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Oshawa Daily Times, 19 Jan 1931, p. 10

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_"THE/OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, JANUARY 19, 1931 --- - | Eastern Ontario News | 'Buys Business | ' 'Belleville--~Mr. S. J. Fisher, the known I insurance man to- purchased the entire insurance business of the H. F. Ketcheson Co. which thas been established in 'gity for a great many years. ensboro. = The residents of sboro. saw an unusual sight for hig time of year when a flock of wild ducks numbering about a dozen were seen travelling i a north-wes- _ terly direction over the village. Mr. Edward Blakely was the first person to sight them. te Society Re-organized _Centreton.--The members of the Young People's Society met in the . Bunday School Hall, having re-or- ganized with the following officers: resident, William Honeywell; vice- _ president, Miss M. Bethel; secretary, 4 arence Jones; treasurer, Miss Alice hf 'Webb; organist, Miss Alice Webb. Fire Protection needed Cobourg. ~The town of Cobourg is being called upon by the Ontario 'government to provide better fire pro- tection at the Ontario hospital. If + fire occurred, hundreds would be burned at the stake," Fred J. McAr- ' thur, M.P.P., representative of the government, says in the appeal fof better protection. "The present con- 5 ditions are a reflection on both the government and the community. Officers Elected Lakefield --The following officers] were elected at the arinual meeting of the Royal Black, Preceptory, No. 69, Lakefield :--W.P., Gordon Scriver; D.P.,, Roland Darling; chaplain, 'Wil- liam Pavey. Public Speaking Contest ~~ *Peterboro=The Public Speaking Contest for the Peterboro District in connection with the Ontario School Trustees' and Ratepayers' Associa tion will be held in the Normal School, on Wednesday, Jan. 21 at 2 pm. This district includes the fol- lowing counties, Northumberland, Peterboro, Durham, Frontenac, Has- tings, Prince Edward and Lennox and Addington. . Won Silver Trophy : : Stirling --C. F. Linns of this section has again won the silver trophy do- nated by the Hon. J. S. Martin, ex- Minister of Agriculture, for the sec- tion having the highest of the first and Pik | rade cheese in Eastern Ontario. Hs takes in thirty secs tions. Minister Inducted Campbellford --Before a very large congregation and in the presence of the members of the Presbytery of [1] One of my old bosses used to say : It's a wise merchant who lets the grocery man, get the cheese busi- ness, while he builds a business on Fashion, backed by quality, at prices people want to pay, The old man has been very successful in the course of years, and as for myself I've always remembered this logical phrase, and ~--sg0 far the results have been wonderful. There has been a scramble on LADIES' WASH DRESSES | last weell. . We featured a number of rackfuls at two price assortments. §9C ana $1.29 We have refreshed the racks for Tuesday The men followed suit at the SHIRT COUNTERS We had over 800 Shirts we have added many new ones. Values to $2.50 $g-° The Arcade for only, have tried to live up to it H.R, B. (In Charge) at $1.00, and for Tuesday Travel The King's Highway DAILY COACH SERVICE OSHAWA - TORONTO FARE--85¢ "LEAVE OSHAWA AM. P.M. 3.30 4.30 530 6.30 : 8.30 b 9.30 10.80 ¢11.00 2.80 a~=daily except . Holida, P Eastern standard LEAVE TORONTO AM. 9.30 J 10.40 11.80 ry. 12.30 130 230 Sunday, b---Saturday, Sunday and ys only. c--Sunday ouly. GNAL PLAINLY BY HAND TO THE DRIVER COACHES STOP AT ANY POINT TO PICK UP Uoaich connections at Toronto for Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Barrie, Orillia, Hamilton. Brantford, Windsor, Midland, Jackson's Point Connections at Buffalo and Detroit for all U.8.A. points. Tickets and Information at GRAY COACH LINES OSHAWA Phone 2825 * Peterboro, the Rev. J.C, Robinson of Uxbridge was inducted - into tire charge of St.' Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Campbellford. ©"... ¢ Injured in Fall Se oi Port Hope--~Falling a distance .of thirty feet, S. Green, an employee of Thomas Garnett & Sons, local con- tractors, sustained injuries which ne- cessitated his removal * to the Port Hope Hospital, Mr, Green sustained two sprained ankles, two. fractured ribs, a badly sprained back as well as a serious shaking-up. Lindsay Meet ; Lindsay.~The Women's - Auxiliary of 'St. Paul's Anglican Church, Lind- say, elected officers for 1931 as fol- lows: Hon. presidents, Mrs, Canon C. H. Marsh, and Mrs. J. M. Knowl- son; president, Mrs. J.°B. Reid; 1st vice-president, Mrs. William Aldous; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. Brown ; trea- surer, Mrs. W. C. Revell; récording secretary, Mrs. H. N. Rogers; corres- pondence secretary, Mrs. J. A. Isaac. 67th Anniversary . Peterboro.--Mr. and Mrs. William Harding of Dummer Township on Saturday celebrated the 67th anniver- sary of their wedding. Mr, Harding is 88 and his wife is 8. The aged cou- ple are still living in the same house in which. Mr, Harding, took Elizabeth Batten as a bride 67 years ago. There are 24 great-grandchildren and 10 great-great-grandchildren, Nominated for Governor Kingston.--~The Kingston Rotary Club commended Donald C. Lewis, secretary of. the . Brockville Rotary Club, as the next district governor for the 28th district. Mr, Lewis has been secretary of the Brockville club since it was organized. H to Extend ~~. Lindsay--Townships fin 'tlie -north- ern. part 'of the county are to have 'Hydro lighting, accorditig to Charles Callan, of Coboconk, clerk of Bex- ley 'T®wnship. The townships to benefit will be Somerville, Bexley and Laxton, and the villages that are ex- cted to benefit will be Coboconk, orland, Miner's Bay, Kinmount and Victoria Road Rosedale and Baddow. The power line will probably be ex- tended from Fenelon Falls. Wardenship Contested Cobourgi--Five of the 1931 County Councillors are understood to be as- pirants for the ofiice of Warden of the United: Counties of Northumber- land and Durham. They are: Reeve George Hooten of Caven Township, Reeve M. Holman of Clarke Town- ship; Reeve Frank Rickard of New- castle; Reeve W. H. Carruthers of Bowmanville; Reeve Bert Richard- all Durham County men as the honor reverts to that county this year. Result Unchanged " Peterboro~The result in the con- test for the reeveship of Belmont and Methuen remains unchanged as a re- sult of the recount conducted by Judge Huycke, The standing, after His Honor finished the work of go- ing oyer the ballots, was 287 for ex- Warden Frank Breckenridge and 286 for ex-Reeve W .E. Griffith, which were. exactly the figures given out after the election. * PRODUCE PRICES TORONTO FARMERS MARKKT The following are quotations, re .ail.'n effect on the St. Lawrence a Winter Ferry Inaugurated. Brockville --Captain Thomas Crec Lawrence river in the winter fore: season. Captain, Cree used a large | punt for' the trip and landed ct the | C.P.R. whari. Tair Dates Are Set Delta--When the annual meeting o the Delta Foir Adsociation was held on January 15, the directors name September 7, 8 and. 9 as the dates upon which tie exhibition would be held this year. 60th Anniversary Prescott.