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Oshawa Daily Times, 17 Jan 1931, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA DALY TIMES, SATURDAY, JANUARY 17, 1931 Ore ined Dedication of ... New Church Home JANUARY 18th: Rev. R. Vo Rev. W. A. N General Director Sudan Interior Mission. St. John's Evangelital Church, Toronto. Dr. E. Ralph Heoper, Supt. Shantymen's Christian Association. Male Quartette from High Park Baptist Church, Toronto. D DAY, JANUARY 19th: Dr. E. Ralph Hooper of Toronto and local Ministers. DAY, JANUARY 20th: Rev. Walter Hughes, Forward Baptist Church, Toronto, and choir and male HB quartette. INESDAY, JANUARY 21st: Rev. D. N. Cameron of North Torontc Gospel Tabernacle and male quartette. hav. JANUARY 22nd: ev. Jas. Millar, West Toronto Independent Church, Toronto. D Bar JANUARY 23rd: Rev. Geo. W. Hunter of Oilvet Congregational Church, Toronto. WATCH NEXT SATURDAY"S TIMES FOR ANNOUNCEMENT OF SECOND WEEK'S SERVICES. Sunday Services in The Oshawa Churches . Services at Albert Street United I Anirew's $ "United Coch Cor. of Bruce St. and Simcoe St. S. REV. F. J. MAXWELL, Minister SUNDAY, JANUARY 18th. 11 am. fanted : Men and Women Who Care" 3 pam. DAY SCHOOL & BIBLE CLASS 7 pm, he Chief End of Man" is the Day which the Lord hath Made, we will rejoice and be glad in it." YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED Centre St. United Church REV. W. P. FLETCHER. B.A, D.D. 11 am. -- "Spots on the Sun." 2.30 p.m. -- Sunday School. 7 pm.--"Ran for it and then wouldn't accept it." Monday 8 pm.--Young people's and Leadership training. Christ Church (ANGLICAN) Cor. Hillcroft & Mary Sts. ng Sire United Church' v. Chas. E. Cragg, M.A., C.D. 11 a.m, Solo by Vase E. Colbourne "My TY p.m.--Sunday School and Bible Classes. '.m.--Bright hearty Song Service. 7 pom. Dur Need Of Friends" The Minister will preach A HEARTY WELCOME TO ALL. REV. R. B, PATTERSON, Incumbent 8 'a.m.~Holy Communion 11 a.m.~Morning prayer Subject: "The Good Wine at the last." 2.30 p.m.~Sunday School 4 p.m.~Holy Baptism 7 pm~Evensong Subject: "Hogar's Well in the Wilderness" Monday, Jan. 26 --- Annual Vestry Meeting. Northminster United Church | Rev. Mansell Irwin, B.A. B.D., Pastor Tr ANTE CHURCH | and dm, ang' fn Your Ag solicited FEII---- 89 Greta st. "hone 8268W The Minister will Speak at 11 am. and 7 p.m, 2 & 8 pm.~Sunday School Sessions. Monday 8 p.m. -- Special League program and lec. tion of, RL (1 mi | | | | i I I the "seeds of strife." As obstacles "(30 fan ec) Albert Street United Church tomorrow will be conducted by the pastor, Rev. §, C. Moore. In (ne morning Rev, Denzil G. Ridout, B.A, of Toronto, will speak. In the evening the pastor will speak on "The supreme Choice." Northminster United Rev. A. M. Irwin, the astor, wiil conduct both services at Northminsts er United Church, Sunday. Evangel Tabernacle "Prayer" is the subject of the ser- mon upon which Pastor J. T. Ball will speak at the morning service of Evangel Tabernacle, Sunday. In the ev ening his subject will be "Evangel- istic. Christ Anglican Services at Christ Anglican Church tomorrow are to be conducted by Rev. R, B. Patterson, the rector. In the morning he will speak on "The Good Wine at the Last" while in the evening his subject wil be "Hagar's Well in the Wilderness." Holy Trinity Anglican Rev. S. C. Jarett, the rector, is to conduct the services of Holy Trinity Anglican Church on Sunday. St. Andrew's United "Wanted, Men and Wotien Who Care." This is the subject of the ser- mon which will be preached by Rev. F. J. Maxwell, the pastor, at the morning service of St. Andrew's United Church tomorrow. In the ev- ening the pastor will speak on "Ihe Chief End of Man." : Centre St. United "Spots on the Sun." is the subject upon which the pastor, Rev. W, P. rietcher, will Speak at the morning service of Centre Street United Church tomorrow. The pastor's even- | ing sermon is entitled "Ran for it and then wouldn't accept it." St. George's Anglican Rev. Canon C. R. dePencier, the rector, will have charge of both ser- vices at St. George's Anglican Church on Sunday. In the morning the choir will sing "Hear us, O Lord," from Handel's Largo, while in the evening a male quartette will render "Remem- ber Me, O Mighty One." King Street United Rev. Dr, Peter Bryce, of Toronto, will be the special speaker at fhe niorning service of King Street Unit- ed Church tomorrow. Master E, Col- bourne, talented boy soprano, will as- sist in the musical part of the service by singing the solo "My Task." In the evening the pastor, Re. ke. Cragg, will preach on "Our Need of Friends." Oshawa Pentecostal Holiness Services of Oshawa Pentecostal Holiness Church tomorrow will be conducted by Pastor G. Legge. Grace Lutheran Rev. A. C, hahn, the pastor, will conduct the regular services of Grace Lutheran Church tomorrow. 