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Oshawa Daily Times, 15 Jan 1931, p. 5

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PAGE FIVE , THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, 1931 Women's Interests in the Home --- and the Community S ocial & Personal | Mrs. Harry Fall and daughter Barbara ave * leaving to-day for Cornwall, Ontario, where Mr. Fall is to be manager of the Cornwallis Hotel. Mr. Fall, who is at present the manager of the Hotel Genosha, will leave at the end of this month te ke up his new duties in Corn- all, Mrs, H. R. Wilber, King Street ¥., entertained the members of the sew- ing committee of the Women's Wel- fare Society at her home yesterday afternoon. Women's Meeting -- RITSON ROAD HOME AND . SCHOOL CLUB The regular meeting of Ritson Road Home and School club was held on Tuesday, Janyary 13th, Mrs. Booth, president, was in the chair. The meeting opened with the Lord's Prayer, then the club was introduced to Mrs. B. C. Colpus, guest of honour for the evening. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. Mrs. Colpus gave an in- teresting talk on Dr. Marty. The club then donated $5 to the Dr. Mar- ty Memorial Fund. Flower conven- ors report and treasurer's report were MUSCIAL PROGRAM FOR H. ANDS. CLUB Col. Frank Chappell Is Spe- cial Speaker King Street Home and School Club met on Tuesday evening with the pres., Mrs. Geo. Norris, presid- ng. Plans were made for the Bridge being sponsored by the Social OFFICERS INSTALLED AT MEETING OF D.O.E. The installation of officers for the Daughters of England took place in the L.O.E. Hall on Tuesday night and a pleasant time was spent 'to- gether again when Princess May Lodge, Whitby, and urham Lodge, Bowmanville, visited them. The in- stalling officer was Worthy District Deputy Sister Tenimour, assisted by Past. President Sisters Wilson and Richardson, oft Whitby, and Past President Sister Pritchards and Sis- ter Child, of Bowmanville. The of- ficers installed for the coming year were as follows: HOLY TRINITY WA. Mrs. S. C. Jarrett Is Elected of Holy Trinity Church Women's Auxiliary, was held Tuesday af- ternoon. HAS ANNUAL MEET President for the Year 1931 - The annual business meeting After the meeting was opened JANUARY A MONTH OF SALES prices. All Oddments, Broken Lines and Discontinued Numbers, must be cleared right out, before we take stock the last of this month. Therefore we never take into con sideration our regular 50 LADIES' SILK DRESSES. Regularly sold up to $14.50. Jan- UBPY Clearanee ....oou vv ivisvis sive vans insdveiimoneinn ies $6.66 a limited time to take KENWOOD BLANKETS The lowest prices ever heard of. Only advantage of PETER PAN PRINTS Your last chance to get in on this very low price for the well-known fabric. Worthy President, Sister McDon- ald, Sr.; Worthy vice president, Sister Fetches Sr.; chaplain, Sister Glover; secretary, Sister Devenish; treasurer, Sister Docherty; First guide, Sister Murray; Second g{ide, Sister Murrall; third guide, Sister Wells Sr.; Fourth guide, Sister Mec- by a hymn, the W. A. Litany, the reports for the past year were read and proved most interesting and satisfactory The following offi- cers were elected' for 1931:--Hon. president, Mrs. 8S. Wells; Presi- dent, Rev. Mrs. Jarrett; vice-presi- dent, Mrs. Turner; secretary, Mrs. Many to choose from. = oD then given. The pupils of the school will put on a concert sometime in March. It was decided that next meeting' will take the form of "The Men's Night" when the men would arrange the program and conduct the meeting. Mr. G. Ferguson was ap- pointed to"act as President; Chief of these cuts. For Example, 72 x 84 in. for, each ............ Council of Home and School Clubs to be held in the Masonic Temple on January 23rd, to raise funds for a singing contest to be held in the near future. A faraival for .the school chil- dren 1s to be held in the near fu- ture. A presentation was made to . 