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Oshawa Daily Times, 23 Jan 1931, p. 10

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"WEastern Ontario News | wy U ingston~--i he reception of Rev. J. D. Mackenzie Naughton and Naughton, by the congregatiun St. James Church was heid in the ish Hall. About four hundred bers of the congregation turned to welcome the new rector and wile. Mrs. Naughton received d was assisted by Mrs. Fred Reid dl Mrs, W. H. Chalmers. on Highway . Belleville --~James Grimmon, mast- of the junior house at Albert Col- was injured in an automobie ac- nt on the King's Highway, west the city and is now a patient in te General Hospital, It is believed fr, Grimmon suffered a slight con- sion, three or four fractured ribs and injury to one of his limbs. May Leave County Landsay. -- Separation from th ty of Victoria was a subject dis: ed by Lindsay Town Council. oyar Alcorn wished to know what fect the county rate would have on the town it' the assessment was boost- high enough to cut the tax rate in f. He understood the town paid to the county about $50,000, ; ---- ~ Jie. Guns ( ee ; ort Hope--R.J. Asiiton, RR. 2, Port Hope, was fined $2.00 and costs traffic cour nus a headlight. Henry, bourg, was assessed $10.00 and gests when he was convicted on a "count of 'reckess driving. - Found Dead in Garage, "Fenelon Falls.--Jonn R. Gowieson, elderly resident of Cambray, was found dead. in his garage in Cambray, hy Mr. CU. Shiers, former reeve of iy Fencion township. Death was caused i by carbon monoxide poisoning, Roads Across Ice + Cornwall.-=lce rodds across the St. « Lawrence river near Corawall will be "in general use by the end of the week providing that the present cold wea- ther continues. The ice roads at © Ande son's Ferry and Glen Walter provide a link for all types of traffic betwecn the Ontario King's highway. Regis Island, St. Regis village and Hogansburg highway in New k state. Leg ' Kingston.--T. Turner, of 466 Mon- | treal street, a master tailor, employed at the Royal Military College, had the misfortune to break his leg when going to work. Mr, Turner had gone over to the College in the bus which takes the employees to work and as ie was alighting he slipped and frac- 1! the tibia of the leg. I owls numerous "Arctic owls seem to be more num- _ erous in the county than usual this year and several have been shot by " unters in various parts of the coun- ' 0 ty. They are big, snowy white birds © and very strong. 4 $2£ 80 Just like a man to think something like this or even say it, when the beard | doesn't come off as smooth. ly as hoped for. But why 'not save your temper, save discomfort and save money by using Kienzo Shaving Cream Giant 50¢ tube 39c There are 157 cool, smooth shaves in every tube. Make your next choice of Shave ing Cream "Klenzo", At the Rexall Stores $ Jury & Lovell Simcoe S. Phone 28 Phone 68 here by Magistrata] . A. F. Campbell for driving a car N Not Much stolen Cornwall. ~After forcing an en- trance to the New York Central rail- way station here thieves carried a heavy steel strong box more than a hundred yards away to smash it open. Their net booty consisted of a few postage stamps. und a small sum in coppers, which had been left in the cash drawer of the sate, Theft Cleared Up Kingston--The theft of a set of automobile tires on or about Novem- ber 20 of last year was cleared up in Police Court when Russell M. Compbell, a young man living on Corrigan street, pleaded guilty to a charge of stealing the tires belongin, to Kingston Motor Sales Ltd, an was remanded until Saturday for sen- tence, Will Not Open Quarry 4 Picton.