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Oshawa Daily Times, 30 Dec 1930, p. 2

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PAGE TWO ' THE OSHAWA DAILY TIME, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1930 Latest News of Ontario and Durham County Communities BANQUET GIVEN FOR LADIES BY MASONIC GE Interesting "and Enjoyable | Function Held on Satur- day Night at Claremont (Rev. A. MeLellan, 2 Ssvonden}) | Claremont, Dec, 29,--Members of | the Brougham Union Masonic Lodge No. 269 entertained their ladies at 4 fowl dinner in the Masonic Hall ai Claremont, on Saturday evening, Dec. 27th, following the installation of of- ficers for the coming year, The ehair was ably filled by the new Mast Maitland Anderson, Mr. Russ sel Parks, of Whitevale, gave several de- lightful impersonat nh of Har Ty Lauder, while the diners were regal with strains from: the bag pipes, they sat down to the sumptuous ban. quet table, Tousts were prop osed 3 | the King and Craft, to Gra Lodge by R, E. radeon resp to by Rev. A, McLellan, to the visit- | ing brethern by Lit Middlet 2 responded to by Cl vl md Messrs and John McLellan, to th po ssed by Thomas Fire wil trated the positio ch attained in the modern ferences to outstanding women history, and science and polities, Th enjoyable evening was brought to un end by a few appropriate words from the Junior Warden, Lloyd Johnston Luther Bowes, of Veterboro, spent Christmas day with his mother My J. Readman Mr, and hildren are tad € jadie who il Mrs i tives in to Margaret MacLellan 1d Miss Mabel ) St. Catharines a he Christmas vacation A watchnight service held in the Claremont Baptist church on Wednesday Decem 31st at 11 pa Gordon Gregg, who is attending th university of 'oronto is spending tl holidays ut his here. Mr, and Mrs, Stewart Graham family of Myrtle spent Christmas day | with the former's sister, Miss Mar. garet Graham, | The annual and | Concert of the ch was eld in the church on evering last Mrs. Toronto Brown, The Continuation schools which cl for the Christmas vaca will re-open on Monday, Jan vary A closing con cert was pupils of noon last Miss Bessie Graliam of and Mr. Stewart rane, ure h holidays. Wm, Thompson car taker of t ( Pit e home a Christmas tree Baptist zhu Friday Thompson is visiting i her daughter, W n wit} 1 ~ | and Publis | wed of Cocire hristimas 1 Ceraham, the one been a i vinted has nunity | | he annual Chris erat: | ment of the United ( h was | in the Community Fall on of last week, A varied cluding , Te A a May pole drill and a pantomine put on by the members of the Sun. day School in a highly ndabl manner, and was 1ully | large and appreciative « Dr, Donald 5. Rawsor ] sistant Professor of Zoology i University Saskatoon, spent Christmas with his mother, Mrs. Reu pen Rawson, en route to Ottawa, | where he will represent the Univer sity-at the Annual Convention of the Biological Loard of Canada Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Scott, 'Toronto, are holidaying it! former's parents, Mr, and Srott, Thurs prograr my ons, dial Dime the of "i mn Mr Miss Gladys Jones of Scarborsy Junction, Miss Alma Jones of Sul bury, and Miss Mildred Jones of Smithville are holidaying with th parents, Mr, and Mrs, S. Jones, The many friends of William For. gle, formerly of the Standard Bank of Claremont, will be interested to learn of his recent marriage to Miss Co- celia Qulette of Alpena, Michigan, The Anchor Sdeiety of the United Church made a very liberal donation for the relief of the poor in Toronto, Several bales of food and clothing were assembled and taken into the city by members of the society to bring Christmas cheer to those less fortunate, I cir . A Nice Gift FOR New Year's A Box of Smiles and Chuckles ' Chocolates 60c Ib. heed Mrs: 6 H. Robinson, Sorretpondsnt | kK, | from | of | dande at | Day, | Killen, | of thelr uncle, 8. Jacks on Sunday, 1s spending | Saturday and will | for a fow days, | Chas, | saying, about 150 at Sunday School dur- Tragic news of the sudden death of Herbert Cooper, of Wembley, Alta, was received by relatives