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Oshawa Daily Times, 2 Feb 1931, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1931 PAGE FIVE, | + Beth Shannon, a pretty young Stenographer, sole support of her Widowed fnvalld mother is in ove with her employer, Philip Dang, This in spite of the fact that Philip has shown no pers Sonal dnterest in her and is ate tentive to Qaroline Gibbons, a so alety gir! of his own soclal World, 'Through Arnold" Stone, an older man In the same office, Beth has taken part In a little: , theatre play, where ehe had worn Some beautiful clothes sent her from Paris by an aunt who died there After the theatre Arnold took h-r and Phil and Caroline, Who alse attends thé play, to a night elub to dance, When Are nold brought her home very late Both saw the ahadow of George Matoalt, a nelghborhood admirer, Sp away into the darkness. INSTALMENT XX The Missing Christmas Gite The nyighborhood matinee which the little threatre gave the follow- ing Sunday afternoon was tn the tature of an anti-climax for Beth. Like a good trouper she played her part well, ag dld the others, but the knowledge that no one she pars ticularly cared to fmpress was in the audiénce took much of the snap LOVE'S PRISONER by Barbara Webb let you have all you want, ¢ and to the nearest telephone, ne returned in a few minutos to ask it there was anything he could do. "Anything at all, Mrs, Shannon And--and it you need money ! can Bath mustn't lack for anything," Mrs Shannon smiled tremulausly at him, "That's good of you, George, but T have enough tor now, T will ask you it I need it, I promise you that." "Can I see Beth?" he asked, Mrs. Shannon thought of that slight figure tossing on its bel and whispering Philip Dane's name. No, it wonld give George pain to hear Roth doing that, so ghe sald: "1 don't think you'd better now, George. It might disturb hor. and the poor girl fa upset enough now as it is. Let's wait until the doctor comes, there's nothing we can do until then." "All these late hours, belug in that play and working at tha sama time have heen too much for her," George sald, "Keenlne house. too} why, it's enough to kill a etrone man, 'et alone a delleate girl Uke Beth." Christmas Eve out the affair for Beth, She went home to spend the ovening with her mother and all through the lours until her 10 o'clock bedtime the was conscious of a dull head- ache and a general sense of let- down, In the morning she was heiter, but whe still felt depressed and ii, | and when she arrived at the office! Clara Smith commented on har ist less appearance, "You look as though you'd heen put through the wringer, Roth," sha shld. "Don't you feel wall?" "Oh, not very, fust tired, T think. I had a lot of excitement over the weaksand," Philip came In late and hustled Into his office to get to work ot once and did not sand for Beth 'inti! nearly noon. When she came In answer to his summons he looked at her keenly, . "I'm trying to see you the way you looked last Saturday night," he re- marked with a ring of disappoint. ment in his voice, "It takes a 10t of Imaminating, doesn't {t?" Beth responded, a trifle hitterly, "No~=not that. But you wera ao (brillant that night and today 'you're just Jenny Wren anein.' Heartache "That's my usual role." Beth as- sured him, "I don't blossom ont very often." Phil studied her. "StilL" he said Rhoughtfully "there's something very nice ahout having a pergon as quietly dressed as you are this morning around. A rest for the |oyes and nerves. I'd never eat any iwork done If you came in ehining 1a Russian blue." Beth bent over her notebook. It wasn't fair, she thought. Shs wus exactly the same girl this Monday morning that she ad been on Sat- urday night. Clothes did make a (difference, to men partien'arly, Phil dicated some letters and then they talked for half an hour of the way his campaign for adding aviation securities to the firm's {listings was ghaping up, "We're going ahead so well, [thanks to your careful work, Miss [Shannon, that by early spring we ought to be able to go before