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Oshawa Daily Times, 18 Feb 1931, p. 1

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"All The News While It Is News" he Oshawa Daily Tines Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer A Growing Newspaper in a Growing City VOL 8.--NO.141 Day Boveot Sundays snd "Publ Rotiiave * OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1931 12 Cents a Week; 3 Cents a Copy " EIGHT PAGES RATEPAYERS DISCUSS SALE OF GAS PLANT Rotary Clubs Gather in Oshawa For Inter-City Meeting INSPIRING MEETING AS TORONTO CL UB MEMBERS SPONSOR FINE PROGRAM - Rotarian Joe Calder of To- ronto Delivers an lnpress- ive Address on [nterna- tional Aspects of Rotary Club Movement REPRESENTATIVES OF SIX CLUBS PRESENT Toronto Club Makes Pres- entation of Silver Loving Cup to President. of the Oshawa Club -- Visitors Were Royally Entertained Last night's inter-clty menting of the Oshawa Rotary Club will live long in the memories of all who at- tended it. Climaxed by an {nspir- ing address by Rotarian Joe Calder of the Toronto Club, and an oficial of Rotary International, on the jo- ternational aspects of the Rotary movement, the whole function was marked by a high calibre of fellow- ship and entertainment, with dele gations from the Toronto, Bowman. ville, Port Hope, Cobourg and Pe- terboro Clubs joining with the Osh- awa Rotarians in sharing the good things provided. Rotarian Calder's address was the high light of the evening. It instilled in every Ro- tarjan pride In the movement tu which he belonged, and in its a- chievements in bringing together in the bonds of Notary fellowship men whose countries had had traditional hatreds of each other for centurles, The Toronto club provided the whole program for the evening din. ner, and u splendid program it was, and the dinner fteel!, served to about two hundred guests in the Hotel Gonoshn, wus everything that "could be desired. The inter-city gathering really began in the afternoon, when the Toronto contingent arrived, ana joined with the Oshawu lotnrians in badminton, curling.and bowling. The keenest of rivalry, lemperad by good fellowship, featured this art of the program, and these fel- Jowsnivs were renewed around the banquet table later in the evening. Following the dinner, President D. I. Johnston called on G. D. Co- nant to welcome the visitors, whieh he did in a witty address, and in his usual accomplished manner, ac- (Continued on page 4) GALVARY BAPTIST YOUNG PEOPLE'S UNION BANQUET Interesting "and Enjoyable Function Held in Church on Monday Evening The Sunday School room of Cal yary Baptist church was the scene of much activity on Monday even- ing when the young people of the Church met for the first time since the opening of the new building. The meeting on Monday was in the nature of a social get-together and was thoroughly enjoyed by the large number present. go seven o'clock the young peo- ple sat down to a sumptuous sup- and everyone did full justice to the many good things with which the tables were supplied. Appreciation and thanks were ex- gg to the ladies and men of he church who so nobly helped or assisted in any way to make this banquet the success it was. Vollowing the banquet, the ong people, led by the pastor, Rev. , W. Gellat, engaged in » number of games which were much enjoyed by all, After the games the pastor led In the singiug of a number of gowpel choruses fol- jowed by prayer, the pastor then gave a brief address which was followed by an election of officers, the tor acting as chairman, Ofticers eles'~d for the year wore as foll~w.' Hen. pres, Rev, P, W. Gellnt: gyre, Alfred Beck; vice-pres,, Anctin Fooper; sec, Reta Hooner; treuy., 'iarold Flem- ing; vianist, Neta Reddick; assist ant planist, Gladys Sly, Prayer by the pastor brought to a close an ovening of real enjoyment and fellowship, The young people of Calvary Baptist church ars look- fag forward to a very successful year, TTZATHER Fogeeons Lower Lake Ration d I { Pons 7 " nth pit mostly faly with SE Er CENTRAL COUNCIL, OF SCHOOL CLUBS MET