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Oshawa Daily Times, 29 Dec 1930, p. 2

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' THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1930 | Jhoroushly discussed at the meeting. cast, gentleman; T. L. Mitchell | (he firemen arrived @t the scene hall a false floor of hardwood bad | the Motor City Bowling Ale ere promises to be plenty of fun T™O MOTORISTS and W. J. Shilley. { almost. immediately and realizing | been laid over the original floor. |ley sustained a loss of $6500. this afternoon and much criticism has Mrs iertrude Colpug, Bagot | the seriousness of the situation, | The fire was all the harder to com- | Eaton's Groceteria suffered dam- been levelled at this year's council hougewife; Mrs, Charles { Fire Chief Elliott calleq out the | bat because it gpread between this | age street, eV ; Mrs, Rogers and Alma Hobbs. full brigade and all equipment. | false floor and the old floor anda | Juniors Play Tonight 1115 A. J. Graves, East Whitby, dee- " " : a . Pireman Overcome { found its way into the howling Jack Gunn's Junior Squad will fake orator; by Clifford Harman and Scaling the building by alley in the second storey, The the ice at the Oshawa Arena this ev- ) ening in the first ganie of the sched- FACE TWO to its stock of approximately | $4,000, and Stop and Bhop store | 2600, Damage to the building will total several thousand dollars. Bowmanville Daily Times Representatives Phone No. 53 means | inz into changed services with the Simcoe | United rch at Oshawa last even- ling. I'ie Oshawa choir presented | their cantdta "The Coming of the Hw ANVILLE AT King" before a large congregation. Inquest Postponed Gi 'he inquest into the death of Al- be Hutchinson, who was killed m an accident near the Kurv Inn, east ct Bowmanville two weeks ago and f whi ch was scheduled for tonight has een postponed owing to nominations place this ev ening. Much Conjoctute as to Possi- | bilities of Contest for Shing ole nil | Darlington Council Nominations for members of the | Darlington Township couneil will he Tonight at 7.30 numinations held at Hampton this afternoon. The ule when they meet their old adver- saries, the Oshawa Juniors. The lo- cal lads have shown much improve- ment since the Sheriff Paxton games and Oshawa can look forward to no easy time this evening. There should be a real large crowd make the trip to the Motor City to 9 set fie game which is the second of a double head- As the vestlt of two. molos Boch ld on dent on Dundas Street East, Whith, Th n Christmas afternoon, two motor- No Date Set 0 ! 1 y INO . 3 ... |ists, George Richards, of Bowma 0S. id I ena a [he ville, and R. Duett, 63 Springdale a Bowmanville and Peterboro' Boulevard, Toronto, will appear i which was held over owing to the |' hitby Police Court on reckless Liftlock eity being without that reat driving charges, necessity, ice. During the break tic Quintril, who has. laid the. cla a i 5 {| i RIge 8 local lads are practising hard and | ony : or Set rel tr ihe Aftermath of Accidents in Whitby to be Heard in Court township nominations are always ex- councillors, school trustees and oth: citing as the municipal affairs are' municipal offices will open in t promise . be ju Dpyosition fo any | il ay when their cars came 10 team in the schedule f. The car which Richards was upset completely while | council chamber with Town Cl John Lyle officiating, There is mu conjecture this year as to the possi: bilities of the members of next year's council and if indications do nut! change: the council will probably sit with at least three new members in 1931. The Whitby Whitky Branch Offica of The main question of the day is | "will there be a mayoralty contest? after two consecutive actlamatio ons | for Mayor Elliott. Citizens can be practically assured that there will be. | Even should Mayor Elliott net run again it .is almost certain there will be a contest. Present indications show that two others will probably enter the field, both men with cor erable «experience fo ir However, it is not always wite {0 Eention Bane before the nomina- tions arc sure but those who attend tonight's meeting will almost certain- | Election Talk So Far Has 1y be sure of a contest for the mayor- | ality. i | Been Unusually Quiet BE HELD TONIGHT Reeve Carruthers will probably Hs in the field again but there seems to be no rumor of any oponent coming out against him although there might be a dark horse who will oppose the recve. . . tees and public utility commissioners Deputy Reeve Rehder is practically | will be held in Whitby Town Hail certain to be re-nominated as deputy | this (Monday) evening, commencing | reeve and again in this case there at seven o'clock, followed by the an- seems to be no one offering any op- | nual meeting of the ratepayers. So position, far clection talk has been practically As for the members of the coun- {nil but nevertheless there may : cil, Councillors Garton, Strike, and | no dearth of candidates for the vari | Lockhart will be in the field, while | ous civic offices. it is expected that Councillors Flet- | Mayor Bowman, Reeve Jaclson cher and Jones will drop out and it | Deputy-reeve R. M. Deverell have is certain that Councillor Campbell already announced that they will seek with his appointizent as acting ma- | re-election. Other members of cot gistrate will not run, : ¢il will probably declare themse! So much for the probabilities but tonight who else is likely to enter the arena? Retir school tristees who W. J. Martyn has expressed again | eligible, for re-election are 1. thiy 'year his intentions of running | Jermyn W. J. H. Richardson and | but no others have expressed any | Walter Bunn, wish to enter the field. The Cham- ber of Commerce as in other years | of the Board of Education, and Dr. will likely nominate a large number | Beaton. Retiring Public Utility Com- | and while many of this number will | nissioners, also eligible for re-elec- | run some as usual are bound to drop [ton are W. out. One thng is practically certain, | Ross. that there will be an elec- | Members of this year's Counci January G. are: Mavor Bowman, Reeve Teorey | TT Deputy-Reeve Carol Service Pringle, W. J. Davidson, J. H, Orn A special service of carols was held | igton in St. John's Anglican Church last | Fred Landon. evening when a large congregation | There has been considerable talk nf packed the church to the doors. The | 5 acclamation to save election es- church was beautifully decorated with | on ey : i cedar and flowers and a fine program |" congregation with Miss Jane Maso CHRISTMAS IN ~~ ONG AND STORY Nominations for mayor, reeve, dc- puty-reeve, councillors, "school trus- and appeinted mem- | 1g the solo part 1 presided at the or Exchange Choirs Trinity United Church choir Special Services at All| Saints and St. John's on Sunday Large con sregations and special | 1esages appropriate to the approach | " fm PHONE 378. NEXT THE POST OFFID 'of a new year marked the services KARN THE DRUSGIST | FOR SERVICE : Advertising, subscriptions and news will be received at the th ca ore Gasatte sad Chronicle. ~Telophone 23. ' speed, After Business Howrs-- Phone 358 REPRESENTATIVE~-JAMES H. ORMISTON : nent citizert of W NOMINATIONS TO 1: [ session of the Sund {ay | church memorial windows, bers Dr. Bascom, present Chairman, | ¥ J. Luke, and Andrew M. 1! Fred Rowe, Robert Reid, and | IN THE CHURCHES time there are some 600,000 Ibs, heid in storage for the baking trade. O lv | thing I must deal with severely. 