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Oshawa Daily Times, 6 Jan 1931, p. 6

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, JANUARY 6, 1931 SHAWA "PATS." DEFEAT KITCHENER IN CLOSE GAME FOR 1st. WIN Hockey to Wir First Victory In Kitchener By 4-3 Score fhawa "Pats" Break Into 'Win Column at Expense of Flying Dutchmen -- Kitchener Battles Hard fensively--Freddie Faught . Plays Great Game in Nets |! Steve Rice Figures in ~All Oshawa Goals, Scor- "ing Winning Tally on a Long Shot (By Geo, Campbell) Oshawa "Pats." broke into the y ty column last night in their 'scheduled game in Kitchener t the Flying Dutchmen and y did it by means of 4 to 3 vic- #2 in one of the smartest games played in the Ontario league to th » Kitchener trotted out a much "stronger team with two new men in uniform. Clarke, the goalie, prov- ed to be a'valuable addition to the homesters' roster. Cameron, the other newcomer, strengthened their 'Moe-ip and Oshawa's splendid vie- tory was even more creditable in wiew of Kitchener's bolstered team, The game started slowly but it goon speeded up and the last two periods were lightning fast and crammed 'with all that makes hockey so pop- 'ular. Fast, Rugged and Exciting It was a wonderful struggle be- tween two very evenly matched teams, Oshawa had just a little advantage in teamplay but their margin was only slight. The game ms lightning fast and alternates were used frequently, Penalties Were numerous and trips and crude checks were numerous enough to Jeep the fans at fever pitch, Several players were injured dur- ing the entertainment but none of the injuries were serious enough to i keep the players in question, out of tie remainder of the game, Kitchener scored early in the first {period and then Oshawa got two {goals within a minute in the sec- ond session. Just before the mid- dle period ended, Kitchener scored two goals within a minute on the same play and went into the final franre with a one-goal advantage. Oshawa outscored them 2 to 0 in '$he final period. enly matkhed teams meet, the winning gonl was the easiest one 01 the night. Oshawa had been pep- ipering away at Clarke and Rice d a looper in the direction of net. Clarke saw it coming but yed back in his net. The puck 'bounced in front, and went over his stick into the net. This completed A great night for Steve Rice. He haa two assists and two goals, making passes for the first two counts scoring the third and fourth with- his own stick. Stan %¢ was another Oshawa player ho showed up very well. Joyce, 'Lott, Gilmore and Mcllwain aid @ great checking but the fea- foe CAREW LumBER (© tener defence did not allow ture of Oshawa's play was their de- fensive work. Davey used his head at all times and was a tower 'of strength, Green took a lot of pun- ishment but did some great work. Murphy was also effective while on the ice, Freddie Faught played a leading part in the Oshawa victory. He made some wonderful saves and in the final period, when Kitchener swarmed around him like a bunch or hornets, he kept his citadel in. taet, "Duteh" Osborne, Bowmanville hoy, played a good game and seem- ed particularly anxious to defeat Oshawa. Barnes and Schnarr were also in the limelight for Kitchener, Clarke did well in the nets and the winning goal was a tough break for 'him, The "Pats." showed a deal of im- provement over their last perform- ance and their splendid win as- sures them of a good attendance tomorrow night when they enter- tain the Guelph Maple Leafs at the Oshawa Arena. The Oshawa team is improving fast and they certain- ly had to play great hockey to win in Kitchener last night, The Flying Dutchmen were parti- 'ularly anxious to win and they tried hard, but they were not quite 00d enough for the Oshawa sextet, THE GAME Kitchener opened with the first exciting play and Faught slid out to ave a nice combined attack, Osh- awa's early scoring efforts were confined to long shots from outside the blue line by Rice. The Kitch- him to follow in. Steve Rice drew the first penalty for a trip, while at tempting to sweep check Schnarr. Pavey drew a penalty for slpsh- ing and Oshawa was once again a Jan short. Lott was bringing the suck out and he shot ahead to Mur- yhy. Barnes