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Oshawa Daily Times, 19 Feb 1931, p. 9

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1931 PAGE NINE If It Is To Be Bought Or Sold - - Times Classified Ads will Do It Dental For Rent CONANT & fos die Solicitors, Notaries Public, Ete Conveyancing ana general prac tice in Law, Office 7% Simcoe St. South, Oshawa. Phone 4. G. D. Conant, B.A, LLB.; A. I' An nis, B.A, LL.B, , N. BIN t K.Cy of Commorce Building. JOSEPH P. MANGAN B.A, BAR: rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer. Money to loan. Of fico 14% King St. East, Oshawa. Phone 445. Residence phone 837 SRIERSON, CREIGHTON & Fraser, Barristers, cte, Bank of Jommerce Bldg. LOUIS 8. HY Solicitor, Notary. Store. Money to loan, street north. Phone 67. lence 8473W. SRBER AND HUMPHREYS DAR: risters, Solicitors, ete, 2414 Simcoe St. N. Phone 8160. Money to' Loan, ALEX ©. HALL, L.A, BARRIS ior, ete. Conveyancing and general practice. 22% King St. Bast. Phone 3237, (§11) A. J. PA BA ' ste. Money to loan. Alger Bldg. opposite Post Office. Phone 1614. ANK 8. BS, I . Solicitor, Notary Publle, Convey: ancer, money to loan, Third Uoor new Alger Building, opposite Post Office. Phone 2096. Medical . DRS; HAZLEWOOD & HARPER, Disney Block. Phone 2050. Office hours 9 a.m. to 8,30 p.m. Dr. B. J. Hezlewood, special attention to Surgery and X-Ray. Dr. B. H Harper, special attention to child: ren's Diseases and Obstetrics. Sua day and night calls 2416 or 12 DR. McKAY PHYSICIAN, ip 8 geéon, Accoucher. Office and resi dence King St. East, corner Vie _toria St., Oshawa. Phone 94. COURANT DERRY, PHYSICIAN, Burgeon, Obstetrician, diseases of infants and children. Office and residence 07 Bond East, Phone 1156. DR. DAVID ARCHER, M.D., C. M LR.C.P. and 8., Edinburgh Phy- sielan, Surgeon and Obstetrician Office 142 Simcoe St. N. Phone 8020, residence 14 Cadillac Ave, Nerth. Phone 8165. DR. HAROLD TRICK, OBSTET. rielan, Physiclan and Surgeon Special reference to maternity work and diseases peculiar to women Office and residence 167 Simege Street North. Phone 303. R. W. GRAHAM, M.D, B.Se., LM. C.C., physician surgeon, obstetrician 8 yearg post graduate. Special at- tention to maternity work, Office 142 Simcoe St. N. Office and res! dence Phone 3020. (Dee. Contracting CONTRACTING, = CONCRETE plastering, electric or alterations. Phone 139 for estimates (15th) ANK Over Dewland's 16 Simcoe Resi. 24-1 mo? Veterinary Surgeon . SHIR 'ETERINARIAN Specialist, Diseases Domestic Anim- als, Cat and Dog Hospital. 208 King West. Telephone 629. (5 aug. tf) PHILLITS, OVER BAS sett's. Special attention to X-ray work, Gas :xtraction. Nurse in at tendance. . Phone 959, House 1312, DR. H. M. COOKE, 9. SIMCOE ST north, over Mitchell's Drug Store Gas for extraction. Phone 54. DR. J, F. BROCK, DENTIST, 16 Simcoe St. N., over Dewland's. Phone 1957. Res. 202W. Evenings by ap- ointment. DR. LANGMAID, DR. DAVIES, Dentists, 37 King St. E., Special at. tention to gas extraction and X-ray work. * ise in attendance. Phoue 1243 and DR. S. J. i me W. D. FORSYTHE, V.S. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College. Speclalizes lameness. Thornton's Corners, Phone 202-2, (9 mar c) ' Humane Society OFFIOE, BYNG ST. (EL 1611TW. Dr. E. J, Shirley, V.8., Inspector, Tel. 629 Mrs, KE. DB. Grigg, Presi dent, Teli 1448W. DR. Honorary ; (16 jan ¢) Optometrist CI TUCK, OP OME RIST SPE cialist in muscle anomalies, eyesight and glasses. Author of Eye Care und Eye Strain, The Child and Its De velopment. Disney Block, opposite Post Office Phone 1510. (18 jan @) ---- Building Supplies CINDERS, SAND AND GRAVEL for sale--To insure prompt delivery, place orders in advance of delivery dete. \V. Borrc wdale Phone 1618 WE Vocal MARION BH. ROSS. A.T.C.M., WILL accept pupils in voice production and singing. Phone No. 6. (12 mar ¢) "Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO. 67 KING ST. East, Ambulance. Residence 542 Sim- Sou Af reet, north, Phone 210] and 210W, .coe St. N, Phone 1236W. VICTORIA APARTMENTS = Al new lew rentals, electric refrigeratiot electric stove, washing machine and dryer. Apoly superintendent. Phone 2533F. (85tf) SIMCOE. MANOR «= FOUR AND five room suites, electric stoves refrigeration, laundry, conveniences. Apply superintendent, phone part ' 55tf) THREE AND 4 ROOM APART: nents. Modern to the minute. Phone 1550 or 2317W, (132tf) FOR RENT--=MODERN 4 ROOMS, bath, electric stove and other con: venlences in business section. New Offered for $35.00 per month. Apply Box 106 Times. (26 jan tf) FOR RENT--FURNISHED BED room, suitable one ortwo gentle. men. All conveniences, 137 Siw. (feb. 11 tf) APARTMENTS TO RENT--3 piece bath, electric stove, steam heat, immediate occupation, §20 up. Phone 117J., M. Hennlck. Gd FOR RENT--N RICK, rooms, kitchenette, ¢ rooms, brick, all conveniences and garage, Ap- ply 131 Albert St. (40c) FOR RENT--TWO FURNISHED rooms, comfortable, for light housekeeping, Phons 3388W, (12 feb tt) FOR RENT--5 ROOMED APART: ment, steam heated, hardwood floors, three pleced bath, hot water, town of Whitby. $28 per month. Apply Bassett No, 1 Simcoe St., Oshawa, (dlc) rur RENT--TWO NICELY FUR. nished rooms for light. house- keeping or room and board for two people. Centrally located. Phone 13427, (42h) FOR RENT----- § ROOM BRICK bungalow, all conveniences, hard- wood floors. 211 Monek St., close to Rotary Park. Low rent. Apply next door. (43¢) FOR RENTZ13 ACRE FARM. house and barn, 4 miles from Osh. awa, Apply 6756 Oshawa St. (19 mar (40¢) | CSHAWA BURIAL CO, M. F Armstrong & Son, Proprietors. Funeral and Ambulance Service day and night. Phone 1082W. 87 Celina, (4th) Insurance DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, 19 King St. west, Oshawa. he oldest Fire Agency in Oshawa, 30 Reputable Fire Companies. WHEN" PLACING INSURANCE consttl R. N. Johns, 80 Simcoe vorth. Your insurance wants attend: ed to and your interests protected. 8 Transportation CARTAGE AND STORAGE, Coleman's, 85 Bond west. Specialists in furniture moving. Storage ware house and moving van -equipmeiit Phone 82. 4. BORROWDALE'S CARTAGLE - General cartage and household turni- ture moving, Special attention to Commercial work. Local and long distance. 609 Carnegie Ave, Oshawa Phone 1618, (dee 10 tf) Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist DR. F. T. BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over Jury & Lovell's Drug Store each Saturday from 1 till 4 p.m. for consultation and treat- ment of diseases of car, nosé and throat only. Appointments may be made at drug store, 'hone 97. "T Second Hand Dealer NEW AND SECOND HAND FUR: niture bought and sold 186 Bloor street east. Phone 1617M. (25 dee th . Architects MOVING LOCAL, LONG Dis- tance cartage. day or night. rates freely given. ¥. MeQuald. Phone 2423W. 115 Annis St, (28 feh ¢ c) PERMANENT Wave Shop. 