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Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Feb 1931, p. 1

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EN ------ _ WS SE ER a REE RE N A Sy a Jr : 4 : ie : : : nd , RB -- : : s | : || "Al The News ', g { ners A Whiie It Is Rex : \ L J N ews » ; Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer ; : ; creek. with OSHAWA, ONTARIO, [HURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1931 12 Cents a Week; 3 Cents a Copy FOURTEEN PAGES voL. s-MAN OF [ssops ke longevity, ! p | "hard work EB ' I 07 I have nev 4 A : quor in m BS : : TEER Y L | rE ot NOMY SEEN {OF GRANT Below are given the resultshe Douglas Hoppe, Ethel Ralph, Doug. i 1 Th Bol of Leg ti Af mid-year wxamiuations hold . las Love, Marjorie Fig ' [3 " = Mrs. he gislal on * {public schools of Os . yrtle A, Wilson, teacher. Pre - 8 1 Long List of R iv which were handed fe . Senior II. eports sent at Morn UL. at 3 O'clock This Morn fecting Many Interests Rey ;ey yesterday by Cecil Fn-| Caroline Brown, Vernon Eiitcott,| ing Session Show Slight i : i L S From |uvon, B.A. inspector of Hic|George Stonebridge. Lillian Le } : ee ing to Find Their Home in { t .| ferred to in Speech schools for Oshawa show, Bo |More, Bille Werry. Decrease in Membership | Oshawa Has Been Particular. Flames cases of the senior classele Junior II. Owi . i 8 ait # Throne names of the tm, pubis i : : Wiima Chapman, Evelyn Collins, wing to Transfers ly Fortunate in Escaping F uit 5 : RE ----. hest standing in each leatrice McLean, Lawrence Cr -- CAPED roc n TT Toranto, Feb 31-Laglajution reported 3, toe . Lg Betty Hill, h Lywinics Crave, Various reports of the year's ac- F Heavy Falls of AMLY Eat N y variety of 10 p he junior cla . M. rn nrigus 8 of T's ac . "| Oshawa Ladies Take Part in| fiscal, i nc bros sowie | sme o the tpi wo bok EE er nas ts rns | Sow This Winter T CLOTHING : f the legislative assembly of On: | on nied are given in the o Wilma Chapman (H). Evelyn | bei sidered | y GOsliaws amen : : GRA S BEFORE ' Organization Meetin 8 tario in the speeen from the merit. Collins (H), Beatrice McLean (H), ik i ie Cha awd fr A Qucided rite in temperature Home Completely Destroyec iy | . ------ Aawrence Cp . Thluyiely je Anne £1 re yesterday morning's near : > Held There Last Night | diy by tho tion, W. D. Row, Lieu: MARY STREET | | i,"say Finiey (0), "0rval Borey | Unie Church salug, "Hh Saupe 2010, mark, coupled with a lighi | Only a Few Articles of . tenant Governor. sr. IV. (H), Delbert McFarlane, Elmer] { thi ning, ill con. | HL of Bnow overnight, tonded to i i } Proposal . Grants oi Somo twenty members of the Amendments to the udicature Donald 8mallbone, Reta Peavoy, Betty Reacock. Phyllis Bd- hv or od wil Nir make weather conditions consider- Furniture Being Saved mn by Ten Per die auxiliary ot the .Oshawu set go ShanES, the bi are | Tommy Grier Squal, Rarole Nei onald Kirby, Bid Turn. Rev. Jo M, Whyte, chairman of the poly Batter In ihe city this mom, Fire Believed Caused by , \ Legion at- | the Supr ) + stein John Cottingham e " a Ronnie and Freda Try | presbytery, in charge of th tings : Grd 3 Pr © and Only tended Tha stccton, of ofticers in Yicoly lo Jyovide some eoutvntious Bone, Murray fovel) Jaon)) aul, Le, Rey Peyton, Alex About Rity ministers! ay Bp raids iy lagi Overheated Stove 5 nt. . . gt. John's Parish hall, Bowman | debate. 8 o Provincial govern- | bell, Hazel Pentound, ) ay, Teddy Parrish, Gladys Mol- | gates to the presbytery are present at [ ap un fo + BY aT, Sov South 0 Society ville last pigs, oho, event Xan Dominteri_and, Provinei i In the Law. J. C. Storram t on, Beulah M. Laidlaw. teacher Hie Lesion, ich onetied his bhi 5 hs ig he Snake them vid kened by he Siying of thelr 3 one of the mos British Nerth Amorica Act and the Ie IV Sento heh liad ov pp Govotional period con | further north, it was reported 9 8 OL. baby, ME af Suffers ™ 3 vig Mr do es constitution of Oagede ioveiyed in Jean Welss, Helen Coburn Mary Wright (H), Florence An- ducted by Pn oh. there and bean, u Reavier fall of a Dias aay 1 Bullak : B®, -- The spirit tl 'and Mrs. Ginn, the | the new status o ! | Hoppe, Keith Smith, Lois Cfjderaon (H), Vivian Gray (H), Eric| A number of items relating to pas. | "HOW: but, as has been the case three o'clock th president and Mrs. y ed at the last Imperial con . Bruce @ Porter (H). D ber of items relating to pas-| on several oconsions this winter 8 morning, Attire Whitby, which the |® t in attendance. | approv h | ham, Bernice Jarvis, Bruc » Dorothy Lott (H).