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Oshawa Daily Times, 10 Feb 1931, p. 2

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mee BD) "THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 10, 1931 LOVE'S PRISONER WR Both Shannen, 8 pretty youn \Mnograbhn Boot and forest 10 SUPPORL her lnvalld, widowed mother and teat, nee been in for fo! th her O Dane hough he! Xx a hor AEA 1] . a gr Was Ane { on th sould not up her job but had to cons BUG Seeing him dally, for she borrowed money to send her es Sur asa hr Pu In tll B00 mnt AE: Roe ow rattle: ©. INSTALMENT XXVU © "In Conference" Tor several days after Phli's ve turn Deth's etergles were ali ads in accustoming herselt to Re the office with him oatehing Rh $raed. Sub for ont 1b or one thing, But also, Beth thought, over the - mands Caroline made on his time, Fics abe came in at moon _amile rustully. ourt her Was waiting one wou! © of the same man, Phtl must have put a stop to this, Beth heard him expostulatiog with Caroline on the second occa: on, telling her he was really too & 10 take two hours at noon from hls work and she did not come But she telephoned to him frequently and tinally Beth was ~ delegated to take all phone eall and to inform any one who calle except on business that Mr, Dane i wae in conference. im sorry but Mr, ference, Neth Moves Then, in a clear, Qaroline said, "Perh understand who is calling. Mies Giddens." orders are very striot, disturbed, Can ! to give him later?' "No. I will call again." And message give. them excopt at long inte He 1 un with Phi is erasy again and 1! 1] , "'Strs Bave you in the think it wonld be awfully good for rou." "Wo Beth began to look arvind. Frances had offered to take hor in for a fow days, letting her sleep on the living-room sofa it sho sould not get located by the 1st nf Ieb- | WAYS away at noon, anyway, and if 4 were to be in a new play she _ Inight as weil count on eating num. "'srous dinners with Arnolds or ue'. by Barbara Webb in up with the work he piled shoulderss He was irritable quanity of Caroline took this very badly wt When Beth in answer to her request to speak to Phil, veplied, *¥ Dane {8 in cone So * there was an ominous Nit. tle wait at the other end of the bitting voles, aps you de not Tule le "I am sorry, Miss Giddens, ut y Mr Dane {8 in conference and not ta he a message the receiver clicked up sharply. Bhe did call again, and each time Beth had to repeat the Puil had ordered her to After a few days Caroline seemed to grasp the fart that he meant it, and ceased to troudle ays had passed and herself to work. fain, egan to {hank on Arnold's inbistence on ng from the tenement flat M7 want you to get it over hefors we start rehearsing a new play." he told her, * to E . her About. conteat she wanted to, ateh ! . "It's for a clothes dudget, Neth, a prize of $30 and an evening dress for the girl who turns fu the best elo udget acgord © ber ala I'l be fa the §80sa-week class if I outer, and golly out I'd tke to win the prise. I though it 1 did: Ned and I would have a party with the money, take you and Aras old to the theatre and go dancing some place afterward. Arnold's bee nawfully nice to us, sent us theatre tickets several times, you know, and, bes! Tm Just spoils \ tor a good time." T think you ought to én it* Beth anawered, "but I don't wee how I can be of auy help." work out my budget: t's sup to be what we actually spend for clothes, you know, and you can type it neatly for me and £80 over it with me, As I unden stand the rules, you're suppoled to account for every stitch trom cums binationa outward, and hafrpine to shoes, including hats. It Just naps pena that last year Ned and 1 staves od keeping track pf aversthiag we pend, #0 I've got a complete res ord to copy from. I thought t'd Fra "Well, I to Each time she get it out and go