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Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Feb 1931, p. 14

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1931 Consciense Money Ya Kingston, ~The. treasurer of the . Kingston Industrial Agricultural So- ty was greatly surprised when he ned - his and tound a letter closing $1.05, the price of three y the K ong to agtton Fair, me air grounds ond withoup paying: and 'had \ : science, Nec ed to remit the mount | the three admissions, ore for Relief Belleville. ~Thou| ifuiness on We part of members of t! cou 18iulted in Hy reaching the II from the secretary, 0 Aa : iis of the Unemployment Relief | Marks i that the city of Belle- stati ville will og ed in placing in the cost Hewes Canatiucted andes the e e amount of the repair TE rg ice ob he oud his. ° eer Mo I§ Si ne cy about $8,000, ; Play Presented 4 illbrook.--A delighted audience, . that packed to capacity the Sunday « School Hall of the Centreville Press byterian church, gave unflagging at- _ tention to the oyalty play, "Peg © My Heart," presented by the Drama- tic Club of the school, under the training and direction of Mrs, W. McKee Bingham, Millbrook. Nearing letion * Kingston Miller Hall, the new geology building at Queen's Univer- sity, is at the present time about three months ahead of the building schedule laid down for it, according to the architect. Work on this build- ing was started last summer. rating Ice<Water Boat. rockville. = The small ice-water boat, now in operation between Brockville and Morristown, is owned by Captain Charles Bruce, of Alex- andria Bay, formerly of the "Uncle * Sam," owned by the Combined Boat Tours, Inc. Assessor Named Peterboro--E, G. Johnston was ap- Joitited assessor for the township of orth Monaghan for a term of one year, at a meeting of the township council held at the Court House, Ict- erborough, 'Successful Carnival Norwood.--~Features of the grand masquerade carnival held at the Nor- wood Rink when more than five hun- dred people were in attendance, were the tg of war, teams being cap- tained by Cecil Watson and Roderick Barrie, and the Moccasin Dance, Manufacturer Dies Lindsay.--~The town was shocked on hearing of the sudden death of Larry Blackwell, owner and manager of the Kawartha Gift and Novel Company of Lindsay. Mr, Blackwel served overseas with the 109th Bat- talion, was 'a member of the United Church, and was a Mason, 3 P Char, { rv Se ll rd Max Ger- | h fatal at players on the Tweed Trent falley, hoc fore Magistrate Casement in court in Madoe, and were charged with as- sault and occasioning bodily harm to M. J. Barkey a player on the Madoc hockey team. The case was remand. ed and the boys were released on $1,000 bail each. key team, were brought be 83rd Birth ego a ion 'of Purlinch | Wi Township, Wellington County, one of the oldest rural residents of this dis trict, celebrated his eighty-third birthday at his home. He received many congratulations, Boy Killed Lindsay. --~Fifteen minutes after he ran into the side of the car driven y Miss Lillian Edmonds, when she as turning into the driveway off Elgin street leading into her gare age, Roy "Buddy" Miles, fve-yeory old son of Mr. and Mrs. Le B, P, Miles, 157 William street north, died it is thought, from a punctured heart the only mark being a large bruise on his left side, Made Division Manager Peterboro.--~W. B. Fairley, manag- er. of agencies for the Empire Life | Insurance Company and Donald Pot- ter, a former resident of Peterboro, were in the City relative to Mr, Pot- ter's appointment as manager of the Central Ontario Division for the above named company. The territory will comprise all agencies between Napanee and Bowmanville and north from the lake front. TOURIST TRADE IN CANADA Estimates of the that during this ten-year 1020-29 inclusive, tourists from abroad are estimated to have spen. In Canada a total of roundly $1, 682,000,000. Property Annexed Belleville.--Annexation of the city pump house property to the city of Belleville has just been completed, Manager E, T. Austin having receiv- ed back all the documents in the ap- plication before the Ontario Railway and Municipal and the order of the Board authorizing the annexation, Addressed Masons Brockville.