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Oshawa Daily Times, 15 Jan 1931, p. 10

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, 1931 TS. AND FALLS TIED, 3-3, IN OVERTIME ro. Hockey Teams Provide Exciting Battle; Penalties Are Costly to Both Teams Team Had One | Lead in Third Period, Lost It With Lott ng Time in the Pen- the Oshawa Arena, last night, p d night in ion the a Patricias played an overtime with the Niagara Falls' Catar- but unlike Tuesday night's jgle, the game last night resulted 3 decision and as a result the teams each received one point heir hour and ten minutes of efi- r. ; ut one thousand Oshawa fans on hand and they witnessed a which was almost an exact cate of the previous nights bat- p in Niagara Falls. The first d was very listless, despite the that the visitors scored a goal, 'at times the Oshawa fans were g for more action. The second d gradually pepped up and was g real strong at the finish when wa got two goals, play was tor- Both teams tried hard and the gave them a welcome rest. bout thirty seconds after the (of the second section of the session, Oshawa scored, Gil- from Lott. A minute later ey again scored for the visitors. wa finished the stronger of the p teams and Niagara Falls were pparently glad to win the. single pint. Still, three points in two sac- ve nights, is good going for any n's club. Penalties Prove Costly nalties were very numerous and ed very costly to the teams upon they were inflicted. Both teams d a readiness to mix matters "it did not take Referee Meeking to give the penalty box some itants. He had a hard game to ¢ and he did very well. Both suffered by loss of men and in last few minutes of the second d the visitors lost two defence in quick succession. In just as time, "the "Pats." ran in two ls to take the lead and held the d until about seven minutes from | time. At one time, the "Pats" | three players on the fence but managed to hold out. hawa were without the services erbie Stanhope and he was miss- '@ great deal. Lickley, former alt player, subbed at right wing but id not fit into-the teamplay very although he made one or two ie plays. "Gillie" Gilmore appar- likes plenty of work as he has v up better in the last two ics, than. ever before. "Gillie" geored two goals last night and was je of Oshawa's most effective men. Lott also showed up well for homesters and Murphy's calour- 'rushes earned the applause of the THE GAME "Phe game opened carefully. Davey a fine rush. Niagara Falls had st real exciting attack. After minutes of almost uneventful , Davey and Moore drew penal- for illegal play, Joyce made a try but lost the puck behind net. Green went off with a cut t forehead and the alternates on the ice. [Roche scored the first goal of game when he split the defence went in close to carom the disc Faught's pads, into the net. Osh- ; Niagara Falls 1. Lott made a beautiful try he rounded the defence and pr just managed to divert the . Murphy rushed and Moore iw a penalty for tripping Lickley. ott and Davey each made a nice jh and then the visitors conmitted fh 'offside in order to get out the £) LP je rushed and passed over ilivan. The latter tooled Faught the puck slipped past the post the period ended with the score, ; Niagara Falls 1. . 'enalties H Oshawa ra Falls had the better of the start the second period but akened when Moore drew a for tripping Lott who was a nice lone effort. Oshawa an to urge the "Pats." to f effort and they responded. : a gredt chance for a on a fine pass and a minute he was sent off for tripping. "Pats." began to take a real in the game and play livened 'a degree thac the visitors oot the puck down the ice essure, Gilmore drew a or rding McLeod. Mur- de a nice rush but had to from the corner. ; continued to hold the of- . Niagara Falls took very few down the ice and seemed con- hold the Oshawa team at bay. stick handled his way to the and made a great shot but on the net. Moore rushed 1s spilled and then Rice gave i a Mine pass but the latter missed it, 'Moore drew a penalty for holding. A few seconds later, Kwansie followed for boarding. Six . 