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Oshawa Daily Times, 23 Jan 1931, p. 9

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, JANUARY 23, 1931 ak NINE hsiessant 5 AAR ANLS THE C 6" where LASSEEIED § ECTION. 4 CONANT & ANNs BARRISTER: Solicitor Notaries Publte. Eto Conveyancing and weneral prac . Me of law Gitices 74% Simcoe > Soh BA "aut 2 als BA. LLB tA F Ap V B N SINCLAIR R.€., of Commerce Building, ' JOSEPH P MANGAN, BA ristor Sol eftor, Notary Public. Conveyunces Roney 10 loan Of tice 14% King St Bast, Usbewa Phone ¢¢8. Resilience phone 437 GRIERSON, CREIGHTON & Fraser, Barristers, ete, Bank of Commerce Bldg. LOUIS 8. (AYMAN, Holleltor, Notary, over Money to loan si*set north, Phone 67. deuce 3473W, GREER AND HUMPHREYS BAR: ristars,' Sulicitors, ete. 34% Sim: ove St. N Phone 3160. Loan, BANK BAR BARRISTER, Dewland's 16 Simcoe Rest Money to ALsX C. HALL J3.A, BARRIS Sia. Ooiverat sing and genera! % King 8t. Bast al ert A PARKHILL BARRISPER ate Muriey to kan Alger Bida op posite Prat Office. Phore 614 3S, «R1.Tan Solfeitor, Notary ublie, Uonvey ancer, money to loan. Third floor new Alger Bu.l'in , opposite Poa. Office Phone 2994 Medical "HAZLEWOOD & HARPER. Disney lock Phone 2060 Of tice hours am to X30 pm Dr B. J Baslewood, & atlas attention a ane bn t oe a special attentivp to be Ts and Obatutrics Sun end night calls 2416 or 122 on McKAY PHYSIJIAN., SUR Accoucher Office and resi King St East, corner Vic toria 8t.. Oshawa Phone 94 Dental DR & J PHILLIPS. OVER RAS sett's. Special attention to X ray work Gas extraction Nurse In Wttelianen. Phone 959 House A PR H WN COOKE, » SIMCOE ST north, ovat Mitchell's Drug Store fia for extraction Phone 64 DR J F BROCK, DENTIST 18 Simeone St N, aver Dewland's Phone 1057 Res IW. Eveninge by anpaintment. TR LANGMATD DR. DAVIES, Denciats, 87 King St. KB Special attention to gas extraction ané X- ray work Nurse in attendance Phones 1243 ana N64 Veterinary DR. W. D. FORSYTHE, VS. Honorary Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, prompt and efficient service. Thornton's Cor ners. Phone 202-2, (9 feb ¢) IETS =: CETTE me Ee i aan Spiometriat 5 Be eK OrTOMKTIISY Soot st In muscle anomalies ayesight and glasses. Author of dye Care and Eye 3tralm, Foe 'hila and (ta Development Was ney Bloek oppoeite Post Utfice "hone 1616. fs dec ¢. Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO 47 KING ST Kast, Ambulance Residence G4? Simcoe streed, north, Phone 210) and 210W OSAAWA BURIAL CO. WM Armstrong & Son, Proprietors Funvral and Ambulance Service, day and night. Phone 1052W x7 t'elina Elocution | LESSONS IN ELOCUTION AND public speaking, Private or (un classes, For terms phone Lols Muu- dy No. 3% or 812 (Dee. 17-1 mo) a ------_-- thre, same Insurance OR GRANT BER RY PHYSICIAN urgeon. Obstetrician. di torus and children Office and fesidence, 9 97 Bond East. Phone [3 MD, C RCP ands Edinburgh Phy A, surgeon and Obstetrician Off'~e 143 Simcoe St N Phone $030, residence 14 Cadillac Ave. North Phone 3166 ) TRICK, OBSTET rician Physician and Surgeon. Special reference to maternity work ard dis eases peculiar to women. Office and tesidence 167 Simcoe Street North hone Ww 6.80, L.N C.C., physician, surgeon, obstetris- fan, 8 years' post graduate. Special tention to maternity work Office 