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Oshawa Daily Times, 22 Jan 1931, p. 11

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jt ' THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 21, 1931 PAGE ELEVEN 2 - THE, Cl S uger RELE D SECTION __ meets eller No% ol Conant & ANNIS. BARRISTERS Sol Notaries Publie, Ete C general prec 1% Simeoe aut "South, Oshawa :one 4 GQ D. Conant, BA. LLu.: A. F. Av nls BA, L B a FE NSN ARE. BANK aie of Commerce JOSEPH P MANGAN. BA - "BAR rister to at Publi: v4 tbawa Conveyw y fice 143% = "Ring 8 Bat eS " Berristers, Conveyancers Laaries PubMe, ete Office over Stgndard Hank Entrance Simcoe "St. Phone 1?. 1. F Grlraon. K.C., T. K Creighton, B.A, N. C. Fraser, B.A. EOIIS 8 AYMAN, BARRISTER. Solicitor, Notary, over Dewland's Store. Money to loan 16 Simcoe sireet oorth Phone 67 Res! dense 3478W . Ee AND HUMPHREYS BAR: rikars; Solicitors, ete. 24% Sim: oe 'St. N Paone 3160 Money to ALEX C. HALL JA, BARRIS ter. ete Conveya: sing aad genera! 33% Kiog St. Bast : or) A J PAnKHILL BARKISPEN ete. Money to lean Alger Bldg op nose re hu 1414 A Ad " Solicitor. Nota 'ublie, Convey: ancery money to loan," Thira tioor aew Rixer Buin " opposite Poa. Office Phone 2096 Medical DRS. HAZLEWOOD & HARPER. Disney Block. Phone 2060. Of tice rs 9 am to 8.30 pm Dr B. J 'Hazlewood, special attentien to_Supgery nd X-Ray Dr B 1: 8 Harper, special attention to chlo: ren 8 Diseases and Obstetrics. Sun day 2hd night calls 2416 or 122 DR BcRAY PHYSICIAN, SUR: geon, YAccoucher Office and resi: dence ' King St. East, corner Vie Sal [8t.. Oshawa Phone 94. R QRANT BI BERRY, PHYSICIAN a Oustetriclan, diseases of infan 'and children. Office. and residdnce, 97 Bond East. Phone 1155! R. 1D ARC M.D. C L. R. 2 P and 8 Edinburgh Phy: sician, Surgeon and Obstetrician. Off'~g 143 Simcoe St. N~ Phone 8020, residence 14 Cadillac Ave, Northr Phone 3166. DR HAROLD TRICK, OBSTET: riciany Physician and Surgeon. Special reference to maternity work and dis: eases peculiar to women. Office and residence 167 Simcoe Street North Phon A C.C.., ' physician, surgeon, atateles . fan, 3 years' post graduate, Special attenfion to maternity wesk Office 142 Simcoe St. N. Office and resid. ence.' Phone $020. , ; | (Dec. 24-1 mo) ACTIN plastering, electric or alterations bong 139 for estimates. am 4 ' Veterinary Surgeon DR. SHIR EY, VETERINARIAN Specialist Diseases Domestic An'm- als, oa: and Dog Hospital. 203 King "West. Telephone 629. (6 aug tf Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist LR F,;T BRYANS OF 160 BI JO0R Street, West Toronto will be at hip office lover Juv & Lovell's Drug Store ench Saturday from 1 till 4 p.to.. for consvitation sud treat ment diseases of ear, nose and throat only Appointments may dp at drug store Phone 97 NE HAND FUR. niturd, bought and ecid 186 Bloor street taut. Phone 1617M. (26 dec tf) P 8 ST under new management. We buy and sell all kinds of second hand furnitgre. 17 Prince street. Phone 1761.10 (3 feb c) i Architects TO STENHOUSE GENERAL architectural work. ec~pq floor Royal. Bank Building Phone 1496 um charge for ene fon B0c. subsequent -oom- (insertion 1c, "(three cents & word). bruit charge for 'three insertions, = 60 gents Boz number '10 84d Sonal in Professional or Business rds, $2.60 per orth for 30 words or Jess; 10 cents a word, per month for eash ad- dona) word - Phone 35 Ask for Classified Ad © Depa {| ventilated, central, 4 rooms, "Dental DR_& J PHILLIPS OVER BAS sett's Special _ attention to' X-ray work: Gas ction. Nurse in tendates, * Phone 969. House 1 DR H WN K®, 9 SIMCOB north, oar Mitchell's Drug Store (a ragtion #hone 64 DR BS ENTIST 18 Simcoe St N, over Dewland's Phone Mat, Re. JI We Evenings by | ini rR i OF Dengints, King St attention to gas e ray work Nurse "hones 124% and R64 Veterinary W. D. FORSYTHE, V.s. Honorary Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, prompt and efficient service. Thornton's Cor- ners. Phone 202-2. (9 feb ¢! Optometrist 6. H TUCK OFTOMBTRISY sneclalist (n mascle anomalies eyesight and glasses Author of Kye Care and Eye strain, foe 'hla and (ts Development. Ufs ney Block opposite Post Office Phone 516. DR. W. (18 dec c. Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO. 67 KING ST East, Ambulance. Residence £42 Simcoe street, north, Phone 310J and 210W 0S A A J0., . Armstrong & Son, Proprietors Funeral and Ambulance Service, day and night. Phone 1082W. 87 Celina. (an Elocution LESSONS IN ELOCUTION AN) public speaking. Private or iu classes, For terms phone Lois Mua- dy' No. 35 or 812. (Dee. 17-1 mo) DAVIS AND BON, INSURANCE 19 King St. west, Oshawa, The old est Fire Agency in Ushawa. 30 Re putable Fire Companies, WHEN PLACING [INSURANCE cepsult R. N. Johns, 8¢ Simcoe aorth. Your insurance wants at tended to and your interests pro tected, CANADIAN MOTOR UNDER- writers' Automobile Insurance. Careful drivers received 25 per cent. refund during past 18 years Agency Germond Cigar Store. (28 jan c¢! Transportation CARTACHCAND STORAGE COLE | man's, 85 Bond west Specialists in furniture moving storage ware house and moving van equipment Phone 82, CARTAGE, MOVING, GRAVEL sand and cinders. Local and long dictance hauling. Smith & Cox Phone 924, 10 Bond St. West. BORROWDALE'S CARIAGE = General cartage and househoid furniture moving. = Special atteu- tion to comriarcial work. Local and Jong distir¢e. 609 Carnegle Ave., Oshaw" bone 1618, (Dec. 10 tI) : Beauty Parlors TETTY LA WW PERMANENT WAVE Shop . Specialists in permauent. finger and marcel waving Per manent ware prices $56, $7 60 $1v and $16. All other lines of Beauty Culture. Phone 2068. Apply £6 dimcoe. street north EXPERT MARCELLING BY BET ty Ward at Betty Lou Permanent Wave Shoppe. Marcel and sham poo $1 Phone 2948. MARCELLING 36c, FINGER waving 60¢, hair cutting 26¢ at La Parisienne Beauty Parlors, Ask for Miss 'Robbins, phone 71. (20 feb ¢) Money to Loan i OANS GOOD OMY PRO ty and farwns. Apply A.-J Park pill, 87 King St. East Phone 1614, (July 31ai: ON YOUR AUTOMOBILE. CARS d Payments reduced nal cash given. Tefms rea sonable Motor Loans and Dis oounts, Suite 2, 14% King St. E (upstairg). PLone 2790. Open even (Jan 21-1 mo) re-find Add Music ZHBERT C TRENEER, ATC 4. Orgacist and Choirmaster c! {ing Street Church will accept pupils in plano. pire organ an) vocal masic. 60 William Streit Kast. Phone 2896. at 2 Lk Mh. Zour ; For Rent : 3IMCo © MANOR = WOUR AND tive room suites, electric stoves. refrigeration, laundry, conven) ences. Apply superintendent phone 2671. (B6Le) VICTORIA APAR = AT new low rentals, electric refrigera G53 A eh ee tiset ye (Ang 25tf) | tion. electric stove. washing mach ine and dryer. Apply superintend ent Phone 2633) (66¢L/ newly cleaned and decorated, well 7A bath, eléctric stove, clothes and linen '{ work, For Rent GLADSTONE APARTMENTS, 18 Gladstone, modern three rooms, with three piece bath, water, gas stove, electric lights, hot water heating, laundry, conveniences, private cellar, $30 monthly, Phone 2604. (144th) § AND ¢ ROOM APARTMENTS. Modern to the minute, rhone 15560 or 2347TW. (132tf) SIX ROOM HOUSE ON BOND street west. Phone 138. (148te) FOR RENT--HBEATED FLAT. AP- ply 18 McLaughlin Bld. Phone 195. (16¢c) FOR RENT--APARTMENT FUR- nished or unfurnished, heat, light, gas and water or room and board. Apply 165 Ritson Rd. South, ---- (16¢) FOR RENT-- 2 UNFURNIHED rooms, heat, light and water, cen- tral. Phone 2518J. (17¢c) FOR RENT--3 ROOMED BATH flat, unfurnished, newly decorated, wired for stove, heat, light, water, and garage, Phone 1168J. (18b) FOR RENT-- BEDROOM FOR two young men. Board optional. Reasonable, Phone 3233W, {18¢c) FOR RENT-----TWO FURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping, Very central. Close to factories. Apply 44 Charles St. Phone 848J. a (18¢) --NICELY FURNISH- light housekeeping. All conveniences. 