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Oshawa Daily Times, 17 Feb 1931, p. 6

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1931 eterboro St. John's Put p Hard Fight, But Oshawa Juniors Hard-fought Game, With Plenty of Bumps, Found 1Oshawa Boys on Top by a Score of 5 to 0 in First = Game of Home-and-home IN Series in O.H.A. Playoffs iy The Oshawa Juniors who last ht paid a visit to Peterborough arned home with a nice load ~ tutked under their belts by virtue "of their 5 to 0 victory over the St. John's team. It is expected that return game will be played on ursday night here pnd the fans i are assured of a fast game backed | with the best brand of hockey. The Juniors when they left the city tor 'the game were not saying much about their chances of winning the Bi eo away from home but had pes of keeping the score down to reasonable figures, Their oppon- ents, the St. John's aggregation, were heralded as a fast close check. ing team with a hard hitting de © fense, and they lived up to that re: ipdtation and would have dene a jot better under better conditions. "To say the least conditions were ot conductive of good hockey witn the ice becoming soft and at the close of each perfod was covered t with slush and water. It was a "task to carry the puck at any time and as a result the game was slow. ted up and much sloppy play crept in, In fact the nine ponalties that were handed out by Referee Bert Hedges could all be attributed to the condition of the ice. Tho pen: alties however had nothing to do with the score as neither team was able to take advantage of a short. . age on the other team to score. St, [John's drew five of the rests while Oshawa drew four. The majority - of the enforced rests came in the ~ third period. Oshawa can thank a series of gircumstances for their win, Two of the goals scored were lucky, (F nothing else can be sald of them, [Then Hurst was having a good I night and striving for another shut- out and turned In a wonderful i me. However he was alded by i the ice conditions which sent the 'puck rolling away from the stick _ of a Peterborough forward on seve . 'eral occasions when he was in a po- fon 'to shoot. St. John's did not y fot any of the so-called breaks but ; the next game they may go all "the other way. Other potent factors in the vie- . tory was the heavy yet clean body- | ghecking of the Maundrell-Lortle defense who stopped rush after . rush and seemed to take a delight in the heavy going. And In addi- tion to that the forwards worked like a well ofled machine rushing well and back checking fh . John's from breaking away on "many occasions. One thiug . ' the juniors that the crowd should + like and that fs that they are in the game from the drop of the puck and never give up trying for goals . until the final bell rings, . Of the five goals scored Dradd and Petorson each scored two, with . the odd goal going to Lortle. In the first period Peterson opened the (scoring with two minutes and a halt played. Bradd followed with another a minute later. In the second stanza Bradd secured his second while Lortle got the fourth near the end of the period. The fifth and final goal of the game wag scored by Peterson near the end of the final period. This goal was the tiest of the night and possibly the most well earned, Jt woud be hard to plek out the star of the Oshawa team ng each and every man played a fine game, while for the Peterborough team "Oalladine at centre was fast and frleky with the defense pair of » Howe and Ellis good in their part)- cular department. § ist Period . Bradd secured from the face-off ~ and rushed to get In a hard shot from well out. Lortle came right k and had a shot but it also was m long rauge. Tho first real ent St. John's made was on a rush by Calladine. His shot was "weak however and was ecasy for | "Hurst, Play seeptiwed for a time * around centre ice until Peterson xe. . eured and ltted a high shot from 9 ice on his own wing. The abot was labelled for the rafters t eo made a wild stab at ft and pulled it down enough so It nded behind Miller In the net bhe- ® he could get a line on it, It y an exact replica of a goal scor- by the Intermediates In Peter. ough earlier in the season, After mly & minute more of play Oshawa i their second goal, Bradd shot the puck became lodged in ller's pads. Thinking he had it ) moved to the