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Oshawa Daily Times, 5 Feb 1931, p. 14

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 35, 1931 rbo i of two of the United at Campbellford six years ago. 1s eventual in to provide a $60,000 building, Trenton, Ont, necessitates |. t King Street Church at an y So. St. James' ! Stethoro , will enlarge Returns on~--Custom returns for the of January are as follows: im- uties, $6,796.42. pport tax, excise tax, $301 40; i : ; sundry collections, $19.- 3 total, $12,485.58. The total for the ie month last year was $20,818.98. | > Sale : Ling ay.~The twenty-first annual l¢ of . the Victoria Shorthorn (Association was held in W. A. Fan- 's Barn, Lindsay, At this time offered sixteen head of just t the best stock that has been at any sale in Victoria County. at Work jrockville~The two auditors ap- ated at the meeting of the council ds and Grenville last week, nk H. Stone, Forfar, and R. J. erson, Oxford Mills, are engaged counties' buildings auditin~ ks of William Holmes, coun- Eye Injured . Bailieboro.--While cutting wood in e woods of Mr. H. Dawson, Eddie psend, a farm employee, had ti.c lortune to have the ball of his eye ratched by a chip that flew from the stick he was cuttin. The untor- nate Joung man went to the Peter- ough clinic where the eye recciv- d. medical attention. It is believed by physicians that the sight will re- turn quite as well as ever in a short time. \ ------ Fire Report For 1930 Belleville ~The annual fire report compiled by Chief William Lynch was laid on the table for inspection] by the members of the city council, The amount of loss by fire for the past year was $31,881.95 with the fire at the Budweiser Brewing Company the heaviest of the year. Case Withdrawn Peterboro.--Substitution of an ol burner for the soft coal furnace in Campbell's Dairy at the corner of Sherbrooke and Park streets abated the smoke nuisance complained of by Mr. and Mrs, F. C. Goodfellow in a motion which was withdrawn from the Supreme Court here, Decision Reserved Brockville.--In police court Magis- trate Wright reserved decision in the cases against James Burns, Jr. and Adolphus Youker, charged with the theft of hens in Lyn, Roads in Good Shape Belleville.--Road conditions in the Belleville district are in good condi- tion according to the travelling pub- lic little handicap being caused by the recent double snowstorm, which swept the whole of Eastern Ontario. Ways are clear for traffic in all direc- tions, motorists state, Old Records Found Cobourg.--Long missing records of the carly life in the history of Vic- toria College have been discovered in the home of Rev. Dr. John Beatty, at Cobourg. The books have reposed on the library shelf for nearly 100 years and include the subscription 12 Simcoe St. S. "PRAYER BOOKS, CATECHISMS, SCAPULAR MEDALS, ROSARIES, AT SPECIAL PRICES FELT BROS. Established 1886 READERS, | CRUCIFIXES, Oshawa ecto meng om pg mg ------ DeH CONE-CLEANED FUELBILLS LOWER The finest Pennsylvania anthracite . .. made an amazing . ed with heat by Nature herself « + + offers every bit of economy that 'any fuel can give. GIt's so good we sell it with a warranty yo + every ton carries the trade mark tags guarantee. ing CONE-CLEANING' pure by and your on on Coal C i Pots a new invention . . . satisfaction, ue ol . 3 rst students and data e expense udgms and teachers of a' century Sr-- Driving Adsess River Brockville.~The cold weather over the week-end made a firm ice bridge over the St. Lawrence and since Sunday passage has been carried out on the regular trips by horse and cutter, operated by the winter ferry company. si ---- LOL. Installed | bi . Sunderland ~The officers elected to watch over the destinies of Sune derland L.O.L. No, 673 for 1931 are: W. Master, Bro. Wm. J. McCully; Deputy Master, Bro, Oscar Baker; Chaplain, Rev. Bro. Chas, D, Daniel; Rec. Secretary, Bro. W. F. Young; Fin, Secretary, Bro. S. B. Shields; Treasurer, Br. J. W. Thompson; Marshall, Bro, Thos Snodden. Golden Jubilee Kingston.