183 Arthur St. Phone 181, (18¢) FOR RENT---6 ROOM COTTAGE. Al conveniences, centrally located. Immediate possession. Apply 181 Albert St. Phone 119W, (1%¢) SIX ROOMED BRICK HOUSE TO rent. All conveniences. Low rent for winter. Apply 271 Jarvis St. (18¢) Motor Cars FRY'S AUTO BODY SHOP MOVED to 168 King Street West, (former- ly West End Garage). Collision FOR RENT ed rooms for welding, painting, motor repairs. car washing and storage, gasolene and motor oil, Phone 1111, {18 feb ¢) Radiv Service OSHAWA RADIO SERVICE- = pairs on radios, power packs and eliminators. Tubes tested ana supplied, radio poles for sale ilatteries charged and repaired Phone 3460J. Charles Wales 146 Elgin East. (Dee. 16-1 mo: EXPERT RADIOTRICIAN, ALT makes of radios, power packs and eliminators serviced and repaired. Phone 2715F, (23 jan e TRETATR" ON ATL MODELS OF radios, eliminators. and power packs, prices reasonable, batteries recharged. Georze Burronghs certified radiotrician, Phone 2806W. (0 fehe HE TROUBLE WITH YOUR radio may be tubes. Get your tubes tested free, John M her, 92 Stw- coe North, Phone S71W. (19 feb. ec) Spi R wer SPIRELTA Gs x bealth, comfort. Personal atten- tion and service. Phone Mrs, Blat- ter, District Manager 2189M. For Exchange SIX ROOMED BRICK HOUSE, hardwood finish, would exchange for farm property. Phone 2152W, (16¢c) Furs Repaired FURS REPAIRED-- FURS AND fur coats relined ang remodelled. Experienced. Phone 632M. 119 Huron Crescent. (29 jan ¢) Nursing PRACTICAL NURSE, MATERNITY Excellent referencss, Mrs Borrowdale, pbone 1618. (30 jan ¢) PRACTICAL NURSE DOCTOR'S reference, maternity. invalid, gen- eral nursing. Will 'assist with housework. Charggs moderate. Phone 3033J. (4 feb ¢) GRADUATE NURSE, DOCTOR'S references, will do part time, hourly nursing, maternity work. Special rates. Prompt attention given to doctor's calls, (15 feb el Help Wanted--Female YOUNG GIRL WANTED AS mother's help, two adults and one child in family. No washing. .$10 a month to start, Write Mrs. J. N. Fenn, Ontario Whitby. Hospital, (17p) (13 feb c) + work a specialty, body bumping. ! | erhanger, | Articles For Sale MARCONI RADIOS $185 UF. Phone 2604 for demonstration or call at shop Gladstone Apte., Glad stone Ave, (14420) Pets and Livestock FOR SALE--A HACKNEY PONY, harness, buggy and cutter, Apply at 853 Simcoe St. 8, (}6c) MIXED HARD AND 3001 WOUL slaba, $3.50 3550 yee load. Also bome dry budy aterous Meek Lintited Phone on (Apr. 26tf A [0 use in rvebullt Underwoods. They are as serviceable as when new-- at less than half the cost. Sent for your approval, Address 'Un: derwoud", 1356 Victoria St, To ronto. (Oct, 19, 31) FOR BALE -- PAINTS, VARN. 1shes. We have the largest assort: taent of paints, varnishes, ete, in in the city. The Paint Store, 80 King street west. (Apr. 35 tf) FOI ARDWOOD, $15 per cord. Dry tamarack $12 a cord, Norman Sanders, King St ilast. Phone 1774M. (9 jan tf) E--QUANTITY OF HAY Apply W. G. Hill, Box 243 Whitby. (16¢c) SECOND HAND SKATES, COM plete outfit $1.50 up. Skates sharp: ened and repaired. 