'Specialists in perman ent, finger and marcel waving, Per- manent wave prices $5, $7.50, $10 and $15. All other lines of Beauty Cul- ture. Phone 2968, Apply 86 Sinicoe street nortlr, EXPERT MARCELLING BY BET ty Ward at Betty Lou Permanent Wave Shoppe. Marcel and shanipoo $1 Phone 2968, IY LOU GENERAL Second floor Phone 1406 C. C. STENHOUSE Architectural work. Royal Bank Building. Res. phone 900J. THOMSON AND JOHNSON, AS- sociate architects. Simcoe St. 8 Over Felt Bros. Auctioneer PHONE~ 716]. - W. |. SULLEY. Auctioneer, 346 Simcoe St. S., Osh: awa, Ont Special attention given to household furniture sales and farm stock and implements. Your patron age solicited, YOMER WILBUR, TAUNTON, Ont., .arm and house sale specialty. Terms, low. Phone Oshawa 1648 r '2-4. (28 mar ¢) . * Hemstitching AEMSTITCHING, PLEATING, NE pairs and alterations, dressmak {ng, buttons and buttonholes The Dell Shop, 2614 Simcoe 8. Phone 1666. (Jan. B-1 mc?) HEMSTITCHING, PLEATING, Al- terations, hose repaired. (Dress making a specialty). Our work 18 the best in town Daintimaid Shoppe, 4 Prince St. Phone 1948W (11 mar ¢) Elocution LESSONS TN ELOCUTION AND public speaking Private of in class es. For terms phone Lois Mundy vo. 35 or 312 xo 5 (Dee 17-1 mo.) Shoes Repaired SOUTH END SHOE HOSPITAL. shoe repairs a specialty, also sell second hand shoes. Good as pew. $1, $1560, and $1.75. 426 Simcoe South. (21 feb c) Spirella GPINFLILA BNHINGS STYLE heal'h, comfort Personal atten t'on and service. Phone Mrs Blat ter, District Manager 2189M. ° (13 ted 6) Palmist ITADAME ~ROWN. TALMIST Business private, 93 Louisa Street 1houe 26560, (2% feb ¢) MARCELLING 35, FINGER Waving 50¢, hair cutting 25¢ at La Parisienne Beauty Parlors. Ask for Miss Robbins. Phone 71. 20 fel) c) DE LUXE DEAUTY ror Experts in permanent, finger and mareel waves, Permanent waves $5, $10, $16. 8ic marcels, 20¢ trims given by Miss' Duquette Phone 38, over Ward's store, (27 feb ¢) a Music HERBERT C. TRENEER, ATC Organist and Choirmaster cf King Street Church will accept pupils in piano, pipe organ and vocal music 50 William Stieet, East. Phone 2896, (Sept. 2 tf) LEONARD RICHER, L.R. A.M. Supervisor of Music, 052 Carnegic Avenue, 2578F. (Aug 251) 1) Motor Cars FRY'S AUTO BODY HOT MOVED to 168 King Street West, (former- ly West End Garage). Collision work a specialty, body bumping, welding, painting, motor repairs, car washing and storage, gasolene and wotor oll, Phone 1111, (19 feb ¢) Wanted to Buy WANTED TO BUY A STAKE body for 1% ton Chev. truck, would exchange a dump body. Phone 2122F, (41¢] Dap .af . Pets and Livestock FOR "SALE ----WHITE LEGHORN chickens, eight months old. Apply 98 Nosedale Ave, Phone 2940W. (40¢) "Watch Repairing = i A. VON GUNTEN, EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, repair shop at 44% King Street West. Your pat fonage is is solicited Furniture Repaired WEPATRED. AND re upholstered, draperies made sto order. Geo. A. Constable. 24 Bona 8t. East. Phoue $322), (Feb, 4-1 mo) FOR RENT--FURNISHED FRONT bedroom, also bed sitting room, all conveniences. Neay (.M.C, Phone 1778W, (42¢) FOR RENT-<2 CHEAP HOUSES with conveniences. Apply 46 Royal St. (42¢) | FOR RENT -- ATTRACTIVE apartment, central, three rooms, electric refrigerator, stove, lot water, laundry with washer, Reas- onable rent, Phone 1400, (42¢) FOR RENT NICELY "FUR nished rooms for Mght housekeep- | Ing, All conveniences. No child ren, Phone 181, (42¢) RESU LTS £ who rings doors belss louie ing for a job, a rooun or any desired objective follows a slow, circuitous route indeed. Our WantsAd columns not only