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Oshawa Daily Times, 15 Jan 1931, p. 7

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| le we members (H. Robinson, | --then. a surgical EE ---- THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, 1937 PAGE SEVEN taking first place, with the follow- L. Dews- mgham, $ S. McClelland, "The Robins finish- 0, (J. J. Jierhan, wl MeNee, D. Pla Walsh). Third a i: Quanin D. Thachuk B. Stomach Troubles That Are Pangerous (CUT THIS OUT) Some forms of stomach trouble | if neglected, often lead to danger- ous conditions--ulcers or cancers operation is sbout the only hope. For this reason, even the m simple stomach ailmeats sho be given prompt and careful at- tention. So, don't neslect acid stomach, sourness. gas or bloating! nd don't waste time with unknown or unreliable lt edtments. At the very first signs of distress, go to any good drug store and get some pure Bisurated Meguesia (powder or tablets). This speciul Magnesia Compound is safe and pleasant to taker -quickly, almost instantly effective and does not ac. as a lax- ative Be sure and ask for BIS. URATED Magnesia for troubles only. stomach {Range jas oh the Beaches (E. Hum- od ke, S. atau, J, eben, 8 atson, F. A, Nix- on). final 'standing of the first series Wat as follows: Teams Played Won Lost Points Senators 33 28 5 39 Robins 83 Beaches = 33 . Owls 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 Lakesides vers Falcons Hawks Cubs 33 | Leafs 88 _ The individual averages at the end of the first half were as follows: Cunningham, J. 219, McNee, R 203, Rea, T. 201, Humphries, E. 200, 'Ing, F. 195, McLean, D. 195, Ry- croft, C. 195, McCleland, J. 192, Platt, D. 189, Thachuk, D. 186, Ste- venson, Dr. 186, Rosser, A. 185, Thorndyke, R. 184, Birbeck, D. 184, Watson, S. 183, Hamilton, J. 183, Jardine, S. 188, McCulley, R. 182, Ratcliffe, W. 181, Johnston, J. MeClelland, oh 119 Foduek, 5 Harden, W. > Gill, A. 8, Ma- ire, F. 175, ty G. a, Bey . 173, Dewsbury, L. 7 MeMiny, R. 178, on i. Russell, Chas. 111 'atson, H I [Melatyre, B 170, Munroe, T Fog , | Wilson, J. 169, Mo Stgomer Ei s 169, Sleightholm, ides. D % 169, Harris, S. 168, 'Greer, J. 166, Robinson, H. 166, Kerr, M. 1 5, Walsh, B. 162, Mcllwaine, a 162, Webster Dr, 161, Doull, J. 160, Yaush, B 160, Waterhouse, B. 158, Kirk, . 158, Gaw, 156, Kilpat- rick, Ww 156, Nixon, F 166, Hamil- ton, Dr. 156, Walker, Dr. 165, Mc- Curdy, J. 164. Hutchinson, G. 153, Dyer, R. Joa, Whitney, S. 162, Han- na, Dr. 36, Her, A. 146, Hancock, Ww. oe le O'Neill Js 140, Van eRe 180, 1, L. 132, Ashby, J Leod, 'A. 107, Wicholson, 1 Travel The King's Highway DAILY COACH SERVICE OSHAWA - TORONTO FARE---85¢ LEAVE OSHAWA AM. P.M 3.30 4.30 530 6.30 b 7.30 8.30 b 9.80 10.30 c11.00 a 7.00 a 7.80 8.30 9.80 10.80 11.30 P.M. 12.80 1.30 2.80 a--daily except Sunday. b--Saturday, Sunday and Holidays only. c--Sunday only. Eastern standard - Time LEAVE TORONTO ° AM. P.M. a 7.80 8.80 9.80 10.30 11.80 P.M 12.30 1°80 230 10.30 11.30 PASSENGERS--SIGNAL PLAINLY BY HAND TO THE DRIVER COACHES STOP AT ANY POINT TO PICK UP Coach connections at Toronto for Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Hamilton. Brantford, Windsor, Detroit, Rarrie, Orillia, Midland, Jackscn's Point and intermediate points. Connections at Buffalo and Detroit tor all u.s.A. points. - Tickets and Information at | GRAY COACH LINES Genosha Hotel OSHAWA Phone 2825 182, "seine, x ia6, de Me- 4 One he had dropped near the hole WHERE NATURE DWARFS MAN area, life once was cradled. * roek upward to the skles. stand by and drink in the Visitors to Jasper National Park, in the heart of the Canadian Rockies, stand close to the very act of creation. Convulsion seized the land and reared Out of the welter came the glorious peaks to defy ice and time, thelr rugged beauty a magnetic attrac- tion for thousands of sight-seers. grandeur of the peaks. Lake, its shores framed by mountains, 'In this beautiful Small wonder mere mortals Above is Maligne C.N.R. Photo. By Thornton The trifle that you chance to sce May not a trifile prove to be. -Farmer Brown's Boy. What