--~Members of the Picton Town Council met informally and went to the Town quarry to look into the possibilities of providing work by crushing rock there now. Their de- cision, guided to some extent by the inion of Chairman of Streets, E, P. ox, was to the effect that it ig not feasible to open the quarry at the present time. i Coche Raided ornwall--When Provincial Police raided the hreihises of Napoleon Le- re at Guy street a cache of Quebec liquor valued at about $100 was found in a barn. Lefebyre was charged in Police Court with keeping liquor for sale and was sentenced to six months in the Counties Ja¥l, Fire Hall Doors Broken. Cornwall--Main doors of the City Hall fire station were shattered by a ranaway horse. The animal was little injured. A passing train fright- cned the animal, and it dashed madly across the street, crashing blindly in- to the fire station door. To Tax Golf Courses Lindsay, -- "Runt" or peewee golf courses in Lindsay will be taxed. in future. It has been announced that at the next meeting of the Council a by<law will be introduced fixing a license fee of $50.00 per course. At present there are two public courses in the town. Elected to Cemetery Board Peterboro.--E. A, Peck, M.P,, was re-elected president and Mayor Den- ne vice-president at a meeting of the newly-appointed directors of Little Lake Cemetery Company. Presentation Made Wooler. About one hundred friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Wessels to make a presentation to them before leaving i take up residence in North Dakota, Leg Fractured elleville.~When sleigh-riding with a party of friends on a big hill on the third concession of Sidney, Miss Marjorie Calnan, 15-year old daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Calnan, Trent Road, caught one of her legs on the ground, was dragged off the sleigh, which was moving at a fast rate of speed, and suffered a broken leg. Turkey Causes Fire Lindsay.~When a lantern explod- ed as a turkey flew into it, fire was started that completely destroyed the barn owned by William Clarke who lives northeast of Lindsay, and threatened his house. Insurance cov- ers part of the estimated $1,400 dam- age. Fire Loss $138,988 Kingston.--Kingston's fire loss dur- ing the year 1930 amounted to $138,- 988.78 as compared with $254,351.48 during the year 192v, Conference in June Belleville--~June 2nd will see the official opening of the Bay of Quinte Conference of the United Church of Canada at Bridge Street United Church here. This was definitely de- cided at the Executive meeting in that church, Cutting Ice Cornwall.--About twenty men have | been employed for the last few days cutting ice on Beamish"s pond and filling ice houses owned by H Reeve, local ice dealer. The ice is seventeen inches thick and of parti- cularly fine quality. s Bequests Belleville.--Bequests to the amount of approximately $25,000 are to be re- | white BODD'S KIDNEY ceived by six organizations of a re- ligious and philanthropic character from the estate of the late Mrs, Ade- laide Campion who died here about three years ago. The bequests are for the amount of $4,200 each, The beneficiaries are Bridge Street Unit- ed Church Official Board and the Women's Missionary Society ot Bridge Street, The Albert College the Women's Christian Temperance Union, and the Chrildren's Shelter, Called To Toronto : Newboro.--~Miss Doris Leggett, of Newboro, has been appointed as one of the stenographers for the com- ing session of the Ontario Legislature and has already entered upon her new duties in the office of the speak- er, Colonel T, A. Kidd, Appointed to College Ottawa.