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Oshawa Daily Times, 30 Dec 1930, p. 6

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i ' PAGESIX THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1930 0.H.A. TEAMS WIN GAMES IN TWIN-BILL -- OSHAWA 'PATS' LOSE 2-1 Oshawa's O.H. A. Entries Both Get Off on Right Foot, Each Win Opening Tussle Good Crowd Attends Doub- Icheader at Arena Last Night When Oshawa's O.H.A. Entries Open Their Season Schedules With Victories -- Inter- mediates Blank Peterboro 7-0 and Juniors Best Bow. manville, 5-2 - ' Oshawa's two entries in the OHA, opened their season schedules last wight at the Oshawa Arena and did 50 in a very impressive manner, the Intermediates defeating their Peter- boro rivals by a score of 7 to 0 and the Juniors defeating their old tim: favourites, Bowmanville, by 5 to 2. Good and bad hockey were both displayed during the evening's enter- tainment but the Oshawa teams, in each case were unquestionably the better team, The Intermediates op ened their campaign with a 7 te 0 shutout, Peterboro"s defence was weak and the Oshawa rorwards hal » big night, Elliott, Rowden, Conlin and McDonald were the goal getters for the locals, In the Junior game, the hockey was enjoved riore than the first one Both teams gave all they had, The locals grabbed off an early lead with three goals in the first period but from then on Bowmanville equalled their scoring efforts with two goals apiece, Bowmanville scored once in the second and once in the last peri wll, there twenty minutes worth of penalties served in the last period which meant that there was seldom twelve men on the ice, outside of the referee, during the last twenty min utes of play, Lortie, with his hard shot, Authors and Graboski were the pick of the Oshawa team with Piper, Jamieson, Oke and Walton showing up well for the visitors, Oshawa has two smart hockey teams entered in the O.ILA, this son and both teams look good to win their respective groupings, Now that the group schedules have actual. ly got under way, the interest in the teams will increase a great deal and bigger and better games will be the order of the da) seir Intermediates Win Easily, A minute after play had opened, Elliott rushed the full length of the ice and missed the net. On the next rush, Rowden split the defence hut was spilled. Conlin followed fast and took a try but Gillespie saved. The uck bounded in front of the net and fA \ ' 1 | P ' {cDonald batted it in for the initial | Rowden making a rush and the score | I, ( counter, ed and broke through, trieved the puck and tricked Gillespie from in close for the second tally, V/A WIR Regen Now! WILLIAM HAINES in-'Remote Control' with POLLY MORAN CHARLES KING NEW YEAR'S EVE Midnite Frolic Starts 1,15 pom, Pre-vieu Maurice Chevalier in="Playbay of Faris" FUN--~FAVORS Tickets on 50 c Sale Now tlantic City is always {'in season" There's never a dull moment Atlantio i ation a week, Soviet home ng Bt=reah=vigoroust nes! Holels ATA City week or 8 week-end enjoy the lux [ tments oul exorbitant o ot, Write or wire for reservations. S90 ROOMS =~. OVERLOOKING THE OCEAN f BEA WA SArhe ©, V. MERKS, er, aaa ANDREWS, Pas, A minute later Elliott rush- | Rowden re- | Hayden and Gunn drew the first penalties for an exchange of slugs behind the net, Elliott beat every- body but the gealic and then flipped the puck past the post, Gilfillan fol- lowed for a trip as the other two in- habitants of the penalty box returned to the play, Gillespie made a wond- erful save when DeGray and Elliott combined to go right through, the latter taking the shot. Conlin drew a penalty and immediately after De Gray made a great rush, Hatton followed with a fine effort and then "Doc" took a jaunt down the ice and had three trys for a goal before Pet- erboro cleared the rubber, Burr sav- ed -a shot and a scramble ensued which resulted in the puck hitting the Oshawa goal post but no score, The the puck down the ice and the score Oshawa 2, Peterbore 0 Peterboro opened the second period with a great try for a goal but Con- first period ended with Eliott taking | Hockey Results resulted as follows; OHA, Intermediates Hespeler 008 Fergus Hamilton Pats 65 Preston Bimecoe 1 Ingersoll Glencoe ,,...3 Alvinston Oshawa .....7 