyancing and seners) prae 4% of 1aw Ofices 7% tinete 5: south. shawn me (4) D Conant BA 11.4; A vy AL cole BA LLP ~ En NIN TAR RC, BANK of 'onmmeree Bntidine JOSKI'H I" MANGAN BA GAR ister soliritor SNotary Publte Conveyunrer 'Aoney te oan Of fice 14% King #Y Kast 'isbews Phone 445 Ilesicence prone A%7 Gn IMENT REIGATON. AND Froour Dorristers Conveysncers 'anries Public ate Offices nver Stoniard Bank Entrance Simere eoo Bt Phone s7 ' F Grisrsen KC T K Creighton BA N C Frawe,. 1)» LOTTA % HYMAN, BARKIMIER Holiritor Notary over Dewlané's "Store Money to loan 16 Simeoe street onrth Phone 67 Rest _denve 24T3W Fk AN "My risrers Sulleftors. ete, coe Ht N Fasne 3160 Loan ALLEY © HALL ZA, GARRIN ter ete Conveya: ding and geners' practice 23% King 5t Kam Phony 7 i A TT HARKIS PE h ets Alger Bldg nn Phos 141 1514 5 BAAN TE ir. ay bite, Convey snier money to logn Third floor pew Alger Bu.tin apposite Pos Office Phone 20906 Neel. OHA "HAZLEWOOD & HARPER Disneys lock Phone 20560 Of fice hours 9 am to 8.30 pm Dr B. J Hazlewood, special aitentirn to Surgery and X-Ray Dr B AN Harper, special attention to ehtio ren s Diseases and Obstetrics Sun day and night calls 2416 or 122 DR McKAY PHYSISIAN, SUR geon, Accoucher Office and res! dence King #t [Last, corner Vie torin ¢ gt, Oshawa Phone 04. | DR DR GRANT BE RY, PHYSICIAN Surgeon, O)stetrician, diseases of fofants apd children Office and residence, 97 Bond East Phone 1165 DR. DAVID ARCHER, MD. CM L.R CP and 8 Edinburgh Phy sician, Surgeon and Obstetrician Off'~0 143 Simcoe St N Phone 3020, residence 14 Cadillag Ave, North Phone 31066. PRT ARCHER @RCWN, PHYS! sian Surgeon and Obstetrician, office and rusiden e, 1B Simcoe Street North phone $107 Di HAROLD TRICK, ON3TET: rician Physician and Surgeon. Special reference to maternity work an 4 dis eases peculiar to. women, Ollice ar residence 107 Simcoe Street North Phone . 303 TW, GRATTAM, C.€,, physician, surgeon, | fan, }} years' post graduate, Special attention to maternity work Office 142 Simcoe St, N, Office and resid- ence, Phone U02V. B BAR 24% Sim Money to y PARK Mune to lan Maas 1 TD, L.se, LM obstetric 'Contracting CONTRACTING CONCERTE plastering, electric cr alterations J'hone 130 for estimates (1a Ocean Tickets HOOK YOUTt CHRISTMAS sage nt 59 Slmeoe St, south, Phone 510 tor ao personal fnterview at your home, (Nov, 20--1 mo) SER Veterinary _ 'Surgeon PR SHIRLEY, VETELINARTAN Specialist Diseases Domestic Anim als, Cnt and Nog Hospital £ King West Telephone 620, (b.aug 10) 5 PAS " v Er ---- | A-- ------ - Skates Sharpened FRATES SHARPKNED, SAME machine used by manufacturers, Scissors and axes, ete, Orders ralled for and delivered, 333 Duena Vista, Phoue sda. (D Ear, Nose, T Throat Specialist DFT BRYANS OF 160 DI,O0OR Btraet West Toronto will be at his offiue over Jucv & Lovells Drug Store ench Saturday from 1 tid 4 p.ta, fer conanltation aud treat: ment of dlseases of ear nose and throat oaly Appointments may be made al drug store [hone $7 en Rates for Classified Ads First 'ngertion - 1% cents per word, Minimum charge for one fasertion 800 Bach sunseguent eon: secutive Inmertion le par word Three consecu\lve (ner * tlans for the price of gwo first Insertions 1three ceats a word). Minimum charge for three (Insertions, ¢0 cents Box number tional! Protesrional 'or Dusiuess Cards, $2.80 per Moreh, for 20 words. or lesa, 10 cents a ward per month for eah ad Atianal ward 16-1 mo) 10¢ addi | 'Celina. Dental DRE 7 PANLIPE OVER GAS seit's Fpeeinl attention to X ray work (iss estrartion Nurse In 00danes Phone 959 House ARH 8 COOKE, 9 BIMCOP 87 north, over Mitchell's Drug Store fis for esiraction Phone 64 MR J FV BROCK. DENTIST 16 dimeoe Ht PN, over Dewisnd"s