NM | LADIES AID OF SIMCOE STREK) UNITED CHURCH * BAUMEB THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 13, 1931 PAGE SEVEN omen's Interests in the Home and The Community | Social & Personal . Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Farrow, Who are celebrating their Golden Wed. ding anuivefsary at the home of their daughter, Mrs. George Mor. gan, 162 Ritson Road South, will be at home to their friends from 2 to § on Saturday afternoon. » LJ] Norman Barnes, of Bracebridge, was a visitor In the city this week. The W. E. Phillips Co. are hold- ing a staff danco in the Genosha Hotel this evening. Fi Mr. Robert Keele has been re- moved to the hospital to undergo an operation. His aptedy recovery is hoped for by his friends and ac quaintances. a . North Simcoe Home and School Club are holding a Valentine Bridge party in Rotary Hall this after noon, Mrs, Fleming's group of the La- dies Ald of Simcoe Street United Church met yesterday afternoon with Mrs, George Webb, Some twenty-six members were in atten- dance and took part in a short busi. ness meeting. A program consisting of a solo by Katherine Merritt, accompanied on the violin by Amy Grace Webb; a plano solo by Mrs. Bartlett; a reading by Mrs. Fleming, were all very much enjoyed. Tea was poured by Mrs, Willard Cardwell. Mrs. Webb was also as- sisted 'by Mrs. Snell and Mrs, Guth. rie. ST. ANDREW'S w. M. 8. Three younger groups, the Jes sle Panton Y.M., Auxillary, Cana- dian Girls in Training and the Olive Branch Mission Band® met with the St. Andrew's W. M, 8. on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs, Max- well occupled the chair. The "O Spirit of the Living God, In All Thy Plentitude of Grace," 'was sung, and four C.G.L'T. members conducted the cpening devotional service very acceptably. The Mission Band and the Jossie Panton Auxillary presented en- couraging reports of thelr activi- ties during the past year, and six girls and boys of the Mission Band sang sweetly a selection which all onjoyed. Mrs. J. C. Young took charge of the service affiliating the Canadian Girls in Training with the W.M.S,, an impressive re- minder of the important work to which these young people may look forward when their period of train. ing has ended. Vocal solos by Master Jack Mil- ler and Mrs, Begg were heard with much appreciation, Miss M. Oughtersos, principal of Bishop Bethune College was ine troduced by tho president. Born in India, where her early years were passed, Miss Oughterson's in- timate knowledge that great, strange land and its teeming popu | ination enabled her to describe many experiences and relate num- erous {incidents which, informed and delighted her audience. What a field for missionary ef- fort this remarkable country with naturally religious people pre- sents! On motion of Mrs. Jamieson and Mrs. Ewing the speaker was ac- corded a cordial vote of thanks. 'The meoting was followed by an enjoyable social hour. Social & Personal Any social notes which read. ers care to submit will be print. ed. Kindly 'phone or send them to the Times Office before 10.79 a.m, the day they are to be pub. lished. Items of news concern. ing dances, parties, guests to and from town will be gladly recelved, ihiodtn] Relieve your sore and aching throat with the Eansts ting warmth of ENGUE (pronounced Ben Cay), Excellent forevery acheand po 'Béh=Gav DRESSMAKING Expert in Dresses, Wraps, Gowns, Suits Ete. 5 MISS L. DEWHURST Totms Reasonable Phone 1844 or GRC ii fii) ADANAC CLUB HAS regular Tuesday evening entertain. ment this week at their headquarters in Welsh's Parlors, the evenin in Fe artists who todk part in the entertainment included Mr, and prizes being won by Mrs, William Colborne and Mr, E, thé umbrella dance, the music being su hold its full dance in ) with a five piece orchestra in at- tendance. Oh they yi tell of shana And a little bit' of Has wrapped our hearts around, at nursed our younger years Aye there be trees about the school Could tell our joys and fears, Those gaunt old everygreefis! They And I'm, to Oshawa jack to TA ry young years, M4 long money o13e ENTERTAINMENT TheAdanas Social Social Club held their be- set aside as a social and dance. Mrs. Henning, Miss Velma Harris, the Misses