'tater, Gilmore gave Joyce a pass and Joyce tied the score at one all, . A minute later, Joyce and Green each helped put the puck out in front Lof the net from the corner and "Gn- lie" Gilmore battered the rubber into the net to put Oshawa one goal up. Joyce drew a petialty for tripping Smith and the bell found the score Oshawa2; Niagara Falls 1. f Visitors Tie . Game Niagara Falls opened up fast in a determined effort to tie up the game but the "Pats." were not being caught asleep. The first five miinutes saw Oshawa quite holding their own, though Faught was called upon for one or two very fine saves.' Play ed up and Oshawa "Pats." be- gan to attack strong.: Sullivan miss- ed a grand chance when he had the puck in front of the net but his shot was wide. A Joyce-Rice play gave Oshawa a great chance but the visit- ors cleared. Niagara Falls scored the tieing goal but the play was callea back to give out two penalties. Gil- more and Smith drew the 'penalties. Davey and Lott each made a great try. Play heated up and reached a climax when Mcllwain and Kwansie staged a short scrap and increased the inhabitants of the penalty box to four, leaving eight players on the ace. Lott drew a penalty to weaken Osh- awa. LaRoche passed out to Low- ery who skated in close and then scored the tying goal for the second night in succession. Davey rushed and drew a penalty for charging, weakening Oshawa again, who then had two men on the fence. Gilmore was ordered off by the referee Mc- Ilwain taking his place. Green rush- ed and made a sensational try for a goal. Both teams tired towards the end and the regular playing period bell found the score tied at 2-2. OVERTIME Oshawa opened up fast and carried the play to the far end of the rink. Joyce made a fine try but many fine passes went astray. Smith just bare- ly missed the net when he batted one and a minute later he was sent off for boarding. The five-minute bell found the score still tied. ne Apiece Thirty seconds after play had been resumed Lott executed a lovely play to give Oshawa their third goal. He circled the net and passed out to Gilmore. Gillie, made no mistake and he scored his second goal of the night. . .The fans went wild with delight as the red light flashed. A minute later Lowrey scored his second goal of the night to tie the score again at three all. Oshawa swept to the attack and had the visitors on the defensive. A melee occurred and Rice fell in front of the net and his body stopped the shot which would have been the win- ning goal. Niagara Falls were satis- fied to get the one point and the game efided with the puck behind their net. Score 3-3. THE TEAMS :-- Oshawa "Pats."--Goal Faught; De- fence, Davey and Green; Centre, Rice; Right Wing, Gilmore; Left Wing, Joyce; Alternates, Lott, McI' wain, Murphy and Lickey. Niagara Falls' "Cataracts"--Goal, Fisher; Defence, Matte and Moore; Centre, Manners; Right Wing, Smith; Lelt Wing, McLeod; Alter- nates, LaRoche, Lowery, Kwansie and Sullivan. . ; Referee: Harry Meeking Toronto. Hammary Biggar and TORONTO Stock High Low Br. A. Oil 15 15 Braz. 22 21% Dis. Sgm. 11% 10% Gypsum 1214 12% Hr. Wal, 81, 7% Ford .. 24 23% Int. Nkl. 15% 14% Ind. Alch, 3% 3% Imp. Oil 17% 17% Mec. Frt. 20% 20%. Pg. Hr. 84% 84% 8. Station 32% 32% Mines Ajax .. 146 146 De. Ms. 1010 990 Falcon, 140 140 Holl. .. 810 770 Hy. Gold: 36 31 Lk. Sh. 2475 2450 Nrnda., 1475 1450 Sh. Grd. . 95 93 Sd. Bs. 64 64 Tk. Hg. 657 850 ~ Wr. Hr, 212 204 NEW YORK High ox 111% 108% 28% 181% Stock Am, Can, Am, Fr. Pr. 82% Am. Tel. ..18¢ 108% 28% 181% League Leading Teams Both Defeated and Race Tightens In Ontario Pro. Hockey Loop . TOO MANY PENALTIES It was amply demonstrated in last night's game between the Pats. and the Cataracts that hockey games cannot be won in the penalty box. 