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Oshawa Daily Times, 3 Feb 1931, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1931 LOVE'S PRISONER Beth Shannon, a pretty stenos grapher, In in love With her ems ploye', Phlllp Dane, He is of another social world entirely and in a soclety girl, Caroline Gibbons. Ie has met Beth Just once, foclallys at a party given by Arnold Stone, an older man, who got Beth to take part a little theatre play and entertatned for her afterward. Beth was wearing some beautis ful clothes sent her by an aunt who died in Paris Beth has been so absorbed In her love for Phillp that she had neglected an old friend, George Metcalf, who wants to marry her. But when Beth becomes 111 with a bad case of grip. George is there to help her invalld mother to take care of hen, and he hears her whisper Phil's name in hie delirium, It . is Christmas Day now and Beth has received greatinga trom ull her friends ineluding Frances and Ne® Havens, young married people, save only Phil INSTALMENT XXt Philip Comes to Call Beth knew she had to pretend ene thusiasm for hep gifts. Every one had been lovely to her and had in cluded Mrs, Shannon in their re- membrances, too, Arnold had aent ber a box with six new novels tu it, all wrapped in holly paper; Frances bad sent a smart linen collar and cuff get; Mrs. Shannon had made Both some fine underwear with really beautiful crocheted odges, und George, having offered a big box of candy for the two of them, came in later to urge Beth to ace copt the silver fox she had worn In the play as a gift, "I pought it for you from the woman who left it," he insisted, *'1 bought it just for you Beth, Please take it." But Beth shook her head, "I'd rather not, George, please. It's lovely, I know, but T just don't 'vant to take it from you." Only Beth's white face prevented Georgo from making an angry ree tort, but ho could hardly speak crossly to her when she was fll, 80 finally he wrapped the fur back in its tissue und placed it out on the kitehen table. 'Bhe'd let anv one else do It for her but me." he thought bitterly, "and not ono of them cares for her jas 1 do." Christmas afternoon passed very hapoily. Arnold came In and stays ed a fow minutes, leaving after a brief time so as not to tire Beth, Ned and I'rances breeved in, bub bling over with news of tha radio hey had "'bourht for each other." Aud George shared thelr simple Christmas dinner, preparing most of it himself, ew a Philip's Letter But in spite of this is Interested general down her checks when the lghts were out and she knew that Ler mother was asleep, No sign from Philip. Burely he might have sent Ber a card at least, Beth had hoped to be able to return to the office the following day, but she knew when she woke and attempted to get out of bed that she was too weak, She spent the day reading her new hooks sna wandering around the little apart ment, more discontented than ever with its ugliness. One thing she datermined, as soon as «she was strong enough she was golng to in sist on their moving, Besides g/v- ing them a more attractive place to live it would help solve the nrohlem of George, who now thatsltie hod helped her through her iliness would bhocome important agalu, On Friday, while Beth was still convalescing, having decided fo take the doctor's advice and stay away from the office her salary check came. Tnstead of the usual $25 1t was for $25 and there was a typewritten letter with ft, "Dear Miss Shannon: | Tha inclosed check Is for yeur salary for the week ending Decom~ per 28 anA incivAes your Christmas' bonus of 810, Pexinning Tanuary| 1 yonr salary will be $30 weekly. With kindest persons! reeards, | Philln Dane." And Beth wept again, feollsh'y she know, but it diA seem very erve! that le shouldn't have added! one little personal word far her. Of couree sho was glad of the ralse, It meant that surely she could move awev from this neighborhood, she warld thle to her mother ahout it at once Put it had been a dreary Christmas for all of that Rath /0'¢ rather guilty, too, for becasns of her lines the 1itt1e theatre group had 124 to give ip 8 New Year's Eve nertormance an thev had plan fied. There wasn't time to ree Bera nny one else in the vart, aj- thoveh Teth hed offered to lend her costae to anv one who would at- temnt it, She had wanted to fry takine the nart again hersel'. but neither the doctor nor Arnold would bear of it, "Tere"s only one thine left to begin the new year with" she tharaht, leaning axainst the wind. ow on Svnday afternoon and ster ine out at the snowstorm that was swirling softly over the streets; "and that's my letter. 