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Oshawa Daily Times, 15 Jan 1931, p. 12

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ia, THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, 1931 \ d in Scotland. ton.--There Bas, been Noi 'Erskine Chure! arbol- _a bronze tablet with n, to memory 0 . Th g ceremony was performed rs, G. B. Esslmont, Aberdeen, fer-in-law of Dr. Morgan, and Professor MacKintosh, Edin- gh, preached, | mri Resigns eville.--Sherift George H. okes, of Hastings County, ten- bd his rosignation as reeve of igerford Township at the in ral meeting of the council rday at Tweed, his new office ing his relinquishment of pal _ The resignation mvelock.--The recount of the t taken in the recent close on in the Townships of Bel- mont and. Methuen 'and for which prs hffith has made formal application; will take place inthe Chambers at Peterborough of B, UC. 8. huycke, ou Judge Eto o'clock in 'the fore- noon "of 'Friday, January 16. : in = With: only one lidis . + Paterboro.---- hs only. dis Wh voice--that of Alderman Frod Tuggey -- the City Counchi voted in favor of a grant of $1,150 to the Trent Waterway Association the opinion generally being that 1 dollar for dollar value in Peter- Borough and District publicity has been received im the past, as is amply demonstrated by the largely increased amount of American cur- rency which was circulated locally by 'tourists in the past 'summer. Excitng Game ~ Perth.--In one of the most ex- citing hockey games ever witnessed in the Perth arena, the local sen- jor team and Smiths Falls battled for 90 minutes to a scoreless tie in: a Rideau Group fixture, both teams leaving the ice almost ex- hausted. v ort Hope.-- ._ Hl to amalgamate the Jo . | meeting, 'when they unanimously des -- owing a decision pr Hi of Town Clerk and Town reasurer, Amths Mark, the present Town ak, ill now perform the duties of both offic- es. His appointment was made at the | A first regular meeting of the Town Councils "The salary for "the dual position will be $1800 plus statutory fees. AAR ' 3 Relief Work 'Lindsay.~The new council ..got away to a good start at their first cided to go ahead with the unemploy- ment gelief work that came suddens ly to an end early in December, when the money allotted was all spent. Gashed By Saw i Kingston.--Charles Snuth suffered serious injuries at Ardoch while en= gaged in sawing wood with a large circular saw. 'The skidway of the logs gaye way and forced him against the saw.. Allon Watkins came to his rescue and pulled him 'inte safety, but not until his. foot 'was badly slashed, a portion of the member be- ing pin Ir | Revisits Old Church : Lindsay.--Heon. Leopold Macaulay, Provincial Secretary, was the speaker at a joint meeting of the Kiwanis and Rotary Clubs. In the evening he was the speaker at a men's banquet : afiworshiy and Sunday School he ai- showlof the Belleville Poultry Assacl- ion ned its doors Tuesday for -day exhibition and judging of 'poultry, The finest fow! that can be found within a radius of over one hundred miles is entered in the ex- tos a hibition this year, which is being th ae What might have [held in the City Hayl. been a serious accident occurred near| the' 16th line when, the automobiles | Diamond Wedding of Edward Pearson and - William | Athens--One of those happy events Weyate collided head on. The oc¢- [rare enough to be of interest over a cupants fortunately. sustained only | wide area took at Athens, slight cuts and shock. The two cars|Leeds County, when Mr, and Mrs. were seriously damaged and had toSydney -Ducolon celebrated, their be towed from the place of collision. Diamand. AV edding Anniversary at PPE -- * their cozy Wiltze Street residence, Work Cards losued : rent Re Sarda) hursday and Friday of | Unusual Sight ' this week will see 165 married men| Havelock.