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Oshawa Daily Times, 3 Feb 1931, p. 8

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~ enough after shots, Fal th a fo pose of ae THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1931 FEAT TRENTON 6-2-CATARACTS MEET PATS TONIGHT shawa Junior O.H.A. Team Completes Groupe Schedule Bik Youngsters * Show pling Hockey Before Largest Crowd to Support "Them This Season, and * Should Make Good Show- "ing in the Payoff Games ting thelr group sched- put a logs, Oshawa juniors defeated Trenton 6-2 in "and exciting O. H. A. fix- 'played at the local arena. hore was a good crowd on hand een the game, and the jun- iors were accorded the best support oy fave had this season. It was jo. exhibition' and those who sgod it are convinced that wa has a swift traveling team h will go far In the finals and "will be a formidable contender he championship. wisitors came with the pur- giving the red shirted lads a good battle and thoy certainly t up a stift fight and provided re opposition than the juniors have experienced for a long while. 'fhe Trenton boys combined nicely \and stick-handled well but they sere a bit weak about the goal mouth and did not bore in hard Oshawa's stal- avart defence pair. Maundrell and rtie, teamed up well last night were largely responsible for "fhe fact that the visitors only net- ad two goals, "Oshawa practically elinched mat. tors in the first period with Drinkle 'Authors, Lortie and Maudrell fig- ring in the tallying. Chambers, Trenton goalie, steadied down af- ter this frame and in the remain- 4n two periods he made a number of splendid saves,the red shirts on- being able to add two more to r total. The work of Graboski, Oshawu's Bard working alternate, is worth 'mentioning for he checked like a gular flend last night and showed all kinds of speed, le is a tricky player and in the last period he succeeded in scoring two goals. _ Drinkle was effective at centre ~ while he was given 'good support ane on the wings by Peterson and Bradd, although at times the team wis prone to rely too much on fndividual efforts rather than on .dombination play. Yorke, at right defence, Bohan at centre, and Richards on right wing were outstanding on the "Prenton line up while Culbertson, ~~ heavy left defence man checked and broke up several attacks. y was clean and Refree Bert ges was anly Tequired to hand oft. penalties, the locals tour "while Trenton play- iven three trips to the "Fitst Period Play started off with a bang, both ms showing plenty of zip. Osh- - awa showed determination right "from the start and in three min- utes Drinkle had scored the locals' first. Lortie had gone down on a rush and broke through the vis- itor's defence. He shot but Cham- bers cleared. Drinkle and Bradd bored in and in a scramble in front _ of the Trenton goal mouth Drinkle pleked up the puck and batted it into tho met. Both teams were "combining nicely and some neat plays were made, Trenton made somé good threc-man attacks hut found difficulty in getting by the "Oshawa defence, The redl shirts' second goa came within eight minutes on one of the nicest efforts of the evening, Lortie goig down on centre with Al 8 on left wing, Lorfle pas- «48d the puck to Authors ag the 7 warts, "defence men checked him, tho lat- ter finding the corner of the net with a quick shot. ; To the big left defence man goes the credit for Oshawa's third ing down on his lonesome he faked a shot just ag be came in front of the Trenton defence stal- As they watched for the puck to fly from his stick hé pas- sod through them lke an express ng through a tunnel and scored rom cdose in. Not to be outdone by bis partner, Maundrell counted on brilliant single effort just be- fore the period closed. was now leading 4-0 Second Period Trenton boys came on the ice in he second frame with a "do or Lon thelr faces and Oshawa 'minutes they broke into the ~ seoring column. The visitors made fast combination attack and shot "on goal. Hurst tried to clear hut (Zrenton was right in on top of him scramble insued in which Mat. NEW MARTIN