Peterboro ,. OHA, Junior +o Danforths ' Victrolas Oshawa Peter Bt, John b Haveloek ,.... Brampton 4 Orangeville Milton at Acton postponed Niagara Walls 16 Port Colborne ,0 Grimsby ,,..4 Welland ,.,,.3 singessoll ,,.2 Woodstock x10 minutes overtime, Paris 3 Bt, Mary's Jlinton 9 Mitchell Collingwood ,.6 Meaford ,, Hagersvills ,18 Vort Dover Ontario Pros, | sGuelph 2 Oshawa | ¥10 minutes overtime, alt .. Kitchener ? stratford ..,..4 Niagara Valls ,1 prrres 'H. Lander's lin cleared and went back up the ice. ! McDonald checked Maudsley an | Rowden recovered the puck and | Rowden recovered the puck and scor | ed before the minute hand had barely | moved over 'og the first time, Cripps | drew a penalty for an open trip, The | first half of the second perivd wa marred with too much ringing of the bell due 10 the offsides by the players | of both teams, Houch drew a penalty [ fo tripping. Creighton earned the l.admiration of the fans by his boring tactics, Burr was called on for a Vareat save when he gircled the de fence and made a nice try for a back- { hand shot, MeDonald was robbed of [a goal on a good save by Gillespie | Maudsley and DeGray each drew a | penalty just before the bell sounded | to end the second period, Oshawa J Peterboro 0. | | Thick and Fast | Once again Elliott opened the peri Lod in a sensational style and rushed | the length of the rink, circled th derence and the net and scopped the puck into the twine for Oshawas { fourth counter, Conlin went right through the centre but missed his chance, Rowden scored the next goal on a lone play; 8 minute later, which ended with a blazing shot { which Gillespie didn't see, | Right from the face off, in less than [ten seconds, Conlin went through an [tricked the for a nice tally, DeGray and combined for oa nice try but there was no score | Houck made a nice play and gave Gilfillan a pretty pass, Maudsley gave | Creighton a great chance and Burr | was beat but the puck slid across the | face of the net, Elliott and Creigh | ton drew a penalty together for mix [ing things |! tf Maudsley's hot shot, goalie Gunn Elhott rush ed and past to McDonald who shot | { hard, "Charlie" followed in and | banged in the rebound for the sey [ enth goal he game ended with 7 to U for Oshawa Locals Show Up Well Ihe Intermediates made very good showing in their first scheduled game of the season. Coach Ken " gentre and he seemed to be right at home, His poke checking was one of the features of Oshawa's defensive play. Theo, Eiliott was the best Osh awa man on the ice, "Doc" Rowden showed up well at right wing, His stick haandling and hard shot were a continual threat to the visitors de- fence, which was the weak link in their chain, Burr turned in a nice performace and thoroughly deserves ¢d his shutout as he made some won- derful saves, Delray worked nice- ly with Elliott and gave Burr good protection, Charlie McDonald, a new comer to Oshawa's hockey ranks, turned in a good pame Gilfillan seemed to have trouble with his skat- | es but improved as the game progres | sed, Gunn played some nice hock lin the final period, | For Peterboro, "Red" Creighton, [slim left winger pleased the | erowd with his plucky display. Mau! | sley looked good and Hatton did | some nice work, The defence w weak but Gillespie, in the nets, made | some great saves, Those which beat | him were real goals, {Judging trom their display in the first game, the Oshawa Intermediates | will be the team to beat for group | honors this season, | back in action and also Morrison, they will have a very formidable in- termediate squad ; | The teams, Oshawa:~Goal, Burs; | defence, DrGray and Elliott; centre, Conlin, right wing, Rowden ; left wing and Gilfillan, Peterhoro fence, LeBar -- Goal, Gillespie; do and Cripps, centre, wing, Creighton; alternates, Cally dine, Jarvis and Hayden, \ Referee--"Bah" Armstrong. OSHAWA JUNIORS OPEN SEASON WITH VICTORY Oshawa Juniors opened their 1930. 