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Oshawa Daily Times, 5 Feb 1931, p. 11

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"THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, FELRUARY 5, TOWN PLANNING © ~ WORK IN CANADA 15 DISCUSSED a Elaborate Plans for Ottawa Unfolded at Convention of Land Surveyors * Ottaagy, Feb. 5--"That the appoints nent 6F § Regional Planning Come nigsion would take the line of least fesistance and still would enable Ot- Awa, its suburbs and the surrounds ng districts to be developed in a RMN watthy ol the capital of Can sand of a Jioftaseive modern city, the statement of A, Qu Gorman in. presentitig the report of y Planning Commit{de at the | Cotivention of the Déniinion "Lin Serieyors Assoclation: wiileh is ine held In Ottawa today, Mr. Gorman declared there are Hany serious difffeulties in the way 'f the adoption of any Federal Dis ret schemo which would fnvolye the ibolition of municipal governments in Ottawa, Hull and the sdrrounding listticts. Any proposal to superime« Jose Hpon present munleipal govern nent a Regional Plan, under which de control of physical features and »ublic. services woulll he transferred © 4 special commission, would doubt: eds 'result in endlets disputes as to ect Mr, "Strathmore C. Koha Falrehild," prize bull who has een awarded Reserve All American honors by & committe in the United States appointed by the American Holstein<Friesian Association. In addition he won first [ite at the recent Royal Canadian Winter Show in Toronto. Strathmore Mary Koba was rve All Asmat ean Junior yearling heifer, 1980. Both animals were bred at the Canadian Pacific Experimental Farm at Strathmore, Alberta. The Btrathmore and Tilley farms, oper- folk sheep from the Tilley farm every first and seond pve 4h ehamplonships including Champion wethor. In Hampshires the flock from farm won four firsts ineludi rand Champion ewe, reserve Grand Champion ram and Champion wether. Iolsteins from the Strathmore farm won the coveted Haley & Tee trophy for the second time. Altogether the sheep from the Tilley farm and the cattle from Strathmore farm won eighty ribbons at the Royal Winter 8how, tage of a Director of Town Plannin though as yet he has no staff of as- sistatits, but the town planning Idea has become firmly embedded in the public mund, The cities of Saskatoon and Prince Albert have each attacks ed the problem of town giaing in a businesy like manner and have calls ed in trained specialists to useist in the work, while in Regina studies are now proceeding with a view to come prehensive plan for the city, There are a number of towns here zoning Is in progress, and there is a ten dency to found new town sites in conformity with modern plauning. In Manitoba, while the necessity for a director of town planning was recognized, the mistake was made of thinking that the superintendent of provincial highways could alse act as a director of town planning in his spare time. Ha has no spare time and it seemy clear that the manages ment of two such important functions at the same time is impracticable and impossible, The Town planning Act of the Provines of Ontario is obsolete and efforts of the Town Planning frater- ni'v for a modern uct and the ap pointment of a provinelal direct \¢ and staff for educational and exeen- tive purposes have been without ree sult, Recently the provincial branch of the Nadonal Counell of Wom: a 'petitioned the Ontario Government along these lines and received a very sympathetic hearing and folate something may result from their ef« forts. ? The Quebec legislature has before dit uw deaft town planning bill which contains many. original features but whether it will be passed seems ay sot has followed the example of Van couver and Is employing an expert of international reputation to create a plan for the city, t Churchill nothing yet seems to have happened to kill the promise and expectation that that town would be Plated and developed une der «the principle of public ownership of land, GRLS PREPARE TO BECOME PREMIER HOSTESSES OF AI Will Be