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Oshawa Daily Times, 6 Jan 1931, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, JANUARY 6, 1931 PACE SEVEN - JHE CLASSERIE D D SECTION... 4 CONANT & ANNI3, BARRISTERS Bolleitors. Notaries Publle, Eto Gonverancing nd Joasial prac es 7% Elmcoe be BY .sone 4. O , Conant, BA, LL: A. F. AC nis B.A, Tr) BINCLAIT KC C., BANK ot Commerce Bullding, Ke MANGAN, L.A.--SAR rister Sol eitor, Notary Publis, Conveyance... toney 10 loan, Of fice 14% King St. East, Usbawa Phere 445. ResiCence pnons 8X7 EIGHTON AND Barristers, Convéeyancers, SJAaries Standard Bapk. Zitranoy Simeoe vos St. Phone 12, J. F. Qriaon, KC, IT. K. Creighton, B.A, N. C Fraser, B.A, LOUIS &. HYMAN, CARKISTER. Kolicitor, Notary, over Newlands tore. Money to loan. 16 Simcoe sirwet north, Phone 67. Res! dense 3473W, CRFER AND HUMPHREYS BAIR: visiars, Sullcitors, ete, 24% Sim- cue St. N, I'hone 8160, Money to 3.0an, ALEX C. HALL O.A, BARRIS ter, et¢, Conveyazeing and general ractice. 22% Kieg &5t, Eas Phone 5287. (Le) A. J. PARKHILL, BARKISPEK tte. Money to loan. Alger Bldg, op nasive Poet Office. Phone 1614, PRANTL 8. EBBS, DBAGRLITEN, Solicitor, Notary 'ublle, Convey: ancer, mouey to loan, Third floor new Alger Buildin', epposite Pos Office. Phone 2990. Medical iS, "HAZLEWOOD & HARPER, Disneys ulock. Phone 2050, Of fico Bours 9 a.m. to 8.30 pm. Dr B. J. Hazlewood, special atteution +o Surgery apd X-Ray Dr. B. H Harper, special attention to cblio- ren's Diseases and Obetotrics. Sun: day and night calls 2416 or 122, DR. McKAY PHYSICIAN, SUM goon, Accoucher. Office and resi dence. King St, Last, corper Vie toria St., Oshawa. Phone 94. Pgblic, ete. Office over |r For Rent HEATED APARTMENT, NEWLY decorated, 4 Yooms and bath, elec tric stove, central, bright, airy aod comfortable, Box $0 Times, (141t0) BACHELOR APARTMENT, PART- iy furnished, vewly decorated, heated, electric light, water, in business section, Doz 60 Times, (141t0) TAND 4 NOOM APARTMENTS. Modern to the minute, Phone 16560 or 2547W. (132tr) BIX ROOM HOUBE ON BOND street west, hone 138. Dental ORE 3 PHILLIPS, OVER DAS sott's. Special attention to X-ray work, Gas estraction. Nursh in attendance, Phone 959. House EL] H. M, E95 north, over Mitchell's Drug Store Ga% for estraction. Phone 64, Dit. J, F. BROCK, DENTIBT, 16 simeoe St. N, over Dewland's. Puone 1257; Hes, 20:W. Evenings by appointment, ' DR. LANOMATD, DI. DAVIES, Dencists, 37 King St. BE. Specls) sttontiou to gas extraction ang X- ray work. Nurse in atteadanmee. nes 1243 and £64. ' Spirella Shop SPIRELLA BRINGS, STYLE, Liealth, comfort, Versonal attention and service. Phone Mrs, Dlatter, District Manager, 2189), (Noy. 25-1 mn) Optometrist CB TUCK, OPIOMETRIST specialist In muscle anomalies, eyesight and glasses. Autbor of Kye Care and Eye train, Toe Chila snd [ts Development, Us pey Block oppoeite Post Office Plone 1516, (1485) COMFORTABLE BED BITTING room in modern home, Good lo: cality, For lady or gentleman Phone 933W, (Dec, 30-1 mo) $22.50 PER MONTH WILL RENT w modern brick house, nearly new, garage included, Apply Dradley Bros, (1620) FOR RENT--TWO ROOMS FOI light housekeeping. Furnished, Phone 8358W, (le) TO RENT- FURNISITED OR U8 furniehed house or would ren rooms on bathrooa flat or ground floor. All conveuiences, with or | without garage, 140 Tylor Cres-|/ cent, (20) | {TO RENT---NEW house. 