42 Simcoe St. N Offfeeand resid ence. Phone 3020 (Dec. 24-1 mo) wm Contracting ACTI [3 plastering, electric or alterations Paont 139 for estimates an Veterinary Surgeon RINAIA Specialist Diseases Domeéstiv An'm als, Cat and Nog Hospital 203 King West Telephone 629 (6 aug 11 Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist OR FT BRYANS OF 160 BIOOR Street West Toronto will be ai hire offive over Juv & Lovell's Drug Store ench Saturday from 1 til) 4 pa. for econsvitstion sud treat ment of diseases of ear. nose and throst only Appointments may be made si drug store Phone 97 Hand Dealer NRW AND SECOND HAND FUR. aiture bought and scid. 186 Bloor street east. Phone 1617M. (26 dec tf) RN under new management. We buy and sell all kinds of second hand furniture. 17 Prince street. Phone (8 feb ec) Architects TC BTEN GENERAL architectural work. ec~pd floor { Bank Building Phone 1496 Bop phe 909). SHOR ay JOUNION, 75 rebitects, Sepa Bron Rates for Classified Ads Sach subsequent ' eon- secutive insertion le word. Three consecutive inser- tions for | the price of pr coats a word), Minimnm charge for three insertions, 60 cents. Box onmter 10c sddi- or Business Cards, $2.60 per morth for 20 words or lean. 10 cents 8s word por month for eash ad: aittonal word Phone 35 for. Classified LL i 'cpaviment | M, Orgaalst and Cholrmaster ©! ont. Phone 26 : evi Seanad an and. deg ad, well Ar : Slacttle ol ot a hr DAVIS AND EON, INSURANCE 1% King St. west, Oshawa. The old 'wt' fire Agency in Oshawa 30 Re table Fire Companies. WHEN PLACING INSURA SGP "asult RN Johns Hd) Simcoe orth. Your Insurance wants at ended to and your Interests pro tectod CANADTAN MOTOR UNDER: writers' Automobile Insurance Careful drivers received £25 per cent. refund during past 18 years Ageney Germoud Cigar Store (28 jan ¢' = a ---- Transportation TAR IAG ANI STORAGE CoOL COLE | be 8h BONY "west Specialise in furnituie moving storage ware honse and moving van equipment Shone 82 CARTAGE, sand and cinders dietance bauling Smith & Cox 'hone 924, 10 Bond St West, NORROWDALE'S ~-- CARTAGE -- General cartage and household furniture moving. Special atten: tion to commercial work. Local and long distance, 609 Carnegle Ave, Oshaw¢ Phone 1618, (Dec. 10 th Beauty Parlors BETTY Ll PERMANENT WAVE <hop Specialists in permanent; finger and marcel waving Per manent ware prices $6. $7 60 $1v and $156 All other lines of Beauty Culture Phone 2068. Apply 26 Simcoe street north oa iXP CELLING UY BET ty Ward at Betty Lou Permanent Wave shoppe. Marcel and sham poo §1 Phone 2068 MARCELLING d5c, FINGER waving B0c, hair cutting 26c at La Parisienne Beauty Parlors, Ask for Miss Robbins, phone 71. (20 feb ¢) Money to Loan TOANS ON GOOD ORY PROPER ty and farins. Apply A. J Park bill, 87 King 8. Kast. Phone 1614, (July 8140) MOVING, ORAVE] Local and long ON YOUR AUTOMOBILE. CARS re-financed Payments reduced Additional cash given. Terms res: sonable. Motor Loans and Dis gounts, Suite 3, 14% King St E (upstairs). Phone 2790. Open even (Jan 21-1 mo) Music ABRUERT © FHENEER ATO ings, King Street Church will accept pupils in piano, pire organ and vocal music. 60 William gtreat Kast. Phrue 2896. (Sept. 8 uf LEONARD RICHER TRAM SU pervisor of Music. 