'The Falls team were leading. by one goal to nothing when two of their players went to the penalty box. Within the next two minutes Osh- awa had taken advantage of the sit- uation to score two goals and go out in the lead. Then the Falls tied the score with Oshawa a man short, and: in overtime, after Oshawa had gone ahgad, they tied the score aagin with an Oshawa man on the penitents' bench. This should be a lesson to the Pats. and other teams as well, that it pays to, stay on the ice. * THE GLOBE STILL TANGLED The Toronto Globe is still in a bit of a maze as to the Ontariv League standing. This morning it showed Oshawa tied in first place with nine points, instead of in third place with seven, while Nagara Falls are credited with only four ponts, in- stead of six. Apparently Mike, Rod- den, who, incidentally, is president of the league, still thinks Oshawa won Wat game in Niagara Falls on Tues- ay. . ¢ ° s » A SMART ON THE REFEREE The Oshawa team put a smart one over on the referee last night, Three men were put in the penalty box from the Oshawa line-up at one time. Butch Forler, however, slipped on an extra alternate, giving Oshawa three men serving penalties, and four men on the ice. Even the Falls team failed to notice the trick, so it work- ed, until the last of the penalty-ser- vers was ready to come back into play. Then there was considerable congestion, and quite a bit of argu- ment before the game could go on. But this little bit of trickiness saved the day for the Pats, * x» O.H.A. GAMES Oshawa is quite interested in two O.H.A. games being played tomorrow night. Bowmanville and Port Hope intermediates meet in the latter town and the Whitby Juniors go to Tren- ton to play against the kids down there. With the two Oshawa teams undefeated at the head of their groups, these games will not affect the standing so far as they are con- cerned, but they will have a direct standing on the positions of the other teams in the groups. * % % LOOKING FOR A WINGER Oshawa Ontario pros. are looking for a new right-wing player and Butch Forler, who is 'managing the motor city aggregation, yesterday endeavoured: to coax Ernie Parkes, former Kitchener star, and who later played professional hockey on the coast with the Montreal Maroons, out of retirement. Forler was anx- ious to have Parkes join his team for last night's game with Niagara Falls. Parkes refused the invitation but it gave him a good laugh. Forler then made an effort to sign Jack Bennett, who has played a lot of hockey around here and elsewhere. -- Mail and Empire. vy, Jan. 15.--For the second tL. nie in as many days the Manitoba University Hockey team, which is visiting Germany, defeated a German team last night by a crushing score. This time the Canadiang met the German Na- tional team d won the game by Berlin, Ge Market Toronto and New Yooh Stock Quotations : Crawford, Alger Building, Oshaws 7 goals to 1. Stock 'Market Prices by Cansdisn Press Supplied by 18% 328 18% 50% 4005; 32% 39% 17% 16% 34% 27 431% 36% 22% 95 17% 32 9% 5% 13% 16% 15 47% 12% 140% 47 9% 10% 33% 19 505 42% 831% 40% 17% 16% 34% . 27% 445% 36 23% 9% 17% 32 9% 763% . 14% 17% . 15% St. NJ. .. 471% U.S. Rubber 12% U.S. Steel 141% Vanadium 47 Yel. Truck 9% Money 1% per cent, Am. Inter. Anaconda Bendix .... Beth. Steel Byers A.M. Can. Dry Can. Pac. Cn, Tl. Pr. Chrysler Col. Gas Fox Film Gen. Elec. Gen. Mot. Int. Tel. .. Kelvinator Mt. Ward Nat! Cash Pl. Rd. Coal Pb. N, Jer. Radio .... Radio Kth. 13% 16% 15 47% 12% 139% 46% 95 A fox and its natural enemy, a fox-hound, at Tockwith, England, have become friends. TORONTO BROKER IS DECLARED BANKRUPT (By Canadisn Press Loessed Wire) Toronto, Jan, 16.--8. A, Taylor, Company, Ltd, were declared bankrupt at. Osgoode Hall today, on a petiiton fyled by Har- court. Harcourt's petition claimed $10,000 from the Taylor company, which had not been doing business for some time. Fn me 'The Taylor com 'were form- erly members of the ' Stock and Mining Exchange. They TRAFFIC LAWS ARE STRICTLY ENFORCED Toronto, Jan. 15.