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Oshawa Daily Times, 2 Feb 1931, p. 6

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 193! Last of Schedule Games in Junior O.H.A. Group Brings Fighting Team From East | HOCKEY RECORDS The standings ot the clubs In the various professional = hockey leagues, including games played last night, are as follows: NATIONAL Canadian Section PW.LITF Canadiens 28 18 7 3 88 6 Maple Leafs 29 15 9 5 65 60 Montreal 29 14 11 4 65 Americans 27 11 9 T 48 Ottawa ...28 0 21 2 51 American Section end9 18. 7.492 w2136 9 367 "ea 38 13.11:4:70 «20 10 12 7 68 30 2 26.3 49 120 Philadelphia This Week's Games Tuesday---Maple Leafs at Cana- diens, Montreal at Rangers, Ame ericans at 'Ottawa, Detroit at Bose ton, : Thursday--Canadiens at Mont. real, Rangers at Americans, Phil adelphia at Chicago, Detroit at Ot- tawa, Saturday--Americans at Maple Leafs. Boston at Canadiens, Sunday--Ottawa at Detroit, Chicago at Rangers. INTERNATIONAL P.W.l.T. F. A, PL. «+ 31 20 8 8 72 43 43 +81. 15 11 6 83 738 8b ...81 16 18 3 62 64 33 3014 12 76 67 32 29 11 138 65 76 27 vied] 28:18 68 73 26 81 8 20 3 72 102 19 n Youngsters have a ace to Get Into Group ! and Will Pro- a vide Keen Opposition for Sia Locals in Tonight's Game. Oshawa Junior OIA. team e limelight at the Arcna this ming, when the Trenton juniors, fighting bunch of wildcats from east, will be held in the clos- & game of the regular group sched- or Ken Randall's kids. . Down in anton, when these two teams hatched sticks and checks against h other, it was a rare old Donny- Brook, but thé local boys won by $t6 0. With a place in the group Blavoffs at stake, the Trenton boys ill be trying hard every minutes of 'game, and if they settle down to ay hockey, keep out of the penalty , and stick to their knitting, then awill be a great game, one worth geing, and one that should pack in largest crowd of fans seen at an O.H.A. game this season. a And, believe it or not, the juniors ed a good crowd or two to pull m out of the hole financially. pre we have a team of youngsters ving great hockey, mowing down thing in the way of opposition, d being supported by only a hand- "of fans. In practically every _ town and city in the province, the , games are packing in the fans, and particularly where there are group winning teams. . Oshawa las of these, and it is a team that Id have the whole-hearted sup- | Port of the local fans, so it is hoped t tonight will see the best crowd of the scason ready to cheer the . ; oer . goungsters on to another victor) ; 'Varsity Cagers Lose to McGill _ Toronto, Feb 2.--~McGill Univer- y lengthened their winning streak the senior Canadian intercollegi- ate basketball race by defeating University of Toronto on Saturday night by 40 to 29, and it was only a spirited last half attack which he hi 22 points that enabled the = { to make the final score as i close ns it was. The visitors dis- oq yed a smooth and effective com- it tion that permitted them to Boston Chicago Detroit Rangers Buffalo Windsor London Chveland Pittsburg Detroit Syracuse HOCKEY RFSHLTS The scores of the hockey games played during the weok.end were as follows: National League Maple Leafs . 3 Philadelphia oMontreal .... 2 Rangers ... gDetrolt .++.. 3 Maple Leafs . sCanadiens ... 4° Chicago ... . sAmericans .. 4 Ottawa .. International League Cleveland .... 2 Pittsburg ... Buffalo ..... 2 London .. osBuffalo .... 4 Syracuse .... gCleveland ... 2 Windsor ... Canadian-Amgrican League Springfield ... 6 Boston ..... sProvidence .. 6 New Haven . American League Buffalo ..... 4 St Louls ,.. oTulsg ...... 3 Minneapolis . gBuffalo ..... 3 Chicago .... Ontario League ' sieve TORI ooonive Pacific Coast League {Seattle ..... 2 Portland ... O.H.A, Senior "B" sQueen's .... 2 Belleville ... x10 minutes overtime. O.H.A. Intermediate Peterboro .... 6 Bowmanville sRM.C, 2 Queen's .. x30 minutes overtime. O.H.A. Junior London .... 10 [Ingersoll ... Brantford ... 2 Kitchener ... Pt. Colborne . 4 Welland .... 0Overtime. fPlayed Friday. sPlayed Sunday. 