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Oshawa Daily Times, 16 Feb 1931, p. 2

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x WM TWO ~ 931 0) = I 1) ia THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY. FEBRUARY 16, 1 | Ontario and Durham County News | CLARENONT WLS. x MEETING I$ HELD Interesting Exhibition Made Articles From Foreign Countries Claremont, Feb, 14.-The wom- a Missionaty Society of the nited Church held their regular onthly meeting at the manse on the afternoon of Feb. 11th, when about thirty ladies of the congre- 'gation ware present. Mrs, Raw- son's group. he had a of meeting, had prepared a fine 8 an. Miss C. Undorhill gave an interesting paper on. Japan, taken from the study book for the year. At the clore of tha meet- ins a buffet supper was served by this group and the proceeds hand- od to the treasurer. An interest- 'Ing feature of the social hour was the inspection of a large collection of foreign articles brought to meat- ing by different members of the =o~ ciety. These comprised gifts which had come from China, In- fa. Javan, Korea. Italy, France, 'Switzerland and other nations, as well as-one from the Old Curiosity Shep. London, England, A 'meeting of the Women's Insti- gute wil he held nt the home of Mrs. Kilnatrick on Fel. 18, at 2.80 "mm, All ladies of the community are invited and = full attendance of members is requested. An in- b= teresting and varied mregram is Jbeing prepared. As this is Valen. * tine Season the Roll Call will be i *Valentine Thot." "Be sure to reserve Wednesday tevening, Feb. 25th. for the ban- tquet to be given under the auspices of the Senior Bible Class and An- chor Society of tho United Church. * The speaker for the evening will be D. N. McLauchlin, D.D., secre- tary of Social Service for the Unit. ed Church of Canada. Those who have heard Dr. MeLaughlin, know that thore is a real treat awaiting « those who attend this banquet. Dr. McLaughdn is known fro goast to coast for his ability ash fluent speaker. Admission to ban. gquet, 25 cents. Our hockey boys have been to Stouffville twice this week where they played league games with Lo- cust Hill and Greenwood. Monday evening they succeeded in winuing from Locust Hill by the score of 4 to 2 but were not so successful on Thursday evening when Good- wood defeated them by 2 score. 'One rink of our curlers played fu Unionville on Monday when the honors were divided evenly. They wou two games and lost two, Rov. A, McLellan was in Oshawa on Thursday attending a meeting of the Presbytery. Mrs. B. Kilpatrick and daughter Shirley, have returned home atfer spending a week with friends in Brampton. Miss Minnic Bray, a former re- sldent of Claremont, has been visiting friends here this week. Mr. Joseph Evans has been con- fined to his home recently on ac- count of {ll health. His many friends are honing to sea him out 'gnin in the near future. Miss Margaret Graham, (west) has been epending a week with friends in Hamiiton, The rain on Friday morning was welcomed, especially by those whose cisterns have been empty for some time. There seems to be sudden changes in the weather these days. ! The storing of ice for the sum- mer season has Heen completed in this vicinity. The supply was got- ten from the mill pond at Altona, and the quality was of the best. HARMONY SUNDAY SCHOOL GROWING Proposals To Take Active Steps for New Building Are Discussed (Mrs. H. Willson, Correspondent) Harmony. Feb, 14.---0On Thurs- day evening the Sunday School held its rogular monthly meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fleury. 647 Summerville Ave. There were about twenty-five pres- ent. The meeting opened with prayer by Mr, P. Timmins A Special Sale MEN'S PAJAMAS Buy your Pajama require- ments NOW! We offer our entire stock of Men's Flannelette Pa- jamas that sell regularly at $1.85 fo $3.50. Made from plain and fancy checked and striped pat- terns in pretty shades and weaves. They are in the surplus or cossock colcr styles with si'k frogs and tie or elastic bands. All sizes at two prices. Values at $1.85 and $2 for, $1.39 Values at $2.50 and $3.50 for, very interesting and spappy busl- ness period followed. A motion was passed to conduct the opening worship part of the Sunday service about a theme to be followed along with the hymus, either re- ferring directly to the lesson on a subject chosen by the teacher than