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Oshawa Daily Times, 22 Jan 1931, p. 12

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or THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 1931 | "Eastern Ontario News | Broker Found Guilty ay Rinks Win Peterboro.--In the District No. 2 Ontario Tankard Play at the local Cobourg.--~John Faulkner, a Toron- to broker, was placed on suspended | curling rink, the Lindsay teams 'won out by a total of § points for the two "sentence for two years on charges "of theft of $410 from Mrs. WV: rinks. Thomp South Monaghan Town- a -- ship. Faulkner was arrested in Tor- | « Lindsay.--Chief of Police R. H. onto by Inspector Hammond, of the Lawler repdrted to the town council . Ontario Provincial Police and was ar- | that in', November and December raigned before 'Magistrate Floyd, at|there had been 20 cases brought into Cobourg. police court by the town police, and ! . that $613 had been collected by his To Employ More U loyed department, Lindsay.--At the Board of Works ' meeting, Chairman E. N. Mitchell | Paying Poll Tax said that additional unemployment eterboro.--Despite the stories df relief work should start very soon, |hard times, it was found in police At present about 30 men are at work | court that all but a half dozen ofthe ~ on the Caroline Street sewer and a|more than. 100 poll tax deliquents greater number than this should be fhad paid their tax rather than make employed on the sewage disposalfan Sppedtanice before the magistrate plant. Tax Collector Green had summones sent out last week and all but six came through with $5, : ---- Enc Reports Port Hope.--Encouraging reports greeted the members and adherents of St. Paul's Presbyterian Church at the annual congregational meeting. There was a Targe attendance and keen interest in growth and progress "of the congregation and its organiza- tions. Four Join Club Campbellford--Featuring the week- ly luncheon of the Campbellford 'Ro- tary Club, four new members were welcomed to the organization by the president, H. N. Carr, who occupied the chair for the meeting. The new Rotarians were: C. J, Windrim, J. R. Smith, S. H. Neale and Ray Con- nor. Battle With Ice Kingston. --The ferry Wolfe Island er fought a four-hour battle with the ice in Kingston harbor to deliver the Cleaning Snow Away Brockville--The works 'committee of the town council had an extra force of nen engaged yesterday in clearing away the snow in the prin- cipal streets following the heavy storm. ' Specials For Friday and Saturday we offer dozens of items, nationally known for their quality and nationally known for their good value at regular prices. These have been radically reduced. Buy now and save with safety at the Rexall Stores. Here Are Two SUPER-VALUES 40¢ 50¢ ¢ SHARI PERFUME FREE With $1.00 Shari FACE POWDER Peppermint PATTIES 29¢ MINERAL OIL Regular $1.00 69¢c B0c Klenzo Shave ing Cream 39¢ 78¢ Boxed Stationery Assorted Lines 49 C $1.75 Malt & Cod Liver B0c Antiseptic Mouth Wash 00c Velvo Sani. tary Napkins B0c Riker's Milk wr k: ge Opeko Break- soit Coffee, 1b. 39¢ Syrup of Tar & Cod Liver Ol 39¢ 15¢ Powder Puff and 85¢ Lavender Tal. 39 Cc B50 French Balm Hand Lotion 39¢ $1.00 Peptona, a recon- structive 39¢ 39¢ 39¢ B0c¢ Lorie Solidi. fied Hair Fix 75¢ Bridge Play. ing Cards .. 59¢ New Gillette Razor Free en, m 3 5 Cc 89c $1.25 Hot Water Dottle WHEN IN NEED OF DRUGS PHONE Jury 8 Lovell THE REXALL STORES ' King East--Phone 28 Simcoe South--Fhone 68 CONE - CLEANED ANTHRACITE MAKES FUEL BILLS LOWER Z3DIXON COAL CO. Jy fair a © Semel Telephone 202 Five mail to the residents of Wolfe Island. This will probably be the Rast' trip made by the ferry this season, as captain A. MacDonald, master of the vessel, reports that the ice is from two inches to one foot in thickness, and with 'continued cold weather the ice is still "making" Conservatives Meet Peterboro.