the Board of Directors with the plan all ready. T hope it goes over. Tt will mean real money for me if 1¢ des, and a big advancement fér you." His tone was so businesslike, so far removed from the personal cns he had used to her forty-eight hours previously that Beth's heart negan' to ache. No use denying that she had bullt gome bright dreams over his having met her after the play as a person, not a competent so0re tary. And those bright dreams were all ashes now. . Beth went back to her desk and tried to work. At lunchtime ste drank some coffee but could eat nothing, and by 2 o'clock she felt so miserable that she decided ty so home. Phil was out, hut she oid Ciara Smith and tried to find Arn. old. He was out too, so Beth left without seeing either of the men she liked best in the firm, Tt seem. ed to her she could not get Pome fast enough, To lay her aohina head on a pillow, shut her eyes against the cruel light, and sink into forgetfulness of everything nogmed the one desirable thing left in life. Mrs. Shannon was alarmed when Beth came in with two feverish spots In her cheeks, and her eyes dark with pain, "DIA you eall the doctor?" she asked anxiously, "No, 1 A1dn't mother, AN § need 1s to get tn had and get soma sleep, I'm Just tired ont." Reth Falls TH Mrs. Shannon, who by now eould take a few gteps unsupported. ine . wisted on help Beth to bed, Panie Will you go down and eall him? ¥ - L struck her at the thought of Beth's being, 11. a long time. Tt would mean 8 nirge, doctor bills, all the Tong train of hardship that comes when poor people get sick, | Peth fell at once Into a heavy slepp. Mra, Shannon eould only sft huddled In her chair in the %i'chen and hove that Beth wonld be hotter when she woke. But her hops was valn, Beth was delirious when she woke and tossed and murinured Philip Dane's name over and over, Mrs. Shannon wag thoroughly alaymed and wag about to atieinpt to stagger to the door of the next apartment and ask for help when there was & tap at the kitchen door | and George eame in, | Mrs. Shannon almost sobbed her relfef, "Oh, George, 'm go glad | you 'came, Beth 1s sick and we | must have the doctor right awav, ell Bim to ome at once. Dy, (irey, on know==nlenen hurry,' © fleorze walled fer po {7 har hide ng hut dashed down the sisirs Mrs. Shannon made no answer and sat in silence until the auctor arrived, He went over to Beth carefully and came out smiling cheerfully at them, "Grip," he sald, "the [lue type. She'll have to stay in bed for nree or four days and tako things easy for a couple of weeks after that. But it fsn't anything serious if we enteh It now and nip ft in the bud, Here are some powders that will bring her fever down: That dolir tum {gs only a temporary thing, Mra, Shannon, and shonld pass by morn. ing. Don't let her get up, give her only Itquids and keep her quiet, I'll send the visiting nuree in tomorrow to give her a bath and change her bed. You'll manage wll right, 1 think, And you mustn't overds yourself, now that we've got you coming along so nicely." "I'll stay hers tonight In case anytliing is needed," Gleorge offered Dr. Grey nodded approvingly. "Just the thing, she ought to nave her medine every hour until mide. night at least, and Mrs, Shannon really ought to be in bed. T1'll leave instructions with you then, Mr, Metealt,"" for the doctes knew George well, 'andl I'm sures Beth will be a lot better in the morning." When he had gone (George made Mrs, Shannon go to bed. and then with all the tenderness of a wom he tended the sick girl, He sai nothing of Beth's delirium, though now she was repeating long eon versations she had had with Phil In the office. Whatever it enst him to keep silence, hie bare it well, and when midnight came Le contrived a bed for himself on the kitchen floor and slept thero until morniug.: Beth was her natural self again in the morning, with no memory! of the tell-tale detftfum of the niaht/ before, "Oh, T hate being sick ke this,*"| she moaned, 'and' tomorrow 1s Christmas, too, George, you 'ele phone the office that T won't