LAST NIGHT Arrangements Are' Made * For Muscial and Oratory Contests for Public | Schools The regular monthly meeting of the central council of the Home and School clubs of the city was held last night in the board room ef the Col leigate, * Mrs; R. S. McLaughlin, president of the council presided. The meeting was of a most successful na- ture ; The meeting decided upon judges for the two contests that are being in Mareh. These two contests are the oratorical contest to be held on March 13th ahd the musical contest to be held on Mareh 20th, For the musical contest Miss B, Tamblyn and Mrs. Charles B. Sereaton were ap- ointed judges while Mrs. Groves, Mrs. Carscallen and Dr. Reaman were appointed judges of the orator fcal contests The contests will be held in the assembly hall of the col legiate with Mr, Richer as director of the musical contest. The council has made arrangement: to have re- ally worthy while prizes for both con- test winners and a large entry list is expected, It was cnnounced at the mee. . gx that fifteen more books had been (Continued on page 2) st ------ CANCELLATION OF PENALTY IS URGED South-east Ward Ratepayers Favor Assisting Those Whose Taxes Are in Arrears A resolution urging that the eity council take action .to cancel the penalty on arrears of taxes this yoar, as a means of ussisting the ratepayers during a period of A- nancial stringency, was adopted by the South-East Ward Ratepay- ers' Association last night and will will be forwarded to the Central Ratepayers for discussion and con- sideration. A draft of the constitution and bylaws of the Association, as pre- pared by a special committees, was read out ut the meeting in Ritson Road School last night. Due to the fact, however that there were several speakers to be heard, the Association did not take time last night to discuss the proposed con- stitution but President Passebols intimatéd that it would be con- sidered at a later meeting. RIGHTS ON RADIO WILL BE TESTED Will Carry Dispute to the Supreme Court of Canada Ottawa, Feb, 15, -- Respective rights of the Dominion and the provinces on radio broadcasting will be the subject of a reference to the Supreme Court of Canada, it was officially stated today. No decisjon has been made by the Do- minfon government as to whether it will he rapresented at the hear ings being initiated in the Quebec courts by the Tanchereau govern- ment on this subject, It 18 quite possible the Dominion will not be represented at the ' proceedings. but will bring its own hefore tho eourts. reference Scottish Cup Draw For Third Round (ilasgow, Scotland, ¥eb, 18--The draw for the fourth round of the Scottish Football - Association Cup competition was made today and announced as follows: Celtic versus Aberdeen, Third Lanark versus #t. Mirren, Cowdenbeath versus Motherwell, Loness versus Kilmarnock, Winnipeg, Feb, 18.--1Liquor pro- fits for the fiscal year ended April 30, 1930, were $2,044,980, an in crease of $51,874, it wae stated In the annual report of the Manitoba Liquor Commission issued to-day, CITIZENS CATC MANSLAUGHTER CASE 1S HEARD BY MAGISTRATE Dr. H. J. Gleason of Lindsay Is Committed for Trial by Magistrate Willis at Whit- by (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Feb, 18.-~The prelim. inary hearing in the case of Dr. H. J. Geason, prominent young Lindsay surgeon, who is charged with manslaughter In connection with the death of his mother, Mrs. Jolin Gloason, took place in Whithy pollco court yostorday af- ternoon, Lofore Magistrate Jas. Willls. Tho charge is the result of a motor accident which occurs red on the Whitby-Lindsay high- way a short distance north of Brook!in Villugoe, en tha night of Wednesday, Scptember 3, In which Mrs. Gleason was wlmont lustantly killed, The miugistruto will res serve his decision for nu weel, Dr, (Neason will efther be commitiad for trial at the next court of com: (Continued on page NEW SOCIETY T0 MEET IN HOTEL J. Lockie Wilson Coming Next Monday to Address Horticultural Society Meeting Nest Monday vight's meeting of the vewly-orgunized Oshawa