in the vil- age on the day before Christnas ie late Mr, Cooper on two of his sons were cro onging the Lake when the ice gave The two boys were able to save themselves but Mr, Couper wus drowned. His wife, who has bes 1 visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, J, Evans, left for Grand Prairie uccompanied by her brother, Frank Co per, The Culedonia rink' has re-opened | for the winter season, Curling and skating aren in swing. The Misses Viola and Gorgia For- sythe, of the Oshawa Public Schoo! staff are home for the Christmas | vavation, Ha Special Christinas Services held in the United Churels on Sus Appropriate music, including Chri mas carols, was rendered Ly ti i Little Mise Miydred Linton Away in a Manger" the sery i THORNTON'S CORNERS 130 On to Mr, daugl ter, cand "ASHBURN (Mrs, J.-A, Sole, Ashburn, Dee, 20, We are pleased to report that Mrs. Robert | Iferon has been able to raturn | the Little Britain hospital and is doling very nicely Miss Dorothy Miller and Miller and Kenneth Stullaford, Queen's University, Kingston, Correspondent ) John of are | holidaying at thelr homes here, who is employed with with Mr. Louls, Mr, Owen, spont Christmas his daughter at Little Britain, A number of the young people the community enjoyed the Mr. Freeman Sander- son's at Chalk Lake on Christmas eve. Mrs. W. Parker and hor daugh- ter Jean, of Myrtle, visited friends | here during the week, Mr, and Mrs, Governor Portor of Detroit, visited the former's aunt, Mrs. Ralph McIntyre, last | weok, To each and all a Happy Prosperous New Year, Miss Ruth Btuttaford, of Parry Bound is spending the holiday sea- son at her home here. The snow fall last week tempted a few to got cutters out and the | merry jingle of bells was heard and again for a few days, Mr. Darton is spending' the Christmas vacation with his par. ents at Uxbridge. A number of old neighbors from hers attended the Love trial in Port Perry on Friday. HAMPTON NEWS (Miss L. Horn, Correspondent) Hampton, Dee, 20.--Mr, and Mrs, Elmer Trimble, Bowmanville, visited the latter's mother, Mra, Georgina Niddery on Christmas Mr, and Mrs, Ed, Very, were Christmas day guests at the home of A. E. Billett, Misses Ina, Vera, and Reta Carr, Bowmanville, and Mr, and Mrs, 'Howard Wonnacutt, Ennis spent Christmas at the | t Mr. and Mrs, Charlie | of home Shaw, Mrs, Grace Clatworthy visited | | Cameron relatives for Christmas, Tom Sykes, Toronto, {5 spending his Christmas vacation at home, The Misses! Lang and Whitney Lanz, Toronto, visited at the home Fran) 'Hastings, 0.A.C, Guelph, Is visiting at his home during the vacation, : A. E, Allin, Toronto University, hig holldays with relatives, Nancy Johns, Toronto teaching staff, is a holiday visitor with her mother, Mrs, Elmina Johns, Mrs, Kenneth Caverley children, Windsor, arrived visit her Cow, und on par- Mr, Souch ents, and Mrs, W. R. Horn, Queen's University, Kingston, is holidaying at home, Fred Hillett, Toronto University, | Is visiting at his home during the | hollday season, Gow Stonhouse, goon recently, Rev, J, R, Mossra, Hastings and | | visited Dobeay- Bleck preached to a! | fair congregation on Sunday even: [ Ing, taking for his text, the words | of Jeremiah 8th Chapter veraos 6 and 7, "I hearkened and heard, | but they spoke not aright: ne man | ropented him of his wickedness | what have T done? very. one turned to his course, ag the horse rusheth into the battle, Yea, the stork in the heaven knoweth her appointed times; and the turtle, and the crane, and the swal- low, observe the time of their coming, but my people know not the judgment of the Lord." Helen Knox, Wallace Horn, C, W. Souch and W, Wilbur took the leading parts in the anthems, There was an attendance of Ing which Frank Cryderman, one of our Hampton Dboys, who is studying for the ministry, and fia now taking up a course of study in New York, spoke very interest- fugly to the school, ag well an tak. ing charge of the young men's "GOLDEN WEDDING | Children Presented a Splen- | tion { Mr, Mr, and Mrs. A, Martin, divine | the holidays, Ethel Stephens, Bowmanvilie, | World's