be in today, but I'll surely be hack on Thursday. George set his Ips and sada nothing. He had his own ideas about when Beth would go hack to the office, hut this wasn't the time to speak to them. About noon Arnold came fn, solleitons laden with hothouse grapes and flowers and huge oranges, and Insiefed on fustalling a nuree, Beth shook her head at him "No we're watting along all right Arne old, The visiting nurse came In this morning and fixed me up. Our fried Gleorge Metcalf ts in and out al] the time and T had him telephone Trances to come In to- morrow (a keep mother eomnan fom it's » holiday, you know." "What a rotten wav to spend Christman." Arnold snid sympathe- tleally. "I'm teaving a 1itt'a pre- sent for you, don't you open It until to-morrow, 4 Ohristmds morning there were rooting and gifts from Arnold and Clara at the office, a packages from Ned and Frances, one from (lanrge, one from her mother, all lying on WNeth's bed ready for her ta onen. She connted them over twice, then turned her face away, The one whe hind hoped for, some word of graet- ing from Philip, was not thers, (To Be Continued Tomorrow) he SIGNS OF SPRING ARE SEEN IN WES Regina, Sask, Feb. 2-~Strange sto- ries have come out of the Canadian west, where January 40 below zero winds moan their way through one's bones. Gophers have been reported | wandering about the prairie, due to mild weather, Robins, who usually winter further south, have not left some districts, Butterflies have been reported, also, On Monday caterpil- | | naip-- ocial & home here during the week-end, LJ . Angus M, Hood, Upper Canada M. M. Hood, Simcoe Street North. LR W. BE, Darling, in the GMC. Auditorium evening. LB Campbellford, » L] » David Robbing, of the at the Hotel Genogha: om he Harry Fall, former tor Cornwall to take over his du wallis, » » . Leach, of the Hotel Genosha. LJ w » Mrs, KE. Farrow, Ritson ville, er Walker, Torento, with his Albert the week-end south, L ] L] L ronto,- spent the week-end at home herve, [TE Mrs, W. Po Knight, Oshawa Mpa. O. Ri: Burns, London, left f{ voyage to Migs Wilda who sails from - Now France on Wednoesdny, Knlg York Personal | Mrs. Bert Johnston, who is on tour with the Johnston Magic and Fun Company, paid a visit to her College, Toronto, spent the week- end with his parvouts, Mr. and Mrs. industrial acels dont prevention expert, is in the city today to address the Retary Club and also speak at a moeetiay this George Wilson spont the week- end at the home of his mother at staff of the Hamilton Spectator, spent the woek.ond with Mr, and Mrs, Leach mannger ot the Genosha Hotel, loft last night, tles ay manager of the Hotel Corn. Miss Chapman, of Hamilton, was 0 weok-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. road south, spent the week-end in Belle spent mother, Mrs. Jenny Walker, Simcoe street John Hare, of Osgoode Hall, To. his New York on Saturday to bid "hon y for Vis Harry: Robinson, of the Univer. sity of Toronto, was a week-end guest of his sister, Migs Orma Rob. inson, Simcoe stioet south, LJ Miss Frances Lobb, Queen St, spent the week-end with Miss Hazel Kitching, Tarouta, LJ Mr, Kd. Mullen, Toronto, spent the week-end with friends in Osh- awa, LJ . . Miss Bessie McKechnie spent the week-end in Kingston, and attended the Art's Ball Saturday night, LJ Mr. Frank Boyce, of Hamilton, spent the week-end with his par. ents, Mr, and Mrs, H. Boyce, Osh awa Blvd, . Miss Klsle Burns, London, Ont, Is spending a week with friends in Oshawa, . . Mr. R, Wilson, of Stanley Bar racks, Toronto, spent the week-end with his Father, Mr. Robt, Wilson. North Oshawa. » L] Mre, O. R, Burns London Ont, ahd Mes. Po Knight Fairbank St, Oshawa, left Saturday tor Now York whore they will spond a week with Miss Wilda Knight before she leaves for Paris, TURNER=--RODD A quiet wedding was solomnized in the parsonage of Northminster Church, Oshawa on Saturday after. noon, when Miss Helen Marion Rodd, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Walter Rodd, of Whitby, was uuit- od in marriage to Clayton Everett Turner, son