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Oshawa Daily Times, 30 Dec 1930, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMFS, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1930 The Oshawa Daily Times Bucceeding THE OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER (Established 1871) An ind newspaper every after: hoon nd Coal hohaars "On mes Publishing Company, noon except Sundays , M, Mundy, President: Can br The f Osha mited lowsy, Managing Director, A RA The Oshawa Daily Times is 8 member of The Cana Newspapers Asso dian Press, Canad) ciation, tho" Gnare rovineis) Dallies and the Audit Bureau reniations, SUBSCRIPTION RATES Delivered by earrier, in Oshaws and suburbs, 12¢ » week, By mall in Canada (outside Oshawa earrier delivery fimite) $3.00 a year; United States, $400 » year, TORONTO OFFICE 518 Bond Building, 66 Temperance Street, Telephone Adelaide 0107, H, D, Tresidder, representative, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1930 r-------------- THE PUBLIC MEETING I ------ If last night's public meeting can be tak- en as an indication of the spirit of the elec- torate of Oshawa, then the city is due to have an interesting and a rather hectic elec- tion campaign, The meeting was remarkable first, because of the large number of peopl: in attendance, the crowd being jammed tightly into the council chamber, It was also remarkable for the attitude adopted towards some of the speakers, It was apparent that many present wanted to hear only those things with which they were in entire agree- ment, only those with whom they were In sympathy, and that they were primed for a barrage of destructive eriticism of the 1080 city council, Men in public life expect criticism, They know that they cannot escape it, But they have a right to ask that the criticism be constructive, that it be helpful to that com- mon cause, the welfare of the city, But when a man claims that if elected to office he is going to turn the whole established order of things upside down, it is time to consider very carefully what that means, No one man can go into a council, without exper- jence, and impose this will on the other fif- teen men on that body, No mayor can ride roughshod over his colleagues, If progress is to be made, there must be a spirit of ci operation, and without that, only choas can result, It is easy to stand before a friendly par tisan crowd and arouse enthusiasm with sweeping denunciations of what others have done, It is a different thing to wit down, quietly and dispassionately, in' committee or in council, and debate the issues of imports ance to the city, It is then that experience and cool-headedness count for a great deal, There are no cheering crowds then to give inspiration, only a group of men putting their ability and their brains into a common melting pot for the good of the whole, The meeting last night served a very use- ful purpose, not only because it brought some of the candidates before the electors who were present, but because it revealed the sit- uation which they have to face, As never before in the history of Oshawa the situation demands clear thinking and sober reflection, It demands that the best thought of every individual elector be applied to the solution of the problems which confront the commun» ity, so that he can decide wisely and well in the selection of the men to deal with these problems, Only thus can Oshawa be sure that the council of next year will be capable of dealing with tne hard tasks that lie ahead, Only in this way can we ever hope to see the city represented by the men who are best itted for the damands of public office, PLENTY OF NOMINEES 1f numbers can be taken as any criterion of interest, then the list of nominations for municipal offices in Oshawa indicates that interest in the welfare of the community is at a fever heat, With thirteen nominees for the office of mayor, seven for the publi util- ities commission, twenty-four for board of education and, seventy-seven for the offic of aldermen, there is no lack of possible ma- terial for an interesting election, There is not only quantity in the nom- inations, There is also quality, There are men nominated for every office who would do credit to it, men of ability and force of character who would, if they could be per. suaded to remain in the field as candidates, and if they were elected, make a splendid contribution to the public life of this com- munity, doubtless, some of them, at least, will file their necessary papers before nine o'clock tonight, and it will be surprising il there is not a contest for every municipal office, This is as it should be, for it is the right of the electors to express their opinions as to who shall represent them on the civic bodies of the city, and unless there is a vote on