--The home, of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McCartin, James street east, Prescott, was the scene of an | event of unusual interest when the, ! quietly celebrated the 60th.anniver sary of their wedding. Minister Visits School Kemptville.~Hon. T. L. Kennedy, Minister of Agriculture, was a visitor at the Kemptville Agricultural Schoo! last week: He carried out an inspec- tion of the buildings, and also spent a short time with the student body after which he was presented to the faculty. Traffic Law Offences Port Hope.--]. H. Nicholls, Wes. leyville, was fined $2.00 and costs in traffic court here by Magistrate W AF. Campbell for driving a car min us a tail light. A. W. Kemp, 119 Rit son Road, Oshawa, donated $3.00 an! costs for having only onc head light To Build Grain Grinder Lindsay --Hogg & Lytle, Oakwood, are giving consideration to the erec- tion of a temporary grain grinder for the use of the farmers of Mariposa from now until spring. This is hein; done because it is felt that the burn ing of the Little Britain chopping mill last Tuesday night might cause them considerable hardship. It is probable that the temporary grinder will be installed at Mariposa Station Plant Is Re- Cardinal.--After having been shut down since December 24, the plant of the Canada Starch Co. at Cardinal has resumed | manufacturing opera- tions. Water Level Low Kingscton.--~The water level is the lowest it has been for some time past, and the records show that the water is 15 feet 6 inches above the sill of the drydock. Judges at Carnival Belleville--~Messrs. Joseph Shortt, General Secretary of the Y.M.C.A. and Robert Brown, Past President of ! the Y's Men's Club were judges at the annual ice carnival at tthe Stirling arena. Over one thousand were in attendance and the affair was pro- claimed a great success. The cos tumes were unique and original and the judges had a difficult time choos- ing the winners. Has Old Coin Lindsay~In a handful of other change, Mrs, Charles Lee, 99 King Street, recently received a coin which she believes is 543 years old, as the date on it reads 1388, The coin is marked 1-24th of a shilling and bears the hame of "States of Jersey." At first she thought it. was a United States coin, but the date makes that impossible, Successful Show _ Belleville ~The 17th annual: show of: the Belleville Poultry Association was brought to'a close after the most successful exhibition that has ever ganization. There were over eight hundred of the be found in Ontario -------- Campbellford ~At the Jogular ing of the Campbell 103, Canadian Legion, BESL, the newly elected officers for the current year were duly installed, side, the 1931 'president, taking" the theet- chair. Suckers Plentiful ' 'Queerisboro~THhousands of suckers are being taken from the Black: river at the Government dam a few miles north of Cooper Flats. ' The water in the river is so low that many of the fish have alr . died. © Fishers men report that the fish are lying in the deeper places of the river has made the first crossing of tlic St 8 been staged in Belleville by this or- |i 'birds that can || 'Branch No. G. A. Iron-4}l bed | Market, Toronto, I'roduce-- 'Qs, CXtras oa... s, Iirsts , .pullct extras Butter. dairy per pound 0.28 0.32 Do.. Creamery, per pod: dee 035 040 Fralts ud Vegetablis---- 'arrots. ¢ bunches . Jeets, doz bunches Juions, diy. 11 qt. basket ('abbage Cauliflower Spinach, peck Mushrooms, per pound Onlons, bunch, three for ... leut lLewuce, three for Head Lettuce two for Parsley, per bunch .. 