1 riving Duett's 1 against a wire car took thie ditch and landed fence; The tol told Constable John Thom as that | * . Daily { times tiey were the vic a motorist, It i cars, tuvelling at a high crashed into each ot uett, it is charged, being un poly his brakes quickly enoug 3 et The ues eading about' the roel foe i the v wen 1 hi d to \ & 1t apers, went to the Chief an old Whitby churches Sunday, At iit hat are alleged to Le the true being the first Sunday after Christ- | 0 0 7) that both: cars were t fect A ap ropriate to the! ec t "S Itravelling very fast, even trying ¢ by 'choirs and | pass each other in the C.P.R. sub way, on ndas Street ast, Af ! season was rendered organisis, > th , yahoo er motorist 0 wis coming irom | 3 s the west, and 1 vitnessed the cars tra- velling at a high rate of speed, has also given information to the police o | bearing on the accident, It s pointed cut at the Police De- partment that under the alleged cir cumstances of the two accidents would have been impossible for a hi and run motorist to get away with {out having to sto number of his car taken. iin w wi part] 8 A vas no address | 2t the evening service. Prayer was | shortened, and choir and organist { sang Christmas carols. The choir | | sang the anthem "Let us Go Lven [Roy Unto Bethlehem," with. Mrs. U Trueman and Mrs. G. P. Lynd as a while the boys' choir sa | the old English carol. "We three Al NQIp { Kings from Orient Are," the boy so- | f loists being Jack and George Allan and Jack Maffey. Special music was rendered by the organist, Miss Lu- cille Leask, vile the congregation | - joined heartily in singing Christmas a poze 1) carols. ! : Large congregatons attended th ants "ip 1 Harman an i in St. John's Churel Be . The rector spoke at mora : - t+! Dueckinst evening servi bees and ns 4 Yeata Robert D choul 1 12. rraiton and Clli¥ord Harman. \iternoon In the morning he toc : 2a hn y Hood, Simcoe str iis text one of (w Slomiad . : ior: by r A. McDona: \ 1 Je 0 Harm an. om ye seek shall suddenly ec 3 21d. Mas to His Tem t 1 3 CH Clittord VT 1 ' ) I. Praston. ry ith Mies Sleep + hy Bho rin A st and Mrs. J. M. Willis at the ):. Mitchell, Simcoe stro In th wet he do t by W. J. Bulle) : + "Siow y Falls the : : So oti street, and the rector spoke from Alfred Hen (Continued fri son street Harma: Deverell, WwW. Af | "Let this mind be in you, 1 wil * leith | also in Christ Jesus." . Iiast.. Paes " N id las : : 4 " vere hel : y. ty W. J. Sully and | Christmas services Whitby, Sunday in the United, aud Baptist Churches. Presbyt 3 liyinan ('eorge C. | wet, merchant; THE BLUEBERRY BUSINESS 1 A. 8. Ross. lueherr ies represent pr John Btacey, Simcoe Vs greatest unorganized ing . 1, contractor; by W. IH. ) modern methods 1 il Robert Brooks. r harvesting as yet made Willlam Boddy, Quebec street, appearance in the Dominion, | for man: by 8. G. Carnell and Rob- and only a superficial idea of the | ert Preston. volume of production is obtainable.| public Utilities Commission They represent hoth a fresh andl] Willlam H, Ross, Xing frozen fruit trade and at the present | eastd superintendent, by Allin J. Annis and Robert D. Preston, Frank L, Mason, Harmony, sec- ry-treasurer; by Robert D. or: on and J Fowlds. 5 1 Alchin, Tlgin street : by A. E. street Ross [a bout one-tenth of this quantity wi he used in Canada.--Department of Agriculture, Ottawa. | | } -- IER a | eure | | Judge: Wife desertion is some- Alchin, merchant; by feel very strongly on this subject. || 1 [arman and P. A. Mac Sam: Dut Judge, you doan un- | "7 derstan'. I ain't no deserter, I'sc | ° a refugee.