662 Carnegie Aue ve 2578F (Ang 25tf) For Rent SIMCOE MANOIRt = FOUR AND five room suites, "aioctrie stoves refrigeration, laundry, conven! Stioen. Apply superintendent Those tf) VICTORIA APAR ATHENTS -- AT new low rentals, electric refrigera tion, electric stove, washing mach ine snd Sever. ovis supstintend 1] th, Hnen ang other conveniences. No, 94 Fimes, . (1TH) For Rent GLADSTONE APARTMENTS, 13 Gladstone, modern three rooms, with three piece bath, water, gas stove, elegtric lights, hot water heating, laundry, conveniences, private cellar, $30 monthly, Phone 2604. (1440) 3 AND 4 ROOM APARTMENTS. Modern to the minute. rhone 1550 or 234TW. * (1321) SIX ROOM HOUSE ON BOND street west. Phone 138. (148th) FOR RENT-- 3 UNFURNIHED rooms, heat, light and water, cen tral. Phone 2518). (17¢) FOR" RENT--8 ROOMED BATH flat, unfurnished, newly decorated, wired for stove, heat, light, water and garage.- Phone 1168J, SR iis (18h) FOI RENT--- BEDROOM . FOR two young men. Board optional. lteasonable, Phone $52338W, (18¢ FOR RENT--TWO FURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping. Very central. Close to factories, Apply 44 Charles St. Phone 848J, (18¢) FOR RENT--NICBLY FURNISH ed rooms for light housekeeping. All conveniences. 183 Arthur St. Phone 181, (18¢) FOR RENT-=6 ROOM COTTAGLH. Al conveniences, centrally located. Immediate possession. Apply 181 Albert St. Phone 119W, (18¢) SIX ROOMED BRICK HOUSE TO whit, All conveniences, Low rent for winter. Apply 271 Jarvis St. (18¢) TROOMED BRICK house, near Motors, All conveni- onces, French doors, hardwood lioors, garage. $35. Phone 1363W, (19¢) 'OR RENT--$20 RENTS A NEW brick 6 roomed house, furnace, hurdwood, electric, Apply 1 is Nat ti al ) ¢OR RENT---5 ROOMED BRIC IN house, Oak floors, chestnut trim, conveniences, close to G.M.C. $20 per month. Phone 2780. (19h) FOR RENT-=S8IX ROOMED BRICK house, newly decorated, oak floors, { chesthut teim, French doors, bullt | in eupboards and garage, $20 pes month, Phone 2780, (16h) FORT RENT -- SIX ROOMED house, very central, furnace, lights and water, decorated. $10 per month, Phone 2780. (19h) TOR RENT--3 COMFORTABLE furnished rooms for light house- keeping. 238 Golf St, (19¢) FOR RENT--2 NICE FURNISHED rooms with gas and all convenl- ence. Use of phone, Box 101 Times. (19¢) FOR RENT--ONE FURNISHED FOR RENT=6 edeoom with all convenience 'entral., Apply 79 McMillan Drive. | Phone 2329W, FOR RENT--- GLADSTONE 20 | McLaughlin Blvd. $20. Elgin St $25. Buckingham $20, Westmore land $15. Murdoch, Phone 2380, (19h) UNFURNISHED | for light house- entrance 47 (18¢) | FOR RENT---2 rooms, suMable keeping. Apply side Celina 8t. Rediv Service OSHAWA RADIO SERVICE -RF nairs on radios, power packs and, «liminators Tubes tested ano' supplied, radio poles for dale tiatteries charged and repaired Phone 34604. Uharles Wales 146 Elgin East, (Dee, 16-1 mo EXPERT RADIOTRICIAN, ALY mnkes of radios, power packs and eliminators serviced and repaired Phone 2715F, (23 jan ¢) REPAIRS" ON ALL MODELS OF radios, eliminators. and power packs, prices reasonable, batteries recharged. George Burroughs, certified radiotrictan. Phone 2806W, (9 feb c) THE TROUBLE WITH YOUR radio may be tubes. Get your tubes tested free. John Meagher, 92 Sim- coe North, Phone 371W, (19 feb, ¢) Nursing PRACTICAL NURSE, MATERNITY work. [Excellent references, Mrs Borrowdale, phone 