Wheat Champion Given World Tour spent Sunday at her home, The weather bas been much milder recently, with local snow flurries and some rain, the roads and sidewalks being dangerous (o | 2 A . at traffic in some places, | ™, ake #i "" wid ie! Sr ---- 40 | AT i wi ay rnd FELT ". Ah 3 "mf AT PORT PERRY Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Crozier Honored by Friends LN INDIAN . J lavsna a OCEAN and Relatives (Miss M., Cockburn Correspondent) Port Perry. Dec, 29,--An inter esting event took in Port Perry on Monday, 2%, when Mr, and Mrs, cele. | brated thelr golden wedding A great many of their friends and relatives were gather2d together for the ocewsion and a ver happy time was upent, Mr, and Mrs, Crosior have resided in Port Perry | for over seventeen Years, Mr, Crosler has been a member of the Counefl for a number of vyeay Among ths many gifts received b) the happy couple were Addre of conzvatulation from the Town Counell, who nl! presented MM Mya, Croster with a rocking chalr, A floor lamp from he Women's Arzoelatidn of the Unit ed Chureh and an address.from the children and grandchildren which was accompanied by Alty ros from the grandehildren and a purse | of gold from the children, May we Join with them in wishing Mr, | be and Mrs, Crosier many more vears | at of happinor 2 will PUBLIC SCHOOL + CONCERT AT ZION place Dee, WwW, Crosler NNER of the world's wheat cham Chicago's | second time, Herman River District 1, JW. Beatt chulrman and president of the Western Canada Canadian Paclic Railway, at whose invitation he winter wheat lin "v1 make a trip around the world, Trelle, though | Inscrt shows Mr, p Trelle, Wembley, 0 tea on Tuesday when | they fiiled Christruas stockings fur good cheer In Oshawa The first meeting of the Women's Association held nt Ian lock husband provide program vill bring ref hmaent atulations Mr. Elmer Mrs with her Oshawa My, Roy Blair, Mrs. Jolin James' Christmas holiday Miss Fthel Holman, spent Christmas Da with Mrs, Joe Holman Mrs, D, Nicholson, Toronto, Mr in Nichols / i Wilbuy winning place in Mr Robl : ¥ichet 28, Walth: # the Timex eoks | nontly, of hurd worl | Mr Mr, Lloyd Thompson, Miss Jean | yy, Thompson Miss Ila Wilton, of lana and Mr Har fami) Medan and Ina afternoon , Garfat spent Christmas Day daughter, Mrs, A, Brown, } Detroit, visited at during the | MAT | will | th the ol the church on Toronto, Aunt 8 o when the the The rol and visit. re to 2nd alter on nt contest LIFE and Mr Wm. Richards Mrs, Lew Richardson, Mr Russel Richardson and Ashburn, visited at Mr, 8 Robert's on Christmas Day, Mr R. I. Rieharde, Oshawa Family gatherings were held on recent visitors at J, W. Balson's, | Christmas Day at the homes of Mr. | | : J. Hislops, Mr. Levi Ellens, Mr, H. | MASONIGLODGE, = 2 Thos Mr, John Stone and | Mr INSTALLATION = AT NEWCASTLE F. W. Rickard, Past D.D.G M,, Takes Charge of the Ceremony aad Mrs d Raglan Hagerman did Program of Season: able Character (Mrs. J. W, Balson, Correspondent) Zion, Doe, 20. ~The Public gchool concert and Christmas tree was held on Friday, Dec, 10th, when a full house greeted the teacher and pupils, The church was prettily decorated with ev green, tinsel, and fancy crepe paper, Mr, Tracy Glaspell acted as chairman and called on the follow ing program: chorus, Chimes of Christmas Time; chairman's speech; recitation of welcome by Bruce Fulling and Russel] Martin both beginners; song, Junior pupils, 'Santa Claus will come be cause we are good dialogue, Squire Hamley's Christmas; rec| tation, Bruce Fulling "Don't Want Much for Christmas" song by senior musle class sho, Fcho, Keho"; recitation by Pete Sobll "A Good Boy'; plano solo, Gerald Dalson; star drill by girls dressed in white and carrying gold stars on wands; recitation by "red Mar- tin, "Same Old Presents for Father"; dialogue "Striking for Higher Wages" in 8 acts; rocita-| tion, Harvey Balson, 'Canadian Born"; recitation, Greta Thornton, Christmas Company song by senior muale class "Christma Greetings'; recitation, Lileen Stainton, Emack Out of Bchool'; vocal duet, Beryl