LUPE VE! EZ John Holland Jean Hersholt fic acho Pathe News Dutch Treat Comedy y Shown at 2.30, 7 and 9 REGULAR PRICES ~ - Without Suffering Defeat tis secured the puck and slipped it by the local goalle for Trenton's first. The locals began ta dig in again and for awhile had Trenton bottlea up behind their own blue line. Maundrell rushed but was trip- ped by Richards who drew a rest. Culbertson, Trenton's heavy left defence, had been doing good work for his team but met with amis- fortune when he collided with Muundrell and was winded. He was out for the rest of the period. Trenton missed a wonderfull chance to count in the last two minutes when Authors and McDon. ald were penalized leaving Osh- awa with only three men on the ice. But they couldn't make the grade, however, and in fact Lortie broke loose on two occasions trom the pressing attacks of the visitors and worried Chambers with wicked shots, Third Period start of the final frame. Both teams were digging right in and excitement ran high. ' Oshawa had several good shots on goal but Chambers handled them well. In nine minutes of play the vis- ftors werc greatly encouraged when Yorke sped down on right wing and scored on a long shot. But their Joy was not for loug. Groboski, who had been going great guns and checking like a fiend, took the puck away from Culbertson and tricked Chambers with a quick shot. With five minutes to go this hard working alternate repeated his performance and dashed right through the defence to slip another past Chambers. Trenton was still trying hard when the final gong sounded, with Oshawa ahead 6-2, The line up was as follows:-- Trenton hawa CHambers Goal Hurst 'Culbertson L. Defence Lortie B. Yorke R. Defence L. Maundrell Bohan Centre Drinkle Mattis L. Wing Peterson Richards R. Wing Bradd Begin Subs McDonald Kidd Authors Jordan Graboski Refree. Bert Hedges, Toronto, NOGHALLENGE FROM AMERICAN HOCKEY LEAGUE President, However, Be- lieves His Champions on Par With Nationals Duluth, Minn, Feb. 2.--Play. offs between the American Hockey League and the National League winners would offer a banner post- season hockey attraction, William F. Grant, president of the Ameri- can circult, stated here recently. The American League, however, is not at present contemplating a for- mal challange for the Stanley cup, emblematic of the world's pro puck championship. Declaring that the American Lea- "ae "Is on a par with the National league in every respect," President Grant asserted the challenge for the Stanley fog "likely cannot be made this year becaues of various reas- ons." He sald numerous changes in schedule because of failure of St. Louis and Buffalo to have their rinks ready may result in prolong- ing the season's schedule. "There 18 no question in my mind that the American League is as fast as the National circuit," Grant sald, "and a play-off between the win- ners in the two leagues would of- for a banner post-season attrac- on." Mr. Grant believes that ff the American loop officials challenge for a play-off series, it would be ac- cepted immediately, - mmar-------------- GANANOQUE BEATS RM.C, Kingston, Feb, 3,---Gananoque defeated Royal Military Colflege in their scheduled intermediate O.H. A. game here last night to remain in the running for group honors, The final score was 3 to 2. tp ---------- BRAMPTON IN PLAYOFY Brampton, Feb, 3.--Brampton juniors won the right to meet Mimico in the O.H.A. junior group play-offs by 4ofaatiily Orangeville 6 to 5 in a game that went ten minutes overtime last night, A-------------------- NEWMARKET WINS GROUP Newmarket, Feb, 3.--The New- market juniors won thelr section of O.H.A. group No, 16 when tha; lefeated Barrie here last night by the score of 4-1 before the largest crowd that ever saw a group game nthe canal town. They will now plar off with Collingwood or Stay. ner. 2 BROCKVILLE QUALIFY ' Brockville, Feb, 3.--~Brockviile juniors cinched a place in the Rideau junfor- group of the Ot. tawa district play.offs here last night when they defeated Smith's Falls by a score of 5 to¥1," ¢ ONE GOAL LEAD Stratford, Feb, 8.