Employed on Giant Passenger Planes Néw York, IMeb. o. «(By Canad- fan Press)-=Ifor the last few weesk five young New York girls have been flying from New York to Washington and back thrice ally<=in training to become the premier hostesses of the alr, the une 1081 in industry. The se- oohd week one had to be replaced «pho got alr slok, The others were graduated with honors. They were prepared to answer any question about aero. olanes uo passengdr might ask. They were unqualified beldgeé'play- 193) ers. They knew how to brew a cup of tea or coffee, or fo carry oh .a conversation, As amatuaer nurses, they knew as much as any. ono about remidies for air wick. ness. Inoldentally, thoy were exe pected to be beautiful and charm. ing on all ocoasions. Only the Baatern Afr Transport, tun between New York and Wash ington with huge Curties Condor nlanos could carry haetonean, aes sording to pilots at the Newark afrnort, The Curtins Condor Hasreneer wane fe an adantion of the mreat hWombing planes biult for the Army. hey could carry thirty-two nas wenenrs, but, to nrovide a "Pull man" of the aif, tho planes were Afeldad into compartments, allaw. ine for eirhtean nassengers, twe ninty and the hostess, There {8 a amakin® aomnartmant « lounges, whore alr aiek-minded sand le down, two nlades for the widge-minded an ohuatvation niat. farm, & cloak room. A wasliraom, p taviatory nnd a minfaturg kitehan wharg tha hAttaes mieht neanaps anflen and sandwiches for thehune sry-minded. ' NARET Treg Bacng Take Plnald Club, N, Y, wali Pahallaseh tanmse Fanraeanting tha 'nited Staten, Bwitsarland nnd Aprmany will comnotd hears Feb f and 7 in the first North AmerieAn bobsliegh championship races over the Olympic bob run: The Lake Placid Club Sno Bird's in co-operation with the New York State Olymple Winter Games Com- mission, will conduct the compot- {tion which has been sanctioned by the Amatuer Athletic Union and the International Bobsliegh and Tobogganing Federation, The races wil serve to prepare the A- mericans for nexy year's Olympre tests $5, NORBITON HAD TROUBLED VOYAGE Log Filled Five Books Full of Disasters Truro, England, Feb. 8.-<The misfortune record of the Cornish coast probably belongs to the 8B. 8, Norbiton berthed here after a 50, 000 mile voyage Into all sections of the world, The Noriton's g filled five bobks and it required almost 12 hout steady work before lier mas. ter Capt. J. C. Jamesan, Complet- ed his business with the port au- thorities. Rineo leaving Rotterdam on her 60,000 mile voyage. mis fortunes of the Norbiton ineluded: PAGE ELEVEN Three deaths, 15 desertiohs, " Rudder carried away at Trieste, aly, : Iee-bound 17 days In Azov Sea, Russie, where the rudder was a- gain damaged and the hows twisted Fire in the goal bunkers at San. tos, Brazil and again at Buocnos Alves, . Stranded 17 days on Bt. Laws renco River rocks, Aground in Meéblla Alabama, Channel, tor five days because of 4 jammed steering gear. - For * All Digestive Troubles The Stomach and Liver Toric Priot 75 cénw PUTS AN END TO: Indigestion, Flatulence Biliousness, Heartburn Acidity, Stomach Flu Cramp in the Stomach Heat an Ave {ektiess KARN'S DRUG STORL OSHAWA; ONTARIO a 7 ni A ais " Toronto, of which fifty were made up of nineteen Firsts, twenty Soconds and eleven Championships snd Reserve Championships. yet uncertain, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island have town planning acts on" their stutute books but make no use or them, In Toronto 'I. D. LeMay has been dppointed Town Planning Commis. sioner to take charge of preparing a comprehensive plan. Montreal after vhat contitutes physical features and {ible services and us to where the livided -respohsibility should begin nd end, ; . The adoption of a Regional Plane un, milssion, oft the other hand, ai fr, Goran, might be more eas: lv' and quickly achieved, Under it lie, &1ty councils would be asked to ree with other municipal represen: tives 'to oplace planning evntrol of ' 'he Capital regicn in the hands of romtisglon of expert planners, If it s sald that this 18 also impracticable