the candidates; that right is denied them, There are sometimes those who will pull out from municipal elections because, aa they put it, "They 'do not wish to force a conteat, That is a much mistaken idea of public re. sponsibility, The man who is the extra can- didate in an election ia not imposing a hard- ship on the community, Rather ia he confer- ving & favor upon it, in that he ia giving the electors an opportunity to gelect the men they want to do their business for them, - So tonight will tell the tale as to whether or not there are to be contests or acclamations, For the sake of good civic government in Oshawa in 1981, let us hope that there will be no ac clamations, but that there will be contests for every office which has to be filled next Monday, MAKE THE PLEDGE The advertisement published in The Tim- es last night by the minister of trade and commerce of Canada was 8 striking one, For some time now advertisements have been appearing over the minister's signature, ur- ging the people of Canada to buy Canadian goods, This time, however, the minister issues 8 challenge to the people of Canada, inviting them to pledge themselves to the observance of a creed of Canadianism, The creed is a simple one, yet it will mean much to the country if it is adopted whole-hearted- ly by its people, for it is a creed of loyalty to Canada, its interests and its products, This is a creed which should be signed by every Canadian citizen, And the interest- ing part is that by clipping 8 coupon and sending it to the minister, an arristically executed copy of it will be sent to any Can. adian citizen who is willing to subseribe to it, Ro, if you have not already sent in that coupon, we would urge you look up last night's issue of The Times, cut out the coup- on, and send it to the minister as a definite pledge that you are willing to do your part in bringing back prosperity to the Dominion, EDITORIAL NOTES A long nomination list does not always mean an abundance of candidates, but in this case we hope it does, The crowd. at the nomination meeting, and at the public meeting last night, gives hope for u heavy vote being polled next Monday, Have vou vour list of New Year resolu tions ready? One worth-while New Year resolution would be te buy Canadian goods whenever possible, Oshawa's fire chief and his department are to be congratulated on the high standing taken among the cities of Ontario for fire prevention work, To come first among cities between 25,000 and 99,000 is no mean achie- vement, Give credit where It is due, Eddie Mac- Donald has certainly succeeded in stirring up a lot of interest in the election, I'he Farmers' Advocate jumps right into the limelight with its remark that there seems to be surplus of everything but leader- ship, Other Editors' Comment | EDUCATION I8 THE BEST (Widgetown Doon) fhe decision of the Liberal Party in Ontaiio to abandon the diy pha in its plationm seems to id ate a leasoncd gong that ne reliance can be placed on Prohibition sentiment to win victory at the polls, 'The railure of farce to attain the desired cid 1s thus admitted, and recent outspoken utterances in the United States seems to show that earnest pro hibition workers in that country are ast coming | the same con | We are sitll more than ever of the opinion that education Is the Lest, if not th only, means of affecting a permanent® betterment In respect §@ the liquor trathe, BOLSTER FARMS (Farmers' Advocate) Ways and means have heen devised for helping all the industries except ugriculture, 'Lhought should be directed at once to a policy that will bolster up farming, Ii agriculture made even tolerably prosperous all uther industries will derive more bene fit from the reflected prosperity than they could ever hope ta enjoy from atari as high as the peace tower on Parliament Hill, 530 PER CENT (Lordon Advertiser) Canadian duties on cotton socks and stockings from Great Britain have been raised $50 per cen And John Bull is so ungrat ful that he refuses to tax foreign wheat for the advantage of this country, BITS OF HUMOR NOT QUITE : Witness--"Mr, Blank would not take advantage oi anyone, He is a perfect gent, +)" : Judge--"1 suppose you mean by 'ge nt, something short of a gentleman HERE'S A NEW ONE! At a dinner purty a very absent-minded professor was seated next to a charming woman, "Don't you remember me, Professor?" she smiled, "Why some years ago you asked me to marry youl" "Ah, ves," said the professor; 'and did you?" usion can he The QUITE UNWSUAL Tourist--"Were any great men born here?" Oldest Inhabitaut="No; as long as 1 remember, only babies have been born here." OKE It is reported that an American bride insisted on saying "Yes" instead of "1 Will" at the marriage cere- mony, This is hard to believe, Surely she said "Yeah" or "Q.K, by