31 season auspiciously when they scored a goal before the minute hand had even moved, Peterson rushed, and split the defence, James slid out to save hut Authors followed in close and banged the rubber into the twine for a tally, Lortie gave Drinkle a lovely pass but the shot was weak. "Rainy" scored the next goal when he rushed. and shot trem the blue line with a terrific drive, James tried to eateh the flying rubber but it slammed into the upper corner of the net for a goal," Thickson drew a pen- Ity when he tripped Joe Graboski as he was going through, Graboski made a lovely play and gave Jackson a great chance, Jackson made a nice try but James saved, A minute lat- er James made a sensational save ta rob Graboeski of a goal on a pretty combination play, Drinkle drew a penalty for tripping. Oshawa broke away after QOake had given Hurst some work, Lortie passed over to Peterson and "Pete" drilled the rub. her past Tames with a low shot, diis ficult to stop. The first period ended Burr made a great save Randall had Bill Gonlin playing at | With Jack Band | McDonald; alternates, Gunn, Houcle | Maudsley; right wing, Hatton; leit | Rink Wins Turkeys Last night at the uspawa Curling | rink, the members of the OUshawn | Curling Club held their annual {Christmas Turkey contest, All ot | the elght sheets of ice were filled {and sixty-four players participated, All games were keenly contested {and greatly enjoyed by all, Four fine large turkeys were offered the rink winning by the largest mi jority of shots from thelr oppon ents, In making up the rinks that were to play together in the coms petition each player drew a num ber from & box, There were four of each numbers in the box and the four men having the same number constituted the rink to play togeth. er, In this way mixing the good players, the poor players and be ginners, Twelve ends were played and when the scores were handed in it was found that the rink skip ped by Hy, Lander had won tng | birds, having defeated a rink skip ped by D, Comphell by a score of 18 to 8, The rink skipped by C Anderson gave Mr, Lander a very close run this rink being 10 points up and one end to play when his op- ponent, Mr, McArthur Lambert got one point The following Is the record of the games H. Lander 18, D, Camphell §, Dr, Henry 11, R, Henderson §, Fl, Michael 16, ¥, Dobney 7 L, R, Luke 14, J, Thompson 1! C, E, Hare 11, A, Hoar 4 C, Anderson 13, A, Lambert 4, Hy Buteliffe 14, C, Mundy 7 I, Gerrard 11, W, A, Hare 6 | The winning rink consisted of fed Colvin, lead, R, Dixon, seconu James vice, and H, Lander skip, a a -- with the Oshawa | manville 0 | Bowmanville Scores | Doon after the second period op [ened, Peterson drew a forced rest fand a minute later Brown was off! Lor tripping, Jumes made a great sive when Lortie sifted right mm hin, Peterson was sent alter he got on the ice, Drinkle gave Lortie a pass but he missed it, Maun drell scored one of the prettiest goa of the entire evening when he rusas ed from his own net and never lost the disc until he had drilled it James for Oshiawa's fourth tally Lortie followed with a fine rush a minute later, Jumes slid out to mak # great save but Jackson caine in a scooped the loose puck into the net for a goals Gradd and Walton ex- changed blows and were sent to the bheneh to coal off Corbi looked [to be through but Jwuieson tripped him and was sent off for his trouble, |Qake and Maundrell were the next | players to extend the compliment {of the season and they were sent off Piper scored for Bowmanville when | he rushed down the left boards and | shot. The puck went into the corner {but he went in aud brought it out {and banged it pass Hurst to mal | the score § to 1 for Oshawa, He drew | a penalty tor slashing a minute later, Drinkle was robhed when his shot | hit James' stick and glanced over the [top of the net, Hurst was given { busy session but came out OK, A thors drew a penalty for heokin | The second session ended with the score still § to 1 for the homesters score at Ww 3 B sent back ki Penalties Numerous Jamieson made a great rush to op- en the final frame and was rignt through, Maundrell drew a penalty tor holding, Bagnell drew a penalty for an attempt to trip Lortie. Hradd and Oake were given a penalty a- piece, Jackson made a great try but missed the net after going right through, Jamieson was sent off {or tripping Bradd, Oake was hurt try. ing to Poard Graboski and had ta go off. Lunney tripped Graboski and drew a forced rest. Walton was sent off for tripping to make the eighth penalty of the period, Bowmanville were playing two