4 rooms, kitchenette, nace, all conveniences, clean, ply 131 Albert Bt. ATTRACTIVE PRONT ument, "central, 3 rooms, ro-decor- | ated, electric rofrigerator, lot water, steam heat, reasonable rent, Phone 1400. (2¢ FURNTBHED APARTMENT FOR rent, heat, light and water, also five garages. Apply 97 Colborne St. East, (20) TOK. RENT--THREE ROOM flat, Bleely furnished or partly furnished, every convenience, elec- | tricity and gas, also garage. Appl) 21 Warren Ave. (2 FOR RENT -- 2 FURNISHED rooms, bathroom, light, heat and 18-1 mo) Dec, Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO. 67 KING ST, East, Ambulance. Residence 642 Simeoe street, north, 'bone 210J and 210W, OSHAWA BURIAL CO. M, 1" Armstrong & Son, Proprietors. Funeral and Ambulance Service, day and night. Phone 1082W, 87 Celina. (40 fur- | Ap- | (2c) AVARY: Elocution LESSONS IN ELOCUTION ANJI public speaking, Private or in classes. Jor terms phone Lois Mua- dy No. 35 or 312, (Dec, 17-1 mo} pa bb Insurance DR, GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN Surgeon, Obstetrician, diseases of infants apd children. Office and residence, 97 Bond East. Phone 1155, DR DAVID ARCHER, M.D, C.M., 1. R., C. P, aud 8, Edinburgh. by. siclan, Surgeon apd Obstetrician. Oft'no 143 Simcoe St. N. Phone 3020, residence 14 Cadillac Ave. North. Phoue 8156. DR, HAROLD TRICK, OUSTET: rician Physician and Surgeon, Special reference to niaternity work and di > cases peculiar to women. Office and residence 107 Simcoe Street North Phone 303. fn. W. GRAHAM, I4.0,, &.8c., LAL Ch, physician, surgeon, obstetric. tan, 3 years' post graduate, Special attestion to maternity work Office 142 Simcoe St. N. Office and resid- ence. 'bone 3020. (Nov. 24-1 mo) QONTRACIING ----- CONCERTE nlastering, electric cr alterations I'bone 13) for estimates (13th - Veterinary Surgeon DRSIINTEY, VETERINARIAN Specialist Diseases Douiestic Apim. sls, Cat apd Jog Hospital, 203 King West. Telephone 629. (6 aug. tt) ~ Skates Sharpened SKATES SHARPHENED, SAME machine used by wanufacturers. Scissors and rxes, etc, Orders called for and delivered, 333 Buena Yista, Phone 2100 WW, ( Dec, 16-1 mo) Ear? Nose, * "Throat Specialist UR ¥F T ERY ANS OF 160 LLOOR Straet West Toronto will be at his offivs over Jucv & Lovells Drug Store each Saturday from 1 till 4 pia. {or conspltation eud treat. ment of diseases of ear, nose and throat oal® Appoiniments may be made at drug store Phone 97 a alii . Second Hand Dealer NEW AND SBCOND HAND FUH- niture bought and scid. 186 Bloor a east. Phote 1617M. { (Nov. 25-1 mo) '8 NTTURE STORE er uew management. We buy sell all kinds of second hand (Dec, 3-1 mo) Rates for lassified Ads First insertion ~ 1% * cepts per word, Minimuws charge for one insertion 80c. Each subsequent secutive insertion , per word. Three consecutive inser- tions for the price of Swo first Insertions (three ceals a word). Minimum charge for "three eT, ¢0 cents, Box numler tional, Profesrional or Busivezs Cards, 52.60 per month far £0 words or less; 10 cents a word per month tor eash ad- 4 dittonal word. Phone 35 Ask for Classified Ad ot con. 1c 10¢ addi 'tion, electric' | | | | gos. 20 Maple St. Phone 799W, ROOM AND BOARD IN PRIVAT family. Very ccutral, Phone 10 DAVIS AND BON, INSURANCE 19 King St. west, Oshawa, The old. ert Wire Agency ino Oshawa. 