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Oshawa Daily Times, 5 Jan 1931, p. 2

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PAGE ™wO' THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, JANUARY 5, 1931 : | hd A . Vatted hens, over b g ' i | 6 soevsinineld Ontario and Durham County News [™ ona: | afi Ill win An Those Interested in |] 01d roosters, 'over OFFIC Santa," by Bernice and Roswald i | hs, Minmacott; b eo Ann : { . ; F ERS HO EN nmaco song by weo e Rifle and Revolver i> Bjie ducklings, over 7 Hadley, "Jesus Loves Me;"' "The bs ouch ; Please Contact With Kedron Church Group Met dies; reading, Ella Whittacker, star Goose, over 8 to 12 ibs, Mr, and Mrs. Allan Lavis, Mr. | goward Powell and Annie Hadley. gard to the formation of a fog prices: tons, 20c. Old, large, 24c; twins, | Ontario grain--~Wheat, 67¢; bar- "4 | ley, 50c; oats, 29¢; rye, 3Be; buck- i wheat, Boe, | TORONTO PRODUCE PRICES Buying Toronto dealers are buying produc at the following prices: Eggs -- Ungraded, cases re fresh extras, Me; fresh firsts seconds, 22¢; pullet extras, 26c, Dutter----No, 1 Outario solids, 30¢c; No, 2, 29¢, | Churning cream--Special, 29 to 3c; | No. 1, 28 to 2c; No, 2, 25 to 26c. Cheese~No, 1 large, colored, para- - 151 find and government graded, 13 to each | 13%ec, Quotations to poultry as follows: Poultry-- YAN Grade: Young chickens, Her Husband Gave Her Good Advice Recommends Dodd's Kidney Pills To Her "Before my baby was born I used to have terrible backaches," writes Mrs, Rosseau Killingsworth, Kirkfield, Ont, "I didn't K | 0) N 3 Y know what to do and one evening as I , 30c¢; was complaining about my back m bus. f § band advised me to get some '" py Kidney Pills, 1 did Ay and found olds very good." Dodd's 3nd simply a kidoey dition v0 do, thse full t of the blood. restored sound health to Give them a es spent Thursday with Mr, ang Mrs. Leslie Hancock, Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Hepburn, Miss Luella and Mr, Arthur Hep- burn attended the funeral of their cousin, the late Miss Agnes Hyslop, Base Line,' on Wednesday after- noon, Mr. and Mrs, George Scott, Ray and Grace, spent New Year's Day with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ross, Columbus, Mr, and Mrs. H, P, Werky, Mr, Harold, Misses Bernice ana Wilma | Werry spent New Year's with Mr, and Mrs, Wm, Batty, Oshawa, Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs, Earle VanDyke on their recent marriage. Mr, and Mrs. John Mountjoy on- tertained their family to a New Year's Day family gathering, DODD'S turned, | creamery, | shippers arc Dressed Alive Select MF, Glbs. ca, 18 25 23 Over 5 to 6 Ibs, ..... 17.23 26 Over4's to 51bs, ..... 15 21 24 Over 4 to 4'% bs, 1319 22 4 lbs. each and under 11 17 20 | Fatted hens, over 5 lbs, 19 23 24 in cartons, Over 4 to 5ibs, ...... 16 20 21 48¢; | Over 3% to 4 lbs, .... 13 16 17 Pullet Old roosters, over 3 Ibs, 12 16 - White ducklings, over 5 22 17 friend, felt "that way" because ha was fifteen minutes late to a date, It was just a rhetorical invitation on Patrolman Casamiassina's part, but he didn't know that Widow Donato had never taken a rhetoric lesson in her life, She grabbed the blackjact swished it in her hand to sec which was the business end, and then "Wham | "Whack! "Wham | Patrolman Casamassina melted, just like that, But the slight dizziness passed away in a moment and Mrs Donato's annoyance passed away too. He came around all right and afters wards, like a gallant gentleman, he don, England, October 10th, Mr, Fulton states, "I must compliment you on the quality of your apples as they arrived in exceilent con- dition and secured a Z-premium over any other pack, I worked hard to digtribute your apples to the best advantage and have every con- fidence that we are going to be fully compensated for our effort, Already 1 am receiving enquiries for Newcastle packed apples and have cabled Mr. Hodgetts today to have the balance of the shipment sent to Liverpool for distribution," Two weeks later Mr. Gibson re- ceived another letter from Mr, Fulton in which he was further (Miss Beatrice Mountjoy, Corres- pondent ) Jan, 2.