4 6 1 "en i p in close on the locals' basket, and they secured an 11 to 0 lead ly in the game, leading at halt- fime by 22 to 7. od i Guelph ~ ©. TOURISTS WIN 9 TO 0 "Krynica, Poland, Feb. 2. -- In the opening match of the interna- al hockey tournament yester. a University of Manitboa team, senting Canada, dofeated a 'French team by 9 to 0. © GERMAN CHAMPION BEATEN Dortmund, Germany, Feb, 2. © Helin Mueller captured the German wyweight boxing championship last night by defeating the title- holder, Hans Scoenrath, on points "dn a 12.round bout. Twice Nightly, 7 & 9 Matinee Daily, 2.30 Lupo Velez, more al- luring, more captivate ing, more tempestuous than ever before as a fiery descendant of the famous Morgans, buccanecrs and dare. devils, %, Jleny J H New Martin uesday- Wedresda \ 1 « J LUPE VELEZ POR Snapshots LUCKY, BUT DON'T KNOW IT Oshawa's hockey ; fans are lucky, but apparently they don't know it, Here we have two $matenr teams in the playoffs for group titles, junior and intermediate, and for all the ate tention the fans are paying to them, they might as well be in the eyclone pit. There are few cities in Ontario that can boast of having two cham- pionship contenders, and most places where this happens turn out in thous sands to support the amateurs, Why should Oshawa be any different? It is time the fans wakened up to the fact that playofis are at hand, and that Oshawa is in them with a dou« ble-barrelled gun. Tonight the june iors appear in their game with Tren. ton, and this is a mighty good oppors tunity to show that Oshawa hockey enthusiasts arc prepared to support good amateur hockey. The Industrial League Situation Much as we regret to have to say it, the Industrial Hockey League is in a bad way. This week's games are postponed indefinitely, and last week only a corporal's guard turned out to pay admission. An artificial ice arena can hardly afford to give away nights, and another such ate tendance as that of last week, and the League will have to close down. That's all there is to it. As we see it, and we have had the privilege of doing some hockey or- ganizing in our time, the only solu. tion for the Industrial League is open-air hockey, such as proves so popular in Toronto, Let us have a couple of open-air hockey cushions in the city, preferably on that large area of city property between Bagot and Metcalfe Streets, and let the In: dustrial Leaguers go at it three or four nights a week, take up a collec- tion to meet expenses, and even al- though they do not make a fortune, the teams in the league should at least break even, The players would get plenty of hockey, instead of. play- ing one game about every three weeks. There may be an objection to this, in that the spectators would not have seats and a heated arena, but the spectators apparently do not con- sider the Industrial League very much, so why should those jn charge of the League consider them? Let some one take hold of this open-air hockey idea, and it will spread like wild-fire, and there will be no diffi culty in building up a strong league There's our sugestion, take it or leave it, Falls Here Tomorrow Tomorrow night the Oshawa Pats are at home again, and their support. ers are hoping for another exhibition such as they gave against Galt last week, The Pats: have the stuff in them, as they have shown, but they have been too erratic to get up around the top of the league and stay there. They have a chance to climb Maple Leafs Broke Even in Weekend Games; Beat Quakers But Lose to Detroit Falcons 'Detroit, I'eb, 2.