of Mr, and Mrs. Frank Turner, of Peterboro. Rev. A. M, Irwin, pastor. of Northminster Church, offfelated at the ceremony and the happy couple were attend. od by Miss Frances Sonley of Whithy and Lorne D, Koester, Scars boro Juuction. ------------------------ - | CENTRE I UNITED CHURCH CHOIR BANQUET "hest Colds! Rub well over throat and chest S LL We carry a complete line of GOSSARD Corsets, Solitalves, Girdles, ete, Geaduate Corsetiere LAMBLE'S Social & Personal Any social notes which read. ers caro to submit will be print. ed, Kindly phone or send them to the Times Office before 10.30 nm, the day they are to be pub. lished. [tems of news concern. Ing dances, parties, guests to and from town will bo gladly recelved, January Clearance DRESSES | $5 00 Ee to clear ... THE FASHION SHOPPE 84 Simcoe St. South Kayser Chiffon or Service Hose, Silk to top. $1.00 Guaranteed firsts ALKING HOSIERY AND LINGERIE sqOpP 1}4 Simcoe Bt. South WATSON'S BEAUTY PARLOR Marcel, Permanent and Finger Waves, lo ! dresses, iy inte a panic, Vive stalwart wen I; lars were observed crawling their way along a railway right of way. They were black, with brown belts in the centre, NATIVE CHIEFTAIN t SURRENDERS TO ITALY Benghazi, Tripoli, Feb. Z--Al Ki Cattabi, native chieftain, faces seop- aration from his harem of 30, bi surrendered to lalian forces, and was likely to be interned on a small island, minus the harem, WOMAN HYSTERICAL AFTER CONVICTION Prince Albert, Sask, Feb, Z=Mr. R. Ripley of Prince Albert, is appar ently very fond oi Canada and great ly opposed to jail, In court she was sentenced to thre wionths in jail and deportation Yo Vo land after the term, She had hee found guilty of the theft of 11ree When sciigree was poiouniel Mrs, Ripley's self-control departed The convicted woman went into» hysterical frenzy. The court room e Jaw were required to subdue MILLIE THE Phone 2653. 5 Celing St, | und The cholr of Centra Street United Church held their annual banquet, election of officers, and » cial evening last Friday. The tables were laden with Many good things to eat, und looked very attractive decorated fi keeping with St. Valentine's Day, After the election of officers, and business discussion, the mem- bors were entertained by contests and progressive crokinole, The evening closed with "Auld Lang Syne' and everyone express Ing un delightful time, HOUSHOLD GADGETS. A young housckeeper and one not wo young also will find a new bread cutter most convenient, It is made of metal to hold that loaf firmly and has a knife arrangement that presses down automatically cuts' thin, even wllces, It works on very mueh the samo principle as a ham slicer, By Thorton W, Burgess Some secrets doth Dame Nature keep And one's the mystery of sleep. =larmer Brown's Boy. It was Candlemas Day, the day on which Johnny Chuck is supposed to come out for a look around and de- cide how much longer he will sleep, or must sleep, before wiitter will be over. Farmer. Brown's boy was thinking of Johnny Chuck and certain other sleepers who po to sleep when cold weather approaches and do not awake until Jacek Frost has gone whence he came, "l wonder why they picked out Johnny Chuck to pin that legend to," said Farmer Brown's Boy. "1 supe pose it was because so many people know him and once in a great while he does make the mistake of coming out in the middle of winter, 1 sup- pose he has come out at some time or other on Candlemas Day, but of course it just happened that way. Johnny is no weather prophet. It is a eutious thing, that winter. sleep, Of course it is very convenient for those who have nothing. to live on, but think what a lot they miss, My good ness, sometimes 1 wish I didn't have to sleep nights for it seems like a waste of time, but imagine sleeping for months, not knowing n thing that is going on!" "Sometimes rolicf, 1 think," it would be a blessed said Mather Brown "Of course 1 know the Snake and Frogs and Toads and Turtles all sleep through the winter, but who besides Johnny Chuck among those who wear fur sleeps through the winter?" "Nou