would be appropriate. The differ. ent classes and organization to take part diffeyent Sundays. The Sunday School is growing and going ahead splendidly hs they require more teachers and the crowded for space. There already has heen a building fund started. They decided to, have cards made with all holidays marked beside a slot for money to be put into, these will be distributed around the community and the money is to be for the building fund, It was suggested that they start. a Wo- men's Association. They are talk. ing of starting a men's bible class and ladies' class, separately, think. ing that the more men may attend of compeition. They decided to have a play presented here as soon as possible. They are getting twenty chairs for the primary de- partment, eight of these already are being donated. The meeting closed with prayer by Mr. Millard. Refreshments were served and overyone spent a very enjoyable evening. A hearty vote of ap- preciation was extended to Mr. and Mrs. Fleury. The friends left for home after singing Auld Lang Syne. | Mrs, Robert Hinton and family wish to thank their relatives and neighbors for their kihd expres- slons of sympathy and floral trib- utse gent in their recent sad ber. eavement in the loss of a loving husband and father. We extend congratulations to Howard Peterson who was success. ful in winning 3 goals in the hoc- key game with therefore having the Oshawa boys win, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wagar have moved into the city on Rit- son Rd. Mr. and Mrs. L, the week-end in relatives. Malcolm Moffatt, of Aurora, spent the week-end with his par. ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Moffatt, Mr. and Mrs. O. Lander and | Miss Doris Lander spent Friday in Edwards spent Toronto with On Wednesday evening: Feb, 11, about fifty people gathered at the Base Line school and enjoyed themselves greatly in progressive euchre and Lost Heir. The euchre prizes going to Mrs. L. Goyne and Mr. E, Goyne, the Lost Heir prize being won by Mrs. N. Down, Re- froehments were served and then sometime spent in dancing. The changeable weathor causing quite a bit of sickness. | Several in the community are il | with la grippe. Mr. B. Brown, and Mr. R. Terwillegar are confined | to the house at present. | NEWCASTLE BOYS WIN BASKETBALL | GROUP HONORS | (Mrs. J. Brown, Correspondent) | Newcastle, Feb, 14.--~Newcsstle! Boys' Basketball team beat . tho Campbeliford boys 27 to 11, there-| by winning the championship for! the district. The game was played | at Cobourg Collegiate on Saturday | afternoon (14th) and was referred by Mr. McLelland of Cobourg, This | gives Newcastle the right to enter | the Toronto Tournament on March | 6th and 7th. Newcastle--~Brunt 15, Blackburn | 9' Toms 3, Cowan 0, Anderson ed 15 "il 1 Campbellford.-- Douglas 8, Mal-, colm 2, Crossen 1, Milne 0, Rich-| ardson 0, Midgeley 0, Murphy 0, | Meiklejohn 0.--1%, Rev. W. P. Rogers and Mr. G. Coyne accompanied the boys and ac- ted as scorer and timekeeper, PROSPECT NEWS (Miss Della Martin, Correspondent) Prospect, Feb. 14.--Miss Cox is consned to her bed suffering from a severe attack of the flu., of which there is a Jot in the neighborhood. The sympathy of the community is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Half Size Dresses In N ew Printed Silks Do you find it difficult to buy a Dress that fits of our Half-size Models. ey are proportioned by 26"; " 46 $14.95 you perfectly? If so, try one sizes 18%; to 2614. Moderately priced; the lady with either be DEWLAND'S primary department will soon be | as it would create a certain amount |° | TROLLING BRINGS IN FINE B.C. SALMON A Fishing boats operated by the Clover the fishing grounds on the Skeena River, B.C, .When the catch is made it is rushed in barges to then If you want to develop a hardy phy sique, try trolling for salmon on Can. ada's west coast. In addition to mak- ing vou strong and healthy it will probably give you a thrill or two as well. All British Columbia fishermen are healthy looking specimens but the men of the trolling fleet surpass them all. They lead a hard life, but one full of interest, for trolling has just that added spice of danger which gives a zest to life. ; TroMing is done as far as 60 miles from the coast and, on account of the A SALMON FISHING FLEET READY FOR THE CATCH low from the family, wreaths from sisters, Miss Simpson and