over it tonight with him, every one in the oftie, whieh made Clara Smith suith To hear the Pleasant way Caroline asked notify Phil that hig tances ¢ never dream that theme two girls lad t an evening together as guests Why den't you emter yourse!l Baths ¥ y ' "I never keep any count of what T spend, Beth sald slowly, "foolish of me, I know, hut with mother lok and needing medicine and eo on, never really could count on any de finite sum for elothes, I just waits ed until 1 wore out one pair of stockings and then, when 1 abuole utely had to, bought another." "All right, then, that's settled. Will you help me, Beth?" "T'I1 love It, Frances, 1! think you're terribly smart even to try" "Oh, Tam, Tam, But {fT eet the prize and the committes hears I'm going to blow the money all in un one party they'll probably try te take it away from me." Beth laughed and then loaked with interest at the little mocouat book Frances brought out, "How's your. mother, Betht" Frances asked as they began to ¥Oush i o's golting along splendidly, Franky. I had a letter from her today and she said she had actually taken a little walk, all alone with. out even a nurge to help her, two or three days ago. ON, I hope ! fan SUG Jag to say untill: until v 1f possible. 8h Ll a aiale, o needs to to Frances dictated and Deth took down protes from the mocount book. "Let's see-=wa'll start on atooks Inge==I hud titteen pairs last yo0tw twelve at a dollar and a quarter a pair and three good ones. dollar Aixtysfive each, and I'd lie to put In the budget that tonr of the del Ir twentystive ones didn't 19st more than threo wearines, Rosy nevtes three naira, six dollars such Por the onea | wore In the stores and arian. «fifty for a dress nalr-ehedprsom slippers, U've got them down have next to one pair of shosaw sights nine cents 1 hope some af tint committes that nays ten dn'lars 'or 8 pair of feathertrimmed Aules take note of that." 80 they went on, noting 4. sorting, totalling what Frances hnd spent on clothes in the last twolve mhnthe, Tt came tn an amanine total to Beth, $200 and some oly eonts, and most of (t was for small things, stockings, underwear, ens. metien, personal necessities la handkerchiefs and gloves ar int. ing to more than Frances had spont on her dresses and hats, "It fan't the firt contesit's the upkaen," Frances gieried whan they had ol) the {teme fawn, "Naw you met that tensd for me Neth, and T'1 mat] (t tn #5 the ramm ts 1400 In » coun's pf "evn, The pest fot the time I'll enend in prayer," Hag them neoaslonally in the ¥itelis | (14 ma Conlinned Tomorrow) oa of the theatre, Arnold warned her aglasnt rolnx ton far from her work and sho at fonth took a room dn a girl's alu ut if Wey between her ol) ® An Frances' flat. Tho ehief of "thin was that it af- "Her. a lobby sitting room \ meet friandn (f she and use of a laundry where 3 mash out her stockings and underwear in the evenings. The rent was cheap, 87 a week for hor room end a vilegen, Tha toom was small but cheerful and as It wan siready fryniched Meth pity (1s hinge from the fiat In storage 1n- +H time an her mother would A and they won'A have to vot ovngkeeping again, Clothes Pudget Contest bl 18 surprised ber to find that ace akg moving from the flint was something of & wrench, When she the key in the door for the 'before surrendering it to 'sis looked down the , narrow stairs with a sigh, Af- tor she had lived there for three years, Even the street i od with women in shaw!s ani ' yr 1d children playing on the side. it, was endeared to her in part spoke about it to Arnold, 't know why it shonld sur ¢ "Yours fit BRB pond "yo Lhd hacomes attached 10 hi prises 1 jority 18 0 Ale mess: LADIES' BANQUET "HELD AT RAGLAN Excellent Program Provided at Community Function ¢ Last Week (Allle Avery, Correspondent) Raglan, Feb, 9,--On Wednesday ovening, eb, 