came in fast and in ercepted the rubber and blazed a lovely high shot in the far, upper corner of the Oshawa net, giving Faught litfle chance. It was a fine hot, = Kitchener pressed hard but although Faught had to make onc reat save, they failed to score un- til Davey had got back on the f{ce. "reen came off the ice with an in- jured ankle and "Gillie" Gilmore ook his place on the defence, Clarke treated one of the shots from the wing, rather carelessly and the puck almost slipped past him. Gilmore made a fine try for a goal when he buzzed right through. Clarke saved and Joyce almost scored on the loose puck. | Schnarr came back on from serving ewes. often the case when two | pepped up as the Joyce got a penalty, Play period drew to a close, in some great checking, Lott broke away but was tripped at the blue line. Schneider drew a forced rest for tripping Meclllwain. Faught mede a great rave when Baetz got a hot shot away. Play was very even and both teams had the same number of direct shots, namely ten, during the ueriod. Goals In a Hurry Kitchener opened fast and had a 'istinct edge on the play for the first few minutes but Oshawa soon rot going and after a little more than two minutes of play Rice shot and Clarke saved. backhand the puck in but missed tanhope scooped the loose rubber foto the twine to tie the score. Thir- ty seconds later, Rice and Joyce hroke away together with the de fence to beat. Rice drew both men together cleverly and then slipped the disc over to Joyce who sifted in and scored with a sizzling back- hand shot which pave Clarke no chance. Oshawa, 2. Kitchener 1. "Jerry" Green, Oshawa's sorrel- topped. defence man, was given a K.0. and had to be carried to the 1 take this opportunity ¢' the people of (3 Oshawa for my success a A the polls, Monday, Jan. 5. Alderman Edmund Joyce tried to | He was hurt bad- ly. Oshawa kept things stepping lively and had a margin on the play. Barnes let drive with a sparkling shot on a combination play and Faught just got to the rubber in time, Stanhope went through alone and Clarke had to make a sensational save to stop his bullet drive which looked good for a tally, Play opened up and every player on the ice stepped high, wide and handsome. Rice almost caught the Dutchmen asleep and Save nearly scored on his own tally, parnes put the puck into the net from a scramble but Referee Harry Meeking ruled no goal. It did not leage the Kitchener fans, even a litle bit. Rice was off serving a penalty which should have been Davey"s. Kitchener pressed hard play was hectic but Rice got back before any damage was done. Play was rugged and lightning fast with both goalies and all de- fence men getting plenty of work to do. Barnes came off the ice with a cut over his nose, Kitchener tied up the game when Osborne went up and shot. Schnarr scored on the rebound with a backhand shot and fifteen seconds later, the identical play netted Kitchener their third goal, Oshawa 2, Kitchener 3, Murphy drew a penalty and Osh- awa was hard pressed towards the end of the period. Mclllwain drew a penalty and Oshawa had two men on the fence, dressing room, Visitors .Outscore Homesters Steve Rice drew a penalty soon after play opened and Oshaw aagain w «vu en on the fence. Kitch- ener tried hard but good work by Davey, Green and Faught prevented a score. Oshawa tled the score up when Stanhope circled the net and passed out in front, Rice rapped the rub- ber so hard it lodged in the twine and when they couldn't find 1, Kitchener tried to claim that ft went in from behind, yét the goalie was lying out in front trying to make the save. The goal umpire wasn't to be fooled and Oshawa got credit and the game 'was tied at three-all, Kitchener but the "Pats." packed their defence kept them going as hard as they wanted to go. Steve Rice scored Oshawa's fourth goal on a looping shot from centre ice which bounded over Clarke's stick into the net, Gilmore drew a pen- alty when he boarded Schneider. Schneider was sent off a few sec- onds later for the same offence, Lott being the victim. Davey drew a penalty for what looked like a perfectly good body check and then Oshawa were two men short. 