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Oshawa Daily Times, 29 Dec 1930, p. 11

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1930 PAGE-BLEVEN | > A THE C n/e4ci6" where meets D SECTION NNN \IN\SO J 2 Legal CONANY & ANNIs. BARRISTERS Bolieitors Notaries PuobMe, . Kte Conveyancing and gepersi prac thre of Law. Ofices 7% Slizeoe Bi. South, Oshawa, Lone 4. 0 D. Conant, BA, LL; A. F. AL nis BA, LLP , N NCLA of Commerce Building, JOSEPH P. MANGAN, B.A.- -SAR ristor Solieitor, Notary 'Puble, Conveyancer. !doney to loas, Of fice 1436 King St East, Oshawa Phone 445 NesiCence phone "37 GCRIERSON, CREIGHTON AND Fesmr, Borristers, Conveyancers, LJsarles Public, ete. Office over Standard Bank. Entrance Simeoe coe St. Phone 17. J. ¥ Grisrson, K.C., T. K Creighton, B.A, N, C. Fraser, 13 A, LOUIS 5 HYMAN, BARKISTEN Dewland's Solleitor, Notary, over Store. Money to loan. 16 Simeoe street north, Phone 67. Res! dence 1473W GREEN AND HUMPHREYS BAR «risers. Solicitors, ete, 24% Sim cue St N Phone 3160. Money to 4 Dental For Rent Articles For Sale DR. & J PHILLIPS, OVER DAS sett's. Special sitention to X-ray work. Oas extraction. Nurse Ip attendance, Phone 969, House 1413 DR. . ©, sT north, ovar Mitchell's Drug store. Gas for estmaction. Phone 64. DR. J. F. ., DENTIST, 1 simeos St. N, over Dewland's Phone 1257. Nes, 20/W, Evenings bY appointment. PB. LANGMATL, DR. DAVIES, Dencists, 37 King St. B. Specis) sttontion to gas estraction ene X- ray work, Nurse In sttendanse. Phones 1243 and £64. SIMCOE MANOR --~ FOUR AND five room suites, electric stoves, refrigeration, laundry, conven). ences, Apply superintendent phone 2671, (B6L1) e MARCONI] Phone stone Ave, RADIOS $185 ve, 2604 for demonstration or all at shop (iladstone Apts, Glad- (144L1) VICTORIA APARTMENTS -- AT new low rentals, electric refrigera- tion, electric stove, washing mach- ine and dryer. Apply superiotend- ent. Phone 25334 (65LL) GLADSTONE APARTMENTS, 1% Gladstone, modern three rooms, with three piece bath, water, gas stove, electric lights, hot water heating, laundry, conveniences, u a " MIXED HAKD AND 5081 WOU slabs, body Phone 1288 oi WE HAVE WONLERFUL VAL- Also bone dry Meek Limited {Anr f $3.5 load. ooh Waterous se in rebuilt Underwoods, They ro as serviceable as whe: pew-- t less 'than half the cost, Sent for your spproval, Address "Un. derwood", ronto, 125 Victeria St, To (Oct, 19, 21) private cellar. $30 monthly, Phong 2604, (14410) i Palmist WADAME BROWN, PALMIST business private, 93 Louisa Sreett Phone 2630F, (Nov, 22-1 mo) SPIRELLA BRINGS, STYLE, health, comfort. Personal attention and service. Phone Mrs, Blatter, District Manager, 2189M, (Nov. 25-1 mn.) Loan ALE¥ C. HALL JA, BARRIS ter, et: Conveyar sing and geners! practice. 22% Kieg 5t., East Phone 4237 if A. J. PAnKHILL BAKKISPER ete Money to lean Alger Bldg nosire Prst Vice Phone 1414 FRANK 8 EBBS, BAAR TER Eolleitor, Notary 'nubile, Convey: ancer, money to loan. Third floor new Alger Bu.llin , opposite Pos Office Phone 2096 Medical DRE "HAZLEWOOD & HARPER. Disnes illock Phone 2050 Of fice hours 9 a.m to 8.30 pm Dr B. J Hazlewood, special attentirn to Surgery and X-Ray Dr B H Harper, special attention to chtig- ven s Diseases and Obstetrics. Sun day and night calls 2416 or 122 DR. McKAY PHYS!JIAN, SUN geon, Accoucher. Office and res! dence King St. Bast, corper Vie toria St., Oshawa, Phone 94. DR. GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN Surgeon, Obstetrician, discases of infants and children. Office and r- ddence, 97 . Bond East. Phone 165, DR. DAVID ZRCHER, M.D, CM 1. R. C. P. and 8 Edinburgh. Phy sician, Surgeon and Obstetrician Off'no 143 Simcoe St. N. Phone 8020, residence 14 Cadillac Ave, North. Phone 31566, DR |. ARCHER sROWN, PHY> rian Surgeon and Obstetrician, office an) rusiden.e, 185 Simcoe Street North phone 3107 DR HAROLD TRICK, OBSTET rician Physician and Surgeon, Special reference to maternity wdrk and dis cases peculiar to women, Office and residence 167 Simcoe Street North, Phone 303. R, W. GRAHAM, M.D, ©.%c,, LM, C.C., pliysiclan, surgeon, obstetric- fan, # years' post graduate, Special attention to maternity work Office 142 Bimcoe St, N, Office and resid- ence, Phone 3020. (Nov, 24-1 mo) Contracting CONTRACTING plastering, electric or alterations J'hone 139 for estimates (1a Optometrist C Hh TUCK, OPIOMETRISY snecialist In muscle anomalies eyesight snd glasses. Author of ye Care and Eye 2train, be 'hiin and Its Development. He ney Block opporite Post Office "hone 1516€, Dee. 18-1 mo) Undertaking LIKE BURIAL CO, 67 KING ST Fast, Ambulance. Residence (42 "Simcoe street, north, Phone 210J and 210W OSHAWA BURIAL CO., MF Armstrong & Son, Proprietors Funeral and Ambulance Service, day and night. Phone 1083W 1&7 ('elina (oer Elocution LESSONS IN ELOCUTION AND public speaking, Private or In classes.*For terms phone Lois Mun- dy No, 35 or 312 (Dee, 17-1 mo) Insurance DAVIS AND EON, INSURANCE 19 King St. weet, Oshawa, The old st Fire Agency in Oshawa. 30 Re ruable Fire. Companies, WHEN PLACING (INSURANCE vasult BR. N. Jobns, B80 Simcoe worth, Your insurance wants at tended to and your interests pro tectod CANADIAN MOTOR writers' Automobile Insurance. Careful drivers received . 25 per cent, refund during past 18 years Agency Germoud Cigar Store, (Nov, 28-1 mo) UNDER- CAKYAGK ) STORAGE COLE- man's, 86 Bond west, Epeclalists in furniture moving storage ware house and moving van equipment "hone 82 CARTAGE, MOVING, GRAVEL sand and cinders. Local and long dictance hauling. Smith & Cos 'hone B24, 10 Bona St. West. OSHAWA'S OLDEST ESTAB- lished fursiture movers. Park Road cartage. Local and long distance Frank Cowle Prop. 656 Park Rd South, Phoze 2185. (Nov 25-1 mo) Fa pal] Help Wanted--Female FOUNG "GIRL "WANTED FOR mother's help to live in, Give ref; erences, age and wages required. Box 69 Times, : (160¢) mas Veterinary Surgeon DR. SHIRLEY, VETERINARIAN Specialist Diseases Domestic Anim. als, Cat and Dog Hospital, 203 King West. Telephone 629. (5 aug 1) Skates Sharpened SKATES SHARPENED, SAME machine used by manufacturers. Scissors and axes, etc. Orders called for and delivered, 333 Buena Vista, Phone 3193W, (Dec, 16-1 mo) = a aT vad Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist DR FT BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR Straet West Toronto will be at his offita over Ju:v & Lovell's Drug Store ench Saturday from 1 till 4 pia. for consultation and treat. ment of diseases of ear, nose and throat only Appointments may be made at drug store Phone 97 Rates for Classified Ads First tasertionr -- 1% cents per word, Minimum charge for one {nsertion 30e. Lach subsequent eon- secutive Insertion 1e¢ per word Three consecutive {nser- tions for the price of fwo first Insertions (three ceats a word). Minimum charge for three Insertions, @0 eents. Box number 10c addi tional Profesrional or Business Cards, $2.80 per