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Oshawa Daily Times, 29 Dec 1930, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIME. , or +R 29, 1930 PAGE. SEVEN rrr Durham County Communities WHITE GIFT SUNDAY | Latest News of Ontario and 1 CHRISTIAS FAIR ; Dr. and Mrs, 8, Biacey and sop Kenneth, spent Christmas with the latter's father in Toronto, Mr, and Mrs, W, R, Laking and son, Gordon, spent Christmas with thelr gon and daughter, Vrances, Tor. onto, Mr. and Mys, W, Eilheck and son Jack, of Toronto, Mr, Murray *iheck, Port Colborne and Mr, and Mrs. Turner, were guests of Mr, and Mrs, Gen, PSlheck over the Christmas day with father, Mr, Sam Rickard, Mrs, J. Douglas Is visiting her danghter Mre, Ragen, In Toronto Mr. M, Williams spent Christmas with his daughter, Mrs, Vercy Christmas with her parents, and Mrs, Pengelly, Brooklin, Mrs, H, Crossman, Mrs, H, Pas. coe end Miss Marguerite Conlin attended a Lost Helr party at Mr, Pierson were Christmas guests of Mr. and Mrs, George Plerson, Mr, and Mrs, 1. Luke, Miss Louise and Mr, Frank were guests for Christmas at the home of Mr, 76.1, Marion Kight 75.7, Grace Bradley 73.8, Garnet Welr 71.0, Clarence Beane 71,0, Malcolm Na- smith 70.7, Grace Btone, 70,7, Wil- {lam Willard 68.6, Kenneth Currah AT PORT PERRY -- mre Results of Public School Christmas Examinations Are Announced Miss M. Cockburn, Correspondent) Port Perry, Dec, 20,~The Christ- mas Valr, which is held annually in Port Perry, took place on Thurs. day, Doc, 18th, Following is a list of prize winners: urkey, male, Mrs, Robert Hun- ter, Mrs. Robert Jackson, Turkey male 1930, Mrs. Robert Jackson. Turkey, female, Mrs, Robert Jack- son. Pair geese, Mrs, Norman Tay- for, Mrs. Robert Jackson, Best dis- lay of geese, Mrs, Norman Taylor, rs, W. Mitchell, Mrs, J. L. Bweet- man, Mrs. Robert Jackson, Pair of ducks, Mrs, Norman Taylor. Best display of ducks, Mrs, Norman Tay- lor; Chickens, pr., Mrs. V'. Mitchell, Mrs, J. L. Sweetman, Mrs, Robt Jnevigon, Pest display of chickens, Mrs, J. L. Sweetman, Mrs, ¥, Mit- chell, Mrs. R, Jackson. Eggs, brown, Mrs. Jas, Ruddy, Mrs Jas. Neshitt, Mrs, Geo. Aird, Mrs, W. J. Mitchell, Mrs, Norman Maviay, Vers, white, Mrs, Jas. Ruddy, Miss Cora Cregler, Butter, 10 1b, prints, Mrs, Robert Hunter, Mrs. Alvin Hunter, Mrs, John Colwell, Mrs. Robert Jack son, Prize of bank book with $2.00 deposit given by Royal Bank for heaviest weight of fowl sold st the Christmas fair, won by Mrs, L, Hall of Sonya President, A. W. Brock, secre- tar", E, H. Purdy. Results of Christmas era tions at Port Perry public school: * Junior IV.--Betty Cawker 40 per cent, Vivien Wallace 78.8, Ruth Brent 77.6, Patricia Palmer 76.5, Patricia Jackson 76.2, Mary Stone inn hc a ser cof | SCRATCH GRAIN EGG MASH FULL.O.PEP LAKKO SCHUMACHER POULTRY TONIC PRATT'S DR. HESS & CLARK HOGG & LYTLE Limited 36,7, Jean Wakeford 64.8, Helen Anderson 64.7, Grace Bwitzer 64.7, "Iarry Brooks 63.8, Ruth Hall "3.2, Marjory Tinsley 62.0, Merle Bwitzer 61,7, Jean McDermott 66.7, Wilson Vigary 66,1, Violet Reaa 65.8, Fred Middleton 65.6, Marjory Palmer 63.0, Harold Prentice 49.5, fara Naple 566.8, Isabel Ewers 42.5, Tom Brown 40.6, genjor IV.