--~The Adult Bible Class held their annual 'meeting and election of officers at the home of Mr, and Mrs. R. J. Luke on Wednesday evening with thirty members present, After the business meeting Dr. Cooper took Sharge of the election of officers the following results: lent--Beatrice Mountjoy. po-Pres,--Mr. R. J. Luke, retary--Miss Helen Cole, Treasurer--Everett Mountjoy. | *Peacher--Rev. Dr, Cooper, 'Soclal Comm.-- Bernice Werry, 1.|" Moderate Mother," a sketch by |} oy 4to5 Hs, Margaret Heaslip, Muriel McNally |} Colored ducklings 2¢ less. © J. R. Luke bi drill, by seven girls, Gladys Prevost, A ight -- Dorothy Prevost, Francis Alexand~ Room 403 AL ote So hs "CC" grade and Mrs, Ross Lee were guests of | song, "Good-night Chil- 0) 4 | Eggs--V'resh, extras, Mr. and Mrs, Newton Edgar, 0:'- |g opus song, "G ' Marianas dup: Xveryons | G0c; fresh extras, loose, er, Grace and Ruhv Warren, Verna awa, for New 'Year's, | Then among squeals of Shans / please contact with the firsts, 40c; seconde, 0c; above. and Emily Killen and dolls; song Young turkeys over 15 ths, 4 b le Fice, Olive Taylor; Frances Phil- GENOSHA HOTEL Te less than above prices | My, and Mrs. H. T, Cole and (and much shouting Santa Claus ar- extras, 38¢c; G. Ibs, each ,...4.... 0 16 Over 4 to 5 bs 12 Colored ducklings 2c less. Guinea fowl, per pair, $1.25, Young turkeys, over 15 Ibs (drsd.) Over 12 to 15 Ibs. each Over 10 to 12 Jbs, each ......... ' | | "Portals of Light," by Mrs. Lyons, ; | (dressed ) : Mrs. Alexander, Mrs, Warren, Alma* { Over 12 to 15 bs, each ...., i Fice, accompanied by Mrs, Jollow | Over 10 to 12 tbs, cach .. 51 at the organ; recitation by Violet | Over 8 to 10 bs, cach Sears; "The Suypage Meeting," a Over 6 to 8 Ibs. cach ,., humorous sketch by a group of la- | U1d turkeys C fowl per 2 lips recited "My Stocking;" Dia- ! Suipen fon oot a iow, and | logue by two Boys, Albert Phillips Arrangements are being #C» grade 7c 'less than mbove and Howard Powell; "The Organ mnfle Whereby, all gon prices. Fund," a sketch by Fred Lindsay, as well as military men who - l Jack Harvey, Mr, and Mrs, Kennedy love the sport of shooting Toronto dsalery are oEering Jie! Muriel Phillips, Albert Phillips and will be able to meet in re. []|duce to retail dealers at the follow- LW entertained Mr. and Mrs. | rived and after being greeted by Butter--No. 1 creamery prints, | P. W. Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lee, [the children and 'some of the La- 82% to 33; No. 2 creamery prints, | [ Mr, and Mrs. A, R, Scott and fam- | dies," he proceeded to distribute 31% to 32, | lly to dinner New Year's Day. treats and presents to those who | Cheese--New, large, 16%¢, | Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Luke, had won them for attendance, anda twins, 10% c; triplets, 16¢; stil- etc, Bringing to a close for an-|L, Lavis; Councillors M. G. Hart, 30 Mr. Scott and E, Warne, ellow cops b Pascoe, Mrs. R, Lee and Everett © Mountjor. . Devotional Comm. --Mrs. R, J. Luke, Mr. Crossman. Mrs, W, . Hoskin, Membership Comm.--Nr, Werry, Mr. E, Davis, Mr, Hoskin, : Concert Comm.