morth for 20 words or Irsa; 10 cents a word por month for eath ad: dittonal word Phone 35 Ask for Classified Ad Department | DORROWDALE'S CARTAGEH -- General cartage and household furniture moving, Special atten. tion to commercial work, Local and long distance, 609 Carnegle Ave., Oshawa, Phone 1618, - (Dec, 10 tf) Beauty Parlors BETTY LU PERMANENT WAVE shop, © Specialists In permanent. finger and marcel waving. Per manent ware prices $5, $7.60 $1v and $16. All other lines of Beauty Culture. Phone 2968. Apply £0 Simcoe street north EXVERT MARCELLING BY LET ty Ward at Retty Lou Permanent Wave Shoppe. Marcel and sham poo $1 Phone 2848. WATSON'S BARBER AND Beauty Shop, 6 Celina St. We spec: falize in ladles Lair cutting, war celling, shampooing, facials. Marcel 0 cents, Kor apprintments phone 2658. (Nov, 18-1 mo) Auctioneer PHONE 716J. W, J. SULLEY, Auctioneer, 346 Simcoe Bt, 8. Oshawa, Ont, Special attention glven to household furniture sales and farm stock ena implements. Your patronage solicited. Money to Loan 0 WARM FRONT H0OOM. BOARD if desired. Phone 2652J, : (Dec. 4-1 mo) AOUB% TO RENT --SMALL, CEN f OVER HUNDRED PAIR OF EEC. nd hand boots and skates, Must be sold, On very reasonable prices rom $1 up, South End Shoe Hos- pital, 426 Simcoe South, (Dec, 11-1 mo) tral, hardwood floors with. all other conveniences, Apply 91 Rit- son Rd. N, (Dec, 6-1 mo) HEATED APARTMENT, NEWLY decorated, 4 room and bath, elec- FOR ishes, nent of paints, varnishes, ete, 1p in the city. King street west, HALE -- PAINTS, VARN We Lave the largest assort The Paint Store, 80 (Apr. 26 tN) tric stove, central, bright, airy and comfortable. Box 50 Times, (141t1) BACHELOR APARTMENT, PART ly furnished, newly decorated, heated, electric light, water, in I business section, Box 50 Times, (141th) 3 AND 4 ROOM APARTMENTS, Modern to the minute, Phone 15650 e SLIGHTLY USED EXATES AND boots, Skates sharpened, East, outfit $1.76. 12 Richmond opposite Armouries, Open (Nov, 29-1 mo) HARDWOOD, complete venings. 'OR BALE--DRY $14 per cord. Dry tamarack $12 a cord, Norman Sanders, Cast, Phone 1774M, King 8t (Dec, 8-1 mo) or 2547TW. (1320) | ¢ ATTRACTIVE FRONT APART | ment, three rooms, bath, electric |y refrigerator, stove, hot water, re. || decorated, central, reasonable rent | Phone 1400, (1470) TWO ROOMS FURNISHED, every convenience for housekeep ing, Phone 3338W, (1471: 1 SIX ROOM HOUSE ON BOND street west, Phone 128, (148tf) STORE TO RENT THAT EX llent location at present kno 8 "Vickery's Barber King St. West Possession Jan, 1st. Apply Bradley Dro (1560¢ 10 after Shop", TO RENT -- FIVE ROOMED | ni |v Ave, Cony first |n d house, 215 Kendal nees, possession, Januar Apply 36 Division Street, | 4 5 (1 « URNISHED APART MI three rooms, heat, light, at (also six garages), Apply 07 ( orne street east, (1 FOR RENT~--6 ROOMED Ho William Street Fast, IIghts, tollet, gas, garage and (1 water, $15.00 per month. Phone J A. Bickell, 1240W office or 7161 | residence, 0h) | TWO OR THREE UNFURNISHE] rooms, hardwood floors, rent re onable, all vonvoniencer. Imn ate possession, Phone 1205W, \ elo tl A BED COUCH, GARDE? Vhone 2007, tur coats relined ang FIFTEEN JEWEL GENT'S Jracelet Watches, $6.95, Pocket vatches $8.95. Half price sale of ewelry at Dell's, 26% EBimcoe it. South, Phone 1656, (Nov. 25 29 -1 mo) TOOLS, titchen table and chairs, A grey aby carriage, 309 Gibbons street, (150e) : "Second Hand Dealer vEW AND SECOND HAND FUK ture bought