12 Richmona St. East, (8 jan 1- mo) FOR SALE -- RE-CONDITIONED Quebec cook stove and electric ranges at Harry D. Wilson Hard- ware. 2 King St, West, Phone 46. (1%¢) FOR SALE --MIXED WOOD FOR sale. $9.50 per cord. Phone 1473F or 23656W (17¢) THN DOLLARS WILL BUY A good broadcloth coat, lady's, fur lined, semi fitting. Size about 40. Apply 74 Oshawa Blvd, (18¢c) FOR SALE--BABY CARRIAG.:, Lloyd, nearly new, cost $36.50. No! reasonable offer refused. App'y No. 8 Victoria Apts. (18¢) FOR SALE-"HARD AND SOFT wooed Slabs also dry body wood I'red Bailey. Phone 598W, (22 jan ¢) CANARIES FOR SALE, GUARAN- teed singers and hens. A. Henning, 185 Centre St. Phone 3118J. (18b) cull, SALE-~MUSKRAT COAT, ze 23 or 40, needing slight al- teration. $25. Phone 1143M, ~ Shoes Repaired SOUTH END SHOE HOSPITAL, shoe repairs a speclalty, also sell second hand shoes. Good as new. $1, $1.50, and $1.75. 426 Simcoe South. (21 feb e) Insurance FOR FIRB, AND AUTOMUBIL: insurance apply 150 Divis fon St. Aetna Insurance Co, Phone 97 ( (141 ) "Werk Wanted TUTE FIRST CLASS PAT: painting and graining. P'rires right, work gumaranteed. 340 | Pine Avenue Phone 3065W. (72tf) { RELIABLE WOMAN LOOKING or "general housework. Apply 195 ourt St. (18¢) "Battery Service C {CAR OR HADIO BATTERIES AT { factory prices, Best prices allowen { for old batteries. Batteries charged 76c, called for and delivered, W fA. Platt, 317 Celina St. Phone 16567. (8 feb c) BATTERIES CHARGED 7c with rental $1.00, Repaired and rebuilt. Called for and delivered. Prompt service. Stan Bligdon, 2V Mill St. Phone 18856W, (Dee. 30-1 mo? Building Supplies AND GRA- vel for sale--To {nsury prompt delivery, place 'rders io advance of delivery date, W. Borrowdate Phone 1618. Apples For Sale FOR SALE----ABOUT 60 BBLS good hand picked Baldwins, Price delivered $3.50. 10 bbls. Starks. Price delivered $2.50, without bbl J. C. Alldread, Tyrone, Ont. Phone Bowmanville 196 r 65. (27 jan ¢) Auctioneer PHONE 718J. W. J. SULLEY, Auctioneer, 846 Simcoe Bt. 8. : Cooke, just west of the bridge, Oshawa, Ont. Special sttention given to household furniture sales and farm stock ana implements Your patronage solicited. Mortgage Wanted WANTED-- FIRST MORTGAGE $1500 and one of $2000 on busi ness properties at Pickering on the Kingston Rd., or at your own val- uation if reasonable. Apply A. H. Pickering, Kingston Rd. Palmist MADAME BROWN, PALHIST business private, 93 Louisa Sreett Phone 2636F. (22 jan ¢) Vocal MARION B. ROSS. A.T.C.M., WILL accept pupils in voice production and singing. Phone No. 8. (13 fed ¢) For Sale or Exchange Bleycle, doll carriage, window frames, door frame, garage doors, linoleum, § tube battery radlo, with charger, mahogany gra- phinal, Ford car, hand sleigh, con- tractors' set of books, laundry stove, sath weights, water taps, marble slab, bed and springs, gultar, Violet Ray, paints, stocks and dles at 107 Ritson road south. (18¢) Mortgages for Sale FOR SALE -- SECOND MORT- gage. Payment made. Monthly. Reasonable discount. Box 98 Times. (18¢) Wanted to Buy APPLES "CULLE WANTED FOR cider. Apply Cider Mill, 263 Court treet. Phone (8 feh ¢) (141) Notice To Creditors R.S.0. 1927 -- Chapt. 150 -- Sec. 51. ESTATE OF MARY PARKER, Widow, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of MARY PARKER, late of the City of Oshawa, in the Co nty of Ontario, Widow, deceased, who 'died on or about the 8th day of Janu- ary, A.D. 1931, are hereby notified to file with the undersigned, on or be- fore the 2nd day of February, A.D. 1931, full particulars of their claims, Immediate! y after said date, the assets of the deceased will be dis- tributed amongst those entitled there- 3: Janne regard only to claims so ed. DATED at OSHAWA, the 14th day of January, A.D. 1931, W. E. N. Sinclair, K.C, OSHAWA, Ontario. The Unionville bank robbers gave hard times as the reason for their banditry. Hard sentences resulted for their folly.