Glas. pel and Gerald Dalson 'Schoo! Days"; dialogue in 2 acts, "Christ mas at Holly, when three pupils played the part of darkies; recita- by Marguerite Martin and Russel Martin 'Mrs. Santa Claus and Baby"; song by boys, "Walt. Ing for Santa Claus; pantomine, | "Home, Sweet Home" Every number was given and applauded. vote of thanks was given Mlss Lewis for her work of training the children which fits them for future enter. tulnments as well as an added education, The singing was splon did showing the progross Miss Or | chard, the musle teacher mak Ing. Rev, Mr, Blek spoke a few | words of prajse for the school and | Santa arcived and distributed wags | of treat tor all the children, other Cook, Stewart | Day with | and Mrs, A, Murison ind Ros | relatiy Mr w day Mr i ) spent fe | A P v 1.0 ' \ einl wn Cons { HA i he U M 10} Miss tl at for t! of the and treated candy and happy Mr, and Mrs, Holden, ed their siste Irs, W, Griffis Slemons Durry to ot much NM of \ hot Chureh, at 10 render- Mi Aldread, Toronto, | , reccitly visit. | , Sweetman, at Mr, Thos. | eplondidly 1 A report Miss Rilda Slemion | not | late] | The annual & Jed; meeting is held Fateh lon Wednesday of this week, 44 | Dr, and Mrs, C, W, .Slemon "| family, Bowmanville, spent 'Pucsday, Dee, 3rd, with the former's parents, | | Mr. Mrs, J), Slemon and cele- | brated their hity-fitth wedding annis VErsary. Miss M, 1 | Christmas { Moun jo) pending | Mi. H.W inten. is Myr, Thos, McGill, Me and Mrs, Ore Jeffrey and fame visited Mreoand Mes, Wm, Jeff. Sengok | sunday evening was well | attended Service next Sunday at | | 7 pan, Fifteen minutes solg service, { Everybody wel Mr, and Mrs, BD. Pethick and | Howard, Yoronto, spent Christmas at | | Mrs PPethicks | Mroand Meso A, Brunt and babe ted the kitter's parents, Mr. aod W. Murks, Scugog. | I'he *Stenion family held thelr ans pupl family gathering: at the home | tol: Mr. and' M I. Slemon on Christ pas Day | Mis. J. Pye Howard visited | former brother, Mr. CW, Hampton, on Saturday and Mrs, 11 Stevens and pent Sunday at Mee A INC, Ashton and Mr, had the light tarmed : md Mrs, Ferguson Allan and | Donald spent Christinas with friends Fat Uxbridge Mr, and: Mrs, Gv \W, Eva Souch, Hampton, mas at Mrs, J. Pye's, is and | I'r thelr qd lake maohs and Mr with Gibson Walter Deline Christmas in and na ank A 4, and | Vir Nap f'oronto, shent aunt, Mrs, tue, her Walter Hi and Clap parent (no Chris Mp Lou pont Ir Deline sharbot Lake, Mrs, A, BE, Mellow spent Chrsltmas in Napanee PBonathan Torontn, tmag whh his parents Sam Dongthan Donathan, Howman- Christmas with her bro AI. Bonathay, COLUMBUY/ITEMS (Mus. 'Fo Cook, Correspondent) Columbux, = Dee Mr, and Mra, Plekering and Madge spent Christmas Day in Brooktn Mi Lambers, Toronto, My, A. Grass' My, and Mrs family spend Christma (ronto, My, spent a few 1} viatng with | and with ily rey, Dervicy 8 nme I ar h Vist | Mra hai Osh visited al and iu the I'red Goodman and Suuch, Day at To i a, | lust | Gi Jeee Wes on Parkinson, Acton, days at My, Hayes', [ Mr, and Mrs, H, Hayos and fam [ly spent Sunday at Me. Wm, Dra-| | pera', Ashburn, Mr. and Mrs, Wm and Mr, Wm, id tmas Day at A Oshawa, Mr, and Mys, Thos Robert Sulley Wm, were sul spent Christmag es at Markham and Mrs. Paul Purves in Chatham, Howard James and Mr Jiarey visited in Detroit for a Aye, (Mrs, J. Brown, Correspondent) CONN SCHOOL Newcastle, Dec, 28.--The newl) elected offfcers of Durham Lodge No, 66 F.and A.M, were installed CHRISTMAS TREE [on Frida; sning, Dec, 26th LW. F. WW. Rickard, P.D.D.G M assisted hy RW. Bro, Perry, of Oshawa, conducted the nstalintion, | Large Audience Present To| The following officers 'were in |The, to LEM. Robt, Walton; Enjoy Splendid Program | W.M., Lawrence Cryderman; 8.W., | Given by Children | Harry Jose; J.W., John Hendr) 8.1. Hare: J.D. B. E. Moise; | . » Chat Flige: Treos., J. KE. W (C. A. Stainton, Correspondent) Philp: MH, Gibson: Tyler, 1 miskillen, Dee, 20--The Sunday Toms: .