--Havelock residents saw at work under the unemployment e an unusual sight for this time of the scheme, cards Yor this number having year 'when a flock of - twenty-four been issued at the local Employment | blackbirds was seen in a tree in front Bureau, Cards were also issued to|of the residence of William Vander- 29 single men for work on Wednes- | woort on' Alexander street. day. and Thursday. Confirmation and Dedication Picton--A large Songlegation ary inded over 'a quarter of a century 30 Te Fibed af county. ett ns, the hospital, House of Refuge and jail. A Bridge Plans Fyled : ath- Ottawa.--Plans for the new bridge | ered at the Church of St. over the Gatineau River between |dalene (Anglican) on the occasion Gatineau Point and Hull have been [of the visit of Bishop C. A. Seager. fyled at the Hull Registry Office. [Eighteen candidates were confirmed They provide. for a structure 750 feet [by the bishop and a special feature long, consiesting of three arches each | was the dedication of the lovely Mar- 200 feet long, resting on four stone tha and Mary stained glass window, piers. v0 ia [given in memory of the parents of Mrs, A, C. Grant and the late Miss Louise Owens. i Poultry Show OPens Belleville.--Far bigger and better in First United Church, the place in every way the 17th annual poultry | Burglar Sentenced Peterboro.--~Two years. int the On- tario Reformatory was the sentence passed upon Creswell Tighe, a War- saw youth, who early last Wednesday morning burglarized Payne and Bar- INN Choicest Quality Butter ~~ Churmed in the Finest Creameries FINE FOODS ror EVERY MEAL At Prices Which Are Much Lower Than Usual A & P Stores are food headquarters. Your favorite nationally known brands of groceries . . . fresh fruits and vegetables . . . foods gathered from the world's four corners . . . in fact, foods for every R meal may be purchased at A&P . . . and at a saving. A & P Meat ; NN Markets stock all these fine foods . . quality fowl and fish as well. Best of all, you are assured of receiving a full 16 ounces in every pound. | BUTTER SUNNYFIELD Fancy Pasteurized Creamery Ib. 34c¢ OUR OWN SILVERBROOK CREAMERY . and choice cuts of meat and ling's general store in that village. In giving sentence Magistrate Lang- ley declared that there were too many {| robberies, {| Turning on P. Bancroft.--Bancroft village is en fete for the turning on of 'electric power this week. A special celebra- i | tion has been arranged to mark the event in the history of Hasting's County northern capital. On Wed- nesday evening a special program marked the turning on of the new power, PRODUCE PRICES TORONTO FARMERS' MARKET The following are quotations, re tail, in effect on the St. Lawrence Market, Toronto. . Produce Eggs, extras ........ Butter, dairy per pound Do... Creamery, per pound'. iii iiviiy 0.35 040 Fruits and VegetablCs-- Carrots, 6 bunches ....... Beets, doz. bunches ...... Ib. 32¢ 0.50 1.00 SMOKED BREAKFAST SLICED, LB. 20 B ACON- a necth. gl ge CHOICE YOUNG ROASTING PORK LEAN BOSTON ROASTS Shoulder Roasts | BUTTS SILVERBRIGHT Il SALMON 1b. 22. Ib. 18 i. | §e BY THE PIECE STEAKS AND CENTRE CUTS, LB. 17¢ WINTER CAUGHT WHITEFISH Fancy Pack ib. 277¢ w. | §e SWIFT'S JEWEL BRAND Shortening DIRECT FROM PLANTATION TO YOU JELLY ome AUNT JEMIMA Pancake Flour 2 rxs. 29. Maple Syrup .:=3 1. J Onions, dry, 11 qt. basket ...., sens. 0.08 Cauliflower ......... 0.10 Spinach, peck voi .vu ... Mushrooms, per pound ... Onlons, bunch, three for ... Leaf Lewuce, three for .., Head Lettuce two for .., Parsley, per bunch ,. 0.05 Celory,-head o..ivuu. ... Squash, each ....,.,, 0.15 Parsnips, basket «eo. ..., Beets, basket ,.., Peppers, each . 0.51 0.10 0.86 0.40 0.70 0.10 0.10 0.25 0.10 0.10 0.3% 0.50 0.40 008 0.10 0.05 0.76 0.40 0 su 1.26 0.54 0.25 0.30 ib. 39 3 Pkgs. 1 6: Oranges, per doz. .... 0.35 Honeydew Melons, each 0.25 Grapefruit, 3 for . Potatoes, bag ...... . Cucumubers, six for lemons. per dos, ,,. a Bananas, per dozen. ., 0.25 Apples, bus. ..., 2.25 Do., Snows, 6 qt. «es. 0.40 Oranges, doz. ....... 0.40 0.70 EGGS--We are glad to announce that all A & P Stores in h for Can. Green Peas, 6 basket ...... 0.65 handise 'or cash. Eggplant, each , ese 0.10 will accept eggs " Green peppers, bas ot ees 1.26 Pears, basket ..,.