Henry, Mrs. Raby and Evelyn, General Mo- | tors Parts and Service, Mr. N. R. | Gilbank, Oshawa, basket from nieces and nephews; sheaves, from | Women's Association ot the Unit- | ed Church, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. | Dudley, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Allin and Luther, Mr, J. F, Osborne and family, Mr, and Mrs, W. H. Pearce, Grandchildren; sprays from the Drow family, Mr, and Mrs. P. O'- Neil, Mr. and Mrs, J. R. Fisher and Emerson, the «Lawlor family, the Orchard girls, Mr, and Mrs, H, R, Pearce, United Church, the Riding family, the Grieves, Guelph; Mr. tributes were the following:--1Dil- | | Backache Troubled Him For Years Dodd's Kidney Pills Brought Him Relief "I suffered with a across back for yeas * writes Mr. ag E. Everett, took Junction, N.B. "After using twelve boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills the pain left me and I have had no symptoms of it since. I recommend Dodd's Kidney Pills to any sufferer of Kidney trouble or pain in the back. I would not be withe out them in the house," PODD'S KIDNEY PILLS and Mrs. W, Marsden, Ned Buck- ley and McEachern family, Young Peopfe's League and Mr. and Mrs. E. Mann. Messages of condolence were re- ceived from the following distant friends; Mr, Loftus Buckley, New- market; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kane, Tonawanda, N.Y.; Mr. and Mrs, Fred Rowe, Sydenham, Mrs. Thom- as Brown, Toronto; also from the W.M.S., the Sunday School and the W.A. of th? United Church, New- castle. The pall bearers were nephews of decoased: Messrs, Will Drew, Norman Legge, Elijah Mann, Wm. Bone, Fred Drew and Wm. Riding, all of Oshawa. Twa lines of flow- er bearers formed a lineD;rs. zove er bearers formed an avenue through which they carried the casket from the house to the fun- eral car. The cortege then pro- coeded to Dowmanville Cemetery, on Packers, being towed to earest cannory thus insuring freshness. Reeve W. young people present, the number of men who had come from the country round about to show their sympathy for the bereaved band was especially large, Rev. W. P. Rogers spoke of his vi#its to the home during Mrs. Sel- by's {illness and how he always found her patient and full of faith, thus manifesting two of the finest Christian graces, paticnce and faith, Mr. W, hug- | Fred Riding, Em- | numerous nephews and njoces, she the place of interment, F. Rickard's and Mr, Percy Hare's cars carried the flowers and Mr. Howard Pearce conveyed the chict mourners. Many other cars con- veylng relatives and friends fol- | lowed, making ua long procession. | The late Mrs. Selby, before her marriage, was Miss Emma Cole, of Bowmanville, Besides her two sisters, Mrs, Harriet Bone and Mrs. Eliza Brimacombe, Oshawa and Powell Clark; Miss Minnie, at home; and Miss Maric, Oshawa; manuel College, Toronto, a neph- | ie gurvived by her husband. Mr. I. few of the deceased, led in prayer. | N. Selby; one son, Carl, at home Bowmauville, | sudden squalls which sometimes come {Among the numerous floral up very quickly, occasionally a boat and three daughters, Mrs. Sam (Marjorie), Lake Shore, grandchildren, children of Mr. and Mrs. Powell. also five Contributed. Good and Evil, Love and Hate at odds in a tense drama of today in HAROLD BELL WRIGHT'S "The Eyes of The World" Una Merkey sy John Holland George Sidney - Charlie Murray n "THE LOVE PUNCH" PATHE NEWS Shown at 2.30, 7, 9 Regular Prices REW MARTIN Tuesday - Wednesday Final Showing Tonight "ROGUE OF THE RIO GRANDE" does not return, Here is the method used by the fishermen who catch the fine quality salmon used by the Clover Leaf Sal- These men use 30 or 40-foot boats operated by power. Each boat is equipped with four to six poles to which the trolls are attached. The lines are of various lengths and all | kinds of spinners are used. Herring | are sometimes used for bait in- troll | ing for salmon, 'and strong lines and {hooks are necessary. | It-is through the trolling fleet that | something is gradually being found [out about the movements of the sal- | mon while at sea. Nothing is definite ly known about the salmon's habits except that they leave the rivers and | streams in which they were born at an | early age and do not return for four years. The trolling crews attach a | small aluminum tag to the tail of a I'caught fish and throw it back into the | Halliday. sca. These