$ 0. Gaines: J.8: C. A) ol he Id its annual Christmas tree lin: D. of C.. T. ¥. Branton; Sec, wy, Dee, 22, when a large | J. W. Bradley | i filled the basement to tga The basket . which as | \ grand programme given by the | held at Lakeshore School on Mon. |Chidren, 1sting oh Joos. Jreltani day evening Dec 89. was very Ll inlogues, and choruses, each successful, the proeceds taken fin | cll given Mr. J, A, Were | at the door and for the sale of bas. | yery capable chairman, | kets will d for the purchase | yi Orchard. as pianist, Miss a plano recently installed in Qrehard, Miss Reva McGill the school for the use of the day Dalton: and all the children school and the Sunday School, part deserve Rreat pra'se | Special services were held at St, ay It was Lt en. At the close Coors Anglican Chureh on programme Santa Claus came | Christmas day with Christmas car. the children to bags of) r 'by the choir, = nuts and all went ie | John's ( sathelle was clebrato a.m, with chlidrens choly ing Christmas carols | Mr, and Mrs, I, Britton and son | Neal, spent Christmas with the lat ter's parents, Lv, and Mi N. Mc Kenzie, Toronto Misses Jean and Gladys ott, Toronto, spent Christman thelr parente, Mr, and Mrs, Matchett, Migses Lake pent Christ than the school children as well, Mrs, IM Hosts of pretents ware also dis Ir. and Mv tributed. Proceeds 525.00 . for | famil; ont ! school purposes, anee Mr, and Myre, Lewin and sons of | My Welcome, 'attended tho Christmas | 4 week treo and Miss Lewis went home| Mi with them for her holldoys, y Hon, An Epworth League has heen | their organized at Zion and will hold ita Mr, firat meeting at the Sunday School | Hhent on Jan, 2nd at § o'clock, Mr, Alex, | Mr. and McMaster {8 tho president iss Mr, James McMaster, Miss Jou Ville, McMaster and lady friends of Ta. | then ronto, were spending the week-end at homo with thelr parénts, Mra, Jan, Stainton is with slstor, Milas Mabel Lander, AWA, Quite a {aw of Zion, Oshawa, Courtice, Kedron .ang Whitp friends wore guests at a party at and Mra, G, A, Langmaid's at Oshawa, | A faw neighbors visited Mr, Jas, Cameron and Mies Mary one even- ing lately. Mr, and Nurs, Jas, Christmas guests of Mr, ley, Oshawa, Mrs, John Hardwick Horble, of Woodbridge, week with her parents, Mrs, Herb, Flintoff, Mrs, Murphy: and Miss Mary, of and spout Mr, son, nN and | Dyer and fam | Grant spent | John Dyers Souch, Miss i Jo ' 1 O spent Christe | Ke- Scott, nternationsal Livestock Fair for the | red spring, was even more oily Peace | he was awarded for bard red winter, whizh, he main Las been singularly honored by | tains, demonstrates the feasibility of raising it in Clar. | BI [Interesting (1 [ My { Christmas holiday fonship at | elated at his outstanding success, attained with hard pleased with the third and also that he has moved the a just 1% miles further north, Trelle and Mr, Beatty, family, Orono, visited Mr, and Mrs, LE, T.. Staples, Mr, and Mrs, J. H, Freeborn, spent a few days with friends at Kendall, PUBLIC SCHOOL ENTERTAINMENT GREAT SUCCESS | Large Gathering Attended Concert Held in School at Ebenezer (Mrs, Blake Oke, Correspondent) Ebenezer, Dec, 29.~The C hist " | tree and concert = on by 8.8, » a publi | good | and = hool was a huge Fis Pi crowd was in attendance reat praise is due the teacher, Laireh, in her untiring effor n raining the children Rn doing hi 4 her part well, Mr. On horne ably taking the ¢! ih a § part vith a few opening remarks followed Giiceting song hy the Recitation: Bob Rundle 1s, Little Bells of Christmas, re: ¢ a on, Annie Kichko, Toyman's shop, by the juniors, Christmas Eve n Pe School-room, Recitation June Marshall, Bye-lo- land, five girls Buying eggs, by Allan Kinson, Flor. abelle Natalal a { Eleanor Vinson, Red, White and Hig 4 Natio! ond Fileen Piet ell, Louise Pearce. Recitation, Eileer | Piek ell, Licho, Song by the Toot body The day after Christmas, by Svdney Worden, June Marshall, Ralph Found Jingle Bells, by June Marshall and | Velma Pearce, Recitation Lucille Wade, Song Annie, Peter and Step- hen Kichke, Reading by Five. little boys, Dialogue, Sydney Worden, Al- lan Vinson, Velma Pearce. How Jim. my saved his Pa. Song, Hark the Angels Sung by the