1618, (30 jan ¢) PRACTICAL NURSE, DOCTOR'S reference, maternity, Invalid, gon- eral nursing. Will assist with housework. Charges moderate. Phone 3033J. (4 feb ¢) GRADUATE NURBBS, DOCTOR'S references, will do part time, hourly nursing, maternity work. Special rates. Prompt attention glven to doctor's calls, (15 feb ¢) (10¢) | = ! for old batteries. Datteries charged Articles For Sale MARCONI RADIOS $186 UP, Phone 2504 for demonstration or call at shop Gladstone Apte,, Glad stony Ave. (144t1) MIAED HARD AND 5081 WOH slabs. $3.50 load. Also bone dry oudy wood. Waterous Meek Limited Phone 1288 (Apr 260 A [PS use in rebuilt Underwoods, They are as serviceable as when new ar 'ess than half the cost. Sent tor your approval, Address "Un derwoud", 135 Victoria St, To ronto, (Oct, ! 19, 81) FOR SALE =-- PAINTS, VARN shes. We have the largget assort went of paints, varnishes, ete., In in the city. The Paint Store, 80 King street west. Apr 28 th) FOR SALE==DRY HARDWOOD. $15 per cord. Dry tamarack $12 a cord, Norman Sanders, King St Kast. Phone 1774M. Shen oa as dD Jan th) SECOND HAND SKATES, COM: plete outfit $1.60 up. Skates sharp: ened and repaired, 12 Richmond st. East, (8 Jan 1- mo) FOR SALE -- RE-CONDITIONED Queboe cook stove and electric ranges at Harry D. Wilson Hard- ware. 38 King St, West, Phone 48, (1%) FOR BALE "MIXED WOOD FOR sale, $9.60 per cord. Phone 1473F : or 23656W. (17¢) TEN DOLLARS WILL BUY A good broadeloth coat, lady's, fur lined, semi titling, Size about 40, Apply 74 Oshawa Blvd, (18¢) FOR SALER<=DABY CARRIAGE, Lloyd, nearly new, cost $36.50, No reasonable offer refused, Apply | No. 8 Victoria Apts, (1%c) | FOR BALE-~HARD ~AND SOFT woed Slabs also dry body wood Fred Bailey. Phone 608W, Si (22 jan ¢) CANARIESY FOR SALE, GUARAN- teed singers and hens. A, Henning, 186 Centre St. Phone 3118J. (18h) MUSKTAT ~ CoAT, needing slight ul- Phone 1143M, (18¢) FOR SALE PARLOR SUITE, sloctrie rangette, tub stand, wringer and other odd pleces. Will sell cheap. Call 421 Louisa St. (1b) HUDRON SEAL rood condi: (18h) TNALE- 33 or 40, toration, $25. Fon TY FOR BALK -- cont, beaver trimmed, tion. $40. Phone 3116W, Wanted to Buy APPLES "CULLS WANTED FOR cider. Apply C Ider Mill, 2563 Court street. Phone 2805 (8 feb co) ---- === _ ee Insurance FOR FIRE AND AUTOMOBILE insurance apply 150 Division St. Aotna Insuranes Co, Phone 972 (141) Work Wanted iT GUTROLE, FIRST CLANS PAP erhanger, painting and graining Prices right, work guaranteed. 310 Pine Avenue _Phone 3066W. (1211) Battery Service Alt UR RADIO BATTERIES AT actory prices. Best prices allowen ibe, called for and delivered, W HH Platt, 317 Celina St. Phone 1066J. (8 feb ¢) BATTERIES CHARGED ~~ 176: with rental $1.00, Repaired and rebullt. Called for and delivered. Prompt service. Stan BDligdon, 20 Mill 8t. Phone 18856W. (Dec, "Watch Repairing _ FTA. VON JdUNTEN, EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, ropair shop at 44% King Street West. Your pat- ronage Is solicited, 30- 1 mo! CINDERS SAND AND GRA: vel for suie--To insury prompt delivery, place wders on advance of delivery date, W. Bo'rowdate Phone 1818. Apples For Sale FOR SALE-----ABOUT 60 BBLS good hand picked Baldwins, Price delivered $3.50. 