--Toronto's Maple Leafs put up a hard battle against the Detroit Falcons here last night, but after a game on the previous night, with Philadelphia, they tired in the late minutes of the session, and Detroit won, 2 tu 0. The Leals battled the Falcons evenly during the opening period, and slipped back on defence dur- ing the second period, waiting for breaks before they charged the Falcon defence lines, In the final period they faltered, and Carson Cooper and Johnny Sorrell, Fal- con wing men, slapped home a goal each on assists by Ebble Good fellow, Detroit's sharpshooting centre, The Leals, with a squad of ten men, wero battling a - thirteen man outfit, and the skating was too lard for the Toronto team, even with frequent substitutions. The gume was a clean one, the officials calling only five penalties. The Walcons played without Har vey Rockburn, defence man, who was out with an injured knee, [2] i Head Pind" A» ~ PTET oY February 2, 1931, AD, And whe- ther the Bear sees his shadow or not, we will have' several more months of Alley Bowling. We have a real important an- nouncement to make this week, It will prove of interest to cvery one of Oshawa's Alley Bowlers, male or fe. male, young or old, rich or poor, $45.00 Suit for 45 Cents The Motor City Bowling Alleys is putting on a great big competition for all bowlers. A forty-five dollar suit, made-to-measure, and choice of cloths, is going to be given away at the M.C. Alleys, A City-Wide Sweep: stake is being held. All persons, and that means just what it says, all per- sons who roll a total of 600 or over for three consecutive games will be included in the competition, The suit is being donated by Canning Bros, one of Oshawa's Premier Men's and Boys' Clothing Stores. Just think, a $45.00 suit, your choice of material, two' pair of pants and made-to-mea sure. That's the prize for the win: ner of the big roll-off, tomorrow night at the expense of the Niagara Falls Cataracts, and the fans, who have been loyal to them in for. tune and misfortune, will be on hand to give them all kinds of encourage- ment, Championship Ahead Another Oshawa éporting team that is heading for a championship is the Collegiate and Vocational Institute basketball team. This team has played five games, and has won cach of them by a substantial margin Only one game remains in the group that with Cobourg on Wednesday Once into the semi-finals, opposition will be stiffer, but it docs look as if the O.C.V.I. has a team that should travel far towards the championship In the Scottish Cup Local soccer enthusiasts, and there are plenty of them, had their eyes trained on Scotland on Saturday, when the second round Scottish Cup : games were played, Apparently the | weather conditions there were bad since a number of the games had to | be postponed. Dundee sprang a real | suprise when they ousted Rangers at Ibrox, and Kilmarnock did well to defeat Hearts, even at home, Aber deen, playing at Pittodric Park, where they are a hard lot to over- come, only managed to draw with Patrick Thistle, and will have to be good when the replay comes off at Firhill, The otljer games went rather as expected, although many will be disappointed to see Queen's Park, Scotland's great amateur team, out of the cup, Morton beating them by one to nil on the historic Hampden grounds, Arsenal Slipping By drawing with Birmingham, while Sheffield Wednesday and As- ton Villa were winning, Arsenal dropped a valuable point in the Eng fish League first division. The Gun- fiers are now three points back of Wednesday, and even with Aston Villa for second place, but they have three games in hand, and that means a lot. Still, the Arsenal, one of the most expensive and most highly-rated teams in England, on paper, appear to, be slipping a little, and it looks like an exciting finish to the league race, WINS TITLE BY KAYO 'Manila, Feb. 2.--Kid Vincente of Cuba won the lightweight box. ing ebampionship of tho Orient last night by knocking out Fighting | Nelson, of Manila in the eighth 'round, : JINX 18 BROKE Chicago, Feb. 2.~The 'world ; Canadiens of Montreal, last" blasted their Chicago Jinx, walloping the Black: Hawks 4 to 2, before a record crowd of more than 17,400 spectators in the Chicago stadium, Get In The Game Early There is no set date for entries to be made. Any person rolling 600 or over gets their name on the list, League Games do not count, The entry date will not be closed until there has been a sufficient number of entries to assure a successful Roll Off. On that eventful night, all per. sons who hgve been successful in get. three games, Not against a certain person, but every one for his or hoy self. 