--~Sault Dally Star, Up to date, although it may not be so good for trade, people have been able to skin along with little coal and less clothing. -- Brockville Recorder Punch, Goan la TIME TABLE | CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS lective ber 285th, 193 (Standard Time) it! y, except Sunday, a.m. Dai a.m, Daily p.m. Daily, except Sunday bi at Sm Jaily, unday, Da , except Saturday. "Rvonlom id PEPTTS BBpEa: on Daily. Wes 3 Daily, except Sunday. Daily. bai ih Sunda: wiv, except y. jails, except Sunday. Dr NEO KESBEL peeves" Bpaspgse? Ei " CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Effective September 28th, 1030 hy 9.50 a.m. Daily. aw 5. i; Daly, 9.08 p.m. Daily, except Sunday 12.08 He ~ Dagly 105 a.m. Daily, 5.15 a.m Daily except Sunda; 3.23 p.m. Daily.' 3. 7.80 pom. Daily. -------- GRAY COACH LINES Effective 20th, (Standerd Time) Leave Oshawa Leave Foronto AM, AM, P. , 0 830 9.% 10.30 = - 8? = LOST=ON MONDAY BETWEBN | Ward's and Simpson's, a diamond | ring. Finder leave at Times office. | Reward. i (16¢) | ~ Upholstering | UPHOLSTERING, DRAPERIER and furniture specialties at reas onable prices. Geo. A. Constable, 27 Bond street east, phone 3322) (24 jan ¢) FURNITURE REPAIRED AND upholstered. Reasonable prices. D. W. Dalton, 259 Simcoe St. South. Phone 1045 5. (117 feb e) e) "Real Estate for Sale FOR BALE--FIVE _ WOOMED brick bungalo. All conveniences. Decorated. North end. DBargaln, Box 97 Times. (18¢) ~ Watch R Repairing Fo A. VON GUNTEN, EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, repair shop at 44% King Street West. Your pat- ronage is solicited. Hemstitching "MSTITCHING, PLEATING, = pairs and alterations, dressmak- ing, buttons and bhuftonholes. The pen Suey, 2614 Simcoe 8. Phona 16 (Jan, 5-1 mc) mpeg ETI Hospital WHITBY PRIVATE HOSPITAL, Whitby. also known as "Sunny- nook', ideal rest home. Register: ed purse in attendance, Phone. write or call Superintendent, / (11 jan ¢) Humane Society OFFICE: BYNG BT, TEL, 1617W, r. E. J. Shirley, V.8!, Inspector, el. 629. Mrs, E. B. Grigg, Presi- dent, Tel. 1448W. . - (16 jan ¢) Skates Sharpened SKATES SHARPENED, o1L stone finished. 106c. Slater. 333 Buena Vista. Phone 3193W, (16 feb ¢) . . Situations Vacant MANUFACTURER OF METAL stampings requires production man, who can also handle cast. Should have practical experience on stampings. Excellent oppor- tunity for advancement with well established company, located away from this city. Applicants must give full details of experience. age, married or single and salary required to Box 96 Times. (18b) Auction Sale AUCTION SALE--TIAVING RE ceived instructions from Mrs. Rowlson to sell at 141 Colborne St. East, Oshawa, on Saturday. Jan. 24th, 1981, all the household goods consisting 5 beds complete, sliding coach, 4 dressers, 2 stands, sideboard, sewing machine, exten- sion table, number of chairs, hall rack, 3 hall trees, - fancy tables, coach, 2 Congoleum rugs, linol- eum, kitchen cabinet, cook stove, curtains and blinds, dishes and cooking utensils, garden tools, 1 Beatty Electric Washing Mach- ine, nearly new. Sale at 1.30 p.m. sharp. Terms cash. W. J. Sulley, Auctioneer. (18h) nx vamn-- i BReseszepnE a Bakken a > OEM No wenn --8, 52 =n =5% bil. 'n= Except Sunday. a-Saturdays, Sundays aad Holidays omly. b=Sundays only. ---- WHITBY. OSHAWA, BOWMANVILLE BUS LINES (Effective en and after October 6th, 1930) (Standard Time, 3323338333; CRP rE NO 0S SRElspaghy 2PUTTEP eas 1.2% pm, --- gs re 833 _°¢ Ley 4.25 pm, Eomovs nulSE *oSR2Es = s J 2 °SPE PE 7.15 p.m, cas Sa 444 8 3328888 8sds Somme 28 2333LT a ~~ SUNDAY AND BoLioay "SCHEDULE Pp. 10.45 p.m. Times marke T connect at Whitby with Lindsay Busses. Special Busses tor aff Rates pi] Carell ig T, A. GARY E BOWMANVILLE PHONE #12 or 340 Oshaws Waitin 'rince Street 8 Raom, 10 P {all of them in the same words: COAL COAL Phone 193 