30 Re putable Fire Companies. _ h ACIN INSUTTANCT cemsult R. N. Johns, 80 Simcoe gorth, Your insurance wants at teuded to and your loteresis pro tectod, CANADIAN MOTOR UNDER. writers' Automobile lasurance, Careful drivers received 25 per | te ng. Very central, Apply 192 | cent, refund during past 18 years | Mary Bt, ( Agency Germcud Cigar Btore, TO RENT=1 ROOMEUNTFI W. (Nov, 28-1 ui nished, light and water, $9 per | "Transportation month, Apply Box 11 Times. ron ee sa - (40) | CARTAGE AND STORAGE CULE: | er sm mrss nme or rviceass mau's, 35 Bond oat, Epecialiste | Real Estate for Sale in furpiture moving storage wire house and moving van equipment FORSAT. E=¥ AGHT AUREETGAT Phone 82 | eu soil, 8 room brick veneer CANTAGE MOVING GRAVEL house, good out bulldings, bari J. A . ater, orche or Ie | A dictance hauling. Swith & COX |) paws sehr dddbod Photie 924, 10 Bong St. West, Oshawa, iDes 1-1 mo) | BORROWDALES -- CARTAGE -- | HOUBE TOI SALE OR RENT 4 Y " AUR wi oon ta ti Tv 249 " General cartage and household 336 Zone Ave. Apply 242 Maks | furniture movieg. Special atteu- | oo. Ey --t ER | tion to commercial work. Local | BEAUTIFUL 7 ROOM HOME TN | and long distance, (00 Caruegie| North end, fully modern, 4 bed. Ave., Osbaws Vhone 1615S rooms, $50 down, $50 per or] Disney opposite 1.0. (2¢) ) a a ne aaes | FOR SALE-- FOUR | Beauty Parlors cottage on large lot in Harmony, | BETTY LU PERMANENT WAVE] Just outside city limits. Very | Shop. Specialists in permauunt, reasonable terms to responsibie finger and marcel waving, Per | PATty. Apply to owner, G14 Athol manent ware prices 86, $7.50 Siu} St East. Phone 2673W. (de) aud $15. All other lines of Beauty | == A i Culture, Phoze 2963. Apply £0 Radio Service Simcoe street north. wiry pn ---- LXTERT MARCELLING GY ITT: | OSHAWA ITAUTG SERVICE=LE 3 . 3 A : ty Ward at Betty Lou Permanent pairs on radloz, power packs aud Wavo shoppe. Marcel and shaw- | SHininators, Tubes tested and supplied, radio poles flor tale bou 81. Phone 2948. Uatieries charged aud repaired. Palmist 'lune 3350J. Charles Wales woe | 140 Elgin East, (Dee, 16-1 mo) E BROWN, " PALUIST | TEPATRE DONE ON ALL MOD: 93 Louisa Sreeit els, ex (Nov, 22-1 mo) pert service, prices roasou- FOR ENT roome, heat, convenience, [Rk NIE He I 4 ite A 109 Colina NS! FOR RENT--2 FURNIBHED ont unfurnished rooms for light liouse- lght a Apply 0) { TTADAME busiiess private, Phone 20368. = Auctioneer PIHIONE 716J. W. J, SULLEY, Auctioneer, $46 ESlmcoe St. 8, Oshawa, Ont, Special attention glven to Lousehold furniture sales aud farm stock ana implements. Your patronage solicited. Money to Loan ; TUANS ON GOOD [455% ] PROPEL: ty woe farios. Apply A. J Parke bill, 27 Kiog SH. Last. [howe 1614. (July S10» ON YOUR AUTOMOBILE. CARS ce-fluanced Payments reduced Additional cash given. Terms rea sonable. Motor Loans and Dis oynts, Suite 2, 144 King 8. I. upstairs). Phone 2790, Open even: ings. (Aug. 10tt) able, baiterles yocharged 75¢c. Free | radio service to battery customers. I'hone 2806W, George Lurroughs, certified radiotriclan. ana (Dec, 8-1 