Ru y Cook and Clara Engel, There were two spot dances, the Taylor, A great deal of excitement as aroused by Norrish, the club will elsh's Patlors lied by Mr, George ext Tuesday evenin WHAT NEW YORK IS WEARING By Annebelle W ILLUSTRATED DRESSMAKING LESSON FURNISHED WITH EVERY PATTERN Even the smallest momber of the family, must have her jacket suit to step out. smartly this Spring. And this one answers Fashion's call admirably, It's just the cutest ever in its sports styling. And because girls must noeds be u little more fem- Infne these days, a fetching, gathe ered ruffle has been added to the simple tuck-in blouse, The kilt- ed skirt with the plaits starting at oither side of the front is a darling mode, It buttons to the blouse. French hlue sportsweight linen, with white dots with plain white handkerchief linen made the' orig- inal. Style No. 3001 is designed for TREES IN FEBRUARY By Molly Be The Blue Bell Poetess § Loveliness never forsakes a tree No matter what the season be: Verdant summer, autumn gol, Springtime's rapture manifolJ, Even winter's fingers trace Lines of silhouetted grace, Buds are the ise of leaves lo be, Bursting their sheaths in eclasy; Leaf-l boughs are harps lo ploy For winds fhatare sad, oid Mabie Down-falling foliage spreads a pa For . _-- te herds 1 in thrall: Are naked, weird and elusive now, 'Comes the snow on a listening night, Soft, persistent and sequin-bright, Clothes each twig with a frosty fower Light as a feather--gone in gu | our; Warms the heart with remember ing April petals that drift and cling, 0.C.V.I. NOTES (Continued from page 5) of the Englieh People), Macaulay (History of England), Gibbon (Pecline and I'all of the Roman Empire), Preccott (Conquest ot Peru), Carlyle (I'rench Revolu- tion). Philosophy and Science-- Bacon (Advancement of Learning), John stuart Mill (On Liberty), Adam Smith (Wealth of Nations), Dare win (Voyage of the Beagle, The Origin of Species), Huxley's Es. says, Berkley (Principles of Hu. man Knowledge), Rousseau (So- olal Contrast), White (Natural History of Selborne), Descartes (Discourse on Method), Poetry and Dramn--Dante (Di. vine Comedy), Works of Shakese girls 4, 6, 8 and 10 years. Pique, cotton broadcloth, prints, wool jersey, woolen plaids, ging- hams and novelty rayons make up attractively. You will see one attractive style after anothor As you turn over the pages of our new Spring Fashion Book. Styles for children or the miss, the matron, the stout---and a ser- fes of dressmaking articles. It is a book that. will save you monay Be sure to All in the size of the pattern. Send stamps or coin, (Coin preferted). Price of book 10 cents. Price of pattern 20 cents. No. 2001, Size ... Fh sen i peare; Milton (Daradise Lost), Chaucer (Canterbury Tales), Pal- grave (Golden Treasury), Spen- cer (Faerle Queen), Goldsmith's poems and plays, Macaulay (Lays of 'Anclent Rome), Sheridan (8chool for Scandal), Goethe (Faust), Some other good poets are,--Tennyeon, Burng, Words. worth, Shelley, Browning, Byron, Scott, Coleridge, Longfellow, Whit« der, take severnl yours, Measure how ar you are along the road by checking the ones you have read. You will find much in the writings of men which is false ang much that fs trne. You cannot read any of the above books thoughtfully without adding to your general stock of knowledge, If you would consider yourself a student, don Join a Book of the Month Club, Some of the hooks that these or ganizations select are worth read- ing, but they overlook thousands of books which are equally as good as those they plek, more often, better. There 1s no royal road to learning, The reading of one page of one roal book can add more to your mental equipment thal mil- Hons of pages of twaddle, Street Address te] REE "eity LEE ES SR State ON THE EVERGREENS AT BISHOP BETHUNE COLLEGE Thé chord of menor, Ty or thefe be trees about the school | held on Thursday LOOM. HOLD SUCCESSFUL EUCHRE A most successful euchre was evening, Febru- ary 12th, by Oshawa olMge No. 825 Loyal Order of Moose. The prize winners were ag fols lows: Ladies, 1st Mrs, Glover; 2nd, Mrs. W, Cowl; 4rd, Mrs, McNally, Gentlemen, 1st, Mr, J. Wright; 2nd, Mr. I. Wright: 2rd, Mr. 8. Perry, It Is the intention of the lodge | toghold a euchre each month, In Canada at Christmas They line the street with trees -- Christmas trees lit up at night With ttle balls of colored light, As pretty as you please. The people hurry past you In furry boots and wraps; The sleighs are like a pleture-book jlent pry sublime unwavering neath the rude And ruthless hand of time, Through wildest gales unshaken they And we to pain 'unknown So age and Went hand in hand alone, outh for just a day Just Arrived ek Spring esses They reared us and our mothers, 100, 100 New at Da The Pri po vr od AY Thich th rl ating still strength by wi e THE FASHION SHOPPE grew 4 #4 Bimcoe St. Come wind, come sun, come shower. and we have watched them wistfully | On gold en days in June ! Yeading rh or History Hate fretful for their gloom, And we have chaffed and talked and | reame And romped when all the world ! A Paradise of Laughter seemed With banners fair unfurled, i Oh there be friend trees that sav | d tears Hit.-1916 #4 is he so sad?" Didn't. you know. that Le had one bankrupt?' ' "Yes, but 1 ain' poy ¢ that he And all the big policemen look Like Teddy Bears in caps. So if some day at Christmas You don't know where to go, Just pack your boxes up, 1 beg, And start at once for Canada; You'd like it there, 1 know, gay; To read all of the above would | | KING STREET LADIES' AID The regular monthly meeting of the King Street Ladies' Ald was held on Thursday with the presi- dent, Mrs. Q. D. Friend, presiding. | [n the opening exercises Mrs, J. Booth, 1st vice president, read the ed by The Lord's Prayer repeated in unison, A splendid report from the flow- er committee was given by Mrs, Kennctth Clark, who also read a number of letters from the sick and shut ins who have received 'I truit and flowers. The following new members !| were received at the meeting, Mrs. BE, Ostle, Mrs. C. Breen, Mrs, C. Wiekett, Mrs, Patte and Mrs, Col- lacuty'. After the business was disposed of. a program was presented which was much enjoyed by the mem. hers, The program consisted of a humourous reading by June Luke, a delightful duet by Miss Trick ind Mrs, Noble. Wee Teddy Mor- 'an, aged 4 years, gave two very fine solos accompanied at the { plano by his mother, He also gave some fine kettle drum music, also accompanied by his mother, We feel sure a bright musical career la in store for Teddy as he shows great musical talent. {The group of whieh Mrs. Wil. But trunk and branch and swaying bough gon and Mrs, Luxton are convenors | held a cooking sale which netted $11.10. A cooking sale will also be |, held at the March meeting, The 'meeting was brought to a close | with prayer by Mrs. C. E. Cragg. * Lunch was served by the group , In charge of Mrs, Ashton and Mrs. { Wilson, CALVARY BAPTIST WOMEN'S MISSION CIRCLE ELECTICN The annual "mesting of the Wo- mon's Mission Circle of Calvary Baptist Church, was held yester- day afternoon at the home of Mrs, C. Richards, Athol street cast, The following officers were olected--President, Mrs, A, RR, Alloway; vice-president, Mrs, H. Boyce; secretary, Mrs, E. Stacey:! treasurer, Mrs, MN. Lockwood; planist, Mrs. EE. Soanes; flower committees, Mrs, D. McCallum; Mrs. Robert White; program commit. tee, Mrs, P. Gelatt, Mrs. B, J. Wescott, Mrs. H, Boyce, Mrs, k. Stacey, Mra. F. Williamson; 'social committee, Mrs, 8. Bkinner, Mrs, Chas. Richards, Mrs, H. Jackson, Mrs. G. A, Bucknam; sewing com- mittee, Mrs. A. Huyck, Mrs, M, G. Sharpe, Mrs, L. I'arley; work committee, Mrs, F. Williamson, Mrs. C. Hartford, Mrs, MH. Jack- son, Mrs, Arden Lillle; visiting committee, Mrs, Wm. Reddick, Mrs, I, Jordan, Mrs. Chas. Rich. ards, Mrs, 8. Skinner. Mrs, R. Lockwood, Mrs, J. J. Meyer, Mrs. C'. Hratford, Mrs. H. Fleming, Mrs | E. J. Wescott, Mrs, F, Williamson. --- "Why don't you' take him into partnership?" 