'The person getting the high ao score will win the Grand Prize, Ladies! Ladies! In the event that a member of the weaker (Heh, what's that) sex, we mean Ladies, wins the Big Roll off, she will be presented with a beauti- ful dress, of her own choosing and worth $45.00, . This competition has only heen go ing about a week but already the en try list has grown, ley trimmed ler "Boy Friend," Bili Bentley on Saturday night, In fac she was rolling against two: men, Johnny Brady being in the gain also, and Erling beat them both, Jf one can do it, no doubt there are sey- eral other Oshawa Lady bowlers whi could use a new $45.00 dress, Mrs Bentley got her name on the list Sat urday night with a score of 764 That's bowling in any Man's tow, The entry list to date is as follows: Ed, Goodman, 744; W, E. Gillott, 650, Andy Dolison, 692; 12d, Higgins, 710; ack Ogden, 800; Veg. Mackie, 879 Man. Swartz, 933; Mrs, Erline Bent ley, 764; Bill Bentley, 624; Julinny Brady, 610; Milt, Mortis, 701, The following ladies are just a few of thote who are expected to take a hand at winning a few dress. Ther are many others, but we can only think of these at the present time {S-------- "Roll Your Own" It's Cheaper ZIG-ZAG CIGARETTE PAPERS 5 Bockof 20 Lesve Demand ZIG-ZAG and get 120 Leaves i" ting their name on the list, will 1 a Mrs. Erline Bents® Mrs. M. Pirie, Mrs. Vi Norris, E Wells, 1. Gould, M. Elliott, Viv. El- liott and Mrs, LE, Pope. FREE City Hall Clack at Stake The City Fathers will have to be on the look-out, Last week there was a big robbery at the Motor City Alleys and two of the boys were "Heeced" This week Waullie Myles and Jack Rupert arc going to take on Ab. Cox and Harry Powers, ti winners, to get the City" Hall Clock, After the game, they may think they own it, wn -- Simcoe St. League The Simcoe St. Young - Men's Bowling League had another 'big night last week, The Alley Rats are boring in, if you know what | mean They took four points from the Hushes and are now tied for first place, Peg. Mackie led the way with a single of 288 and 95 for a total and Geo, Hood was right on his heels with 683. Alley Rats and Hushes each have twelve points, Blue Bells have ten and the Never Readys have only six. Mrs, Turner, who is second in line for the distinction of being Oshawa's oldest Lady Bowler, rolled a single of 252 the other day. That's a smart score for any Lady trundler, 'Parts and Service League This League sent some Represen tatives up to Weston on Saturday night to bowl the return games with a.party from that town. We'll be hearing about that next week, Last Wednesday night the boys had a hectic session and the result of it ali was that the Oaklands were still able to retain the leadership with the Chevs. creeping ever closer, Ed Drinkle took the honours with 280 for one and 715 for three consecutive. I see that the Pontiacs have yet to win a point, The "Chief" will have to strut his stuff. The New Models are out now, Well, Well. Manning Swartz must have hit "em hard and often to knock down 933, Peg. Mackie was in close with 874. These two boys bow! en tirely different, as far as styles are concerned but they both get the de sired effect, namely, good scores. Chosen Friends League Say Walt. What's the matter? For a man who continually preaches that consistency is the true test of good bowlers, you are falling down 286 one game and 156 in another Walt. Phillips will have to do better among the Chosen Friends this last | week, rolling 229 and 220. That's more like it. Well, don't forget the $45.00 bar- gain at the Motor City Alleys. Mrs, Lovelock won last week's High Single Prize for Ladies with a score of 217. ST Wi' Besom and Stane ONTARIO TANKARD ON TUES. DAY The Ontario Tankard playoff be- tween the winners of the sixteen districts of Ontario will be played fu Toronto on Tuesday "of this week, Having