ought to remember at least one other; you made fuss enough about him," replied Farmer Brown's boy with a twinkle in his eyes. "I suppose you mean Elitter the Bat, but he didn't stay asleep or I would: n't have known anything about him, retorted Mother Brown, "That is because it wasn't cold enough in this house," explained Far« mer Brown's boy. "He's asleep now out in the barn and he will stay asleep for the remainder of the winter, You kiow the country people say that there are seven sleepers--Buster Bear Flitter the Bat, Nimbleheels and Jumping Mouse, Striped Chipmunk, Bobby Coon, Jimmy Skunk and Johnny Chuck, Jimmy Skunk does. n't go to sleep as early nor stay asleep as long as the others and he comes out now and then in a 'warm spell. Striped Chipmunk pokes his head out once in a while for a look around. The soundest and longest sleeper of ull is Nimbleheels the Jumping Mouse I guess, He goes to wed early and sleepy Tate, Anyway, I never have seen a sign of him in Dainty dimity prints, lawns, bas tiste, dotted swiss) cotton broadcloth, pique and gingham may be used [or this cute little dress, Cut on simple straight lines without frille, it is casily laundered. The lower part of the dress is neatly fitted to the yoke through pin tucks, The yoke and the panel front incis dentally can be in self-material if des sired, Style No, 2092 is designed for the small active maids of 2, 4 and 0 years, Several dresses may be wade with this pattern of various fabrics and cach one appear entirely different, The small expenditure will surprise you, And it is so, simple to fashion, You will see one attractive style after another as you turn over the pages of our new Spring Fashion Book, Styles for childretr or the miss, the matron, the stout=and a serics of dressmaking articles, It is a book that will save you money, He sure to ill in the pattern, stamps preferred), Vrice of book 10 cents, Price of pattern 20 cents. No. 2992, of thi or coin (coin 17¢ Send Size esas 2} EE EE EE EE REE FRE What New York Is Wearing Ceti. Calvinia Name RRR EE REE ER Street Address cold weather, but during spring plows ing I have geen Lim turned up by the plow and he was still asteep." That very afternoon Farmer Lrown's Loy took it into his head to go. over to the Green Forest to see if he could discover any signs that Hooty the Great Horned Owl was getting ready to set up housekeeping Hooty, you know, begins nesting in February epen up where snow and cie still are evidence that it is wins ter, OIF 10 one side of the Lone Lite tle Path he discovered that since his last visit a certain dead tree had bros ken off and fallen, leaving a stump about ns high as his head, He went over to have a look at this Now this stump was much decayed. Farmer Brown's boy took hold of a splinter and pulled, It broke away for nearly the whole length of the stump, He pulled away another piece The inside for a considerable depth was a mass of fine decayed wood or "punk" as Farmer Brown's boy called it, He remembered that this iv excellent for making a smoke to use in smoking bee hives when it is necessary to open theny so he res turned to the barn for a sack and a trowel, Then he went to work dig- ging out the punk and putting it in the bag, He was well down toward the bottom when he discovered a ~ Women's Interests in the Home 31.95 ~~ Women's Shoes - . Regular $2.95 to $3.95 200 pairs--10 different styles in ties, straps and pumps. Mostly cuban heels and lower heels suite able for school girls. All sizes from 21/4 to 8. "EVERY PAIR A GENUINE BARGAIN" 18 Simcoe Street South little ball of fur. Though he didn't recognize it at first he hud found one of the seven sleepers, (Copyright, 1931, I, W. Burgess) The next "Nimblchecls Is Awakened" story: Henry ord contradicts himneelf, He says a woman's place is in the home and then does all in his pow. or to keep her out of it, This week's prize for .eandor goes to the clergyman who ans nounced that the church would hove to bn closed for some weeks owing to dry rot in the pulpit, A newly-wedded actress suys she fs out