and scid. 186 Bloor treet cast, Phone 1617M, (Nov, 26-1 mo) 'EOPLE'S FURNITURE STORE nder new management, We buy nd sell all kinds of second hand urniture, 17 Prince street, Phone 751. (Dee, 8-1 mo) LTE TEE ee RSI EET Furs Repaired 'URS REPAIRED-- FURS AND remodelled. G32M, 119 xperienced. [P'hone iuron Crescent, (Nov, 20-1 mo) For Sale or Exchange it SALE oit EXCHANGE --ER: Coach, $100. What have you r exchange? Murdoch, 27 War. Ave, (151¢) . (161a) FOR REN" THREE ROOM FLAT unfurnished, wired for stove, well heated, light, water, and garage Phone 1168. (161c) FOR RENT HOUSES IN SEV. eral parts of the city. $15, $20. $25 up. Murdoch, 27 Warren Ave (161a) "Real Estate for Sale ( I Motor Cars HP YOUR CAlt WASHED A. Juminion Garage, $8 Bond streu wet price $1.00, Phone 3178. All cars at one (Nov. 19:1 mo) CHEVROLET sacrifice for offer refused, (150¢) SALLE 1 Owner will ash, No reasonable 'hone 447W, OR van 'onch "Work Wanted FOR SALE--~LIGHT ACRES, GAR RT GUTEOLE, FIRST CLASS PAT: den soil, 8 room brick veneer honse, goed out buildings, and soft water, orchard, For par ticulars apply Thomas Scott, North Oshawa; (Dec, 1-1 mo) 4! -= ed . a LJ Building Supplies CINDERS SAND AND vel for sale--To Insurn prompt dellvury, place 'rder. In advance of delivery date, W Bo rowda e Phone 1618 l GRAVEL, STONE, SAND," CIN- ders and black loam, Also all kinds of moving done, Phone 1979W, GRA- Lard | prices right, work guaranteed. Pine Av painting and graining 310 ue. Phone J3066W, (7211) JURINESS GIRL DESIRES BED- itting room. Must be reasonable nd central, Box 58 Times. (150a) Notice rhunger, TO WHOM 1T MAY CONCERN am no longer responsible for any debts incurred by Mrs, C, Andrews, Perry, Signed C. ANDREWS, 'ort (150¢) a (Nov. 26-1 mo) Radiv Service BATTELs CHARGED Th |} with rertal $1.00 Ivepaired ano rabylit. Called for and delivered Prompt service. Stan Bligdon, ?0 Mill St. hone 1885W. . (Noy, 25-1 mo) OSHAWA RADIO SERVICE =I pairs on radlos, power packs and eliminators. Tubes tested and |! supplied, radio poles for rale Batteries charged and repaired Phone 3450). Charles Wales 146 Llgin East, (Dee, 16-1 mo) REPAIRS DONE ON ALL MOD: els, expert service, prices reason- able, batteries yecharged 75¢. Free radlo service to battery customers r \ work, Borrowdale, phone 1618. eral housework, Whithy, nook", ed nurse in write or call Superintendent, Nursing 'RACTICAT, NURSE, MATERNITY Excellent references, Mrs Noy. 21-1 mo) PRACTICAL NURSE, DOCTOR'S eference, maternity, invalid, gen nursing, Will assist with Charges moderate. (Dec, 4-1 mo) " wad, 'hone 80 Hospital VHITBY PRIVATH HOSPITAL, also known as "Sunny- ideal rest home, Registers attendance, Phone, (Dec, 11-1 mo) Phone 2806W, George Durroughs, certitied radiotriclian (Dec, 8-1 mo) TOANS ON GOOD 011 ¥ PROPER: ty «nd farins. Apply A. J Park- bill, 27 King St Kast. Phone 1614, . (July 81-tt) ON YOUR AUTOMOBILE. CARS ce-flnanced Payments reduced Additional cash given, Terma rea. sonable. Motor Loans and Dis counts, Suite 2, 14}4 King 5. BE (upstairs). Phone 2790. Open even ings. (Aug. 15t1.) Hemstitching HEMFTITCHING, PICOTING. nine cents a yard. Skirts pleated one dollar. All kinds of beautiful embroidery worked goods, smock ing, ete. Alterations and dress making. he Dell shop, 261, Sim coe south, phone 1656. » (Nov, 24-1 mo) Music AERTENT C TRENEER, ATO M,, Orgaaist and Cholrmaster c! King Street Churéh. will accept pupils in plano, pire organ and vocal music. 