side of the net t the puck dropped out right In pnt of the nets and lay there un." PBradd swooped in and shoved it | Pi A Scored Shutout into the open nets. On the next play after the face-off Gardner miss. ed the open net with Hurst away out of position. The Oshawa sub- stitutes came into the play and Pe- terborough began to get a little the better of the play and combined better, but always found the Osh. awa defense hard to pass, Grabos' ki proved a thorn in the side ot the home team and broke nearly every rush they attempted and should have had a goal or so for himself, Peterson was penalized but return®™ ad before any harm was done, Cal- ladine got around the defense but the puck jumped over his stick just us he was about to shoot, It was & tough break. Graboski went from end to end with the puck but was hooked from behind by Wilthaw as he shot and the puck landed in the corner, . The soft {ce marred the play and the Petes could not get their pass: fng game to work and were playing a one-man rushing game, 'I'he hard body checking of Maundrell and Lortie was not overly popular with the crowd but it slowed Peter borough up a lot, 2nd Period The period had just started when Merritt was sent off for dumping Doig. Maundrell. However Doug. did not stay long behind him ae he {also was chased to even the teams up. Calladine skated fast but could not ream to get in close and his shots from outside the defense were off the net, With Maundrell back on Oshawa again began to press the play, Bradd shot high the puck hitting the back of the rink nt loast ten feet above Miller's head and dropped down and in gome manner the goalle dragged it into the net for Oshawa's third goal, Only eight minutes of the per. fod had been played, Lortle and Calladine had chances for thelr re spective teams but could not score due to the alertness of Miller and Hurst, Hurst just got his foot on one in particular that was labelled sure goal and kicked the puck away Just in time. With the clock standing at fifteen minutes Lortle rushed down the left side and after working around the defense let one ko from the side that Miller never had a chance on, It was a real earned goal. The fce was in terri. ble condition and the puck rolled all over the place and golf swings wore quite the fashion in the cen- tre lce area. Sed Period The third period was rougher than either of the preceding ones und play wag very ragged through- out the period with the slush flying whenever a player slid on his skates in attempting to stop, Drinkle and Peterson each had shots in the first half minute but neither connected Gardner wag robbed of a goal by a fust play by Hurst who drove out to mother the shot just in time, Lore le gave Drinke a pass but the Pe lerhorough defense was solid. Doug, Maundrell und Calladine came off together for passing out a few bumps that Referee Hedges did not think were legal. Gardner went off a moment later to be followed by Peterson so that the teams were playing evenly four men a side, Pe terborough should have had a goal while the teams were playing short us one of thelr forwards was rigin in but missed the puck at the cru- cial moment, In the goal mouth. With the teams back at strength Peterson took possession fn his own defense urea and skated up the side spitting the defense wide open ta walk in on Miller, who was given no chance to save. It was the nicest effort of the game, CHIf Maundrel) who was playing with the relief fore ward line got in soma nice play in this perjod and had four shots on Miller from the side in quick suc couslon, Graboskl was glven a pasy hy Peterson but was too far In and lost the clmnce when he had only Miller to beut. Hurst in his end of the rink was hard pressed by Gardner who with Calladine way the most effective players for St. John's, Gardner and Peterson went off together for a minor argu- ment and play was still in the home town's end of the rink with a few sullies down to the Oshawa defengw, Both teams were almost out on thelr feet at the bell and stugger- ing. Oshawa had the better of the play during the evening ahd got the hop an their opopnents from the first. St. John's did not seem to be able to get a combined play started and resorted to individual rushes for the most part, while on other occasions passes went astray, Oshawa played a close checking game throughout and outweighed