--Bethel Church Y.P.S.C. E met to celebrate the golden jubilee of the Christian Endeavor Movement. The meeting was; a very interesting one and took the form of a birthday party in honor of the night. A large birthday cake was placed on a table at the front of the hall, Horse Drops Dead Fenelon Falls,--A driving horse, owned by Mr. Harold Pearn, farmer in' Fenelon Township on the Rose- dale road, dropped dead in the shafts enroute from Fenelon Falls home, Roads in Bad ShaPe Kingston.--Many of the roads are 'in bad shape, as a result of the drifting snow, and citizens who had occasion to drive to outside points on business, stated that they had a most trying time with their autos. Hills Popular Kingston,.--The hills in the district are popular with winter sport enthus- jasts at the present time. It is re- ported that the snow is excellent for skiing and many people of the city are getting all the possible enjoyment they can out of outdoor exercise, Silver Weddin Norwood. --Mr. and Mrs. John Torpey, Norwood Road, observed their silver wedding anniversary when a large number of friends and relatives were present from Douro, Dummer, Otonabee, Asphodel, Pet- erborough and Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Torpey were the recipients of a large number of beautitul gifts among them being a mantel clock. In Hardware Merger Belleville.--Merger of the Belleville Hardware and Lock Manufacturing Co., Ltd. and the Sargent Company of New Haven, Connecticut, was an- | nounced at the office of the Belleville Hardware Mfg, Co. Ltd. The new company will be known as Belleville Sargent and Co. Ltd, the officers be- ing R. J. E. Graham, president; B. W. Burtsell, vice-president and gen- eral manager; H. Sanders, vice-presi- dent and General Sales Manager; M. J. Vanne#, secretary treasurer and F. B. Gerard, factory superintendent. Building Permits Building permits to the value of $14,800. were issued at the office of the City Engineer during the month of January, as compared with $15.825 Yor the same month last year. Dur- ing January of this year there were four permits issued, two for new con- struction and two for alterations, as follows : 1, brick and tile dwelling, $2, 000;.1 addition to building $600; 1 for alterations to building, $12,000; 1 re- pair job, $200. Presented With Gift Havelock.--The members of Mrs. Bonney's Bible Class gathered at her home on Friday night, taking her completely by surprise and presented her with a beautiful imported silk scarf accompanied by an appropnate | address. ;| Action Traversed Peterboro.--An action by George Finnie and his wife of South Monag- '| han for $2,000 against D. W. Walls, stock broker, for Greater Toronto :| Realtors, Limited, was traversed to '| the Belleville Assizes by Mr. Justice Raney here. Officers Installed Gananoque. ~The following officers of Gananoque Encampment, No. 89, were installed on Wednesday evening by D.D, Grand Patriarch Leslie An- drew, and suite : Past Chief Patriarch, A. E. Harper; Chief Patriarch, Ford Nurse; High Priest, H. J. Nelson; Senior - Warden, H. D. Franklin; Scribe, George Mastin ; Treasurer, A. H. Allen; Junior Warden, Stanley McNinch; Guide, Leslie Andrew; First Watch, W. A. LaFrance; Sec- ond Watch, O. K. Nunn; Third Watch, Jack Nelson; Fourth Watch, Donald Kemp; Inside Sentinel, E. E. Harrison, Taxes Well Paid : ' Peterboro.