Farmer Brown's Boy means be most important things and not to be overlooked or despised. Little things often lead to big things. It was only a little feather that Iar- mer Brown's Boy found, but tha: little featfier partly solved the mys- tery of the disappearance of the fishes he had caught through the fce on the Big River. Irom it he was enabled to guess where at least one of his vanished fishes had gone. | You see, two had disappeared. ifn the ice through which he had! caught it. It had vanished while | he was pulling another out through | another hole. The secénd had just | as mysteriously vanished from a] place on the bank of the Big River. It had gome while he was catching a third fish. He was a puzzled boy when he returned and found that that fish had disappeared. He re-| solved to hold on to the one he had | Liust caught. He sat down on a log by the fire he had built on the bank | and he kept one foot on the tail of | the fine pickerel he Wad just eaught. "I would like to see thig one get away," sald he. "Where those others went to is beyond me, They could- n't run, they couldn't {ly and they is that little things often prove to! | pulled his first fish that day. i | was the one he had left flapping on | his back was turned, j cided that the {ad like a snow covered + 4 {log frozen in the ice. Only Ww. Burgess |couldn't swim, vet somehow they | {Went. Ha! There is another signal i fluttering. 1 hope that fish will be | las good a one as this one." | He started for the tip-up from | which the little flag wag fluttering and he took with him the fish he had already caught, the last one, | vou khow. He didn't mean to lose 'het one in the mysterious way he had lost the others. The hole where the signal was happened to be the same hole from which he had This the ice while he visited another tip- up and which had vanished while! Hé had de- fish must have flop- i ped back into the hole, although it |aidn't seem possible. He was | [thinking of this as he pulled ano- ther fish from the hole in the ice. He looked all around. There wasn't | {a thing behind which any one could Not far distant was what look-! a a | and | hide. Mouse could hide behind it Mice do not carry off fish. "Yes," said he, 'that fish must have managed to flop back. to this | hole and into the water, but that doesn't explain how the second fish got Away. Hello, what is this?" He stooped and picked up a small feather. It was quite a small fea- ther. It was white with a brown Bon-Tone carefully select- roots, barks, berries for the - relieving disor- Made from ed herbs, [Pues and of i the stomach, liver, hw kiimeys and bowels. Lge. Bottle, $1.25 Ladies! This week we arc giving A Powder Puff With each 35c¢ tin of Lavender Ta cum 39¢ A« For the Two . For Baby A soft knitted Washcloth Free TINY TOT SOA" All for 29C For Persistent Ccughs Take "Rexall" Bronchial Syrup Beckoning Prosperity The most effective way we know to coax back prosperity is to give our customers more for their money than ever before. You will readily agree that we hayo conscientiously tried, when you read over this list of bar- gains, Help the return of prosperity, and by so doing help yourself to save Money. SHOP AT THE REXALL STORES SARGON Carefully compounded of select drugs to aid in cases of deficient metabolism. Assists in restoring haemo- globin in the blood to nore mal. $1.35 Bottle 3 Bottles for $3.00 Sargon Tablets, 60c 85¢, Kruschen Salts J health drinks, We have a few more Toddy Shakers CENT 35¢ A really efficient instant mixer worth | = at least 85¢c. We will give one for 1c with a purchase of any of these three $1.25 50c Gin Pills $1.30 Scott's Emulsion 99c Choc- With each FREE! A popular shaped * 36c TOOTHBRUSH Klenzo Tooth Paste The paste that makes your teeth glisten" . with cleanly whiteness. Brush and Tooth Paste 50c¢ 75¢ Coty's Powder 59¢ large tube 25¢ Baby's Own Tablets 20c If you ean't shop in person--Shop by phone AT THE REXALL STORES. JURY & King East--Phone 28 LOVELL Simcoe South--Phone 68 MEN! The latest model . Auto Strop Razor FREE With each large size Lavender Shaving Cream 50¢ Reduced in