~Allan Turner 81.3, Fima Reeson 76.8, Harold Hall 74.2, Keith Currah 73.3, James Davidson 71.2, Donald Campbeli 6.5, William Grant is visiting friends in Port Perry. Mrs, J. W, Burnham visited friends in Toronto several days this woek, Mr, and Mrs, Merle Good, Mrs. Allan Goode, Mrs, A. D, Peters and Miss Bertha Rundle were in Toronto on Saturday, . Mr, and Mrs, Wm, 8B, Short, of Port Perry have announced the en- gagement "of their daughter RNer- the Mayriene to William G, Spar- row, of Toronto, The weddng will take place early In January, Mr. and Mrs, Savage were in Ux- "rid7e on Saturday when they at- tended the funeral of the late Mrs, smith, Samwon Yelland has gone to visit friends in Exeter, Miss May Venus, Miss Nellie Por- ter and Miss May Cockburn, of To- ronto, were week-end guests at the tome of Mr. J, C, Cockburn, Miss Dorothy Bryant, of Toronto, 's visiting friends in Port Perry ra few days, THORNTON'S CORNERS (Mrs, G. H, Robinson, Correspone dent) Thorton's Corners, Dec, 27. Christmas guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Vred Powell were Mrs. Powell's parents and brother, Mr, and Mrs, Gilbert and son of | North Oshawa, Mr, Pierson, Mr. Connor, of Toronto, Mr, ana Mrs. Arthur Jackson and family, all gathered at the home of Myr, and Mra. A, H, Dean for Christmas, and Mrs, Joseph Miss Glenda and Mr, Mervin Con. | nor, of Toronto, were Christmas suests of Mr, and Mrs, W, H, Perry- man, Mr, and Mrs, Norman Gilbert and baby Murray, were Christmas guests of Mrs, Gilbert's. parents, Mr, and Mrs. Spencer, of Manches ter, Mr, and Mrs; George Plerson and Miss Leuta, Mr, Parrott and sons, Billy and Harold, of Oshawa, were Christmas guests of Mr. and Mrs Oliver Plerson, Mr. and Mrs, Roy Allman and children spent Christmas in Osh- awa with Mr, Allman's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Roy Willlamson nd baby son, of Toronto, were irlstmas guests of Mrs, Willlam- i's parents, Mr, and Mrs, John ing. Mr. Raymond Le Roy, of Toron- ), spent Christmas and the week- nd with his parents, Mr, and Mrs, Frank Le Roy. Mr. and Mrs, GG, H, Ro" Inson an' family spent Christmas in Oshawa, it the home of Mrs, H. 85, Smith, Mr, end Mrs, George Webster spent Christmas in Guelph with ra. Webster's parents, Mr. and 'Ira, Ceorge Bouthwell, Mr, apd Mrs, Jack Hodgson and ons were Christmas guests of Mr. fod~son's uncle, North Oshawa Mr. and Mrs. W. A, Scott and family were Christmas guests of Mr, and Mrs, R. H, Miles, Mr, and Mrs. Parsons, of Osh. awa, were Christmas guests of the latter's sister, Mrs, Arthur Pler- on and Mr, Plerson, Mr, and Mrs. Ray Beotlt Christmas in Toronto, Mr, and Mrs Qveritt Jackson and son and Mr, and Mrs, Harold spent "7 NEW YEAR'S EVE = FRO HOTEL GENOSHA Oshawa Dance and M:ke Year's Eve at the Hotel Genosha to the tuneful meloc'ies of the famous Sam Col! 3" Orchestra, *Phon~ For Table Reservations LIC .- Merry 3000 and Mrs, Wm, Garrard, Mrs, 8, Luke held a family re- union at her home on Christmas Day, There were forty-three guests to partake of a bounteous Christ- mas dinner, Mr. and Mrs, W, L. Plerson ana sons and Mr, Elf Pascoe, of Detroit, were Christmas guests of Mr, and Mrs, Edgar Pascoe, Mr. Bll Pascoe will he a guest of his parents until January 6th, Mr. and Mrs, Walter Garrard, of Leamington, called one dgy last week, at the home of the former's brother, Mr, Wm, Garrard, Mr. and Mrs,- Wiltred Pascoe and family spent Cliristmas in Oshawa with Mr, Pascoe's parents, Mr, and Mrs, John Pascoe, A few of the near neighbors of Mr. and Mis, R, Bennett gathered at thelr home last Tuesday evening and presented them with an elee- tric table lamp prior to their moy- Ing Into Oshawa, Mr, and Mrs, Dennett and Miss Plossie will be greatly missed fn the community and all wish them mueh happiness in their new home, Christmas guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Harold Lick were: Mr, and Mrs, Sturgess, of Whitby; 'tr. and Mrs, Roy Lick, Mrs, Elmer liek, Mr, and. Mrs, Norman Buss, Mr. Walter Buss, Mr, and Mrs, John Johnston and Mr, Edgar Buss, of Oshawa, Mr, and Mrs, Ftanley Bagg and family spent Christmas in Bramy on at the home of Mrs, Bags's parents, Mrs, A, Plowman, Miss Jean 'lowman, Mr, and Mrs, Orval Ben. ett and Mr, and Mrs Roy Bennet: ind fa fly were guests for Christ: mas © o'r, and Mes, R, Bennett, Mr, und Mrs, Charles Elljott, and family, of Pieton, were Christmas Avan at the home of Mrs, A, EI- ott, Mr, Clarenes Tuke and friend, 'Ir. Cronk, spent Christmas in To- ronto, Mr, and Mrs, A, Thomas, of Osh. awn, were Christ as Dinner guests of Mr, and Mrs, J. B, Hollitt, Mrs, Jas. Luke and Mr, Yoeman | {ore were in Toronto on Wednes ay, | Mr, and Mrs, J, EB, Sollitt were | Tuests of griends in Oshaw: for Christmas supper and the evening, The many friends of Mra, W, 7, Luke will be glad to know that she In gradually fmproving in health. Itecents callers at the home of Mr, and Mrs, W, T. Luke were: Mr. Paul Conrties, of Toronto, Mr, Har- vey Courtice, of Orono, Mr, How- 1rd Cole, of Hampton and Mr, Rus. el Luke, of Hampton, The sympathy of the community Is extended to Mrs, Luke on the 'oath of her brother, Mr, James 'ourtiee, KEDRON PERSONALS Miss Beatrice Mountjoy, Corres. pondent) Kedron, Dee, 47.~Mr, and Mrs, Teslie Hancoek and family spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs, Rob. ort Beath, Drooklin, Mr, and Mrs, A. R, Scott, Lee, 'onald and Joan, Arnprior, are spending thelr Christmas vacation with Mr, and Mrs. I", W, Lee, Mr, and Mrs, Allan Lavis and Donald and Mrs, Trull, were guests of Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Lavis, Whithy, for Christmas, Mr, Fred Rray, Enfield, spent Christmas at 5H, ¥, Werry's and J. Luke's, Miss Vera Richards. Oshawa, spent a few days with Miss Bessie Mountioy, Mr, and Mrs, Merlin Hepburn and family, Enfield, Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Vice and Murray, Mr. and Mrs, Roy Hepburn and family were entertained at a family ga. thering hy Mr. and Mrs, Wm. "lephurn Christmas Day. Miss Mildred Cole, Orono, and Marie Cole, Tamworth, are spend. ing the holidays at their home here, Mr. and Mra, Everett Monutjoy nnd family spent Christmas with Mrs, M, H, Langmald, Oshawa, Mr. J. Bmith spent Christmas with relatives in Toronto, vA Christmas tree and concert was held in Maxwell's school on Monday evening, A good crowd attended and were not disappoints od for a splendid program was given by the pupils, assisted by outside talent, Much credit fs dus Miss Mes Roberts for the splendid wav she had trained the children. Santa arrived as usual, much to the sat. Istaction of the kiddies, Mr. Frank Les, Ottawa, Mr, and Mrs, A, R.. Scott and family, Mr. 'and Mrs, Ross Lee Mr, and Mra, H, T, Cole, Misses Mildred, Marie, Helen and Ruth Cole were entertained to dinner by Mr and Mrs, F, H, Lee for Christmas, Mr, and Mrs, Dave Owens, and Marguerite visited relatives in Tos ronto for Christmas, Mr, and Mrs, Ross T.ee attendea A party at Mr, and Mrs, Hansen Richards, Oshawa, Wednesday evening, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Hoott, Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Pascoe and Lor- raine spent Christmas with Mp, and Mrs, H, L, Pascoe, Columbus, Mr. and Mra, W. N, Hoskin and family had as thelr guests for Christmas, Mr, and Mrs, H, Run. dle and family, Hampton and Mr, Percy