school. Dialogue, The Railway Crossing, After this rogram Santa Claus ap- peared on the scene and unloaded the Christmas Tree which was well loaded with presents, The concert closed with God Save the Ring Among the many homes entertain. ing Christmas parties were Mr, \V, H. Nichols, Mr, L. J, Courtice, 'Nr, Frank Wordens, Mr, Thos, Bickel, Mr. A, J. Oke's, Mr, Clarence Pen found, Mrs. June Osborne, Mr, W, Marshall, Mr. John Feund's, Mr, A.D Werry, Mn George Pearce, Mr, Arnott VanNest, Oshawa and and Mrg, Elmer Gibson, Oshawa re Visitors at Mr, Blake Oke's, Mr, and Mrs, Baldwin, Toronto, visited at the: Marshall home, Mr, Gorden Pickell, Detroit, is vis- iting with his father Mr, Dan Pickell ry Christmas alder pupils wer {and other triends. Mrs, Ira Trull has returned home having spent a pleasant holiday with her daughter, Murs, W, H. Patte, Osh- Blake Oke and family spent Christmas with Bowmanville friends, Mr, Wilfrid Jones has engaged with { Mr, L. J, Courtice again, \We wel. {come Wilirid back Jo our community, Mr. and Mrs, A, C. Hezzelwood, | Toronto are or g the Christmas land Walter Reynolds 2nd; present. | | honor of the ladies, holidays with her Mr, and Mrs, George Pearce, Miss Ilelen Armour, visiting with her cousin, | Vinson, Miss Bernice Arnott is spending holidays at the Osborne home, We are sorry to report little Jack Pearce quite indigposed, Mr. and Mrs, I, Rundle gre spending the holidays in Toronto with their son, Mr, Elmer Rundle, Miss _ Mcreis, Bowmanville; {3 visiting hep sister Mrs, Walter Rune dle, Mr, parents, Oshawa, iy Migs Jean | the in snent friends Becliett with Luther 'oronto, We are glad to see Mr. Frank | | Rundle able to be out around again after his recent illness, Master Sydney Worden is spending a holiday in Toronto with Mrs, Mary Henry, Me, and Mrs, Blake Oke and [ Douglas and Arnot Van Nest visited at Mr. Jesse Arnott, Maxwells and { attended the school concert Mr. Walter Snider has returned wo Brantford after a pleasant holiday spent at W. H, Nicholls. | | | | the holiday, Jin class and young ladies' class, in| the absence of thelr teacher, Marjorie Martin, who has been spending the last few weeks fin | Trenton, tt visiting her parents, | Karn's Drug Store | Neat PO, I'hone 378 Orhawa, spent a few days at Mrs, Thornton's, Miss Mary attended the Christmag tree and concert. Mra. Arthur Stainton entertain. ed her clags of voung ladies to an | dpon, visited o nSunday at Mr, IL | Parcoo's, I Mr, Wm, Wand at the home of Mi, tHilrey, Toranto, and Mrs, Fred spent a few days | Miss Stainton, Oshawa, Ay Llsie and Toronto, Mr, ) spent Christmas day at W, HM. Moore. | Perey 1 Moore, Miss and Mrs Mr. La H Ben Christmas School Rivet for 3, 8, Ne. 4 Darlin, Sr, 1V=Sydney Wor a SS percent Ir. 1V.=Doris Wade 61, Douglas Allan Vingon & We: Gh Stevens, | Ntevens and | Oke 60, Ir, " N1,=Velma Pearce IL=~Kalph Found Marshall, 74, Eleanor | Flora Belle Marshall 50, Virst Book.~Tileen Pickell, Muriel | Pound, Louise Vearce, Stephen Kiche ko Peter Kichko Sr, Primer.~Lucille Wade, Jr. Primer.--Annie Kichko, Rundle, Jaci i Pearce, BETHESDA BRIEFS (Miss B, M, Cole, Correspondent) Bethesda, Dec. 20,~Migs Win. nifred Cole camo from Toronto for 74, 7%, Vinsos { | |r PA ,. | the guests of Mr, | Mr. and Mrs, Wallace Miller and. little dsughter, motored to Toronto and spent Christmas with friends, Mr. and Myps, Kenneth Vraser, {of Toronto are spending the holl. day season with Mr, and Mrs, D, R, Fraser and were ontertained at the home Mr, and Mrs, Rt. Me- | Cultoch at Tyrome on Christmas Day, Mrs, Rrndle, Mr, and Mrs, Ev. | erton White, Misses Marie and [ Edith White motored to Hamilton {on Christmas morning and were | guests of Mr. and Mrs, Herman | Gray for a few days, Mr. and Mrs, John Daker and { family, of Bolina, visited Mr, and Mrs, Howard Couch on Christmas morning. Miss Winoifred Cole of Toronto, |! Mr, and Mrs, T, J, T. Cole and | Mr, Douglas Cole and Mr, and Mr, F. H, Werry, of Enniskillen wel, dinner guests at J, 1. 