--Stratford Indians met the visiting Milverton intermediates here last night fu the first game of the group play offs and at the end of 60 minus Lot fast, thrilling Rockey, the loca emerged on the long end of a 3-2 score. = last night's game was comparative- HOCKEY RESULTS Hockey games played last night re- sulted as follows: O.H.A. Intermediate Burlington Bowmanville group, 10 to 5. Fenelon Falls 4 round, 9 to § Milverton Ingersoll Hamilton ."" R. Mi Ciwenani2 IHesneler \lvinston Junior Dunnyille Lakefield sl) 2 el Acton . zPeterboro ... zPeterboro wins zMarkham ....4 zMarkham wins Stratford Western Woodstock Gananoque Elmira Blenheim vient cad raved Hagersville oi snarl Peterboro. H.C. Newmarket Barrie zBrantford ....4 Kitchener ; z--Brantford wins round, 7=35. Collingwood ....4 Stayner ......4 Welland ......2 Grimsby Jo. d xGeorgetown ...7 Oakville 3 x--J30 minutes overtime, Oshawa Trenton Port Hope ..5 Whithy Victorias Danforths Mimico Yolton xBrampton ....6 Orangeville x=10 minutes overtime. Port Colborne defaulted to Niagara Falls, een 2 CEO Ontario Pro. 6 Stratford xKitchener ....7 Guelph x -10 minutes overtime, vam canal Peterboro In Playojfs Peterboro, Feb, 3, Peterboro won second place in thelr O.H.A, intermediate group and earned the right to meet Oshawa in the play off series by beating Bowmanville here last night 4 to 2, thus captur- ing the round by 10 to 0. Until the last period, in which five of the six goals were scored, ly tame, with both -teams lacking finish close in. Bowmanville--Goal, Jamos; de- fence,. Cameron and Hooper; cen tre, Candler; wings, Plper and Jamieson; subs, Drinnin Jackman and Rundle, Peterboro--Goal Gillespie; a fence, Lebarr and Lackey; centre Maudsley; wings, Hatton an Creighton; subs, Jarvis, Calladine and Utronski, Referee--A. W. Armstrong, Osh- awa. Woodstock Wins Lead In Hamiiton Hamilton, Feb, 4.---Scoring a pair of counters in the last three minutes of play, Woodstock de. feated Hamilton 2 to 1 In the first of home-and-home games for the group title here last night and will carry a one goal margin into the second game, which wil be played in Woodstock on Thurs. day night. On the night's play it was a toss-up, close to 4,000 fans watching two evenly matched teams battle for supremacy, and Woodstock won the verdiet, No scoring resulted until Hi minutes of the second period had elapsed, when Steve Conick, dim- inutive cenire man for Hamilton, raced around the Woodstock de. fence to back-hand one past Lynch. At the time Woodstock was playing a man short, Lam port having been penalized on the play previous for tripping. They held that lead until 57 minutes of play had elapsed, and then Ewens slipped Darragh a pass at the Hamilton defence, and the left winger skated in close to drill one past Anderson for the .equal. fzer, One minute later the visitors went to the front, Thrower plck- ing up a rebound close in to o guess the local goaler, NEW BRITISH CHAMPION Manchester, Eng, Feb, 3 -- Jackie Brown, of Matichester won the Brit- ish flyweight championship and the Lord Lonsdale belt here last night by outpointing Bert Kirby of Birming- ham in 15 pounds, : For every baby born iin"1929 in this counrty, observed Lord Ponsonby, ten motorcars were bought, God- fathers seen to have been singularly g.nerous in 1929 ~London Passing how. Soaks Right In And Limbers Up Stitf Joints New Discovery Limbers Em Up and Even the Creaking Ceases 'Just rub on Joint-Base {f you want to know what real comfort i s. It's for stiff, swollen, creaky or pain-torturdd joints whether caus- ed by rheumatism or not, A few seconds' rubbing and it gonks right in through the skin and flesh right down to ligament and bone--right where all the trouble starts, 5 It olls up and limbers up the joints, subdues the inflammation, stops the pai and reduces the swelling. Joint-Base 1s the one great remedy for all Joint troubles ahd live druggists arc dispensing: it daily, Made fo Canada~--a tune | for 60 cents. / : An remember whey Joint-Ease | GPORT SNAPIHOTS) tion in the group playoffs. night. home ice, they will meet Oshawa, Intermediates