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Oshawa Daily Times, 6 Jan 1931, p. 5

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Social & Personal | | Mr. and Mrs. Leo Gray and son Robert, were guests of Mr, and Mrs, Roy Kirby, Forest Hill Road, Toronto, on Sunday. Mrs. Fraser Smith, daughter Margaret and son Robert have re. turned to the city after having been the guests of Mr, and Mrs. N. Ford Beach, of Ottawa, ,Miss Jean Clancy has returncd to Peterborough Normal School where she is a student, after spending the Christmas vacation with her parents at 59 Division street. Mrs. N. Ford Beach, of Ottawa formerly Miss Vivien M. Goyne, of Oshawa, rocelved for the first time since her marriage on Saturday, January 3rd at her apartment, 612 Bank street. Receiving with the young hostess were her aunt, Mrs. Fraser Bmith, of Oshawa and ors, 0. A. Beach, of Ottawa, her hus. band's prother. The bride wore her wedding gown, a Patou model of faille taffeta and Brussell's net and her corsage was of Talisman roses and valley lillles. Mrs, ¥ra- ser Smith was in black and white chiffon, set off by a corsage of pink roses. Mrs. O. A. Beach wore a gown of brown georgette and a shoulder knot of yellow roses. Presiding over the tea table which was adorned with yellow rosos and tapers, were Mrs. Russel Beach and Mrs, B, C. Beach, aunts of the groom. The tea assistants were Miss Nilo Beach and Miss Grace Foster, both of Ottawa. Mr. John Pugh, of Margaret street, Oshawa, is in the Oshawa General Hospital recuperating af. ter an operation for appendicitis. A process has been invented in Germany, for giving wood a polish so high that it can be used as mir. rors. . Tin foil is being made so thin that it requires 14,600 square inches to weigh a pound. «so Chest COLDS Best treated by stimulation and inhalation ACTS TWO WAYS AT ONCE January Clearance i... $9.00 .. to clear ...... THE FASHION SHOPPE 84 Simcoe St. South . Kayer Full-fashioned Pure || rab... 91.00 reser nine "LAMBLE'S Joor Chilton or Service Hose k to top. Guaranteed firsts $1.00 ATRINS' HOSIERY AND LINGERIE SHOP 13% Simcoe St. South | MANY RECEIVED AT NEW NAYOR'S HONE Mrs. Marks Is Charming Hostess When Guests Ar- rived to Congratulate New Mayor Informally and in a very "homey" atmosphere the wife of Oshawa"s Mayor for 1931 enter- tained in honor of her husband's victory last evening, The beauti- ful new home of the Marks' family, on Simcoe street north, was a ren- dezvous for many guests who bad been invited and many who merety called to congratulate Mr. Marks and Mrs. Marks on ler husband's success; A number of men prom- inent iu public life of the city and tholr wives were present, Among them were Mr, and Mrs, J. 8, Kyle, Mr, and Mrs. W, J. Trick, Mr and Mre. Harry Cawker, Mr. and Mrs, R. D. Preston, Mr and Mrs, Chas, Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Georgo All. chin, Mr. and Mrs. Willlam Me. Laughlin, 'Mr. and Mra, Burroughs, Judge and Mrs, Thompson, of Whitby, Mr, Mrs. Ed, Bradley. Detained at the City Hall, the pew Mayor did not arrive until some time after the guests and be was greeted with handshakes, phrases of congratulation and cheers. Running to him and very proudly saying, 'Good for you, Daddy," was his little seven year old daughter Betty. Joe or "Ernie Jr." who is a student at Queen's University, and who extended his Christmas vacation until after elec. tion day, had accompanied his fa- ther at the city hall and on his arrival home spoke as an ardent admirer of the new mayor and the speech ho had made on learning of his victory. Teddy, the youngest son of the house, was present to greet his "dad." It was later an- nounced that the day not only marked the election to mayorality of the city of Ernio Marks. but the sixteenth birthday of his youngest son. Taking his father's place as host, was Jack Marks, to whom the management of the New Martin Theatre has been en- trusted, Jack is the oldest of the family, He has pot lived for any length of time in Oshawa, but starting this week he is taking on new duties as manager of his fa. ther's theatre here. Mrs. Marks very happy over her husband's victory in the mayorality , contest, did not fail, however, to act the perfect hostess, Assisted by several young ladies, Miss Mad. saline Bawks, Miss Marie McDon- ald, Miss Leona Thompson. Whitby, she served coffee and sandwiches to the guests in the drawing room. Mrs, Chae, Davis also assisted Mrs. Marks. Callers came and went un- til quite late in the evening and all were given due attention and a glad welcome by both Mr, and Mrs. Marks, Mr. Marks finds some of his strongest supporters