--One of the largest and nost enthusiastic annual meetings in the history of the Ladies' Liberal Conservative Association 'was held 'n the Paragon Hall, yesterday after- noon, 1 : The officers for the ensuing year were elected as follows: President, Mrs. (Dr) G. S, Cameron; lst vice- Plesidept, Mrs. E. A. Stinson; 2nd vice-pres dent, Mrs. C. Wright; 3rd vice-president, Mrs, T, Skinner; sec- retary, Mrs. J, Cridland; treasurer, Mrs. M. Hutton. Called to Ottawa Brockville.--Miss Doris Banks, of Brookville, RR. No, 4, who stood fourth in Canada at the Civil Service examinations held here in October, has been notfied of her appointment to a position in the office of the De- partment of Interior, Officials named Kingston.--The following officials were recently appointed to offices in the AM.S. Court of Queen's Univer- sity. Chief Justice B. Whytock is $iphorted by D. Simmons and B. Walker as Junior Judges. S. Gard- ner fills the post of prosecuting at- torney, while J. Finlay is chief of pol- ice, H. Hamlin will act as sheriff and the positions of clerk and crier 80 to W. Cooms and G. Farnham. AGTIVITIES ON SCUGOG ISLAND Winter Setting in and Roads Are Becoming Blocked With Snow (Mrs. D. Hope, Correspondent) Scugog, Jan, 20.--Mr. and Mrs. Norman Strutt and daughters, Vio let and Jean, of Bowmanville, visit od his sister, Mrs. R. Brown one day recently, Miss Nellle Lee and Miss Zella Hope spent Friday afternoon with Miss Mary Carter. Sorry to hear that Mrs. Il. Fines is under the doctor's care. Hope for a speedy recovery. Quite a number from here at- tended the hockey match in Port Perry on Friday evening between Markham and Port Perry. At the end of the time they were ties and played of twice before Markham gained a goal. It was a very clean and interesting match. The score being 7-6 in favour of Markham The Young People's League met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sweetman last Thursday evening, Jan, 15. Mr. Luzerne Sweetman and his helpers, Mrs, Geo. Hood, Miss Ivah Milner had charge of the meeting. The topic was citizeihip taken by Mrs. Geo. Hood. A pas sage of scripture was read by Mr. Maurice Fralick. The secretary's report was read and the roll called responding to any verse in the Bible. The young Men's Choir also gave us a fine selection. The meet- ing closed by all singing and re- peating the leagues benediction. The rest of the evening was spent in contests in charge of Miss Ivah Milner. The meeting next week will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Samells on Wednesday even- ing, Jan. 21 fn charge of Mr. Ray Milner and his helpers. Mr. and Mrs. C. Graham, daugh- ter Dorothy, Mr. and Mrs. 8. Rod- man motored to Toronto last week. Mrs. C. Graham and Dorothy are staying over for a week's visit with friends. Mr. and Mrs. C. Heayn's and son Jimmy, Mr. and Mrs. E, Sweetman and. family, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J, Milner. Mrs. R. Carter {s spending a few weeks with her niece, Mrs. Cemmie, of Kinsale, who is quite 111. Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Sweetman visited with Mr. and Mrs. H. Wil- Hamg and Mr. O. Williams on Suu- ay. Mr. and Mrs. C. Gerrow, son Mansel, of Manchester, spent Sun- day with his brother, Mr. F., Gerrow. Miss Leona Prentice spent the week-end in Port Perry with her cousin, Gladyse Nott. Mr. and Mrs, S. Hope, daughters Merle and Cecilia, of Prince Albert, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Sweetman spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. Jackson, Mr. L. Chamberlene, of Toronto. is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. R. Jackson. Mrs. T. Sintzel is making her home with her daughter, Mrs. J. Aldred. The roads are filling in. We will miss our good merchant, Mr. Joblin, who has been delivering our orders every week with his truck, but a drive will be nice for us, There was no bread delivery here on Monday as Mr, E. H. Gerrow had the misfortune to get his bread truck burned in the Ford garage fire Saturday night. Mr. Roy Hope and Zella Hope, Mr. Howard Lee, sisters Della, Nel- He, Hazel and Tillie spent a very pleasant time with Mr, and Mrs, J. McLaren and family on Monday svening. Mr. and Mrs. H, Leighton, Leslie "onnie, visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. Fines on Sunday, Sorry to hear Miss H. Ackney is mi the sick list, not able to have school, but we all hope to hear that he is better soon. Mr. and Mrs. J. Aldred visited with Mr, and Mrs. D. Hope on Sun- fay, Afternoon; § r. Martin Rennick, of Toronto, Mrs. 8. Lamkin and Miss Gertrude Mr, and Mrs. A. Martyn oné day re- cently. One day last week when Mr. John Reader wag cutting wood, the axe slipped and cut his middle toe off. He was taken to the Dr's to have it "reseed. Hoping he may get around Direct Lines m his foot again soon. Mrs. M. Stephenson, daughter Eliza is spending a few days in To ronto. © Mrs. Geo. Sweetman has started her practise of the young men's choir again as they had quite a holi- day, Mr. Robert Reader, Mr, Geo. Samells was calling around on their friends at the centre last week Mr. Donald Crozier and My, Percy Jeffery visited with Mr, Milton De- mara on Sunday. Mr. James and Charlie Mackie, of Qshawa, called on Mr. I. Rodman on Sunday. One evening lust week a number of friends from Oshawa and Rag: lan and ueighbours around here spent a very enjoyable evening with Mr. and Mrs. J. Collins. In hon- our of Mrs. Collins birthday. Her Oshawa friends presenting her with a lovely china tea set. PICKERING MAN INJURED IN FALL James Prouse Fell From Sand Truck and Sus- tained Broken Leg (Miss Jean Clark, Correspondent) Pickering, Jan, 21.--Jas. Prouse, father of Trustee I. J. Prouse, lies in the Oshawa Hospital with a broken leg, as a résult of a fall on 'nesday. The work ot sanding the road on Church St. was being car- ried on and the unfortunate man was assisting, He was standing on the running board of the truck, when the uarver, in climbing inw the cab, accidently toucned the gear, causing the truck to lurch fou wabUe ul, A FUUBE uel Ws balance, ald lel Lo the ground wit grea dae DAS ween da l'vsiucun OL wd ville Aud @ baa el ul yale, wulce. EE TLV SPY CY PRC RN TU TR J 4 SV [PEE Ll RS Web umulillug Whi Tulalu ow ry Conlest vi mor Fr dodia vigil i Vig sbvubu lls orulory, die purucipat- Lod LUD dl davi 4 ul wy ' vest Lor LA0I0N0 Uismlice WikiGu leo un aut ul wal scbhodl, ruronto, ul the Ontario bhuuou al Lie der the auspices of Irustees' and Rate Mayers' Associa tion, in Which representatives o ive counties," York, Shiheoe, Peel ntario and Victoria, took part Arthur succeeded in gaining thir lace, and was presented with tw 1woks, It will.be remembered tha he won the Sinclair cup recent! which was awarded to the winner o a contest held by the County Cou cil, in whfeh the winners of thr public speaking contests of the TODAY ~FRIDAY A Sure-Fire "It" Comedy Clara Bow In Paramount's zip- py comedy romance from. Avery Hop. wood's g eatest fa:ce. "Her Wedding Night" Wit hee Ralph Forbes Skeets Gallagher Charlie Ruggles Coming