1'l1 be open fn it this fallit seems a long way off--but I'l have seven whole days to mark off on my ealender wnen 1 got back to the offices Monday. 1 wonder what 1s in 11." and she glanced hack at the 1itfle cupboard whieh housed her secret, Phillip! Bho was able now to be abont and pha tried halt-heartedly to straights en the kitchen, still untidy from Christmas Day. But the effort tise ed ber, and the room itself seemed more than usually sordid and de- pressing. It was while she was placking the dishes from the sup. tray she had carried in to her or that a knock sounded on the Supposing that it wag George who was out there and wondering why dinaily did after kaodkine, Doth a nocking rent unwillingly to answer it, 'She by Barbara Webb fio Beth felt the tear slip 1y ¢ turned tho kaod and flung the goor open. 1 Realy Dane stood on the thres old. 'How==how do you do?" he asked haltingly., "l-=I wasn't sure thls was the place, although Arnold gave me the address,' he went on with more assurance, "You look us though you had been quite ill, Misa Shunnon, May I come in? I have something I want to talk to you about-=it won't take long." Beth stood aalde silently, utterly unable to say a word, distressel and shamed at the appearance of ihe room in which sho would have to take him, "Ie! haven't been able to do much." she faltered: "it looks rath. er awful, but here, I'll clear a chair for you to sit on," and glad of something to do, aPe swipt a pile of tissue paper onto the floor and made a place tor PHip, "Is that George?" Mrs. Shanaen's volce came from the bedroom, "No, mother," Beth went to the doorway; "it's Mr, Dane, from tht office, come to see me about some oftice matters." "Bring him in a moment." Mrs Shannon commanded, She wanted to see this man that Beth had waved about when she was sick. Beth turned to Phil, 'My mothe: would like to meet you," she safd gravely, "She is an {nvalld, vou know, and has to evend a groat don! of time ip bed. Will you come la here for just a minute, pleare?" "With pleasure.' he answerad rining and following her, He was courtesy ftself tn hit brief meeting with Mrs, Shanron spoke politely of Beth's excellent work fn the oftice and exprered hi hone that Mrs. Shannon would soon be better. Rut it seemed to sensi tive Peth that he was really longing to 'escane and she was wlad whey the interview was concinded and be Nad gone back to the kitchen with er. "What Do You Want?" "Well?" she asked in a slightly hostile tone wien they were atand ing there facing each other sgain "I didn't realise what an intr. sion this would be," he bexan. "hut I am going away tonight for a few weeks and I wanted to talk to you about some work I want you to de while I am gone. I'm taking my mother to Palm Bensh for the res(™ of the winter and I plan to stay there with her for two weeks my self, Meantime, I would like to got out letters to the people whom names and addresses you will tind in your desk and to earry on what we have begun as vigorously at possible. Our board meeting ls in May and we must get everething done that we can before then" "1 understand," said Beth cold: "leele=that's all, T guess, sxcopt that I'll take this onportmnity of wishing you a Happy New Year and ureing you not to" @ back to the office until you really feel ks it, He hesitated a moment longer, seemed about to shake hands with her, changed Tis mind and started for the door, "Goodby, Miss Elian. non,' he sald, turning. "Goodby Mp, Dane I hope you have a pleasant trip." "Thank you." and he was zone Beth ran to the door and la'd is ear against it. She could hear him