to make a succoss of her marriage. In that case she must not be out too much. Catarrhal Deafness May Be Overcome If you have catarrhal doafness or head nolses, go to your drug. gist and get 1 oa of Parmint (double strength) and add to it % pint of hot water and a little sugar, Take 1 tablespoontul four times a day. This will often bring quick re- Het from the distressing head solsey, Clogged nostrils should open, breathing become casy and mucous stop dropping into the throat, It is easy to prepare, costs little and Is pleasant to take. Anyone who hag catarrhal deafness or head noises should give this pre. scripfion a trial, For Homemaker | and Housekeeper The OYSTER PIE Make rich paste, and with it line on good elzed earthen casserole. Then roll another sheot of the paste almost one-half inch thick, and cut {t a little larger than the top of the casserole, Butter the edges of the dish and fill this with erusts of dry bread. Over them lay Hghtly tho round of pastry and bake In a hot oven. In the mean. time make a cream sauce with 2 tablespoons each of "butter and flour, 1 cup oyster liquor and 1-2 cup cream. Stir until smooth and thick, then add the oystors, allow frig four or five each person. Covk them until they "plump," and then add two well-beaten eggs, putting them in carfully a few drops at a time, und stirving constantly. seu. son well, Lift the top crust caro. fully from the ple, remove the bread crusts, and pour in your oyster sauce, Replace the top crust and servo at once. This is delicious but care must be taken to time the cooking of the oysters, #0 that they will be done at the same time mww-the crust is baked. SPANISH TILES These lovely old bits of pottery flat crepe somewhat more in evi. flower pots or to use as a hase for bowls holding flowers, The col. ors are subtle, the designs quaint, and thelr cost is far below thelr intrinsic beauty, CHINA DOGS Since Victorian fashions are the rule we have gone in for kulcke knacks of all sorts and few are more amusing than little china Some burglars who broke open an office safe took a number of dividend warrants, but left behind a packet containing bank notes, One would hardly have suspected that such gentlemen preferred bonds, At the Boardwalk ATLANTIC CITY'S Newes! Centrally Located Fireproof Hotel $500 DAY AND UP AMERICAN PLAN Write, Phone or Wire, RB. LUDY, M.D, | South Carolina Avenue hi City Trovinde Just Ask For a Box of McCOY'S Cod Liver Extract Tablets : S-- Do you want to Ain pounds of ood solid flesh and at the same | time increase your energy and vigor? One skinny woman gained 9 pounds in 20 days=her ein is bewitching free pimples==60 tablets 60 cents at Jury & Lovell Ltd, T, B. Mitchell, W. H. Karn, and druggists everywhercstiow you know how to GAIN WEIGHT dogs which are replicas of one's favorite pet, CORN MUFFINS One egk, 'pcup cornmeal, 1 cup flour, 1 teaspoon baking powder, 2 tablespoons granulated suger, 1 cup sweet milk, 114 tablespoons melted butter, salt, -------------- PRINTED EVENING The smartest of all new fashions are evening frocks 'of brilliant printed silks, both chiffons and "1A0 1p edow juymewos odeso Jef dence at notable gatherings, -------------- LEMON YELLOW This woft pale shade is featured congplenously in spring showings, One of the smartest exponents of this new shade fs a tweed travel coat with a large collar of pale beige wolf. Don't wear a brimless hat unless it is becoming, for brims are com« ing In again, If you suffer from biliousness indigestion there is nothing Pills FROOKN or Wl ga / TL better than | Beecham's || Sd BRING HEAL | aaa a TOILER mM A MISTER MAG = i | bouearL --~ BLEUTH HouND" TUE Guy HIMES INH MENTS a TOO AY + CAN | po ANY TH ING 6108s Britain Glghty FONT TRY BE FUNNY = /M A CoLLECTor Lb {DS PAY» ON \ P1AMON J fx TO Dow LOOK AT. ME LVM NOT Mac 15 Be A 1 Ang Si A hie HAVE WO TAKE THAT RING BAC IK NOW iP HE SN'T GONNA Pay ¥ (0 fool |! ORIEY OLD MAN oo HAVEN'T MY CHECK 4 BOO, WITH i - ROP AROUN ns TOMO "8 2S By Russ Wesloven RROW Thal

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