in thc mem bers of his own family. They are all happy over the result of the election and proud of the succoss | of the "head of the house." CHOCOLATE PARFAIT One cup of sugar, 1 cup water, 2 squares unsweatened chocolate, J stiffly beaten egg whites, 2 cups cream, whipped stiff, teaspoons vanilla. Cook sugar and water gently until a few drops will form a soit ball in cold water, Pour syrup gradu- ally over 'the egg white which have been beaten stiffly and beat constant- ly while doing so. Keep on beating until the mixture is cool. Melt choe- olate over hot water and cool, Fold in the choeolate and vanilla syrup mixture. Then fold in whipped cream. Pour into tray of electric refrigera. tor and let remain for four or five hours. ' Serve in tall glasses with whipped cream, 2 4 A claw attachment has been in- vented to hold a nail on one side of a hammer until it is started in wood, PARTNERS Still 4y ' Wouldn't Jou be be Somes if tif vouknew d age of of yo he your wife safe from bine worries ? Youldn't i it gi t give you greater confidence? The t Annuities System guarantee at 65 a Gr wi rotect and u both in a. for tho rest of on lives. keopyo CANADIAN GOVERNMENT ANNUITIE Department of Labour, Ottawa Hon. G. D, ROBERTSON, Minister Mail this Coupon today POSTAGE FREE | Annuities Branch. Dept. OT . Department of Labour, Ottawa ' Plasss and ms SOMITE INFORMATION sbout Gansdien Ne HER ui } sonido te Thomas ! I Bo and | What New York Is Wearing | By Annebelle Worthington ILLUSTRATED DRESSMAKING LESSON FURNISHED WITH EVERY PATTERN A youthfully smart frock for af. ternoons and "Sunday nights" is today's tunic model with dolman sleeves, . The cow! draped bodice and capelet sleeves create a charming softened effect, The skirt hugs the figure through the hips and places its fulness ex- tromely low in delightful flared movement, In sheer gold metal cloth, it's adorable for formal afternoons and Sunday night dining and dancing. Black canton crepe, wine.red crepe, marocain, wool crepe In monk brown and black chiffon with the sleeves of black lace are charmingly practical ideas, Style No, 2898 may be had in sizes 14, 16, 18, 20 years 36, 38 and 40 inches bust, Size: 16 requires 4% yards 39. inch with 1% yards 35-inch lining. Our Large Fashion Magazine shows how to dress up to the min- ute at very littlo expense, It con. tains most attractive Parls designs for adults and children, embrold- ery. ete. Be sure to fill in the size of the pattern. Send stamps or coin (coin preferred). Price of book 10 cents. Price of pattern 20 cents stamps or coin (coin preferred). in No. 2898. Bieo | HUTTERITES HAVE STRANGE WEDDING Winnipeg.--Writing of a Hutt- erite wedding which she witnessed a reader in Manitoba describes the six bridegrooms and six brides who were being married one morning. The admonitions being conclud- ed the Minister called up the first bride and groom. Both were dess- ed as usual, the man iu a home. made suit of black, the coat fasten- ed with 18 hooks and eyes and the girl was in the regulation costume of plain bodice and long full skirt aproned and kerchiefed to the chin, but in silk for the gala occasion, The two girls from the home col- ony wore dark purple dresses and green and black striped aprons. The four from other colonies had dif- ferent color schemes, but all six wore black kerchiefs, The first couple having andwered the questions put them, the next | two were called, and so on by pairs, until a row of 12 obscured the Min. ister's table. Another serious homily, a hymn, devotion with an, | headfirst into a snowbank just as By Thorilon ad on some senso if you must, But give it not entire trust, ~Jumper the Hare. 'Jumper the Haro had seen Mrs, Grouse have the uarrowest of var- row escapes from Terror the Cos- hawk. His heart had seemed to be right up in bis throat as he watch- ed the swift pursuit of Mrs. Grouse spd then had seen her plunge Terror was about to strike her down. He had chuckled as he had watched Terror fly away in a rage of disappointment. | Terror and that is that he can be { much of a chance, | of his cout shows up against the | gray of his waistcoat ean be seen | eatches me. | Grouse are about, "There is one good thing about seen I onc has his eyes open,' thought Jumper, "Now, if he were dressed wholly in white as I am, some of us wouldn't stand It is lucky for | some of us that the dark blue gray | white snow, and even the light Well, now that I know he is ahou | here in the Green Forest he'll be | | smarter than I think he ig, if he | I suspect he won't pay much attention to me as long as Thunderer the Grouse and Mrs, Terror certain- ly is tond of Mrs. Grouse, 1 hope Mrs. Grouse will be wise enough | to stay down there under the snow, [I wonder where Thundercr is?" | He didn't have to wonder leag Again he heard the whir of stout wings and agax he watched a breath-taking race as the brown | form of Thunderer came into view with Terror the Goshawk hard af ter him and gaining with every wing stroke. Apparently Thunder. er knew just where Mrs. Grouse | had gone, for as he reached that bank of snow, he too, plunged from sight, throwing up a little cloud of snow in the very face of terror. 