'f'ne 'Pats." fought like flends and though Kitchener tried desperately they failed to score before Oshawa were again at full strength. The Flying Dutchmen began to take a very prominent part in the play and the "Pats." had all they could han- dle to keep them at bay. Faught made a great save as Schnarr shot hard, The homesters had four for- wards on the ice and all playing up. White drew a penalty for boarding Stanhope and Kitchener had to slow down because of lack of men, "he time was speeding away and Oshawa kept shooting the puck up he lce ay every good oportunity. Oshawa broke away and almost scored, A few seconds later Davey carried the play right to Kitchener's territory. When Oshawa started to attack. Kitchener was forced to drop back and that hindered thelr chances. Hamel was hurt but con- tinued to play. Oshawa broke away with only a van to heat and three men to do it. They didn't score because ..Ke Wade a great save. Kiteh- ener came back down the ice and the game ended with a scramble around the Oshawa net. Oshawa "Pats." 4, Kitchener Fly. ing Dutchmen 3. The teams: -- "eahawa "Pats." defence, Davey and Green; , Joyce; centre, Rice; wing, Stanhope; subs, Lott, more, Mcllwain, Murphy. Kitchener--Goal, Clarke; defen- ce, Schneider and Brown; left wing, Osborne; centre, - Schnarr; right wing, Baetz; subs, Barnes, Camer- on, Hamell, White, Referee--Harry Meeking, Toron- ~--Goal, Fraught; left right Gil- THIS MATCH WALTER LINDRUM London, Jan, 6.-~Tom Newman and Joe Davis, billiard profession- als, yesterfay began a fortnight's play to decide which of the two small mcet Walter Lindrum, the Australian wizard of the cue, In the tinal of the international tour- nament. WINNER OF {ETFS LOTT TURNS DOWN PRO TENNIS OFFER Philadelphia, Jan. 6.-- George M. Lott, Jr, a member of the United States 1930 Davig Cup ten- nis team, has turned down a proposition to turn professional and become a member of the Bill Tilden-Karel Kozeluh indoor tour which opens in New York, Feb, 18, he said yesterday, 'DAIRYMAN'S SPECIAL Monday--Tuesday-- Wednesday JANUARY 56-7 41% Cottonseed Meal *37% Fi IN NOT LESS THAN TON LOTS HOGG & LYTLE LIMITED PHONE 203 PORT SNAPSHOT Oshawa's Pro, play and deserved their margin, play, as far as quantity goes, than the "Dutchmen" ber, » » served the decision, saved the homesters by brilliant Spills, 1 and the higher. out the game about . * "Pats." rather slow to attack hered to defensive tactics entirely. did Freddie they win, rymg so desperately to score, assists and scoring two goals and they Every mart of the also played ture member tributed to the win, * * There should be a great crowd wo sec the Oshawa "Pats." hook Guelph beat the "Pats." overtime to do it. 'Since then, the the Guelph have now back a great struggle rlowever, "Pats," send the It should be "Paty." support them sextet are producing the "goods" The are the as for the last 1 sale same " Ld I'he Oshawa Juniors play travel over to Whitby from the County 1 8 to town arc The Oshawa and they particularly anxious tonight local lads have two and No doubt there Whitby fans are will be the tonight . - to se game, last night against the intermediate stand against their rivals from In yesterday's paper we night. City Stadium, to be on hand » . members last night. was high. 19 to 9; ( to F. Michael's rink, Zio E rink lost to night. 12 to 8. W. H. Lander's ious appearances and they played clever hockey. and when they-had men on the fence, posts and made a host of wonderful saves when the "Dutchmen" Steve Rice had a big night, having two Joyce and Stanhope got the other tallies hockey. squad played good hockey up in the opening game by 2 tasted victory home and game lock horns The Whitby Juniors are still in the group race to defeat shown backing a good number River team defeated the Scugog Lake team by 3'to 1. game considering the carly season and the Lindsay, Anderson defeated D. Campbell, Holland's rink defeated F. Parsons nosed out R. McCullough by 14 to 13. Dr. Henry's by 16 to 9. By Gro, Camrsm, Sports Editor Oshawa "Pats." Win A Victory hockey team, the Patricias, broke into the victory column last night at the expense of the Flying Dutchmen and to the disappointment of an enthusiastic bunch of Kitchener supporters, score of