men short, With only three Bowmanville men on the ice, Thickson beat the entire team, lost the puck but took it away trom Lortie and beat Hurst for a great goal, Drinkle missed an open net and Jamieson got another penalty for illegal checking, Hradd was sent to the bench again for clipping Piper, Graboski made a great try for a goal but James saved and the game was aver, Oshawa i, Bowmanville 2, The teams: Oshawa~Goal, Hurst; defence, Lortie and Maundrell; eens tre, Authors, right wing, Drinkle: left wing, Peterson; alternates, Gra- boski, Bradd and Jackson. Bowmanville = Goal, James; de- fence, Oake and Jamieson; centre, Piper; right wing, Walton, lett wing, Lunney; Alternates, Bagnell, Brown, and Thickson, Referee--"Bob" Armstrong, vrooB Bowmanville ,,¢ Hockey games played last night eerly QPORT SNAPSHOT By Guo, Canrnma, Sports Editor OH.A, Teams Both Win Oshawa's two entries in the OHA, got off to 8 good start last night in their group schedules when they each captured their opening game, in the doubleheader at the Arena last night large as u doubleheader deserves, The erowd on hand although not as There wis a good hockey displayed was of the mixed variety, both types being played dupes ing the two hours of play. Ld Nl ¥ ¥ Intermediates Defeat Peterboro Oshawa's intermediate team, bolstered by several valuable additions from last $000 paal | | " Lucas, | | James year's denior squad, made an impressive showing against their rivals from the Liftlock City and applied the whitewash to th density of 7 to 0, Vie, Burr, last assignment tor goal tending dui oughly deserving his shutout, and was a constant threat to the yisitors, tre, turned in a good game and hu Charlie ternates McDonald had a good nig Counn team w be a smart vill be hard to * but both Oshawa ill and they Iheo and Gilhlan team eat for the year with the Juniors, was given the and he turned in a great game, tho lio was Oshawa's best may Bill Conlin, playing at cen and his wings, "Doc" Rowden and t, Houck the pick of the gl: The wis ( of showed plenty propiise, wlore the scason group honors, ¥ ' Juniors Defeat Old Rivals I'he memories Ors Once awa Shamrocks were re teams gave all they | | the first period goal The the defence with $ In and that Oshawa Juniors made a goo Maundrell, they teamwork was displayed and the all minor (§] period " number of penalties duration, in Just hovke team 1a they did ' P J i Pi even HW first It has ever gan was the hrst time that a been in action Guelph ten minutes of overtime be ly to be expected, both tea good A piss wis of teamplay but there was some va's lone counter on best man W "Pats," will be much | meet Galt at the Oshaw Osh AWA'S th a few Oshawa the again produced the of the old battles between the vived last nig d Ihe local Oshawa "Pats," Lose in Guelp the tvo and game of le Juniors and Osh { good better Bow t: tw rablied off manyil is i game and hotl early lead, three ol their ietor back un Liood Lortie ng defensively feature was the large iulties of two minutes ea Very | showing in th short end of the score e Osha It t 'the na to } mild get the de hi by ani congiv of ill Jo Lott eir ce scored (8) nl belts 0.H.L., Gets Good Start Ihe Pro, hockey league night and was well Ontario recel fans were Terriers were played, Stratford their Nationals and Galt the wert "Pats," n Into oyertine Ihey on Friday night . All victories teams, Oshawa game game here ed in eac! pleased their home earned by hoi last Hames of victory, start al good where (ot off k pleaser t the vith well 10WINg fans Of the { victor { crowd to a defeated reing the their first teas Oshawa Nationals Soccer Club Nati h Yea oy held on January ( * * ha eeided e Mot Accept Our Apoligies at we made a night's paper It seems t! last nave We about header in one would any doubt we were very much in the many people who read the Sport Page until the We certainly heard plent game, night as it is played night to the I'rom now oi OMINATIONS IN THE TOWNSHIPS | day afternoon, 1 (Continued lage 1) Acclamation in Seugon (By Mrs, D. Hood, Correspondent) Scupor, Dec ¥),~The townsh'p couneil was elected hy aeelamation in Scugog vesterday, although two men | were placed in nomination for tie reeve's chair from Those nominated for reeve were Russell Hood and