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Oshawa Daily Times, 7 Feb 1931, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES. SATURDAY, LN Z: 1931 All the Churches Bid You a Hearty Welcome "Get the Habit" : Come to Sunday Worship re: United Church Oe 18. Miaister, , Rev. E. Harston, LL.B. Phone 148 Aut --Rev. J. S. L. Wilson, B.A, B.D,, Phone 2608M SIXTH ANJIVERSARY Knox Presbyterian Church NORTH SIMCOE AND BROCK STREET Sunday, February 8th Sindas Services in bt The Oshawa Churches Northminster United Rev. A. M. Irwin, the pastor, will conduct both services of Northmin- ster United Church on Sunday. An event of interest in the morning will be the installation of the Sun day school staff. Masonic Temple Old-time ospel TD met will be held in the Rone Temple to-mor- row with W. A. Hines, of Toronto, present as speaker. In the arter noon, at three o'clock, Mr. Hines will speak on "A World Vision and a World's Need' while at the eight o'clock evening meeting his subject will be "Jesus in the Midst," Arth- ur 0. C. Holder, celebrated negro spiritual and radio tenor will sing at both services. St, Andrew's United Rev. F. J.. Maxwell, the pastor, will conduct both services of St. Andrew's United Church on Sunday. In the morning he will speak on 'Helpers Wanted" while his even- 11 am ing subject is to be "Something to CW. M.S. In Charge Of Service [J - | he! p! . Miss Effie Jamieson, of the Dominion Work Board, will Pastor H. B. Twin Ia to breach ay give' the 'address, | both services of the Associated Gos- 3 pm.~Sunday' Seo) and Bible Classes "A World Without God" morning he will speak on 'The 3ource of Power" while his evening sermon Will be "Choose You this Rev. J. S. Ii Wilson will preach. Good Singing, Fine Fellowship, i Services. EVERYBODY WELCOME Services at 11 am. and 7 p.m. * Day." SPECIAL PREACHER Rev. Stuart C. Parker D.D. OF TORONTO Dr. Parker is a gifted preacher and one of the most outstanding church leaders in the Dominion of Canada. Be Sure and hear Dr. Parker. COME EARLY AND BRING A FRIEND ANNIVERSARY SUPPER & ENTERTAINMENT MONDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 9th. Supper Starts 6-30 pm. prompt Supper & Concert, 25¢ Entertainment 8 p.m. By Toronto Talent COME ALL AND WELCOME (EV. STUART CO. PARKER, D.D., idminent pastor of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Toronto, who will be heard at Knox Pres. terian Church here in tonmecs tion with the anniversary services to-morrow, Dp, Parker is an out. standing Canadian churchman. KNOX GHURCH TO CELEBRATE ITS Sanna ON ANNIVERSARY Nord s Greatest Attraction.' | Rev. Stuart Parker, D.D., to ntec Be Special Speaker Calvary Baptist "Buried With Christ" is the sub. Jeet of the sermon which. the pas- tor, Rev. Paul B, W. Gelatt, wil | preach at the morning service of | Calvary Baptiet Church on Sunday, In the evening his subject will be "The Modern Jonah." Simcoe Street United The Women's Missionary Society Is to have charge of the morning service of Simcoe Street United Church to-morrow and Miss BE Jamieson of the Dominion Work Board will give the address. Rev. J. 8. 1. Wilson will preach in the evening, his subject to be "A World Without God." First Baptist "Religious Dilettanteism' {sg the [subject of the sermon which Rev. "Have You Received the Holy | Aubrey W. Small, the pastor, will Ghost Since You Believed?" This | reach at the morning service of Is the subject of the sermon which Pastor J. T. Ball will preach at the morning service of Evangel Taber: | acle to-morrow, In the evening | | "he pastor will speak on "The Blood | af Atonement.' Grace Lutheran Services at Grace Lutheran Church on Sunday are to he con- ducted by Rev. A. C, Hahn, the pas- tor, St. Andrew's United Church ||" ..ooo. Cor. of