ind fmpossible the answer is that what 4' being done all over the eivil zed world is neither impracticable 108, tinpossitle prim ated by the Agticuitutel Branch of the Canadian Pacific Railway, made very remarkable showing at the Roronto show last Novenibér. Sul- Featured in This Week's A & P years of consideration has appointed seven professional men as a technical | Soores of Outstanding Values in the executive, but how the various funes | 3 - Qualities You Are Abwvays Sure of at A & P. tions are to be distributed is not yet | clear, Saskatoon has elected several technieal men to the city council, in- | - ib. c eluding the Dean of Engineering of Very Finest Quality Avallable<Every Carcass by A & P Experts. the University, This group has pre- WEEK-END SPECIALS ~~ ROASTS ~ pared a city plan, 'The city of Wind: | WHEAT PRICES ARE DOWN, 80 A & P FLOUR PRICES COME DOWN, TOO PORTERHOUSE "1.0%" 1b. 29¢ | FLOUR == WING mane ib. 25¢ PASTRY CROIOR YOUNG ROASTING CHUCK "i Ib. 13¢ PORK BUTTS rune i. FANCY LOINS, LB, 25¢. BUGAR CURED BREAKFAST BACON env. SLICED OR CENTRE CUTS, LB, 2% Tender, LEGS mm! rovcwnc 1b, 2Qe SHOULDER ib. 14e PRIME RIB i». 22e OUR OWN 2 Ibs. 21e¢ COUNTRY STYLE 1m. 15¢ BUY THEM BY TRE DOREN!---AYLME® BRAND MeCORMICK'S * PREPARED FOR TABLE AT NO EXTRA COST FREEBSR HADDOCK 2 ibs. 29¢ CENTRE CUYS OR STRARS, 1, ibe. ¥, ew SMELTS Mo.1Pack Ib. 25e soreseaee LAMB FOREQUARTERS it. 17e Tolly Far "beans. SAUSAGE PURE PORK Pasa ib. 25e MINCEMEAT UR | 2 ii 29e CHGICE : COR QUALTYY vey FreammP Ye A SPROIAL THAT SPELLS V-A-L-U.k COCOANUT ux A&P RAISIN LOAF FILLETS PRISE ATLANTIC ® 13 cores suvsmamiant SALMON mat or Whole 1b. 15¢ RGOGS scepiod in exchange fer merchandise or cash at Vancouver has taken a command ing lead among Canadln citles in town planning, Mr. Gorman deelar- ed. One teresting development there has been that in Point Grey, now a part of Vaneouver, the experi. mont is being made of the renlan. provineg and swoner or later all the provinces must be impressed hy the absolute nceessity tor such a central agency. Saskatehowan also has the advan. ning of subdivisions, involving the exchange of properties for the sake of more efficient planning Alberta promises to lead the prove Ihees, so far as town planning is con cerned. A year ago twelve town planning eomnrissions had been aps pointed in Alberta, now thefe ure seventeen ror dlghteen, The atility of a provincial town planning bureaw seh a Alberts has created ing admirably exemplified er that mn 241d. Bag ONR-POUND PRINTS PRUNES 1a SUN-ERA CEREAL CRISCO For Frying Tin 24¢ MAGIC Baking Powder 57" 3de , he v , ' EINER FIAVOR PEACHES 27 45- RED ROSE TEA Black if 29e 'ADAYS most Canadian women \ ; regulatly select AYLMER Al. MARMALADE sa bi J 33e Canadian Soups . . . la any well-stocked pantry there is always an assortment of SOAP Manytiowers Tollet 4 Bars 25¢ these naturally finer - flavored Soups , . . ATLAER GREEN LABEL Healthful, economical, always ready . . . MARMALADE 4o-0r.3ar 230 Good for svasbody; any time . , , and PINEAPPLE 5%. 2 %¢ 21e particularly good for growing children during told or changeable weather . . . JOR THE KIDDISS AYLMER Soups are Canadian from fies to last . . . Finer Flavor at Less Cost, , PEANUT BUTTER 13-0s.Pall 21¢ CAMPBELLS 3° 219 No need to accept other brands . ... Good 3 the. 20¢ Pkg. 23¢ ib. 21 2 tor 19¢ LOINS Flank On Ib. 22¢ BREAKFAST bo ib. 22¢ UR FOOD WRITE SHORTENING = 2-27 ow FISH = COD Halt or Whole CENTRE CUTS OR STBALS, 1h, 17¢ a f Tomato Vegetable Green Pea Celery "Asparagus Consomme Ox-Tail Chicken with Rice 'Vegetable-Beef Fresh Fruits and Vogetables at All A © P Stores GRAPEFRUIT Viorida's 4 for 25¢ ORANGES cums Dos. 20e Grocery Manager--G, N Phone 3170 a wh Surg Grocery Matger LY. C.'W WE DELIVER--EXTRA CHARGE 15¢ Grocers everywhere sell "AYLMER", Canadian rs, Limited With over 80 Factirles packing Jrui and Vegetables from the Gardens Ontario, Quebec and ' v Ni Tar GREAT ATLANTIC & Pacivic Tea Co. QI Ge Cac hg [i 2 Superior Stores WIAA. Lib V Li 7 2 PR AR

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