bers for the season. » * the Red and Whites should have comes up from the other end of be at the game in Woodstock, 1f from sheer bappiness. » . ® ? should be a great hockey gante, * * This competition brings the pick of the lap of the gods. * * of the group, » homers to his credit, Naturally, he the New York slugger is drawing "personality 'in big time baseball, Should the Bowmanville boy§ win, anc group games in the COS. S.A. series, every game played, and tomorrow should sce them make a clean sweep year, 80 his pay has been raised Ly $10,000 to a figure of $32,500, that, Hack is «till a long way behind the Babe in financial returns, for Ready For Playoffs : Undefeated in their group, the O.H.A. Juniors representing Oshawa arc now waiting for Bowmanville and 'I'renton to battle it ou second ' place inorder to decide which team will provide the opposi- Trenton and Bowmanville play tomorrow for ~ game ig on the'r but if they are beaten by Trenton, then they will be tied and a two game series will be required to settle the matter, Meanwhile, the Oshawa youngsters, by 'virtue of a spark- ling victory last night, in whieh they played great hockey before the best crowd they have had this season, are still undefeated, and are riding high at the top of the group, waiting for developments. » » » . Meet Peterboro The Peterboro intermediates made no mistake in' their series with Bowmanville, and took both games to win by 10 to § on the round, The Petes now meet Oshawa mteymediates tor the group title, and an- nouncement of dates is expected tomorrow. provide great hockey, and should brought out thg fans in record nus. This playoff series should " A Looks Like Woodstock As we predicted a few duys ago, it lovks as if Woodstock will win Group No. 10 in the intermediate O.H.A, At Hanilton last night, they won by 2 to 1 and secured a one goal lead ower the Hamilton Pats. Chis lead should be increased when they meet on Woodstock ice, and little difficulty with the team which the playoffs, Four thousand people saws the game in Hamilton last night, and at least three thousand will the Oshawa intermediates could get a crowd like that, there would be a danger of the club treasurer dying » * Pats. Meet Cataracts Tonight he Oshawa: Patricias are at home at the Arena tonight, with the fast-moving Niagara lalls Cataracts providing the opposition in what I'he Cataracts have climbed a lot since they were here a few weeks wgo and played an overtime tie with the Pats, and are now up around the top of the dadder. meantime resping securely at the bottom, with a chance of earning a couple of points todight to bring them up a little; With a game here against the Cataracts tonight, and another at Stratford tomorrow night, they should pull out spme points to get themselves out of the cellar. They are playing good hockey, but are just not there when old lady luck is handing out her favors, and "there you is." The Pats, are " ¥ In Toronto Today Members of the curling club have their eyes fixed on Loronto today, as the two local rinks are playing there in the Ontario Tankard series. the curlers of the province together and any club which lands in the trophy has reason to feel well satisfied. The local skips are W, H. Ross and W. A. Coad, and they can be de- pended on to put Oshawa on the map. Sarnia will be met in the first round this morning, with the proceedings for the rest of the day in * * A Clean Sweep Likely The collegiate and vocational institute basketball team travels to Co- bourg tomorrow to meet the Cobourg collegiate boys in the last of the So far, the local boys have won " J Hack Gets More Money Last scason, Hack Wilson of the Chicago Cubs, stole Babe Ruth's thunder, and was enthroned as the season's home run king, with 56 wanted a salary increase for this At' down a cool $80,000 for his work. It looks as if Hack is still a long way short of what he is getting, but that may come if he keeps up his last year's pace, because, in spite of everything, Ruth is still the best drawing card and the most colorful TRIBUTE IS PAID Marjorie Pickthall Hailed as Greatest Poet Dominion Has Produced Montreal, Feb, 3.