locate these prospects for you but also assure an immediate interview with an interested prospect at the greatest saving of time and cffort, Telephone 35 there" an we -- Rates for (Classified Ads Fiest insertion==115 conts per word, Minimum charge for oue insertion 80c. Kach subsequent tive Insertion word. Three consecutive inscre tions for the prico of two first insertions (three cents no word), Minimum charge for thice Insertions 60c¢. Box number 10¢ additional. Professional or Business Cards, $2.50 per month for 20 words or Jess, 10 cents uw word pel nth for each additional word. Ask for Classified Ad Department consecus 1¢ per Articles For Sale MIXED HARD AND SOFT WOOD Slabs $3.50 per load. Also bone dry budy wood. Waterous Meek Limited Phone 1288 (apr 20tf) WE HAVE WONDERFUL VAL. ues in rebuilt Underwouds, Lhey are as serviceable as when new=--at less than halt the"cost. Sent tor your ap- proval. Addiess "Underwood," 135 Victoria St, Teronto, (oct 19, 31) FOR SALE = PAINTS, VARN. ishes. \We have the largest assort: went of paints, v nishes, etc, in the city, The Paint Sture, 80 King St. West. (Apr. 25 tt) FOR SALE = DRY HARDWOOD $15 per cord. Dry tawahack $12 a cord. Norman Sanders, King. St Last. Phone 1774M, t] (9 jan th) SLUUND HAND y SKA. ES, CoM. vlete outfit $1.60 ap. Skates sharp vued and repaired. 12 Richwono at, Kast. (% jun l- mo) FOR SALE--~HARD AND SOFT wood Slabs also dry body wood r'red Bailey. Phone pag, 22 feb ¢) MY CURICLS FOR T5005 W. HM. Thompson. 407 King Phoue 742J. ull wood. st. W. (28 feb c) Radio Service CEEIMTED RADIOTRICIAN RI- paira®@all models of radio, power pacts, ellminators, at reasonable wlees, work guaranteed. Phone 28506W, Ceorge Burroughs, 1 repair what others fall to fix, HOUSEKEEPER WANTED Small family. Good home, Dox 147. { LE (42a For Sale or Rent FOR SALE OR RENT-CA SMALL | acreage, six roomed house, harn electricity and furnace, Close to school and town, Box 149 Times. (42¢) Real Estate for Sale KKDUCED $1500--=3%4,500, NUM- ber: 630 Carnegle Ave., close public and high schools, street cor | one block, 6 rooms and finished | attic, every convenience, chestnut trim, oak floors, electric fixtures, built in cupboards, storm doors and windows, full size verandan $2000 cash, balance on mortgage Lot 40 x 118 with nice lawns and | shrubbery, Must be sold, Disney, opposite Post Office $16 RENTS BUNGALO JUST OFF King St. W. Ideal location. Appls 16 16 Rosehill Blvd. Phone 30334, For Sale or Exchange FOR BALE Olt EXCITANGE-=% roomed brick, Alice street, every convenience, fifty-two hundred for house about $4000. What have you? Disney, opposite Post Office £16 fel tr) er in taken fn exchango radios. See John Meaghe coe St. North. ony r, 02 Shn- Phone 371W. Anes (17 mar ¢) WiLL, EXCHANGE A 25-20 WIN: chester rifle for Hawlian guitar Apply 405 Pine' Ave. (41h) __ Female Help Wanted WANTED -- EXPERIENCED RE- liable cook -genegpal, household three, references required. Phone 2019J Thursday after 4, WANTED EXPERIENCED ond parlour maid, highest pald, permanent position, have references, Apply P.O 139, Oshawa. SEC: wages must Box (41¢) COMFORTABLY: board. South end. OOM hone WITH 1158). (41c) 1 OSHAWA RADIO SERVICE=RE- pairs on radios, power packs and ¢l- mninators. 