--Tid-Bits. ! King street west, J. Sulley and Al. wlds, hy W. ' Liell, Simcoe strect Allin F. Annis insist Ly TT -- Sale of Oddments Continues |: coe t's Hyman. T'owke, King street east, by 8. G. Carnell and Annis David Haverson, Drew street, by Harry Campbell, P. A. MacDonald gertlemnn; sceonded by Simcoe street With New Lines Being Added |": A | morth, physician; gon and Alex. VW. Bell J. Herbert R. Luke, Kendal av- LADIES' FINE KID GLOVES $]69 Fine French Kid Gloves $2.95 pair regularly. Broken sizes means a clearance to us. Colors, grey i " and sand tones only. Excep- | tional values. Pair er 01. 69 that sell at ular $4.95 CREPE DE CHENE 1] Chie. aan Night Gowns Je. Vane | enue, raent; ly J, C. Anderson Harman. Arthur Whattam, manager; by J. /nderion and Robert Brooks. wl: Beaton, King street act. dairy manager; by J. C. An- Ld In Half Price | derion rnd Robert Brooks. Daintily trimmed with lace. all silk crepe de chene. left." So out they go at half price. Reg- Sata 95, .. | sales zone menager; by J. C. An- Clearing at ........... ater . [{| derson and J. C. Fowlds. Made from Stewart Storie, King street Only 12 gowns |} east. mennfacturer: by J, C. Ander~ | son and Ale. W. Bell. Birc herd, Masson street, Miller, Athol street Anderson | Rn. Murray A little smaller size Doll at ... DOLLS AT REDUCED PRICES Extra large Ma Ma Dolls. Neatly dressed ......................... east, plumber; by J. C. and J. C. Fowlds. | John J, Burns, Connaught street, | shoe merchant; by Clifford Harman and Ales, W. Bell, | Arthur BE, Garbutt, King sirest | cast, builder; by Eddie McDonald | and A. E. Henning. Ernest Parsons, Simcoe street south, insurance agent; by Alex. ..95¢ Pure Linen COLORED HANDKERCHIEFS Slightly mussed Shavugh | Christmas 5 display Work. Each .............. 9C GIRLS' SILK years, Only ., Large Coverall Rubber Aprons. .... 89¢ 49¢ T. B. Mitehell, Simcoe street { north, druggist; by Robert D. . Preston and J. C. Fowlds. VESTS, 2 and 4 25 M. McIntyre Hood, Simcoe street C | morth, editor; by Louis Hyman and | W. J. Sulley. | if | W . Dell and Allin I". Annie. | ELLE LL TE TET PP TPT street Bloomer. LINGERIE SETS 89c [| = Ea Broken sizes again, in Lingerie Sets comprising Vest and Bloomers or Two lines placed on the counter at one price. Regular $1.25 and 89 $1.49 qualities. . Clearing Bt, POF 30E viccivis usin isrnssissenes sisvisissssonns C | George Allchin, Nigin west, manager; by Allin F, J Bulle; Annis Masson street, | sales manager; by Allin I, Annis | and W. J, Sulley. i A. W. Bell, Bimcoe street north, traffic manager; by Allin ¥. Annis and Louis Hyman. Albert V. Swall, Masson street, Brassier and W.A.DEWLANDS | builder; by Allin I. Annis and Louis Hyman, Dr. A. J. Donevan, John street. physician; by Allin F. Annis and Louls Hyman. B. Willis Drew, Xing | Swail and Clifford Harman. | OSHAWA WINTER According to Chief of Police H. W. | { uated just gouth of the fire hall | In order on or having the | Garbutt | on Road north. | Anderson and | swall and 8. (". Carnell l der were ed to the windows | flames were prevented Thomas Hawkes, Mary street, | af the gentleman; by Clifford Harman | lines of ho vere and Harry Camplell. | were knocked down an C. Mitinag, dary strech, | men endured terrible punishment : : from heat and gmoke as they en- deavored to extinguish the blaze. One member of the brigade E, MM. Ostler, was overcome hy smoke. " A r Literally a torrent of water was | Mire Chief Elliott | poured into the burning building. | laid, partitions | As the fire originated ! which may have been i gpreading tarpaulins over the gtock the. firemen were able to OF SERIOUS FIR breve nt much damage being done, dance hall 3 I'he fact