Saturday Harold Lloyd in "FEET FIST Extra! Saturday 'Morning Show, 10.30 a.m. Complete Program Ine cludes Rin-Tin-Tin Serial Children 10c Adults 25¢ Martyn, of Prince Albert, visited | This Store Offers You a Genuine Health Service In the évent of illness--back of your doctor--stands this store, equipped to give you the utmost In service and | fill your prescriptions with | prompiness and absolute ace curacy. This store also offers you the | "thousand and one" other: | services you naturally expect of a modern Pharmacy---plus never failing courtesy and a genuine interest in you and your needs. Visit our store ag often as | possible. This is the place to replenish your Medicine Cabinet Supplies, your Toflet Requisites, Rubber Goods, [| Stationery, Ete. Karn's Drug Store The Family Drug Store with the Lowest Prices, Phone 878. Next P. O. coy es RE TRA School Fairs in each district, par ticipated Home and School Club On Friday evening last, the first Home and School Club to be form- ed in Pickering Township was ore ganiged at a meeting which was held at the school here. Mr, Fred Andrew, a trustee was in the chair: Mrs. R. 8. McLaughlin, of Oshawa, organizer for the district, was pres- ent, and gave an address, in which she explained the object of the club and outlined its history. After a lengthy discussion, the following officers were appointed: President, Mrs. Quigley; Secretary, Mrs. R. Bye; Treasurer, Mrs. C. H. Rob- ingon; Executive Committee, Mr. R. H. Ripley, Miss Lock, Mrs. J. Cowan Mrs. A. H. Robinson, Mr. F. An- drew, Mr, G. Barker, Mrs. J. Smith. R. H. Hutchison, of Whitby, public school inspector, was present and in a brief address expressed his great approval of the club, which was very encouraging to those in- terested, Meetings will be held each month, and it is expected that a large number of the parents in the community, will identify them- selves with the club. School Concert A contest was held in school 8.8. No. 4 East, on Friday evening, last, in aid of the piano fund. An in- strument has. been purchased Te- cently, for the use of the school. The program for the most part was given by the pupils, who in songs, recitations, instrumentals, and dia- logues excelled themselves and brought credit to their teacher, Miss Ida Sterritt, Other items were given by Miss Gladys Bryant, elo- cutionist, Mr. George Field, Ha- wallan guitarist, and W. C. Muck- ar, baritone sololst and Miss H. Law, accompanist. Following the 'program, the Christmas tree, which had to be postponed, on account of the epidemic of scarlet fever, was dismantled and each pupil receiv- ed a belated gift, as well as a bag of nuts and candy. Through the generosity of the trustees, the au- dlence which filled the school room to capacity, were also treated to candy. Mr. Fred Crawford, chair- man of the trustee board, was chairman for the evening. One ftem on the program which was ot special interest, was the presenta- tion to Miss Dorothy Watson, of the T. Eaton cup, which she won by gaining the most points at the School Fair, held in Pickering, in the Fall. This is the first time the cup has come to 8.8. No. 4 East, and Miss Watson is to be congratulated. Messrs. Robt Miner, and William Davis, of Toronto, spent the week- end with Harry and Mrs. Boyes. The Misses Douglas, of Toronto, visited with their grandmother, Mrs. A. Burrell on Sunday, Miss Edith Murray, of Toronto, spent Sunday at her home here. Miss Dorothy Andrew has resum- ed her duties at "The Big Store" after an absence of two weeks through {llness. Mrs. S. M. Gordon spent sever- al days last week with friends in Toronto, ORROW! QkeNew 1031 PONTIAC A FINE CAR