won its district, Oshawa is included in the sixteen and the local club will be repre. sonted by the rinks skipped by W. H. Ross and Donald Hall, In the tirst draw, thoy will meet the Sar- nia rinkg, and the Oshawa curlers will be waiting with interest for the results, The complete Tan. kard draw is as follows: At Granite Club Oakwood v, Stratford. Hamilton Vie. v. Orillia, At Oakwood Club Grand Valley v. Guelph City. Oshawa v. Sarnia: At High Park Cb Granite v. Owen Sound. Lindsay v. Stouftvilie. At Royal Canadian Club Galt v. Kingston, ' Barrie and St, Thomas Clubs de- faulted, OSHAWA CLUB BONSPIEL On account of the District Cup "ame being played on the Oshawa fce Thursday, soveral of the games in the annual club bonspiel had to be called off, [lve gumes were played, however, and these provided Interesting curling for the rinks in- volved. The scores in theso ganies wero as follows: Primary Competition W. A. Coad 11, ¥. Michael 186. Dr, Henry 12, R. McCulloch 10, Consolation Cometition R. Henderson 17, H, Morison 11. C. W. Detenbeck 12, D. B. Car- 1yle 7. Il. H. Ross 17, C. F, Hare 16. Royal Into Semi.Finals Two games were played in the primary competition of the Osh- awa Club bonspiel Friday night and this competition has now narrowed down to the four rinks which play in the semi-final. In these two games, H. Lander's rink had a run- away victory over OQ. M. Alger's rink, the score being 20 shots to 4, whilo in the other game, Ernle Parsons' quartet won from K, Dob. noy's rink by 14 to 7. The draw in the seml.final brings H. Land. er's rink against that E. Parsons, und Dr. Henry's rink against that than this, D. Farrell was the best of I. Michael, DODD'S KIDNEY The First Box Brought Her Relief Saskaichewan Lady Now Praises Dodd's and Sask, "1 pur as '. Pills and ef. I am no more "I was troubled with kidne; Bladder lant Fall» fii rs. C. marais, Box n chased a box of 'Dodd's Kidne after taking half of it [ i nd rfectly well and have rouble." Dodd's Kidney Pills are them in and put the work of straining ite oa lls have been in purely and simply a dey act directly on N ne Sos gut of the blood, wh Money goes further than experts claim, longer. It also stays away it did, | rack, The law of natural selection is grabbing the best umbrella in the TODAY PACKED 0«0-0-0h! 8-h.h.h! chimes midnight! chains clank, shadows ling mystery! From the famous enacted be LILYAN TASHMAN JEAN HERSHOLT with THRILLS! The Doors KING VIDOR'S Mighty Drama of the West "BILLY THE KID" with WALLACE JOHN MACK KAY JOHNSON clork creak, slink, owls hoot, THE CAT CREEPS! Ting. Delightful shud. ders! Entrancing suspense! Roars ing laughter! Beautiful romance! The Creepi-st, Laughiest, Shiveriest, Funniest Mystery M .lodrama Ever Screened! Proadway stage success by John Willard this all-star cast- HELEN TWELVETREES RAYMOND HACKETT NEIL HAMILTON MONTAGUE LOVLA Starts 1uesday OULDN'T a little you in the running. We have done all: we can like it! Ist PRIZE 2nd PRIZE . writer's name 20 PRIZES of 75 PRIZES of and 100 half-pound tins of Turret pipe tobacco extra money come in handy right now? It's so casy to enter this contest that every pipe smoker should try for the prizes shown below. Simply write a letter describing your enjoyment upon smoking Turret pipe tobacco. One package will put to produce this new, better pipe tobacco in the popular priced field--tell us how you These Big Cash Prizes for The Best Letters? $50.00 $25.00 $5.00 $1.00 Every Ontario Pipe Smoker has a chance to win § part of this... 250/ 1] B} ih, J Wowk SIX SIMPLE CONTEST RULES bo. sovition os oie side of tha shows only, and signed The Imperial Tobacco 4 into any correspondence Company of Canada, 1 a Sin Li will nos 'entry in this ¢ 8 Thedecision of the judges will be final. @ The Contest closes February 28th, 1931. {Employees of Imperial Tobacco Co. of Canada, Limited, excluded from this contest.| Send all letters to--Turret Pipe Tobacco--P:0. Box 1314, Montreal TURRET PIPE TOBACCO /

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