Hor. ticultural Soclety will be held in the Hotel Genosha, the manager of tbe hotel, Eric A. Leach, having granted the use, free of charge of the dining room of the hotel for this purpose. Thiy meeting will be addressed by J. Lockie Wilson, superintendent of horticultural so- cleties for the province of Ontario, who has given assurance that he will be present as the speaker of the evening. Considerable enthusi- asm was manifest at the organiza. tion meeting last Monday eveninu, and it looks as if the soclety I» getting off to a wplendld start. The chief business next Monday, of course, will be the presentation of the report of the nominating com- mittee and the election of officers. The meeting will le open to all citizens interested in horticulture, and arrangenicnts gre haing made to accommodule u lurke erowd, SONS OF ENGLAND PAST PRESIDENTS OCCUPY THE CHAIRS re sum-- Essex Lodge, Sons of Fugland, held a Past President's night last night in the lodge hall. During the even ing a fine program of musical num- bers, consisting of songs was heard. The most interesting event of the evening wits the talk by Rev, E, Har- ston who spoke on "Friendship", The past presidents who occupied the chairs during the business meet- ing were Bro. Wm. Goodchild, W.P.,, Bro. B, Morgan, Bro, H. Lobb, V. P., Bro, W, Barrett, Chap.; Bro. C, Rendell, Sec. ; Bro. Chas, Lee, Treas, Bro, W, H, Annetts, 1st Guide; Bro. C, Gibbie, 2nd Guide; Bro, Wm, Paul, Ard Guide; Bro, Wm, 8, Rundle, 4th Guide; Bro, Wm. Murray, Inner Guard; Bro. S, Wotton, Outer Guard The musical program was put on by Bros, Gihbie, Les, Baker and Wm Murray who obliged with solos. Speeches were given by Bros, W. Rundle, H. Lobb and George Hart, sll past presidents. « SAA H COBOURG Three youthful gunmen who held up the Dominion Dank at Cobourg yesterday afternoon were captured had been chased first by a bank teller and then by Ceell Wilson, proprietor of the Wilson Motor the bank gun from the tiring teller from his show room, Top left is J. A, Forbes, teller, and top right, H. A. Smith, accountant, who had top==A\ view of the bank at Division Street and the provineial high. way. Lower left==Chief J. C. Ruse, and Cecil Wilson, who effected the capture, | Just. a few minutes later after they ralos Company. Wilson grabbed and pursued the trio in a new car been herded into the vault, Centre who took the men into custody, W.E.N. Sinclair Makes Of ter of Co-operation to Help Solve Farmers' Problems Toronto, Fob, 17.For the first time Yn many years, no Liberal amendment to the nddress In reply to the Speech from the 'Throne, was moved in the legislature you. terday, W. I. N. Binclalr, Opposi- tion Houre leador, struck a now note when he offered hig co-opera- tion to the Covernmont, free from political blas, In endeavoring .to solve the the problems of the people, And Premier Henry, when ho rose to sponk, pald a graclous compliment to the veteran Liberal lender when he declared: I do not know that we are particularly anxjous to have him (Mr. Hep- burn) hore because wo are so well acquainted with the present 1th. oral leader that we would not like to lose him." Myr. Binclair spoke for only 25 minutes and the greater portion of that time was taken up in deal. ing with the depressed state of ag- rieulture In the province, The Lib oral londer appealed to the Govern. ment to make a special effort this session to solve the pressing prob- lem. No other problem was so an worions, he sald, Mr. Sinclair sketched the plight of tho farm- ery, those with debts and those free of financial difficulties, The latter, bo declared, were not mak ing any monoy, That being the cane, how could the farmers debt carry on, Created Precedent Mr. Minelalr created a precedent when he confined his addross to a plea for united ncton of the Legls lature in interests of agriculture und, Indirecly, the workers of the provines, Ho moved no amend. ment to the speech nor did he ut. taek the government's record or the predicted legislation contaln- ed In the speoch, "The Liberal party in Ontario has not {ts leader fu his place in the House, he sald. 