---B8trict en- forcement of traffic laws in this city i® in evidence by the number of summonses issued to Toronto mot- orists in the past few weeks, . Ac cording to a police report issued to- 'day more than 1,000 summonses have been issued to motorists who continue to drive with one head- light and also to those who use glaring headlights. Many other |summonses have been {ssued to mot- orists who continue to drive 'with had no branches outside the- city. dirty markers * HOCKEY RESULTS { O.H.A. Senior A Marlboros ...4 Kitchener ,...1 O.H.A. Senior B. Varsity .....8 Western U, ...3 O.H.A, Intermediate Kingston ... 3 Belleville sv.,.1 xR.M.C, .....4. Gananoque ,..3 x20 minutes' overtime. Woodstock. «1 Hamiltn Pats 0 Glencoe .....8 Chatham .....0 Watford ....4 Petrolia .....0 Goderich ....3 Clinton ......0 Camp Borden 5 Stayner .....1l O.H.A. Junior Peterboro S. J. 3 Campbellford 1 U.T.8. «vee .3 St. Andrew's ..1 Port Dover ..4 Cayuga : | Stratford ...1 Preston ... Parry Sound .3 Orillia Guelph 5 Fergus Hamilton ..10 Welland Ontario Pros. Kitchener ...3 Galt Oshawa Niagara Falls Stratford ....4 Guelph HOCKEY RECORDS INTERNATIONAL P. W. L.T. F. A. Pts. ++24.16 17.1 56 32 33 «..283 11 7 5 65 58 27 3311 9 3 67 57°25 «+23 10 12 1 48 53 21 London ...23 10 10 3 48 47 23 Pittsburg ..22 7 11 4 49 67 18 Syracuse ..24 7 16 1 57 76 15 O.H.A. SENIOR "A." Fok. XA. Pts. Buffalo Windsor Cleveland Detroit Port Colborne ...4 Hamilton 3 Marlboro s.«...3 Nationals ......2 Varsity ....e00 1 Kitchener ...... 5 2 CANADIAN-AMERICAN P.W. Is T. F.. A. Pls. Springfield 17 16 2 0 76 32 30 Providence 19 11 4 4 61 37 26 Boston ....20 7 13 0 45 60 14 New Haven 21 6 13 2 32 65 14 19 512 2 32 52 12 Philadelphia AMERICAN P.W.L.T. PF. A. 1 59 36 2 51 40 130 38 133 28 1 2 0 Pp, 22 22 18 18 Chicago ...22 11 Minneapolis 18 Duluth ....16 Kansas City 16 Buffalo ...15 St. Louis ..14 29 22 16 23 32 10 19 49 +4 Cru ango Stratford .. . Niagara Falls ..7 Kitchener .....7 This Week's Games Friday--Oshawa at Sratford, Kitchener at Niagara Falls; Guelph at Galt, LOCAL 1.0.F. LODGE INSTALS OFFICERS F. Gibbs Heads Court Osh- awa No. 294--Toronto Officers Present The installation of officers of Court Oshawa 294 1.0.F. took place on, Tuosday evening, Jan.. 13, in Engles Hall. There was a very large attendance, each Forester bringing a friend, as it was open in- atallation. Bro. D. W. Markham, P.H.C.R. and Bro. T, Saunders, high secretary of Central Ontarfo accom- panied by their wives, all of Toronto were present. Bro. Saunders acted as installing officer and Bro. Mark- ham, chief condactor. The following are the officers for this year: Bro. F. Gibb, C.D.; Comp. L. Gibb, C.R.; Comp. M. Eagleson, V.C.R.; Comp. Ina Follest, rec-sec.; Bro. A. Eagleson, Fin.-sec.; Bro. G. Garrett, treas; Comp Edwards, or- ator; Comp. Couch and Comp. E. Follest, musicians; Bro. J. Askew, S.W.; Bro. W. Clark, J.W.; Bro. French, S.B.; Bro. Bullen, J.B.; Bro. E. Greene, P.C.R. Following installation a very in- teresting program was rendered, in- cluding a trombone solo, Bro. J. Askew; vocal solo, Bro. W. Harm- er; reading, Miss While; step dance, little" Miss Alberta - Judd. Bro. T. Saunders, H.S., gave a very interesting talk and congratulated Court Oshawa on thelr cholce of of- 'ticers. The program continueu with a solo by Bro. Henning; ac- cordian solo, Bro. J. Askew; vocal solo, Bro. W. Harmer; step dance, Migs Judd : Bro. D. Markham, P.H.C.R., then gave a very fine address, first con- gratulating Court Oshawa on its progress since he was last here, he also spoke about the free surgical fund, and stated that the Bazaar recently held in' Toronto for same was the best ever held during tne three days of the Bazaar over $15, 000 was realized. Refreshments were served and the rest of the evening was engaged in dancing. Bro. Askew; convenor of the en- tertainment committee, and Comp. Coueh, convenor of the social com- mittee arranged the program. Geo. Sorrish was the accompanist of the evening. ; VANCOUVER SHIPS MORE WHEAT Vancouver, Jan. 15. -- Exports of wheat from the port of Van- couver for the current crop yoar to date total 34,083,949 bushels, approximately 100 per cent. & Stratford Whitewash Maple Leafs, Winning at Home by 4 to 0 Score, While Kitchener Silverwoods Win Close Game From Galt Terriers Stratford, Jan. 15.