4' Knox Pieshytesian Rev.' Duncan unro, the pastor, will have charge of the Sunday ser- vices of Knox Presbyterian Church. The annual congregational meeting is to be held on Wednesday evening next ap 7.30 o'clock, Salvatiodn Army Brigadier Mrs, E, Green, of Tor- onto, who is well known for her soul- stirring messages, is conducting a series of evangeustic services at the local Salvation Army Citadel, start- ing tonight at eight o'clock, Tomor- row Mrs. Green will preach at ser- vices at 11 am; 3.15 p.m. and 7 p.m, while she will address meetings on Monday and Tuesday night at eight o'clock. Christian Science "Life" is the subject which will be discussed at the regular service of the First Church of Christ Scientist tomorrow. Simcoe Street United Church "Pain -- God's Tool!" This is the subject of the sermon which Rev. E. Harston, the pastor, 'will preach at the morni service of Simcoe Street Uniited Church tomorrow. In the evening the pastor will speak on Free Speech Rights." Little Brown Church The Merpal Quartette will again sing at the evening service of the Little Brown Church, Gibbon street, tomorrow. CHRISTIANS MUST TAKE INITIATIVE Dr. John RI Mott Issues Thoughiful Warning The revival of nationalism and the blending of communism, ma- terialism and secularism are threatening the scholarly initiative which until recently was in Christian hands throughout the world, according to Dr, John R. Mott, chairman of the Interna- tional Missionary Council, address ing the American Society of Church History at Union Theologi- cal Seminary. The opportunity and duty of the churches, he added, is to prevent this initiative from being taken over completely by these new, anti-Christian forces. "There is danger that this purpose- fulness may pass into the hands of the secularists or communists," declared Dr, Mott, who 1s also chairman of the Institute of Social and 'Religious Research. 'And here is a great opportunity for the professors of church history; to analyse the past; to discover and state its guiding principles; to draw from them valuable lessons; but in any case to proclaim the bald truth without fear or favor." The work, of the missionaries was praised by Dr. Mott as helping to break down the '""'middle walls of misunderstanding," and to uproot to their service, he listed the un- necessary weakening of Protest- angh "unwise and un- '"lons," the bad e3 8 | APPLES mane West: FED FOR past accessible to the young na- tionalists who are guiding today the growth of religious institutions .n their native countries." Dr. Mott's talk was characterized hy Dr. Willlam Walker Rockwell, 1ib- rvarian of the Union Theological Ssemfnary, as "perhaps the most important addréss of the past twenty-two years during which tho society has convened." .Li/e Moves on There Is no doubt about it, the more years we have lived the fast- er the years seem to flit past us. Time was with us all, as it is with our children today, when a year Just about seemed an eternity; now no psalmist's figu a over- state the way that it hurries us through its days. And we who write and we. who read are not the only ones that have felt that way about it, That has been the common and universal human ex- perience, And therefore fit would be very foolish to make our moan over the matter; if life is get- ting briefer there is probably something better we can do about it than to drop into gloomy senti- ments and begin lamenting, If life is getting briefer the only possible way open to us to get up even with that fact is to try to make it better, and put more en- during and satisfactory things into it. Perhaps