Fonns 1267 Nes 22:'W Evenings hv sppointment, PR LANGMATLD DR DAVIZS, Dencists, 27 King St FE Speels) attention Lo ges extraction ang % ry work Nurse in stiendsn'e hones 1243 apd "a --_-- BROWN PAT HIST 93 Lowsa Sreett 2636F, (Nov, 22-1 mo) MADAM A, PALMTBT, 145 Buena Vista, "Appointments phone 1166W, TATAMT, business private (Nov, 26-1 mo) Spirells Shop SPIRFLLA BRINGS, STYLE, health comfort Versonal attention and service Phone Mrs Blatter District Mandger, 2189M, ---- (Nov. 25-1 Optometrist TUCK OVTOMKETRTS) snecialist In mupele acomaling ayesight and classe, Author o Kye Care snd Eve. Ztraln ne 'hiln and Its Deveiopment (Ms ney Binek opposite Posi 1s "hone 1616 no) CH (Nov, 18-1 mo) A taking nn. ' TU oder IT KB ™ I TAL Yast, Ambulance imeoe street, nnd 210W OSHAWA BURIAL CO, M ¥ Armstroug & Son, Proprietors Funoral and Ambulance nervire, doy aud night Phope 1052W KJ (oer "G0 Residence (4? worth, Phone 210) = "Insurance DAVIS AND YON INSURANCE 19 King ¥t west, Oshawa The old est Fire Agency tp (shawna 40 Re pbutable o Fire Companies, WHE Nef PLACING INSURANCE ecemsuls U.N Johns, 80 Simcoe | aorth Your fpsurance wants at | fended to and your Interests pro rectod CANADTA MOTOR UNDER- writers' Automobile Ipsurance Careful drivers received 25 per cent, refund during past 18 yeurs FOR It 87 KING OF jon For Rent SIMCOE MANOR VOURAND five room suites, eciectric stoves refrigeration, laundry, econvenh ences. Apply superintendent phone 2671 (6bLr) - AT VICTORIA APARTMENTS -- new low rentals, electric refrigers tion, electric stove, washing mach ine and dryer Apply superintend ent Phone 2L35V (Lott GLADSTONE APARTMENTS, 12 Gladstone, modern three rooms, with three plece batli, water, gos stove, clectric lights, hot water heating, laundry, conveniences, private cellar, 550 monthly, Phony 2604, (La4Ln WARM VRONT HOOM, BOAKD I" desired. Phone 26562). _ (Dec, 4- 1 HOUR", STO RE: wi --SMALL, tral, hardwood floors with other convenicuce Apply 91 sou Rd, N, ( Dee, HEATED APARTMENT, NEWLY decorated, 4 room und bath, tric stove, central, bright, siry and comfortable, Box 50 Times, (141tfy PART decorated, water, m wi Time (141t1) mo) nil Iie cles IACHELOR AVAIRT ME NT, vy furnished, heated, isinecs electy IHOOMED near hone (14%¢) hous town AL BTREKT, winter month state, Slincoe Ht (147¢c) er month f wy Ros A PAN TE? Phon (132 % AND 4 ROOM Modern to the mis 201TW VITRACHIVE ment, thre refrigerator, stove, decoruted, central, Phone 1400, 147a) WO ROOME -- FVURNIEAED every convenlence for housekeep Phon . Ww (1 47¢ ROOM HOUZ} west, | FIRON'S A bath, ' hot rea Moir Ie roon lee yater, in Bix street one 138 * (14511) Upholstering UPHOLSTEILING, and furniture ms) ! tres onable pric wo ( 27 Bond street DRAPERIES onstuble, 332) mo} 24-1 Building Supplies CINDERS N \ vel for sae sur prompt yw) place 1, advan: Do GRA Agoncy Uermaend Clgnr fitore §«1 mo) | er CARTAGIW AND STORAGE COLE | man's, 86 Bond west Specialists in furniture moving storage ware house and moving van equipment "hone K2 CARTAGE, MOVING, sand and einders Local and long dictance hauling Smith & Cos I'hone 924, 10 Rend Bt Went ISHAWA'S - OLDEST BESTA lished furniture movers Park Hoad cartage Local and long distance Frank Cowle Prop 60 Park Rd South Phore 215 (Nov 25-1 mo) CARTAGE ard househoid special atten: work, Local G0H Carnegle 1618, (Dec, GRAVEL BORROWDALK'S General cartage furniture moving, ton ta commercial and long distance, Ave, Oshawa, Plone 10 th Beauty Parlors BETTY Lal PERMANENT WAVE shop Speciallgts In permanent finger and marcel waving ier manent wave prices $5. $7 60 $1lv and $15 All other lines of Bsauty Culture Phone 2068 Apply 80 simene street north EXPERT MARCELLING HY BET