| (oral changes iti the presbytery were ; 1L8ry Tonly in thelr night clotl i provincial secretary, ce, iu referred to. The speech Alex Fras@ Arthur Stonebrid I R 16 presbytery were | Oyhawa escaped very lightly y ght clothes, the mi of econo uncil started | Yor a dong during the evening, ference, _ | on, Mary Dunlop, Stonebridge (H), Glenn | ieferred to the committee o . Ye and his wife, with thei i \ Mrs, i : "Cortain constitutional ques Brooks and Mari : : e on min One of the surprising things this : elr two o Ontario C in ovidence | Jott C4 an enlightening address | says: Corta ter- | bert Hendrie. d Marlo Armstrong | sters and Students. These includ 7 . KS dren and little bab ! h arose at the confer 1 Warne, t@ (equal), Idella De Mill hese included | winter, in fact, has boen the lack y Were force the year home to those | 00) "ime and objects of the | tions, whic hmitted to an early Alma " ' a a. a call from the Litsowel United | of heay / escape through a window, the b . . : ; of heavy falls requiring the \ sy N08 The fact w ssion on Wed: | fu jity Mrs H, Foote, of Osh. | ence, will be submitieet 10 Bo & a Sr. HI Alico M. Allin, teacher. | Church to Rey, J. U. Robbins of | easter, "ow Ing being only one story { v. ' po i ; : Jo Ul Re y. lance of large gangs of men ory in hel attend com: ! manville | "onference of the " Malcolm McMechan, Dorie Jr. I to Se, I Thite * Ce ay ance o Neighbors w. SE aft Bhd in iva, thanked the hospitanty that Provine inl iy pho oy WP int the | Arthur Cory, David Magee, poncunon Hops (1), Doreen Sor Trinity United Clue, Bowmanville, 10 slear the streets for, seule, Jn tire Ao are Aftused | aud { 9 J Puy } dwar . Ruth u ), CHE | Chisre RB 4 3. ASC vinters, ' 4 mittee on the year, The | had been extended to the Siting attention of the house. The Legis jy Ble fa: Jack Dewell, Btord Butt (H), Fred Middleton on Church to Rev, E. F. Armstrong of | nocessary to spend thousands of on house Waa of frame constr their first mmended the | ladles from Oshawa. . M. lation to te presented will provide Raymond StephensomfArthur Hawkind (H), Bill Froebel Listowel. It was reported to the | dollars for snow-cleaning, but this |, on and by the time the firem report, wh Big to agricul | ton, president of the Bowmanwis | eo, "upecial surveys of erop condt- | Jems, RFREIC 5 Oporto ryt ow ithy (7, Muriel aye. | Presbytery that both ministers haa | yaar the expenditure has bets ver, Toni orouroriimes had rade gue usual num the count) | Branch of the Legion, also spoke tion and marketing opportunities, Sr. 111. Garvie (H), Irene Fullerton (H) signified their willingness to accept | ight, and almost negligible from 1 ho to osress that little could be tural soclel ost argument | briefly, a as | improvement of dairy herds, and Robert Mackay, M&@ladys Hicks (H), Marjory Pollard the calls, Rev, W, I. Fletcher, of | the standpoint of providing em- $208 to prevent its destruction, brought out members and | The officors installe WoT the protection of livestock against Mounce and "Garnet Reypard (H), Lorna |C¢"tre Street United Church, Osh-| ployment for workless men. While brou i No "of equipment were among the WOM the afternoon tollowst o president, Mrs. Mrs. C. |parasites. in effect the ' : Je. TI. ialloway (MH). Margaret = Clarke iw, and Ree % R. Troumper, of | this hag been a drawback from the 1 000 En or poasene and over ' look up oy $0 ¢1at provoked livers 'a: vic a amdent, Mrs. eg ther steps to put in O78 wel Jack Paimef. Helen nd Leonard Manning (H), 'Jean | 'Yone, notified the. presbytery that |standpoint of providing work, yet was only aid but it session. ¥ / 'quence for the C. R. Spencer; secretary, Mrs. A. OF ONTARIO 15 OPENED TODAY teorge Cameron, Terne Results of [xaminations ions at Midyear Public Schools indicated, in mn A deputati i rile wi . Hig mons. of grant give Moses; treasurer, Mam, Ie A, Tar. fare commission establishment of . . . . xp tution i re vas doe So Agric ker, The executive ¢ training schools for girls. o pastoral relations, These items were to the Sout L its falr each | slected is made up of Mrs. R. » The work of the hydro calls forth Daring Nimr ind Fishing Good all referred to the committee, Society whi ASN.5 grant war | ('otton, Mrs. [. Childs, Mrs, A | comment that growing demands for d f G Rev. Thomas Wallaze, O, R, Alger, year in-OshaWli sf, iio the | (larke, Mrs. M. King, Mrs, '| olectrical power have been met In Jce-Boun rs o ull Lake and the chairman of the presbytery placed at $30 + were moved | Ford, and Mrs. R. Bird. through tho completion of the were added to the committee on two amendm ERE 4 os the re Tho instalaltion ceremonies Ware Queenston development and works Ministers and Students, this figure was nird reading | In charge of Mrs. Greene and Mrs. | © "h FNioison rivers and reserva-l 5 Brown, local Jewel@hirt of tho lake was 80, strong that Statistical Report port was gi ER ont last year | Ginn, i 3 tions for possible future shortages. u, Mundy, president. 9 pore Wis a channel of open water | The statistical report for the year by the council Tr have been made. Times Pablishing Company, B ooo 100 \ hioh wan s0 thie] that | was presented Ly Reve P. L, Jull, $600 a f the ---- a ---------- od home yesterday after a n en sceretary of the presbytery, Thi - bi Cassle Jrmah ro a FMP Mf 11KF ter fishing trip on Gull Lake team of horses and wagon could | ° rt sh rk! that the yr rod of 1 . A reply ot, The t y fresh way : he og. } the Minden distriet, nture within six feet of the chan al depr 7 . committec st Jackson that SHAW? CAR HITS ing Nimrods went up north 181. The weather up there was dcp itsion during the year had uestion by the © county I | I 0 arday, and came home with tlich colder than it was at Oshawa, |, \1embershin and. in financial con- Shawa garation ae ) 1 proof that thelr Missioh hia one of the difficulties encount- | tributions, P a 0 ton and a se led to a § i 'avore oF as such was n for a fair. T tradicted as it e at once con- WAR at Osh- sf holding of Belief in Ottawa Is That PORT HOPE MAN, FRACTURES LEG sifecensful one. {deal weather, with no bliz (Continued on page 7) "County Council Cuts Grart For Oshawa Fair | LEGISLATURE PRESBYTERY IS MEETING TODAY IN LOCAL CHURCH they desired a change of pastorate. FAMILY OF FIVE FORCED TO ESCAPE FROM WINDO LIGHT SNOWFALL it will help to ease tho burden of expenditures from the city treas- ury, and unloss there are still some storms of n substantial char. acter, a considerable saving should be effected by the city in this re- spect. almost all the contents, consumed by the blage, sky and thelr lurid OF HOUSE ON BALLARD §' Crying of Eleven Mo Old Baby Awakens Mr, a matter of a fow mi ) before the dwelling way featly burned to the ground. ticles of furniture were practically A few' are yaved but ni the clothing of the occupatite, ing Y The re up the glow attracted flection of the flames 1it a number of spectators to th A Unnder the circumstances. oo COLUMBUS UNITED * CHURCH MEETING considered fortunate that th ly escaped with their gh might have perished if the cryin; ot the baby had not aroused its p od was that of keeping the fishing es from freezing The total membership of the Un Is Impressed With Pro. [overheated stove. house {s estimated provided them with the [rest of the night, Although the oridn+ Large Gathering of Members| !!asration 1s not known ft fy nised that it was caused by ately te an : oss of the contents at $300, bo : fally covered by insurance. Kind neighbors came to the ase Istance of the stricken family and sheltor for the Toronto, : Fob. 18.