me," or even "And how |"=Lon- don Opinien, THOSE GOLDEN TONES "1 can't think why 'hey make so much fuss about Miss Smith's voice. Miss Jones has a much richer yvoliee "Yes, but Miss Sinith has a much richer rather, --RBuen Humor (Madrid), BITS OF VERSE ESCAPE Adam, look up! This is not heavy doom, Not exile, but escape. Languid we lie, Listless beneath an ever tender sky, Lilies crowd close; we smother in perfume; Suave vines enmesh our feet; there is no room Fo step, to stride, The dream-drugged hours slip by; Nightly we sicken here, daily we die In the stale sweetness of our garden tonh, Not punishment-=life more abvndantly! Rich recompense for one snall shallow yin From tepid twilight inte burning day-- Labor and sweat for you, travail for me. Merciful wrath which does not lock ns ines The aming sword a torch to light the way! «Ruth Comfort Mitchell, | ish Channel THAT THY, AMBITION OF THE BUSINESS MEN OF YOUR CITY 16 TO MAKY, IT THE BEST CITY IN THAT KVOTION, They realize that it takes bhet- ter husiness to make a better city and that mere wishing never gains anything for a city, nor does it bring new dollars to aid in its de. velopment, Your business men back thelr eonfidence in the present and fu. ture of the home city by investing thely money in it, Now is the time for some of the citizens of the home elty to re- mova thelr "smoke screens' and let their neighbors know where they stand, If they are for the home city, they should say so by both words and actions, No man should pretend (0 be a home city booster and then spend his money in some other city, The citizens who build eities are the ones who keep thelr money circulating in the home city, MONEY RPENT AT \ HOME HELPS TO BUILD YOUR C17Y, MONEY BPENT AWAY VROM HON BUILDS ROMY, OTHER FROM NEW ZEALAND LIKELY TO CFASE | Outlook for Dairy Industry Is Serious in New Zealand Aucliland, N.Z.~1f the new Cann dian tariff on butter is permanent, New Zealand's exports to the Cana dian market will cease in about three years and unless there is a tariff in Girent Britain on foreign dalry pro lice, extremely low prices, especial! [ It in a pe I Hy ind restr 7 ter, will manent / an I throug New Zealand Dairy cabled Premier |} asking him to make + effort in hehalf of preferential treat ment for Fmplre dairy produce "The dar ind lalwsion @ tor of the pany, hay london, Com { stry 18 -under no ta the eri ne Of the for produce," said Mr, Good "There ia every prospect of er pri owing to the present econan position, hut what make matters really serious is the rapidly of dairy pro United Kingdom upplied market Pro. rapidly advancing over con wmption in the United Kingdom vhile Empire dairy produce is gradu ally being excluded from other im portant market Mr. Goodfellow sald Australia and the United State had practically hut out New Zealand dalry produce, and the recent increase in the tarif! in Canada would reduce shipments to that econniry hy 10,000 tons during the coming season. If the in creased Canadian tariff was perma nent, the result would he a rapid in crease in production in Canada and exports from New: Zealand wanld cease in about three year PERI OUS GANOE TRIP RECALLED Lieutenant G. H. G. Smyth Paddléd From Sydney to Rome outlook 1 INCFeAsing quantities duce going into the an amply duction wt least Sydney, NS=Jumping forty-five foet from a Paris bridge over the Seine, with a canoe on his back, was the means by which Lieutenant G, H Gi, Smyth, RNAS. wartime flyer, earned money enabling him to cons tinue his famous canoe trip from Syd ney to Rome, Returning here for a brief visit six and a ball years from the day he paddled out of this port, he recalled how he made the jump while moving picture cameras records ed the event, Permission for the stunt was at first refused by the Pres fect of Police at Paris, hut he cons sented when "assured" that due te precipitous cliffs in Cape Hreton the fishermen there habitually launch their eraft hy hoisting them to their shoulders and leaping down ta the water High Nghts of the vavame included a 52-hour period of waiting at sea for surf to subside at Luhee, Maine, a stay at Monte Carlo as the personal fuest of the Prince of Monaeo, and a personal interview with Premier Mussolini, wha had a special medal striick to commemorate Smyth's aes vival at Rome and declared a special holiday during which the Mayor of Rome, with the Royal Guards' band, accompanied the Canadian on his last lah up the historic Tiber in exeurs sion eraft decorated with England and Ttalian signs reading y "Sydney, Canada, to Rame." On one aceasion the canneist lost everviliing hut his eraft in a fruitless effart of 17 hones te cross the Bogs Finally he took refuge on a NHghtship After his eanne vovage Smyth ens aged in prospecting in the Red Take district near Sioux Lookout, Two