ty Ward at Betty Lou Permanent Wave Shoppe Marcel and sham poo $1 Phone 2048 WATSON'S BARBER AND Beauty Shop, 6 Celiua §t We spe 1alize in ladles Lalr cutting, mar volling, shampooing, facials Marcel Hh eants or apprintments phone 20058, (Nov, 18-1 mo) Auctioneer PHONE 716), W., J. SULLEY, Auctioneer, 346 Simcoe St, 8, Oshawa, Ont, Special attention glven to household furniture sales and farm stock ana lmplemonts. Your patronage solicited Money to Loan TOANS ON GOOD Of Y PROPER ty «nc farms Apply A J Park nil), 87 King St Last Phone 014 (July 81th IN YOUR AUTOMONILE CARY 'a-finapced Payments reduced \dditienal cash glven. [ers rea wnahle' Motor Loans and Dis counts, Sujte 2, HY King Su. I cupstalrs), Phone 2790 Open even Nga ! (Aug 10th) "Hematitching HENMETTTCHING, PICOTING nine jents a yard Skirts pleate) we dollar All kinds of beautifn embroidery worked zooas, smoch ng, ete Alterations and dress making I'he Dell shop, 61, Siw coe soullr, phone 1646, 2441 mo) AEH CT and ( Al, Orgaalst oirnasier Cl King Street Church will &coet pupils in plano. pire organ an' vocal musle 60 William sStre 'ant Phene 28908 (Sept 2 ut LEONARD RICHER, 1.R AM SU porvisor of Musle, 633 Carnegie Aveive, 25781, (Aug, ail) ¢ -- {GRAVEL | ders and black | 1 delivery date HBesyawdn » ne 161K ETO of movieg done, Phone 1979W (No 20-1 mo Elocution CUTION Private phone Lot CE publie 'classes, dy: No. SONS IN Ll ppenlon Vor ten da or (Dee, 17-1 mo Wanted To Buy WANTED CHICK I) I'iGS AND a cow, Phona 105 r 1-3, Rahem, Burketon, Ont (147¢) Radiv Service BATTER a CHARGED 104 with 7#ertnl $1 00 |*ennjred Aap' rabulit Called for and deliverea Promp* service Stan igdon, 0 Vill 8t Phone 1855W (Nov. 25-1 mo) OSHAWA TADIO SERVICE WI pairs on radlos, power packs and eliminators lubes ited ano supplied radio poles for ule Halteries charged nang repalre; hone JR60J vharles Wales 146 Elgin East, (Dee, 16-1 mo REPAIRS DONE ON ALL MOD els, expert service, prices rearon able, buiterles recharged 75¢. Froe radio rvice to' battery customers Phono 28006W o Burroughs certified radiotricl Goors an 4 _ (Dee, 8-1 mo) EXPERT ITADIOTRICTAN, ALI makes of radlog, power packs una eliminators serviced and repaired, Phone 271061°, (Doe, 2i-1 mo) "Real Estate for Sale FOR SALL -BIGHT ACRES, GAT den soll, ¢ rooin brick veneer house, goed out bulldings, hara aud soft water. orchard, For par ticulars apply Thomas Scott, North Oshawa (Dee, 1-1 mo) : Help Wanted--Female WANTED stonographer, State age rom CEN | pital, bel oo i lin the eity | | rand LOND | |} | ie | | IR, | MANIC "ONT RADIOS $155 Si 1 Phone 2604 16r demonstration or call at shop Gladstone Apts., Glad sone Ave, (1440) AIXED HAKD ANE 304 WO las, $3.50 per load Also bope drs midy wood Waterous Meek Lined "hone '288 (A or %1 wi HAVE TWO; OUSDERVL vga VAL use in rebuilt Upderwoods, They are os serviceable as when gaw~-- ut less than balf the cost, Seni foy your approval, Address "Un derwood", 1456 Victoria $t., To ronto, (Oct, 19, 21 OVER HUNDRED PAIR OF BE( ond hand boots and skates, Must se sold, On very reasonable prices $1 up, South End Shoe Hon 20 Slmcoe South, (Dee, 11-1 SALE ~~ PAINTS, VARN We have the largest assort of paints, varnishes, ete. in The Paint Store, 80 'ing street west (Apr 26 t0) SLIGHTLY UBED EKATES AND boots, complete outfit $1.70 Skates sharpened. 12 Richmond Kast, opposite Armouries, evenings, (Nov, 20-1 Foil BALE---~DRY HARDWOOD $14 per cord, Dry tamarack $12 a cord, Norman Sanders, King St Kast, Phone 1774M. (Dee, mo) [ron shes ent mo) 8-1 mo) FIVTEEN JEWEL GENTS Bracelet Watches, $6.95, Pocket Watches $8.95, Hall price eale of jewelry at Dell's, 261; Simcoe t, South, Phone 1850, (Noy, 20 Second Hand Dealer NEW AND BECOND HAND FUR niture nought and scid 186 Bloor treet east Phone 1817M (Nov, 26-1 mo PEOPLY FURNITURE STORE under new management, We buy sell all kinds of second hano furniture. 