the game was 4 to 3 and while the winning tally was more or less of the soft type, the "Pats." They were on the defensive more than Kitchener and the homesters may have had a very slight edge on the but the "Pats." were far more effective and were dangerous whenever they had the rub- The were the better team on the night's » LJ A Real Exciting Game It was a great game. and exciting from start to finish. period produced careful hockey but in the last two periods, both teants played wide open hockey and there were many thrilling moments. second period produced some quick goals and the "Pats, behind to win, which should be sufficient proof to show that they de- The winning goal was rather easy but then Clarke saves during the dying moments and only his fine work prevented Oshawa's margin of victory from being yenalties and injurics were all liberally sprinkled through- fans were never at a loss for something to yell The first The " came from * Ld Show Improvement The Oshawa team showed a great improvement over their two prev- At times they scemed they ad- They played the game to win and Faught played a sterling game between the were Joyce's back checking was a fea and each con- . . Guelph Here Tomorrow Night at the Arena here tomorrow night the Guelph Maple Leaf: to 1 and they needed Maple Leafs have not lost a game, and they are out to with their victory string broken attendance. The with worthy of a big and it's up to local hockey fans to game starts at 830 p.m, and the admission prices Reserved seat tickets are now * ® Oshawa Juniors In Whithy Tonight a 'group schedule game tonight when the, with the O.H.A. age-limit entry Oshawa, game or honours, their old rivals, fine form in their last them to capture of Oshawa fans travel « group er i« M Ld Lindsay Defeats Port Perry The Lindsay intermediate hockey team played a game in Port Perry squad of that town and the SCUgog It was a good homesters put up a great LJ * Oshawa Nationals Meet Tonight stated that Oshawa Nationals Soccer Club would hold their annual General Meeting on January 5, which was last This was a mistake and the meeting is being held at the Motor tonight at 800 o'clock. All persons interested are asked Oshawa Curlers Start Schedule The first round games of the Inter-Rink competition among the of the Oshawa Curling club were held at the Bond St. Rink Some of the games were exceptionally close and excitement The following are the names of the skips of the different rinks and the scores made by the rinks: R. Dixon lost to J. Thompson, D. Hall lost out Storie's by 14 to 11, There will be another session to- Jackie Phillips Easily Disposes of Gillespie Toronto, Jan. 6.--Jacklie Phil- lips, Canadian welterweight, was winner by a wide margin over Jack '¢/lesple, of Detroit, in the eight "und main bout of the Queensbury A.C. boxing show at Masesy Hall last evening... As far as points were concerned it was a one-sided affair, Phillips being the better boxer to such a marked degree as to make comparison in that res- pect ridiculous. Gillespie proved to be a wild-swinging, and at times aggressive mitt man, Add to that the fact that he was very, very durable and his ring capabilities have been completely enumerated. Havana.--Cuba plans to enlist the ald of {ts women in a crop diversification programme. The Cuban department of Agriculture is forming organizations of women patterned after farm clubs and so- cioties in the United States. Since the slump in the sugar business tho government is seeking to increase the variety of Cuban crops. Plans call for bullding of schools and establishment of clubs in rural communities to teach wo- men and girls fundamentals of ag- ricultured and home economics. E. Goodfellow Still Leads N.H.L. Scorers Montreal, Jan, 6.