1. Cole's on Christmas Day, Miss Florence Werry, Mr, and | Mrs, J, H, Werry, of Bowmanville, Miss Hooper and Mr, and Mrs, Vie. | tor Hooper of Toronto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs, Werry on Christ. mas Day, Miss Drage, Miss Irene Bragg | and Mr. W, J, Bragg, M.P', of To | ponte, and Mr, Irwin Bragg, of | | Pre idence, re Christmas visi | | 10 e home ¢ J | | Howara oo hom t Mr, and Mrs, Mr, and Mrs, |] | | + H. Brent, Miss Man and Mr. Gordon Brent, Mr land Mrs. Lorne Phare, of Edmon | tom; Mr. and Mrs, Howard Drent of Tyrone were Christmas dinner | guests of Mr, and Mrs, Walton An nis at Pickering, | | PLAY PRESENTE) BY STUDENTS OF | PORT PERRY H.. | Long List of Scholarships i! and Prizes Presented at Commencement | (Miss M, Cockburn, Correspondent) | Port Perry, Dec, 20.~At the Port | Perry High Behool Commencement the play "Are You a Mason," was | presented in which the following | took part, George Fisher, stock broker, (formerly actor); Eric Na smith, Frank Berry, his friend, Bev. erley Smallman; Amos Bloodgood, of Rockford, Perry's father in law, Tom Harris; John Halton, gentle- man farmer from up state, William Lyle; Hamilton Travers, doortend- er at a cabaret, Hugh Nind; Ernest Morrison, a young architect, Robert MeMillan; policeman, Walter | Phoenix; Mrs, Caroline Nloodgood, Dorothy Balfour; Eva (Mrs, Perry) her daughter, Dorthea Nasmith: Annie and Lulu her daughters Mar. jorie Mitehell and Sylvia Ving; Mrs, Halton, Frances Raines; Lottie cook to the Perry's, Enid Wallace Franchon Armilage, cloak model, | [Iva Reynolds, The actors all show- ed real talent, Special mention | should ba made of Dorothy Dal four as Mrs, Caroline Bloodgood | {and Mugh Vind as Hamilton Tra. vers, Prizes Presented The following is a list prizes presented: | LODE, scholarship for highest | standing for first two years of hign schoo! ccurse, Enid Wallace, Eseay prizes, Enid Wallace and Erie Nasmith, Household Science prizes, ated by W.C.T\U,, Form I, lvah Milner and Elfzabeth Symes; orm I,, Dorothy O'Neill and Iva Reyn-| olds, Entrance of the don prizes by the Tort Perry Board of Education, vor | Perry Pupils, 1st, Virginia Na+] smith, 2nd, Desala Dunn, County Pupils, 1st, Dorothy Williams; 2nd, Ruth Clements, Academie prizes, I'rench, Upper School, Dorothea Nasmith; I'rench, Middle School, Dorothy Balfour, { Art, Olga Lakey lat, Sylvia Nind ed by Miss L. M, Harrls, Latin, Upper School, Helen Vicks | ery: Latin, Middle School, Ruby Lee; History, Upper School, Doro- | thea Nasmith; History, Middle! ! School, Dorothy Balfour, presented | | by Miss Ruth Read, Garden Plots, Harel NKiglat,| | Pufiip Orde, presented Ly Mr, Gem well, Graduation Diploma presented, Harley Dalfour, Inez Iraliok, Ivan Wallace, Helen Viekery, Ruby Lee, | Lillan Murphy, Jean Cawker, Grace | Cawker, luobel Cawker, Douglas Naamith, Irva Nott, Dorothea Na famith, {+ Athlotle Medals, Ivan Wallace, Senior champlon- ship, Dboys, - Reverley Smallman, Junior championship, boys, Arvohie | Croaler, Boys Shield, Form One, Senfor championship, Alice MHadyn Junior championship girls, Marjory Pyatt, Girls Shield, orm 1Mour, Mies Veda Evers, of Oshawa, home for a faw days, Misa Ethelyn Hutcheson, of Toronto, Waa the guest of her pars onts, Mr. and Mra, I, Gi, Hutcheson for Christmas, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Nesbitt, Toronto, spent Sunday with father, Mr. Wm, Nesbitt, Sr, Mr, Mildert Howaam, of Ottawa, Cadet Meda! ia ot his ia I mother, (7, | Detroft, | Jon Bowerman and family for the {in Canada, [Into the service of Young People's | was offered Mrs, Geo, Howse, and Mrs, Ivan Bowerman, of were the guests of Mr. Mr, holiday, Miss May Cockburn, of Toronte, | was home for the week-end, Mr, Bob Griffen is the guest oL bis brother, Mr, #. N, Griffen, Mr, and Mrs, Grant Gerrow were and Mrs, Geo, Lindeay, tor Christmas, Mr, Glenn Collacutt, of Norton, New Brunswick, is the guest of his parents, Mr, and Mrs, H, L. Colla- cutt for a few days, Mr, nd Mrs, D, W, Melntosh spent Christmas with friends in Warsaw Myr, Clinton Bhort is the guest of his parents, Mr, and Mrs, W, EB. Bhort, Mr, and Mrs. Williams Kent, Nelson rand family spent