J. Aldred, while the 1931 council will comprise Russell Carter, Frank Gerrow, George Head, | and John Sweetman, | clamation | Thomas Baker, Port Perry (Miss M, Cockburn Corvespondent) Povt Perry, Dee, 80 For Neeve~--Rohert Bomerville, James Far Council Norman Kwer, McKee, I } KE: Jackson, Thomas Caesar, W, M, Ledger, W, W. Crosier, George RAridger, M, Williams, R. A Weir, (iearge Raines, R. IM, Archer, A, D, Pet- ors, For School Trustees Mrs, Figary, D, Harrison, George Davey, Mansell Qerrow, Dy, G, § Joffrey, A. OC, MacFarlane, CO, C, Jeffrey, Plokeving Township (Miss Jean Clarke, Correspondent ) Pickering, Nee, 30,--No election in expected in Pickering Township this year, according to information gathered hy The Times, although many candidates were nominated, Those named yesterday were: Reove--(1, I, Middleton, E. Chapman, G, M, Forsythe, A, White, lat Deputy Reeve--E 1. Chap. man, A, NN, Maore, G, M; Forsythe, A, J, White, 2nd Deputy Reeve---A, R, Moore, R, C, Reesor, G, M, Foraythe, J, A, White, P, M, Chapman, Council--R, BE, Mowbray, R, €, Reesor, A, T Law, Jas, 1, Palmer, Willlam Anderson, J, A, White, A, K, Rittenhouse, Robert Tweedie, John Scott, J, O, Stang, Plekering Village Piokering, Deo, #0, --~ Although several wera nominated for the po. sitions of trustees of the police, village of Plgkering, no election contest ig expected, Those nomin- ated worei~=M, F, Chapman, F. J, m | J, A lak were ung the Prouse, Willlam Cullis, ¥, W, Da. hier nl hy ni nentioning the de mipressi that being held but apparent! n Hanes never knew that there were so started to tell us last referent the it the absence of any 1 mention ever, san game, , B.C, Jones and F, J, Andrews, Darlington Twp, ALi representative gathering of ratepayers of Darlington Township the nominations. were held in the Township Hall at Hampton yester. Four were nomin- for but indications uted reeve | point to two of these dropping out of the contest, leaving a straight fight hetween Charles Wight and (leorge Annis, The other two noms inated were Silas Williams, the re tiring reeve and (leorge A, Htey ens, a former reeve and one of the keenest municipal politicians in the township, Those nominated for Deputy Reeve wera (, A, Stevens, Charles Wight, Thomas Raker, Silas WII Hama and Arthur Pasece., Proba- hilitles for this office point to ae for the last named, veteran councillor and Reeve stated he would at least not enter the field, Thirteen were nominated for councillors hut many of these stat- efl their intentions of not contest. ing the four seats in the council, They were C. A, Blanchard, Charles Carruthers; Arthur W, Annis, John Mutton, Lou Parsons, Harold Skinnner, Thomas MoeGill, Thomas Raker, RN, R, HKtevens, Arthur rent, Thomas Stephenson, Rilas Williams and George A, Stevens, Of this number, John Mutton, Lou Parsons, Harald Skinner, Thomas MoGill, Arthur JAvent and Silas Williams, have definitely stated that they will not enter the con. test, At the conclusion of the meet. ing, a feature of which was some four hours discussion of municipal affairs, in which several things were severely oriticised, Reove Williams announced that instead of the customary oyster supper, he had a treat for all ratepayers pres. ent, Every one was given ohaco. late hars, oranges and bananas as a gift from the Reeve, Clarke Twp, The following were nominated to fill council seats for the Town. ship of Clavke at a well attended meeting of the voters of the town. ship held in the Township Hall at Orono yesterday afternoon, For Reeve, M, J, Holman, press ent reeva and A, BE, Morton, 1986 councillor, For Deputy Reeve, 1, A, Dent, I, BR, Lavekin, and ¥, Coueh, For Council=T, A, Reid, Ar- thue MoKay, W, J, Patterson and F) Couch, All of those gualified the same afternoon except F, Couch whe is as yet undecided whether or net Stratford Nationals { Beat Niagara Falls | in Pro, Game by 4-1 Stratford, Dee, 30.