mo) EXPERT WADIOTRICIAN, ALT makes of radigs, power packe and ellminators serviced aud repaired. Phoue 2715), (Doe, £0- 1 mo) ~ Room "and Board ROOM AND DOARD IN PRIVATE family, very central. hor 1052F. (38) FURNIEHED BEDROOMS WITH or without board, All convenlences, Apply 185 Centre St. Phone 3118J, % * (4a) Salesmen Wanted YOUNG MEN 1'0R SALESWORK. Must be willing and ambitious, Apply 10 Centre St., after 7 p.m. (du) | i Music AERBEIT C. TRENEER, A.T.0. M,, Orgaolst apd Cholrmaster ¢! Kiug Street Church, will accept ' | Cast, EOLID BRICK | T ROOMED | . ( FURS" | fur coats reliped ang remodelled. | 3p | to M. Articles For Sale MARCONI RADJOS. $185 UP, 'hone 2604 for demonstration er call at shop Gladstone Apts, Glad. stone Ave, (14410) Miseh BARD AND OKIE WULL slabs, 83. D ta load, load. Also dry body woud aterous Meek Phone | 1 [E) [v use fn rebullt Underwoods, They are as sorviceablo as when Lew= ut less than halt the cost, Sent for your approval, Address "Un dorwood", 135 Victoria St, To ronto, (Oct, 19, 8 OVER NONDRED PAIR OF BEC ond hand boots apd skates, Must be sold, On very reasonable prices from $1 up, South End Shoe los. pital, 426 Simcee South, (Dee, 11-1 BA - PA We Lave the largest --or aa yous ishes, meut of paints, varnishes, etc, in| The Paint Store, $0 King street west, (Apr. 26 tf) OR SALE--DRY HARDWOOD, $14 per cord, Dry tamarack $12 a cord, Norman Banders, King St "bone 1774M, (Dec, 8-1 mo) 4 BEDROOM HOUSE, $4,600. 5 Dedroom Bt, at a bargain. Murdoch, 27 War- (4b) in the city, k On SALE - rnes St Rouse, Eoin Houses for rent, ren Ave, Nursing _ : PRA work, xe ellout references, Mrs | | Lorrowdale, phone 1618, (Dec, 80-1 mo) PRACTICAT, reference, maternity, invalid, 31 eral nursing, "Will assist th housework, Charges moderute "hove 3033J, (Dec, 4-1 mo) PRACTICAL NURSING BY EX- perienced nurse, rate reasonable, I'hone B299W, 5 5-100) Work Wanted RTGUTSOTE, FIST CLARS IAT erhanger, painting and graiping Prices vight, work guaranteed," S10 Pine Avenue I'hone S086W. (72th) NGLISH = WOMAN . WANTS leaning or washing ith refer Phone 1753W (ae) VANTED "SITUATION AF eepe plain cook ADDLY Thompson, Oshava G.D (4a RAL WANTS Pos!- references, I'hone (4) 3 CEA Sl a ead Battery Service Al UR HADIO BATTERIES AT welory prices, Dest prices alluwaen for old batteries, called for oi? r or and delivered, Celina St, Phone ual 'Dac, 8-1 mo BATTERIES "CHARGED rental! 21.00. Repaired and Called for and delivered, sevvice, Ftan Bligdon, 2 1885W (Dee with rabullt nnt St, hone 40-1 mo' g Motor Cars {FALE --10%8 CHEV, SEDAN, hone So1M. ( Watch Re Repairing ITA, VON GUNTEN, EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, ropair shop at 44% King Street West. Your pats rouage is sol sited, | FOX $400 "Furs R Repaired REPATRED-- I'URS_AND Experienced. Phone Huron Cresceut, (N ov. "Building Supplies CINDERS, SAND AND GRA: vel for sale--~To Iinsury prompt delivery, place ders to advance of delivery date, W. Bo/rowdale Phone 1618. Upholstering UPHOLSTERING, DRAPERIES and furniture specialties at reas- onable prices, Geo, A. Constable, 27 Lond street east, phone 3322). ihee 24. 