10 bbls. Starks. Price delivered $2.50, without bb! J. C. Alldread, Tyrone, Out. Phone Bowmanviile 196 r 6. (27 jan eo) Auctioneer PHONE 716). W. J. SULLEY, Auctioneer, 348 Simcoe St. 8, Oshawa, Out. Special attention given to household furniture sales and farm stock ana implements. Your patronage solicited. ~ Mortgage "Wanted WANTED-= FIRST MORTGAGE $1500 and one of $2000 on busi ness properties at Pickering on the Kingston Rd., or at your own val: uation if reasonable. Apply #4 H. Cooke, Just west of the bridge. Pickering, Kingston Rd, (141) Palmist WILL BUY HOUSE ABOUT $3000 and give and lot doch, agent, 27 Warren Ave. For Exchange COAL COAL Phone 193 W.J. SARGANT Yard--80 Bloor Street KE. Chev, car and small house as down payment. Mur- (19¢) Business For Sale Orders Promptly Delivered FOR SALE-- A GENERAL surance business in a progressive Apply to Box 100 Oshawa Town, Dally ki SOUTH shoe repairs a specialty, second hand shoes, $1, $1.50, and $1.75. 428 Simcoe South, " Shoes Repaired _ IN- (19b) mes. REPAIRI .G WA.CHES OUR SPECIALTY It your watch is not giving satisfaction we can repair and make it te't the correct time. HOSPITAL, also sell Good as new, | "END "SHOE (21 feb ¢) D.J. BROWN THE JEWELER Spirella SPIRELLA health, comfort, tion and ter, District Manager 2180M. CREE pn Ly _ Furs Repaired fur coats relined ang remodelled. Experienced. Huron Crescent. Official Watch Inspector tor Canadian National and Osh. awa Railroads 20 Simcoe 8. Phone 180 BRINGS STYLE Personal atten- service. Phone Mrs, Blat- POTATOES PO Ib. bag New Brunswick ......$1.10 Ontario .- 1.00: Hogg & Lytle Ltd. Phone 208 HOUSE TO RENT - ¢ rots bee wears $15.00 Dominion Clothing Co. 1 Ring St. W "hone 2080 (18 feb ¢) AND ROYAL YORK Tse Tea Phone 632M. 119 (29 jan ¢) BROWN. PALMIST 93. Louisa Sreett (22 jan c¢) MADAME business private, Phone 2636F Vouul MARION E. ROSS. AT GM. WILL accept pupils in voice production and singing. Phone No, 6. (12 feb eo) For Sale or Exchange Bicycle,s doll carriage, window frames, door frame, garage doors, Iinoleum, b tube battery radio, with charger, mahogany gra- phinal, Ford car, hand sleigh, con- tractors' set of books, laundry tove, sash weights, water taps, ! marble slab, bed and springs, guitar, Violet Ray, paints, stocks and dies at 107 Ritson road north. (18¢) Mortgages for Sale OR SALE --- SECOND MORT- gage. Payment made, Monthly. Reasonable discount, Box 98 Times (18¢c) am i ---- Upholstering UPHOLSTERING, DRAPERTER nnd furniture specialties at reas onable prices. Geo. A. Constable, 27 Uond street east, phone 3322) (24 jan c) FURNITU LPAL i upholstered. Reasonable prices. D. | \W. Dalton, 2569 Simcoe St. South. | Phone 1045 be (17 1 feb [3 Real Estate for Sale FOR BALBE--FIVE ROOMED | rick bungalo. All convenlences. | Decorated. North end, Bargain. Hox 97 Times. (18¢) | OR SALE =<7T0 CLOSE oul estate, 7 room frame house at 60 | Albert St. All conveniences. Apply | W. A. Coad, 448 Simcoe Street | north, (19h) TIME TABLE | "wy Revue 28¢ CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Effective September 28th, 1030 Fhoonom oO ern =gg=gzan Cm amopma Sgecesek " CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Lifective September 28th, 1030 p.m. Daily. vm. Daily GRAY COACH LINES he Except Sunday, 4 Saturdays, b= Eundays ouly, WHITBY OSHAWA. BUS LIN (Effective Situations Vacant MANUFACTURER "OF