Price e best and biggest for the money=--our own brand Malt & Cod Liver Oil : Containing finest English malt and' vitamin-tested Cod Liver Oil, now sells $1.25 For that tickle in the throat or hoarseness ~ carry a box of MELOIDS spot on it and it was very soft. A look of suspicion swept over the faco of Farmer Brown's Boy and once more he looked carefully all around. "This feather," said he slowly, '"'was dropped by none other than Whitey the Snowy Owl, The ques- tion is, when did he drop it, It has- n't been here very long, not long enough to have become frozen ever so little, to the ice. It seems to me that IT have read that Whitey is something of a fisherman himself. Anyway he probably likes fish. Most Owls fo. He flies without making a sound, just as all Owls do. I wonder of he came along and picked up that fish while my back was turned." He walked toward what he had taken to be the snow-covered end of a log frozen in the ice. When he was close to it it suddenly spread broad wings and seemed to float a- way. Then Farmer Brown's Boy had a glimpse of a pair of flerce yellow eyes ag Whitey flew past him across tho river to the other shore. Where he had been sitting Farmer Brown's Boy found a few small fish gcales on the snqw. Then he was sure of where that first fish had gone and of course he thought the second one had gone in the same way to the same place. (Copyright, 1931, T. W. Burgess) The next story: "The Minnows] Disappear." WINTER MAGIC I have a garden where I dream In quietness apart ; And in my garden, cool and deep, Peace 'steals into my heart. The tall trees raise slim branches | high, Dark-limmed agdinst the sky Small birds find sanctuary the re And choir joytully. And oh, the light falls tho hours! 1 look from out tlie bloom And velvet of trees' deeper shfidc To where leaf-shadows gloow. Athwart the grass-strewn outer edge: | In rhythmic time they prance, They glide and pause, they sway glance Thro' patterns of a mazy dance. ahd 'Mid leafage deep dim murmur: creep; Bees hum 'in fragrant fir; A living band of sunlight glows Across styeet grass' stir. My magic garden has a gate That shuts not day or night: The path winds clear tor weary The years add dear delight F. M.S. (Brantford). eel; long | When you drink "BOVRIL you drink the Strength and Goodness of Prime Beef AT A leisurely choosing from the choicest in the land of groceries. But, to our regular customers this one-time thrill is now a profit- able habit--a fact of importance when they consider the enor- mous quantities of groceries purchased in a year. SPECIAL--Libby's Hawaiian Sliced Fancy Quality PINEAPPLE ™:- A THRILL that becomes a HABIT LOBLAW GROCETERIA There is a thrill for the shopper who for the first time enjoys strolling through one of these modern Groceterias, unencumbered, Following Specials are on sale for week of Jan. 15th to 2Ist Watch for Yellow Tickets AN ENJOYABLE DESSERT QUEENLAND BRAND Sweet Gherkins 16 oz. Jar alc Pure Honey Nature's Food 44 1b. Salmon Choice Cohoe Walrus Brand Tall Tin Chipso Quick Suds, Large Pkg. .. SPECIAL--BEEHIVE "Best for all Baking" 24 Lb. Bag Pail 47c 29¢ . 19¢ SPECIAL--Aylmer Choice | Quality OMATOES _ No Salad Need Be Without Canadian Tomatoes at This Price i Purity Flour 83¢c FLOOR "SPECIAL--For Floors of Beauty ty Use OLD ENGLISH 14 Pint Bottle BAKING ymin powpER '™ ™ 34¢ i 12¢ Sun-era Breakfast Rood The Vitamin Cereal... Pkg. White Beans Finest Quality--Ontario No. 2 Squat Size Tins 5h 14 +31: Just the thing to spur t e Kiddies' Appetite CornSyru Purely Vegetable 1Lb. Carton Domestic shortening 15¢ LOBLAW'S 99 Groceterias in i SELF Ontario HORNE'S Double Cream CUSTARD 3 ras. 23¢ SPECIAL--COMFORT--A Good Laundry SOAP SPECIAL _AYLMER Croc Label SERVE BROWN Favorite LOBLAW'S BLUE 23,428.43, A Household WONDERFUL TEA VALUE at "Direct from Tea-Garden-to-Consumer" Price. TEA, "Guaranteed to Please" Remember These Labels LOZLANS TIN 17¢ CLUB HOUSE OLIVES § oz, Bottle ec TODDY "A Meal in a Glass" 34 1b. Tin 3c berr JAM GROCETERIAS ee Ho): W.\\} CO. LIMITED CASH and CARRY I --

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