'lubes tested and supplied radio pol s for sale. Batteries charg: ed and repaired 3350) Charles Wales, 146 Elgin last aaa Lalas lec 16 1 mo) I'HE 'TROUBLE WITH YOUR radio may be tubes. Get your tubes tested free. John Meagher, 92 Sin- coe Ne rth Phone 371 W, KARL'S TADIO REPATRS ON all sets, We scll tubes, batteries, transformers, coils, ete. Also short wave apparatns, garl Fowler, ¢01 French St, Phone 13056W, (9 mar ¢) SUDIOS, mnkes of elimina. suppled. (7 mar c¢) Phone RADIO service, all 'adio's power pacts and tors, tubes tested and Phone 27151 Nursing FRACTICAL NURSE, ity work, lixcellent references. Borrowdale, Phone 1618 PHACTICAT, NURSE, 1 reference, maternity, eral nureing win housework Charges Phone 30487 Upholstering REMNANT AND REUIHOLSTER Ing Co, 155 Simcoe St South See our stock of fahric remnants for portiers, cushions and re-up holstering purposes by piece or yard, Get our prices ony automobile and furniture. Lxpert workman ship guaranteed, 25 years' exper! ence, (6 mar ec) Room and Board Wanted GENTLEMAN WANTS ROOM AND board In private family, Central, State lerms. Box 146 Times WESTMOUNT alficliopt "MATER: Mrs. DOCTORS iuvalld, gen- assist with moderate (1 4 feb ¢ ) Money to Loan LOANS ON GOOD CITY PROPER ty and farms. Apply A. 1. Parkhill 37 King St Fast Phone dod. Poultry ' TOR BALE NINETY-TTVE LEG Worn pullets and yearling hens, (40c) . laying good. Apply to 180 Mill St, Oshawa. (40c1 HONEY AT next Lo Simcoe sPCIAL SALE OF Anderson's tlooey Store, vavidson's Shoe Store, north, Phone 1200. (50 feb ¢) OR BALE~CREDIT NOTE ON indian four motoreycle with side cir. Largain, Phone 3340W. (40¢) SALE -- VICTOR Sra with 70 records, Athol St. E, (41¢) COIL SALE--Y PIECE OAK DIN ng room set $40.00. 107 Athol St. (41¢) SALE CONTENTS OF including bedroom chairs, articles (41c) ~ WICKER Ap. $9.50. 107 wast, CRIVATE ; room house, nites, etove, dining suite, dishes, tables and other [25 Brock East, FOI BALE --CREAM baby carriage. Good condition, ply 44 Outarlo St.,, Apt. "Real Estate for Sale SALE -- ON¥ cholce clay loam fine barns, stone stables, floors, 6 roomed house, furnace, Hydro, 4 miles from Oshawa, Will exchange on Oshawa property. Phone Holden 371W. (41b) (iKNEIAL, STORE FOR SALE. Real buy, About five thousand in- cludes everything, Would accept Oshawa property part payment, Box 14% Times. 42¢) 1 LOTS 100 FOOT FRONTAGE on Bloor 8t. E.. will exchange for small house or a good car, Phone 1617 M, "(40¢) LOR acre farm, two cement Wanted WANTED WORKING PARTNER with team of horses Hh farm im. plements to work 100 acre farm Apply Box 142 Times, (40¢) WANTED-=FIRST CLASS FARM hand, Must be good milker. Phone Whitby r 14. (42a) AUCT! ION SALE WEDNESDAY, FEB 25--AUC. tion sale of farm stock and fm- plementg, the property of Samson Roberts, lots 14 and 156, near Con, 6. East Whitby, half mile west of Columbug, Sale at 12 o'clock+noon sharp, See, bills, Wil. Ham Maw. Auctioneer, (86- 2445) "PHONO: ~ HUNDRED | | Time Table | ! WHITBY, B03 Lins BOWMANVILLE October 6th, 1830) EN and 1Efiective on oad Sitgr Outopee ~ Sun 1 . Sundars "e ve Arrive Arrive Bowmanville Oshawa hitb Hospital ng 05 a.m. 0 am, 8.20 am, 3.08 din, 10.45 a 3 pin. 12,40 pom. & - 33 é = t=] 8.20 am. 10.00 a.m. 11.35 p.m. 1.45 p.m. 3.00 p.m, 4.40 p.m, *5.40 p.m, 7.00 p.m. 9.00 p.m. 10.45 pm. am, an. i Fat a att hada oP? 38 p.m. pn po. pm. pam. pom, p.m. Ses thens Going East Leave Arrive Arrive Whitby Oshawa Bowmanville 1.20 am, 820 10.00 a.m. 11.30 am. 12.35 p.m, 2.% p.m, 4.40 p.m. 5.40 p.m. 6.40 p.m, 8.20 p.m, 9.00 p.m, 10.45 pim, 13.15 pan, Leave Hospital am, wuBSeoy =» EE g533° 1.25 pm. w g- co 3: a2 4.25 p.m, 7.15 p.m. 558582358880 PPPPTPT Puree ls 33333 < ------ * ESenoua Toma BEc2ts Rl SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Going West Leave Leave Bowmanvill Oshawa 9.30 a.m, 30 a.m, p.m. Arrive hl 3 30 00 30 11. 