--~With big Woodstock Still on Top Of Big Group Woodstock, jan, 15.--Woodstock continued at the top of the "Big Seven" O.H.A, intermediate group by defeating Hamilton Pats here last night by a score of 1 to 0. The arena was packed to the doors and the fans witnessed one of the fastest games ever played in this neighborhood and the third period' had progressed more than six min- utes before the winning, and only, counter was made, The visitors proved a wonderful bunch of skaters and their stick- handling and comolration was away above that shown here by end only to have | Lynch in goal blot out their good work. But the Red and Whites were every bit as fast, and while they did not score before the third perfod they gave Anderson in the nets for Hamilton plenty to look after in the way of hard chances. Marlboros Trim Flying Dutchmen Toronto, Jan. 15.-- Marlboros, by their 4 to 1 victory over Kit- chener Flying Dutchmen in last night's O.H.A. senior game at the Arena Gardens, moved up to a tie with Hamilton in the standing and now have the cheery prospect of | facing the men in the Tigertown on the latter's ice in their next game a week from today to break the tie. Scintillators evidently do not work in the cold weather, Last an ordinary scintillating. With practically no attendance there was little color in the game and Marlboros had a sufficiently effective edge over their opponents to take the verdict by an even greater margin. Rangers' Star Out For Weeks New York, Jan. 15.--Bill Cook, one of the greatest wing men in hockey, may be lost to the Rang- ers for weeks. The veteran for- ward's right wrist and hand are swollen to twice their natural pro- portions. Bill was injured in a recent game with Detroit and the injury was aggravated Sunday and Tuesday nights in rough set-tos with the Hawks and Bruins. Canadian-American Providence ..4 Boston ....es.1 American League any other team this year, Time and time again they went from end to night's' game was affair in whicn there was little . Steve Yankoski back on thc de- fence here last night the Stratford Nationals atoned for their 3 to 0 shut-out at Guelph last week by trimming the visiting Maple Leafs by the same whitewashing method and for good measure added one counter to Guelph's total in Guelph. ; THe final score was 4 to 0 but that does not show the tind of the play as the visitors passed up several glorious scoring chances Stratford deserved to win and on the form shown will give the rest of the teams in the loop plenty of argument from this on. In addition to Yankoski on the defence, Kuntz was also a new- comer to the Nationals and turned in a mighty smart effort, giving two assists. He stick-handled pret- tily 'and beat the Leafs' defence with ease, but 'was unfortunate when it came to beating Ironstone in the net. This chap, by the way, saved his mates from a worse trim- ming. Norfolk, in the other cage was equally as good, in fact, some of his saves bordered on the sen- ational, y Kitchener, Jan. 15.--The tail- end Kitchener Silverwoods threw the league-leading Galt Terriers for a loss here last night in an Ontario Hockey League fixture by a 3.2 score. The game was cx- citing enough but there was not a great deal of brilljant hockey. The second period produced the best entertainment and it was then that the home club had the biggest edge and secured the lead with which they weathered the third period storm of the Terriers. Although the hockey was not brilliant, any chances of it im- proving were hampered by ineffi- cient officiating, Referee Gus Hd- gan missing dozens of offsides and violation of the play, although he got most of the rough stuff. In' the third period Galt had a play- er camped inside the Kitchener blue line almost continuously des- pite_the rule that the puck carrier must be the first to cross that Slattery Wins From Levinsky Chicago. Jan. 15.