4th, a banquet wos held under tho auspices of the Ladies' Ald of Raglan, After «a sumptuous repast was perved, Mr D. Lyle scted as toast-master and Jonosad 8 hoarty toast to The ing. folowed hy the National Ane them, The following was the pro arammeo rendered: Toast to Our Chureh, by Rev. Marriam, followed » hymn, "The Chureh Is Ove oundation." Toast to Our fHunday School, bs Ontario and Durham County News (E Mr. Lloyd Thompaon, Rg by Mr, Irvin Ormis ton, Toast to the Ladies' Aid, propos: of by Mr, Pilkey, responded to by Me A Grose, Toast to Our Country, proposed by Mr. Norman Hughson, reapunas od to by Mra, G. Luke, followed by "The Maple Loat Forever." Toast to th ng Deopll, Ji ed by Mr. Wilson, responded to Toot 28 Our Barent vob obst to Our Parents, pl by Ne Olkrohce Miter. responded to by Miss Stella Wilson. Bach address was of a very high order. and in that, they pointed out out, opportunities of serving our community and chureh through the home, the sommunity, sehool, and ohureh, Mrs. Wm Luke was present, helng the oldest member of the Ladies' Ald, and spoke a few words on how sho enjoyed being a member 'and always ilked to be resent at their gatherings. The Saintily decorated tables were much admired, the color scheme being in blue and yeljow, Come munity slbglug was much enjoyed also, Many thanks were due to the ladies in thelr preparations for the banquet, The young people are present. ing thelr play, """Wanted=-A Wife" author. Mes. Co R. Anderson, Ot- taw, This fs a Royalty play, The date is Friday ovening, Feb, 18th, Admission, 23¢, © Come and ens Joy a good laugh, also a pleasing mo : ral, A sleigh load went down from here to Myrtle on Tuesday even. fng and attended the opening of their hall, and dance, Kvoryone reports a splendid time and hobs they will be able to return in the noar future, to spend another pos clable evening. Mr. Lloyd Thompson, Misses Joan Thompson, Ila Wilson and Mrs. D. Thompson, spent Saturday in Toronto, A number from here attended a hockey game in Oshawa last week. Miss Mazel and Mr, Frank Grose, Toronto, were week-end guests of thelr parents, Mr. and Mrs, A, J Grose, y \ . Mr. and Mrs. John Kollingtor and son Ronald, Oshawa, and M! Hagel Pierson, Toronto, were week-end guests of their parents, '| alstor, Mrs, Mr, and Mrs, Pred Plorson. | Miss: Jean Christie. Toronto, | was a recent visitor with Mrs, Carl Avery, | Miss Ollve Thompson recently be with Miss J. White in Pros. | 0 Mise Marguerite Miller; Oshawa, | psn} Sunday with her varents, | , and Mra. A. Miller, MANY MEETINGS HELP AT SEAGRAVE Girl' Club And Young| People's Society Events | Were Much Enjoyed | (Mrs. LL. Scott, Coreespondent) Seagrave, Iob. 6.-<The Quadra. ta Girls' Club held thelr monthly meeting Feb. 4, at the home of Mrs. B. F. Green. Tho meeting | opened with devotion exercises, iss Alma Clements yead th Seripture Lesson, Miss Armstrong | played an instrumental and Mra, Green had charge over a contox which added much enjoyment tr the evening. ~ Refroshments were sorved at th close of the meeting The Young Poople's League wo held in the Sunday School room or Tuesday evening und was fairl woll attended. The early part of tho evening was enjoyd Ly shat ing on the Nonquen river, after which all journeyed to the chureh where a short meoting was held nresided over Ly the pastor, Rey, | Mr. Green, followed by a contest | and tems of business. At the | tlose refreshments were served. On Triday aevoning, Mr, and | Mrs. ¥. Watson entertained at | thelr home a lurge number of the | sommunity, young and old, when | games and contosts were enjoyed | and a social time spent, not for. Kicting the bounteous luneh serve od, A meeting of the Quartorly | Yoard of the United Chureh, was {any evening. held on Monday evening and was tairly well attendeds Quite a number ntended the oye