--Mrs. W. N. Hos- kin, Mrs. E. Davis, Mrs. E, Mouptjoy, Mrs, II, Pascoe, Mrs. Ross Lee. Auditors--Mr. C. W. Clarence Werry. The meeiiag was then handed _ over to the social committee Ww games and contests were put, on, Lunch was then served and a hearty ypte of thanks tendered to Mr. and' Mrs. Luke for cpening thelr home, The meeting closed by singing "Abide With Me™, The gathering then broke up" after watching the old year out and the new year in, Mr, gnd Mrs. Gully, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. W. Hoskin were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. N, Hos- kin for New Year's day. H. F. W. N. Hoskin, Mr, {and Mrs. H, F, Werry were dinner | guests of Mr, and Mrs J. A, Werry Enniskillen on Saturday, t Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Werry, Wm. and Robert attended New Year's Day gatherings at Mr. Wn, Batty's, Oshawa, and Mr. Arthur Ross, Columbus, Miss Nora Werry is visiting her | sister, Mrs. A, L. Pascoe, Solina, | Mr, and Mrs, J. Glover had as | their guests for New Year's Mr. | and Mrs. Gordon Pengelly, Toron- | to, Mr, and Mrs, Pengelly, Brook- | lin, Mr. Ray Glover, Mr, and Ms. | Lou Fowler North Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Scott, Mr. | and Mrs, Harvey Pascoe and Lor | raine spent New Year's Day with | Dr, and Mrs. McCulloch, Orono, Mr, and Mrs. Ross Lee were visitors with Mr. and Mrs, A, T.| Stainton, Zion, for tea Tuesday night, Miss Audrey was a recent guest of Mrs. Allan Lavis. Miss Marie Cole returned to Tamworth on Saturday to resume Ayre, Hampton, ber aunt, | other staff of The Oshawa Daily a Happy and Prosperous New Year, | A. J. Grose is very capably acting the holiday with Mr. and Mrs, McDonald, ton White, daughter, nezer, {and Mr, | and {and Mr. year one of the imes. We wish everyone, BETHESDA BRIEFS (Miss E. M, Cole, Correspondent) | New Year bring an abundance of joy, happl- | Jan, J.--Happy May the New Bethesda, Pear to all! ness and prosperity to all, Mr, and Mrs. Ronald Scott of Cobourg. Rundle, Mr, and Mrs, Marie and Edith, with the Lislie Oke, Mrs. Eve Year's Mrs, New and Mrs. R. Brenton MeCullough, Don Davey, of Mr. M Mrs were entertained at Mr. and Mrs. D. K. Fraser on New Year's Day, Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Werry, happiest | including the Times, snant Wm. r spent former's | latives in Uxbridge. of Ebe. | McCullough, yr.) Tyrone, Wesley Little, of Windsor, the home of | of The young people have begun re- {hearsals on their play entitled | "Wanted --a wife," and intend to present it in the near future, Mrs, {as director. | The annual school meeting was held in the school on Wednesday morning when the former trustees | were re-elected, Messrs. Irwin Orm. | | iston, John Bray and C, Wilson, Mr. and Mrs, E., Garfatt and family, and Mrs. Weatherhogg, of Oshawa, were holiday visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs, R. Squelch, Mr, and Mrs. John Wilson and family were recent guests with re- Miss Susie Bray spent New Years [ Day with Mr, and Mrs, John Bray {in Prospect. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown, of Myrtle, were New Year's guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bright, Mr, and Mrs. Ray Way and| | daughter of Oshawa, were holiday | visitors with the latter's parents. | Mr, and Mrs, Andy Pilkey spent the holliday with the latter's mother 24%c¢; old stiltons, 26¢. { Poultry Dressed | Chickens, 5 18, ¢ ...... 50-52 | Do, 4tob Ms .... iz | Do., 3% to 4 se, ..... 28] Do., 3 to 3%; Ibs. ..... 27 | Hens, over 5 Ms. . . Broilers .... Ducks shrme TUYKEYS oss costs ovss | | Geese ,, TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS Grain dealers on the Toronto Board of Trade are making the fol- lowing quotations for ear lots: | Manitoba wheat--No. 1 hard 69%c; No. 1 Northern, 69%¢c; No 2, do, B7%c: No. 3, do, bb%e; No. 4, do, b61%ec (cif. Goderich and Bay ports.) Manitoba oats--No. w. 36%¢c; No. 1 feed, 3314, Argentine corn, 71c¢ Colborne.) Millfeed, delivered Montreal freights, bags included--Bran, per | ton, $21.25; shorts per ton, $22.25; | middlings, $30.26. 3 C (c.i.f. Port Over 8 to 10 lbs, each ........ .25 Over 6 to 8 lbs, each ......... - Old turkeys ... AN Geese, over 8 to 13 Tos, 'each All other weights ....... "B"" grade 3c less and "C" s than above prices, Selling Toronto dealers are gr ade 7c offering pro- | duce to retail dealers ut the following | prices: Eggs--Fresh extras, in cartons, 45¢; fresh extras, loose, 43c; firsts, 38¢c; seconds, 28¢c; pullet extras, 32c. Jutter--No 1 creamery, 32% to 33c; No. 2 creamery, 3a to 32. Cheese 2 prints, New, large, 3c; twins, large, 24c; twins, 24%c; old stiltons, 25e, Poultry-- Chickens, 5 Ibs. Do., 4 to 5 Ibs, Do, 3% to 4 hs, ,., Do., 310 3% Ibs. ...... Hens, over 5 lbs. .. Broilers .32 -30 1 prints, | It | ernment feature of Gibson's Newcastle pack- | I lt (ve assured of good standard qual- | ity. E % ; triplets, 15%ec : stiltons, 20¢. Old, that this week I hage order for | {1200 barrels, we continue to send regular ship- | Dressed | ments to Liverpool and no other | NEWSPAPERS USED TO ROLL | market = POL IGEMAN'S CLUB complimented on his pack. A para- graph from this letter reads: | Newcastle | a good barrels Newcastle apples worth and have createq a great in- am explai ned it all to his saying a couple of thugs hopped on him. The story didn't stick, though, and finally he confessed the truth. They arrested Mrs, Donato for felonious assault. She was furious about being arrested. "Sure I socked him!" ) ed. "Why shouldn't 1? erest in thig country, Of course I |, doing this on the basis (hat | She pleaded not guilty. Patrolman his idea of central pack and gov- | Casamassina tenderly refused to press supervision, which is a |the charge and she was discharged. And recently they were married, | He is 26 and she is 24, His compan- {ions at the Webster Avenue station are thinking of givnig Mrs, Casamas- sina an ironbound rolling pin for 4 wedding present, "The pack has been arriving n very nice condition and has met demand, This last ship- with most of the I am pushing the for all I am ment arrived tight, she excl laim- He asked me ng house, ig going to spread and hat the buyers in the future will The {dea had caught on so well I would suggest that wl in the United _Bingdom, | CIGAARETTES Canberra. --One of the best"trade"' | items for the natives in the New | Guinea hinterland is a bundle of old newspapers, says the Australian com missioner in that mandated territory, AT AWE EmaT AY TET nw Enniskillen, Mr. Ward Gilbert of Toronto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs, T. J. T. Cole on New Year's | Day. Mr, od at Mrs, | eve, E. M. Cole, { Mrs. Lorne Year's with vacation with | Woodley at Tyrone. | Mr, and Mrs. F, H, Werry, Mas- ter Percy, Marion and Helen, were New Years dinner guests of Mr, and Mrs, J. H, Werry in Bowman- ville. i Mr. and Mrs, Collacutt were guests of Mr, and Mrs, Harry Frear on New Year's Day Glad to report that Mr. Howard' Couch somewhat improved in health. The bushmen cut the pages into small strips which they use to roil cigarets, sticking them with tree gun, her teaching duties after spending the holidays at her home here, Mr. Harry Kerr, Kingston, Mr, and Mrs, F, M, Love and James, Miss Kathleen Conlin and Mr, Fay Conlin, Oshawa, were New Year's | Day guests of Mr. and Mrs, S. Conlin, Mr, and Mrs. A. R. Scott, Lee, Donald and Joan left Saturday morning to motor to Arnprior af- ter spending their relatives here. Much sympathy is extended to | Mr. and Mrs. Jno. McGregor in the | death of Mr. McGregor's sister, Miss Janet McGregor, of Oshawa. Mr, J. Smith spent New Year's with relatives in Teronto, Mr, and Mrs, Roy Hepburn and family spent New Year's with Mr, 'and Mrs. Wm. Mountjoy, Colum- + bus. Mr, and Mrs. R. J. Luke and Miss Nora Werry were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Meredith Moffatt, Oshawa, for New Year's, Misses Maxiné@ and Marion Pere- man, Columbus, visited on Friday with Miss Beatrice