--A large gathering of officers and members of Salem Lodge No. 368, AF. & AM, gave a warm greeting to Col. the Rev. Canon John expenditures made in the Dominion by tourists from other countries, run back as far as 1920, and it will be found period, 1M d, C.B.E, CMG, of Mon- t who was the gue er at a CN co Todas. held it : the sonia Mamovial Temple. 93 Years Old Belleville -- Miss Emily Chandler one of Belleville's oldest residents celebrated the ninety-third auniver- sary of her birthday and received the congratulations of many of her friends who called to visit her on that day were present at the recep- tion which Miss Chandler held at her ome. Cleaning Off lce Kingston.--A number of men ure e ed in cleaning the ice off the the sides of Princess street, In many places the ice was above the level of the sidewalk and made it difficult for motorists to park their cars close to the pub without going on the side: wal on Prizes Springville, -- Provincial prizes in the recent Scientific Temperance Ex- amination were won by two boys ( Springville Sunday School. Clifford ohnston was the winner of a book in the Senior Competition, wile Staniey Dunford also won % book in the Intermediate Competition, Presentation Made Norwood.--The Norwood branch of the Women's Institute met in the Council Chambers recently when Mrs, Buchanan read an appropriate address to Mrs. E, J. McMillen, pres- ident of the Institute and Mrs. Wheatley presented her with a box of stationery and a fountain pen and pen holder, Farm Destroyed Fraserville, -- Mr, James Roddy's farm was completely destroyed by fire. It is thought to have started through a_defective chimney, Mr, and Mrs. Roddy moved to Bailieboro several months ago and the house has been occupied by Mr, and Mrs, Parks and family. At the time of the there was just two small children and a young man at home. Sleighing Good arsaw.~Sleighing could not be better, Farmers are busy drawing their wood and ice, Water is in de- mand, The river is low, People are treasuring their cistern water, and several are drawing water, A few have to drive their cattle to water. Acquitted of Perjury Peterboro, -- Samuel Henson, contractor of Milton surrendering to bail at a special sitting of the County Judges Criminal Court, on a charge of perjury was acquitted by His Honor Judge KE. C. S. Huycke, after a hearing lasting for some hours, No Serious Illness . Brockville.~--Dr, E, B, Moles, Medical Officer of Health, states that there is a noticeable easing up in the outbreak of measles, which was quite heavy during Jan. uary. The general health of the town is good, with the exception of numerous cases of la grippe and winter colds of a mild type. Pheasants Starving Belleville--It has been reported to Mr. Walter Turner, prominent local lover of wild bird life, that some pheasants on Waupoose Is. land, in Prince Edward County, Aylmer Products Are Sold by Superior Stores Et You'll like this tempting Keep a copy of the New Magle Cook Book and you'll never have to worry sbout thinking up suggestions for attractive meals. Here, for instance, Is a delightful menu selected at random from the dozens of Interesting recipes It contains, . DINNER MENU Cream Francaise Soup cup cp Nal ~ Orange and Cheese Salad @ Look for this merk on every tin. It 1s a gusrantee that Magic Beking Powder does not con tain alum or any harmful Ingre- dient, Try this Recipe for *ALMOND CAKES cup butter Mix ingredients In order given, end boke kph vio of small poper illustration, Bas lightful ones, Cook Book. If to tonderd Brands Linited, Liberty and dozens of other are oll listed in the o in the with those used In the ily de ew FREE beke ot write Fraser Ave. & St, Toronto, and & copy will be sent to you. are starving to death, It {s belleved that there are about a thousand [ot the birds oa the island, where there is absolutely no food for them, i Heads Eligible List - Kingston,--Adrian Snider ot Secley's Bay, heads the eligible list established by the Oivil Service Commission for the post of prison guard at the Kingston Penitenti. ary, Willlam Walker Boucher. Morton, also passed the examina. tion, Cutting Ice Belleville.