---Profession- 8] hockey was revived hers last pight when the opening game of the newly organized Optario Hoe- key Lesgue was played between the visiting Niagara Falls Catar- nets and the local Nationals, The fined score was 4 to 1 Ip favor of Btratford and it was Ht ting that four of the counters should he registered hy Stratford hoys, three of them hy "SBhorty'" Quesnel of the Nationals and the other hy Spike Mcleod of the visiting team, The other counter went to Heller, who patrolled Jeft | hoards for the Natiovgls apd who i Is a former Kitchener hoy, EE Goodfellow {| National League | four goals in a single game, Kher: | hoth | of | dian section, laa | American | sLring | Fred Cook | In the Leads N JLL. Montreal, De B0,~1In addition | | to compiling the oustanding indiv- | fent. of the present eason hy netting idunl scoring hard Goodfellow, centre fee star of the Detroit Falcons, hes also uehieved the legsership among seorers and point-muakers, according to the official statistics jssued last night from the. office President Frank Calder, in: cluding the games of Sunday night Goodleilow has scored. 15 gonls and secured eight assists, for total of 28 points, which exceeds hy three the number of points credited to Pred "Bun" Cook, of the New York Rangers, and hy four the total compiled hy Howle Moreng, who is leading the Cana Qn which develop. has aecounted for several new figures heing in ported among the scoring leaders I'he entire Hanger forward line of the two Cooks and Frank Boucher has into the pleture in the division hehind Goodfe! reflecting the recent Ranger victories, While is best of this trio on pointe, brother Bill leads on goals with 14, and Boucher has furnish 6d ten assists in addition to scor ing seven times Ties among the leaders abound Canadian section, Ace Ball Taorontn Leafs, Is gecond tn Moreng, while Harvey Jackson, of the Leafs, and Normle Himes, of the fmproved New York Ameri: cans, are tied for third position An all-Montreal tie exlsts for The free-seoring in recent games come thi of low, ay, of | fourth place hetween Nahe Relbert | and | and | American section PETERBORO JUNTORN | §t, Johns' opened the local hockey | BOAsON Nels Btewart, of the Maroons, Aurel Jollat, of Canadiens, Turbulent play is reflected in the Inereased number of penalties, players hold the this diviston, ¥ddle Shore, of Noston, and. Harvey Rockhurn, af Detroit, leading all others with 57 minutes each, Jol- inte and Alex, Smith, of Ottawa, each have served 45 minutes | 1 margin in | OVER COMBINES WIN 80 Peterboro Peterbore, Dee, Inst the here guspieiously defeated night when they Ifavelock Norwood Combines, b to | 2. in a junior OHA, fixture, on rough, sticky lee, In spite of the | when the Oshawa "Pats" Lose Opening Pro. League Game to Guelph In 10-Minutes Overtime 2-1 Oshawa's First Entry in Pro, Hockey Makes Good Showing in Debut, Al though Beaten Out 2-1 in| Overtime -- Both Teams | Show Lack of Condition | ~--Harry Lott Stars for Oshawa and Bill Joyce! Scores Only Goal for "Pats" Guelph, Dee, 30 Guelph Maple Teafs broke away 10 a flying start in the Ontario Hockey Lege LOOK Opening gning segEon hire the fast night from hy un 2 to 1 of the the Oshawa Vil geore in oa f a1 Lime enconnle hefore a erowd The game wu good fee although the came rather of the match ers were a hit hut hoth ts ness to mix of the till Guelph's Early Tend Guelph ool v lead wl at the end of three minutes MoM lan carried the puck down Lhe and passed to Goodwill side the Oshawa blue He latter's whistling shot corner of the There was nn middie gession utes in the thi deadlocked caught the lg short and PASE out from § ed the dige over The Leafs tucked away diet after on mh of play overtime, when a Moore to Kentng to Randle pla iw the latter blaze in a ghot that just glipped hetwes Faught and the goal post Oshawa had good BLOT ing chances after but great work hy Ironstone in the Leal nel saved the game Outstanding Players Far Guelph, th urk of Goodwillie, Randle and Danghen was outstanding | playing a smut was far and aw Oshawa ( of dangerous some of the ling seen here fo Joyce, Btanhope showed up well I'l Oshawa fence, Dave) Rice; wing lott, MeDonal Cameron, Guelph-=Canl | fence Moore and McMillan; centre, | Daughen; wings, Goodwillie and Randle; suhs ( Clapper, | Kentner and. Kil Nefared 1 ener ins OYE sized minute fulr n fairly | slriace he id the pha condition willing LE played o sticky tn end fost of the on ams showed a malLie) an en 11 and the caught an JRL nel noth alght min Oshunwa they nin nhape's | hit at od count Vien playin Look Le and Jin ifs it Joye eriinhle Ironstone, the