Mountjoy. Mr. Thos. Pereman, Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Beath and Miss' Ruby Hancock, Brooklin, in Gondwood, Mr. and Mrs, W. Horner spent New Year's Day with friends in Col. umbus, | Mr, and Mrs. Eugene Dearborn and eon, of Prospeét, were guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Avery and dauehters were New Year's guests of Mr, and Mrs. J. McClintock, in Port Perry. Miss Florence Heaps visited in Oshawa, recently. Miss Hazel and Mr. Frank Grose, !of Toronto, visited with their par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. A, J. Grose over the holiday. Mr, and Mrs. John Bray and daughter Marjorie, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Bray. Mr, and Mrs. J, Stark and fami. ™ ly, Enfield, were New Year's guests The community was saddened oF the latter's parents, Mr. as vy when a message came from lJ J. Ormiston Orangeville stating that Mrs, Gross- , a | | curth was seriously ill at her home --- there, Mrs. T, R. Hoar and Mr, Sidway Hoar left at once by motor and a Toronto Mrs. T. H, Anderson join TORONTO FARMERS' MARKET The following are quotations, re- tall, in effcct on the Et. Lawrence Market, Toronto, \ | ed them, Produco-- YOUNG FOLKS ARE AS AID TO CUPID | | WouLD | RAISE STATUS | Wedding Bells Ring After RAISE STAT ORRER Widow Knocks Out Manhones England.-- Because the Constable term "domestic servant" carries a feeling of inferfor status, Margaret -------------- | Bondfiel d, Minister of Labor, in a York~In the flexes a dir mpled knee and | speech here suggested that the phrase "houschold worker" be sub lets fly a perfumed arrow. In the | stituted. Borough of Queens he sometimes | rolls up his sleeves, spits on his hands | and crashes down with a blackjack |" The highest purpose of industry is It's all the came to Cupid--either way | to provide satisfaction of life 15 hu- gets results in this surprising world; | man beings.--~Herbert Hoover, Yatrolman Michael Casan | Fan 1 his night stich to a | frie { recently, and invited her sock him if she "felt that way Sd Earl Wilson, Bright and Pop-| Was in 87th Your--Servid Mrs. Florence Donatn,! the girl ular Whitby Lad, Died on Whitby Town Sunday Council | One of Whitby's best known resi- dents, in the person of Samson Vickery, passed away at his home, | Byron Street north, on Saturday. Th deceased, who had reached the ris ne | age of 87 years, had been ill for on! ly | a few days. He was out on Christ. mas Day among his friends and ap- | cared to be enjoying good health. The news of his passing came as a surprise and with regret to his friends who held him in high esteem. The, late R. S. Vickery had been a resident of Whitby for many years, coming here from the Township of Reach, where his son is now farming. He served several years on the Town | Council, one y $s cl of | re ao oun pepenian oll MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY SPECIALS streets, the flag on the town hall is at hali | 4 25¢ THOMPSON Raisinssau2m.27¢ mast, Since the death of his wife, his niece, Miss COMPOUND J 4b. am > 37¢ Sirloin Steak » 22¢ house for him, BEST QUALITY FRESH w. 11€ Douglas Cote was sntenalu. . . . m---- a 'Sta arty" at Mr. anc 1 Ww Cc. prs Flock on New Year's The Whitby Daily imes Advertising, subscriptions and asws wil) be rocsived of the Whitly Branch Office ot CG end Ch Teloph n After Business Hours Phone 358. REPRESENTATIVE--JAMES H. ORMISTON DEATH CLAIMS ~~ |R. S. VICKERY IS CALLED BY DEATH Dethesda, Mr, and Phare, spent New | Mr. and Mrs. Clarence | New book | l upid oC ----p-------------- NEW PRICES ON Malt and Cod Liver Oi The greatest vitamin tonic and flesh producer. RY | "© $1.75 size dor, » 81: 25 Bottle ..... 