--Peterborough ratepay- ers walked into the City Treasurer's office last year and paid a total of 22 in taxes, This was 91.98 per cent, of the total amount on the collector's roll, but during January of this year the ratepayers paid an ad- ditional $5,235.49 of their 1930 taxes, leaving - an unpaid balance of only 70 of the $923.757.41 total on the collectors roll. I s-- Keeping Open Petherick's Corners ~The recent storm has made all roads very heavy, but a number of local men especially Alfred Simpson, Hector Arnold and Dan Petherick have been scraping the road in the vicinity and motorists find the surface smoother than in | summer. Had Good Year Hayelack~ The best year in the history the church was reporte br Pr. erian Church under min: iY Rev. Jolin Lenn B.D, at be ponal Son regational meeting held in the Sunday Schoo ---------- Col. Dean Retires Kingston --Following a service of years in the militia, ard C. Dean, f well known newspaper- marin Kggaion and Otaws, 7c # C . le been. of! the r- CE with the militia at Halifax and Lon- a Ati) Tah ih Sd Te Life Member indsay.--T. J. Tilly, who was loc- al manager tor the Bell Telephone Cotupany for twenty-three years, coming here from Peterborough, has been made a life member of the 'Telephone Pioneers of America,. A life membership is rare in Can- ada, and was earned Ly Mr. Tily for forty-nine years' service: with the company, To Inspect Belleville--It was announced that Sir Henry Thornton, president of the Canadian National Railways, would shortly visit the village of Bancroft, 70 miles north of here, to examine some deposits of marble which are said to Be of es There is a possibility that Bancro! may become an exporting centre for a large amount of marble. Found Fatally Shot . Kingston.--Word was received here from Napanee that Germaine Wager, aged 72 years, was found dead with a bullet wound in his temple and his son's rifle across his knees, at his home in Clarqesville, a small suburb in the eastern section of Napanee. $60,000 Prescott Fire Prescott, -- Daugge estimated at $60,000 was caused by fire in J. D. Doyle's departmental store. Caused by an overheated stove, the blaze was confined to the top floor of the three storey building, one of the landmarks of the town, situated in the heart of the business district. Horse Became Paralyzed Brockville.--A horse owned by the Canadian National Express, and used for delivering shipments, was strick- en with paralysis in Bartholomew street and had to be destroyed. Medical Officer Named Kngston--Announcement was made by Dr. A. E. Ross, M.P,, that Dr. J. Ii. Kane, Kingston, hag been appoint- ed by the Department of Pensions and Health to the post of Medical Officer for the department in Kings- ton. 'Ihe appointment takes effect at once. Dr. Kane will assume medical charge of the pensioners in hospital in Kingston, Peculiar Rabbit Pembroke.--Dosithe St. Cyr, Allu- mette Island, has a peculiar rabbit, which his two sons snared. The fur on the animal 'is sleek and glossy like that of a cat and deep brown in color. The animal is more lithe than the ordinary rabbit. The boys, Len- nox and Ienri, set the snare in a swamp, and Monday night believed they had caught a cat, but it was a rabbit, although no one to: whom it has been shown has ever seen one like it. PRODUCE PRICES TORONTO PRODUCE (Buying) > Toronto dealers are buying pro- duce at the following prices: Eggs-- Ungraded, cases returned, fresh extras, 23c; fresh firsts, 20c: seconds, 16¢; pullet extras, 31e. Butter--No, 1 Ontario Cream- ery, solids, 31 to 31ic; No. 3, 80 to 304c. : Churning cream--Special, 29 to 30c; No. 1, 28 to 29¢; No. 2, 25 to, 26e, * Cheese--No. 1, large, colored, paraffined and government graded, 14ec. ' Quotations to poultry shippers are as follows:-- Poultry-- "A" Grade Spring chickens, 6 Ibs. ea, Over b to 6 Ibs. Dressed Alive Select M.F. 26 20 20 24 27 23 26 21 23 20 22 25 24 OF, «1 +o 2400 Over 4} to b lbs. QBCH +4 ss 0a. Over 4 to 43 Ibs. each . «oo ve 4 Ibs. each and under .. «+ «+ Fatted hens, over § Ibs. each .... Over 4 to b Ibs. each .. «. +. Over 35 to 4 lbs. each .. .. .. Young turkeys over 12 Ibs. .. .. Over 8 to 12 lbs. each .. .. +. Under 8 1bs. ... 