roing gingerly down the stair» And fhien he seemed to pause and Beth heard nome one say: "You're Philip Pane, aren't yon?" "Yen, what do you want?" Beth lost the answer, but «he flung the door wide open She knew (hat voles. Yes, Goores was standing on the narrow atalr facing Philip an ugly 100k in hil aves, (To Me Continued Tomorrow) HAROLD PIERCE HEADS TENNIS CLUB AT NORTHMIRSTER Club Now Consists of Over Seventy Members, With over thirty members pres. ent u most interesting moeting. was conducted by the Christian Fellow- ship Committee of Northminster United Church Young People's feague, Miss Marfe Valleau, vice: president, was in charge of the fevotional part of the programme. The meeting opened with a sing. song led by Mr, Irwin. Miss Val feat od in prayer and Miss Mar jorie Breault read an interesting paper on "My Roligion." The pro- gramme for the evening was. turn. ed over to Miss Sadie Fox, con venor of the Christian Fellowship department. who conducted a live ly "bag-bursting" contest in which sll participated. Miss Fox intro. duced the Pd Jscutive to the young peop aving men her rise and respond 8 verse of Seripture.. Honorary President--Jlev, A. 1, Irwin. Prosident--Mr, Stephen Saywell, Vice Prosident-=Miss Marie Val eat, Secretary--Miss Jean Russell, Treusurer~=Miss Mary Coulter. pL esontative--Niss Dor Pian oterMies Helent Dunford. : Assistant Planist--Miss Marjorie renault, Christian Citizenship --= Mr, George Perkins, Mr, A, A. Ennis. Chistian Fellowship--Miss 84 die Vox, Social and Literary--=Miss Myra '"nningbam, It was apnotinced that next Mon day, the meoting would take the form of a skating party and social evening, an Women's Interests in the Home Social & Personal | Ro; D Kirfly, president of the Durant Motors of Canada, Ltd, was a visitor in the city recently, zn Frank Lovett, of Toronto, & repre: sentative of the Ontario Industrial Accident Prevention Association was a visitop in Oshawa yesterday, W. Ei Darling, of Cincinnati, Ohio, was in the city yesterday in the ine terests of thy Ontario Industrial Ace cident Prevention Association, Miss Ruth Allin, Bowmanville, ent the week-end with Miss' Marie valleau in the city, Mr. Floyd Vansickle, for the past three years on tho local state of the Bank otf Montreal, hay been transferred to the Verona branch whore he will fill the position ot Teller.Accountant, His place will be taken by Mr, B. W. llonsinger of Owen Sound, » Nn Ne Miss Josephine Bellew entertained the local staff of the Bank of Mo ite real at a bridge party, on Thursda last, in honor of Mr Floyd Vane sickle, one of the ponular members of the bank staff who has been trans ferred to Verona. : "The math friends of Miss Madge Hannah will regret to lean of her fllness at the home of her parents on Glidden Avenue. LJ] Ne » Miss Mary Fraser, of Walkervil's, and Miss Deatrice I'raser, Ontarin Ladies' College, Whitby, were both guests of Mrs, E A. Embree, » Mrs, James Stewart, Madison Apartments, entertained at bridge yesterday afternoon, rubs on, VICKS VaproRun We carry Complete Stocks of GOSSARD CORSETS Solitaires and Wraparounds LAMBLE"S "- Social & Personal Any social notes which read. ory care to submit will be print. ed. Kindly phone or send them to the "imes Office before 10 30 am, the day they are to be pub. lished. [Items of news concern. ing dences, parties, guests to and from town will be gladly rocelved, January Clearance een ...$5 00. to clear ...... THE FASHION SHOPPE 84 Simcoe St. South --- Kayser Chiffon or Service Hose, Milk to top $1.00 Guaranteed flests ATKINS HOSIERY AND LINGERIB sHOP 1} Slmeco St. South WATRON'S BEAUTY PARLOR Marcel, Permanent and ¥ Inger Waves, Phone 2050. B Cell St, A lgppy company of relatives and friends gatlered at the home of Mr. and Mus. John W, Wilson, Base Line East, \Whithy, on 'Feb, 1st, to celes brate the 60th anniversary of their Wedding, Mr, und Mrs. Wilson were married at TF ruton's Corners by the Rev. RH. Thornton, in 1871, Mr, Wilson is a lifelong resident of Whitby, born in a house on King street south on lund cleared from bu.h by Lis father, Mrs, Wilson spent her childhood days