Cann, Salem, Miss Ida McCullough, Enfield, spent a few days with Miss Mare guerite Conlin recently, Mr, and Mrs, Harvey Crossman and Irena. spent Christmas with Mr, and Mrs, J, Naylor, Solina, Mr, and Mrs, Charles Werry, Oshawa, Mr, and Mra, J, A, Werry, Mr, and Mra, Harvey MeGill, Mr, Kdgar Wright and Missa Grace Waerry, Enniskillen, Mr, and Mrs, Clarence Werry, Wm, and Robert and Miss Nora Werry, were dine ner gue ts of Mr, and Mrs, H, F, Werry, Christmas Day, Mr, and Mrs, J. Glover spent ) : Fred Bmith's, Enfield, Friday nf- ternoon last, Mr, and Mrs. ¥. M, love and James and Miss Kathleen Conlin, Oshawa, were guests of Mr, and Mrs. 8. Conlin, for Christmas, Mr, Norval Crossman, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pascoe and Lorraine, Mr, and Mrs, Cecil Crossman and Jean, North Oshawa and Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Crossman and Irene, and Mies Florence Wheeler, Tor- onto, were entertained at n Christ- mas gathering at Mr. and Mrs, Frank Crossman's, Monday night. Mr, and Mrs. Delbert Flintofr and family, Courtice, recently visit- ed with Mr, and Mrs, W, N, Hos. kin, Mr. and Mrs, E, Davis and family were guests of Mr. and Mr. Ernest Nesbitt, Columbus. for Christmas, Miss Edith Peardon, Bowman- ville, Miss Laura Wickett, Mr, and Mrs. Gilbert (Gibson and Douglas, Oshawa, Miss Nora Werry, Mr, and | Mrs, W, L. Mountjoy, Marion and Willa were guests of Mr, and Mrs, R. J. Luke for Christmas, Mr, Albert Luke and Miss Olive luke, Toronto, spent Christmas and the week-end at thelr home here, Mr. Jas. Beott, Mr, and Mrs, Ar- thur Ross, Gladys and Frank, Col umbus, Mr. and Mrs. A, R, Beott and family, Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Werry and family, were entertain ed by Mr, and Mrs, George Seott, Christmas day, Mr. and Mrs, Ross Lee attended A family gathering at Mr. Thos Btainton's Oshawa, on Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Mountjoy and family and Miss Dentrice Mountjoy were entertained by Mr and Mrs. C. W, Hoskin for Christ mas, Kedron 8, 8. Christmas tree and concert was held in the church on Tuesday evening, A good program of dialogues, reading and musie was given after which Santa ar rived hy aerpolane and distributed Eifta from the well laden tree | Meusrs, Gordon Davis and Mar wood Heard dowerve great credit for the way In which the church had been decorated, Mr. and Mrs. ¥, Crossman and Mr, Norval Crossman, spent Christ. mas In Toronto with Mis ne Wheater h Miss Florence Mr. and Mrs. Pverett Mountjoy attended a party at Mr and Mrs G. A. Langmald's, Oshawa, Wed nesday evening, MYRTLE -- Correspandent) | 4 he annual | h was held on | splendid success | (Mrs, J. A, Moles, Myrtle, Dee. 24 Christmas tree whic Friday night was a Early in the evening the superinten- | dent of the Sunday school, Wilfred Graham, took the chair and an. inter. | esting two hour program was given | by the children of the Sunday schol, | each taking their part in such i splendid manner that the audience | were assured that the children's fu. | ture platform work will bring pride | and honor to the school, The assist. | ant superintendent, Harry Lane, Rive a helpful talk, stressing the import ance of the Sunday school and the need of greater co-operation of th parents, Just as the gathering was about to break up, a racket was heard and a venerable old hewhiskered Saint | appeared on the stage and greeting | the children, began to unload a well laden tree, much to their satisfac tion. The proceeds