1 mo) "Wanted to Buy WANTED TO BUY--UP TO DATE dinlng room suite, nearly naw, pay cash, Phone 033M, (de) ANYONE WISHING TO DISPOSE of their fire and car insurance, Ap- ply te Box 68 Times, (4-0-8) Lost and Found COAT AND HAT TAKEN BY MIS take on New Year's eve, kindly re- turn to the Armouries, (de) FOUND--BROWN 1'UP, OWNER Slowlnski, 5756 Oshawa (4c) 632M, 110 _20- 1 mo) Architects b C, - UBNENALC architectural work, "escan floor. Hoga) Bask Lulldipg. Phone 1406. ites, phone HupJd, a AND JOUNBON, As: soclate eh iact Simcoe Bt 8 Over Fait liros, re ome Your roomed house near Motors, Cheap. Might exchange for clear bullding lots, Apply 274 French St. (2c) Engineer Wanted ANUVACTURING PLANT IN Ontario town of five thousand re- quires engineer with second class certificate, Electrical and pipe fit- ting experience desirable but wot ossential, Permanent position with NURSE, DOCTORS | Datterios charged |; w | good prospects for the man who cap make good, Give references and wages expected. Dox 68 Times, (3¢) by high tariff rates. Sugar, Lananas | the matter and copra are Fiji's chief exports and fears were expressed in the council that a heavy blow to the colony's su» par industry would result if Canada, tiring of such a "hit and miss" trad. ing policy were to establish a definite preference system with the West In dies, Favors Cangda In supporting the motion Sir May nard Hedstrom considered that great. er preference should be given Cane ada for her salmon as most of the Fijian supplies cane from there, Can. ada, lic thought, would not be so keen 10 tax raw products, but might give them preference on copra, Other embers spoke in support of tie mo- tion and eventually it was decided to appoint a committee to go into the matter of concluding a customs tariff wotiations i with Fiji v tries, In Vij, source of t Council, N thirds of | only one t "If we a ment let u by one of and industry for a Negotiations Government officers trade relations between thie two cow favors Canada as in the discusgion in the Lig fon that could take all." sentative opinion munity of Fiji, to the department of trade eport a replied that ne Are now being entered into with a view to furthering J. TRICK COAL CO. LTD. Phones 230-231 25 ALBERT STREET w | | | opi 101 however, popular desirable a more As was pointed nut slatiy rade, ew Zealand was a sally Dominion and could only take t N 1 i's sugar production and | K hird of its bananas, re to have a trad $ have one with a Domine. | THE DRUGGIST : This remark | FOR SERYICE the members 1s a repre " of the business com» PHONE 378, NEXT ™ POST OFFI pred jor reciprocal tariff with some part of the Empire, preferably Canada Merchants in Auckland, the city that figures most prominently in the Fijian trade, are inclined to view the latest development with some cons cern, When the matter was brought made RT a Apples For Sale BALE-=--ABOUT 60 BDLS, Price Fon good hand picked Baldwins, 'delivered $3.0 10 bbls, {Price delivered $2.50, without bbl, C. Alldreud, Tyrone, Ont {3S aa area 106 r 5. (Dec. Hospital 27-1 mo) also linown as "Sunny nook", ideal rest home, Reglster- ed nurse in attendance, !'Loue, write or call Superintendent, (Dae, 11-1 mo) WHITBY | Whitby, | { 2 ' Hemstitching Tums IPCAING, PLEATING, RE- | pairs and alterations, dressmak- { Ing, buttons and bultonholes. | Dell Shop, 261; Bimecos S. I'hone | 1654, (Jan, ] Business