there was a time, many years ago, when it seemed that un- counted days stretched ahead of us, that we would have been at long partinl single "pesiiain® Separate School. Times, DEDICATION 1D OPENING OF NEW CHURCH SUNDAY Tomorrow To Be Important in History of Calvary Baptist Congregation Tomorrow will be a red letter day in the history oi Calvary Baptist church, for .t will see the opening and dedication of a splendid new church home io: this young Oshawa congregation, Organized just three years ago this chucch has sirce %eld services in rented quari-s first in the Y.M.C.A. and then in the mission hall on Athol street west. Now the move is being made to their own 'permanent church home which "has just been completed ut the corner of Centre and John streets. The site is an excellent one, immediately south of Centre Street school and overlook mg Memorial Park, The new building is 34 x 62 feet and will seat about 325. The con- struction, while economical, is ex- treggely neat and attractive, both on the exterior and interior and the building has been completely seated with very comfortable opera chairs. A large house which has stood on the property for many years will be used for Sunday School class. rooms, week-night meetings, etc, The erection of the new building was in charge of R, B. Wilkins, who also prepared the plans, Mr. Wil- kins is a member of the Build- ing Committee and superintendent of the Sunday School. Other members of the Committee are: C, Hartford, W. E. Stacey, S. Skinner, H, Wilkins, Geo, C. Norman and A. R, Alloway. At the opening services tomorrow the pastor, Rev. Paul B. W. Gelatt, will be assisted by three Christian leaders of outstanding ability, Dr. E. falph Hooper, superintendent of the Shantymen's Christian Association, will take a prominent part in the services both morning and evening. the 'dedication sermon will be preached in the morning by Rev. R. Vv. Bingham, General Director of the Sudan Interior Mission and in the evening Rev. W. A. Nisbet of 'St. will preach and the Male Quartette of High Park Baptist Church, Toron- to, will sing several selections. There will be a: brief ceremony outside the building culminating in turning the key in the door. This service will commence at 10.45 am, During all of next week and the week following special services will be held every night except Sat- urday. Visiting preachers and sing- ers will take part in these services, which will be mainly of an evangel: «stig character, too brief to do anything else but out best with, "Life is too brief Between the budding falling leaf, Between the seed-time. and golden sheaf, For hate and spite. We have no time for malice and for greed; © 'th love make beautiful the deed; wpveus the night! and the the I'here" Pa "Life is too swift Between the blossom white snow's drift, Between the silence and the lark's uplift, - For bitter words. In kindness and in gentleness our speech Must carry messages of hope, and reach The sweetest chords." and the A REAL PACIFIST Professor Albert Kinstien, whose visit to the United States is awak- ening so much interest, is a very pronounced pacifist, Asked recent- ly what he would do in the event of another war breaking out he sald, "I should unconditionally re- fuse every direct or indirect war service, and try to induce my Apply Box 87 friends to adopt the same attitude ative of the general opinion Reo "we war, Profes- (14¢) | on one 8 3 ever oonosed All the Churches Bid You a Hearty Welcume ice TREE] United Church "THE HOUSE OF FRIENDSHIP" Office 3128. Minister, Rev. E. Harston, LL.B. Phone 148 Asst.--Rev. J. S. I. Wilson, B.A., B.D., Phone 2608M Good Singing, 11 am, Pain=-God's Tool 3 p. m.--Sunday School and Bible Classes 7 pm. i Free Speech Rights The Minister will preach at both Services Fine Fellowship, EVERYBODY WELCOME Helpful Services. "THE SALVATION ARMY Simcoe and Oak Streets SPECIAL EVANGELISTIC SERVICES conducted by BRIGADIER MRS. E. GREEN (OF TORONTO) Well known' for her Tues, at 8 p.m. irring Sat., Mon. and Sunday-- 11 a.m. 8.15 p.m. 7 p.m. Sunday School= 10 a.m. and 2 pm. BE SURE TO COME TO THE ABOVE SERVICES. World Disarmament Conference, probably held early in 1932, will be a farce or a fruitful reality, He urges that everything be done to rouse and inform public opinion and convince the people of the need of all-round reduction, And he believes that in this effort the press and the leaders in both relig- fous and political thought have a great and important part to play. John's Evangelical church, Toronto, |{ Band of the oo Ontario Regiment Assisted by Holden Male Quartette IN CONCERT AT Regent Theatre SUNDAY, 8. 