near the village of Manchester where her father was a blacksmith, As a young man My, Wilson was employed at the old G. T.R. station later being a clerk in the Registry Office, Whitby, Mt, and Mess Wilson are remarkably active for their age and live alone, They are both fond of their garden and always have an abundance of vege. tables, fruit and flowers. They also have wonderful memories and can Whitby Couple Celebrate | 60th Wedding Anniversary tell many fncidents of the past, Nine children were born to them (four died in infancy): Arthur, A IS, deceased; Ida, Mrs. GU. I, Davis, 223 Albert St. Oshawa; Chris, J, 151 Col- lege Ave, Oshawa; Wm. A, Gormley station; Frank E,, Toronto, There are 13 grand children and 3 great grandchildren,. Mrs, Davis was ab: sent on account of illness and three grandchildren were absents A dainty supper was served, the tables being decorated with many gift flowers, In his after supoep remarks, the genial host cordially invited all to spend next May 24th with him when he will be 83 Years old, Relatives in. Oshawa who attended the celebration were Misses Helen and Georgina Davis, Mr, and Mrs Frank Leaming and \Vilbert, Mr, and Mere: Albert Leaming, Mr. and Mrs Chris J. Wilson, Vernon und Lnily, and Mr. and Mrs, Donald Wilsan, What New York Is Wearing | Dy A Worthingt ILLUSTRATED DRESSMAKING LESSON FURNISHED WITH EVERY PATTERN The jacket dress again proves itself indispensable in Spring daytime wardrobe. This one is charming in a "guardsman" blue and white thin woolen plaid. An Incidentally plaids are tremendously chile, The upper part of the bodice, jacket facing and trim are in plain wools en in matching bluo shade. The plaited skirt with its curv. ed outline that starts at either side of the front panel, gives that flat slimness over the hips so modish, Style No. 2068 may be had in sizes 16, 18 years, 36, 38, 40 and 42 inches bust, Plain and printed flat crepe silk, wool jersey and the dress of flat crepe with velveteen jacket are smart, You will see one attractive style after another as you turn over the pages of our new Spring Fashion Book. Styles for children or the miss. the matron. the stout--and a series of dressmaking articles. It fs a book that will savo you money. Be sure to fill in the size of the pattern. Send stamps or coln (colin preferred). . Price of book 10 cents. Price of pattern 20 cents, | Blze ooo svivninvne, No. 2008, CRO FERRER NEN] Name OER LI I ITT Streot Address PT fitate CR ER RS | Miss City WHIST DRIVE SUCCESS The Whist Drive, held last nigh, in 8t, George's Parish Hall, under the auspices of the A. Y.P.A, was a decided success, The whole even: ing was given over to the playing of Whist and many close und Interost. fug games were indulged in. In all some nineteen tables were being used durlug the evening. With the final totalling of the tal. few It was found that Mr. Morgan had won the first men's prize. The first women's prize fe]l to Mrs, Dull, while the second men's prize went | to Mr. Higgins and the second wo- men's prize to Mrs. Barton, A delightful feature of the even: Ing was thé serving of dainty re. treshments which followed by the National Anthem, brought a very pleasant evening to a close, It was declded at a meeting of | the executive held last night that the A.Y.P.A. would not hold a meet. ing next week. KING STREET YOUNG PEOPLE The weekly meeting of King Street Young People's Leugue was held on Monday evening, Feb. 3. 1031, with Mies Iela Barker preside. ing. The meeting was short song wmervice, Harold Barker's Group, was in charge of the program. The scrips ture Lesson was read by Miss Ber. ulce MeQuade. The topic of the evening, "I ife's Harmonies," wus divided into four parts, which were taken by Misses Hilda Millinery, Helen Oke, Jean Mes Quardie and Jeannette Cooke. A plano duet was rendered by Mrs, M. Moffat and Miss Doris Salter. After singing a hymn, Rav, C. B, Cragg* closed the meeting with prayer. NORTHMINSTER Y.P. HOLD INTERESTING MEETING MONDAY Marie Valleau Has Charge of Large Gathering opened Ly a Group "Cee An enthusiastic and well attend ed meeting of Northminster