01d turkeys ..... (eese, over 8 to 12 Ibs. each .. .. All other weights . Old roostors, over § ibs. each .. .. White ducklings, over 6 Ibs. ea. Over 4 to 5 Ibs. 18 16 16 23 each «.¢ «+ +o Colored ducklings, 2c loss. Guinea fowl, per pair .. ... 81.26 (Belling) Toronto dealers are offering produce to retail dealers at the following prices: Eggs--Fresh extras, in cartons, 32 to 83c; fresh extras, loose, 30 to 31c¢; firsts, 28¢c; seconds, 22c; pullet extras, 24c. Butter, No. 1 creamery, prints. 34c; No. 2, creamery, prints, 83c. Cheese -- New, large, 16jc: twins, 16%¢; triplets, 16¢: stiltons, 204c. Old, large, 24c; twins, 24dc; old stiitons, 27¢. Poultry Chickens, 6 1bs. up ..4e0 Do. 4 to 6 Ibs. sueee Do, 3h to 4 Ibs. s.0se Do., 8 to 35 Ibs. sevew Hens, over 5 Ibs. secaeé Brollers ... ccevecocee DUCKS + .voccvevveeee 2528 Turkeys, A grade coooee 486-40 COeB80 .ovvvvuvvvanenes 28 TORONTO FARMERS' MARKET The following are quotations, ve- af), In effect on the St. Lawrence Market, Toronto. 5 Produce Eggs, OXir28 sieeve vivee Eggs, Firsts ........0.40 Eggs, pullet extras ...... Butter, dairy per pound 0.28 Do., Creamery, per J pound .....0....0, Fruits and Vegetables Carrots, 6 bunches ...... Beets, doz. bunches ,..... basket ..ovvecvcvnoees Cabbage ..ccsvvisee 0.05 Dressed 30-82 28-30 26-28 +25.,21 28 . +80-,33 0.40 Cauliflower cesesevey 0.30 Spinach, hye Besos ome, cially fine quality, Mushrooms, pound +... Onions, bunch, three for .. Leaf Lettuce, three for .... Head Lettuce, two for ... Parsley, per bunch .,... 3.05 Celery, head civ eneciss Squash, each ...e000 0.15 Parsnips, basket ' Beets, basket Peppers, each Herbs, buneh (ev evnnnns Radishes, bunch «eve veim Oranges, per dos .... 0.86 Honeydew Melons, each 0.25 Grapefruit, 8 for ; Potatoes, bag «ieee Cucumbers, six for mons, per dos. cies een ananas, per dozen .. 0.26 Apples, bus. ...cvvue 1.60 Do. Snows, 6 Qt. «s «ous Oranges, dos. «.......0. Can Green Peas, 6 qt. basket Eggplant, each. ....00 Green peppers, basket Pears, basket «..... Sweet potatoes 6 lbs... Cranberries, qt. «sive Pumpkins, each NEW CHIEF EDITOR OF FINANCIAL TIMES Montreal, Feb, 6.--The appoint. ment is announced of J, W. Tyson as Editor-in-Chief and Managing Editor of The Financial Times. Mr Tyson, who has long been actively engaged 'in newspaper work In Eastern and Western Canada, and prominent in financial journalism for fifteen years, has previouslv held the editorships of both The Financial Times and The Financial Post. He had his early newspaper training on The Guelph Mercury, and after going West in 1910,*held editorial positions on the Saskat. chewan Phoenix and The Regina leader. He joined the MacLean Publishing Company in 1914, being connected with various trade journals before heing ap- pointed to the staff of The Finan. clal Post. . Towards the end of 1920 Mr. Tyson joined Greenshields & Co., Investment Bankers, being identl- fled with the Correspondenca De- partment, latterly as Chief Corres. pondent, and he now leaves this position to rejoin The Financlal Times. THAMES BARGEES LOSING POWER OF VIVID LANGUAGE London, Feb. b5.-- There was a day when bargemen on the Thames had a language all their own. But now they seem to be growing soft, merely mellow, and admit it. When Lord David Cecil said he thought their reputation for invective was overrated and that the bargees were chiefly' remarkable for "a pleasing old-fashioned courtesy' one of them responded with a poem. Said he: Oh, the bold bargees of London Will soon be wearing spats, And when they pass each other's barge, They'll always doff their hats. Instead of calling, "Hey, you lout!' As they sail up and down, They'll give a bow and gently shout' "Good morning, Mr. Brown." The poem soon spread miles up and down the