amounted to twen ty-one dollars, Congratulations are Tom Brooks, whose place last week, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Rodd and fam ily motored to Landon on Siinday Miss Derothy Redd and her bro. ther, Master Dick, spending the holiday season' with her aunt, Mrs Roy MeCann, of Dearborn, Mich School closed on Friday for the Christmas holidays, The teacher, Miss Pearl Vance, is holidaying with her parents at Bancroft. The annual school meeting will he held en Dec 3st, when the board hopes that a goodly representation of the rate- payers will be present to discuss the usual business for the ensuing year The mild weather has helped to speed up improving operations on the old Temperance Hall. The building has now a new foundation and the shingling is completed. Work on the interior of the building is now in Progress, Much sympathy is felt for Mrs. Percy Phenill and daughter of Mon. treal in the death last week of a loys ing hushand and father Bert Duff, who has been confined to his bed and under Dr. Jim Moore's care for the past week, is improving. Mr, and Mrs, John C. Lawrence are spending the holiday season with their son in Lindsay. Gardon Pilkey of the Kingston University, is holidaying at his home here. | extended marriage took | are NEWCASTLE (Mrs, J. Arown, Correspondent) Newcastle, Dee. 27.-Mr, All, Ronathon Jr, Toronto, spent Chrigtmas home with his family. MY, and Mra, Ernest Gibson, Oshawa, spent Christmas with Mr, and Mra, Harry Couch, Miss Aresta Martin, Toronto, spent Christmas at home with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, P, Martin, Miss Janie Singer, Toronto, was the guest of Mr, and Mrs, Frank Bone over the holiday. . Mr, and Mrs, Earl Walton and family, spent Christmas with the latter's slater in Port Parry, Mr, and Mrs, Frank Branton spent the holiday in Toronto, Misa Gladys Bradley is spending the helldays with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. W, Bradley. Mra. Earl Fisher and son Carl, Mr, and Mra, Geo, Jamieson spent Hare, Ames ville Pr. Hi Mr Fihel were Miske day, Mi spending the holiday parents, rod Miss Cathariney, days and Mrs Gu Chris ER and to Mr New ner, Christmas holiday Mr, and Mrs, Duncan Galbraith ere spending the Christmas holiday with thelr daughter, Mrs, A, W, Wheeler in Toronto and will leave there to spend the Ney Year with Mr. and Mrs, Rex, Wynn in Brant- ford, Mre. Atkinson and Mrs, R, W, (Hihean, spent. Christmes with Mr, and Mrs, Meadows al. Port Hope, Mr, Floyd Butler. Toronto spent Christman with his family, Ft Mr, Thos, Gihson is visiting her holl- | daughter, Mrs, (, ¥, Cannon, Osh Mr |] algo My, and Mrs, J, # Jr. and gon Ralph, Bowman were guests of Mr, und Mrs, ire , and Mre, Harold Allin,, Misg Webher, Mr: Roy Webber, guests of Mr, DD, 7, Allin and # Allin, Orono, on Christmas fs her | Sar | Toronto, with John #8. Nellie Garrod, Mr, and Mrs Elizabeth Hancock, 8 spending her home with her parents, J. €, Hancoel ests ut Mee. It, 1°, tmas day were Mr Butler, Mi Joan Mre. Blella Anderson, and Mre, Highhee ond son Christmas in Veterboro Mrs, Harold Toms and children Itiehmond, Quehee, are spend | Ing the holidays with hér mother La (lenrpge Rickard, Butler's on und Mry Buttle) Toron pent | of Mra, B, Thomas spent Christmas | In Colborne with her daughter, Mrs, |, Kernaghan, Kay, Harr BL.in Bradford and Mrs, 1, Mrs. I, M, , and Mrs, York, Dr New Yor Mr. E, Laking snd family, in To ronto, Miss Alberta Trenwith and Mr, George Trenwith, Toronmtr spent