'The meme hors elected by tho Liberal party are here. They have henored me by permitting me to lead them. They are tho represontatives of the party and will represent it well, am leader of tha Opposition by virtue of the Legislative Assemply (Continued on page 2) PLEASING TRIBUTE TOW. E.N. SINCLAIR Premier Henry Wishes Him Long Life, and Saye He Has Respect of All Mem. bers p------, A pleasing tribute was paid to W, E. N. Sinclair, M.P.P,, for South On- tario, and house leader of the Lib- erals in the Ontario legislature, by Premier Henry, speaking in the feg- islature yesterday. Speaking of the change in leadership of the Liberal party, Mr. Henry said, "Here we have a party leader at at large, shall | say very much at large, who i content to' stay away from the place where he would meet those he attacks face to face, I am not particularly anxious to have him assume the leadership of the Liberal opposition in this house, We know the present occupant, and we wish him long life, Despite all the thund- ering outside, we all respect him" This statement from Premier Henry met with hearty applause from B. | both sides of the house. an acorn and each of course is num- patch in' yesterday's motning pa land PLAN MERGER OF VETERAN BODIES New Step Taken Towards Complete Unity Within the British Empire Service League Toronto, Feb, 1 .~~Amslgama- tion of all the ex-service men's or. ganizations in Capada into one in- tegral association was seen today as develpoment from executive meeting of the Army und Navy Vet- erans in Ottawa this week, The A. snd N, directors advanced a long step towards this unity when, in # declaration of policy given the press today. They asserted their belief 'that steps should be taken immed). ately to complete the uniting of sl the national ex-service men's assocts ations in Canadas into one corporate entity; and the body thus formed should be the Canadian members organization of the British Empire fervice League. The Canadian Le- glon, amputations Association. Sir Alfred Pearson club for Blind Sol. diers and £aiflors and the Canadian Pensioners Association bave given tentative aproval to the Blect, The proposal will now be submitted to the respective directorstes, The mew body, the statement raid, should sim for the sliminadon BANK BANDITS in | LOCAL WENSHY CHASE OF COBOURG BANK HOLDUPTHI Prisoners Were Captured by Bank Clerks and Citizens Before Police Had Time to Act The thrill of seeing a chase of three bank bandits and of seeing them brought into the arms of Justice through the courageous nce tion of Cobourg citizens, was the experience in Cobourg yesterday of C.M, Mundy, president of The Times Publishing Company, and Thomas 1. Wilson, advertising manager of The Times. Mr. Mundy and Mr. Wilson were in Cobourg on business at the time the holdup occurred, and saw the bandits run. ning along the strest, pursued in a few moments by the two bank clerks who took the leading part in their capture. "The whole thing happened wo quickly that one could hardly real fze what was happening,' was the | tha comment of Mr. Mundy, who aleo added that the Cobourg police, who (Continued on page 2) ANOTHER CASE OF SCARLET FEVE Situation, However, Is Good, as Only Two New Cases Have Been Reported This Month One new case of cenrlel fever wis reported to the local Board of Health offices this morning. This is the first case of this diseases to ported in a week, sud only the second reported in the month of February. The contagion situation {x still very good in the city, Diphtheria 1s proctieally at a minimum, ahd, with only two casos of rearlet fever this month, there poems to he Ho cause for alarm from the ore seriou diseases. Theres ure sev. orul oasey of whooping cough, thegs being seatlered over most parts of the city, and thers are also a fow cases of chickenpox, but neither of these diseases have been reported in sufficient numbers to cause any concern amoung health officiale, The Times was Informed, POWER TREATY WITH CANADA REJECTED Washington, Veb, 14, -- The flenate