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Oshawa Daily Times, 11 Feb 1931, p. 2

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i THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY IT, Your i and Durham County News ASTLE PUBLIC SCHOOL REPORT , Feb. 9.-- On Friday [68 ebruary 6th, Newcastle en's Lawn Bowling | 65, eid 0 nl annual ban et ad ntation of cups and prizes in Irs Sommunity Hall when over fifty bers ard guests were present f~r occasion, Tables were attractive- v decorated in pink and green with candle sticks and tall pick ted candles alternating with sil- kets of pink roses, Dr. J. A, president of the Men's Bowl: ub acted as chairman and toast | naster, after the toast to the King | 9, was responded by singing the tional Anthem Mr. Geo, Jamieson a Bronce ay fonst 1 to our guests, Mr. Mrs, Ragen of Taronto, i a2 Mrs, Ragen with a of pink carnations on behalf Viv Men's Bowling Club. Mr, n responded to the toast and nted the "Douglas Trophy" ta e winning rink skipped by J. E. W. lio. The winners cach receiving vidual silver gene were J. EV Philip, C. Batty, Dr. S , Stacey, W. F. rdy and F. Allin, who § in turn made brief fitting replies. Mr. C. Batty § Sroposed a toast to the Ladies' Bowl- ® Club which was resnonded by the president; Mrs. J. A. Butler, who in ~ turn Broposed a toast to the Men's ling Club, which war resnandad to AA oe resident ghd Rev, WV, P. w A pleasant feature of ay ried was a toast proposed by e president to the two oldest eoun- les present, who recently celebrate | their ealden weddine anniversaries, Mr. and Mss. Geo, Eillbeck and Mr. and Mrs. T. Moffat. Mrs. Ragen then presented Mrs. J. A. Butler president of the Ladies' Bowling Club wth a silver basket of Spring flowers, fter which vocal selections were gre by Miss H. Mason, soprano. rs, Butler then presented the ladies rises. The following winners were rs. C. Battys rink with Mrs. H, Bonathan, Mrs, R. Walton and Mrs, E, Fisher, winning prize donated by Mrs. J. W. Butler, Mrs. J. E. W. Philp's rink with Mrs. C. Batty, Mrs. » Bonathan and Mrs. C. Carneth Jinning Waly donated by Mrs, P, rss 1. R. ishet won the Hare donated by Mrs. R. Walton and Mrs. C. Law won the prize donated by Mrs. J. E. Matchett, 'ocal selections were then sung by r. R. Walton, baritone and every- She Joined in community singing with 8. E. Fisher at the piano. Those * who expressed their pleasure to be among the gathering were Mr, Fred Bowen, M.P,, Mr, H, Pearce and Mr. H. Britton. An enjoyable evening was Brought Je a close with singing "Auld La yne." Newest ee School report for January: Sr. Room -- Exaimned in Writing, Reading nd Literature, Names 'n ~"ordér of merit and percentages, or TV. Gladys Matchett 84; Ev- elyn Allin 84; se Deline 83; Marj ] Henni { Gladys Pollard 79 Vera Brown ar jorie Lycett 73; {hartie aon 70; David Noden 68 Jack Toms 61. Jr. IV.=Gerttude Bohathari 87, Ralph Gibson 80, Ruth lHHoney 78, Muriel Shaw 78, Dorothy Aldread 76, Kathleen Spencer 74, John VanDusen 71, Joe Hockin 71, Louise Hancock ret Burley Norton Cow- an awd het 7 ust o , lean Clarke oy Katie Cla Yer Glasht 5 fancock 76, mie Coyne 73, Nolly Quegg 73, Sd othy Henning 71, Frances Brereton 71, Clarence Clarke 69, Victor Gar- rod and Archie Martin 68 Stanley Brown 64, Reta Powell 63, Hazel Me- Manus 62, *Mike Arych 66. *Absent for one examination. Teacher, Thos. A. Rodger Primary Room, Sr, L--Carl Fisher 92, Grace Powell 92, Camilla Brown 90, Harold Hoar i ene Jrright, § ¥ Sallie Bon- an Jim Keech 83, Alfred Allred Je I a TR Meadows 77, Jean Bonathan 73, aide Drew 71, Norma VanDusen 67, George Turner 39, Dora Martin 32, Wilson McManus 31, Charlie Aldread 25, Margaret Al- dread absent, : Sr, Primer, -- Reggie Meadows, Donald Jose, Reta Aldread, Douglas Walton, Shirley Couch, Jr. Pr.