'The latter. having twice failed, was in a terrible rage and | covered | those | running away with him. {at him he fairly } and | wa Jumper shivered as he watched. Ie shivered, but he took care not to shiver so that it eould be secn, He shivered inside, so to speak, You, gee, more than once Terror, the Goshawk glared directly at Jumper and the only reason he didn't sce Jumper wag because the latter was all in white and didn't move, Had he moved ever so little Terror | would have seen him After Terror had flown away Jumper waited for some time for Thunderer or Mrs, Grouse to come out of the snow, hut he waited in vain. Finally, he made up hts mind that they were golug to spend the night down there, which who have never had money, more than I want," mother, nearly 70 years of nge, has | gone to jail for six months for hav. ing two small bottles of moonshine formerly Governor of South Ausira- liquor fu farm house, vieted of having illicitly manufac. y ess 'previous occasions the Ww. Burg /had been lenfent in Tt 18 | not come the bench found no op-| {tion but to pass the minimum pen- | |alty of six months' imprisonment' lon the elderly woman TCHING SKIN Stop irritation now. - Seothe,promots Dodds GRANDMOTHER GUILTY Toronto.--~A gray-hafred grand- London.--8fir Archibald Weligall, | is Township | la, has announced that the burden | ~- con. (of income tax and supertax had cgispelled him to clove his country was fallaciously trying {dence, Petweel, Bpa (Lincolnshire), thereby depriv- | ing the local authority of rates and tnxes, He expressed the view that | high taxation amounted to vindig- tive confiscation, It took thref- fifths of his income, The ministyy as a means of bribing the electofs her Ekfrid Bhe was twice tured booze in her home, On two Magistrate allowing her further time in which to raise u $500 fine that would have kept her without the bars of Mereer refor- matory, She had expected some insurance money, but when it did The production of silk cocoons [ Japan is largely a houschold ind try, furnis shing partial employment more than 2,000,000 families, is exactly what they were planning to do. "'I may as well move on," | thought Jumper, and he took just one jump As he did vo, the top | of what appeared to bho a spow- stump moved, and ap Jumper landed and instantly froze (became motionless) he found him welf staring into a pair of eyes that | glared ut him so hungrily that Jumper had all he could do to keep { long hind legs of his from shivered inside CGoshawk glared | ghook inside now, | It was Whitey the Bnowy Owl, come | down from the Far North Flying nolselessly, like other members of the owl family. he had alighted | there while Jumper's head was turned He had not seen Jumper when Jumper had jumped, | Whitey head had been turped the other way, His wenderful cars had perhaps caught the tiny sound made when Jumper had landed on | the snow and he had turned his head instantly to sec if anything s moving. Well jt was for Jum. | per that he froze fn his tracks, and | he knew it. Terror the Goshawk might prefer Grouse, but hare was ono who would choose a Hare or a Rabbit anytime before he would a Grouss Do you wonder that Jumper shivered and shook inside, but took the greatest eare not to | outside? Copyright, The next Dodg had the 1 when Jumper Terroy 1931, T. tory Ww. "A Burgess Game of kneeling, and the ceremony seen | ed complete, The congregation flocked out, and the preliminaries appearing to be over, the """Wedd- ing" seemed to gain added zest, | We outsiders were urged to shake hands with the brides and! congratulate their husbands, whose right arms encircled their brides' waists. Six men then formed a screen, after the manner of the ju. dies-in-walting in "The Swineherd and the Princess," and sang a ban- tering song in German, Bongs ano | much refreshment followed; then came the lighter meal of supper. The last hymn having been sung {and the last glass of wine drunk | the celebration ended. Guests from | other colonjes went to the homes of relatives for the night, The newly- weds went to the grooms' fathers' until such time as their own homes should be prepared. The grooms | departed still with their arms about their brides, SLICE~SPICE BAKED HAM 1 slice ham 1% inches thick, about 1% pounds, cut rind every inch ur two to keep slice flat while baking Stick about 16 whole cloves in both sides, - Place in small roasting or | baking dish. Mix % cup brow! 1 sugar, | 2 teaspoons dry mustard, 24 cup vin- egar, 1 cup water pour over ham, cover and bake in slow oven 1% hours. 