17 Prince street, Phone {3751 (Dec. 2-1 mo) Lost and Found BLACK AND TAN HOUND months old, Answers to Jack, Reward, FE, P, Alexander St, Oshawa, (147¢) mo) LOST pup, nine name , Burns, of 61 Furs Repaired HEPAIRED--=FURS AND relined ang remodelled perienced, Phone 632M, 119 ron Crescent, FURS fur } conty (Nov, 29-1 mo) Motor Cars YOU CAlt WASHED AL Garore »% Bond streo one $158 Al) cars at 0. 10, (Nov, 19-1 mo) Work "Wanted GUT: OLE, FIRST CLASS PAP painting and grafning work guarantecd d10 Phone 3066W. (7211) Agents Wanted RESOLVE NOW 70 SELL BRIT ly Knit direet to the consumer during 1931, Make $3.00 to $10.00 dally welling this fine quality Knitwenr, Completa range of gar- ments, ever changing styles, new nd ver ideas In sportswear lixperlenced salespeople preferred, British Knitwear Lim- Ontarfo, (140b a we Nursing PRACTICAL, NUTSE. MATERNITY work Excellent references. Mrs Horrowdale, phone 1618 Nov, AL "NURSE roference, maternity eral pursing Will housework Cliarges I'lrone 20323J, (De Hospital PRIVATE HOSPITAL, nlso known as "Sunny- nook', ideal rest home, Reglster- ed nurse in attendance, Phone, write or call Superintendent, (Dee, 11- 1 mo) Battery Service CAIU ORL RADIO BATTERTES AT factory prices, Hest prices allowen for old batteries, Batteries charged called for and delivered, W latt, 417 Celina St, Phone . 8 1 mo) HA) oan non v4 price $1 hunger, rlees right, Pine Avenue aithey Itd, Simcoe, Hex, 21-1 mo) DOCTOR'S invalid, gen- assist with moderate ', 4=1 mo) PRACTIC WHITBY Whithy, (oe, I, CT CTSTENANUSE archiltectural work ec nq floor ltoyal lank Dullding Phone 14946 lea phone 08d, EXPERIENCED | fgGNMSON" AND TOHNSON, AS experience {yoajate architects, Simcoe St 8 and salary expected, Box 67 Times, {Over felt Bros. BRINGING UP FATHER Open | Dressmaking INSTRUCTION GIVEN ON CUT- ting, fitting and sewing problems, dar | ofr evening appointments. Phone 1493), $1.25 per three hour period, 7 Nov, 27-1 mo.) | Rf Te ad atch Ne ng VAT VON GUNVEN, EXPERT! Swiss wetchmaker, (cpalr shop at | 44% King Street Weet, Your pats | ronage Is solicited, GIFT SERVICE AT COURTICE SS. Splendid Christmas gia © Preached by Pastor Dee, ~The attend- spece ot the Sunday service was! fine. In the morning a large num ber of white gifts were brought In the White Gift Service and the partor preached splendid Christ. sermony morning and evening, music by the cholr and a voeal duet by Miss Frances Hancock, Sowmanvill Hospital, and Mrs, G, J, Annis helped make them real Christmas vices In the Sunday School session in the afternoon Mise Aura Oshorn and her class took charge of the devotional part, the class Courtice, 9... vr mus peclal pretly to ser. la chorus and reading the 1x0 of this members {reading On Friday cvening ne attraction miles away gave the Christ. choruse were readings and sented in a eplen- did manner by the scholars, who | numbered whout one hundred, The chool was prettily decorated with evergreens and holly and colored lights, Creat credit is due the teachers, Mr, Hopking 'and M| Arnold, and Miss Sadie Muir, who accompanied apt the plano and every selection showed the fine trafuing given by those in charge Joa Gearing aeted the part of ante Claus nat close of the rogram and many presems were i Listributed among the childrer Ir, Hopkins has gone to his hon in Bimeos pend the holliday diss Arnold in her home drooklin f« the holidays, Mr, and My J, F. Wolfralm, Jolborne, visited thelr son, Rey dH, C. Wollraim at the parsonage | ast week | On Wedne | week the memit