Urgce St. and Simcoe st. 8 REV, F, J. MAXWELL, Minister FEE | SUNDAY, FEBRUARY Sth, ' r 11 am, "Helpers Wanted" Oshawa Pentecostal Holiness Pastor G, Legge will conduct the srvices of Oshawa Pentecostal Ho- | iness Church to-morrow, he sixth anniversary of Knox Preshyterian Church, Simcoe gtreet north, will be celebrated to-morrow by special services throughout the day. The congregation has been fortunate in securing as speaker Hs wen wet | St.George's Calvary Baptist Church Parker, D.D,, pastor of St. Andrew's ||| 'ANGLICAN Rev. Paul B. W. Gelatt, Pastor Preshyterian Church, Toronto, | same x Sis widely known as one of -the out. standing churchmen in Canada. Rev. Duncan Munro, the pastor, St. George's Anglican Rev. Canon C. R. dePencler, the 'actor, will conduct both services of 8t. George's An~lican Church on 3 pm, Junday. Mr. Reg, Terrett will | sing "Holy City'! at the morning service while in the evening the choir will contribute the anthem | SABBATH SCHOOL & BIBLE CLASS 'Hark! Hark! My Soul.' 7 pm, : ---- ¢ Centre Strect United "What Makes Satan Fall." This the subject of Rev. Dr, Fletcher's rmon for the morning service of antre Street United Church to- orrow. In the evening he will peak on "Run Not Before Him." SI nn. Cor. Bagot and Centre Sts. (CANON C, R. dePENCIER M.A. 11 AM. ¢ "BURIED WITH CHRIST" Christ "Anglican Services at Christ Anglican "Something to Glory Over" GOOD FELLOWSHIP, FINE SINGING, COME Holy Trinity Anglican "Christian Felldwship' is the eub 'ect of the sermon which will bn Jarrett, at the morning service of Holy Trinity Anr~lican Church on | Bunday. In the evening ha will pre "ent an address on Albert Street United "Why go to Church?" This = King Street United Church Rev. Chas. E. Cragg. M.A., B.D. the pertinent question which Wh ¢ asked by the pastor, Rev. 8, Moore, at the mornint service & Albert Street United Church to-| morrow. In the evening his ser- mon subject will be "Manly Men." "pecial music is to be rendered by a male choir at the evening sqgrvice. nreached by the pastor, Rev, 8 C. | "Communism." | Thurch tosmorrow will be conduct. nd by Rev. R, B, Patterson, the rec- In the evening he will preach The Well of Living Water." | King Street United | "Then Jesus Made Men" is 'the bject of thie sermon which Rev | C. E. Crag", the pastor, will preach {at the mornine wervice of King | Street United Church to-morrow. In the evening his sermon will be on 1 Tue Tethers that Diad Us." Christian Sclence "Spirit" is the subject which will y discussed at the regular service | of the First Chureh of Christ Sclen- tist to-morrow, 11 a.m.~"Then Jesus Made Men." 2.30 pm --luaday School and Bible Classes. Last Sunday's attendance 782, Alm 800) 6.45 Milian deve hearty Song Service. 7 p.m.--*The Tethers that bind us." A HEARTY WELCOME TO ALL B.A., B.D. Minister Phone BeTy REY. 8. CG MOONE, 80 Elena Strect. 11 a.m~"Why go to Charch?" JUNIOR CONGREGATION 2.80 pm~=Sunday School aml Bible Classes.~All ages. 7 pm.~--Stiering Song Service, Special Music led by Men's Choir. Sermon----Subject: "Manly Men." Monday 8 p.m~Young People's League. EVERYBODY WELCOME ALBERT ST. UNITED CHURCH | ARTHUR ¢. HOLDER, the British West Indies, who will 'sing several tenor solos at the evangelistic serviees in the Ma- Centre St. United Church Ww. P. FLETCHER. B.A. D.D. ' Northminster "a | United Church | B.D., Pastor 80 Greta St. Phone 82031) 11 am =~ "What Makes Satan Fall." 11 2.30 p.m, -- Sunday School. P 7 p.m.-- "Run not be- fore Him." Monday 7.30 p.m.--Lead- ership training followed by Hoclal evening for The Young Péople's. ? am~Installation of Sunday school staff, 2 & 3 pm.--Sunday School Sessions. 