foreign relations commit. tes today rejected the Niagara Falls power treaty with Canada unanimously, The treaty has been ponding before the committee for some time and Diovided for an al- focation of additional power from the falls to both Canada and the United States power interests, JUSTICE DUFF WILL OPEN PARLIAMENT ttawa, ¥eb, 14, Parliament will be opened on March twelve by Mr, Justice Duff, of the supreme court, in bis capacity as administrator, it was officially stated today. Can ada's new Governor-General, Earl of Bessborough will not arrive un. t11 April third or fourth, and Chief Justice Anglin will not return from the West Indies until April 20. Guelph, Feb, 18, -- Dasgpits »o widespread search po truce has ye! heen found of John Jolliffe, 22 of Windsor, who escaped throngh the of dupliestion of effort, mach expenditure. J | kitchen of the Ontario reformatory last night, | | | | | | | SOUTHEAST WARD ASSN. HEARS ADDRESSES FROM MAYOR AND F.L. MASON KIWANIS CARNIVAL PLANS DISCUSSED | AT GLUB MEETING Keen Interest Is Shown in Plan to Present Chevrolet Coach to Lucky Winner Plans to put the blz Kiwanh | Carnival aver the top en February | 20 and 27, wore practically com. | ploted at the meeting of the local | Kiwauls Club at the Gebosha Ho tel yesterday. 'Thia carnival, which | will be held {n the Armories, will be the Lig event of the winter in Oshawa, {t is confidently believed by members of the club, The en. tire net proceedn-will be used for club's work among under. privileged boys, $5,000 being need ed te earry out the Kiwanlana' 1081 program One of the big events of the ond night of the falr will be the pregantation of a new Chevrolet coach, 1081 medel, to the lucky wipner. fo great has been the demand for tiekete on thie ear that an extra 0,000 tickets have heen issned, Kiwanian Ab, Cox In lead. ine the field for the heautiful wrist wateh whieh BR. N. Bassett is giv ing to the winner of the tleket relling contest, with B80 to his credit, Xiwanian Rugs Birchard, president of the eluh, Is necond with 480 while Alex Hall and Ere nie Clay each have sold 400 tickets, {t was announced at the meeting. The car has been taken to Peter: hore, Lindeay, Port Hope, Co- hourg, and Bowmanville, and tlek- ota sold frem it at emch of those towns as well as others in between, Kiwanian Wally Clark, who is ohairmau of the carnival commits tee, outlined to the members yes: terday, something of the program that would he presented at the Ar. (Continued on page §) BALLOTS ARE OUT FOR ELECTION Members of Oshawa Cham. ber of Commerce Asked to Vote for Directorships Ballots for the election of dis rectors of thie Chamber of Com merece have beon sent out to the members of the Chamber, The polls close at 7 o'clock on Friday evening of this week, ¥ebruary 20, by whieh time ballots must be in the hands of A. KE. Cutler, chair. map of the judges of election of the chamber. There are seven directors to be elected, The rotiring directors are A. W. Bell, 1. ¢. Hodgins, D. I. Johnstou, C. 1B. MeTavish, ¥. J. fteddin, HW. P. Behell and A, ¥. Lovell, the latter having resigned, The men who have been nominat- ed, and whore names appear on the ballot are! #, MN. Alger. George Allehin, A Ww, Bell, H. M. Black, J. W. Dore: berry, J. J. Burns, J. J. Callaghan, i", Chappell, 7. XK. Creighton, M. fl. Jacob, 1. 1°, Johuston, Dr, W. J. Langmald, © W. McLaughlin, 1, 1. McLaughlin, T. B. Mitehell, Charles Mundy, A. ¥, O'Neill, T. J, Neddin, A, V. wail, D. M, Tod. SUGGUNT WHEAT CONFERENCE Ottawa, Veh, 18.