39¢ The first rehearsal for the oper- etta "Pauline," which is being pro- duced by the 'Musical Players," was held last evening at the e of Miss Elsie Richardson. $1.95 NEW SOCIETY IS FORMED H "Musical Players" Name Given to Club Which Will Study and Produce Light Opera A new society has launched itself in Oshawa recently. At present its members consist only of those in the'cast of an operetta' entitled "Pauline." With Mr. O. S. Hobbs and Miss Evelyn Trick as directors the society has been given the name of the "Musical Players," including, as one gathers from the name, the production of both drama and musi which will take the form of light RE Police Friend, as secretary, and Mr. Hamilton as treasurer. Correspond- ence was then read. Miss, Robert- son's room won the dollar for hav- ing the most mathers in attendance. A programme followed consisting of a "flower contest" and Peanut race. Both of these were won by Mrs. Fiches: Then Mr. Richer and the children's orchestra took charge. Violin solos were played by Masters Goheen and Barklet, and a vocal solo sung by Cliff. Colbourne. Mr. Rich- er gave a brief talk on music and the forming of an orchestra among Rit- son pupils. He also played a violin solo. The meeting closed and refersh- ments were served by the ladies un- der the convenorship of Mrs. Rogers. Young People's Meeting ALICE JACKSON Y.W.A. Mr. Robinson, the c®* Taker, fOr his services in connection with the rink. The prize for the most parents pres- ent, went to Miss Holmes' room. A very. interesting musical pro- gram was in charge of Mr. Richer, as follows: Two part son, Lyons room. Orchestra, chifiren from various schools, "Robin's Lullaby." Violin solo, Geo. Goheen (a pupil of King St. School). Orchestra, "Vesper Bells." Violin Solo, Edward Barker, (the youngest pupil in violin class). Vocal solo, Ernest Colborne, "My Task." : Encore, "Danny Boy," Ernest is a pupils of N. Simcoe School, Violin solo, Mr. Richer. Orchestra "Merry Bob-O-Links." Mr. Stacey played all accompani- ments. Piano solo, Jean Elliott; reading, Mrs. E. Trew; reading, Little Miss Gates. The speaker for the evening was girls from Miss Donald, Jr.; Inner guard, Sister Newman; Outer guard Sister Dunn; pianist, Sister Kelly. Other officers approved were: Medical officer, Dr. McMullen; trustees, past president, Sister Corden, past president, Sister Gutsole; auditors, Sister Morgan, Sister Boorman, Sister Madder; de- zree captain, Sister Horben; escorts Sister Bays, Sister Allin; degree subs, sisters Corden and Wells; press reporter, Sister Gutcole, D.D. Sister Tunnous presentes Past President Sister Letches, Jr., with the jewel, complimenting her on the good service to the lodge during the year. Sister Fitches spoke a few words in thanks and wishes for more prosperity to all the lodges. Worthy President, S. McDonald, then presented the W. D. Deputy with a gift for her services for which she thanked them saying "it was a pleasure." Short speeches vere given by Worthy President Sister Lear, of Princess May Ladge Whitby, and W. President . Sister Woolley, of Durham Lodge, Bow- | A. Fitches; Dorcas secretary, Mrs. P. Kilburn; Little Helpers, Social Service, Junior Wells; The Junior girls branch which was only organized this year is making splendid progress. are looking forward year's work ahead of them. Year is as follows: uary, 23rd, A social evening. Fri- day, January 30th, Rummage Sale. Saturday, Feb. Tth, Cooking Sale. A Valentine Party. March 17th, St, Patrick's Tea. in prayer by Rev. Captain Jarrett refreshments were served. Jones; treasurer, Mrs. T. assistant, Mrs. Martin; Mrs. McConkey; Mrs. Pennington; superintendent, Mrs. C. sick visitor, Mrs. Porter. All the members of the branch to a busy The program to start the New Friday, Jan- Home Made Monday, Feb. 16th, Tuesday, After the meeting was closed What New York HOSIERY --Great offerings in our Hosiery Department make a visit essential. WOMAN'S VIEW OF LIFE'S BEST YEARS London, Jan. 15.