1 Karis Drug Store Opp. P.O. ...Phone 378 assina ------------ lady yl The most critical Pook reviewer +s the banker, He can tell in a minut | whether your writing is any good or not--Auguste Gazette, NORTH OSHAWA SUNDAY SCHOOL ENTERTAINMENT | Interesting "And Enjoyable | | Program Was Presented by Children | (Mrs, Solomon, Correspondent) North Oshawa, Jan. 2.---The gec- ond of the Still Pictures on the Life of Christ was shown on Sun- day evening, Mr. I. Maxwell fol- lows the pictures with a lecture. | Albert Phillips operated the ma- | Consistently Good The foods you buy at A & P have all passed the most exacting tests in order that their quality may be al- ways up to the high standard expected of the A & P for over 71 years. I -- ympathy of the community my out to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Wilson, in the loss of their youngest son, Earl Kitchener Wilson, who passed away early on Sunday morn- ing at the Toronto General Hospital, at the carly age of fifteen years. The deceased was taken ill about a month ago, and while everything possible was done to save his life, he gradually grew worse until the end came Sunday. Earl was an exceedingly bright boy. He was a pupil of Whitby High Schoo! and of St. Andrew's Presby- terian Church Sunday School. He was also an active member of the Tuxis Boys, attending the weekly meetings at the United Church. Of a bright and cheerfnl disposition, | Earl had many friends who regret very much his early demise. His father, Mr, Herb. Wilson, is one of the town's leading merchants, Surviving are his parents and two brothers, The funeral will be held on day afternoon, - teens es 0.1 BUSY AT RAGLAN zz: |i ERS, in extras ... Butter, dairy per pound 0.28 ) | Skating Is Panilar. And Re. PonCitamery, yor hearsals Are Started on _ | _ Fruits ana Vegotablts-- chine. Next Sunday the pictures | | Carrots, 6 bunches .. will be continued. { Play Beets, doz, bunches ...... | The 8.8, Christmas concert was Onions, dry, 11 qt. | perhaps the best yet and wag en-| (Miss Allie Avery, Correspondent) basket ..... Joyed by all and was as follows: | Raglan, Jan. 8.--The young peo- | Cabbage EER | Opening Hymn, No: 308; prayer by ple of this community are taking |Cunliflower..... | Mr. Maxwell; recitation by Eilena FANCY Taylor, has kept hy y advantage of the beautiful moon- Spinach, peck .....00 | Winmacott, A Merry Christmas;" light nights and enjoy skating on | Mushrooms, per pound {song, "Jolly Old Santa:" sketch, [the pond west of the village. Leat Lettuce, three for "The Missionary Barrel," by Muriel A number were present at the | Head Lettuce two for ... | Phillips, Mr. Kennedy, Annie [nomination in Columbus when the Parsley, per bunch .. 0.08 Jimmie and Emily Killen, and Doris | former council were returned by ac- | Onlons "bunch three for ... Fisher, Fred Lindsay, Jack Harvey |clamation for East Whitby Reeve i Celory, head ' re and Howard Powell; "Writing to!John Ross; Deputy reeve W.. A. Squash, each .. Parsnips, hasket ..... Deots, basket ,...v000 Peppers, cach | Herbs, buncek , | Radishes, bunch ve ses Oranges. per doz, +... 0.85 Honeydew Melons, each 0.25 Grapefruit, 3 for Potatoes, bag ...... Cucumubers, six for Lemons, per doz, Bananas, per dozon. . Apples, bus, ... : ! Do., Snows, 6 ate vs Oranges, doz. . Can. Green I'eas, 6 qt. { basket Eggplant, each ,,. | Gireen peppers, bas | Poars, basket . | Sweet potatoes | Cranberries, qt. | Pumpkins, each ER 2.30, and will be in charge of Rev. 1. Ralph Adye, of All Saints' church On Tuesday afternoon the funeral will take place from the residence of his son, J. F, Vickery, lot 16, conces- sion 3, Reach township, to Pine Grove Cemetery, Prince Albert, Deceased is survived by his and niece. Bomanville Tues- 0.15 sree LATE MRS. LAVERY ISLAIDTOREST Wife of Manager of House DURHAM APPLES ot Cn * | REGEIVE PREMIUM eg svomese we IN OUD COUTRY | ery, wire of Dr. J. ¥. Lavery, man- | ager of the House of