~Harry Smith, prom- inent local ice dealer, stated that they were cutting anywhere from two hundred tons to four hundred tons a day from the bay, "We are shipping the ice away to ditfer ent points at present," he sald. Cattle Cross River Sixty-four head of thoroughbred Holstein cattle valued at $15,000 consigned from Picton, to Hari ville, Chenengo county, N.Y. passed through the port ot Og- densburg at the week.end, i TORONTO FARMERS" MARKET . The following are quotations, re. all, in effect on the St, Lawrence Market, Toronto. Produces Eggs, extras Eggs, Firsts ooo ee 00 Eggs, pullet extras ios s Butter, dairy per pound 0.28 Do., Creamery, per pound sivas asa 036 Fruits and Vegetables Carrots, 6 bunches Beets, doz. bunches , eens basket Cabbage Sess I REE Cisse RAEI vesrsvsnnss 0.08 Cauliflower Live ees 0.10 Spinach, peck ie veviime Mushrooms, per pound .... Onions, bunch, three for «. Leaf Lettuce, three for ...= Head Lettuce, two for ... Parsley, per bunch +... 9.08 Celery, head i avovnvss Squash, each vv es 01 Parsnips, basket Beets, basket Peppers, each Herbs, bunch . Radlshes, bunch Oranges, per dos ,. Honeydew Melons, ea (Grapefruit, ¥ for Potatoes, bag Cucumbers, six for Lemons, per doz. .. ' Bananas, per dozen .. 0.26 Apples, bus. 1.60 Do. Snows, 6 qt, .. Oranges, doz. Can Green Peas, 6 gt. basket cans ase wes Pggplant, each Green peppers, Pears, basket Sweet potatoes 6 Ibs... «= Cranberries, Gt. +o e oon Pumpkins, each ..... 0.15 ocxooo~mccooccooose ooo POSH shane een basket Wee JS r= CIES ISCO TI it OV de mF © wt i TV ZS pe nt BO I ke TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS Grain dealers on the 'Toronto Board of Trade are making the following quotations for car lots: Manitoba wheat == No. 1 hard, 64%e¢; No. 1 Northern, 624¢; No. 2 do, 614c; No. 4 do, b8{c (elt. Goderich and Day ports). Manitoba oats -- No, 3 CW. 34ic; No. 1 feed 83ic; No. 2 feed 294c. Manitoba barley -- No, § C.W., 2615¢; No. C.W., 2bje. Argentine corn--G66c (elf. Port Colborne). . Milltoed Montreal, delivered ton $21.25; shorts, per ton, $21.- 26; middling, $27.26. Ontarfo grain «= Wheat, 66c; barley, 38c¢; oats, 27¢; rye, 30¢; buckwheat, 48¢, (Buying) Toronto. dealers are buying pro- duce at the following prices: Kggs--Ungraded, casos roturned fresh extras 24 to 26c; fresh firsts 21 to 22c¢; seconds, 106 to 18e. Butter--No, 1 Ontario creamery solids, 81% to 82¢; No. 2, 80% to gle. 32c: No. 1, 80 to 81c; No. 2, 27 to 28c. Cheese~~No. 1 large, colored, paraffined and government grad- od, 14% to 14je. are as follows: Poultyy== Dressed "A" Grade Alive Select MF. Spring chickens, 6 Ibs, ot. +...0vs 19 234 21 Over 6 to 6 lbs. ea 18 22 20 Qver 45 to b Ibs. each wee 16 21 Over 4 to 45 Ibs. 0 16 19 18 22 14 19 21 18 17 16 a, "e. 4 Ibs. each and un- OF sovveevvnnn Fatted hens, 6 to 6 0B, '... aii Over 4 to 5 Ibs, ea, Over 8% to 4 lbs, onch ... «4 444 Under 84% Ibs, Young turkeys over 12 Ibs vos 400s Do., 8 to 12 Ibm. .. Do., under 8 luvs, . Old turkeys ....... Geese, market prices. 01d roosters, over b Ibs, 68. +svisss White ducklings, over ibs. en, ,.0.v. 20 Over 4 to 6 Ibs. each ... "isu. 28 Muscovie ducks, over Bb Ibs. +. vo 20 4 to b lbs. a 16 ,, Guinea fowl, per pair $1.25 PMP s4vinane 2b (Selling) Toronto dealers are offering produce to retail dealers at the 14 12 ab 32 28 21 oe "ee 12 15 28 26 ". following prices: cco rods orc oSooomeoee Sr rT OO treights, bags included --Bran, per Churning cream---Special, 31 to Quotations to poultry shippers | Produce Prices In the | Commercial Markets Eggs .~-- Fresh extras, in car tons, 82 to 83c¢c; fresh extras, looso, 30 to 81c; firsts, 27 to 28cy seconds, $1e¢: pullgt extras, 23c. Butter---No, 1 creamery, prints, 34¢; No. 2 creamery, prints, 83c. GRIST MILLING HAS REVIVED IN WEST Present Situation Compared With Early Days As Dis trict Mills Are Busy "a ---- Regina, Sask.