--Jim Slattery, Buffalo light heavyweight, last night avenged the gift decision which King Levinsky was given last month when he handed the Chica- £0 slugger a neat trimming in ten rounds. The decision righted an old wrong, but as far as the 12,- 749 spectators who paid $34,859,. 65 to witness the contest were concerned, it would have been bet. ter had the two men never met. Levinsky couldn't fight and Slattery wouldn't--at least after he turned his ankle during the sccond round. Slattery was econ- tent to dance about and outjab the clumsy Levinsky. He showed little of the ability which he boasted in twice winning the world light heavyweight crown and the fight was slow and draggy. MERCURY DROPS 25 BELOW IN NORTH North Bay, Jan. 15.--The con- trast in this morning's tempera- tures indicates that yesterday's cold spell has passed over the far northern and western regions of the country and settled itself in the eastern section of the north, Northern Ontario temperatures this morning ranged from 22 above at Schrieber, licar White River and 12 above at Fraserdale, On- tario, on the James Bay extension of the Temiskaming and Northern Railway, to 22 below at North Bay, Timmins and Hornepayne, two widely separated centres, struck a happy medium today 'with zero temperatures at an 8 o'clock read- ing. Capreol, the country north of Sudbury and Englehart, and North Bay and Cochrane were the coldest spots this morning when the mercury touched 25 below. ea hy NEW MARTIN Phone 164 TODAY - FRI. Yola D'Avril, Anita Louise in "Just Like Heaven" A Love Story of the Streets of Paris "You Said 1t Saflor" Comedy Creation 2---Novelty Presenta- tions----2 "Ebony Shrine' and "Over the Air" FOX NEWS Coming Saturday , "MAMBA" * OPS SH Kansas City .8 Duluth .eees.1 The Stores That Are 98.65% Canadian Owned b Specials for Thu., Fri. & Sat.' Butter =;32- ap 1235: Meat Specials P&G White CHOICE CUTS of YOUNG BEEF BONELESS (4 to 6 1b. Roasts) - Naptha Round Steak Roast b.2 2c BONELESS Prime Rib Roast ... ib. Boneless Brisket.... ib. Boneless Flank ...... in. Rump Roast................1b. Grocery Specials Plain or Quick Quaker OATS 23 STOP & SHOP TEA BULK % bs. § 1 00 Matches FULL 3) boxes By Fe 400'S PALMOLIVE SOAP % Cakes 20- Ra --._-, rlo] Smoked Side Bacon Cuis 6 to 8 Ibs. Lb. 25- Choice Pink Salmon 2~2§-¢ Fruit and crrersanrenenesnees. 1b 3g Readi-Cut Macaroni os 2 Ibs. 15¢ Vegetables Sunkist Oranges. 35¢ : Regal Plain or Iodized Salt ......... + Pkg. 8g McLaren's Jelly Powders, assorted 4 pkgs. 25¢ Hallowi Dates, bulk ............. CECRTTTTLETPE RS La I) 2 dozen .evesrciiiiniiieransininne Messina Lemons, 3 25¢ 25¢ 2-1 Shoe Polish, all colors ......coeveeveeees 3 ting 23¢ Lunch Rolls, small «eo 3 for 10¢ Large Grape Fruit. Chicken with Rice 29c BX SPECIAL Bee Hive or Crown Syrup, 5's ... . tin 35¢ Sweet Potatoes. Large Iceberg Let tuce 2 for 17- LARGE PKG. FRESH PORK Shoulders .............. 1b. 1 %7e FRESH PORK Butts... Ze Fronts of Lamb... un. ] Ge Boneless Smoked Ham siiced n.3 Ge Tip Top Weiners csinenness. Ibe 20¢€ Anglo Corned Beef ......... Ib. 22¢ ee ---- ' NO. 1 TALL TIN Christie's Sultana Biscuits Srrsanes seneses Lynn Valley Pears, 2's ........ es 3 tins 35¢ Old Cheese seees Ib. 336 Mild Canadian Cheese ......... eremessenian vere Ib. 234 Delicious Apples. Dozen ........ccocviiiiniien saeseere Aylmer Assorted Soups, except Chicken and Wethey's Raspberry Jam, 40 oz. Spinach. Fresh and green. Heinz Catsup, large Scotch Mints ......... Chocolate Buds venshas Fancy Rose Rice . . Aunt Dinah Molasses, 1%'s co. Dog or PuppysBiscuits *svsesssisskunsernese 2 Ibs. 28¢ + Jar 49¢ .. bottle 21 ¢

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