their opponent¥, man for man, and used their weight to advantage. While there was some dissalisface tion among the Peterborotigh fans over the play Referee Hedges was fair at all times and kept the play well in hand, The line-ups: 4 Peterborough #t. John's Goal 'Miller; defence, Hows and 111s; centre, Calladine; wings, Gardner and Cuthbertson: wubg, Merritt, Wilshaw and Milliken, Oshawa (onl, dr dafoneg, Maundrell and Lortie; contre, Drin. kle; wings, Bradd and Peterson; subs, Graboski, Maundrell and Jackson, Referee--Bert Hedges, Toronto, HOCKEY GALT ~LRRIERS VERSUS OSHAWA PATS OSHAWA ARENA WEDNESDAY, FEB. 18th, at 8-30 p.m. RESERVED 50c and 75¢ re Hockey Records OHA. SENIOR A SKRIES GW. La TN FA, Pta, Pt, Colborne 10 7 8 0 21 16 14 Hamilton 10 7 3 0 30 16 14 Marlboros 10 0 30.1% 14 Nationaly .. § Vv 28 1¢AR thot «vi lV 0 14 20 ¢ Kitchener v Re DOE} Total goulg «v0 134 134 FINAL GAME Tonight Kitchener at Nation. als, 3 8 9 ONTARIO LEAGUE i GG Wil TFA Pta Galt. ....81 112 83 05% 67 4 Niagara Falls 1 10 211 10 20 10 ny 20 8 $3 10 1 10 0 i111 111 n a 20 10 1 61 hh 63 60 66 63 68 oR 60 60 vee 848 248 Markham to Play Here on | Friday Night Kitchener Stratford Guelph Oshawa Total goals | | Oshuwa is to seo another tes: | mediate O.H.A, playoft after all! The Markham team which eliminuat- ed the Red Devils has chosen to | play its home game against the It. | M. C, on I'riday evening at the Osh. awa arena, and this fs a great break | for the fang, who have an apportiun. ity of seeing a real thriller, [It worth while even to see the Cadets | from Kingston in action, as thoy are touted as a smart bunch of play- ers, and this Is an opportunity that | should be appreciated. Markham, | of course, will bring along a big | crowd of supporters, and they are | hopeful that Oshawa fans will also | turn out to repay them for their | action In transferring their home| game here, 0) -- Here's a Bid | challenge, Hockey Team for Sale to the highs est bidder, which appeared in Sport Snapshots last. Saturday Orme the | Gamsby, always on the lookout for | | In response to bargains is ready with a bid, Realize Ing that the hockey season is about over for this year, and that there are still other years ahead, he Is willing to take a gamble and offer his kid baseball team for the Oshawa Red fs Orme's bid, Will better it? In exchange Devils, That anyone else VICTORY PROTESTED Chicago, Feb, 17.---Major Fred: | erick McLaughlin, owner of the | Chicago Black Hawks, of the Na-| tional league has filed a proeest of | Sunday night's 2 to 1 victory by the | New York Rangers over the Hawks | Referee Mickey lon refused to al-| low a goal by Tommy Cook during the last 30 seconds of play that would have tied the score. He rul-| ed that a Black Hawk player had | interfered with Goaler John Rows | Roach's efforts to gtop the puck by | waving his stick before the latter's | face to hamper his vision, | QUEBEC BEARS PRINT | | OF MEDIAEVAL DAYS| | Montreal, Feeb, 16. The Prov. | Ince of Quebec bears the print of | mediaeval days more heavily than | most places In the world, Prof. W. | T. Waugh, chairman of the depart mont of history at McGill Univer. sity, told the Montreal Women's Club in a recent address on "Our Debt to the Middle Ages', While England, France and Germany shared such legacies of the Middle Ages as the mariner's compass, chimneys and universities, Quebec retained to a unique extent the full flavor of medinevallsm in Its many monastic establishments and in the Roman Church, Prof, Waugh declared, In fact, it would appear that the Provinee aspires to he even darker | than these so-called Dark Ages, for the speaker pointed out that Innocent 1V., a Pope of the 14th century who was celebrated for his legal knowledge, fully sanctioned the principle of votes for women, H Women do not vote In provincial elections In Quebec, DETERMINED TO BE AT SON'S WEDDING Montreal, Feb, 16,~When there is a wedding party in a Freneh-Cana- dian family, there is nothing that the relatives will allow to stand in theiy way to attend, When I, A, Lafon- taine, of Three Rivers, Que, recently discovered that there was no regular train that could take him and 75 members of lis family to the wedding of his son in Grandes Piles, Que. and return to Three Rivers the same day, he chartered a special train to enstire that the Lafontaines would be adequately represented