7 pm~Eyening Worship. Tne Pastor at both Services Monday 8 p.m. ~~ Leaguc Skating party and Social Evening, Rev. Mansell Irwin, B.A. sonic Temple on Sunday after. noon and evening, featuring ne gro spiritual numbers. The Kingdom Still Waits It is one of the great ironies of Ife that its greatest conflicts 'and battles are not usually fought out between people who have divergent and utterly different jdeals and philosophies, but between those who have quite gimilar ones but who seek to realize them by different methods. Some of the most savage controversies in the religious world, for {netance, have not beet between believers and unbelievers, but be. tween groups of believers who have believed differently from one an other. And very often the differ. ences that have occasioned the con. filet have been in no sense funda- mental or important, Even a cas | Oshawa © | Pentecostal | HolinessChurch | S11 Celina Street vastor G. Legge in Charge 10 a.m" Sunday Schoo). 11 am. = Pastor G 'Evangel ry al ternacle 200 King St. West, J. T. BALL, Pastor Aesidence, 21 Park Hoad South. Phone 19214, 10 am~sunday School 11 am"Have you recelv- ed tho Holy Ghost Since Yo Deletyed 7 ww 'The blood of 8 pm fr 3 Meeting Fri 8 pm.=-- Bible Study Everyone Just the message you need The Regular Nervices will be held on Tuevday aud © Thursday at # y- ual glance at the history of the Christian Church, either In long- past centuries or evem in our own day and time, will bring that race home to us. | It must be a very serious waste of thoyght and energy, If not some- thing very much worse, when peo- ple with essentially the same ideals and purposes in life insist on work ing in conflict instead of in co-oper- ation. Of course, {t is not to be ex. | pected that all the people who seo | certain ends In life as worthy and worth striving for should always [agree ay to the best means and me- |thods to realize those ends. It would not be wise that there shoula | sways be such conformity and uni- tormity, even if it could be expect- ed. But the working at cross pur. Doses so often. seen among groups of people, or among individuals who differ not in the things aimed at but in the methods of attaining om comes very ae rf to being a great tragedy. ring methods and policies to the bar of reasones | judgment and intelligent argument is one thing, a good and necessar) thing, but to make out of the deel: sions reached a ground of conflict and antagonism and bitter sirife is folly and foolishness of the very worst kind. And yet we are all of us guilty of that sort of thing once in a while, And it is that attitude that puts to {to place as prisoners. the test many of that we make. desire almost above anything else that the Kingdom of God might be set up in the earth, but how enthu- sfastic do we get when that work of setting it up is being done by some bther branch of the Christian Church than our own and how ac- tive and earnest is our co-operation in that enterprise? The way ths Christian Churches haven't co-oper- ated, heart and soul, in the doling of the work that they all have pro- fessed to hold next their hearts, has been the scandal of long years ox Christian history. And have we never found ourselves not quite so sorry as we might have been when some great Christian enter- prise has failed, not having been undertaken in the way that we had thought best? Jsn't it the case that, though the people who are working to-day that justice and goodness and brotherly love might be set up in the earth are having a difficult time of it and much opposi- tion, their greatest hindrance {is found in the fact that so often in a self-willed way they are working at cross purposes with one another and haven't learned the sane but hard lesson of co-operation? In very truth the Kingdom of God waits our learning that lesson.