650 Willlam Streat Cast. Phone 2896. (Sept. 2 tf LEONARD RICHER, LRA M SU pervisor of Muasle, 632 Carnegle Avedye, 2378F, (Aug. 23tf) EXPERT makes of radiog, power packs and | f eliminators serviced and repaired. | 7 Phone 27T16F, 1 1 (Dee, 23-1 mo) Battery Service AR OR RADIO DATTERIES AT ax RADIOTRICTAN, "ALL | factory prices, Best prices allowen or old batteries, Batteries charged be, ealled for and delivered, W {. Platt, 317 Celina St. Phone 860). (Dec, 8-1 mo) Dressmaking INSTRUCTION GIVEN ON CUT- ting, fitting and sewing problems, day or evening appointments. Phone 1493), $1.25 per three hour period, (Nov, 27-1 mo.) _-- Watch Repairing TA. VON GUNTEN, EXPERT Swiss weichmuker, repair shop at 44% King Street West, Your pat- ronage is solicited, I RT CE ET Help Wanted--Male WANTED SINGLE FARM Land, good steady man, nop smok- er preferred. Apply H. 8. Barrie, Phone Bowmanville 136 r 13, (150¢) = PAPAL Architects CC BTENHAUSE --. GENERAL architectural) work, .eccad floor. Royal Bank Bullding. Phone 1496 Ites. phone 9094, THOMSON AND" JOUNBON, AS- sociate architects, Simcoe 8t, 8. Over Felt Bros, Apples For Sale FOR BALE=--"ATOUT 6) BBLS. good hand picked Baldwins, Price delivered $3.50. 10 bbls. Starks. Price dellvered $2.50, without bbl, J. C. Alldread, Tyrone, Ont, Phone Bowmanville 196 r ©. (Dee, 27-1 mo) Wanted to Buy WANTED TO BUY-- CHESTER fleld eunfte and other parlor fur- niture, Must be latest type and cheap for cash, I'hone 933W (149¢c) RT ERY ST AAR IT TRIES Upholstering OPHOLSTERING, DRAPERIES and furniture specialties at reas- onable prices, Geo, A. Constable, 27 Bond streét east, phone 3322). (Dec. 24-1 mo) Pets and Livestock FOR BALE---ANCONA PULLETS. Apply 80 Emma street, Oshawa, (1561b) CHINCHILLA RABBITS FOR 159 Elliott Ave WANTED --FARM WORK BY RE turned soldier, experienced, small wage for winter months, Box 61 Times. (151a) FOR BALE--20 WHITE LEG horns. 76c each, 27 Warren Ave. (161a) A I Ey RT Lost and Found TOST--BLACK AND LIGHT TAN foxhound pup. Big for age of nine months, Name "Jack", Reward, E, I', Burns, 61 Alaxandra street, Osh- awa, (1610) sale, r------ pr yp fi -------- Money to Loa WH HAVE $1,200 TO LET ON first mortgage. Apply Horton & French, Times Bullding. (161b) Wanted to Rent WANTED TO RENT WITH OP- tion to buy from five to ten acres of land near Oshawa. Phone 109-4 Bowmanville, (161¢c) MALE SUPREMACY AGAIN IN PERIL New England Girls Finally Invade Football Field Portland, Me.~Clad in a weird and colorful asortment of uniforms that included riding habits, Dartmouth "shorts," bathing suits and regula. tion moleskins, two teams represent. ing the Ii Kappa and Tau Sigma sororities of Deering High School met here in the first football game between girls exer played in north- 'ern New England. The girls battled for four B-min- ute periods on the frozen gridiron of the Country Day Schoo! before a crowd of 1,500, Despite the scanty and unpadded costumes of the bare- legged athletes, there were no seri- ous injuries. Bruised shins, seratch- ed faces and several hlack eyes were not considered by the hardy players to be worth treatment Pi Kappa, making skillful and. t're- quent use of forward and lateral passes, defeated Aau Sigma 8 to 6, rallying in the last half to overcome a 6-0 lead after a pop talk from the male eoach during the intermission, A penalty of ten vards was imposed on the victors when a substitute came on the field bringing a vanity case