--Dame Henri- etta Barnett, D.B.E., discusses a question as to whi¢h are the best years of life in the following letter to the Daily Mail. Your inquiry as to which are the best years of life is difficult to an- swer. Between 20 and 30 life is most interesting. One ' sees new countries, meets fresh people, hears new ideas, plans one's main duty, and daily rejoices in the increasing experience which enriches life. Be- tween 30 and 50 are the years when one does most work, and is glad that fresh opportunities are opened for effort and helpfulness. Between 50 and 70 the harvest is beginning to ripen, and the per- plexities of the development of ex- isting responsibilities are balanced by gratitude at such success as has followed one's labors. All stages of life have their ad- vantages, but perhaps the best per- fod is between the ages of 70 ana 80, for then one cannot work 80 continuously, and thus there is more time to learn of the fresh dis- coveries about this wonderful uni- verse; time to consider the deeper sides of the characters of nations movements, friends, and neighbors; and time to be grateful, and glad, and humble, because of the love and care and consideration of the count- less kind folk who think that as you are so clever as to have reach- ed your eightieth year (aided by a spare diet, nothing can be too godd for you. Fem. opera. The members feel that they are filling a need in the city that the Oshawa Little Theatre did not provide, when they combing music with their dramatic productions. The operetta, "Pauline," which 1s being studied and rehearsed at pres- ent, will be presented some time in the near future. Further program for the society has not yet béen de- manville. A pleasant time was en- joyed after with music, games and dancing., Sister Pritchard sang two songs with Sister Parker as pianist while Sisters Richardson, itches and Gould recited. CLIMB HIGHER { The mountain peak that dwells ser- ene andscalm, All clad with virgin snow, or wrap- ped. in' flame, Hears ever the sweet cadence of the psalm That nature sings t name. On Tuesday evening the Alice Jackson Y.W.A. met for their regu- lar monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. W. Branton, 129 Clark St. Miss Vivian McRitchie, President gavea short talk on ways and means of raising money, The Watch Tower was taken by the following, Mrs. Petrie; Mrs. Hilts, Mrs. Martin, Mrs. White and Miss Velma Blewett. Miss Helen Branton, convenor of the January group, then took charge of the program and gave a very in- teresting paper on New Year's Res- olutions. This was followed by a reading by Miss Dorothy Young, which was much enjoyed. * Mrs. Myers read the Scripture Lesson. Miss Mayowna in native costume then delighted the Auxiliary with her talk on customs in the Euro- pean countries, and her work here Intil' they sound' Lik sit {ro SR lo Re | 34], they und like music from "Church of All Nations." TR : ' A very hearty vote of thanks was | { Climb higher then my tendered Mrs. Branton for her hos thou the clod: J Die priv go Bg serv: Hive not among the sordid, selfish, HOLY TRINITY YOUNG PEOPLE [Bee in ihe beighis:: for there The annual election of officers weet spirit,' shall work harmony which took place on Wednesday, { within Y January 14th, at a meeting of the 2 Young People's Society of Holy Trinity Church resulted as follows: President, Capt. Jarrett, vice presi- dent, Willis Jackson, treasurer, Mrs. E. Attersley, secretary Miss P. darland, press reported Willis Jack- son Advisory Board Capt. Jarrett, Miss Marjorie Hill, Miss A. Pitches, Miss Dunn, Miss Jackson Chas. Dow ton, E. Attersley, C. Morgan, H. Avey, W. E. Edwards, F. Cowle, The business meeting was follow- ed by a happy time spent playing games. . Col, Chappell, who was introduced gave us a very interesting and in- structive talk on the origin of words and phrases we use every day. A vote of thanks to all who took part in making the meeting such ua suc- cess