months ago he went to Bermuda to work on the construction of a new electric railway, BUTTEREAPORTS |: |nddress, wi wil | verse RESOLUTIONS FOR NEW YEAR'S DAY ARE SUGGTSTED (Continued from page 1) themeelves, Lo ascertain what kind of men they were, without eamon~ flage, subterfuge or huff, The first vesolntuion, the gpeaker suggested, was "That we resolve tn he stronger men than we were in 1940," Strength, he sald was the glory of manhood, and Weakness was Hing the jails and asylums, "Let us ent oul our whining and whimpering, and get down to hed: rock Wying and he strong men," he said, he second resolution was that "We ghoulud try to set a Detter es: apple in 1041 thon in 1950," The speaker stressed the responsibility which gested on gyery man becuase of the fuct that hoys might be look ing up to him as a model, Jt would he # great pity, he sald, for a man to be a stumbling block in the way of a hoy, To he nr great father was the greatest of all resolutions, snd would save many a father from heart break hecause of failure in his own home, The third resolution suggested wis "To ba fatthful to the things that are worth while," Man's frst duty, sald Mr, Maxwell, was to God, and then to his fellow-men, and In order to get right In a practical way, A man had to get right theolos endl he last resolution touched upon i Yo make gn honest attempt ot In harmony with God's uni dt, Touching ou tha grent progress made hy science in of discoveries In the mater ell quoted from the wiy inl veulm, Mr, Maxw clentific nuthorities who had ex pressed thelr conviebion that Lhe reat discover of the future la i the spiritual realm, that seionis ists would turn over thelr Juborato ries to a study of God, of prayer and the spiritual forces of the uni "Wea are on the eve of the rront developments on that line,' ald the speaker, "and we nead to keap In touch with them," We need to glye the host wo have to foster goodwill and make the Individual ind the whole of society more lke Him who came not to he ministered into hut to minister The thunks of the me lintenad with rapt atten! hey Who mm to the in a brief Albert ( COUNCH, CHAMBER | FILLED TO CAPACITY (Continued from | malaed | Ol 10 e hich hat fuken thig wo in hang meiuatns Ald, WW, 1 iley, Ald, A, €, Cam eron. and Ald, Tho Mavor Mitchell then gpoke of the place which Ini harhor opening v hh too this year and tot had been made in the oon "Who WIR price of soft making the saving, wt aren't? a heckler shouted Mayor Mitehell replied that he wag not an expert on the price of non! efficiency by Mr, McDonald and ## an instance he claimed that it had been paying BO cents more per eur hie yard tor gravel than it should huve paid while he also said tha ton many contracts were going Lo Virnie Dixon, Ak for the servants of the eity, who are engeaged in the ¢ity ofces such as the clerk, the treasurer, engineer, relief officer and mem- hers of thely respeciive depart- ments, My, MeDonald did not have # kind word to sey of any of then and complained bitterly that thelr sninries were much too high, "If | am elected as mayor 1 will fire the whole works of them," he stated and his supporters howled out thelr approval, Mr, McDonald, with prophetic eye, could wee the good old ship "Oshawa heading towards the rocks of ruin end bankruptcy through mismanagement and heavy wrpenditures of administration, But with no {alse modesty he declared that if the eitizens would only give him the heim he would pilot the ship safely into port, "(Jive me the helm and fficen good sailors," he eried, "and | will guide the ship safely into the har hor," I. A MacDonald Although nominated ps MAYOr Ald, P. A, MacDonald stated lost night that he could not definitely state whether he would run or pot As chalrman of the finance com mitten he expressed the opinion that the cost of adminfatertio ov the business of the eity 1s too high, "Our overhead must he yoduced," he eontended, Naviewing ils work in the coun of) this year, Ald, MacDonald point ed out that he had favored the sub titution of hand Inhor for the stepm shovel in the constriction of the naw suhwny and ha eontenden that the eouned] ghould have taken petion to have this proposal put in to effect as A measure to relieve unemployment Tha ppealier wis of the (hat tha efty ghould not give ou! contracts for payments hut hnild ita own roads and he helleved that avings could he effected In this manner "Tha hoard of works should he re-organized and if I become mayop this is one thing which 1 would In fit upon," he concluded, Ald, Geo, Morris Ald, Gea, Morris let it he kinawn that he would not qualify ns a eal didate for mayor YI has lang heen one of my a "he sald, "to heeome n clay hut elrenmetuncos thie honn opinion 4 hition nyor fi pre ma from seeking any " not ashamed of the hor engant douncil