-- From all sections of Saskatchewan have gome reports of the revival of local custom grist. Ing of wheat, recalling activities of pioneer farmers of fifty years ago. In the autumn of 1930 wheat was cheap and flour was high in price and farmers turned to custom grind. ing of wheat grown on the home farm. While farmers traversedE farms. While farmers of today in most cases do not travel the long listances traversed by the pioneers, some of them find that a long road has to be negotiated to the nearest erist mill, Nevertheless, they are profiting by piloting their wagons to the mills. Saving to be made by returning to Cheese -- New, large, 106jc: twins, 16§e¢; triplets, 16¢; stiltons, 203c. Old large, 24c; twins, 24Qc; old stiltons. 27e. Poultry Chickens, 6 Ibs, up «vv Do, 4 to 6 Iba «iene Do, 83 to 4 Ihe. suave Do, 3 to 3% Iba. us Ions, over § 1b. eau Broilers .. DUCKS +: sssvss senses Turkeys, A grade (vss. GOOBG «ov iv saan nns TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS Grain dealers on tho Tor uta Board of Trade are making the following quotations for var lots: Manitoba wheat --- No, hard, 69¢; No. 1 Northern 67¢; No. 2 do., 66¢; No, 4 624c (c.l.f. Qoder- feh and Bay ports), Manitoba oats -- No, 3 CW, 36c; No. 1 feed, 36c; No. €@ feed, Sle. Manitoba barley -- No. 3 CW, 28%¢c; No. 4 C.W,, 27i¢, Argentine corn -- 69¢ (ed.f, Port Colborne). Millfoed ' delivered Montreal, freights, bags included --Bran, per ton, $21.25; shorts, per ton, $21. 25; middling, $27.26. Ontario grain ~- Wheat, 60c; barley, 68%¢c; oats, 27¢; rye, 30¢; buckwheat, 48e¢. Dressed 30-82 28-80 26,28 RR ANNUAL GRANT T0 OSHAWA FAIR 15 CUT 70 $300 (Continued from page 1) of the county, and in addition to this did not attract a large crowd. I'hese statements were also refuted by other members who sald that the cause of the drop in attendance was not the meet but the current scare of an infantile paralysis epidemic at the time. It was pointed out that with the holding of horse races in the past the prize money went out of the county iu many cases, A. W, Jackson stated that it was only falr to the South Ontario As- sociation to leave thelr grant where it was as there had been no change made in the grants to the other fairs. Ernest Chapman, ot Plekering, introduced an amend. ment to the report that strove to lhiave the grants to the fairs all cut 10 per cent, on the basis of the grants made last year, But this was voted down. A second amendment which sought to give the South Ontario Society the usual grant of $600 was also defeated. The re- port was finally adopted with the grant to the South Ontario Fair Board standing at $300, while the grants to the other fairs were left ns they were last year, The report of the committee recommended grants as follows: South Ontario Agricultural 8o- clety, $300; Brooklin, $150; Ux- bridge, $260; Bcugog, Reach and Port Perry, $250; Bcott, $175; Brock, $200; Rama, $160; North Ontario Agriculutral Society, $300 The committee also recommend- ed that grants of $150 be made to each of the plowmen's associa. tions in the county, as well as $300 to be used in rural school fair work, and $160 for junior livestock and household sclence work, The county Agricultural advis- ory board made up of R. B. Smith, East Whitby; John Bcott, Plek- ering; Cook Ashenhurst, Reach; G. A, Heron, Brock and R, H, Doble, Mara were appointed. -------- CADILLAC SHIPMENTS IN. : CREASE Detroit, Feb. 12.--~Cadfllac Janu ary shipments totaled 1223 unite compared with 1025 during Janu- ary last year, an increase of 19.3 per cent. There were 1137 cars delivered at retail this year as against 832 last year. iif | SPECIALS | FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY Butter Tarts ,,....doz 18¢ Tatty Tarts ......doz. 18¢ Daly Turnovers .,.doz. 18¢ Dglo Sandwiches ,.doz. 18¢ ! AT THE STORE Monney's Bakery 24 King W, Growing Deaf With Head Noises? Try This It you are growing bard of hearing and fear ecatarthal deaf. ness, or if you have roaring, rumb- ling, hissing noises in your ears, $0 to your druggist and get 1 oz. of Parmint (double strength) and add to it % pint of hot water and a little sugar. Take one table spoonful four times a day. This will often bring quick re Hef from the distressing