--~The New Outlook. The Church World Wide By "CLERIC" Zion Lutheran Church, Philadel- phia, has had a unique history, The building on Franklin street was erected in 1870. house of worship at Fourth and Clerry strects. 'The latter was call "America's larg: eet church," ahd for that reason was the scene of many * notable events. Jt was 108 feet by 70 feet and the statistics for the year 1774 were 162 marriages, 1656 burials, 132 confirmations, and 376 bap- tisms. In 1795 there were 625 members who died ot yellow fever. On December 26, 1799, the funeral service for President Washington was conducted within its walls, and there were present, besides the Jead- ers in the Congress and Army, 34 clergymen, including Dr. Helmuth, the 2istor, and Bishop White of the Episcopal Church, who conduct: ad the service. The oration was de livered"by General Richard Henry Lee. In 1834 another immense gathering met there the occasion be. ing the memyorial services om the death of General Lafayette, when the eulogy was pronounced by a comrade Col. Peter 8, Duponcead. the professions |), ¢onoertina, which Mr. We insist that weldid, singing the hymn in Chinese, | foreign d devils, | dertook to carry a message to the | will be in charge and the services "{11 be held at the regular time, The following Monday nitht an anniversary supper and entertain« ment will be held, supper to be serv- ed at 6.30 pom. The entertainment will be provided by Toronto talent. Two Scottish missionaries of the 'hina Inland Mission, Rev. and 's. R. W. Porteour, have just re- lated their experiences while held tor ransom by Chinese Communists, Two of their number, Miss Harrison and Miss Nettleton, after three months among brigands, laid dogn their livee,. Mr. Porteous and his wile were more fortunate, When first attac ed they tried to conceal i themselves in a corner of a garden, (ii but were discovered and $60,000 |} Aemauded for thelr freedom. Their |} friends were ahle to gather up $466, | whieh was later ralsed to $1,800. Organist and Choirmaster-- Matthew Gouldbury, A.C.L.M, 8 am, = Holy Communion 11 a.am~Morning Prayer. Solo: "The Holy City" by Mr. Reg. Terrett, 2.30 p.m. -- Sunday School 7 pm. == Anthem by the Cholr: "Hark! Hark! My Soul" Second Mouth, Baptisms Sunday each The demands and threats continued. and they were dragged from place They had no hooks, but the promise in the Bible, that Cod wonld not fail them, gave them dally hope. At one place their guards asked them to play on "When all my labors and trails are o'er," and one of the Communists said, "What's the use killing these they want to go to| Heaven." A friendly Chinese un. | it headquarters, and came back with a | | tew words scribbled on a plece of | naper, with seal attached, which or- fi dered their freedom . '» At the memorial rervice held in Edmonton for the late Dr. D. G McQueen, the sermon wag delivered by Rev. T. Tait, B.D., the associate minster. The text chosen was, "I have fought the good fight; I have finished my course; I have kept the faith." 2 Tim. 4:7. Following {it a tribute was pronounced by Hon, J. L. Lymburn, Attorney-General of Alberta, and an office-bearer under Dr. McQueen. Among other things, he said, "No man could know the doctor and make a mock of reli. gion." The historic Synod of the Maritime Provinces met this year mn Truro, N.8. The new Moderator is Porteous | Holy Trinity Church ANGLICAN REV, 8, C. JARRETT, Incumbent, 80 Fairbanks St. TEM "THE MODERN JONAH" Song Service starts 0.43 p.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL 3 p.m, CLASSES FOR ALL, Prayer Meeting Wednesday 8 p.m. Children's meeting Friday 7 p.m. You are cordially invited to visit our new Church Ifome, Corner Centre and John Streets 11 am.-- 3 p.m.