at the party lt ----- i --.1 4. NEW PLAN NEARLY READY A new municipal plan for the city of Oshawa is now nearing cotple- tion, according to a letter received by the city council from the firn of Donovan and Smith, Only a few legal matters require to be straight- ened out, one of them being the sign. ing of the necessary papers to pros | | vide a width of 80 feet on Simcoe | Street, APPRECIATED SERVICE | Warm appreciation of the assist- ance given by the Oshawa Fire De. partment at a seriows fire in Port Perry a few weeks ago was expressed in a letter received from the clerk ul the village and read at the city council meeting lust night, gh QPORT SAPSHOTS) Small Town Stuff Peterborough, a city of thirty thousand, certainly put itself in the smallest of small town categories last night. 'I'he two thousaud or more fans evidently were migthily displeased with the work of Roe feree Bert Hedges and very vociferously made this fact known. How- ever, the most disgusting thing of the whole evening came when Hedges attempted to leave the Arena after the game, There were close to two hundred "Yellow Backed" fans waiting to mob him, Fortunately a couple of Oshawa fans huddled around him and hustled him into one of the Oshawa players' cars and whisked him away from under the very noses of the indignant "Yellow Backs," As Hedges aiterwards said, there wouldn't be one in the whole pack who would step out and exchange punches with a referce, without the backing of the others, Such performances should not be tolerated by the O.J1A. W Ww L] LJ A Thumping, Bumping Game Last night's game was a true exhibition of the old-fashioned pick 'eit up knock 'em down affairs with none of the accompanying frills left oft. From the drop of the puck, the teams started out to hand vut sotie mighty stiff body-checks, That's where the fun commenced, far this scason this St. John's outht have had it pretty much their own way in regard to bodying, but last night they came up against a team that could just hand out and take a little more of the said bodying than any other club that they have encountered. This sure galled both players and fans and that was the real nucleus of the fomentations, Well, hostilities will' be resumed on Thursday night at eight thirty, at Hambly's lee Palace, so we advise you to get going and get your pastes boards carly, « . wo LJ - "Stonewall" Hurst Saves His Reputation By performing various back-flips, barrell-rolls, tail-spins and "AB- DOMEN WHOPPERS,"" "Stonewall" Hurst saved his reputation as be- ing one of the toughest goalies to Leat in the OFLA. In an exclusive interview granted the Times after the notable victory, in which he played no little part, "Stonewall" laid full credit for his smart pertorn ance to the fact that he carried the left hind foot of a Jack Rabbit tuck ed under his hat during the entire game, . LJ * LJ] Defense Was Good Oshawa's husky defense was outstanding in their play last night. The handed out bump for bump, and never welched at carrying the disc into encmy territory. 'I'he gave Hurst lovely protection all night and were in no small way responsible for the win, Even though the first three goaly that Oshawa scored were of the gift variety, too much cannot be said of the great work that the forwards did in carrying the game to the Petes, They made Peterborough play their style of hockey and made them like it. Last night's game will do a heap for Junior Hockey in Oshawa and no doubt there will be another record crowd next Thursday, Oshawa sure has the Junior fever. A * - A Tough Break For the Pats. It a tough break for the Pats. when the Stratford Nationals failed ta show up for last night's game here, Just when the local pros. were all set to redeem themselves in the eyes om the fans, along cones Way * this mess, and it is known that hockey fans can ecusily be soured on a league by a stunt of this kind, The Pats, however, were absolutely blameless, and deserve the support of the rans when Galt play here tomorrow night. Last night's affair gave them the two points but they dropped a lot of money, and it is fust a question as to whether the fine which will be imposed on Stratford will enable them to break ven, " LJ What the President Has to Say Seeing that Mike Rodden, who was here last night to referee, is also the president of the League and the sports editor of the Globe, it