'Turn ham to allow even hak- ing. Remove to platter and garnish with parsely and slices of lemon In age.old majusmy the downs out. | spread | Their quiet slopes where kindly | shepherds tread; | Below, wide scattered, under sum- | fer skies, The noble loveliness lies For me, so mighty must of England all beau | y be, Forover great, forever wide and | free! And as I pause, exulting thoughts | to hold, Shines from the grass a little beam of gold, And kneeling where this treasure is enshrined, A myriad colors all around I find: Blue, crimson, purple -- tiny flowor<host! Their royal beauty hoast, And now my heart a song of glory sings For all the silences my 'loveliness of poll things." {She {the money had gone to poorer | | sourness and indigestion, have now { and food corrective, Lurated Maghesia | pared for stomach use, OWNER WINS SWEEP | here was a merry | Station Hotel, Work- gop, where the proprietress, a wi- dow, after selling a half share in| the Manchester Handicap ticket for | Nestorian, nets $100,000, She went | on drawing free drinks as fast as | possible for a crowded bar when | she received the news by telephone, | ald, "In some ways I wish that | HOTEL Man¢ night hester at the Magnesia Best for Your Indigestion Most people who suffer either oc- casionally or chronically from gas, discontinued the disagreeabie dlets, patent foods and the use of harm. ful drugs, stomach tonics, inedi cines and artificial digestapis, and instead, following the advice so of. ten given fn these columns, take a teaspoonful or four tublets of | Bisurated Magnesia in a ttle wa- ter after meals with the result that their stomach no longer troubles them. They are able to eat as they please and they enjoy much better health, Those who use Pis- urated Magnesia never dread the approach of meal time because they know this wonderful auti-acid which can be obtained from any good. drug store, will instantly neutralize the stomach acidity, sweeten the stom. | ach, prevent food fermentation and | mako digestion easy. Try this plan yoursell, but be certain to sot Dla. ospecially pre. An NR =NATURE'S REMEDY Tablet=will promptly stars the needed bowel action, Sitar waste and polson from nystem, an welcome relief at once. eo mild, safe, ne laze. ® Rinen tye, Try jt=3gbe, The All- Vegetable Laxative nn 1 Quick rollef N Ad mach aid Indio doe and 3 y 10. for thu. Tum! ro-- recapture those HONEYMOON Here's a way to win back: the youthful charm that made Romance come true . . Read the route now taken by $0 many happy women " the first step at once, by banishir washday! This one task is the greatest thief of youthful beauty. Today hundreds of women in this community "let the Laundry do it." They know that our better laund O THEY seem so far away--those glamorous honeymoon hours? Has Romance languished under the burden of household routine? Have you and he, all unawares, drifted apart a little because you are too worn-out to give him the companionship he craves? Frank questions, these! But the time to face the facts is NOW. You can gain the leisure to look-- and feel--as charming as you did then! Take this new service is amazingly thrifty = costs but a trifle, yeh means so much in, happiness! Brazine New Wasapay TrA1LS--Research scientist at the American Institute of Laundering, the million-dol- lar "proving ground" of the etertest. This instrument determine color fastness cloth. Studies like this make our laundry service safe Jor | your most delicate ge Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning. Company, Ltd. 456 CENTRE STREET OSHAWA PHONE 2520 Let the LAUNDRY db i2. TILLIE THE TOILER ps M {| MPRINS ANY. | Le Yo © ay Lb TURN THIS Li Y OVER TO "THE LAST H, T's MAC. HELL ©, MAC ARE You All. RAGM T 2 ily Vv | p * [WN C\iCle TF THA REALLY WAS MAG, THEY STOPPED HIM FROM ANSWERING 'YOUR. UESTION ABOUT HERE HE WAS, ~ DON'T WORRY, "TILLIE WELL FIND HM J Industry, making a fadeoms § the finest face eveams. Price 50 to enrie? at Woodhall | the poor by impoverishing the Tiel H I service safeguards their clothes as well | astheir energy. They have learned that

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