2, 4. 6. 1.2 0, pan. po De 1 pan, Arrive Oshawa Bowmanville 10,15 am, 10.45 a.m, 5.00 b. m WO p. , 11.30 p Times marked Connect at Whitby with Lindsay Busses. ial Busses fo rall Occasions Rustaisahie Rates and Careful Drivers XT. GARTON, PROPRIETOR BOWMANVILLE, PHONE 412 or M6 Oshawa fame Room, 10 Prince Street a8 CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS fective January 11, 1031 (Standard ime} East Daily, except Daily, . Daily, 1 Daily, Daly, . Daily, . baly, . Daily, Westbound . Daily, except Sunday Daily, Dasly . Daily, except Sunday, . Daily, except Sundiy. . Daily, . Daily, J Daily, except Sunday. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Effective January 11, 1031 (Standard Time) Eustbound . Daily, Daily , except. 823 am 9.55 a.m Sunday, except Eunduy except Sunday except Saturday. Sunday. Daily, except Sunday. Daily., . Daily GRAY COACH LINES Effective September 20th 1950 (Standard 'Time Leave \Dtlava Leave Toronto P.M 12.30 1.30 2.3 3.3 4.30 5.30 6.30 07.30 8% 20.30 10.30 1.30 m---Except Sunddy. a=Saturday 8, Sundays Work Wanted lays and Holidays only. T= Building Materials 'Low Sale Prices Write for free sale catalog. Amaz- ing new low prices, Everything for new buildings, repairs or alterations, Slate roofing $2.75 insulating 'board less than 4c foot; inside doors $2.75; barn sash ready "glazed $1.05; house paint $198 gal.; outside doors with glass $4.50; hardwood flooring 7Vic sq. ft.; wallboard less than 3c, $10 orders freight paid. Write at once % Halliday Company, Limited, Box , Hamilton, € Ont. 40-42-43-46-48-49 Auction Sale SALE--OF COWS AND J. Clemens, Lot 17, Whitby, Tues- AUCTION stockers of IV, Con. 3, East day, Feb, 24th, 20 milkers ana springers, 20 yearlings Durham stockers, 6 yearling grade Durham bulls, 8 good work horses, 4 sows in pig. Terms of sale, 7 months at 7 per cent. per annum on approved joint notes. Sale at one o'clock sharp. The cows consist of Hol. steins, grade Durhame, Ayrshires and part bred Jerseys. Elmer Wil- bur, Auctioneer, (41-42-43.44) Named Custodian Kingston.--Mr. Frank Hanley has been appointed custodian of the Frontenac Club for the present and all matters pertaining to the Club are in his hands at the pre sent time. tors of the Frontenac Club has been called for the end of the month when a decision will be made as to what will become of the Club, Is Recovering Strength Brockville, -- Emil Kanjer, Montreal, a member of the crew of the ill-fated drill boat J. B. King. which exploded at Cockburn Island in the Brockville Narrows on June 26 last, {s now making good pro- gress toward recovery at the Gen- eral hospital where he was taken for treatment following his rescue with others from the St. Lawrence river after the tragic accident, or Girl Honored Hastings.-----A large number of girl friends of Miss Irene Doughty gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Spooner on Thursday evening. The occasion was a fare- well party for Miss Doughty, a pop- ular member of the younger set of Hastings, who leaves shortly for Ottawa. Baptists Hold Banquet Peterboro.--W, Fred Reynolds, of Brockville secretary of the Inter provincial B.Y.P.U. of Ontario and Quebec was the guest speaker at one of the largest gathering of Bap- tist young people held in this city for some time. More than two hun- dred and fifty young people includ- ing guests from Gilmour Memorial Norwood, Park Street and Murray Street Unions, sat down to a de- lghtful banquet. Brockville Films Shown - Brockville.