iy interesting to notice what he has to say awout it, Here it is, from the Globe this morning : LJ - "One of the most unsportsmanlike auctions imaginable was that of Stratford's Ontario League Hockey team, who failed to appear at Osh awa for last night's scheduled game. No word of Stratford's intention to default had been received, and in the neighborhood of a thousand fans were in attendance, awaiting their arrival, Upon failure of the Stratford players to arrive, the Oshawa team skated down the scored one goal, and were awarded the game by default by the referce The matter, however, will not there, : President and Seerctary will meet today to discuss the matter, and will probably call a meeting of the league for next Thursday. are that Stratford will be either thrown out of the league of heavily fined, If the latter course of action is decided upon; and the fine is not immediately paid, Stratford will at once be dropped from the league. "Stratford's action was a blow to the Oshawa entry, who had jist begun to make favorable headway, The Ontario League was formed for the benefit of unattuced hockey players--surely a sportsmanlike pesture--yet Stratford last night violated all the ethics of sportsmanship, It is recalled 'that when the league was organized Stratford was given preference over other applicants. 'They certainly chose a strange way to repay the favor. "Speaking over the long-distance telephone from Guelph last night, Robert Dawson, League Secretary, stated that he had heard vague rumors that Stratford might default, but had not been able to establish communication with the club officials. "Stratford's action 1s all the more explainable inh view of the fact that they are in third position in the league standing, close to the lead cry, and in a good position to enter the play-offs. ice, be allowed to rest The league Indications LJ » Ld Here's Another Here is another hot paragraph on the pro. hockey league situation, culled from the sport page of the Guelph Mercury "It would not be surprising to sec the Oshawa Pats, transfer a couple of their home games to Woodstock, 'I'lie Motor City fans are not exact- ly fighting to get into the rink for the home games down there and up in Woodstock, one of the best hockey centres in Ontario, the fans have no hockey to watch, owing to the elimination of their intermediate und juniors, The moving of the Oshawa franchise to Woodstock might be a good one if the team's name were changed from Pate, (It was the Hamilton Pats, who put Woodstock out in the cold in the OLA. inter- mediate race)" : : w » * » » Markham Must Like Us The Markham hockey team must like Oshawa rink and the Oshawa fans, The home game for Markham with the R-M.C. has been moved to Oshawa, and will be played here on Friday night, and it should be a wow of a game, dhe Markham boys deserve strong support for their action in bringing their game here, and it would Le nice if the local fans turned out to give them some encouragement. Ww » L] » . Oshawa City Club Events The Oshawa City Football club is arranging u series of social events for its members and friends, This evening the Ladies' Auxiliary will hold a social function in the Oshawa Club Rooms over the Bank of Commerce, and on Thursday night the club will hold a dance in the Rotary Hall. Friends of the club ean do a lot to help it by supporting these social affairs, which as a rule are very enjoyable. Hockey Results Hockey gameg played yesterday resulted iis follow OHA, Sendor A, Marlboros ....5 Varsity OHA Intermediate Chatham .....2 London East Acton (....v 8 Blora Goderich ,.+..1 Stratford . La Salle ... 4 Blenheim Hamilton Pats 2 Dunnville Camp Borden Midland «Junior Kingston Orillia . Hugersville wing round val 0b versal Queen's Newmarket ' aNfagara "alls 12 eNfagara Falls Mimico ......3 Milton Oshawa ......5 Peterboro Ontario League Stratford defaulted to Oshawa, Kitchener of Guelph Galt +& Niagara xOvetrtime, Northern Senlor zDOrham I"lesherton rhurham wins round 7-2, Cataracts and Terriers in Tie Galt, Niagara 156-2, Falls Feb, 17.