tagged fish have fre- quently been found 1,000 miles down the coast, Harper in the death of their little daughter Lois Emeline, at the age of six months. Mr. Charles Wilson visited at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wilsons on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. F. Martin visited with Mr. Jolin Sadler of Drooklin on 'Sunday. The mild weather {3s a very wel- come change after the severe cold snap of the past few days. The. Prospect Ministrels perform- ed in Brooklin on Friday night of last week under the auspices of the Women's society. They had a splen- did erowd and all enjoyed the pro- The Young People's Club was en- tertained at the home of Mr, and Mrs. (i. Webster on Wednesday ev- 4 Miss May Barber is spending a few days in Brooklin. Mr. and Mrs Orchard spent Mon- day ovening at the home of Mrs, The .lLadies' Aid held their mon- thly meeting at the home of Mrs. G. Webster on Wednesday . Quite a number gathered and epent the afternoon piecing a quilt, which will be quilted at their next meet- NE J ] MANCHESTER (Miss Della Martin Correspondent) Manchester, Feb, 14.--Mrs. Joe Fleverell and Miss Nickles visited at Utica with Mrs. Gibson one day last week. Sorry to report Mr. James Mit chell is suffering with blood poiscn in his arm. Glad to report Mrs. It. Tarper is somewhat improved though not out of danger, Y Mrs. Ralph Somerville and baby Levon, visited with Mrs, Charles Gerow last week, Miss Helen Croslor is on the sick list and is confined to tho house with a had cold. Mr. J. Moor, of Oshawa, visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Moore one day, last week. W. P. 8kill, who fs visiting with his aunt, Miss Annie Reis, made his weekly run of ten milos cross- country to Greenbank and back on Monday. On going into Green- bank he bad to make a voluntary detour to allow a team of fright- ened horses to pass. Mr. Skill fg preparing for the races of the Can- adian National Exhihition next fall. The members of the church board are attending a meeting at Myrtle, where some {important business is under way. NEWCASTLE NEWS THE LATE MRS. I. N. SELBY Mention was made in a recent issue of the funeral of Mrs, Isaac Selby. Newcastle, who was re- leased from her sufferings on Sat- urday, Jan. 17th. Her fllness dat- ed from the summer of 1929, but there were perfods when her ¢on- dition seemed much improved and her family were encouraged fo hope for a recovery. However, for some weeks prior to her death it became evident to all that flame of life was so weak and flicker- ing it might go out at any time, It was noticeablo that at the fu- , mera] on Jan. 20th, although there' was & large number of ladies and § 10 ONLY TO GO AT THIS PRICE Here is REAL value. We offer you the BEST porcelain enamel washer made, at a price that saves you over $30. ; Competitive price, «....coooervsvseesss $129.50 Oursale price ......ooovevnevesnvieans 99.00 SAVING YOU ..covivevnnssnssonenas $ 30.50 And this saving of $32.50 does not tell half the story, for the Beatty Porce- lain Tub Washer has many advantages over other makes It will wash one-half faster than any other 1 r It is adjustable in height. Has a strong, heavy one-piece frame wringer, All gears are machine cut and run in oil. that operates more rapidly. 3 in enamel tub washer made. Extra heavy, direct drive mechanism. No belts to give trouble. in appearance, and easy to keep clean. Backed by reliable Beatty factory service. We offer you the BEST value at the LOWEST price. Buy now while they last and save over $30. Sold also on easy monthly terms at a small HE Pm ' eatra charge \ BEATTY Open Evenings (NA WAS A Record For 20 years Beatty Bros., Limited, have been making Electric Washers and can, to-day, from every one of their stores, supply repair parts on demand, for any they have turned out in all these years. Take no chances. Buy a Beatty and be assured of prompt and continued service. Over 50 'service d in the principal centres of guarantee you swift and courteous attention. More Time to Live A Beatty Washer wil give you more time to live. It will save you from wash. day hardship, You need a washer to help you. Do not sacrifice yourself needlessly when you can buy a Beatty washer at this price, Have a Beatty in your home for next wash-day. Phone us now. R STORE 72 SIMCOE STREET NORTH Tel. 2082

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