L were entertained nd chiool wa irom many school tor when concert sung and dialogues, a play were pres people the ma severa' the to evening of last of the nt the parsonage pending some time in practise Rev, and Mrs, Wolfralm erved dellefous refreshments and a social hour was enjoyed 1 I'itsimmons nnd | Detroit, are visiting Brooks, Albert Rundle with their son, in Toronto, day hol chol ufter and Mrs, pent Christmas wimer and family Mr, and Mrs, Marshall Sonles ind sons, and Miss Toots' Brooks, 'oronto, were Sunday visitors with i» 8. Brooks, The Miwsion Circle wonth!y meeting at the Migs Aura Osborne, on Tuesday vening, Dee, 16, The tople which was on Christmas was splendidly akeg by Mrs, (Rev,) Wolfraim diss Arnold read the Bible lesson, Roadings wero given hy Miss Laird, Miss. Velma Gay and Miss Louise Conrtice and a voeal nolo by Mra, G. I, Annis, Afterwards, refroshments were served in bundance and a happy time spent for an hour," Mrs, Osborne and Misses Hattle and Aura made every onc feel at home. BETHESDA SCHOOL CHRISTMAS TREE Musical Numben, Recita- - tions and Dialogues Were Well Given Bethesda, Dee, 20,--8.8, School concert and Christmas treo on I'riday afternoon was a great success and well attended, All the musleal numbers were wel] give Mrs. Robb presided at the organ. Parituclar mention might be made of "The Milk Maids' Song" lLy a group of girls, and each one from Dolly and Molly to Detty ana held its home of No. 10 TIME. TABLE | * CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Standerd Yime) Eastbound i, Daily, except Sunday. ty , Dally, excest Sunisy, Daily. » batty, , Daily, except Sunday, aily, escort Buuday, Lally Deny Uaily except Sunday, * CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Effective September 20th 1939 (Standard Time) Daly , Vaiby, ba 7, exept Buuday, iy " a iy, Westbound 5. Daily, Dusly, I I Daily, GRAY COACH LINES Elocuve September 20h Standard Time) Leave boronis AM, 8 1930 Lea ve -- AS : DER ta Biwi n=Crcept bunday s~Saturdays, Sunday scd Holidays only b-tundays ou WHITBY OSHAWA, POWMANVILLE | 5 N (Effective on nnd alter October 6th, 1930) | (Standard Time) Golng West Leave Leave Arrive Bowmanville Oshaws Whitby am / 8 ' B20 wri Arrive | Hospital) 9.0 {5 pam, ' mL pau Going East fenve Aritve Arvive Whitby Oshawa Bowmanville CY un fi 71.2 an 8.20 a0, 0 Leave Hospital Pol pan pan wm SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Going West Leave Leave Arrive Bowmanville Oshawa | 2 1 10.3 pw Going East Leave Arrive Oshawa Bowmanville 10,15 a,m, Leave Whithy 10.00 a.m, 12.00 p.m dpm, Ap 4.45 p.m 6.45 pn 515 p.m 10.45 p.m Times marked * cor La at Whitt aw with | Lindsay Busses, Special Busses for all occasions Reasonable Rates and Careful Drivers T. A. GARTON, PROPRIETOR BOWMANVILLE PHONE 412 or 346 Oshawa Waiting Room, 10 Prince Street hone 2283 The boys also gave a chorus call ed "The Laughing Song" which was well rendered and much ap preclated, The dialogues, recita tions, ete, were splendidly ren dered, reflecting great credit on Miss Ferguson, who must have spent much time and thought In training. "How Jimmie Broke the Camera' was possibly the favor. Ite and Jimmie certainly did very well indeed, The attractive Christ mas tree wag loaded with gifts and every scholar went home happy. Miss Winnifred Cole, of Toron- abopt the same and he is still con- fined to bed, BELIEVES BETTER FUTURE IN SIGHT | New York, Dee, most impressive lessons of the yeas to my mind," says Alfred VP, of General Motors, as heen although we have period of oum greatest prosperity a4 low point in the busginess crcl with substantial logees to a Ji number of people through re ad) ment of values, nevertheless