ter supper and dance at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Druain on Friday evening. A most enjoy. able time was spent, { Mr. and Mrs, CG. W. Moon ate tonded the funeral in Toronto oh Monday ot the latter's" brother, the late Aba Wells. The funeral was held the home of his jchard Moose and was largely attended: The late Mr, Wells was well know here and highly respected. Ie leaves to mourn him, one son, of New York, his aged mother and sister of Sea grave, Mrs. R. Moose, ot Toror and & brother in the Northwest, his wife having died some few years ago. Mr. and Mes. Jus, Harding Wn Toronto this week on business, Mr. and Mrs, A, Short, Mr. and Mrs, B. Dowson and Mw, MH. Short spent Thursday in Torontg. A number have been ned to shel Ames the past week with colds, he snow plow has again made the roadscpassable tor cars to run from Seagrave to Port Perry. NEWCASTLE NEWS (Mrs, J. Brown, Correspondent) Newcastle, Feb, 8 --8t, George' Anglican Young Men's Club held a social evening on Wednesday, Feb, 4th, when they entertained their wives and friends in the pare {sh hall' Various games were play od throughout the evening wit! the ladies defeating the men in an exelting game of carpet ball, Refreshments wore served by the men, who proved themselva charming hosts, ' On Thursday Atocing, Feb. ot! Bt, Georgo's A.Y.P.A. held a suc cessful sleighing party return to the parish hall where refresh ments wero served. Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Jackson who quietly celebrated thelr fortioth wedding anniversary February dth, GREENWOOD GIRLS ORGANIZATION HOLDS SERVICE C.G.LT. Group Joined With W.MS. in Church Service . ag-- , Greenwood, Feb, 0. Luther Bu» ank says, "It we had paid no more attention to our plants than we have to our children, we womnld now he Hving in a Jungle of weeds' We ask for wu hearty co-operation ot the parents with the school teacher and the leaders of the Mission band sad the C.G.LT. Me. and Mrs, Carence Redman and Mr. Ezra Maybee, of Smithfield, pent Sunday at the home of Mr "nd Mr&, Droom. The Canadian Girls In Training "old a Re-Affiliation Service with the W.M.R, {n the chureh on Sun. The President, Mise PIMPLES Kvery pimple that mars YOU pony I a dlscha: 1 polsonous matte NA AEMED and rid you: ay poisonous matter In this 8 natural manner, Quite often pimples simple sign that y tem needs this mild, * agoiable laxative to help ft. WRAY % at your druggists, 20¢; 7 16 and look for remarkable results Mild « Safes = Purely Vegetabis MR Tonight < Tomorrow Alright J Quick relief oom dean ih, ae oe Only 30. ER a=. | Travel The King's Highway OSHAWA . FA LAY Iv OSHAWA AM, ra astern standard | DAILY COACH SERVICE TORONTO RE--86¢ LEAVE TORONTO AM, (ATH Time Ano 4.5 nso 0.50 b T40 LE [1] ob 9.80 10.80 et 8.0 450 aa u.80 b im b ba 1080 11.80 awedally except Sunday, beSuturdny, Sunday and Hol ys only. cmtbundny only. PASSENGERS--SIGNAL PLAINLY BY HAND TO THE DRIVER COACHES STOP AT ANY POINT TO PICK UP Conch connections at Toro o for Buffalo, Niugnra Valls, Hanmi on. Viedntford, Windsor, Detrodt, Harve, Orillia, Midland, Jacknon's Voint and intermedinte points, GCouncetions at Bulfalo and 1wirolt for all UMA, polite. Tickets and Information at GRAY COACH LINES Genoshs Hotel OSHAWA Phone 2826 " J Torrah Gee presided. The service opened with a Vesper service fols lowed " a solo 3 Frances Mantle and a duet b Iida Harris and Zorrah Gee. Mildred Mantle told a splendi¢ Missionary story on ladia hen Mrs. Smart gave a talk on the Q, G. I. T\ purpose, Mrs, Brandon two represented the Wine, Bible Classes Met On Wednesday evening ih adult Bible Classey of the 8.8, met at the home of Mr, Fred Gibson, to hold thelr ananal election of offie- ers, The Men's Class elected tollowing officers: Teacher, Mr Wesley Gee, President, Mr. 1. An: nis; Secretary, Mt