30 P. M. Lutheran Church MASONIC BUILDING Rev. A. C. Hahn 154 Albert St. SUNDAY, JANUARY 18th. 9.30 a.m.--Sunday School. 10.30 a.m.--Morning Wore ship. ALL ARE CORDIALLY WELCOME Oshawa Pentecostal Holiness Church 811 Celina Stseet Pastor G. Legge In Charge 10 a.m. Sunday School 11 am. = Pastor 6G' Legge pd 7 p.m.--~Pastor G. Legge Tues. 8 pm.-- / ~ Prayer Meeting "Christian Science" First Church of Christ, Scientist 64 Colborne Street East SUNDAY, JANUARY 18th. Morning Service at 11 am. SUBJECT "LIFE? Sunday School 12.10 p.m. Wednesday Meeting, 8 p.m. Including testimonies of tiealing through Christian Science. You are cordially invited to at- tend the services and to make use of the Free Public Reading Room where the Bible ana authorizé: Christian Science literature may be read, borrowed or purchased and periodicals subscribed for. Open on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat- urdays from 2 to 6 p.m. First Baptist Churc KING ST. BAST Rev. Aubrey W. Small 18 Aberdeen St. 11.00 a.m, "A COMPARISON OF VALUES" Church School 8 pm. 7.00 pm. "A HARD-BOILED FELLOW MEETS GOD" Wednesday 8 p.m. PRAYER NEETING WE INVITE YOU TO WORSHIP WITH US ene farns apna fo ; ee King fit Kast 8 Ir Md EY oly Pens i614 0) need Payments reduced \dditional cash given [Perms rea snshle Motor Loans and Dis counts, Buns 2. 14% jie. 3 St. B 'upstairs) Phone 2790 Upen even (Aug. 1511.) Music 7 EN 5 i 'M,, Orgaaist and Choirmaster of King Street Church will aceept pupils ip plano, pire orgsn an) Ao William €trest (Sept: 3 ¢f* , Avesye 2578F (Ang -» (Bbt0) ViGToTa APARTMENTS -- AT new low rentals, electric refrigers- ine ent '| hourly nursing, 250 0 reference. maternity Tavalid, gen- eral nursing . Will assist with housework. Charges moderate | Phohe pa. (4 feb ¢) RSE, DOCTOR'S only will do part time, maternity work, Special rates. Prompt attention given to doctor's calls. (15 feb c) Room and Board D IN PRIVATE family for one or two ladies. Apply 51 Brock St. £. '° (18a) cider. Apply Cider street. Phone 2355. Al, 258 Court (8 feb ¢) AN SKATES A Size 1, 2 or 3. Phone 1873F. (14a) Mortgage Wanted WANTED FIRBT MORTGAGE $1500 'and one of $2000 on busi- ness properties at Pickering on the Kingston Rd., or at your own val uation if reasonable. Apply A. H. Cooke, just west of the bridge, Pickering, Kingston Rd. (141) CINDERS SAND. AND GRA: vel for ssle--To insura prompt delivery, piace «order. In advanes if delivery date. W Bocrowdae hone 16818 x Apples For Sale FOR SALB----ABOUT 60 BBLS good hand pitked Baldwins, Price delivered $3.50. 10 bbla, Starks Price delivered $2.50, without bbl J. C. Alldread, Tyrone, Ont. Phone Bowmanville 196 r 5. Small nepliew -- 7 take what I haven't leu, iE can they? Music ANYONE. INTERESTED IN MUSI- cal dramatics, phone Miss Evelyn Trick 134 or Mr. Hobbs 1934F. (12¢) "Voeal MARION H. ROSS. A.T.C.M., WILL accept pupils in voice production and singing. Phone No, 6. Fri. 8 p.m.-- Bible Study Feryone Welcome storm 'wires spilled ff while in proventy § { {JELPHIAN "Why ary 'HE LORD DRAW- Imost ready for "We wei ns al explorers a_ (12 feb ¢) mo and dri P, Fliegende E |! BRINGING UP FATHER ¥ UP YET- I'M HIM UP - DEAR ME~ ITS TEN O'CLOCK: AND MY HUSBAND 19 NOT Vo 86 S CROSS I ACTUALLY FEAR HIM- TO WAKE It MUST GET Him UP- | HAVE AN 1OEA.- I'LL CALL UP DINTY MOORE ~ iTS THE ONLY WAY = T'S A gm NNY ASKED © It Ti il I oi angel ™wacle pWest power - to WILL E. h 14; Tsaiah 26, George's ANGLICA Cor. Bagot and Centre Sts. CANON C. R. dePENCIER Organist and Choirmaster-- Matthew Gouldburn, .C.L. 8 am, = Holy Communion 11 a.m 11 am~The Choir will Bing: "Hear us, O Lord," from Handells Largo. 2.80 p.m.---- Sunday School 7 pm~~A Male quartette will Sing: 'Remember Me, O Mighty One" Baptisms Second Sunday © each Month.

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