'Well, he was engaged to my wife before I married her, I'm not taking on a business partner who's smarter than I am." Bladder Troubles Bother Many Past 40 Beven Ont of Ten Are Vietims But Writer Tells How "Uratabs' Bring Swift, Amazing Relief With HRenewed Vital Force "No one knows better than I, the horror of joyless days and sleepless nights, There have been times when I felt hopeless and helpless--and when my weakness enused me the most intense hu- miliation. Only those who have gone through such tortures ean possibly realize my great satisfac- tion when Dr. Southworth's URA TABS brought men quick relief, URATABS are truly wonderful, and I give them full praise." Such amazing evidence servey as con- vineing proof of the power of URATADS to relieve those distres- | sing ailments so often a handicap to those in middle life, Overworked, sluggish Kidneys, and Dladder Weakness, bring on so many distressing allments which so often lead to serious diseases that every sufferer from Lame- ness, Pains in back and down through greins, scanty but fre quent urination, "Getting-up- Nights," Nervous Irritability and Lack of Forco--should {ry the amazing value of Dr, Southworth's URATABS at once! Any good druggist will supply you on a guarantee of satisfaction or money soripture lesson which was follow. 0.G.L.T. NEWS (Continued from page 6) iitper which were to make « « «+ But if you attend perhaps you'll see What all this this preparing turned out to be. ' 'AG. LT. ' Did you know, Canadian Girls in Training in Oshawa, that in one place alone in Africa you have fifteen hun- dred sisters? Those of us who had the pleasure of hearing Miss Jamie- son speak in Simcoe Street Church on Sunday morning were very inters ested in what she had to tell us of the splendid African Girls in Train. ing Movement, Possibly some da we may hear more about G.I Tr (Japanese Girls in Training) T.G.1.T, ~think that one out if you don't re- cognize it. immediately == and, of course, Canada has no monopoly on "C"GLT. as China claims it as well. It really takes a good many letters o the alphabet to express our large family, does it not? At Last -- Hockey Schedule Yes, at last it is possible! Satur. day, this Saturday, to-morrow, will begin the CGT. League Games, The Big Four will start off. Due to shortness of time--and breath--the periods will not be long. , So play {hem hard and may 1 add, thought- ully, 11:00-11.10 and 11.20-11.30 -- King St. vs. St, Andrews, 11.10-11.20 and' 11.30:11.40-=Simcoe St. Excelsiors vs, Northminster Kit- chikewanas, 1140-1200 will be reserved for any other players who show up; or aw «of the Big Four who want condition- in Re lations in sport are of neces- sity ard and fast lines, and these which follow have been rigidly ruled. 1. The game will go on when scheduled with as many players as are on the ice. Others may come un when they arrive=it' their game is not over, 2. The captain of each team (there must be one elected) will tell her flasers 3 what position they will play efore they go on the ice, J. Any team may play players not from its church as as those play- ers are not on any other team, For fifteen minutes before each hockey day, there will be coaching for all present, Come ecarly--and avoid bad hockey sticks, « the - KNOX CHURCH W.M.S. -- The Women's Missionary Society of Knox Presbyterian Church held their regular monthly meeting on Thursday afternoon with a splendid attendance of ladies present. Mrs, Buchanan presided, After the devotional exercises the work of the society was planned for the year. Mrs. B, Archer presented a full report of the Preshyterial meeting held in Toronto, which was listened to with great interest by the members. the meeting was closed with prayer by Mrs. Dewar. VALENTINE PARTY SUGGES: TIONS Saturday is Valentine's Day. How about that bridge or luncheon you have been wanting to give lately? Saturday is a good day and besides when it is the day set aside with ever 80 many romantic traditions of old St. Valentine there is ample op- portunity for the hostess to spread herself in the matter of aecorations, entertainment and refreshments. Make it a luncheon and an after noon bridge, Shall we say for eight? More may be added to the list if the hostess so desires. Whether or not there is to be one large table at which all the guests are seated for luncheon or whether small tables for four are used, the decorations may be made most at tractive. 