Ross Disney) Treasurer, Mr. Perry Wilson, The officers of the Women's class were: Teacher, Mrs, I Gibson, President, Mra, IN IL. Green; Viee Pres. Mrs. Perry Wilson; Secretary, Mts, Walls; Missionary 'Treas. ra. Perry Wilson; Soclal Convenor, Miss Brandon, We hope that Mrs, I L. Green will soon be able to attend our Boc- ial functions again. rs, Ralph Smith, Toronto, ls at the home of her parents, Mr, and ors, Bush, taking care of the tamily whe are prostrated with "tw rs, Meadows, of Markham is vie a her Noten He rk, © postpone: ster ve on by the Mone Bible Class on Mon. day evening Was a great success After the excellent supper the la: dled gave thelr play "Listen La: dies," which was greatly enjoyed oy all. The people appreciated the vommnunity singing between acts. We are glad that Mr Plaskett {a able to be up and around the house again, W.M.8, Meeting The W,M.8. met at the home of Mrs, Brandon with an attendance of fitteen members and two visitors, I'he program was In charge ot Mrs. Smart who gave an interesting chap ter on Japan, The Watch "lower was conducted by Mrs, Perry Wil. Jon and Miss Mae Brown, © tiohal Meetl The Congregational Meeting of vhe Mt, Zlon church on the Green. wood circuit was held on Thursday evening with one hundred and pitty present, Our pastor, Rev. Mr, Smart presided, All sat down to a dele}: ous supper, after which reports irom the various organisations were heard. It was encouraging to hear how prosperous all the departments were, None were in financial ar oars and many had a substantial valance, Between the reports com unity sluging led by Miss Hagel Wilson was greatly enjoyeu. Young People's ° Tlie Mt. Zion Young People's Lea. ue wag entertained by the Kinsale Young People on Tuesday evening. the visitors giving the program, Mr, Burnett Jamieson gave a helpful tople. Mies Hazel Wilson a solo, Mr, Goddard gave un reading of Hen- ry Drummond's entitled "The River Driver," imitating the French Can. adian dinlect wonderfully weh. Little Miss Mary Goddard gave an amusing. solo. Then Kinsale put on a very interesting musical con. est after which they served re 'reshments bringing « ploasant evening to »n nlnen Mrs, Levi Linton and family are Ieiting her sister, Mrs. Walls, The Mission Band was entertain. ed by Elva Middleton on Saturday. In spite of stormy weather there was u good attendance and a very happy afternoon was enjoyed by "e children, Mr. Ed. Ble, Toronto, spent Bun. 'ay with his parents, Mra, Gee, Toronto, took tea with 're. Boyer on Haturday. Mr. Plasket's brother, of Whitby, pent a few days with him this renk, Mr. and Mra. Victor Parkin, of «disulo called on Mr, Plaskett on unday, Miss Marian Drandon spent the wook-end In Toronto, tn a ---- NORTH OSHAWA NEWS (Mrs. T, H, Solomon, Correspon. dent) North Oshawa, Feb, 8.~Tha ple- tures glven Sunday evening were en. titled "Jesus nocking at the Door." The attendance was good, they aro to be continued next Sun day. The attendanog at Sunday Schoo! was 100, compared with 107 last year, The superintendant, Mr. Ken. nedy Is well pleased and extends a cordial invitation to all to come to Bunday Sehool. Miss Lilian Phillips, of Oshawa, spent Sunday at home with her par. ont and bothers and sisters. Mra, Nellie Dearborn fs visiting with Mr. and Mrs. H. Dearborn and attended (he Sunday evening ser. vice, Her many friends were glad to see her again after a long ab. ence, Mr. and Mrs 2Gullivol, Mr. and Mrs, James Woolley and Mr. and Miu, Bellick all recently entertained at parties at their homes, Mr. and Mrs, George Scott and Miss Morence visited Mr, and Mrs. Leo, Webhor, at Whitby, Sunday. Glad to seo "Une" Blgin Clover able to be out again after his re: cent werjous aceldent, Mis many frionds are glad to know Lie wasy't nore seriously hurt at the time, An laventory of the estate of Mrs. Emily Cluett