--Isobel Coyne, Mabel Gray, Myrtle Foster, Jean Robinson, Aon Turner, Douglas VanDusen, Willie Aldread, Arthur Clarke, Betty Van Dusen. Teacher, Nortna F. Orchard. YOUNG PEOPLE MET AT MAPLE GROVE Splendid Reports Presented to Annual Congregation. al Meeting (Miss Marion Snowden, Corres. dent) Maple Grove, Feb, 9.--League was held on Wednesday evening. The president, Mr. Jack Cator, opened the meeting with a hymn and prayer, the Bible reading was given by Ross Martin and the Do. votional Topic by Clifford Swallow, The following programme was in charge of Miss Greta Munday, 1st vice-president:--Reading, Corsina Samis; Topic, Miss Ilda Stevens; reading, Mrs. Rose Stevens; solo, Mrs. Charles White; Mies Ellen Gimblett then took charge of a short contest and the meeting clos- ad with a hymn and the benedic- tion. Mr. R. R. Stevens, Mr. Ross Stevens and Miss Dorothy Stevens, spent Thursday in Toronto. Mrs. Ray Snowden and daugh- ter, Helen, Toronto are spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Stevens. The annual congregational mnef. ing was held in the hall last Fri. day evening with a fairly good at- tendance, from tho di and committeos Revurts were Riven rent organizations appointed for 1031. All were pleased to hear iu | the report of the Maintenance and Missionary Fund thdt' Maple Grove had reached and ded their allocation for 1930, Mr, L. C. Snowden and Mr, Stan- ley Jones spent & day in Toronto last week. ,Owing to so mugh sickness in the neighbourhood, there was not such a large attendance at the services here on Sunday. Mr. Wils lam Laird gave the second rt of hig report of the Winter School which was recently held at Co- bourge ------ COURTICE NEWS (Mrs. W. R. Courtice, Corres- ndent) } Courtice, ¥eb, 9,--Mr, and Mrs. Chas, Wight and family, Provi- dence, visited at Mr. L. J. Cour. tice's, Sunday, Mrs. 8. 5. Brooks has returned home after spending a week in Toronto with her daughter, Mrs. Marshall Soules. Mrs. W, R., Courtice spent Sun- day in Oshawa with Mrs. Frank Smith, Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs. Ross Pearce on the arrival of a son. Services on Sunday were fairly well attended and our pastor, Rev, H. C. Wolfraim preached two splendid sermons, one in the morning and one at night. This Friday evening, the congregation al meeting will be held in the as- sembly room of the Sunday School Supper is boing served at 6.30 p. m. and afterwards the reports of the different departments of the church work will be given inter- spersed with music and a good time is oxpected. Last Friday evening the C.G.LT. held their meeting at the parson- age and were splendidly entertain. ed by Mrs. Rev. H. C. Wolfraim. The President, Miss Velma Gay, presided and a sing song was en- joyed by all. The chapter from the study book, Japan, was given very nicely by Miss Beth Gay. Miss Ada Annis favored with a pretty plano solo and Miss Louise Cour- tice gave a reading which pleas ed everyone, Afterwards mame* were played and Mrs. Wolfralm served doliclous refreshments to the girls who went home feeling that it was an evening happil* spent, Mrs. Wolfraim as usual, was a moet thoughtful hostess. Do not forget the annual quit ing of the W.M.8. this Thursday Ladies were invited to come and hring their lunch and spend the day at the church, Signals For Safety Kingston.--Ag a measure of safety to protect motorists not acquainted with this district, traffic lights are being installed at the LaSalle Causc- way which. will give a warning when the bridge is about to be lifted, In addition to these signals whieh eon. sist of two large red lights, a double bell will also be installed, WATSON'S & MAY BELL FINE LINGERIE Assortment includes, Bloomers, Bobbettes, Lace trim Bloomers, and Vests. Sizes small, medium, and large. All the good Lingerie shades are included in the lot. Selling At 69¢c Garment [BR whet ida hoa Best Canadian PRINTS 30 inches wide and one of the 'patterns suitable for Ladies' and Children's Dresses. New low prices 22¢ yd. Neat, new designs. 