Tennis Club was held Monday evening at tho close 'of the Young People's Loague, Mr, A. A. Ennis, president was in charge and recefved the report of the gecretary-treasurer for the past year. The membership for the yoar ns recorded reached over seventy. Correspondence was read from Christ Church Teunis Club In the tho forming of an in ter<church tennis leaguo was pro- posed. A delegation composed of Mr. A. A. Ennig, Mr. Ballantyne and tho president, Mr. H, Price, was appointed to meet Chiist Churelt Tennis Club on Friday evening and discuss this matter, Power was given the delegation to act as they saw fit, as it was the wish of the Club to co-operate and enter into such n loague were it formed. Tho election resulted as follows: Honorary Presidents--Mr. A, W, Bell, Mrs, R. CO, Falr, Rev. A. M, Irwin, President--<My¢, Harold Pierce. Vice President -- Miss Dorothy Robertson. HSécretary---Mry, Stevens. Treasurer---Mr, George Perkins: Membership committeo~J, Htal- fey, J. Dallentyne, T. Dauten Lel- mer, Grounds committes--<Toy Stay. enw, J. Payne, Av A, Lnnis. Tournament and Soclal--Mry, Molloy, A. A: Ennis, Mrs, Bnule, K, Wauot, C. Russell, Miss J. Ilus- sell, / TR) Wednesday Bargain . They have Fancy Colo WEDNESDAY ALL DAY 350 Very absorbant, softly napped, generously sized bleached terry Bath Towels red borders, colors of Blue, Rose, Green, Gold and Mauve 19¢ Other Extra specials in Bleached Towels with Fancy colored borders worth your inspection 150 Beautiful soft finish, heavy weight Bleached Bath Toweis. Size 22 x 44. Regular 79¢c value. Each ... 100 Super Bleached Bath Towels, extra heavy weight with perfect soft finished terry. Size 26 x 45. Regular value $1.00. Each .... WE ANTICIPATE SNAPPY BUYING FROM 8.30 a.m., SO BE WISE, AND GET IN EARLY FOR YOUR SUPPLY. EACH TOWEL 49¢ hoe THE BROTHERHOOD OF HOLY TRINITY CHURCH' The annual election of officers took place at the. meeting held on 1'hurs- day, January 29th, 1931. At this meeting the following were elected: S. J. Wells was re-clected presi- dent; A, W. Bellingham, vice-presi- dent; WV. Kilburn, secretary, and \V. Baxter clected treasurer in place of Os A. Wells, who desired to retire irom that office. Mr. Wells had held the office of treasurer since the forme ation of the brotherhood. He was accorded a very - hearty vote of | thanks for his services, GU. Cowdrey and J. Pennington were elected to the executive committee, A Whist Drive is being held in the basement of the church on Thursday, February Sth, at 8 pn. under the auspices of the brotherhood. Admis- sion 25 cents, Tickets can be obtain- ed fram any member of the brother. hood or at the door, The venetian mirror, recently on display in Led- ger's Men's Wear window will be drawn for at this Whist Drive. WESTMOUNT HOME AND SCnOUL CLUB MEET The Westmount Home und School uiub met last cvening in their regu- ar monthly meeting with the pres. went, Mrs, G. E, O, Biss presiding, the minutes of the last meeting were read by Mrs, McKay, secretary, while the financial report was presented by Miss Bingham, treasurer. The evening was spent in general and business discussion, One of the matter discussed was that of the Girl witide movenient, a branch ot which 18 being formed at th Westmount School, After the meeting was closed, a Jainty lunch was served by Mrs, C. Weeks, convenor, assisted by Mrs. Merritt and Mrs, Simpson. JESSIE PANTON AUXILIARY OF ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH A meeting of the Jessie Punton Auxiliary, was held in the ladies' pare four of St. Andrew's Church on t'uesday evening, January 27th, Af ter the singing of the opening hymn, prayer was given. by Mrs Rutledge, ttems of business were dealt with. A very teresting feature of this meeting was the presentation to Mrs, Clarence Sadler of a life membership to the Women's Missionary Sexiety. Mrs. Saddler replied in her usual pleasant manner. I'he presentation was made by Mrs. (Rev.) F. J. Max well, After the closing hymu tea was served by Mrs. Rutiedge and Mrs, White and a social half hour spent, SURPRISE PARTY I8 GIVEN ON BIRTHDAY A very pleasant evening was spent ut