that the roof of the { the night. building Is of fire proof construc- | (Continued from page 1) tion prevented it from being de- | Estimated Loss i rear of the bullding. "The con- | stroyed. | stable immedintely summoned the Hard Vire to Combat tire brigade The Winter Gardens was form. | As the Winter Gardens are cit-| erly used as a howling alley and | has to convert it into a dance | Chief manager of the before closing operated by Robert been Elliott at $7,000 id side. In all four | 2preading to the city hall, carelessly | Mich of the water leaked through | thrown away. The ouls " o into the stores of the Eaton Groce- Vda ni ht dance I in ap fatuz. terig- and Stop and Shop but by aay BE luce # ,J5E0 souclug. * led at it an obert Fraser, Winter Gardens, had made an inspection of it for The loss sustained by the Win- ter Gardens which is leased and Fraser, estimated by . Li, Carnell. ! : scape | ze » st i els p Siig 3 Har ias Sen] of a fire escape at the rear, the | Maze Jroved : Ebjora and the | Some damage was done to the roof i . . arding, Simco firemen forced open a door lead- rigade was unable to leave until | of the Virtue building next door street gout! hysician: by A 20 0 Mg 'clock 8 m 4 * lhe d street gouth, physician: by A. V. the dance hall, while Jad- | elght o'clock Sunday morning, The | The zreater portion of the loss is from | said to be covered by insurance. which Kerr, of Toronto, adjustment officer. Mr, stated that the firemen had great skill in combating flames, situ- that occurre: is a ha butt rred is a handsome Lovell of this city, plimented today by H. M. manager of the local the | vo' "Bell Telephone Co., for hoard is an expensive piece branch is situated directly to the north, Bo oats Jane mors fle ja. and the fire- | and to the building occupied by R. ert To gd # 8, Virtue's hardware store, ated immediately t~ the south, Thinks Cigarette to Blame in the vicinity of the orchestra platform, suspects was caused by a cigarette ingurance Kerr shown the The building in which the fire three- storied structure of red brick and is owned by E, W. Drew and E. A. The fire department was com- Black, of its action in protesting the telephone switchboard in the Eaton Groce teria by means of a salvage cover. He pointed out that the switch- of equipment and that it might easily Fire | have been damaged to an extent while! of $2,000, These Specials good until Saturday Jan. 3 campbell's Tomato Soup + 10- Cloverleaf Choice Sockeye SALMON > Size 39- -- GROCERY -- MEAT SPECIALS - SPECIALS Christie's Sultana Biccuits . . FRESH PORK HAMS vredb. 28c Whole or Half Ham ib. 19c California Diamond Budded Walnuts . . . .lb. Mixed Candies .......lb. CumDrops ..........Ih Fancy Cluster Table Raisins . . .. Laver Figs . Roberteon's Hard and Soft Centres, assorted Chocolates. 39¢ 19¢ 15¢ . 25¢ 25¢ TENDER ROASTS OF YOUNG BEEF PRIME RIB Roast ©. 28c Porterhouse Roast WING ROAST ib. 23¢ RUMP ROAST in. 28¢ mw. 19e¢ 3 1b. box . ...89¢ Stop & Shop Coffee .... 1b. 3%¢ Old Nippy Cheese . ....lb. 33¢c Mild Canadian Cheese. .lb. 23¢ MILD CUR SMOKED HAMS Whole or Half Ham Fresh Young Turkeys 1b. 32¢-36¢ 'Anglo' Cooked Corned Beef v.22¢ ib. 2de CENTRE CUT SLICES, LB. 29¢c SILVERLEAF Choice Creamery BUTTER 1b. 3c Australian No. 4 Sieve Standard Quality Peas: 2™13c Peache No. 2% Size Tin 23¢c 4 Bars GOLD SOAP 20c COMFORT SCAP 21c Post's Bran Flakes 2 Pkgs. 25¢ SUNERA CEREAL Pkg. 23¢ Readicut Macaroni 2 ms. 15¢ Christie's Chocolate Minarets 1b. 25¢ 4 Bars "Sunkist" Navel ORANGES Good 'Size 19¢ BEST QUALITY BREAD 24-0z. Loaf e GUARANTEED pnts. pos Fe Extras Dox Pe Larger Size poz. 2 Qe stroet ! STOP & SHOP Es St EE

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