-~The Terriers and Falls Cataracts leaders in the Ontovio I'ro League; battled 70 minutes here to-night to a 2-all tie, the extra point giving the Terriers a Mill game lead, It wos an inters esting contest but on their advant age in the fivet two periods the locals shonld have salted. a victory. They did evervihing but lodee the bootheel in the twine, Bud" Fisher was under bombardment and made Home great saves but he was also lucky. The Terrlors were again at full streasth. "Tab Johnston having heen sent by the Buffalo Bi: ong In exchange for Al Gauthier, here DURHAMS ADVANCE Durham, Feh, 17 Durham last night eliminatod Flegherton in the onfor NH. 1. play-down winning the game by 4 to U and on round 7 : CLAIMS COW GAVE Saskatchewan Farmer Says He Has Proof For LTall" Story Willmar, Sas stories usually taken with the proverbial grain of gale. Yet gome times there In truth behind them. One of Willmar's farmers comes to k. are Snake and bat "with the e¢laim for the last | word in snake stories, | \ dairy farmer, owner of a good herd of milk noticed that one of his cows withholding milk and not coming home with | the herd ot milkine time Ha dn | elded an Investigation was in | der and this is what he discov oped | The cow ould go by a bluft near u gleugh. She would "moo" | there as if calling a ealf Then | she would le down and through | the grass would creep a common | garter snake and help himself | owner of the cow {x ready to take an affidavit ax to the veracity the story. | FYDOC! SMITH RETRACES NEW TRAIL | Having «comnleted one | The Pax to Winnipeg us th | motorist ever to ero Over luerted stroteh of bush and that Cows, wid trip from o first thi ¢ marsh leauntry eparates the ewe places, Dr. William Smith will soon retrace the trait he blazed several | weeks ago. "Do Smith, ax he is | familiarly known at The Pag, drove a brand new Chevrolet through the deep snow aud over frozen muskesg and lake Juet to prove that it could be done for one thing and to show the need for a highway, for another, After being foted by the Mayor and other civie officials at Winnipeg, "Poe Smith continued his jours ney to Montreal. He stopped off at the General Motors factories at Oshawa to have his car checked over and $8 covered the bill for re pairs, Now he is returning to his home und will soon push off Into the bush country again, taking with him only two axes and a shovel as hig equipment to overcome the ob- stacles that will beset hig path, SEEKING ANOTHER HOLIDAY An interesting communication, aske ine that the city council of Oshawa join with the city of Winnipeg in making a request to the federal gove ernment that the day following Christmas Day be ereated a public holiday, This request was referred to the general purpose committee of the council, Terrible Fiasco at the Arena Last Night as Crowd Wait- ed for Game -- Stratford Failed to Notify Pats Until 8.30 p.m., and Drastic Ac- tion Is Likely It was a terrible fiasco that was staged at the Arena last night. The Oshawa Paty were all set to act as hosts to the Stratford Nationale, but the visitors failed to appear, and there was no game, To munke matters worse, it wag 8.30 p.m. when the news of the default was pent to Oshawa, and the Oshawa players, accompanied by Mike Rod- den, the referee, were 'on ths ico voady to play. In order to colect the two points, the Oshawa team lined up, and Gilmore, assisted by Joyce and Lott netted the puck und technically won the game hy 1 to 0. Thus two valuable points wer» ge- cured, but at what a cost, The fang wore there ready to contribute ther ghekels to the eluh treasury, but there were no gate receipts, and it was a sore crowd that sauntered out of the arcna after the formaliti- oe had bean completed. The Ontar. lo Hockey League received a black eye last night that will be hard to correct, and the tough part ia that the | MILK TO SNAKE fish | or- | The | of | 1 Stratford Nationals Fail To Appear And Patricias Score Two in by Default * the Pats. were absolutely blameless: in the pater, Nobody rows why the Nacional: defaalivd, but apparently they are having finaielal difficulties, and just couldn't make the grade. This shows that the Oshawa club Is no! alone in having difficulties, and that the Pats are, if anything, In better shape than some of the other teams in the league. What wil happen to Stratford has not heer divulged, but it looks as if they ar through for the season, in which case the Pate. might land sone of their players to strengthen the team. Stratford, too, will be a sessed a stiff fine to compensate the Oshawa club for the loss of its gate, but 18 cannol compensate the lea: gue for (he loss of prestige