W.J. SARGANT Yard----80 Bloor Street E. Orders Promptly Delivered 85 Bond Street, West REPAIRIAG WA:CHES OUR SPECIALTY It your watch is not giving satisfaction we can repair and make it te the correct time. D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Watch Inspector for Canadian National and Osb- awa Railroads 20 Simcoe 8. Phone 180 JURY & LOVELL'S OPTICAL PARLORS J. W. Wornill, Oph. D. Eyesight Specialist Phone 88158 GIRLS APPEAL T0 MAYOR OF QUEBEC J. H. R. LUKE For automobile, house and contents insurance, in good sound companies. Apply 52 King Street East Phone 871, Residence 687W Write From England Asking Assistance in Finding Husband Quebec, Jan. 22.--In the past two weeks 20 English girls and women have written to Mayor Lavigueur of Quebec, asking him to get them husbands. The women in question, having - EYESIGHT SPECIALIST . y in muscle amemalis astoal no doubt heard of the 8 which attended Ethel Harris a fort- night ago, have decided to try their luck at getting Canadian husbands and imposed quite a task eyesight aud glasses, 1516--Phone--1510 on Mayor Lavigueur, They range from 17 to ¢4 years, and live in all parts of Eng- land, while one lives in Scotland. Not only is Quebec looked on fav- orably by English and Scottish girls. apparently, but there ig one in Montreal who wants Quebec's Mayor to get her a husband, say- ing that, being reserved and rath er quiet, she has never had an op- portunity of making any real friends. This Montreal girl, who signs herself Detty, and who ad- mits to 30 summers, would like to meet a man with a good position, but does not want a farmer. Most of the applicants stress their ability to cook and keep house. Liverpool, one of the world's great seaports, Is represented by three applicants, while Sussex Is represented by one, Gloucester one, Margate one, Staffordshire, Leeds, and various other places are rep- resented in the list. Mayor Lavigueur has replied to 'I have your letter asking me to help you find a husband, "1 must say that T have re- relved several letters of the same kipd. "The only way T can possibly be For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 19 Simcoe St. 8. We Deliver Felt Bros. The Leading Joel Established 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH of assistance to you would be through publicity. I will communi- cate vour letter to the Press, and eée that any interested party will get in touch with you," A penitentiary in Maryland has Diamonds! Bassett's On Oshawa's Main Corner : opened a school for Journalism. There's a place where the reporters can say a lot in one sentence.-- Guelph Mercury. If both Grit and Tory parties In Ontario are to pick a new leader at the game time, they must be careful not to choose the same man.~To- ronto Telegram, -- EH Chevrolet Sedan, 20 model price ,. .. 3088 Chevrolet Coach, 28 model ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITED 99 Simcoe Street South BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENT We, the undersigned, hav- ! ing completed alterations to our ! FUNERAL PARLORS are in a position to give | immediate service from this date. ¢ CAREW LumBi R (© A 4 A 18:10] Northutt & Smith Successors to Alan M. Williams | Phones Office 58 Houge 523 || Machinery Repairing NOTHING 100 LARUE NOTHING TOO SMALL Adanac Machine Shop 161 King St. W. Pnone 1214 | King St. W. | Bowmanville | BRINGING UP FATHER " closets and other conveniences. Ei Box No. 94 Times. (17tL) LE pi Fi-Fi= YOU ARE JIT WONDERFUL. - YOU HAVE MORE INTELLIGENCE THAN MOST PEOPLE ~ -- © 1931 1011 Posture Servic, inc., Great Britals rights reserved. / DOES SHOW WELL! THAT DOG INTELLIGENCE WHEN I'T COMES Ahureh in

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