head noises, Clogged nostrils should n, breathing become easy and the mucous stop dropping into the throat. It 1s easy to take, Anyone who is threatened with ecatarrhal deafness or who has head noises shouig give this prescription a the old method is indicated by the "tolls" in vogue today, which are based on value of wheat, bran and shorts in the market, Here is what the farmer has to pay to get his wheat ground: Thirty-five cents a bushel, In re. turn he gets 40 pounds of flour, 18 pounds of bran and shorts, two pounds being taken off for wastage Thirty cents a bushel: In re. turn, 86 pounds of flour, and 2% pounds bran and shorts, On the basis of 100 bushels, tak ing flour n rteurn, and not paying any cash for grainding, 20 bags of fous, or approximately one ton of our, He may further have a slldine scale of cach payment, the miller then working out returns of flour and bran and shorts on the basis of the present market values of those commodities, Local mills In the province are running at capacity, Some of them report being three weeks behind in thelr schedule of gristing, and still farmers are bringing in their wheat, Much of the flour ground now ls to he used next fall. In the province at present there are ahout sixty mille, most of them running day and night, and an en. ormous amount of flour is boing made and stored away In farm homes, The old family flour hin has returned to vogue and promises to remain, for wheat growers are suid to be well satisfiod with the systam, The largest flour mil fn the pro- vines in at Factorin, with an elght thousand barrel daily eapuelty, One of the smallest fn at Kindersley which turns out 25 barrels dally Yocue Jaw has a 3,000-barrel-a-day m The mill operated by the Chris. tian Community of Universal Droth orhood, at Veregin, turns out 100 harrels daily, and not only does cus tom grinding for the community but also grinds for the other people of the district. A GREAT DISCOVERY London Feb, 11--A medical dis- covery which has proved of great value in treatment of infantile para) vals has beon disclosed by Dr, James Colller, Physician to St. George's Hospital, to the National Hospital for Nervous Diseases, and to the Royal Eye Hospital. Dr, Collfer says: "A doctor at St, George's How. pital recently suceended in injecting the virus of the Infantile paralysis Into a horse. It is now possible to obtain that horse's blood, which ff Injected Into a patient in time, wil) avert paralysis." He ndded that the horse beng a valuable animal, was Hving in luxury, OLD TEACHERS RETIRED Adelaide, Australia, = All the male school teachers of more than 66 yoars of age and the women BOVRIL you drink the Strength and Goodness of Prime Beef teachers of more than 60 years were notitied some time ago that after January 81, 1931, their services would not be required, and this new rule was carried into effect on the date mentioned. The notification was given in accordance with a de. cision of the KExeeutive Council of the Education Department of South Australia, HUDSON SHOW-SALES INCREA®Y Detroit, Feb, 12, ---Hudron-Essex car sales at New York, Detroit, Chl. cago, Philadelphia, Boston and Cleveland Shows showed {ncroases trom 10 td 60 per cent, over record previous year. OAKLAND RHIPS 8000 Detroit, Fen, 12. --Tota: January shipments of the Oakland Motor Car Co. were approximately 8000 cars, with 10,000 scheduled February, a------ Walkerton, Feb, 12.--<Stratfordq indians won a surprise victory here last night, defeating the powerful Walkerton intermediates by 3 to 1 in the first game of the O.H.A, play. offs. BUZZA LINE OF VALENTINES AT ALL PRICES he FELT BROS. 12 Simcoe St. S. Established 1886 "Buy Where Satisfaction Is A Certainty" Oshawa WITH EACH ANNOUNCEMENT AND EVERY TON OF D.& H. CONE-CLEANED ANTHRACITE, OR SEMET-SOLVAY COKE THE DIXON COAL CO. WILL GIVE Ir DESIRED FREE ONE BAG OF GENERAL MOTORS KILN DRIED KINDLING WOOD. Please state when ordering if wood desired. WE ALSO HAVE LARGER GENERAL MOTORS WOOD SUITABLE FOR HEATING OR COOKING DIXON COAL CO. \ TELEPHONE 262 FIVE DIRECT LINES for Hi

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