Wend" WANTEDy- BMALL showipz good returns, Whitby or Dowmaunville, Apply Box 70 Times, (4b) "Situation "Vacant--Male ONE AMBITIOUS MAN IN OF | awa can. gnalily for a permanent | po ition as my personal representa. t tive, Must be capable of general, executive and Thoroughly honest reliable and active, Age or creed no question Necessary start immediately on reasonable earning basis necessary, Write sincerely at all to 8 Battle Creel | | or nol , Michigan, 4a) th. brus! witches on cit bristles again t 1 of English FIJI GOVERNWENT New Arrangement Likely to Give Preference To Products of Canada Auckland, N.Z., sion of the Jan, Legislative tralia and New Zealand is caus some concern in New fesiane. forts are now being made by ¥ Zealand Governmen t to come ely an understanding with its tropical neigh. bor. Interest in Fiji in tion between Canada and Fiji was awakened in June last when the Can- adian Trade Commissioner in New Zealand, M. Croft, whose territory also includes Fiji, paid a visit to Suva and addressed business men and plan- ters there on the advantages to be gained by Iiji as a result of in: creased trade with Canada, Last year's trade returns showed that Iiji purchased from Australia goods: valued at £543,963, while that country bought from Fiji only £52- 691. The position with New Zealand was better, Fijian purchases totalling £140,418 while New Zealand took goods to the value of £202797. But while Canada bought goods to the value of £546,489, Fijian purchases to- talled only £84822. Australia, whom Fiji treated best, treated her worst Lumber Mentioned "How long," asked members in the Fijian legislature, "was Canada going to be content to buy from us and re- ceive comparatively nothing po ve- turn," In lumber, it was said, prefs erence to Canada could well be given shut out these commodities from Fiji In order to protect its own banana and sugar industries, Australia had Starks, | Phone | PRIVATE WOBPITAL, | The | a. | Jo) { PUBINESS | confidential work. Car; noro Motors Company, | SEEKING TREATY. 5.~The deci- | Council of | Fiji to seek a reciprocal agreement | with Canada to the exclusion of Aus- | Al \ i the trade posi. I before the attention of the Auckland | Chamber of Commerce, the president Jmmedjately called a meeting of the executive, which promptly referred a, Tailor- | Scotland Woollen Mills | $25.00 Suits HOTISH, Manager EYESIGHT SPECIALIST eyesight aud glasses, 1516--Phone=1516 TIME TABLE CANADIAN NATIONAL RMLWAYS Liffective September 28th, 1934 (Standard Time) Eastbound , eateps Buaday, m i m, Dail ' ail m, Daily, except Bunday, Daily, except Batuicay /, eacept Busday pa Sunda 5am, Latly, FOR RENT 9 Room House E v er y convenience, Warm, two car garage. Excellent address en Sim- coe Street North, Day 262 Evening 2111 Disasy Brock yn ! Specializing exclusively in muscle anomaly" Opposite Post Office ' Foe od YOUN Telephone am latly, For Your Drug Needs a.m, Daily, except Yunday, 82 yma, ally, » eacept Sunday, CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Lifsstive September 14h, 19) (Standard Time) Eestbound £5 a.m. Daily, AW pon, Wady. 08pm, Daly, 1208 a.m. Daily, 1.05 a.m, Lally, We: bound sacept Sunday WY, sacept Duta) GRAY COACH LINES JURY & LOVELL'S OITICAL PARLOKS J. W, Eyesight Specialise THOMPSON'S | 19 Bluecoo St, 8, PHONE 22 We Delives" ROYAL YORK Orange T @ a Fekoe am Jeuny 28¢ Worrall, Oph. I'bone 3215 ENostive September bib, (Standard Time) At od Superior Leave Ushaws AM, ru, For ay content sound 02 0.50 "hone 10.50 PRR) 10.0 J. H. R. LUKE Stores itomobile, house and » insurance, in good companies, Apply King Street Last #71, Nesideuce 087 | EATON GROCETERIA bi 1.