--The police Into a soli |; | Cl | he resi . i weep them tied indoors, tice like a strand of fron wire, The | © wrchies in the presbytery is | . Ey of sport, not only InS8p was In every. way un enjoyable now. 10.084, 4 decrease ol od from gress Made During the ! hrough the ice, and catehl » sald both of tha bold fisher fast Feat, During the year 425 new Past Year : beautiful tish, but also Whilln this morning, and they inten | "¢'1"0C1s were received by profession ing from a canoe on the ope go back again next winter for | faith, an increase of 17 over 1929, y rere 5 ff Gull Lake. The curron@ther try at mid-winter fishng, |" 313 were received by certificate, | Columbus, eb. 11---The annual ee -- . nnn | A110 MNCTCASE Of 82, There were 106 re- | cOngregational meeting of | by death, and increase of 16, | Columbus United Church, held in ) | aud 82) removed by certificate, an in- [ the basement of the church, was 0 i crease of 510, this litter figure, which [© well attended and enthusjastic 4 [indicated a certain general remoyal | meeting, all being inipressed with awa was the he fair was n the fale ond bs the saclely Sovernment Will Impose really a r «nd of the : nat the sou oe the! Ban on Coal From Soviet bv B. Richardson | county with direc souncitior Union Car Driven by B. Richardso | Christie claimed i ili » seme in Accident at Port Hope phare iu bd » | geting more than fairs in| Ottawa, Fob. 12.--Paring est-| Where Pedestrian Was proportion to the 1 to this | mates and preparation of sessional the county and in this year [legislation are engaging the atten- Struck he said that the fai Durham |tion of the Government and will un- m---- counting upon aid pped the |til the parliament assembled. There Port Hope, Feb. 12, -- Knocked where tho society b he mem |ore radical reductions fn some do | "hy 0 ear driven by B. Rich fair last fall, Sever {meg |partmental estimates, chiefly In ardson, BS Gibbons street, Osh- bers of the council claims {public works, marine and rallways. | SO P00, oromming MIL street that the money pa the fAlF | yes with the most rigid economy, | gy ie™s 45 yesterday afternoon, 1 nance AN | nvant further heavy taxation ley. Samuel Palmor, Mill street, suffer last year was ng poney out fio, another large deficit for 1931- | Loot on sound fracture of the left athletic meet that 112) 32 cannot be avolded. leg between the ankle and knee (Continued on JUNIOR FARMERS SHINE P As there is an a for bred sows, a Dla worked out by the 1 of the best mediums for t keting of the farm grain, ject as outlined is designed to interest the young farm good methods of care, feedin breeding of hogs, ly sist in providing a self. There is of course a number of sows ECT emand being nch of To-morrow the coal magnates moet the cabinet and the rallway presidents, They want cheaper transportation, subventions, higher tariffs and an embargo on Russian coal, It is quite probable the last request will bo granted and also an embargo on Russian pulpwood. 'I'ne United States embargo on Russian pulpwood, the product of forced 1a. bor, wil greatly benefit Canadian farmers and companies who export this product. - It is possible consid- © was rushed to the hospital fol Rte va the accident and it attend: od by Dr. W. Tucker. Interview: HEARD OVER R Radio Station at City Dedicated by But Speech Was ed in Latin ed following the accident, the phy- delan sald that In so far as liminary examination disclosed Mr. Palmer's injuries did not indicate anything further than the broken bones in his leg. The injured man was sholft to go to Trenton with Dr. J. N. John- ston, Port Hope and the car wis stopped in front of his résidenco, Mr. Palmer intended to acquaint his wito with his intention to go to Trenton. The car was stopped and Mr, Palmer walked around t) the front of the vehicle immed!- ately into the path. of the Oshawa car which was proceeding souther- a pre-! (Canadian Press Despat Rome, Feb, 12.--FPope spoke over the alr today t whieh opened the radio Vatician City, and the wor ed, Hig volce was hoard { at 10.62.46 E82, The ood reception was a toy high pitched whistle, listeners stood by through ada and in other far lan Pope spoke in latin. The dedication SoNwon dio station was one o brilliant affairs in Vatiel The pope was attended b tire court and papal § | Fowl Stolen From Faym | ro ear Colborne by Use of | and "others membership, cfsos were conducted by Rov, Dr, The number of families under | Cooper, who presided throughout storal oversight is 5,673, a de- | the meeting, crease of 84, while single persons The report of the auditors, not included in the | Messrs. Samson Roherts and Jas. aring Method | pybourg, I'eb. 12.