--Marjorie Ilck- thall was the greatest poet and playwright Canada has produced, and Mazo de la Roche the greatest novelist, Professor Howard Dayne Brant, associate professor of Eng- lish at MacDonald College, claimed fn the course of a lecture at a meet- ing of the Maritime Women's Club, Picking out what be considered the best writers in the several branches of literature in Canada, Professor Brunt compared them with many masters of English, and in many eases found literature of Canadian origin the equal of any of a similar ty rom other countries. The greatest defect in Canadian literature was that it was likely to appeal only to Canadians, by virtue of & somewhat pravineial and per- haps too patriotie outlook, the speaker went on, adding that may people seemed to take pride in thiy defect. This does not mean that Canadians should not write about Canadian characters in "Canadian scenes, but that they should be able to "look beyond their own cabbage patch" he pointed out. They could be patriotic and yet produce works of universal appeal, like Shake- ypeare, whose characters were al- ways fundamentally English men, but nevertheless were so true to human nature that they were ap- preciated the world over, He sala. The speaker dwelt at some length on the contribution of Maritime writers to Canada's literature. Classing in this division books deal- ing with Maritime characters and themes, and any books by a Mari- time author, the speaker found sev- eral authors from Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward' 1s land in the front rank of Canadian lterature. é ping Ma ore Plektia, Hina n, Are mpman an Charles G..D, Robertg as Canada's ker remark- aritime origin greatest poets, 1% 8 ad that two "a of gets in joint © Olt le ck in Jotub navy. Hels Biss Carman and Charles G. D. Roberts. Professor Brunt paid tri- CANADIAN WRITERS bute to Marjorie Pickthall for the artistry of her work, Charles G. D. | Robert's poem on the occasion of | Shelley's centenary deserved to be ranked with the four greatest ele- | gles In English poetry, he said. Mar- | jorie Pickthall won the honor in the | lleld of Canadian playwrights, by | virtue of her play "The Woodeary- |er's Wife," he belleved. In addi- {tion her "flawless short stories" | were the best produced in Canada {as yet, he sald, In the realm of folklore, the Maritimes could claim two out standing figures, Dr, Cyrus MacMil- lan, for his "Wonder Tales of Can- ada," and "Fairy Tales of Canada," and Archibald MacMeechan for his "Everybody's Alice,' and "Porter of Bagdad." Of the two great Canadian hum- orists, Stephen Leacock and Thomas Haliburton, the latter hailed from Nova Scotia, the speaker went on, referring to Hallburton's 'Sam Slick" as the beginning of typical American and Canadian humor. Although Mazo de la Roche could not be classed as a Maritimer, Pro. fessor Brunt remarked, another front: rank novelist, the author of "Ann of Green Gables," was of Maritime origin, as was John Ox- ley, famed writer of stories for boys. Other prominent novelists classed with Maritime writers were the au- thor of "Beautiful Joe" and also Miss Alice Jones, the author of "Gabriel Praed's Castle." In the class of political essays, those of importance were the work of a Nova Scotian, Joseph Howe, the speaker affirmed. He conclud- od with retiting Bliss Carmn's "Low Tide at Grand Pre." In this modern age when a girl is spoken of as being an accomplished cook, it means she is able to open a can wits « hatchet if the can opener is broken. Sarnia Canadian Obsery- er, ------ The hen that refuses to lay should bé iiterred in a potpie~Chicago Daily News. The editorial rooster says that the eyy business is not worth crowing about ~Exerter Times-Advocate, ... Stocks will come back when people get enough money to have some tak- en away from them again ~Brandon Sun, HOCKEY RECORDS Kitchener ,..:18 Stratford ....15 Guelph .....15 Oshawa es Wednesday--Oshawa at Guelph, Kitchener at Niagara Falls, Galt at Stratford. Friday = Stratford Guelph at