--Although fail. ing to register a single point within the week, Eddie Goodfellow, centre- ice star of the Detroit Falcons, stil} holds the lead among the pointmak- ers of the National Hockey league in the official statistics issued last night from the office of Frank Cald- er, President, these matches of Sunday night, Goodfellow's 23 points, compilea earlier, still furnish the target for aspiring marksmen but Fred "Bun' Cook, left wing of the New York Rangers, and Harry Oliver, right- winger of one of the Boston Bruin offensive divisions, both gained on the leader. Cook is now only two pointe behind his Detroit rival, hav- ing scored twelve goals and reg- fstered eight assists, Oliver is only a point to the rear of Cook, ten goals and the same number of assists, Howie Morenz of Canadiens, lead- ing the Canadien section pointmak- ers bettered his average slightly in the past week by scoring which brought hig total number of goals up to 15, tying him with of 20 winning is em- assists to five for a total points, The return to form of the Toronto Leafs phasized by the escent of -their| leading sniper, "Ace" Bailey, in the | scoring column, Baily has now reg- istred 11 goals and 6 assists for 17 points. Although his team fis trail ing in last position, Joe Lamb of Ottawa Senators has heen sc oring | regularly, his 9 goals and 6 assists bringing him a total of 15 points, Harvey Rockburn, the sturdy De. troit defense star, has taken a lead over all others in the matter of ac- cumulating penalties His now reaches 68 minutes, five min. utes more than Eddie Shore of the Smith, the Ottawa de who tops the Canadian than Aleck fens player, section Galt Terriers Beats Nia ara Fall For Third Victory Galt, Jan. 6.-- The Terriers last night registered their third straight victory in the Ontario Hockey Lea- gue when they nosed out a 3-2 vie- tory over the Niagara Falls crew, who, though all sent down from the Pittsburg Yellow Jackets, have so far been unable to register a win. Tonight's game, witnessed by a large crowd, was a snappy and in- teresting 'exhibition that had the ! fans on edge for the full 60 min utes. It was hard fought, featur. ed hy strenuous body checking, the vigitors resorting to this style of play from the initial face-off and | when the locals retaliated. Referee Jones had a busy time chasing the | offenders to the penalty box, hand- ing out 16 rests, including a major to Manners, who made threatening motion with his stick at the offi | efal for a minor penalty. Guelp' Pro. Team Still Unbe ten- Blank Stratforc Guelph, Jan. 6.--Alf. Skinner's Guelph Maple Leafs their undefeated record when they ale here last evening by a 4 to 0 league, The game very sticky ice but despite the fact that the homesters . were much lighter than tho losers, the Leafs traded bump for bump with the visitors in the heavy going. Guelph took an early lead by scoring when the game was only a minute old as Randle accepted Daughen's pass and sent in a roller that crawled over Norfolk's stick into the net. Walker drew a pen- alty for tripping Daughen when he was right in for a goal, and the penalty was a costly one as the Leafs rammed in a brace of tallies while he was on the fence. SECOND VICTORY ' FOR MIMICO KIDS Brampton, Jan, 6.~--~Mimico scored its second straight victory in the O.H.A, junior series by de- feating Brampton 8-0 here last nights, in sloppy ice , which made combination out of the question. including the | having | a goal, | Goodfellow in that respect, and his | total | Boston Bruins and 13 minutes more | HOCKEY RESULTS Hockey games played last night resulted ag follows: O.H.A, Benjor xPort Colborne 3 Marlboros ...2 xTen minutes overtime, ! 0O.H.A. Intermediate | Lindsay ....3 Port Perry ....1 Markham ,.. 8 Uxbridge .....2 Western U, ,.6 Chatham Mar, 0 Brantford ...5 Gal .........2 | Clinton Exeter ,......0 Kingston at Trenton--postponed Ht, Thomas at Bimcoe--post- poned, Peterboro poned, Flora at Elmira at Alvington poned, Petrolia at Forest--postponed. Alliston at Camp Borden--post- poned, at Port Hope---post- Hespeler---postponed, Fergus---postponed, at Blenheim--post: «ses +s Junior Lindsay .... 