% n-Lacopt Dundey a~Baturdays, Sundays and Holiday ealy. b=Sundays only. WHITBY, OSHAWA, BOWMANVILLE BUS LINES (Effective en nnd after October th, 1930) (Standard Time) Going West Arrive Hospital Arrive Whithy 7.20am, Bowmanville Oshawa Leave Leave 62am. 7.05 wan, 8d lwdCp.m, It Pays To Shop | Here Always CARTAGE OCAlL AND ING DISTANCE Bond Strect, West Established 1880 4.00 p.m, 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH * | Ld «0 p.m, 64) pom, 7.00 pan, ver Hospital | | Domi Lp, HOUSE TO RENT Wb King Bt. W. Felt Bros. The Leading Jeweler ¢ ; TEMAS al Fa And YT . -- = 7 rooms meet $15.00 nion Clothing Co. "hone 2141) Diamonds! Bassett"s On Oshawa's Main Corner' {i 3 ". Jy a bY 1 "ne | Iv. 4.10 p.m, 5.05 p.m, 6.05 pom, 7.45 pm, ¥ 5.50 pom, n, 10, 3 4 ing 11.4. 4.2) pra, "1pm, NOT Ezpors oot Arrive Whithy 0.45 ani, Machinery Repairing NOT Adanac Machine Skip 101 King St. W. "hone 1214 Chevrolet Sedan, 20 mode) price .B528 Chevrolet Coach, 28 wodel PRICY «ansssreesvsa BON ONTARIO MOTOR HING TOO LARGE HING 100 BMALL Asam, 245 pan, SALES LIMITED 4.45 pon. 90 Simcoe Street South 6.45 p.m, 8 Hoon 1045 p.m, time, Times marked . connect at Whitby with Lindsay Busses, Whos Buists tor all eccaslons sashapls 1 als and Careful Drivers GARTON, PROPRIETOR sowiANVILLE PHONE 412 or 310 Oshawa Waitin ing, Ro Raom, Hy Prince Street REPAIRING WATCHES OUR SPECIALTY if your watch ia not giving satisfaction we can repair abd wake it'tc'd the correct Official Watch Inspector for Cavadian National and Osh- 20 Simcoe S, Ye CARL W fee J. BROWN THE JEWELER awa lailroads Phone 189 |{Puksels soln $3. 20, and has a The gold is coarse, the law assay value of $18.50 per ounce pupils io plano, pife organ apd vocal music. 60 Willlam Etrest Kast. Phene 2896. (Sept. 2 tt» LEONARD RICHER, L.R.A M. SU pervisor of Music, 652 Carpegle Averve 2578F (Ane 25th For Rent SIVU0l MANOR = FOUR ANU tive room suites, weiectric sloves, 1efvigeration, laundry, conven) ences, Apply superintendent phove L691, (ath GLADSTONE APARTMENTS. 1% Gladstone, modern three roume with three piece bath, water, gus stove, electric lights, hot water heating, laundry, BRINGING UP FATHER conveniences, rive cellar, $30 monthly, Phone (1440) a, "APARTMENTS -- AT new low rentals, electrie refrigera ove, washing mach ine and dryer. Apply superintend- eat, Phone 2 jase, (oat) 12 Te ® 133) at ------ EEE HELLO- OW, NELLO, MAGGIE « TALK SLOWER AND LOWER - THINK OF MY EARDRUMG Foaluie Service, Ine, Gioat Kritaia rights (eserivd BY GEO. McMAN NO, MAGE, 'M NOT GOIN TO SNEAK OUT = UNLESS | SOMEBODY THROWS ME A LIPE- oe - WES, \'M Wi = SORRY, BUT | WIN STIL). HEAR YH MINLTED LATRM YES I'M STILL HERE © \T'S NO LUGE CALLIN' BACK AN HOUR FROM NOW= BY THAT TIME LL, BE SWIMMIN' THE 11 ENGLISH CHANNEL, us HOUR LATER: .

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