Chrismas with friends in Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs, John Merriz, of Oshawa, spent Christmas with his parents, Mr, and Mrs, W, H, Harris, Mr, Philip Nind and the Misses Joyce and Doris Nind, of Toronto, were guests of thelr parents, Rey T, A. and Mrs, Nind, at the Rectory for Christmas, Mr. Dawgon Kaufman, of Chal ham, gas home for Christmas, Mr, and Mrs, Hoss Milne and Mr, Irwin Coates, of Toronto, spent the holiday with Mr, John Irwin and Mrs, Geo, Contes, Mies Elele Rose, of Petrolia, ano | the Misses Grace and Hilda Roen, of Toronto, are Mr. and Mre. A. H. Rose, Miss Annie Farmer, of Toroniu, Is visiting her parents, Mr, and Mys, samuel Farmer, Mies Florence Walker, of Bramp- ton, 18 home for the holidays, Mr, William Grant visiting friends here for a few days, The Misses Muriel and Pthel Cook, of Toronto, were with thei parents, Mr, and Mrs, Wm, Cook {for Christmas Miss Irva Mott, of Toronto Norm» al Behool, fs home for the holidays Mr, and Mrs, T, WW, McLean were In Toronto recently when they al, tended the ordination of their son, James Lewis McLean, M.A, to the Ministry of the Preshyterian Church He was also inducted visiting thelr parcuts work as Director of Neligious Kdu cation in Knox Chureh, Rev, J, A, Iilts, Moderator of Torouto Pres hytery, ordained the young candi- date while the ordination praye; by Rev, J, G, Inkster, Minister of Knox Church, Mr, and Mrs, Melvin James and family spent the holiday with his parents, Mr, and Mrs, Leslie James, jot ig ster, r. Murray Annand, of McMaster ats. Mu Hamilton, and Mr, Joseph Annand, of Bt, Andrew's | College, Aurors, are spending the [ holidays with their parents, Rev, and Mrs, Annand, BROUGHAM (Mrs, 'T', €, irown, Correspondent ) Brougham, 'Dec, 20,--Mr, and Mrs. Lemon spent Christmas in Toronto with relatives, Mrs, George Vhillp Brodie were with and family for week, Mr, and Mrs, Christmas Day thelr people, Mr. and Mrs. A, Dobson, of Osh awa, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs. G. Philip, The Mawson and Shaver familes spent Christmas day with Mrs, Rawson, of Claremont, Mr. D, Rawson and visited at the Bleaver Friday afternoon, Albert and Bob Harvey, of Ya- dio fame, with the latter's family, spent Sunday with their parents, Mrs, Mary Matthews 8r, has gone to Toronto-to visit her daugh ter for an indefinite length of time, Mr, Hicks has returned home from Oshawa Hospital, Mrs, T, C, Brown took | view at last Sunday's 8.8, session. A geuncrous donation from our 8, was sent to help feed some of Toronto's poor and destitute ones through the medium of the Fred Vietor mission, My, Grant Malcolm spent Christ. mas with Lis people, Rev, Mr, McLellan gave us a good message for Christmas with the significance of the visit of the | three Wise Men to see the Dabe | 19 hundred years ago, There was a. very good attendance of mem- bers and others, Mr, A, Lemon was under . the doctor's care this last week-end, The Holmes brothors spent the week-end with their people in Osh. awa, \ Our local Masons with their wives were in Claremont on Satur. day evening attending the banquet held by the Masonic brethrem in All report a very enjoyable evening and an ex- cellent roast goose supper: with all the accessories that go with that menu, PRAYER AT NOONDAY Let flow from me as music that Life Has given me, Q Sun Ged of by fire: The darkness on the waters; a desire Roaring in wave on wave gray lands rite With creatures of the dark who wage their strife On Moon and Sun and Stars; an Heaven's fire That lights the sea at merning and the higher ills, where the wind is as a cleans ing knife, 1 wo uld recall m singing how a | Fled from a city once to find tla Gods, \ And wind and hills and wates toa) him in To secret places where the ancient joy Of worship is alive, and the very clods Burning upon "Look within! Tim Fred Heckel, in the New Very mes, aud Miss their brother a few days this Bert Harvey spent in Toronto with motlier home ou the re- 8, ) the ground cried, i sponding the holidays with hie

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