'elery, head Squash, each Parsnips, backet .. Heets, hasket \'eppers, each Herbs ®unch Rudishes, bunch Oranges, per doz. .... Honeydew Melons, each 0 25 irapefruit, 3 for , Potatoes, bag .. .... Cucumubers, six for lemons per doz. ... Bananas, per dozen. .. Apples, bus. .e Do., Snows, 6 qt. .. Oranges, doz. or 0.4 'an. Green Peas, 6 qt. basket «cco ivinee 'ggplant, each ...... 'reen peppers, basket 'ears. basket ves sweet potatoes 6 lbs ... Cranberries, qt. ..... Jumpkins, each ..... 0.15 0.50 005 "ee TORONTO PRODUCE (Buying) Toronto dealers are buying produce t the following prices: Eggs -- Ungraded, cases returned, esh extras 30c; fresh firsts, 20c; conds, 20c; pullet extras, 22c. Butter--No. 1 Ontario - creamery, olids, 31%¢; No. 2 30%. ' Churning cream--Special, 29 to 30 c; No. 1, 28 to 2c; No. 2, 25 to 26¢. Cheese--No. 1 large, colored, para- fined and government graded, 131% to l4c. Quotations to poultry shippers are as follows : . Poultry-- Dressed "A" Grade Alive Select MF. Spring chickens, 6 Ibs. ea 20 25 28 Over 5 to 6lbs. each ....19 23 26 Over 4% to 5 lbs, each 17 22 24 Qver 4 to 4% Ibs. each 15 20 22 4 bs, each and under ..14 18 20 Fatted hens, over 5 Ibs. ea. 21 23 24 Over 4 to 5 Ibs. each ..19 21 22 Over 3% to 4 Ibs. each 15 18 20 Young turkeys, over 15 Ibs... Working Overtime at the Rexall Stores taken at more than its face value----where it does the work of B0c or 60c this 'week. A few of our many 80c Velvo Sanitary Nap- 300 Syrup Taz & Cog Lier Save With Safety at 'THE REXALL STORES ! Jury & Lovell if Ag to-a depth' of 'from one to two feet. son of Manvers Township. They are 25 Over 12 to 15 Ibs. cach .. 31 Over 10 to 12 Ibs, each .. Over 8:to 10 Ibs. each .. .. Qver 6 to 8 Ibs, each .,.. ..2 Old 'turkeys--market price, Geese, over 8 to 12 Ibs. ea... All other weights Old roosters, over 51bs. ea 15 White ducklings over 5 Ibs. each Over 4 to 5 lbs. each .. Colored ducklings 2c less Guinea fowl, per pair ..$1.25 (Selli Toronto dealers are offering pro- duce to retail dealers at the follow= ing prices: . Eggs--Fresh, extras in cartons, 38 c; fresh extras, loose, 36c; firsts, 31 ¢; seconds, 25¢; pullet extras, 27c. Butter--No, 1 creamery prints, 33 to 34c; No. 2 creamery, prints, 32 to 33c. Cheese--New, large, 15¢; twins, 15- vic; triplets, 15%c; stiltons, 20c. Old, large, 24c; twins 24)ic; old stiltons, C. 4 Poultry-- Chickens, 5 lbs. up Do, 4 to 5 lbs. .. Do, 3% to 4 lbs. ae Do, 3 to 3% lbs. ..... Tea un .. | Hers, over 5 Ibs. ..5.iiuee.i 28 . | Broilers W Turkeys, A grade ,.idseeeeee . | Jan. fresh eggs, 0; April eggs, 30; 30-33 25-28 25-40 28 Ducks eases nee CHICAGO PRODUCE FUTURES Chicago, Jan. 19.--Open com- mitments--Jan. ref. eggs, 200; Jan. butter, 177; eb. butter, 320; March butter, 16; March potatoes, 57. Chicago spot market--Butter, extras, 273%c; standards, 26%c; tone steady. Eggs, firsts. 19 to 1914 ¢; tone weak. New York spot market--Butter, extras, 28 %c; no tone, Eggs, fresh firsts, 22 to 22%c; tone unsettled. Two market recelpts--Butter today, 14,374; last year, 12,890. Eggs toddy, 26,629; last year, 20.- 957. Movement at the four markets-- Butter, net out, 250,401; last year net out, 538,294. Eggs net out, 19,059; last year net out, 13,370. Street stocks-- Butter today, 79,065; last year, 93,408, Eggs to- day, 92,098; last year, 64,438. Deliveries--Fourteen cars Jan. butter delivered, bringing delivery date up to Dec. 15. TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS Grain dealers on the Toronto Board of Trade are making the following quotations for car lots: Manitoba wheat--No, 1 hard, 60%e¢; No. 1 Northern, 59¢; No. 2 do.,, 57c. No, 4, do. 63c (c.if;, Goderich and Bay ports). 