METAL stampings requires production man, who can alto handle cast. Should have practical experience on stampings. Excellent oppor- tunity for advancement with wel! established company, located awa) from this eity. Applicants must sive full detalls of experience. age, married or single and salary required to Box 96 Times, Hemstitching TEMSTITCHING, PLEATING, RE: pairs and alterations, dressmak- Ing, buttons and buttonholes. The Dell 8hop, 2614 Simcoe 8. Phone 16586, (Jan, 6-1 me) = a = Hospital . WHITBY PRIVATE HOSPITAL, Whithy, also known as "Sunny- nook", {deal rest home, Register: Wd nurse In attendance, Phone. write or call Superintendent, (11 jan c) -- abe] "Humane Society OFFICE: BYNG 67, TEL, 1617W, Dr. E. J. Shirley, V.8., Inspector, Tel. 629. Mrs, KE. B, Grigg, Presi- dent. Tel. 1448W, (16 jan ¢) Skates Sharpened SKATES SHARPENED, OIL stone finished. 1bec. Slater. 838 Buena Vista. Phone 81038W, (16 feb ¢) AUCTION SALW--NAVING RE- celved instructions from Mrs RRowlson to sell at 141 Colborne St, East, Oshawa, on Saturday Jan, 24th, 1931, all the household goods consisting 6 beds compleie, sliding coach, 4 dressers, 2 stands, sideboard, sewing machine, exten- sion table, number of chairs, hall rack, 3 hall trees, fancy tables, coach, 2 Congoleum rugs, linol- eum, kitchen cabinet, cook stove, curtains and blinds, dishes and cooking utensils, garden tools, { Beatty Electric Washing Mach- ine, nearly new, Sale at 1.30 p.m. sharp, Terms cash, W, J, Sulley, Auctioneer, (18b) Motor Cars FRY'S AUTO BODY SHOP MOVED to 168 King Street West, (former- ly West End Garage), Collision work a specialty, body bumping. welding, painting, motor repairs, car washing and storage, gasolene and motor ofl, Phone 1111, (10 feb ¢) 9.00 11k, 10.45 pom, Leave Hospital L255 p.m, 45pm. 715 pm. 1} | SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY "SCHEDULE Leave Bowmanville Oshawa 9.00 an, 11.00 a.m. "2.00 p.m 4.00 p.m. "6.00 p.m, 7.30 p.m, 10.00 pn, Leave hit! , 10.15 a.m 1215 pm, Times marked * connect Py 'Whitby wit) Lindsav Busses. Special Busges tor all i ble Rates and Careful Dr I. A CARTON, In OPRIETOR BOWMANVILLE PHONE €12 or 346 Oshawa Waltine Room, 10 Phone 220 =e z3 pm pam, p.m pan, am am. am am am am g 8-2 | Alle Oshaws _ - Superior Stores (Standard Time) Eastbound Daily, except Sunday. h Daily. Daily, except Sunday Daily Daily, except Sunday Vv, except Saturday, - NOTICE IO CREDITORS R. 8. O. 1927, Cap. 150, Sec. 51. state of James Mackie, Gentle man, deceased. All persons having claims against he Estate of James Mackie, late of the City of Oshawa in the County of Ontario, Gentleman, de- ceased, who died on or about the I'wenty-eighth day of November. A.D, 1829, are hereby notified to file with the undersigned, on or '| before the Second day of Febru- ary, A.D, 1931, full particulars of their claims, Immediately after said date, the assets of the de- consed will be distributed amongst those entitled thereto, having re- gard only to claims so filed. DATED at Oshawa, the Fifteen- th day of January, A.D. 1981, W. E. N, SINCLAIR, K.C, Bank of Commerce Bldg., Oshawa, Ontario. (13a-1%a-25a) Help Wanted--Female YOUNG GIRL WANTED AS mother's help, two adults and one child in family, No washing. $10 a month to start, Write Mrs, J, N. Fenn, Ontario