was moved by Mrs. Forrester followed by femarks from Mrs. Nor- ris. Dainty refreshments were serv- ed by Mrs. Haverson and her com- mittee. . Is Wearing pe (FRUITS) Here's a fascinating little outfit - for the little darlings of pre-chool or kindergarten age. It is easily laundered which means so much to the busy mother. It's a simple one-piece affair with- out frills or plaits to be ironed in place. The pin tucks at the front and at the center-back provide a nice fulness to the gkirt. The patch pockets are useful and decorative. Bloomers accompany this smart conservative dress. Style No. 2780 may be had sizes 2, 4 and 6 years. "The 4-year size requires vards of 36-inch material with yard of 32-inch contrasting. It's so utterly simple to make it! | Linen, cotton broadcloth prinf®, | gingham checks, dotted pique, pas- | tel batiste and dimities are sturdy | fabrics to select. Our large Fashion Magazine | shows how to dress up to the minut at very little expense. It contains most attractive Paris designs for | adults and children, embroidery, | 1ete: Be sure to fill in the size of the| pattern. Send stamps/or coin (coin preferred). Ee a TT WHERE QUALITY COUNTS" RO a |S, WR pe, | SJ ar srentis VALUES?! Another Great List LET'S GO BACK A YEAR of Outstanding Considering our advertisements of a year ago has brought home to us very vividly how drastic has been the lowering of food prices during the past twelve months. A Few realize just how much the cost of living, as far as foodstuffs are concerned, has been reduced. By our policy of buying at the market, and carrying only sufficient stocks for immediate requirements, we are able to pass on the substantial savings to our customers. Just glance over this list of staple foods with the comparative prices pL 1030 and 1931 and see what it means to you when Dominion Stores BUYS and SELLS AT THE MAI . 23¢ NS NE Social & Personal Any social notes which read- ers care to submit will be print. ed. Kindly phone or send them to the Times Office before 10.30 aam., the day they are to be pub- lished. Items of news cern= ing dances, parties, guests to and from town will be gladly received. SCHOOL SALARIES CUT Windsor, Jan. 15--Approximately | $30,000 is the cut ade in the salary | roll of the Windsor Separate' School Board for year 1931. The board has | dispensed with the services of the | school dentist; physician, two nurses | anw two supervisors. Telephones | have been ordered removed from all| i the Creator's in all. the sounds ascending irom bélow, Which tell of scenes that mar, of thoughts that jar, Are blended by the zephyrs as they blow except two schools. soul; leave { A. | », Just Heat | wR. and Eat the . LARGE TIN ---George G, Ppham. FISHERMEN HAVE FINISHED SEASON ' Decide That Further Trips This Winter Will Not Pay 1-Ib, «3 Jar Shirriff's "Good Morning" Marmalade BY xs ® COCOA := 2: 1 Qe Green Giant Peas--No. 2 Tin. .......«ve00... 23¢ AYLMER SOUPS 557. 3 10 2.50 Packed expressly for us. The quality is guaranteed. Saves needle pain for ping people by relieving head aches and the monthly pains of Women and breaking up a cold - For - All Digestive fl Troubles Coin ls kd ks an ie "Tol Tried and Miserable "I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegable Compound for mis- erable and tired feelings and it gave me strength to do my work. My nerves are better and I feel well and strong and have a good appetite. I sleep well 1 and am in pretty good spirits and able to work every day now. | recommend the Vege- table Compound and you may use this letter as a testi- monial."'--Miss Delvena Wal lace. Union Street, North Devon, North Sydney, N.S., Jan. 15.