-<Northum Bill nd poultry owners are appre a Hive of a recurrence of the ace es of clever chicken thieves, use a very modern method of | 1% the roosts. | iploying some chemical com- | y producing a very effective t has been the practice of the ry robbers to release the vapor hen to select the stupified fow! ase. The first justance of the fethis novel means was last oar's Day when a small haul ttained, The latest robbery ecently staged at Colborne 100 fowl] were stolen from the of 1°. Philips. The effect of #, it 1s statéd, slows up egg population from this presbytery If [ Ito other presbyteries, being the rea- | son for the shrinkage in the church's (Continued on page 2) ETING 0 BE BIG PROBLEM FOR CONVENTION Committee Finds It Will Be Necessary to Billet 200 Delegates in Homes Private farm grain and by-products, thirdly to help the farm boy make a little extra money for Himit to t which can placed or which it is advisable place. However, a fair sized gro will be started and junfor farm between the ages of 16 to 25, interested, can get further particu- ars by applying to the Ontario Agri- on of these embargoes may be the Oar Deyarme | may ad until the eabinet meets on oultgie Whereb sows. | February 17th on the tariff, but Juvense gi aHile 4 ge of |that hey will be given effect is be- e. the federal live stock b brovd Heved her sow policy, by which yi 4 in sows of bacon type are bred: the various stock yards, at } and re-shipped to app! cost plug half the freigh wif) Hogs have and proba id F continue, even if they . #siderably cheaper, to pr he yo on a charge of he title of al Act, Alva M, Helst, nd costs, second gainst Mr. Ad medical practitioner, was wed by the m te. | Alva, M. Heist Fined $28 and Costs for Unlawfully | Using Title of "Doctor" Convicted by Magistrato Creighton : b lice court this morning i unlawfully using : os of ihe Ontario Medi- t ntar, he provis 0 atio Noll t 74 Centre street, was fined 330 Heist of practising edieine, while not being & quali- eral weeks ago tho accused is y. portunity of stopping is car | for the accident. was E. Hobbs, Bowmanville. MARKET BUI PING The board counell 1head Ww deling of corner of Streets, with a view a storage place for the machinery and other su some time, one o fthe using it Hes. but changes are being made in t! The Oshawa driver had no op- time to avold striking Mr. Palmer. held responsible and is not heing ia tesvonaibie Mr. Richardson in the Oshawa car BEING REPAIRED of works of the city | lost no time in going Da id ng at the et n the Save and Richmond city's road fre trucks has heen housed in this buildivs, sheds in the rear of the police sta- filled the court yard, with of invited guests looking quis Guglielmo Marconi, the station, introduced ness, who spoke for twelve n tion among hens which have assed in this manner, An- ing a possible repetition, far. re keeping a close watch at Conserva In By-El Grenville Toronto, Feb, 12.~v.1t bitterest off-season white seen in Ontario in/ hany ¥y Henry administrfition was ed in its first test of publi yesterday when | Conservat didates were ¢flocted, th reduced majorfties, in the in West as or da fe big" Hamiltogh where the ( de Hon. , H, Price, A Seultural Rapitsants. ded E. Hink- |tfon, so as to provide a garage for | ma Give, 35. M. Cronkers, ~Usbrid, ged to have ae home of | this along with the pofice- depart: anerat the Barge of on Ontaro. nian. Jomes E. Hinkson, $3 Cen. ment ear. The, market "Duinding te {most asrimduions, _attath WEATHER p oo mien bill for concrete floor, and the main space Miatory of Hogi provnede | rr | roe ries, oho, ma 1 Sg ered? it wis turn bs ed as , {as to ! Hh wt: Tower Lak mes Hinkson algo testi- [to the upstairs quarters, A wih iy ol S84 oo oy ovor Monts yh ot Be R44 ped ti the Sotendasy, had os co ao0 oh ge a Pon. a. Ho ard Verguso or rot A y it- | mer seat in enville was bly part rain not pills been called to | which was specified by the comm re temperature. Geor= | medic ny fad (hat the osteo- |tee in its report on the proposals as Jamon A L. arson, of gan Way : Coudy and | (ake ov ken to him over the | presented to the last meeting of the | Mills, C hy 8, y with some focal | path had WR oq on page 2) eity council, "7 Yot 1476 over] Perey . SmOw, HE ; : ; { Ir as sy "a & 5 . 