of 1530 Ald, Mars dealnred and he sald that ha would defy any ratepayer s. challenge nny net of his in or ont of the council, He pald a tribute to Iayor Mitehell and claimed that he hod filed a diMeult oMee with narked Kuecess, As chalriinn of tha fire proten tian and city property eommiiten Ald, Morris lauded the work of the fty's fire and police departments In raply to A statement made hy a Lim ley he decinved that Vive Chior Filott was not getting a ealary ot 19,000 a vear although he wa more than worth jt The speaker declared himself ngaingt the ward system and suggested that it would 1a wns le, wt ' | pay Oshawa to Investigate the couns Loaf that commit [Chamber of Co area hud hoen e ell manager plan of municipal gov- ernment, Ald, Morris, however, was howled down when he sought to prove ¥.a- die McDonald's charges of exorhit- ant prices for cement and gravel in- correct, I, 0; Preston When his turn came, the ehair- man Kx -Mayor It, Bb, Vreston, took occasion to hand out some advice Lo the nudience "You're all wet," he said, "if yon think you can elect one man ne # Mugsolind to dominate the affairs of Oshawa, Lat me tell you that no man can take a jump Into the may or's ehalr without first gaining ex- perience in the city connef)," Vornle Marks Ernie Marie told the that they were the buneh'! ha wus ever in, "But U'm an Irishman and a fight. or myselt," he maid, Mr, Marks said that he had not! vet mada up his mind whether he would geek election as mayor or not, andiencn fightin'est Not a Candidate As M, Melntyrs Hood, editor of The Oshawa Dually Thies, who wis also nominated for mayor, has an nounced that he will not qualify, he declined to speak last night, Kx-Mayor Trick As ho aid not intend to qualify, x-Mayor W, J, Trick did not wish to takes up the time of the meeting last night hut simply wished one and all a happy and prosperous new yeaur, BG, Carnell Tha council's netion In passing a vate of confidence in the el Ineey's depurinient was out of ore der in tha®opinion of esxAld, 8, G arnell, He pointed oul that the nuditor's report plainly stated that the auditors wore not satisfied with the system this department had in keoping tack of payments for ke war and waler connections The council's vote of confidence practi cally contradicted the report, he thought, The speaker helleved that ary effort should he made to at- tract new i Lo the city and Lhat ment should he re vised, [G1] indus the nenes rhe Ald, Win, Boldly Ald, Wm. Noddy stated that he vould not gualify ss a candidate ir aver hut wonld soe re-aloes tion to the elty eonnell ag alderman A% chalrmaen of the general purpose ind industriel committees of the minefl he ad the work of in relation to the imeres, During the ont | temded hy the | anr, hi iid, Lhe fndustria 1d adiniwing the hurho mt hind heen aliriet now Jstyie Hea nly the tmportanee of the harbor to th elty's future Industrial deve el nent and expressed the hops thi the government wold provide sah tantial approprintions for its im provement next year Aldermanic Candidates As no candidates for the publie Hei fe commission were present last night, aldermanie candidates are next called upon Ald, Wy Hille nnounced that wid he a eandidate again in the south«west ward, He had gerv. ed in the counell to the best of his ability during the past year and if alected would eontinue to act in the hést Interests of the ratepayers, he sald nea of lp nd a 1 mde to ' "il ha we As he was nominated for sider- wen, Eddie McDonald had snother chance to speak and procisimed that a cligus had been administer. ing the affairs of the city too long, He had the goods, he said, Vred Kirby stated that be was in the swim as a candidate in the south-west ward, "You may sink," a voice called, The burden must be lifted from the hacks of groaning taxpayers, Mr. Kirby intimated, KE, Clarke said that he would not he a candidate for alderman in the south-west ward, As a member of the Central Executive of Ward Iatepnyory' Associations he charged The Times with making it appear that the General Executive favored the council manager scheme 01 municipal government sithough he #ild that a resolution had Veen fore warded to the paper requesting that it should not use the name or the executive in this connection, Afier aitltempting vainly to speak, Wr. Hood, editor of The Times, fin. ly managed amidst the nose and imor of the crowd to inform Mr, (lurks that the copy of the resolu- Lion had not resched The Times' of» fice until yesterday afternoon, A new candidate in the south. east. ward will he Louis Hyman, barrister, who ssid thet If electea ha would endeavor at &ll times in the best interests of the eity, Ald, Clifford Harmon was not certain whether he would qualify ui mn eandidate In the north-west ward or not, During his four years In