--Rev. Father D. J. Moriar- ty of Ottawa, formerly of Newboro, has been appointed rector of St. Patrick's College, Ottawa, according to cable advices received in Ottawa from Rome, Cars Derailed Peterboro--Sixteen care of an east- bound CN.R. freight train from Pet- erboro were derailed near Foxboro last night. It is thought that the wreck was caused by a broken arch bar in one of the cars. No one wus reported injured. Charged With Arson Cornwall--Alleged to have delib- erately set fire to a large barn on the farm of his father; Louis Peters Oak, on the Cornwall Island resery- ation, John Peters Oak, Indian, of ) Conliffe avenue, was arrested by Pro vincial Constable. Wilfred Bertrand The barn was destroyed by fire last Friday night with a loss estimated at $10.000. Fine Poultry Show. Picton. -- Nearly cight hundred birds are on display at the Armories this week at the seventeenth annual exhibition of the Prince Edward County Poultry Association. Never in many years has there been so many fine birds shown here and it was found necessary to house the ducks and geese in the upstairs por tion of the Armories, PRODUCE PRICES TORONTO PRODUCE (Buying) Toronto dealers are buying pro- duce at the following prices: Eggs--Ungraded, cases returned, tresh extras, 23¢: fresh firsts, 20¢; seconds, 16¢; pullet extras, 21c. Butter--No. 1 Ontario Cream- ery, solids, 31 to 31i¢; No. 2, 30 to 20ic. Churning cream---Special, 29 30¢; No. 1, 28 to 20¢; No. 2 to 26c. Cheese--~No. 1, large, colored, paraffined and government graded, l4c. Quotations to poultry shippers are as follows: -- Poultry-- Dressed "A" Grade Alive Belect MF. Spring chickens, 6 ; Ibs. ea. 22 26 Over 6 to 6 lbs. OR: +s 44 400 2 24 Over 44 to b 1bs. each «4 ou «4. Over 4 to 45 lbs. each . . 4 lbs. each and under .. .. .. Fatted hens, over § Ibs. each .... Over 4 to 6 lbs. each +. +. .. 2 Over 34 to 4 lbs. each Young turkeys over bs. Over 8 to 12 lbs. each .. . Under 8 1bs, ... Old turkeys ..... veryone Is featuring prices these days. Of course the merchant that can give the lowest price and the best quality is the one that not only gets the business, but really deserves it. We have been somewhat conservative in our advertising space in the past. The des- criptions of goods and the qualities were not detailed to the fullest extent. pense was deducted from the price of the merchandise, But.. Under any circumstances you are it home, examine it carefully, and or The ex~ ° liberty to make any purchase at any time, take you can buy it elsewhere for less, just come in and say--""] want a refund," and your money will be gladly returned, We are not.. a January Clearance Sale, butéfo 1 Hay ns them with sale prices I Po your own curiosity get our regular prices, ere, and note the savings by shopping at il The Arcade Geese, over 8 to 12 'lbs. each «. ov oo All other weights .. Old roosters, over 6 Ibs. each ., .. 15 ducklings, over § lbs. ea. 33 Over 4 to 5 lbs, each .. .. .., 30 Colored ducklings, pair «i Jv $1.88 (Selling) : Toronto dealers are offering produce to retail dealers at the following prices: Eggs--Fresh extras, in cartons, 32 to 33¢; fresh extras, loose, 30 to 81c; firsts, 28c; seconds, 23c¢; pullet extras, 24c, Butter, No, 1 creamery, prints. 34c¢; No. 2, creamery, prints, 33¢. Cheese -- New, large, 16jc; twins, 16%c; triplets, 16¢; stiltons, 20§e. Old, large, 24c; twins, 24jc; old stiltons, 27c. Poultry Chickens, 5 Ibs. up sseee Do.. 4 to 5 lbs. Do., 3% to 4 lbs. Do., 3 to 3} lbs. Hens, over b lbs, Broilers ... Ducks . Dressed 30-32 .28-.30 «26-38 ."e EE NY TORONTO FARMERS' MARKET The following are quotations, re- all, in effect on the St. Lawrence Market, Toronto. Produce Eggs, OXtras soc eciiiine Eggs, Firsts ........0.40 Eggs, pullet extras ...... Butter, dairy per pound 0.28 Do., Creamery, per pound ... y Fruits and Vegetables-- Carrots, 6 bunches ...... Beets, dos. bunches ...... basket Cabbage 0.40 0.35 0.32 0.32 0.40 sesssscnsss 0.0 Cauliflower ..sseese 0.10 Spinach, peck io iviinn Mushrooms, per pound .... Onions, bunch, three for .. Leaf Lettuce, three for .... Head Lettuce, two for ... Parsley, per bunch .... 