36 inch DURO PRINTS | NEW 1931 PATTERNS Duro Dye Prints that are guaran. teed absolutely fast Colors. Neat 35¢ ya. FLANNELETTE i19c¢ yd. Plain shades of Baby Blue, Baby Piss and Wie. #7 in. to 19¢ yd, 36 inch Stripe FLANNELETTE In Pyjama designs, - New spring ; 'merchandise at New Low Prices -28¢ yd. gre whind Ltd. CAPTAIN R. N. STUART, V.Co D8.0, R.N.R. Commander of the Duchess of York, is Canada's only naval VC, hero, and has already build up for himself an enviable repu. tation as an Atlantic passenger liner commander, With the ut. most ease he has guided his ship to several mew speed records since taking over the command of this vessel, not only between Liverpool and Saint John, but between Liverpool, Glasgow, Quebec and Montreal. DARLINGTON BOYS MET AT SOCIAL Enjoyable "Event Held in Sunday School Room at Hampton (Miss IL. Horn, Correspondent) Hampton, Feb, 10.--About thirty-five boys of Darlington township, enjoyed a social time in the Sunday School room of the church on Friday evening, The young ladies of the Young People's League, catered to 'their temporal ueeds when they served pork and veans, bread and butter, cake, pie and ice cream, to which they did ample justice, A. MacGreggor, Bowmanville, was the leader otf thelr sing song, which was done in a capable manner. Rev. Best, Bow- |manville, was also present, with our pastor, Rev, J. R. Bleck, whe also assisted in making their even Ing a profitable one, Richard Perret, Toronto, visitea his home during the week-end. Mrs, Alvin Peters, {is visiting rolatlves in Oshawa, Albert Allin, Torunto University, Ewers, Jo Forder, M. Fralick, Farmer, R. Graham, L. Honey. M. Holtby, J. e acksolh, thee Jeffrey, L. Mountjoy, G A Thompson, ay a J. Anderson, C. Kellett, E, H, Purdy, Geo. Raines, Jas. Ruddy, Geo., Smith. Lady Directors--Mrs. 1. R. Bentley, Mrs. B. D. Henry, Mrs. L. G. Brown, Miss Edna McKee, Mrs. F, Raines, Mrs. A. R. Wilson, Hon. Directors -- Peter Christie, F. L. Mason, Ww: E. N. Sinclair, K.C,, M.P.P, Dr. T. E. Kaiser, ex-M.P,, W H. Moore, MP. Grounds Com., Jas. McKee, R. Somerville, G. McMillan. Entertain- ment Com,, FJ Ewers, S. Farmer, E. i] Purdy, B, D, Henry. Standing om, Same as last year, Mr. and Mrs. Alian Wallace. and Miss Hilda Wallace were in Oshawa on Saturday when they attended the wedding of Miss Edna Wallace. The annual meeting of the W.A. of the Church of the Ascension was held last week. The following of- ficers were elected: President, Mrs. G. A. Woods, Vice President, Mrs. T. A. Nind; secretary, Miss Edith Brooks; Treasurer, Mrs. W. C. Wil- son; Dorcas Sec' v, Mrs. W, Turner, and Mrs, C. L. Vickery. On Wednesday evening the young people of the town were entertained by members ar the United Church, The entertainment took the form of a skating party given at the arena after which the young people went to the United Church where refresh- ments were served. Mrs. Brain, of Oshawa, is' visiting her ate; Mrs. C. L, Vickery. Mrs. H. Rose was in Toronto, for A Japs this week. Mrs. W. I. Fenton of St. John, B, has been the guest of Mrs. W. i Harris, for a few days. Mrs. G, A, Woods, who hag been been visiting friends in' Buffalo has returned home, At the meeting of the Town Coun- cil on Monday Mr. Frank Hazpison was appointed auditor. Mr, G, 1 Aird, assessor, and Mr. R. D, Woon, ing ector of weeds. While helping with wood sawing at the home of S. A. Wallace, Greenbank, James I2ad, Jr., had the misfortune to lose two fingers when his hand accidentally came in contact with the saw. On Monday evening of last week the young people's society of St, John's Presbyterian Church was cn- tertained by the A.Y.PA, of the church of the Ascension. An inter. | esting Program was given after which the rest the evenjng was spent in games, contests, etc. Refresh- ments were then served, bringing