counefl he had slways taken an independent attitude and voted as he thought was right, he sald, He would not he a candidate in tho north-east ward, Robert Brooks innounced, Mr, Brooks attempted to kay in few charitable words about the city officials but the audience wouldn't give him s chance and howled him down, Mr, Werry, who will likely quali. fy us aldermanic candidate in the north-east ward, discussed munici- pal problems for several minutes, l.economy should be the watchword of Oshawa in the future, he said, He would seek re-election in Ce- dardule ward, Ald, J, B, Waterous declared and expressed the belief that Cedardale would in time be- come the most important ward in he eity, He had worked hard for (ha new subway, he sald, and If olected next year, would endeavor Lo wea the Lakeview Gardens bridge projects brought to fruition, Ald, ¥d, Jackson, Cedardale's veteran representative, also sald lust night that he would seek re- alaction, Ever since Cedardale had oined the city he had endeavored to protect its rights, he said, He ous that the Lakeview Gare dons bridge should be completed, AW, Bell ro-election to the od aduention for next Year, A. W, Ball ehairman, informed the meeting, In conelss fashion he re- jawed the work 6f the board for the year and stated that the city's chonl system ranked high in the provines, In spite of the fact that expenditures have increased on ac count of a larger school population, Mr, Dell pointed out that the board wf wdupntinn head fApniehed the year with a surplus of $16,801.47, A. Hwall, who filled out the nnfinished term of the late E, L, Vickery, stated that he would quali- fy as un candidate for the board of education, WIE AN He will houvd 0 CELL HAMILTON BY-PRODUCT COKE The meeting waxed hot when the retiring waver spolie of Kddie Mc Donald, leader of the unemployed an "'welf-styled' leader "Who that?" MeDaonald houted, amidst howls and boos, "it ida lle Mayor paper had sald ft "What houted, "The Oshawa paper.' "Is a He! MeDonald answered The mayor sald that he would sithdraw the statemen: Another seene occurred Mayor Mitchell sald that he had hean Informed on good authority that Eddie MeDonald was an Amey fcan eitigen and as such would not he eligible ta run for office, Mr MeDonald Interrupted him to deny the statement, "I'm oa Dritteh subject," he de clared, "and 1 served my country overseas.' Ald, Geo, Hart He would reek election as the next mayor of the city of Oshawa, Ald, Geo, Hart, chairman of the hoard of works in the present conn. oil, announced last night, = As one of the thirteen mayoralty eandls dates, Ald, Hart was allowed five minutes in whieh to speak, Hri®y he reviewed that whieh has been done hy the 'board of works during the past twelve months and expressed the opinion that mueh had heen accomplished as four miles of sewers, 114 miles of sidewalks, and two miles of roads had heen construeted, in ads dition to other Important works, The speaker stressed the impor tance of entleing new industries to locate In Oshawa, Only hy having new industries, which would bring new revenues to Oshawa, could the olty hope to effectively cope with the problem of an increasing tax hurden, Mr, Hart opined that the council manager system, which haa heen found effective in certain mun. loipalities, would be worth consid ering In Oshawa, Having served in the efty council during the past four years, the speaker stated that if he were to be elected ax mayor he would at al) times endeavor to give hia best in the interests of the oily, Kddie McDonald With impasaloned words and ges. tures, Wddie McDonald, leader of the unemployed, spoke as a mayor alty candidate and he at once flatly denied that he was an American eitizen, He also emphationlly stat ed that he was not a communist Chavges which he had made pre | viously against the aity engineer and the administration of his de. partment, were reiterated by the speaker who claimed that he had the proofs and was therefore not afraid to speak his mind. RAVE Mitehell replied that th mm paper? MuceDonald when | | | Prefer This Sold by The conncll waa charged with {a Why Women Fuel Hamilton By-Product Coke is finding widespread and increas. ing patronage among home managers and housekeepers through. out Ontario. They choose this fuel, particularly this year, for three sound 5 ¢ COKE H. M. FOWLDS & SON McLAUGHLIN COAL & SUPPLIES, LTD. 1. ECONOMY --each ton costs one-third less than ordinary fuels. 2. IT IS ALL CANADIAN each ton represents the industry of Canadian workmen. 3. CONVENIENCE it eliminates dust and soot, is lighter to use, and reduces ash to the minimum, When you are ordering fuel, try a few tons of Hamilton By-Product Coke, and you will be delighted with the results. HAMILTO Regisrered

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