ver nis nthe 0 ral Manore, | Ironstone i in goal, Lott 1 plek the ub and led long serie nitak Hea flashed mirtest tiek-hand mi (RI wl oni pn (0 aught; and Gre Btanhope onl, n and f Gllmouy nnd MELON fe rmody, ran Hillman, Kiteh The mummary First Period Goodwillia (MeMil lan ond Period \ I, Cuelph Fir ho dBeore NO conditions the teams showed plen ty of speed and determination and there were flashes of good hockey, Girl Does Well L) Pioton of Big Island sold 148 turkeys to Wm, Pearsall, which welghed 1, 717 pounds t 28¢ # pound they would be worth $420.25, he will run for Deputy Reeve or Councillor, In the event of his running for the deputy veoves ehalr the councillor's will be eleet. ed by acclamation, Kast Whithy Reeve John Ross, George 1. foott, W. A, Levis, I, W, Atkinson, Deputy Reeve--W, A, Levis, (jeorge 1, Scott, Everett Warne, Kd- gar L, Glover Councfl--K, Warne, M. M, a Hart, Fergus Shaw, G, 1, 8cott, ¥ W. Atkinson, Edgar L. Glover and Charles Bparrow, Those Who have qualified in: olude: John Roes for Reeve, and KE, Warne, M. M, (i, Hart and G, IL, feott for Council, This represents last year's Council, Mara Township For Reeve--James Read, John Mruece and James Mahoney, For deputy reeve- Edgar Dure and Pat viek Olark, For Couneil--F, wn, Leonard, A. Molsaac, Patrick Mo- (lee jr, John Newman, A, T, Robin: son and Patrick Duggan. Nama Township Reeve---John J, Morris, Henry Heavener, Counoll---=Lawrence Cop- per, Marshall Davey, Fred Needler, Clifford Whalen, Daniel MeMillan, John Duffy, Martin Justin, Herbert Giles, Port Hope For Mayor--Fred Rosevear (ace ol), For reeve-- HK, P, Sanders, I. 1, Giddy, George T, Hancock, George Wragg and J. A, R, Elliott, I'or deputy reeve--H, R, Lingard, 1B, P, Sanders, R, J, Edmunds, W, RB. Johnston, George Wragg and J, A. Riliott, For couneil=--Hen Oliv. er, W, B, Ginson, W, Roberts, D, A, Shay, H, Stratton, George Wrage, W, Mitohell, W, J, Oke, J, Sinnott, Paul Haggis, H, W, Mitehell, 1, T, fiylvester, H, B, Rosevear, J, A, R, Elliott, W, 0, Johnston, K,'P, San. dora and W, J, Crowhyrat, Far water commissioner--George (ar nett (accel), For school trustees Ward 1, W, L. Radley (acol)} Ward 2, R, L. Graham (acel)} Ward §, R, U, Hayden (acol,), For Hydro commission (two to be elect. ed) J, Mitchell and BE, W, Mit: ohell, Miss Marguerite Wilson | Third Period § [ Oshawa, Joyce, (Htanhope) 8.00 | 1 fei ome Peg' truly Cell | more | ished wrapper is transparent,..you see what you buy, and the superior appearance revealed which smoking proves to you: Sealed in woritvisspionl FRESH and PREVENT POCKET BREAKAGE. ONLY CELLOPHANE provides such protections In attractive Packages of 10, Qvertime Randle (Keniner and Moore) 1! Penalties Virst perked, Lott; spcond period, McDonald, Killors Ieee, third period, MeDon vey, Kentner, doyee, Daughe f Millan, MeDonsid, w. Gaciph, ' overt Brampton Js. Win Opening Tilt From Orangeville Orangeville, Dae, Withou ceremony id the hockey seuson at Lhe Brena here last night when tL ojunior OH. A, bixtire detented Orangeville Ln crowd attended and excellent exhibition me, wh By 3 0) he YH pried git i" bran im period the whi " Lhe Jur htiug LE EECn Burrov wrampton EBL the third frame, by aring 1 an wee comiination were, took the len when petted (hie evened the od on nu noel 4 in ulo play hy the coun Jed feet life pla MeMich The wrpshontery uel and Hosre, Steve Conick is Star of Hamilton Victory Last Night wo With the Conlek erackin fitan Vatricias laced itiversides Inte sub Intermediate OHA night 6 to 1, The third consecutive I'atg fn as many them on Haomiltm Ie Hinutive witlp Han Preston an in an ast the the piLs hack Woodstock for the Hp of the group race Patricias were much superior vigitore, One goal was scored in the stanza, while three the second, The istered their lone third, hut Patriecias a little later and fi the four-goal margin in the first twa per Here Wag ph fay and I en keel with cnr to the opening came in River re counter in the got this haok with Lhe rian lod NEW MARTIN TUES, « WED, "Smash Comedy Hit "HE KNEW WOMEN" he Chimps in YTHE BLIMP MYSTERY! HAMBURGER (Noyeity) PATHE NEWS Top's Cellophane indicates finer quality, ophane to keep them 25 and 80 Cigars, from 80¢ up,

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