Hospital, Whitby. (17b) Daily, except Sunday, Daily Daly. Lai, Daily, Duly Dany. Daily except Sunday except Sunday. except Sunday. (Standard Time) Eastbound Duly Lary, Da Jarl except Sunday tn -- No esa --T ExmFrwpgaey - == Exe a EE Sundays and Holida vs only en a BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENT We, the undersigned, hav- ing completed alterations to our FUNERAL PARLORS ure in a position to give immediate service from | this date. Northcutt & Smith Successors to Alan M. Williams Phones Office 58 House 523 BOWMANVILLE on and afer ES oer Oth, 1930) (Standard Fime) Golng West Leave Arrive Whitby Nam N20 am, S05 am, 1B 10.45 a.m. | 128 poe 1240p.m, 4) p.m, 3.45 pom, 30 p.m. 0. pm 6X pani, 7 hy Jpn 0pm mm. 945 pon, 11S mo LAC pom, Going East Leave Aritve Whitby Oshawa 6am 60am 1.30 am, 7.50 am. 8.30 am. 90am 9.10 am 9.25 am. 45am. 11 0am Iv 1205 pm Arrive Hospital 7.05 a1 8.05 a.m 8.50 um 10.30 a.m, 1210 pan dpm 5.3 pom, vm | 4.00 p.m, | | | 6.45 pan, Arrive Eowmanv lle 70am. L.208.m, 10.00 a.m, hi 4 King St. W. Bowmanville nm A p.m. fa pm, ar. 315 p.m, Ea Iv 410 p.m, 505 p.m. a SHIPBUILDERS IN BRITAIN SUPPORT 1215 0.m West Arrive Whitby 9.45 an London, Jan, 28. Britieh shipbuilding industry id age sociated with the issue, through the Bank of England tomorrow, of a $5,000,000 loan in five per cent, debentures on behalf of the Nation- al Shipbuilding Security Company Limited. The company was forms- Osh 1 awa Bowmanville ed for the purpose of buying and 10.45 a.m, DEBENTURE ISSUE The entire | HARDWOOD FLOORS Laid by expert mechanics, Old floors finizhed like new, General Contractors, BW. HAYNES 161 King st. West Phone 481 Residence 3073W EATON GROCETERIA Jt Pays To Shop Here Always omelris! EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Specializing exclusively in muscle eyesight sud glasses, 1516--Plione--151¢ Olsaey Brock Opposite Post Offs PHONE 22 For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 17 Simcoe Nt. S. We' Felt Bros. The Leading Jeweler Established 1886 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH Diamonds! Bassett's On Oshawa's Main Corner Chevrolet Sedan, 20 model price Chevrolet Coach, 28 mode) price . . $328 ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITED 90 Suncoe Street south 4 ATHOL 5ST W. OSHAW Prien id 1 |] dismantling obsolete and unneces sary shipyards in order to effect a greater concentration of building facilities and increased efficiency, with lower costs, The present capi- tal issue is the first made by the Baukers Industrial ('ompany, formed under the Bank of England for the purpose of as- sisting in the rationalization of in- dustry. 12.45 p.m Awpm, 33pm, 500 p.m 10pm. 7.3 pm BX pm. 9.00, i 1.00pm, 11.30 p Spm, Prince Street li Development | Machinery Repairing NOTHING 100 LARGE NOTHING TOO SMALL Adanac Machine Shop 161 King St. W. Phone 1214 BRINGING UP FATHER N BY GEO. McMANUS | oni pix Rig ES Sur OUT AN OB FOR You - AN A Ate com ESIEN.ES UNDER CER TS tw CALL ON You - MAGGIE WILL THIN HE 19 LOST AN OFFER A : C PE! & THIS on A EES im WELL: 'LL HEAR AN AWFUL HOWL, OUT OF MAGGIE- BUT THE REWARD WILL BE WHY- THE WiNDow | WUZ OPEN: A HALF INCH FROM THE BOTTOM AN SHE JUMPED OUT: LOOKED FER HER- BUT | COULDNT

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