an enjoyable evening to a close, ANGLICAY, CHURCH VESTRY MEETING N. {care of by them. Pat Mantle"s or- week with her daughter Mre. G. oo White, of Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs, M. McBrien and family, have returned home after 8 amg a féw months in Detroit, ch. Miss Dorothy Pascoe spent a few days with Miss Hilda Mackey. COMMUNITY HALL OPENED AT MYRTLE Successful Entatininont Is Held to Mark Re-open- "ing After Repairs Myrtle, Feb. 10--Congratulations to Mr. Willlam H. Wilson, who cele- brated his 81st birthday last week and being a lifelong Reformer he had the honor of having a birthday salute from C.F.R.B,, the Globe's radio station. Mr, Clarence Hanlson is making good use of the sleighing and is hauling hay which he bought from a farmer east of Brooklin, Sorry to report that Mr. Bert Duff has been suffering from an at- tack of blood poisoning. A speedy recovery in hoped for. An opening dance was held in the Community Hall here on Friday night to raise funds to pay for the plano which wag installed recently. Through the courtesy of Mr. C. Good and sons of the Myrtle Station elevator, all expenses were taken chestra provided the music and the merry makers present did not have a moment that they were not well entertained. About midnight tasty sandwiches and. other appetizing re- freshments were served when Mr. Freeman Sanderson was again on the floor "calling off," and again the dancers continued until about 1.30 a.m. Local Manager, Mr. Charlie Pilkey moved a hearty vote nt thanks to Mr. Goode and son for their generosity and the merry gath. ering broke up feeling that this wae 'n {deal spot to have a good old ime "hop." The committee in sharge were well satisfied with the the piano fund. Miss Olive Harrison left last week for Uno Park, New Ontario, where she will visit relatives for the rest of the winter. Mr. Wilfred Graham, who {is the falthful superintendent of the Sun- day School is greatly encouraged at the increased attendance there is from Sabbath to Sabbath there be- ing 81 present Sunday. There are still.a number more who would be 7ladly welcomed into the school. orzanist, Mrs. T, R. Price, had a HELD AT BROOKLIN 'spent the week-end at his home, Jantes and Annie Stainton, 'uc companied by Mrs, W, Staluton loronto, spent Sunday at the home el thelr parents, Mr, and Mrs. liero, Stainton, Heleu Viriue, Whitby, is spend- fag a Tew days with her mother, WJ Vortue, An friends surprise: re. R, on Iriiany nigh: it 'being occasion © of he idrthday, Interment took place on Satur day afternoon at Hampton Ceine [tery of Kenneth Jennings, three {year old gon of Mr, and Mrs Frank Jennings, Chicago, anu grandson of Mrs. Wm, Tordiff, Bowmanville, who died In Bow- manville Hospital on Thursday, 'where he had been admitted for an 'operation upon the throat, A. BE. Blllett vas one of the (fndges of the debate "Resolved 'that men spend more time and money in pleasure than women,' which was glven at Tyrone oyster s1pper, on Wedneeday night, ot last week. 'The decision being made in favor of the affirmative Reta Billett has returned from visiting relatives at Fenelon Falls and Lindsay, Mr, und Mrs. W, W. Horn en- tertained a number of friends on Monday evening, Mr, and Mrs, Lorne Robbing an daughter, Pauline, visited at the home of Mrs. W. J. Virtue on Mon day. Mr, H. Holwell has been con fined to the house through fllness. Mrs, Harold Allin has been on | the sick lst recently, | The weather the last week has been rather changeable, a heavy fog was visible on Sunday morn ing, the trees being covered with frost, as was the case about a week before. Monday was quite mild while the temperature dropped several degrees by night. Skating remains the chief sport for the young people, the rink on the pond having been kept in very good condition. Beveral of -our hockey fans, at- tended tie hockey game at Oshawa on Monday night, Some of our young people, have attended the weekly soclay éven- ings, held in the hall a Solis, this winter. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY MEFTING AT PORT PERRY Grant Christie Elected as President at Annual . rool itt, the (Miss M. Cockburm, Correspondent) t Township Hall on Friday evening Taisfactory 'Reports Wee Presented Despi'e a | Difficult Year (Miss Elinor Mackey, Corres- pondent) Brooklin, Feb, 9.--The annur try meeting of St. Thomas An #n chur h was held at the close of the service last Sunday even- | mg. Reports were presented from the Women's Guild, the A.Y.P.A. and the Sunday Schoecl. In spite of a difficult year, the wardens were able to report a very satisfactory 'inancial condition, all obligations have been met and a substantial nayment has been made on the small debt incurred two years ago when extensive repairs were made. Dr. John Moore was re-elected peoples' warden and Mr. A. A, Robinson was appointed by the rector aus his warden for the com- Ing year, A large crowd attended the Min- «trel Show which was held in last, Miss Ruth Robinson, of Toronto hag returned after spending a week with her parents, Mr. A. A. Rohingon, We are sorry to hear that Mr. J. Sadler is very ill but we all hope him & sneedy recovery. Mr. E. Shortridge and Mr. C. Hanna, attended a sale of Mr. Drvden's at Toronto last week. ing, when fourteen voices gave as heir first anthem "The Yrown Church in the Dale,' and so leased was the congregation with heir success of this, their first at- ampt at singing without the ladies' «tance that they have again been v1rrested to have their choir again wt Snbbath at the three o'clock arvice. Mrs. Frank Harrison spent a nle of dave last week visiting ontn rclatives. ra. Oliver Lane has returned 1 visiting her sister and other 'ives in Toronto, here le talk of organizing a "al society here when both old nd young from Ashburn, Myrtle nd Raglan will have & chance of developing their vocal talents. Mr. Schyler Portor was confined to his bed with the flu for a few days during the week. The elevator ig a very busy place these days. Farmers have been well advised about the special sale that 's going on there this week and are taking advantage of the cut rates in all the various lines offered The manager, Mr. Charlie Pilkey has extra help to speed up efiicient service, The Ladies Ald are having their Aunual pay cake supper followed by a splendid programme in the church harement on the evening of Feb, 18th. Since the recent storms the cream man and baker bave bad to lay aside their trucks for a time and resort to the "more rellable'" means of transportation, that of horse power. Mr. Stanley Rodd and Mr. and Mrs. Morley Ross, of Brooklin, vis ited the former's brother. Mr. Ivan Rodd on Sunday. Mrs. Beadle attended the funer. Mrs, C. L. Mackey is spending a al of a friend in Lindsay on Sunday. nroceeds which add substantially to A On Sunday evening the church | male choir take charge of the sing- | Little |'! BROUGHAM NEWS (Mrs. T. C. Brown, Co! dent) Brougham, Feb, 9.--W., J, Brown and family of Toronto, were with their people on Sunday. Some of our people attended the Oyster Supper and Drama at Green- wood and report a most enjoyable evening. Our High School pupils and their parents and friends attended the commencement exercises at Mark- ham High School on Thursday eve. Those attending report the speeches and exercises both pleasing and edu- cational. Mr. Grant Malcolm spent Sunday with his people and attended the golden wedding of his uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. James Malcolm, of Markham, on Monday, Feb, 9th, The Warren Wilson family have had a rather serious time with an epidemic of flu. Hope for a speedy recovery. The Duncan and Malcolm fami- lles were all guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Malcolm, of Mark- ham, on