'Red and White play the principal roles in the color scheme, This time to have something really unique, why not use a red table cloth? It would be most effective with white or light colored china, Perhaps that would entall too great oxpenge. so you stick to the time- favored white inen. A dainty bor- der of red hearts cut out of paper may be arranged, one large heart and one small ona. aren»? the edge, A centrepiece of red roses gr other red flowers is always the most rell- able and there {& nothing that looks as nice, . Very lacy valentines, one may buy for a small sum, make dainty place cards. Some pretty place cards that have been noticed in the novelty shop of late, are rod tissue paper roses on wire stems that enable them to stand up. There Is a plece to dttach a tiny white card with the name of the guest., For the hostess who wishes wu have something quite "Frenchy" let her use a color scheme of pink ana red. To some of ug, who think we have artistic tastes that combina- tion may not sound very attractive, but when worked out on a large ta- ble and In a large room wn presents a very pretty result, Pink table cove ers are necessary for this, Your refreshments ghould as far as poskible blend In with the color scheme that you use, Here are some helpful guggesilons. "We've come," said tho spokes of a deputation, "to #8k you to he chairman of our newly-formed Rate-Payors' Aroclation. 'The city needs a man like you --- strong, owning no mas 'he proat brave, self-reliant, ter, fearing no man." man was visibly touched. "I'll not deny," he sald, "that your kind words have shaken my resolution, I trust that if elected, I moy Justis fy your confidence and nrove that I am, indeed, strong, brave, self. reliant; that T own no master and fear no man. Suppose you wait a minute tl T see it my wite will let me accept!' EVERY WOMAN NEEDS Dr:PIERCES Favorite Prescription 17 All DRUG STORES na fashioned. Special Notice | Your Monthly Income: May not be as large as it was a year or so back, but you can buy a lot more Dry Goods with $1.00 today than you could then. A VISIT TO OUR STORE WILL SURPRISE YOU WITH NEW LOW PRICES 79¢ init saad t: Peaman's Silk and Wool Hose All wool Hose with silk plated finish, full- Colors gra' mn sawdust, nude, | black; rifle, evenglow, Sizes 8} to 101. Regular $1.00 quality, selling at, pair, Ladies' and Misses' Wool Hose silk and wool Hose for 7 to 0. chandise. Selling pair 3 Pairs. $1 00 Cashmere and Silk and | The first grades of cashmere and ladies. Slzos 8, 83%, 9 only, Also Girls' Sport Silk and Wool Hose, Sizes Regular values 70¢ to $1.25 pair. All First Grade Mer 39¢ | Boy's Wool Golf Hose Two weights, either the heavy all wool Hose or the fine Cashmere. Sizes up to 14 years. Regular 75¢ anu $1.00 pair, One price, pair 59c Skating Sets $4.95 Black leatherette Coats with Caracal collar and Tams to match. Regular $7.95 set. Selling at, $4.95 These are value, being substandards of ed with rayon, Soll, at, pair . 3 Pairs, $1. 25 SILK HOSE, 44¢ PR. truly exceptional | regu'ar 78c¢ silk Hose reinforce. | | 44c "it Sizes to 46. Selling .. BITEX HOSE. 25 Pairs only to clear. Pair .......... ATRL "a INFANTS' CASHMERE STOCKINGS. Size 4 x 41. Pair wv iiniiiinnniniina sini LADIES' CHAMOISETTE GLOVES, Values to $1.00 pair. Clearing ............ GIRLS' SCHOOL HANDKERCHIEFS, White or printed. .......... LADIES' GINGHAM HOUSE DRESSES. Sav iesiseiives ..8 for LTT) '$1.25 19¢ 35¢ 19¢ 59c NE sir p-- samen -- Woods' Lavender Silk Lingerie Miss Day Special Representative of the Butterick Pattern Co. Will Spend " SATURDAY In our PATTERN DEPART- MENT. Miss Day is a Butter- ick Pattern expert and will be here to give you any assistance cr information in your outing or fitting problems, at 98c per garment BLOOMERS, PANTIES, VESTS, STEP-INS. Their finest Cloths with the Bloomer of plain allered style, while the pantie has novelty 98¢c trim, One Price ............ Wood's Winter Weight Vests, Knickers and Combinations Pure wool and silk and wool quel. ities of very fine texture, Cobweb weave. Vests and Knickers Selling wPunch, | back. / TILLIE THE TOILER SIT RIGHT HERE IN HE'S (NM My OFFICE A I My CHa, Mac. | [ZA AY Ll boc ao iv AnD VICTIM FOR: "THREE HOURS - MANT You 0 SEE A | 7 |NEws HAVE A TaLic WITH OF AMNESA THE DOC MUST BE SANE MAN "THAT CAN PROM |, HIM Rpm d fg i Ly ! PROBABLY » bemid Sry j J HELP vo A ar bo o - pA Y { o _ y { e ' or hy | , : dhe %. L ung a ot SR ET ES hT Ei Ss ola