--In Sev quit, Nor 2 Wa conference through union officials with Dr. Richard Hamier, secretary of the United Maritime Fishermen, | members of the North Sydney local | ot that organization have expressed { the opinion that future trips to the { Hanks this season would mean a { loss of .money already earnéd. By | reason 'of declining catches, several 'kippers have decided to tie up | their craft. The conference was | called to discuss the changed sched- | ule of fish prices recently offered by TO A FRIEND 4 (Mrs. H. A. Dannecker) I know a dog, a friendly dog, Who smiles and wags his tail When I go walking past his house; His greetings never fail. Large Fall Bozrs Count a Some mornings when I'm feeling fine His manner seems to say: "I'm glad to see you looking well; Here's to a happy day!" But sometimes I am downcast And fear the hours ahead. And then his, wagging says: 'Old Sach man, Don't give up till you're dead." On evenings when my day has been A most successful one, : He winks his eye and runs along Change Price of book 10 cents. | 1Shande Price of pattern 20 cents in stamps or coin (coin preferred). Butter Brasside wien No. 2780. Size . Bread gw, CRC RE A EN A TA) LICR DSL. Tea Red 1b. Coffee phon ils . Bacon grand. Prunes 42 Peas wxo'% fin LE | 3c 'And so, whate'er my state" of mind, . a He soothes and comforts me; . . ; rh "Street Address EI rr .e I gladly walk four extra blocks His ftiendly face to see. Province Chicken and Chicken With Rice Gillette Razor Blades. ................. Pkg. 39¢ CORN ::z 10- MATCHES Jr] RICE me mE PosaBran ...............o...ii cove PRE. 120 ertain N&¥th Sydney buyers, and | the action to be taken by the a IN) GINGER A New ang Deliclous 1 PS Fishermen and skippers, Dr. Ha- WALNUT Bakery : Ncw Brunswick. | nad gained as much as they could j Iv i ) after the strike of nth 0 BR Lyin E Pinkhan's [Re COMPARATIVE PRICES And says: "Let's have some fun)" a gain of about $8,000, he said. ces O i hen I've labor: wi ; 4 Today | Year n evenings when I've ored hard with the North Sydney local. He is {ai | wa Tomatoes a 121/4,¢|14 | 2 |i he knows; for in his eyes Codaur; Omari Canada night school classes for fishermen. White Beans | ac | 9Vscldlse see a look of pain. ! - hs Bhi * our 89 [5bc [ibe ; ---- 53¢ | 6c Ketchup ips, ..fzlc _[20C | MILLER"S " 39c | 6c dim [2Ie . / YT Oi/e 1 Good Pink Re |b Re Quebec,.Jan. $= Severs) Rowan 1b. TH 2 i Balmon a : Loc l2lc } oe PRESENCE OF WORMS Catholic priests, former residents o "ee . f Quebec, have been attacked by Chin- 2¢ 2% Baking Powder... [19¢ |25¢ | 6c PRESENT PRICES ARE, OF COURSE, SUBJE( ' TO CHANGE y ese bandits in Manchuria, a letter re- ceived here stated. CHILD CHOKES ON PEANUT RELIEVE THE RESTLESS CONDITION B North Bay, Jan. 15 -- Believe to have choked - while attempting to swallow a peanut, Michael Rota, aged one year and 10 months, died yester- day just as a doctor arrived. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Rocco Rota and secured the peanut unnoticed hy Isis parents, Lux Toilet Soap ...........ve..vve.....3 for 23¢ Licorice Allsorts .........v..... cc: ceenn. 1b. 25¢€ y 6- Blue Rose Perfect uct Our { mer said, felt satisfied that they ! ) expect from the settlement reached Vegetable GCompoun i Dr. Hamer discussed future plans Today | Fear Totes | Four la Price Without results of gain, Fanon Med Be ipa CITE | endeavoring to arrange for special Fe [10¢ | ie 3 Cooking Figs pw, | 97%¢[12V5c] ; 47c | 6¢ Cheese jaw ..|21c 26e Tac [4c WORM POWDERS C15. TiR=Diziias Bran ROUGHT ON BY THE 1b. Tin-- AND RESTORE THE CHILD TO NORMAL HEALTH. XXX PASTRY FLOUR "24 1b. Bag 65¢c HOGG & LYTLE LTD. . Phone 208 SA------.. r' [2 January Clearance THE FASHION SHOPPE 84 Simcoe St. South '4 rm cided upon. Miss Elsie Richardson, a soprano soldist is a member of the society. > One Thin Woman' Gained 9 Pounds in 20 Days With MCCOYS When more weight is needed these health building tablets will delight you--60 tablets 60 cents at Jury & Lovell, Ltd., T. B. Mitchell, W, H. Karn, and druggists everywhere, Gain 5 piunds mn 28 days or money back--Just ask for McCoy's. -- Kayser Chiffon or Service Hose, G ose, ul te, 122 $1.00 ATKINS' HOSIERY AND LINGERIE SHOP 1i4 Simcoe St. South boat i A | a

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