to a guard whose nose had be- come red and shiny in the frosty at- (151e) | | | | . Seller mosphere, The losers played the last two min- utes with only ten girls on the field, one of the ends having quit to keep an appointment with her hairdresser, KILLED AFTER ESCAPING WAR Sole Survivor of Torpedoed Ship, Meets Accidental Death St, John's, Nild--~To be accidental ly electrocuted in the course of his ordinarily wifeventful 5, after surviving the danger 4d and sea during the Great War and being the er of a ship's crew reach safety after the vessel was torpedoed Ly a German submarine, was the fate met by Ronald Lacey, motorman of this city. While ¢ ing his street car, Lacey n broken wire dangling and inst: eous death resulted when he trie fasten the ends so that passers-by might not be endangered. As one of the first Newfoundland contingent to Lacey TIME TABLE | CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS EfNective September 25th, 1930 (Standard Time) Eastbound Daily, except Sunday, Daily, Daily, except Sunday, Daily. Daily, except Sunday, Daily, except Saturday of | overseas, 823 a.m, 9, am, 12.56 p.m 213 pm, 6.41 p.m, 9.38 p.m 12.08 a.m 1201 am, Daily. Daily Westbound Daily, except Sunday, Daily. Daly, , Daily Datly, Daily X Deny . Daily except Sunday, CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Effective September 25th, 1939 (Standard Time) Eastbound Daily, Daly. Daily Daily , Dail estbound n. Daily, mm Duly, a.m Duly, except Sunday 3.23 p.m. Daily, 7% vm, Daily, 4.26 a.m 5.55 am except Sunday. except Sunday. 9.50 a.m excep! Bunday 6 [1 7.21 a GRAY COACH LINES Effective Septembes 26th. (Standard Time) Leave Toronto AM, PM w'.30 8.40 9.30 3.30 12.3% 4.30 11.9 1930 Leave Oshawa AM, I'M, 12, 1.80 2% . 9) (1) «1.30 10.30 bilo n-=Exeept bund a=Saturdays, b=Sundays oul) WHITBY. OSHAWA, BOWMANVILLE DUS LINES (Effective on and after October 6th, 1930) (Standard Time) Arrive Leave Hosplta) Bowmanville Oshawa 6.20 am, 2.05 am, 7.0 an, 12.25 pm, 12.40 p.m, 2.45 pan, 15 pom, 5.5 pom, 6.8 pin, A | 0.45 p.m, 1 40pm, 5,40 po; 6.43 p.m, 7.00 p.m, 9.00 pay 11.5 p.m, Going East Arrive Oshawa 6.50 a.m. 7.50 a.m, 80am. 9Wam, 90am, 92am 1045 a.m, 11,00 am, Iv, 12.05 p.m, 140 pm, 2.00 p.in, 3.00 pom, ar, 3.15 p.m Iv. 410 p.m, 4.40pm, 505pm, 5.40 pm, 6.05 pm. 7.45 p.m, R30 p.m, 10.10 p.m, Arrive Bowmanville | 7.0 am. LX an. Leave Hospital EFZ: E2is 1.08 pm, > S 3 3 3 4.25 pom, > o = 5 a3 7.% p.m, 8.10 p.m, 9.50 p.m. LE 11.45 p.m SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY 3C Going West 15 pom, omomas who TPPPY TIES Bsas Te mL served through the Gollopili cam- paign and later in France where he was seriously wounded his- regi ment's most tragic en ent, that of Beaumont Hamel, on 1, 1914 His discharge and retus ( lowe. Later he entéred marine service, In Ma was aboard the Shi miles off the Portuguese co a German submarine out supplies, their ship wa | Arrive Whitby 9.45 a.m, 11.45 a.m, 2,45 pam, 4.45 p.m, 6.45 p.m, 8.00 p.m, 8.4 pom. 10,30 pom, 10.45 p.m, Going East Leav Arrive Oshawa Bowmanville m, 10.15 am, 10.45 a.m, 1215 pm, 1245 p.m, dpm, 3Wpm, 5.0 pm, 5.30 pm, 7.00 p.m, 7.30 p.m. 830 pm, 9.00 pm, , 11,00 p.m, Pp 11.30 p.m, + Times marked * connect at Whitby with Lindsay Dusses, Special Busses for all occasions Reasonable Rates and Careful Drivers T. A. GARTON, PROPRIETOR BOWMANVILLE 'PHONE 412 or 38 Oshawa Waiting Room, 10 Prince Street hone 2283 Leave Leave Bowmanville