--~--Sunday School. The Gospel Tabernadlé (Associated Gospel Churches) ATHOL ST, W, PASTOR H. E. IRWIN WILL PREACH "The Source of Power." 7 p.m.--"Choose you this Day." Thursday, 8 p.m.--Prayer Meeting EVERYBODY WELCOME 8 a.m.----Celebration of Holy Communion. (W.A. Corporate Communion.) 11 a.m.~--~Matins and Sermon. Subject: *'Christ- ian Fellowship." 2.30 p. m. =~ Sunday School. 7 p.m.--Evensong and Sermon. Subject: "Com- munism."' 8 pame~'Jesus in the Midst." Radio Tenor, Rev. R, H. Stavert, B.D., of Hunter River, P.E.1. The Synod decided that in the future the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper shall be observed at the morning sederunt after the opening. The Synod of British Columbia met in St. Andrew's Church, New Westminster. The new Moderator {s Rev, Thomas Wil. son, who for many years was a very successful minister, having been set- tled at Dutton, and later at Walker. ton. Rev. R. H. Lyttle, of Strath. cona Chureh, Edmonton, Is modera. tor of the Synod of Alberta. All the churches heartily greet the news that Bishop Farthing of Montreal has just passed 22 years as head of the diocese. He came to Canada ds a young honor graduate of Cambridge, and was appointed curate at Durham. He very guicke ly fitted into the new life and du- ties, and gave promise of advance- ment In the church, His next charge was in Woodstock, as assis. tant, and later rector, where he re. Christ Church | (ANGLICAN) Cor. Hilleroft & Wary Sts. REV. I. B. PATTERSON, M.A. Sunday Sexages'ma 11 a.m.~~Moming Prayer 2 & 3 p.m. -- Sunday School. 7 p.m.~Evensong Subject -- "The "The Well of ' Living Water." Note: AXY.P.A. St, tine's Tea, Incumbent | | Valen. mained nearly 18 years. He then became rector of St. George's Cathe- dral, Kingston, and Dean of Ontarjo apd three years ater wag elected Bishop of Montreal, Five cadets of the Church Army have arrived in Canada and were admitted as evangelists by the Bish- 'op of Ottawa, new group has reached the trating school in To- tonto from churches all of the way from St. Johw to Vancouver. Mis- sions by the Army bave been arrang ed far at Peterboro, Three Rivers, and in three different parishes in Toronto, . The founder of the Army in 1882 recently received greetings from King George on bis eighty '| tourth birthday, GRACE Lutheran Church MASONIC BUILDING Rev. A, OC. Habn 164 Albert St. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY Sth 9.90 s.m.~8undsy School 10.30 s.m.~Moroing Wor ship. ALL ARE CORDIALLY WELCOMB Old Time Gospel Meeting IN THE MASONIC TEMPLE Sunday, February Sth 8 pm~*""A World Vision and a World's Need" Non.Denominational and Non.Sectarian Speaker--W. A. Hines, Toronto, Soloist--Arthur O, C. Holder, Celebrated Negro Spiritual and Everybody Welcome. Chine; Work te iy et 0800 after Jour Foqulas service. Cn ap SB | "Christian Science" First Chureh of Christ, Sclentist G4 Colborne Street Kast Morning Service at 11 r m. Sunday School 12.10 p.m. SUNDAY, femrany. 8th, SUBJECT Ug pIkIT" Wednesday Meeting, 8 pm. Including testimonies of Hedling through Christian science. You are cordially invited 1o at- tend the services and to make use' of the Free Public Reading Room where the Hible, and anthorize: Christian Selence iiterature may be read, borrowea or purchased and periodicals subscribed for. (pen on Tuesdays, Thursdey« and Bat. unde from 2 to 6 p.m. Perhaps the congressiign who ara obstructing the <~rge of the Falls treaty with Canada have forgotten that both parties to a honeymoon vote nowadays--PBuffalo Courier Lx- First Baptist Church Rev. Aubrey Ww, Small 18 Aberdeén St, 11.00 a.m, " 1 GIOL JS re " 8 pm. 7.00 p.m. "THE WORLD'S. GREATEST ATTRAC- TION." Wednesday 8 pam. PRAYER MEETING WE INVITE YOU TO WORSHIP WITH US press,

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