4 Manitoba oate-- No. 3 C.W. 33%c¢; No. 2 feed, 31%c. Argentine corn--72¢ (c.if., Port Colborne). ' Millfeed, delivered Montreal freights, bags . included--Bran, per ton $21.25; shorts, per ton, $21.25; middling, $29.25. Ontario grain -- Wheat, 67c: barley. 30c; oats, 28¢c; rye, 356; buckwheat, 48c. Re-Elected at Peterboro Peterboro. -- Gordon Matthews, manager of the Canadian Packers plant in this city, was elected chair- man of the Peterboro Utilities Com- mission for the fourth consecutive year. DANCE FOR DEBUTANTE London.--The dance given by Vis- countess Cowdray at her London residence was to mark the coming- out of yet another of her attractive daughters, the Hon, Brenda Pearson, There will be other dances for th debutante bout the time of her pre- sentation at Court, but a number of Lady Cowdray, too, rather wanted to * celebrate her own return from her § 'trip on the other side of the Atlan. * tic. She has a beautiful and spacious residence with a fine ballroom, in Mount Streets fog which covered large areas of | along our coats from Newcastle to | Weymouth and miles out to sea, The Thames estuary at the best of times is not exhilarating but steam- er passengers togbound there for days seemed merry enough. re- porter who explored the darkness in a tiny launch heard singing and dancing in the Orient liner Orviea In the estuary were 400 other steam- ers. Chesterfield Table, 1 Reg. $6.45 for Reg. $6.45 for Reg. $3.05 for ... Reg. $8.95 for Reg. $4.93 for Reg. $4.95 for Reg. $5.49 for Silk Bed Spread (Mauve) size 72 ins. x 90 ins. Silk Bed Spread (Blue) size 72 ins. x 90 ins. Silk Bed Spreads (Green) sizze 80 ins. x 100 ins. Silk Bed Spread Mauve) HY 80 ins. x 100 ins. Silk Bed Spread (Green) size 80 ins. x 100 ins, Silk Bed Spreads (Mauve) size 80 ins. x 100 ins. | 1 Silk Bed Spread (Blue) size 80 ins. x 10 Oins. ea i Tr PA ae Cr re re The Finest Mattress SPECIAL BED 1 Marshall less Spring, 1 Bed Walnut finish, Regular price $28.95 Tr Luk 63 KING STREET EAST SPECIAL BED OUTFIT Also 1 Simmon"s Bed, 2 in. posts, 10 in. panel, finished Spring Filled Mattress, 1 Simmon's Sag-, Simmon's 2 in. posts, 10 in, panel, in size 4 ft, 6; 4 ft. and 3 ft, 75 for less Spring, 1 Culcutte Mat- tress. Regular $28.00 for $15.00 TPR SE LL LL LS = on alue in walnut. 1 Simmon's Sage || Chesterfield Bridge Lamp, End Table, Smoker, | Table Scarf, One | Pair Brass Book Ends. All for "In Silk Reg. $5.95 for 1 Silk Bed Spread (Cream) size 80 ins, x 100 ins. Reg. $8.95 for 1 Silk Bed Spread (Blue & Gold Reg. $8.25 for . 8 only Silk & Cotton Bed Spread color Gold and Mauve. Reg. $6.95 for 2 Cotton Bed Spreads, size 80 ins. x 100 ins. in Mauve and White Stripe. Reg. $3.23 31 White Krinkle Bed Spread 7 Reg. price $249 for ........ 6 Cotton Bed Spreads Damask pattern size 76 x 90, Reg. $2.65 for 2 Cotton Bed Spreads 72 x 80. Bedspreads 1 Silk Bed Spread (Blue) size 80 ins. x 100 ins. ) £0 ins. x 100 ins. s size 70 ins. x 90 ins, $4.25 for $2.25 2 x 90. sani da caves S175 ve. 81.858 [| ...8L78 | ular price, $225 for Chesterfield Suite In black mohair, reversible cushions. Reg~ 'Q 5% ' 1 Krohler 3 Piece Divanette Set Walnut finish frame with cut velour upholster« . ing. Regular price $125.00 for, 79" 1 Krohler 3 Piece Divanette Set tered in brown leatherette. Osk frame--uphols Regular price $75.00, rd I e Furniture Co. for, ~~ PHONE 78-79 her young friends were in town, and © § London.--The enormous blanket of | England and the Continent stretched § § Over London it was 900 feet thick. § 4

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