nation we have accepted these ¢f enmetances in an orderly woy; J are endeavoring to correct what is wrong, and have demonstrated a willingness to work to restore what may have been destroyed, "Underlying all this there has de- veloped a marvelous spirit of co- operation and helpfulness to those who are in want, That, in {teelf, means progress toward a better fu- ture," from 1 FOR SALE OI EXCHANGE Four acres of garden land, and. orchard, good house, two miles East of Oshawa, Also six acres and three acres res spectively, Close to Oshawa, Phone Jones Leal Estate, 215 Bond West, Phone 2007 : HARDWOOD FLOORS Lald by expert n eeyanley Old floors finivhed like General Contractors, 15. W. HAYNES 161 King St. West Phone 481 Residence 3073W COAL COAL howe 198 Ww. Je SARGAN] Yara sv Bloor 'treet Orders romptly I + A RTI "~ HOUSE TO RENT 7 rooms per month $15.00 Dominion Clothing Co, Wing St W Phone 210 W. J. TRICK COAL CO, LTD. Phones 230-231 25 ALBERT STREET FOR RENT 9 Room House E very convenience. Warm, two car garage. Excellent address ~n Sim- coe Street North, Telephone Day 262 Evening 2111 26, ~"0One of the | Disney Offers No payment down, Plan 0 own your own heme, i you hase not investigated, lose no further time, Nemember, while this sale laste, No pity ment down, your rent money guite an item, Use it to sn your home. in © No payment dovin Post Office Disney, Opposite (I plome 7 7 EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Specializing exclusively in muscle anemalis eyesight and glasses 1516~Paone--151¢ Disney Block Opposite Post Office PHONE 22 1 For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S st, 8. We Deliver 111 Simcoe ROYAL YORK Orange T Fekoe ea Halt Pound ha Phe, 28¢c At all Superior Stores EATON GROCETERIA It Pays To Shop Here Always Felt Bros. The Leading Jeweler Established 1880 i2 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH Diamonds! Bassett's On Oshawa's Main Corner I ---- Chevrolet Sedan, 20 model Nachinery Repaiiing NOTHING 100 LARGE NOTHING OO SMALL Adanac Machine Skip 161 King St. \V. Phone 1214 to, spent Thursday with her par. euts, Mr, and Mrs, T. J. T. Cole, Mr, and Mrs, Everton White. Marle and Edith motored to Peter boro and Lakefield last week and visited friends. Mrs, T, R., Hoar |s spending a few weeks with lier nlece, Miss Florence Hoar, of Bowmanville, Miss Cole, My. and Mrs, T, J T. Cole, Messrs, J. I}, and 1K, B Cole were entertained at dinner ut the homo of Mr, and Mrs, K, H, Werry at Enniskillen on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. John Baker, of Solina, visited Mr, and Mrs, How= ard Couch on Sunday. Mary Ann did exceedingly well, Mr, Couch's conditions remains REPAIRING W TCH. S OUR SPECIALTY It your watch Is not giving satisfaction we can repair aud male it te! the correct time D.J. BROWN rH Jeweler Official Watch tlnspector for Canadian Nationa) and Osh. awa Rallroads 20 Simcoo 8. hone 189 price Chevrolet Coach, 28 model price ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITED 00 Simcoe Street douth lhe CAREW LUMBER (© 4 ATHOL ST w. O SHAW! Phong V4 Ht Wiliie- the last Mother? Mother--I don't know, Don't bother me, I'm reading a story. Willie---=Well, it's too bad you don't know the name, because little What. was thé name of tation where we stopped, brother got off there, a ------ N-- -- v--" - BY GEO. McMANUS [fweLL, Bove | | YAY S THE | ARGUMENT? WERE "TALKIN ABOUT PUTTIN! | An BEND ( YAIR, WE'RE | A COUPLE. A J | PACIRIGTS WHAT'S THAT You CALLED LL LICK ANY GLY WHO CALLS © FO, Int'l Feature Service, Ine: Great Briain rig i ---------- hia eaerved SHERMAN Was RIGHT RG ~ ~ aia eos SE RR |

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