river. But the old Sees sesestsnnne SRecasnenne sesssssse sed 0.15 COCO NO PS OCKOOSMSSOOSS OOS RROD FAREED IST RIO Coco or, Coo OoTTS OOOO 1MoreDay Of Luke's Quitting Business AUCTION We advertised tonight as the final night of the Auction Sale, but find it humanly impossible to sell all the remain- ing merchandise by tonight, so are continuing ONE MORE DAY---tomorrow, Friday, February 6th -- will positively close the Auction! Sale Ends Tomorrow Night, Feb.6 FREE! | A SOUVENIR TO | FIRST 50 LADIES | IN STORE BE. | | FORE 2 P.M. TO- | MORROW The End! All Must Go Tomorrow 2 Chesterfield Suites 1 Bed Room Suite Mattresses 4 Room Size Rugs Radios, Panatropes Curtains, Drapes, etc. 2 Mason-Risch Pianos Simmons' Bed, Springs | | | FREE! A beautiful and ex- pensive piece of Furniture will be given away to some- one in the crowd at | both afternoon and | evening sales! | The End {| i ---------- COME TOMORROW AND SEE SOME REAL ACTION Luke Furniture Co. 63 King Street East bargees, who remembered other if |FgH not better days, shook their gray Oshawa, Ontario heads. "I hope," sald one earnestly, "I'll never see a self-respecting bargee wearing spats. But what with these new ideas, and book-learning, and the pictures, and wearing stiff col- lars on Sunday evenings-- well, It wouldn't surprise me if it did come to spats and ralsing their hats to each other ag that there poem says, "It's true enough that swearing isn't what it was. discussing these ideas, real new old Young men on the river nowadays are too busy highbrow But I remember one of the lightermen--'Ginger) -- George' we called him--whose lane guage used to be the pride of Wape« ping. Some of the words that man used were enough to sink a barge, «Then and Now - Keeping pace with the times, from the days of high cycles and buggies to the present day of acroplanes and motor cars, the Rexall Stores has maintained a highly efficient service to you. Whether a package of tooth paste or an important prescription you recelve the same reliable sepvice. Pi Pp In resp you in a surprisingly short time. to a ph call your order reaches These cold d wintry days, for all your Drug wants, phone the Rexall Stores. want to eat and feel restless try our special brand of Made from the very finest #2 oz. jar $1.25 For Skinny Ones If you can't put on weight, don't the time--=we recommend that you MALT & COD LIVER OIL gredients specially for us, Large For Those Who Would Save Money in. $1.30 Scott's Emulsion . 38c Chase's Kidney Pills 25¢ 50¢ French Balm 39¢ . 40c Fletcher's Castoria 29¢ 850c¢ Ipana Tooth Paste 39¢ $1.28 Rex Alarm Clocks 98¢ of prevention" for colds in head. A drop or two of VAPURE on a hanky or At the First Sniff The first time you sneeze or. sniff is the time to apply that "ounce the plece of gauze give instant relief and drives away all unpleasant symptoms. Bottle 75¢ Latest Model Gold Plated GILLETTE RAZOR «With 11 Blades J&L. LEAKPROOF FOUNTAIN PEN 20¢ Baby Pants 2 for 25¢c | 9 Cakes Castile Soap 25¢ $1.25 Hot Water | Bottle 89¢ 60c Virol Tonic 45¢ 100 Blaud Pill Compound 25¢ 35¢ Frostilla Cream 27¢ 80c Patent Barley 40c 850c Klenzo Shaving Cream 39¢ Have You Answered Those Letters Yet? Now's the time to sit down and write those letters you've prom. ised. And here's the way to get a real good box of -paper and envel. opes at a bargain price. Regular BOXED STATIONERY 49 Stop. Coughing Don't despair if you can't your cough, Here's a real remedy and one that acts in a hurry, Rexall Bronchial Syrup 50¢ One dose taken fn hot water will relleve a cough in ten minutes. A handy pocket remedy for throat. tickle is Meloids. A box for Have Your Doctor's ts + TO BE SURE OF THE BEST, ORDER FROM JURY & LOVELL THE REXALL STORES Simcoe Street S. Phone 68 FREE DELIVERY TO ALL PARTS OF THE CITY il

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