0.06 Celery, head v....e. Squash, each .. Parsnips, basket Beets, basket . Peppers, each . Herbs, bunch ... Radishes, 'bunch . "i Oranges, per doz .... 0.30 Honeydew Melons, each 0.25 Grapefruit, 3 for Potatoes, bag ... Cucumbers, six for Lemons, per doz. Bananas, per dozen .. 0.25 Apples, bus. iii 0 1.60 Do. Snows, 6 qt. .. .... Oranges, doz, «.......0.35 coer. 1.00 SONS POOPD "3 D9 TO BO OF sh OF end © Cit mk BD mt 1 Can Green Peas, 6 qt. basket . Eggplant, each N Green peppers, basket Pears, basket ...... Sweet potatoes 6 1bs,.. Cranberries, qt. ... Pumpkins, each "an tes "ee LEE te. 0.15 ooooHoo LOO LI ID ctor oO CHICAGO PRODUCE FUTURES Chicago, Jan. 23.--Street re- ports indicated clearly a satisfac- tory movement of stocks of eggs with fair prospects for some fur. ther advance yesterday. Heavy arrivals, however, temporarily cast a cloud over the markets. It served to bring about lower open. ing on futures but here also the decline was momentary only. Fin. al sales of January ref. eggs and top grades of fresh, both higher. Advances on spot hutter were con- fined to medium and undergrades of whole milks and to contralizea standards. Undertone full, stendy and falr business reported. Fu- tures held relatively firm and for the most part averagod higher than Wednesday. Volume of business, nominal, Open commitments Eggs--Jan, ref., 197; Jan. fresh. 2; April, 34; Butter--Jan. 118; Feb, 811; Mar. 3; June, fresh, 6; Mar. potatoes, 64. Two market receipts -- Rutter, today, 18,905; last yoar, 16,606, Salada Orange Pekoe has a most fascinating flavour last Argontine corm = 67¢ (elf, Port Colborne). Millfeed, dlivered Montreal, freights, bags included--Bran, per ton, $21.26; shorts, per ton, $21. 25; middling, $29.26. Onfaria grain -- Wheat, 67c: barley, 28c; oats, 28c; rye, 85c; buckwheat, 48c, Eggs, today, 34,024; 22.326. Chicago spot market--Butter, extras, 28c; stds., 28¢; tone firm. Eggs, fresh firsts, 20ic to 21c; tone steady. year, TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS Grain dealers on the Toronto Board of Trade are making the following quotations for car loté-- | made of paper have been designed Manitoba Wheat -- No. 1 hard, |t, save space. 603c; No. 1, Northern, 68%c; No. - 2, do., 573¢; No. 4 do., 53%c (ed.f. A blind man in England has in- Goderich and Bay ports), vented a camera that makes prints Manitoba Oats -- No, $8 C.W,, |ilmost as rapidly as it produces Cone-shaped milk containers 383¢c; No. 2 feed, 31c, negatives, QUITTING BUSINESS! ENTIRE LUKE STOCK TO BE CLOSED OUT BY Public Auction Starting Tues. Jan. 27, : AT P.M. Store Closed All Day Saturday-Monday, Jan. 24-25 POSITIVELY NOTHING RESERVED Everything to be soldby Auctionto the Public at your Own Price Oshawa's Furniture Store, (over 64 years in busi- ness) has decided to Quit Business and Sell Out to the Bare Walls for Spot Cash at Public Auction Luke Furniture Co. 63 KING STREET, EAST CLOSING OUT TO QUIT! Entire Qualit Sold by Public Auction to The Highest Bidder Including Such Nationally Known Lines of Quality Merchandise as GIBBARD Solid Walnut Furniture SNYDER Guaranteed Chesterfield Suites KROEHLER' Nationally Known Chester- field Suites MALCOLM and HILL ("No Mar") CANADA FURN. CO. BATES RADIOS By FEDERAL -- SONORA -- BRUNSWICK -- GENERAL ELECTRIC --SPLITDORF, ETC., ETC. Oldest and Most Reliable Stock to be KRUG C. Lawrence Cook Co. Pittsburgh, Pa. Operating The Same Auctioneers Who Suc- cessfully Closed Out the Russel McCord Furniture Stores, Ottawa, (Ottawa's Largest Furniture Stores) Last Month. / An Auction that Is Unique and Different OSHAWA, ONT.

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