%,., ive 0.75 Sweet. potatoes 6 Ibs vee Cranberries, qt. > HHH Pumpkins, each vith 0.18 0.25 TORONTO PRODUCE (Buying) Toronto dealers are buying produce | COTTAGE ROLLS "I" ».21. VER UALITY ¥ ¥ FINE SELECTED BY A & P EXPERTS AVAILABLE--EVERY CARCASS ROASTS PORTERHOUSE 15.29 WITH LARGE UNDERCUTS 43 RII 1E WING - ROUND 1b. 24 15. 2%7¢ Steak 1. 24 omens Jar Je t PIES °2.2™ Each §e¢ EE, a wm 2ter1Qe ut ure 2 Dox. Je 25m 17 2 bs. 25- Iceberg 2 for 21 BROOMS DRANO NAVY BRAND PAPER Toler N MAGIC 18-07. 4 4- BAKING © TIN CROWN CO CHEESE "x: 2 rres. 2. 5c 12 ENCORE BREAD ri: RAISIN LOAF SPECIAL 5-STRING VOR SINKS at the following prices: Eggs -- Ungraded, cases returned, Each 29- fresh extras 30c: fresh firsts, 26¢; seconds, 20c; pullet extras, 22c, Tin 28 Butter--No, 1 Ontario creamery, Roll 2. solids, 31%4c; No. 2 30%e. Churning cream--Special, 29 to 30 ¢; No. 1, 28 to 29¢; No. 2, 25 to 26c. Cheese--No. 1 large, colored, para- fined and government graded, 13% to l4c, Quotations to poultry shippers are as follows: oultry-- Dressed "A" Grade Alive Select M.F. Spring chickens, 6 Ibs. ea 20 Over 5 to 6lbs. each ....19 Over 4% to 5 Ibs. each 17 Over 4 to 4% Ibs. each 15 4 tbs, each and under ..14 Fatted hens, over 5 Ibs. ea. 21 Over 4 to 5 Ibs. each ..19 Over 3% to 4 Ibs. each 15 Young turkeys, over 15 Ibs... Over 12 to 15 Ibs. each .. Over 10 to 12 Ibs. each .. Over 8 to 10 Ibs. each .. .. Over 6 to 8.1bs. each .... .. Old turkeys--market price. Geese, over 8 to 12' Ibs. ea... PA All 'other weights ..., .. 22 2-LB, TIN 16- 35. Di SRR ENR we "0s rs . cUmes 24 Lia rade Ontario --~ Buy Them by the Bag If you have catarrhal deafness : or head nolses, go to your drug- Bist and get 1 "oz. of Parmint (double strength) and add to it % pint of hot water and a little sugar. Take 1 tablespoonful four times a TATOES = s1.21 mp: 21- S th---Phon ER. {HORE cs AT 1 =] West--Phone 2643--Meat Manager--H. F. Manager--G. WE DELIVER EXTRA ci ; ow iugouy op dropping into . the GREAT ATLANTIC & PaciFic Tea Co] | IMITED, OF CANAD. "This will often bring quick re- lief frem the distressing head noises. Clogged moetrils should open, breat become easy and Newsome easy prepare, c little and is pleasant to take. Anyone who has catarrhal deafness or hepd noises should give this pre. scription a trial, __ PA) Le * May Be Overcome| d- roosters, over 5 bs. ea 15, 20 .. dra duckfings over 5 tis. elch. ....... horre S1028 , Over 4 to 5 Ibs. each ,.19 "23 ., Colored ducklings 2c less ' Guinea fowl, per pair ..$125 ., .. 1 Toronto dealers are offering pro- duce to retail dealers at the fol ow- ing prices: ggs--Fresh, extras in cartons, 38 c; fresh extras, loose, 36c; firsts, 31 ¢; seconds, 25¢; pullet extras; 27c. Butter--No. 1 creamery prints, 33 iY, 34c; No, 2 creamery, prints, 32 to b Cheese--New, large, 15¢; twins, 15- %e; iplets, 15%c; stiltons, 20c. ON, ree, c; twins 24%c; old stiltons, Poultry-- Dressed Chickens, 5 Ibs, up ........ a . Do, 4 to 5:1bs. ... Do., 3 to 3% Ibs. .... Hens, over 5 Ibs. .. Broilers ucks Turkeys, A grade Geese \.......... . TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS Grain dealers on the Toronto Board of Trade are making the following quotations for car lots: Manitoba wheat -- No. 1 hard, 61c; No, 1 Northern 59c; No. 2 do., 67¢; No. 8, do., b5¢; No. 4, do., 52%c¢; (cit, Goderich and Bay ports). Mantoba oats -- No. 1, feed, 33¢; No. 2 feed, 3134c. Argentine corn -- 70¢ (¢.1.f. Port Colborne). » Millfeed, delivered Montreal freights, bags included -- Bran, per ton, $21.25; shorts per ton, $21.25; middling, $29.25. Ontario grain -- Wheat, 67¢c; barley, 30c; oats, 28c; rye, 3bc; buckwheat, 48c. ~ TORONTO PROVISIONS Wholesale provision dealers are quoting the following prices to local retail dealers: Smoked meats -- Hams, medium 23 to 28c; smoked rolls, 28¢: breakfast bacon, 23 to 24c; backs pea-mealed, 26¢c; do., smoked 37¢. Pork loins, 23c; shoulders, 19¢; butts, 21¢; hams, 19 to 20ec. Curéd meats -- Long clear bac- on, 60 to 70 1bs., 20c; 70 to 90 1bs., 18; 90 to 110 Ibs, 17¢; light- weight rolls, 19c; heavyweight rolls 18¢c. Lard -- Pure, tierces, 14%: tubs 15e; pails, 1575c; prints, 15% to 16c. Shortening -- Tierces, 12%e; tubs, 13¢; pails, 1335¢. : Special pastry shortening--Tier- ces, 16¢; tubs, 156%c; pails, 16¢. CHICAGO PRODUCE FUTURES Chicago, Jan. 14.