Refuge, took | asbmab--t Newcastle Pack Compliment- | ed on Uniformity and son Syawhenry Wl ----SALE OF -- Children' 5 Hose 590 pairs Tuesday morning 10 o'cock ee > ScHosocoesoe CI de eID wD os rs Smsce es mo Tar 2 CigrorcronOom So wco s For Boiling i Lik th ls A funeral service will be held on | Monday afternoon at his home, at SMOKED place on Saturday afternoon, and while it was private, quite a number of intimate friends attended. The service, held in the chapel of the J T QUALITY GOLF HOSE re wool and silk Golf Hose, Allen A FINE RIB CASHMERE STOCKINGS Allen'A Pure Wool Cashmere Hose, fine coco Ho : quality. Colors, sand, grey, blue "mixtures with fancy cuffs. Sizes 6 to 10. {Qualities that sell Jegelasty at 75¢c to $1 pair. e start Tuesday at 10 29¢ o'clock: Pair ........coeenirrieriinin " No Phone Orders Please ribbed quality. Assorted sizes and colors. Values that sell regularly at 60c to 75¢ pair. Sizes 7 to 10. Substandards of their best hose. Tuesday, 10 No Phone Orders Please Price, Dress Sale Starts Tuesday Fine Crepe Dresses in the finest array of styles. These aie not Dresses that are made for cheap sale prices, but are pick- ed from our present stock of $16.95 values, 0° January Sal» | Poultry | | Spring chickeng, TORONTO I'RODUCE | Toronto dealers are buying pro- | duce at the following prices: | FEggs--Ungraded, cases return- ed, fresh extras, 40c; fresh (firsts Ube; seconds 25¢; pullet extras 80c. Dutter--No, 1 Ontario creamery solide, 29 to 29%c; No. 2, 28 to 28. Churnoing Cream---special. "0c to 30c; No. 1, 28¢ to 2%¢; No. 2, 20c to 26¢. Cheese--No., 1 large, colorea paraffined and governmont graded, 13e to 13%ec. Quotations Lo jare as follows poultry ehippers | Dressed "A" rade: Alive Select ALF, | G1bs, 23 Over OH to 4 he, Over 4!4 to 6 Ibe, .. Over 4 to 4% Ms. .. 4 bs, each ag under | Rev, E. Ralph Adye, L.Th, rector oi cials, vice the body was taken to Canning. ton for interment in Cedarvale ceme- tery. of friends were waiting and joined the where tev. Mr. Adye conducted the the deceased | brother-in-law. | Eastern Railway has announced {.s oy employes, proportionate cuts in fuel and food allowances n A 30 per cent. slump in business is given as the reason, House of Refuge, was conducted by All Saints' Church, of which deceased was a member, In attendance were members of Ontario County Council, Whitby Town Council, county offi- and relatives and intimate friends of the family. After the sere At this village quite a number procession to the graveside, final burial service, The bearers wer& the five sons of and Charles Regan, a | CHINESSE RAILWAY WAGES RE REDUCED Harbin, ARE REN == The Chin ce intention of reducing the wages of all effective January 1, with now granted the workers. Color Apples from Durham County, the Garden of Ontarlo, are receiv- ing premiums from Old Country buyers according to a letter ro- celved by Mr. W, H. Gibson, Dur- ham County's Apple King, from A. Fulton, representative of the Fruit Growers' Association of Ontario in London, England, Mr. Fulton in other letters also highly praised the fine shipments sent by Mr. Gibson, D. J. Gibson, J. F. Osborne & Sons, and other orechardists from Newcastle, Des- pite the. cry of hard times in Great Britain apples are bringing a good price this year, ranging as high as $7.00 per barrel. Mr. Fulton states in one letter: 'You are keeping up a very nice pack and maintain. ing the color exactly what is ve- quired." Other letter continue in the same strain, and among the many pleasant remarks made concerning Durham County apples are the fol« lowing: Tn a letter dated at Lone Bacon saa ». 17 Herring 13¢ I9¢ Fillets Atlantic & Pacific Limited, of Canada 1b Great The Simeoe $:--Phone 3170 King § St. WevsPhote 1 2643 il g dirk a RT

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