Galt, Saturday--Niagara Falls at Kitch- ener. at Oshawa, Cataracts Play Locals H ere Tonight Tonight the Niagara Falls Cat. aracts invade Oshawa, and meet tho Patrleias in an Ontario Hockey League game. Things have not heen going any too well with the Pats in recent games, but that is due more to lack of the breaks of the game than anything else, Th boys have heen putting up a great brand of hockey in every game, but have just been outlucked in soveral contests which they ought to have. won, In the last game the Cataracts played against the Pals here, an overtime tle of three 'goals cach was the result, Since then the Paty have been strenghtened by the addition of Hamel and Colqu- houn, while Stanhope, who was absent from that game on account of injuries, is back ir the lineup. The Pats are well-balanced now, and are capable of beating any team in the league, as was shown last week when they handed the Terrfers a real trimming, They are liable to do just the same to the Falls team tonight, and for that reasoh it is likely that a great crowd will be on hand to see them try it, ONTARIO LEAGUE PLAYERS' RECORDS Following is the standing of the Ontarlo League for the first round, fncluding games of January 21: a. Quesnel, Stratford 8 Rice, Oshawa .... Sellars, Galt ,...10 Gauthier, Galt ... 6 Randle, Guelph .. 7 Manners, N. Fally 3 Baetz, Kitchener.. b Goodwillle, Guelph 6 Daughen, Guelph, 3 Heller, Kitchener, 3 McLeod, N. Falls, 4 Joyee, Oshawa... 6 Maloney, Galt. ... 4 D. Hamel, Kitch, .. 4 Wostwick, N. Falls 6 Lowry, N. Falls,, 6 Martin, Galt 6 Schnarr, Kitchener 4 Stanhope, Oshawa, 2 Schneider, Kitch, ..1 Oshorne, Kitch, ..0 Barnes, Kitch, 4 Foxworthy, Strat, .3 H, Hamel, Oshawa 4 Walker, Stratford Sullivan, N. Falls . Kentner, Guelph .. A. Moore, Guelph . McMillan, Guelph Carmody, Guelph Matte, N. Falls Smith, N. Falls Laroche, N. Falls ,%3 Gilmour, Oshawa Lott, Oshawa .. Megaflin, Galt ,...0 Currie, Galt .....1 Davey, Oshawa ... Yankowskl, Strat . Kelterborn, Strat. Kwasnie, N. Fallg .. Johnson, Guelph -, .! White, Galt ,....2 M. Moore, N. Falls 0 T. Moore, Stratford 1 Kuntz, Stratford ..0 Green, Oshawa ....2 Killoran, Kitch, ,..0 Lickley, Kitchener ,2 Wedgewood, Galt .0 Pusfe, Galt ..,...2 Mecllwaine, Oshawa 1 Murphy, Stratford .1 McCully, Stratford .1 Roth, Stratford ..1 I. Morrison, Strat, .0 Reld, Stratford ....0 Colquhoun, Oshawa 1 Clapper, Guelph ..1 B Morrison, Guelph 0 Brown, Kitchener 0 Saindercook, Strat. 0 0 *--QOne major, AUSTRALIAN TRADE mR eel aaTIat=Aan SMV RDDDOOT Ot IPRA TV TIE NTT YTS oY 3 a -- oe: = on ed -- LC E-1 FTE SF GE ae eS SEC NF EY SEE NEG Et -- EE CRE 3 - A a BELA ERAS aI _ » eI as Smog Ido SD an a RISE TREATY MAY FAIL| wr p-------- Ottawa. Feb. 3~Internal troub- | fos in the Government of Australia, where one prominent minister his resigned and another may do so, are. being followed here with a more than ordinary interest. If an Adsthaliap election should occur or the present Government be other- wiged changed, it might effect mat- erally the new Austriian treaty, which awaits sanction by the two Parliaments, . The treaty Is discribed as very important, but It is all contingent upon ratification. The scullen Government is also committed to the fdea of the Imuerial Beonomic Conforence here next autumn, but should If" come to grief there is no gu position of its successers in office, France has 4 new Premier. The trouble with' France is that she has a new Premier often but never very long ~Oftawa Journal, of what would be the |. Wi' Besom and Stane AFTER THE TANKARD Today two rinks of Oshawa curlers are in Toronto, battling for the Ontario Tankard, Having dofeated Belleville and Cobourg, they qualified to represent their district in thls Important event. The first round games, played at the Oakwood rink, bring them against Sarnia, The players who are representing Oshawa on the two rinks ave: J. H, Thompson, Robert Mec. Culloch, C. M. Anderson and W. H. Ross, skip. C. R. Balles, ¥. G. Carswell, D. B. Carlyle and W. A, Coad, skip. The best wishes of the sports editor and of all local curlers, go with these rinks. > CONSOLATION GAMES Two games were played in the consolation series ofg the Oshawa Club Bonsplel last "night, Dob Henderson's rink ran W, A, Hare's rink a neck-and-neck race to lose hy a single shot, but in the other games quite a margin separated the rinks, the scores being as fol. lows: RR. Henderson 10 J. Thompson 24 CC. Detenbeck ¥ O. M. Alger... 