it hat suffered, x That's enongh for last night Just look at what Mike Rodden ha to say--in the sport snapshots col umn, for the rest of it. Wednesday night the Galt "l'er riers will be here and that doesn't meen maybe, for thelr schedoled game with the Pats, The Terriery are always ftvelecomed to Oshawa, und should draw a. large crowd, i spite of last night's flasco, and th fans ought to turn out well, jusi to show the Pats that the Joca sporting publle fs behind them i: the misfortune which Stratford h flicted on them, 'Two Oshawa Rinks Win Their Games at Toronto Others Not so Fortunate | ---- Rinks Skipped by D. B. Car- lyle and F. Michael Score Double Victories in Bon-| spiel Competitions, While | R. W. Dixon's Rink Wins| One and Loses One | | | | Oshawa rinks met with a mixed | meurure of success and failure in | the Toronto Bonsplel games play- | ed yesterday. Two of the rinks | ware successful in winning both | of thelr games, one other rink won one game and lost one, bhHut the | other rinks failed to break into | the win column. The rinks scer- | Ing double successes were those skipped by D. B. Carlyle and I. Michael, who won their games in the Royal York and Ryrie Birks competitions, R. Dixon's rink was defeathd in the Royal Yerk com- petition but came back and score ed a victory in the North American Life event, The other three rinks skinped by W. A, Coad, C. E. Hare and Dr. F, L. Henry, were defeated in the Royal York and North Am- eriean Life Competitions, losing both of thelr gamos, The scores in the wames played by Oshawa rinks y sterday were | as follows: | Royal York Kitchener B. C. Hall 14 | Royal Canadians | Dr. McLean 14 Oghawa | I. B. Carlyle 12 { Hamilton R. Harstone Orangeville | A.M, Bilk Oshawa | ¥. Michael 13 North American Oshawa R. W. Dixon Granites WwW. GG. Clark Unionville (3, Davidson Churehill Oshawa IV. Rieve .. 168 W. A, Coad | Ryrie Birks Trophy Oshawh Sudbury | D. B, Cdarlyle 12 D, H, Dorsett 7 | Oshawa Ayr [ 1, Michae! 11 J, Currfe ... 6 Today's Games Three Oshawa rinks flgure in the draw for today. In the North American Life event, R, W. Dix- on's rink meets McNab's rink fron Orillfa. In the Ryrie Birks, D. B, Carlyle's rink meets Wasley's CGra- vonhurst rink, and ¥. Michael's rink meets Wilson of London. MARLBOROS BEAT VARSITY Toronto, Feb. 17.-Marlboros did their share in making the hy. pothetical four-cornered tle for first Competition Oshawa ¢', E. Hare Cshawa Iw. Henry . Orangeville Dr. T. 8. White 6 Oshawa W. A. Coad , 11 Oshawa R. W. Dixon . 7 11 10 13 24 wes 8 petition Guelph F. R. Johnston 8 Oshawa C. E, Hare . Oshawa Dr. Henry . 11 10 11 11 11 12 -- © 199 King Features Byndiente, Ine, . ---- Gren Brian ngs re ried Sia - Vou WERE 08 The DENIAL | WHEN NG al MIL=TON ARE YOU SLIDING PoWwN THE BANNISYEL Your EYE 111 too * | place in the O.H.A, senlor race a re- ality when they defeated Varsity in their Jast scheduled game at the Avena Gardens by 6 to 2 last night, the Dukes are now a sure thing for a play-off with Hamilton and Port Colborne and {if Nationals whip Kitchener here tonight the dead lock, anticipated locally for some time, will be completed at the top of the loop. AMEND BIRTHS ACT Winnipeg, Man.-~Now that Man- itoba is cstublished as a Maritime province, the government is pre- paring for the opening of Church fll, by making provision for regis- tration of births of children born at sea. An amendment to the act will permit the registrar to meke such registrations from the log book of the vessel on which the birth takes place. HAMILTON STILL WINNING Hamilton, ¥eb, 17.--Patricias continued their progress towards the intermediate O.H.A., champion- ship her last night when they blanked Dunnville Mudecats by a geore of 2 to 0 to compile a handy margin for the second ganre on Wednesday, and they gave indica: tions before an almost capacity house that they will experience lite tle difficulty in taking the gecond contest, NOW PLAYING-- GEORGE BANCROFT 'Scandal Sheet" with CLIVE BROOK KAY FRANCIS « Added ~ Charlie Chase Comedy Creation "PIP FROM PITTSBURGH" Coming Thursday! BERT ROBT, WHEELER [ WOOLSEY "Half Shot At Sunrise" Harold Bell Wright's "THE EYES OF THE WORLD" With UNA MERKEY : JOHN HOLLAND George Sidney Charlie Murray in "THE LOVE PUNCH" PATHE NEWS wn at 2.30, 7, 9 Regular Prices NEW MARTIN

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