--Yesterday's firmness and advances on both spot egg call and futures attribut. ed. largely to colder weather fore- cast for last night. Offerings were light, while buyers indicated dis. position to purchase extensively on setbacks. Early January sales at 13% and 14 no aoubt inspired by yesterday's unfavorable cold stor- age reports. Morning's decline on spot butter applied mostly to top grades, while milks and straight cars contralized. At newly estab. lished levels, market generally steady. Futures weakened early on wheat seemed to be sympathy with lower spot but toward close rally carried prices up. for fair advance. Open commitments -- January, ref. eggs. 245; April storage eggs, 22; January butter, 223; Febru. ary butter, 337; March butter, 15; March potatoes, 19. Two market receipts--Butter to- day, 39,666; last year, 29,602. i today, 34,696; last year, 30,- 3. Chicago spot market--Buttor ex- tras, 263c; standards, 26c; tone TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS Grain dealers on the Toronto Board of Trade are making the following quotations for car lots: Manitoba wheat--No, 1, hard, 618¢; No. 1 Northern, 59%¢; No. 2, do., 57%c¢; No. 4 do., 53%c (cit. Goderich and Bay ports). Manitoba oats --- No. 1, feed, 334¢; No. 2 feed, 32¢. Argentine Corn -- Tic. (elf. Port Colborne). Milifeed, delivered. Montreal freights, bags included--Bran, per ton. $21.25; shorts, per ton, $21. 25; middlings, $29.25. Ontario grain--Wheat, 67¢; ley, 30c; oats, 28c; rye, buckwheat, 48c. bar- 86c; CHICAGO PRODUCE FUTURES Chicago, Jan. 14.--Offerings on yesterday morning's spot egg call market were much heavier than usual, resulting in a sharp ro- duction for top grades. The de. cline was generally unexpected, for with' few exceptions, street reports indicated a firm market. In some quarters, it appeared to be a carry- over and was regarded as too great In consideration of today's receipts. Trading in January was limited as to volume and for the most part the market showed a weak un- dertone. ; In striking contrast with Tues. day's general weakness, was firm- ness and subsequent advances. The 'latter applied to top grades, cream. ery;and centralized cars of butter. but receivers were holding close- ly and undergrades were corres- pondingly stronger. Futures were in moderate volume, but mostly lower as compared with yesterday. Open commitments -- January, rof. eggs, 246; April Storage eggs, ; January butter, 208; Febru- ary butter 331;"March butter, 15; March potatoes, 29. Two market receipts -- Butter today, 18,246; last year, 18,101. Rane today, 81,260; last year, 27,. Chicago spot market -- Butter, extras, 27; stds., 26%; tone steady to firm, Eggs, firsts, 223 to 28%; tone unsettled, This winter you: should consider your job. your best friend.--Atchi- son 'Globe. You will make a poor job of growing old unless you take your time about it.--Kingston Whig- Standard, ? Hi The folks will need a nourhing hot drink when they come in from ski-ing, skat- ingor snow-shoeing--serve hot O these cubes beef ready-- simply slice fhe ibs thial putin a cup and pour in boiling water--serve hot with soda bis- cuits or thin bread and butter, In tins of 4 and 10 cubes. 227 BEAUTIFUL NEW PRINTED WASH DRESSES SMART STYLES NEW COLORS AND DESIGNS You can be dressed up around the house in one of these, at No IS THE TIME w BUY--SAVE PRICES LOWER ES 2 ag ww Re WEE, Boy ARCADE THE Used Car Specials In New Car Condition... nro SUSY 1930 CHEV. SEDAN ... $630 Can't tell from new ................ TPE - 2 EONTIAS oatH 1 Completely Overhauled ..............ouvviiuirininnnns $365 1929 ESSEX COUPE Ross, Ames & Gartshore Co.,Ltd. 185 KING STREET W, OSHAWA 1928 CHEV. SEDAN In beautiful shape ..........ccc.cocunrirnissivesasersensane $645 PHONE 1160 HUDSON=ESSEX PHONE 1160 CONE - CLEANED ANTHRACITE BETTER COAL MADE CLEANER BY. THIS NEW PATENTED PROCESS SOLVAY -- DUSTLESS -- COKE POCAHONTAS -- SIZED CANNEL CUT SLAB WOOD AND BODY WOOD GUARANTEED No, 1 AND DRY DIXON COAL CO. Telephone 202 Five Direct Lines TEE CE ER

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