--Motion pletures of Brockville gardens and other beauty spots taken by Miss Josey: hine Cossitt, president of the Hor- ticultural Society, have been re- cently exhibited in Kitchener and elsewhere in. Western Ontario un- der the auspices of the Provineial Department of Agriculture and loc. al horticultural societies. | $2,000 WANTED i] at 6 per cent. Client will give | first mortgage on property, | Siincoe St. N., valued at | R. GUTSOLE, FIKST CLASS PAP- erhanger, painting and graining. Prices right, work guaranteed. 340 Pine Avenue, Phone 3065W. (72tf) Agents Wanted SELL FASTER SUITS. LADIES are looking for Spring styles now. Get started during the best selling season with Canada's largest made- to-measure ladies' clothing estab. lishment. Exclusive territory complete line of knitwear, for every season, Ensembles, dresses, lingerie, sweaters, hosiery and underwear, Write now for pare tieulars., British Knitwear Limited, Simcoe. Ontario. (42¢) Battery Service SALES AND SERVICE PLATE Lock Batteries, car or radio bat teries charged, The, Called for and delivered. W. H. Platt, 317 Celina, Phoue 1556J. (10 mar ¢) BATTERIES CHARGED TG¢ with rental $1.00, Repaired and rebuilt. Called for and delivered. | J.H.R.LUKE |, Telephones 871 or 0687TW a8 AVIRT LUMBER (© 4 ATH Tw COLEMAN CARTAGE LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE JURY & LOVELL'S OPTICAL PARLOLS J. W. Wornill, Oph. D. Eyesight Specialist "hone 8215 A meeting of the direc- | PHONE 22 For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 3) Slhrcoe St. 8, We Deliver plomelrist EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Specializing exclusively tn muscle anemaliv eyesight aud glasses. 1516--~Plone--1518 Disaey Brock . Opposite Post Office REPAIRI.G WATCRE OUR SPECIALTY If your watch is not giving satisfaction we can repair and make it tell the correct time. Ds J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Watch Inspector for Canadian National and Osh- awa BRallroads 20 Shmcoe St, 8. Phone 189 COAL COAL Phone 193 W.J. SARGCANT Yard--89 Bloor Street BE. Orders Promptly Delivered 4 i Ws Bah re ARE FF SE FOTATOES 90 1b. bag New Brunswick ......$1.10 Ontario ......... coc... 1.00 Hogg & Lytle Ltd. Phone 203 Chevrolet Sedan, 20 mode) price 'or 8D28 Chievrolet Coach, 28 model Pri€O .ooseecessi. $828 ONTARIO MOTOR SALES D cesses Prompt service. Stan Bligdon, 20 Mill St. Phone 1885W. (Dec. 80-1 mo) LIMITE 99 Simcue Street South Special Men's Grey Worsted Slis to Clear $10. 00 Rs Clothing Co. 68 King St. W. Phone 2141 Diamonds! Bassett's On Oshawa's Main Corner Felt Bros. The Leading Jeweler Established 1880 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH BRINGING UP FATHER a a 'BY GEO. McMANUS BY GOLLY! | MUST SIT RIGHT DOWN aN' READ THIS LETTER FROM MIKE DAUGHERTY: HES iN ati |g sii ~ THE POOR OLD RASCAL 4 pig LISVES | HOST 5-HE SAN JERE - HIS LET TER- "y LL LAST MY DRINWING 10 dg ® 1984, 1917 Pe ar. te. roa Britate rights resrved HELLO - DOCTOR! COME RIGHT OVER- © 1 MUST SEE YOu! $C rg0 -- lower =ly part = insect Sthe Old sr Caesar ipments. to control been locat well sprayed ario last sea- pngly advoca- prchard prac- bd to produce spressed pis Luction could + siness. ed with an fie and urg« } y 3), . Re -------- NS

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