the home of Mrs. O, Lar. son, 43 Elena street, when a num. ber of friends gathered to offer thelr congratulations and wish her many happy roturps of her birth. day. During the evening a surprise parcel was presented to Mrs, Lar- son, which caused much amuse. ment. Later sho received u lovely rose colored cako basket, for which she thanked ber friends in a few well chosen words and cxpressed her surprise and pleasure in the gathering of her friends in her flome us well as for the congratu- lations that bad been offered her. Mrs, Larson also espressed her uppreciation of tho social side of the event, Dainty refreshments were served by a committee assisted by Miss Clara Larson, Although taken en. tirely by surprise, Mrs, Larson guve her friends u hearty welcome CELEBRATED THEIR WEDDING ANNIVERSARY A very pleasant surprise was given Mr. and Mrs, Minard, 104 Celina street, when friends and rolutives gathered at thelr home to celebrate with them their thirty. ninth wedding anniversary, The evening was spent in the playing of games and euchre and dancing, Just before lunch was served Mr. and Mrs, Minard were called forward and a presentation was made to them: Mr. Frank Purdy, of Willowdale, nephew of Mrs, Minard read a pleasing address, while Mrs. Willlam Taggart made the presentation. The prize winners euchro were Mrs. John Booth and Mr. Garfield Ferguson for high seore while consolation prizes were won by. Mrs, Godfrey and Mr, Roy Greentree. A special prize was given for the most lone hands played. This prize was won by Master Gordon Ferguson, The evening was brought to a close with the singing of "For They Are Jolly Good Fellows." DECISION PLEASES MACKENZIE KING Liberal Leader Comments | on Privy Council Com- | bines Act Ruling Ottawa, Feb, 3.~Great satisfac. tion was expressed by Rt. Hon. | Mackenzio King, leader of the Op- position, at the decision of the Ju- dicial Committee of the Privy Counel} declaring the Combines In- vestigation Act intra vires of the Canadian parliament, The act was originally introduc. ed as a bill by Mr. King in 1909 and subsequently passed under the Laurier Governmont in which Mr, King was Minister of Labor. Dur. ing the war the Borden Covern- ment established the Board of Commerca which functioned for a time and the Combines Act was not resorted to. Later it was re-enacted hy the King Government. When the Pro- orietory Articles Trade Association took action against the legislation, at { | and an exceedingly pleasant even. ing was enjoyed by all, the latg Government decided fit should he tested out by the high. est courts and subsequently it was: brought to the Party Counecll, OLD AGE PENSIONS COST $11,000,000 Figure for 1930 Includes All Provinces Except Que- bec and Maritimes Ottawa, Feb, 3.~Old-ago pen. glone in Canada last year cost roughly $11,000,000, according to tho latest statistics. The Domine fon Government paid half. Quebes and the Maritime Provinces are not included. Under tho projected system: of Federal 'administration and ab. sorption of practically the whole cost, the estimate for all the pro- vinces contemplates an outlay $25,000,000. TH Hon. R, D. Bennett, Prime Min- ister, has definitely announced that this subject will be included. in this year's legislation N.B. HEN LAYS : A RECORD EGG Nascoworth, N.BJust to prove the number "13" has no unlucky sig- nificance, a Plymouth Rock Hen, half Barred and half Buff, owned by James Sutton of this town recently laid an egg, with the numerals form ed perfectly, in relief work, on ths larger end, and has continued to lay regularly since, though producing ne more numerals, The freak egg is of two colors, egg proper is white, while the numbers are tinged brown. The man who is in love with him self has no fear of being jilted Detroit News. FARMER'S WIFE GETS STRENGTH By Taking Lydia E. Pink= "s Vegetable Compound Sri---- WON'T HAVE "TO DIAMOND fr NG KNOW = {/M NOT AFTER Akl, 1 AM +7 ® 1159 9nd Peatores Syndicate, Ig. 0 | DON'T WoRrfey, NTTLE GIRL, You BACIL « (F THAT COLLECTOR COMES IN, LET ME SUCH A BAD GUY, CVE "Thar

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