7 IF. Dobney ..17 Dr, Henry ..21 H. Lander ... 9 W. A. Hare 11 St. Godard First Woman Second in Mushers Derby Ottawa, Feb, 3.--kmile St. God- ard, who came out of The Pas to win the first Pttavs-Salgrmational dog racing derby, bids fair to re- peat his performance this year. The Manitoban, who swept all before him last year, captured tho first stage of the second Ottawa derby yesterday, nosing out Mrs, I, PD, Ricker, of Poland Springs, Me, only woman entrant in the sweop- stake. KITCHENER KIDS ouUT Brantford, Feb, 3.--In the Breatest game seen in Lhe Arctic arena here since the edifice was erected the Brantford Juniors nosed oul the Kitchener team 4-3 here last night, winning the round 7-5 aud the right to meet Strat- ford in the group finals, The game made history in that it was the first time in ten veurs that the Kitchener juniors have failed to win thelr group, GEORGE BEATS STASIAK Bufralo, Kab, 8.--Eq Don George, claimant of thé heavy- welght wrestling title, defeated Stanley Stasiak in a time limit mateh here last night, George won the first and only fall of the con. test in 65 minutes, They wero at grips in the second session when time was called. Terriers Beat Nationals And Retain Leadersnip, But Silverwoods Defeat Guelph Galt Team With New Player from Regina Comes Back to. Form and Administer: 6 to 2 Defeat to Stratford --Overtime Needed tc Decide Kitchener Game Galt, eb, 8. == The Terrier hold their grip on the O.H.L. lead ership ns a result ot thelr 6 to victory over tho Stratford Natio als here last night, The locals us a team, turned in thelr bost effort of the season, thelr passing being unselfish, while their hard check- ing had the visitors badly disor- ganized most of the time, Tha Nationals' shooting was very bad. It was a romarkably clean game with but seven penalties, all for minor offences, The Terriers had a new addi tion, Earl Clapper, who hails from Regina, He brings the local club to full strongth and the now comer made a favorable impros- sion. Sandercook,, Kelterborn and Quesnel were the plek of the vise. tore, There was little to choose among the locals, all plavine nice hoekey, However, Pusio and Cur. rie were much in the limelight, the former getting a gonl and piving an assist, while Currie got a pair of counters, Kitchener Advance Kitchener, Ieh, 8 Kitehen "lverwoods moved Into n first di vislon berth fn the Ontario profes. ulonal hockey Pere Inet night when they won a free seors ing contest from the Guelnh Maple Leafs hv petting the odd goal in a baker's dozen after ten minutes of overtime. The winners got the first goal, but were never headed after that until they bhageed the counter which gave them a 7 to § vietory with less than two utes to go in the overtime lene mins= Salory Incr--se For Hac' Wilson Piteburg, Feb, 3.-lewit Rohort Wilson, bettér known as plain Hack, home run king of the major leagues last yoar, slaned hig con- | tract vesterday to play baseball for | the Chicago Cubs durng 1931. Hack was known to have drawn 222.500 last and the aontract was thoueht fo he at an nerease of 810.000, with a possible "onus attached, Tt also was said to ha for only one year. Neither President Veeck, of the Cubs, who asked Wilson to come here today from the slugger's home In Martinsburg. W., Va., for the ~onference, nor Mack would more than that they "were satis- fled." year, new sy PETERBORO TEAMS PLAY OFI Takefield, eh. 3.--Peterboro Hockey club Juniors took second place In the group race hy beating Lakefield here laet night 7.4 and will now play Peterboro . St. John's for the group title, on Wed- nesday and Saturday night John's team having finished first place, Nt in 7 Ww a : SET. RR RRR ee

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