4 # § pia ! } ut lh 2 . | Rp eat? ctorious Voting In amilton W. cerville, the Liberal, The ht on Col. Price was part Liberal campaign in this 00, though greater empha- oads, taxation and Hydro ved fo lessen the promin- the brokerage issue. Majority Reduced artin"s majority in Hamil votes, 1s but a fraction ead of 4,763 vetes rolled general clection of 1929 Fred T. Smye, the Minis ut portfolio, whose death ¢ neat, Iu Grenville, Mr, , though he bad the ad- f an admittedly weak op- ad a majority of 2,085 in comparison to Mr, 's 1,470. In hoth ridings was about 20 per cent an in the 1929 election. 0 8 new vocord was es- When" the annual convention of the Ontario Provincial Command of the Canadian Legion is held here In August, the local branch will be faced with the necessity of finding at least 200 billets for delegates in private homes. This wag the conclusion reached at a meeting of the bllleting committee for the convention held last night, A check with the various hotels in the city revealed the fact that only 260 dolegates could be taken care of at the three hotels, and since thore is au definite assurance of be. tween 450 and 500 delegates for the convention, the balance will have to be taken eare of in private homes. The committee appointed W. J. Jenkins, 365 Kingsdale Road, as the secretary of the bil. leting committee, and he will be In charge of compiling the lists of available billets and delegates, so as to simplify the work of billet ing when the delegates arrive, Later on, an appeal will be made to the citizens to open thelr homes for the convention dele. gates, and it was decided by the committee to suggest an uniform rate of $1.60 per night for bed and breakfast as the charge to be made for such accommodation in. private homes. The hotels have fixed very reasonable rates for convention delegates, and the com- mittee was well pleased with the say MacDonald announced the ernment had accepted it in spirit in which it was put ward." concorn felt widespread 1 people, and calls upon the gover ment to formulate and to pres an extensive policy for utilzin the labor of those out of work in ugeful and essential schemes of na- tional devel schemes mentioned are town plan. the progress made during the last year, The devotional opening exer. McKenzie, showed the finances of tho various church organizations In satisfactory condition for the yoar 1920, The report of te stewards, 8. Munson, treasurer, showed receipts of #2,227.86 and payments of $2, FL with a balance on hand of The M. and M, account, R. Rat- cliff, treasurer, showed $356.84 rajsed during the vear, The trustee, J. Hislop, treasurer, reported receipts of #636.91 and expenses of #526.41 most of which was spent on nocossary repairs to the church building. { John Nesbitt, treasurer of the Sabbath School, reported $215.95 receipts for Sabbath School ac- count. all of which had heen spent and that a balance of $22.90 was in the Library Fund. For the Women's Association, Mrs. L. I. Guy, treasurer, reported (Continued on page 2) GOV'T, ACCEPTS LIBERAL MOTION to investigate the death of Anna Mullet, 27, who committed » today following an elds her home, MEN ENTERTAINED 4 BY SCHOOL GLU Successful Social 'Funetio Was Held at Ritson Road School ~ The Ritson Road Bo an School Club held thelr pe meeting last Tuesday night, id an exceptionally large crowd | attendance, This being *"Men' Night" the meeting was* "ondu: ed by the men with Mr, Fe Buso officiating as chairman wit My Cooper and Mr. Cary secr. and treasurer respectively, 'Mr, Ferguson showed except, a1 ability as a chairman the. business was carried In record time. It was mov the next regular meetin tain Agrees to Proposals to Help Unemployed (Canadian Press Despatch) London, Fob, 12,--~A Libe resolution, calling on the gove meat to adopt sweeping measu for the relief of unemployme has been acceptod, Premier Ra Premier MacDonald of Bri-|. 'The resolution stresses the grav, at the increasing ay unemployment am ment. Among the spirit of} co-operation shown. ning, hosting and slum oS ando a i R have requested the chief coroner | argument fn form of a cup shower, 4 . The special committes in fF 1°] af raising more funds a 44 4 & % ay w CE ¥ pi: = ih I - i J WA w 4 qi 1 - a wr f . 1 Co. 4 ' : a 3

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