Seott wife of Charles W. Seott of Carson Pirle Seott and Company, Chicago who died Oct. 8, 1930, lists assets totalling $1,700,000, Under Mrs, Scott's will the estate 1s to be divided equally among Mr, Scott and two daughters, Nis, Done ald Welles and Mrs, Edward Welles, Mrs, Herbert S, Hadley, widow of former Governor of Missour) and former chancellor of Washington Un. iversity married Marry J. Haskell, editor of Kansas City Star at New York, and they sailed for Naples on wedding trip, COBOURG COUNCIL RAPS HOLLYWOOD (Continued from page 1) the income of the new theatre bull at Port Hope, 11 the nieantime Co. bovrg businees "ae coHared great 09%. What the merchants alone have roons created onc of the season's surprises here last' night, when turn our town hall opera house into a modern moving picture thea-|they blanked University of West. fern Ontario by 2 to 0 and were » tre, for British films. | joyfully escorted back to the Maple Leaf City, proud professors of an imposing two-goal lead in the in termediate distpiet O.H.A. playoff gers for socond place, lost, and will continue to lose it seems urs © | Coil 4 re] CHATHAM AHEAD : ) | ENT | tn @ Jor bike the finest fuoe cream Price 3 London, Feb, 10,«Chatham Mae WE ERBELWY by serving these SYRUPS ORE NOURISHMENT for less money. That's real econo. my. From now on, save on your weekly food allowance - - serve Crown Brand Corn Syrup. It is wholesome, delicious and nourish- ing, yet a money saving food. Why make expensive desserts? Pure Corn' Syrup, with bread and butter, Is delicious. Eat it at every meal. This is the time to economize and this is the surest way--eat more Corn Syrup. Your grocer has it, The CANADA STARCH CO., Limited MONTREAL EDWARDSBUNRG This Prize-winning CROWN BRAND economical recipes will be sent on re. celpt of 10 cents. Fill out the coupon, If you prefer a thicker and somewhat tweeter syrup use BENSONS ---- The CANADA STARGH GO, Limited, Montreal Please send me your Recipe Book, | enclose 10¢. to cover mailing cost. Name. Address. City. i ™ § 7 | il Hi | f ) v i LH ! | ; my a | ill i Rest and Undivided Profits, [ } 38,947,047 Total Assets, $826,969,537 BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT Str CHanrLes GORDON, 6.0.8. Chairmianas Dommnion Textile Company, Limited VICE-PRESIDENTS Major-Gen, Tig Hon, 8. C. Mswsurn, c.M.G Director Canada & Do Vice-President == The Huron and minion Sugar Co., Limited Erie Mortgage Corporation Sth Frepenick WitLiaMs- TAYLOR Former General Manager, Bank of Montreal D. Forses Ancus, EsQ Chairman in Canada, Auurance Company Lr..Cor. Hanser MOLSON,CM.G. MC. President, Molson's Brewery, Limited Harowo Kennioy, Esq Director, Johnson's (Asbestos) Cimnany G. B. Fraser, Esq. Director, Greenshields, Limited Tue Hon: Henry SHUTT Chairman and President, Cockshutt Plow Company, Limited BE W. Beatty, Esq. x.c Chairman and President, Canadian Pacific Railway Company . Gen, Sin ArTHUR CURRIE, G.EM.G, KCB Principal, McGill University F. EB. Mersorry, Eso, Barrister, of Meredith, & Holden Capital, $36,000,000 H. R. Drummony, Esa. Tie Hon. THOMAS AMBARN, 9.6 President, Ottawa Light, Heat and Power Company, Limited J. W. McConnett, Bsq. President and Mana, St. Lawrence Sugar W. A. Brack, Esa. President, The Ogilvie Flour Mills Company, Limited A. O. Dawson, Bsq. President, Canadian Cottons, Limited W. N. Ties, Esq, x.c. Barrister, of Tilley, Johyston, Thomson and Parmenter Standard Life Director, ineries, Parnicx Burns, Esq. Chairman, Burns & Company, Limited Crnis. Srencen, Esq. K.C. , Holden, Heward President, David Spencer, Limited, Departmental Stores Ross H. McMaster, Bsa. President, Steel Company of Canada, Limited GENERAL MANAGERS W. A. Boa==]ackson Doops BANK OF MONTREAL Established 1817 OVER 6350 BRANCHES IN CANADA

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