Monday helping them to celebrate the 60th anniversary of their wedding. Mrs. Bert Harvey was called to Toronto recently to attend the fun- eral of a very depr friend, wno passed away suddenly from pneu- monia. Our village has been exceptionally free from flu and other commun able diseases this winter so far. Church and 8.8. are steadily in- creasing the attendance. Mr. and Mrs. McBride, sons and daughter, of Whitby, were guests at the Harvey home on Sunday. The road overseers and workers with their wives. of the Eastern Division of No. 7° Highway, fore- gathered at the Carl Devitt home on Wednesday eve for an oyster supper and a social evening. Mr. Roy M¢Whirter was in To- ronto on Saturday last visiting his brother. Mrs. McWhirter Sr., ac- companied him home for a few day's visit before proceeding to her home in Bancroft, 1o- | sli ASTHMA &. BAI relieved. Just swallow RAZ. Al) Cages Harmless. $1 sel all For ort use 'RAZ- MAH The members of the townshiy souncil considered a reduction of salaries when in session on Monday last. Excellent roads on No. ? highway. Miss Doris Johnston very accept. ably filled Mr. McWhirter's plact as teacher of the Y.P. Class on Sun. day. Making Ice on River Kingston.--Men were engaged in "making" ice at the LaSalle Cause way on Monday morning. The pro- cess of making ice (where there is already ice) consists of shovelling the snow off the surface of the ice that has already formed over the surface of the water, in order that the frost may reach the water under the ice, and in addition to this the ice is flooded every night.' Cars Off the Road Kingston--Skid marks on the high- way indicate where several cars have off into the ditches during the past few days. None of the accidents were serious, the cars getting back to the road with a little help. No one was injured in any of the accidents. "KARN THED GIST FOR SERVICE PHONE 378. NEXT IE POST OFFID Odd 28 to 46. $3.00 $3.50 $4.00 $4.50 $5.00 Simcoe Street North 'MEN'S SALE What could be more acceptable at this time of the year than an opportunity to buy the Odd Pant to help out the winter with. We offer our entire range in sizes JOHNSTON'S Pant $2.50 Pants For $1.98 $2.40 $2.65 $3.20 $3.65 $3.95 Phone 676 WOMEN'S FANCY HIT NEW Thursday, Friday and LOW LEV.LS Saturday Cnly at Agnew-Surpass Shoe Stores RUBBERS Brown and Black, Low and Cuban Heels PLAIN RUBBERS Dominion Brand, Fresh Stock, Made to Wear ona 69c 95¢ i Group 1 Women's Black. Brown and Coloured Cloth Overshoes. All heels. , This group fs comprised of all lineg that sold to $3.90. $1.49 Now ...eo0000e FINAL CLEARANCE PRICES Group 2 Women's Iirown and Black Rubber Overshoes, Dome Fasteners and Jiffy Fasten. ers, All styles iu the lot. Values to $8.00 $1.89 NOW civevvnnas Women's. Sizes 3108 ........ .. Yc 49¢ 9c Sizes 4 to 10%. Men's. Sizes 6 to 11. .... s. Sizes 1t0 8. .... . RED SOLE RUBBERS ' Dominion Quality Men's, 6-11 ........c.c.c000.... 98¢ f ..86¢ Youths', 11-13 ......ccoeree.. TBc HEAVY GUM RUBBERS Heavy Rolled Sole Men's eH FORA A 1.88 Boys', 1 . "e LITT Sd Youths', 11-13. ...c0c..... $1.68 ; 69¢ yo - 13. 59¢ Port Perry, Feb, 7--At the. rec.nt meeting of the agricultural society of Port Perry, Reach and Scugog the following officers were elected: President, Grant Christie; 1st vice- gre s., F. Shepherd; 2nd vice-pres, R, merville ; dacretary, N. Evers; di- rectors, J. Aldred, L. Byers, LG | Brown; H. Archer, G. Christie, N. F actory to Foot i GNEW-SURPAS SHOE STORES, Limited 23 Simcoe Street South WOMEN'S 2 DOME RUBBERS Brown and Black, Cuban and High Heels $1.39 "Men's 3 Buckle $2.29 Cloth Overshoes Heavy Uppers and Good Weight Scles. Dominion Brand. Men's 1 Buckle $1.79 Boys' 1 Buckle $1.59 Men's 2 Buckle $2.19 Boys' 2 Buckle $1.98 Boys' 3 Buckle $2.19 Misses' 3 Buckle $1.69 Child's 3 Buckle $1.49 Saves You i

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