-Representa- {fons have heen made to the Do- minjon Government, it was stated hers today, that a conferonce be held in whieh Russia, Australia, Argentine and Canada would pare ticipate to discuss the wheat sit uation, It 1s understood the gov. ernment does not take kindly to such a conferonce, ONE MAY, ONE DOG, IS LICENSE THEORY License for Second Dog ls Double That Charged for First--Tags Now Ready Owners of dogs in Oshawa nay secure tags for their pets at any time from the local police station. The w tugs are shaped in the form of fraeh of eotirse is num- tered, They are made of shiny brie and thé most fastidious pomeraring tungld pot he ashamed to wear one. 1t costs £300 to secure a license for # male dog here while the license 'or u fenale Is $5.00, Apparently the wns an the theory (hat one man is ale entitled to one dog for ewye ors of two dogs sl pay a 50.00 Bet + Hydro Kleet ple Formidable Array of Facts and Figures in Support of Proposals to Dispose of Municipal Gas System ADVANTAGES OF SALE OF PLANT STRESSED Mayor Marks Speaks of 3 3 : § Plans of Prospective Pups chasers to Establish a Modern Coking Plant and Improve Gas Plant A formidable array of facts as to why the eity should accept the offer of Ben I. Tate, of Chicago, for the purchase of the publiely owned gays plant at the same price Which the elty paid when it took over the plant from the Ontario Power Commission, wore marghalled by Mayer Kraie Marke and F. I, Mason, member of tha puble utilitfe uimlesion, {a addresses before the South-East Ward Ratepayers' Association {a Ritson Road School, last night, A large number of ratepayers were in attendance at the meeting and the president, Oliver Passobols, was {n charge. The speakers were {ptros duced by the viee<president, Mp Bathe, Mayor Marks was the first te speak and in a forceful and cone vineing way he presented the salle ent features of the proposed deal. In the first place he made it clear that Ben J}. Tate represented company which {8 a subsidiary cor poration of the Utilities Power and Tight Co, of U.B.A, one of the largest and wealthiest corporations of its kind in the world. , "There 1s one side of this qu tion which we must not forget," His Worship stressed, pany pays us what we paid for the plant and in addition must spend $100,000 on new plant and quips ment during the next twelve months after the purchaee {s made. That means that an immense amount of foreign capital will be brought inte Oshawa and that is what we need at the present time, The company Is perfectly strong financially and will finance this undertaking with out the ald of any local sapith) thus placing a Jot of new money fi to efreulation,'" Much of the expenditures which the company would Lave to make during the first year of operation {would be in the extension of new | malos, Mayor Marks said, and iL had agreed to employ local labor wherever possible, He also pointe ed out that ft would almost {mmetis ately have to spend $5,000 ta in stall 4 new generator to replace the present generator which is now obsolete. . He also impressed the ratepayers with tho fact that the company intends ultimately to es tablish a coking plant here and that this would be in effect a splet« did new industry, The eily cole (Continued on page §) AMATEUR SPORT OFFICIALS ARE GIVEN GENSURE W. J. D'Alesandro and Mies Mabel Ray Declared Une desirable in Women's Sport Activities Toronto, Feb, 1§.==Chargifg that W, J, D'Alesandro was irregu- Ia¥ in his actions, "avd, we be. Heve, dishonest," ju bis connees tion with the Women's softball activities in Toronto, and declar- Ing that Miss Mabel Ray's contin ted connective with the sport was "highly undesirable', the special sommittes appointed by the On tario Athletic / Commission lat night isaned a sweeping report on its Investigation of the affairs of the Toronto Women's Softball Ase sociation, Recommendations were made that the Amatsur Athletic Assoels. tion should take steps to disciplite the officers Involved, and that the officials of the softball association bs reprimanded for the way fife ances were handled. Highly incensed by the contents of the report, both Miss Ray snd 0' Alesandro utimated last night that they were considering legs action to protect thelr reputations, It was aleo antounced late last night that the amateur associa. tions whose duty it will be to és out the recommendation of rommities for disciplinary aétion will mast at an early date to cons license for the seeond dog, is a le and $1000 if a female sider ths cases of Miss Nay sud D'Alessandro. ' | "The eome - -

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