3 Mimico Pe Hamilton ...7 Port Colborne 4 Hagersville ..5 Stratford Stayner Ingersoll at Georgetown yoned, Midland at | poned. Series *.. oe Fenelon Falls 2 Brampton ....? Grimsby ,.00..1 Welland .....1 Port Dover ...1 Kitchener Meaford Paris-----postponed. at Oakville--post- Perry Sound---post- Ontario Pro. League Guelph Stratford | Galt ' Niagara Falls | Michener eet | | | | HEAVY VOTE IN ~~ RURAL DISTRICTS (Continued from page 3) | Wellington Farrow was elected sec- retary-treasurer of the section (By Whitby Staff Writer) Surprises in County | Elections in various parts of On- |tario County on Monday furnished urprises, with the result that there | will be several new faces on the County Council Board of 1931. Among the members of the 1930 administration who fell in the bat- tle of ballots were Warden James Read, Mara; Owen Davies, the apostle of reforestation and secre- tary of the Old Age Pensions Board, I'xbridge Township; Fred Clayton, township of Thorah; and George deputy-reeve of Uxbridge Township. Return here was Todd, from all places show thay a record vote polled. In yme places some members of last wr he id a hard fight to retain their ca he return of Charles Mackey, of Whitby Township, by a majority of 47 over his onnrnent, Roy Lick, In the Township of Mara Warden Tames Read was defeated by John by a majority of 128, This of the real surprise pack- election, Uxbridge Township, Owen Tose of 1930, was defeat- Cassie, a former reeve, Nruce was one ages of the In Davies, d by W. Pt. Colborne Beat 'Dukes' In Overtime Toronto, Jan, 6.--Port Colborne "Sailors" emerged victors over To- ronto Marlborog after ten minutes' at Arena Gardens here last night. Bill Mountain, the Ports' alter- nate right wing, accepted a pass from Jerry Shannon to drill one past Harris from close in after three minutes had been played in the second overtime period for the winning marker, and then the en- tire Port Colborne team managed to hold off the desperate attempts of the locals to net the egualizer. After a rather slow begiuning, the game turned out to be a thrill- er, and the display of hockey by both sextets was of a high order. Marlboros had many golden oppor- tunities to make the game safe in the first few minutes, but loose work on passes and wild shooting left them goalless. On the other hand almost the first time the puck was in Marlboro territory a goal resulted, Jack Cuthbertson, tall Port centre player, started a rush at centre ice, which Levin- sky and Mepham halted without difficulty, but they then neglected the puck, and "Fan" Heximer, who was following along, took ft around right defence and in on Harris, who had no chance. This goal was in eight minutes, and it required seven more for Marlboros to gain the equalizer, Hughie Plax- ton, who, incidentally, played a bang-up game for his first appear- ance in three seasons, checked his man at centre, and then proceeded to stickhandle his way through the Port Colborne team, to put the disc behind "Dinty" Moore. Goalkeeper Knocked Out Directly following Plaxton's goal, Port Colborne got a severe setback, that almost cost them the zame, Max Hackett let drive a shot from mid-ice that Moore made a stab at, and missed, the rubber striking him in the face and knocking him oft, "v n majority of 28. For deputy- eave Isaac Catherwood was elect- ed by a majority of 06 over George 'd. last years' deputy. John Ross, a former well known figure on the County Council, by a small majority of seven was return- ed as reeve of Thorah Township over the 1930 reeve, Fred Clayton. Tn Brock Township W, J. H. Philps, a former reeve, staged a come back and defeated Stanley Miller by a majority of 130. In Rama Township Reeve John J. Morris retained his seat in a contest with Henry Heavener by a majority of 98, In Beaverton Jokn McRae is reeve by acclamation. In Scott Thomas Morrie is reeve by acclama- tion There were no contests in Whit- "w Town, I'xbridige Town, Beaver- ton, Scott. Reach and East Whitby, | | | sed a real thrill, | 1. ! | | PROFESSIONAL HOCKEY O HAWA ARENA Wednesday, January 7th at 8.30 p.m. Guelph Maple Leafs V8. Oshawa Pats. ADMISSION Rush 50c¢ and Reserved 75c and $1.00 Plan at Germond's mwhintained | Cigar Store. whitewashed the Stratford Nation. | count and kept at the top of the ! was played on | Thanks May 1 extend my "Thank for 1931. My best efforts are at your disposal! Robt. Keel To the Electors of the City of Oshawa I take this opportunity of thanking all my friends who supported me at the polls, Yours sincerely, Geo. Hart ~ You have again honored me and I thank you-- I shall try to honestly serve my fellow citizens to the best of my ability. ... « George Alichin

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