Oshawa 9.00am, 03am, 11,30 a.m, 2,30 p.m, 4.3 p.m, 6.30 p.m, ppcared and Leld up the craft. At the crew of siz had heen forced into a boat with- torpedo- ed, Eventually they reached the coast in an exhausted condition, but the small boat overturned in the surf and Lacey was the sole survivor, GRASPING THE IDEA A tourist was enjoying the wonder: of California, as pointed out by native, "What a beautiful grapefruit," said, as they passed throtigh a gros of citrus trees. "Oh, those lemons are a bit small, owing to a comparatively bad sea- son," exclaimed the Californian "And w are ti €NOrmous blossoms 7" asked the tourist " "Just a patch of dandelion," said | the Californian, ' Presently they reached the Sacra-»d mento River H "Ah" said the tourist, grasping the "somebody's radiator 1s leak- Wall Street Journal. 108€ idea, ing.' over there shows distine- n her clothes." 'ou mean distinctly, don't you ? HARDWOOD FLOORS | Laid by expert mechanics, Old floors finished, like new. Genera) Contractors, 15. W. HAYNES ! 161 King St, West Phone 481 Residence 8073W | | | { | Disney Offers payment down, Pan to own your oun home, If you hnve not investigated no further temember, while this sale lasts, No pay- mat down, your rent money an tem, Use it to home, No 3 Jose time, is qgulie out No payment down Disney, Opposite Post Office EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Specializing exclusively im muscle anomaliy eyesight sud glasses, 1516--~Phone--1516 Disney Block Opposite Post Office = AR PHN? .C.YOUNG 4% Prince S Oshawa, Ont, PHONE 22 For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S Wo Delives 10 Simcoe St, 8, "COAL COAL home 108 W. J. SARGANT Yard ov Bloor 'treet K Orders 'romptly Delivered HOUSE TO RENT 7 rooms per month $15.00 Dominion Clothing Co. hing St. W Phone 2100 W. J. TRICK COAL [| CO. LTD. Phones 230-231 25 ALBERT STREET FOR RENT 9 Room House E v ery convenience, Warm, two car garage. Excellent address on Sim- coe Street North. Telephone Day 262 Evening 2111 Machinery Repaiiing NOTHING TOO LARGE NOTHING TOO SMALL Adanac Machine Skop | 101 King St. W. Phono 1314 REPAIRING WATCHES OUR SPECIALTY I? your watch is not giving satisfaction we. can repaid and make it tcU the correct 'D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Watch Inspector for Canadian National and Osh- awa Railroads : 20 Simcoo 8. Phone 180 ROYAL YORK Orange T Fekoe ea Halt Pound "et 28¢C At all Superior Stores EATON GROCETERIA It Pays To Shop Here Always Felt Bros. The Leading Jeweler Established 1880 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH Diamonds! Bassett's On Oshawa's Main Corner Chevrolet Sedan, 20 model price .. Chevrolet Coach, 28 model Price ..ievs vines. 3328 ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITED 99 Simcoe Street South Do CAREW LUMBER (0 4 ATHOL STw OS AY | Hl Goorge W. Mason, retired lume berman of Madison, Wis, agreed to 'reimburse his daughter, Elizabeth, dollar for dollar each time one of her: stories resulted in financial re- turns. She has already sold two stories which netted her $575, BRINGING UP FATHER a J ' WHAT DOYOU MEAN BY SMOKIN AROUND THIS OFFICE HOW MOCH DO You EARNT BY GEO. McMANUS WELL HERES A WHREK'S PAY- G\'T OVT OF HERE * SAY! WHO HIRED THAT <\D "THAT JULES WENT OVI OF WERE? WHE \& SOME TO © ' DONT WNOW WHO IN TO TRY AND SEL FOR ome MAGAZINES HE JUST CAME SUBSCRIPTIONS OME OF

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