Christmas with their father, Mr, and Mrs, Robt, Walton spent Christmas with the former's sis- ter, Mrs. O, Luxton, at DapV ~~ ton, Mr, and Mrs, W, Crowi, --- gon. George, spent Christmas with Mr, and Mrs, Boh Carruthers in Bowmanville, | Mr, Clarence Gaines, Toronto, spent Christmas with his parents, i Mr, and Mrs, Geo, Haines, | Hr, and Mrs, Hollie Hurburt, Oshawa, spent Christmas with the latter's parents, Mr, and Mpg, Apencer Migs Dorothy Gibson, New York, | 18 spending the holidays with her | parents, Mr, and Mrs, W, H, Gih- son, AT HARMONY 3.5 (Mre, H, Willson Correspondent) Harmony, Dec, 23. Sunday af+ ternonon service wes held as White Gite #unday, All the school united in ths auditorium, which was prettily decorated, the Christmas tree still being In place, A large white manger in the center of the stage was loaded with white gifts, Quite a good wmount of money wes algo received, The Tuxig Boys presented the Bunday Fchool with a table, A good program was enjoyed, con elsting of Christmas songe, and story telling hy Miss Madeline Tooley, Mrs, I, Miches) and C, H, Millard, The Primery puplls gang "Away fn on Manger", Thera were 116 present, and ns large an ats jtendance is hoped for moxt Sunday, - J 05 7, Civ ' he A » A, f [+ { ' \ a 10 0 \ ), g LY L] yf Wy 1 | Wy / J ' ESTABLISHED i 1859 rr ---------- hh "WHERE ECONOMY RUL he el # ( 7) f Naat Ly y A 1 BEST QUALITY A & P XMAS BEEF ROAST Sirloin » 23: Prime Rib wv. 22¢ Rolled if Desired J K i a LJ - 0 } LJ a pr Th " Fr) § ANN FOR 8 C FANCY SUGAR CURED SMOKED HAMS 25 FANCY FRESH KILLED YOUNG TURKEYS» Every Bird Government Inspected 10 to 12 1b, Average HALF OR WHOLE A REAL SPLENDID BUY HEINZ =1 TOMATO KETCHUP Large Bottle MILK -FED ROASTING Chickens. 32: SUGAR-CURED BREAKFAST Bacon sie 1.20. NEW MESSINA Lemons CALIFORNIA SEEDLESS Oranges 2Dox. 41e TEXAS SEEDLESS Grapefruit §tor25¢ Carrots Ln 2 woe 1 Qe don. J Fe ar -- = 0 PAPAL. ¥, «f/ 9g, ol ry % Pm ] z of ¢ x; : NY i ! a ) -- : bt J ( A hy i 0 N L 0) £& \ fy . 0 {4 gD r/ Z ¢ ) wal | JB)\$ > é £ a « . ---- of > I In expressing a Happy New Year wish to the housewives of Ontario, ( )) I the management of this company desires to convey Its sincere ap- \ 7 | preciation of your custom throughout 1030, : fi At this time of the year we review the past twelve months, not so & Vv ¥ $i ALY much In the spirit of satisfaction for what has been accomplished, hut rather in a spirit of self-criticism, ways room for improvement and that only as we continue to progress in true service ean we hope to progress as a company, Certainly no company can grow greater than the ideals It serves, Thus, Inspired by a spirit of service, constantly asking ourselves how we ean GIVE more, rather than how we ean get more, the A & P Company faces the New Year with confidence and optimism, oF nhezan_ TH, Jo vi Pe + 0 Nw, ' SLOW ALADS AND DESSERTS Pineapple un: 24 40: We realize that there is al. FOR WINTER MORNING BREAKFASTS Quaker Oats wx = 23. So CHOICE QUALITY BUTTER~CHURNED IN THE FINEST CREAMERIES Our Own Siiverbrook Creamery BUTTER-3 Finest Pasteurized SUNNYFIELD 1b. 34¢ CLARK'S BRAND Pork «Beans 3 =' 2§¢ C| SANTA CLARA VALLEY Prunes wr 3 ioe. 1 Qe FOMAY FARM Sausage Meat 2 ibe. 29 OUR OWN Mincemeat 2 ve.23e A®P BREAD ENCORE i, WRAPPED AND RYE "ELT Loat Ge by XMAS CHOCOLATES = 49 Fresh Young Roasting Pork AMS Loin and Rib Roasts Three- Pound Box 99- = 20° w. 2 5¢ | Tur GREAT ATLANTIC & PaciFic TEA Co. Limited, of Canada

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