AT A NEW Low PRICE! A BUYING EVENT! A & P Rallies Its Buying Forces in Demonstration of a New 1931 Standard of Econorhy A & P Meat Markels are contain the very best cuts of a saving to you. Leg Buy Lamb this week-end,. At A satisfaction is guaranteed. Forequarters LAMB immaculately clean. Shining cases meats . . . and at prices that mean TENDER, SOFT-MEATED LAMB, VERY CHOICE 1b. 28- & P's economical prices your w. 16¢ Oats AYLI! GREEN Strawberry Jam =: Fd "w IFETY urprise Soap nan Australian Oliced or Hal BUTTER As usual--A & P offers the lowest possible price the market allows on one of the most necessary of staples. Wi who will not sacrifice quality and yet want to make thelr food budget go farthest always trade at the A & P. Silverbrook Ib. 32- Wrapped in 1-1b. prints. High quality creamery butter. A & P with this faney are assul of the best rio's finest c les p pasteurized creamery butter. You when you buy our own Sunnyfield Brand .ii: Je 40 > 35 10-45 2 Nine? Cc kui. LIGHT COLORS AND Bulk Rolled Palmolive Soap Reeommended by Beauly Experts Everywhere 1 Cake Free with purchase of 3 at all A & P Stores this week 3 One hundred prices. S[" WHERT teonOMY MALY | Radios Borris Selected, Tender A & P Beef Shoulder civix COTTAGE Yor frying or boiling. ¥inest Quality Freshly Made MINCEMEAT LIBBY'S NEW PACK CHOICE MEATS offer you the best of meats at lowest possibie FINEST QUALITY SMOKED ENGLISH BREAKFAST BACON =x = 24: Sliced or centre cuts, Ib, 20c. PRIME RIB :. w. 21. Boneless and Rolled, Ib, 28c. lb. 14c BLADE °*5°® Ib. 17¢ Porterhouseo Wing. 28 GHLINER ROLLS ....... 1b, 19¢c Finnan Haddie, 1b. 14¢c 23c and thirty-six A & P meat markels ROASTS HI BRAND SMOKED FRESH-CAUGHT ATLANTIC A HERRING, Ib. 9¢ BRIGHT FANCY Se B18 and Steaks, Ib, 17 More A ®P Money-Saving Prices Compare these prices with what you are now paying. A & P brings you savings on all nationally advertised lines of foods. Campbell's 02 1Qe. SELECTORS 2. 528 LYON'S TEA uum 30 SHIRRIFF'S .:u. 33 Christie, Brown... 2 = 2§e¢ BROOMS sivvivane ees Each 29c There are no finer coffees than A & P coffees. Try them and # choose the one you like best. They are different in flavor, but equal in quality. THE COFFEE SUPREME BOKAR ay 1 2 4 e [ WHERE scowonry ASS | 15-LB, PKG. 2-18. JAR "pr SODAS SPECIAL 5-S8TRING A PURE SANTOS 8 o'CLOCK Bd oib. 37 e SAUERKRAUT 3, 25c SALMO! TOMATOES "3 5xmine CABBAGE, STOCK dition. Careful bandling in our stores enables you to enjoy these FRUITS and Every A & P Slore carries a complete line of ORANGES CAUFORNIA SEEDLESS NEW TEXAS Carrots i.om6 sue A & P's tremendous buying power reaches out to the most distant food marts to bring to you the world's finest fruith in fresh, wholesome con- VEGETABLES Farm and Garden Produce. MEDIUM Doz. 25¢ pRODUCT ...... 2]bs. 35¢c ravens snseed Ibs. 17c warehouse and daily deliveries to our fruits at thelr best. A&P Bahery Products Your hearng Ap, X Yood Store offsts a tem variety" of ine breads . . . each made of ths ma and each of most delicious flavor, ENCORE 24-02. LOAF BRE WRAPPED, OF COURSE [J Encore Bread is erred b, thousands pref J ands because it Is a better and SPECIAL THIS WEEK-END AT ALL A & P STORES FULL OF FRUIT AND NUTS SWEDISH STYLE FRUITand NUT RYE 212-0z.Loaves 19¢ 12-0z.Loat Be VANILLA LAYER CAKES "pz 2: so 0a. 23 LOAF CAKE iii 'ii'/fisy Each 1§e 'ng nest ' 29 Simcoe Street South--| TRE GREAT AM 22 King Street West--Phone 2643--Meat Manage r--H. F. Ashbury. Grocery Manager--G. Newscme 2 Kins 5 Poe 3170--Meat Man ager--D. Fisher, WE DELIVER--EXTRA CHARGE 15¢ .ANTIC & PAacwic Tea Co. Grocery Manager -- F. C. West

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