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Oshawa Daily Times, 19 Feb 1931, p. 10

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PAGE TEN Ray AER RT ; oh a - ile SA, Ge SE UEC SUG al Co EG Lik doth seth -- 4 EI om sees eae [Eastern Ontario News Want Better Roads \ Peterboro.--The residents of the Katchacoma Lake. and Gooderham village districts have been petition. ing the Peterborough Chamber ot Commerce for better roads leading 3. this city for the past four * gr.five years. These communities are popular summer resorts with many of the business men of Pet- orborough, and. provide a good trading area for the city. Horse Ran Away Belleville.--A horse owned by the Purity Bakery Company took fright on West Bridge Street and sprinted several blocks before final- ly caught and over-powered. The animal which was drawing a sleigh suddenly bolted down the street while the driver was delivering bread to a customer. A plucky oyewitness succeeded in snatching the horses bridle and held it until the owner arrived. Faces Liquor Charge Port Hope.--Ed. Belagle, north of Haliburton, was arrested + on charges of having illicit liquor il- legally. Excise Officer T. R. James Lindsay, and Officer Jennings, Pet- orboro, are staid to have found a false bottom in his cellay under which they found the liquor. Mr. Dieagle was brought into court in Lindsay and let out on bail until the 23rd. May Leave County Cobourg.--Even at the cost of losing its position as counties town held for nearly a century, Cobour town council at a special- meeting unanimously voted to separate from the united counties of North- umberland and Durham, Married 50 Years Ago Trenton.--St, John's Church, Carrying Place, was the scene nf » pretty wedding on Monday, Feb. 16th., 1881, when Elizabeth Jane daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Porter became the bride of Mr. James Alyea. Rev. Mr. Morris of- ficlated. Fifty years of happy wed: ded life was celebratd at Mr. and Mrs. Alyea's home here this week. To Light Bridges Belleville.--The Hydro Electric Power Commission was authorized by the city council to operate and maintain the lighting of the lower and upper bridges. re Coql floats ...the vegs At 8: 4 $ Hard, solid D & H Anthracite floats on top + « + impurities sink away . , . in the amazing new CONE-CLEANING the PROCESS. It's the most costly, but the most ef- | fective way of preparing coal. D & H ' ConeCleaned Anthracite is guaran: teed . . . another you want the cleanest of all anthra. way of saying, if cites AT NO EXTRA COST, always buy 'DeH Cone-cleaned Anthracite Every delivery of genvine D&M CONE=CLEANED ANTHRACITE carries the trade- MAW mark cones, ¢. v 7 « Telephone 262 Five Direct Lines {and main shore landing, Howe Island has ever been { broken THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1937 Fox Stealing Charged | "Lindsay. -- Provincial Constable Willjam Warren of Haliburton, brought a young girl from Har. court, Haliburton County, charged with having stolen a. fox from a trap. Following a preliminary hearing she "was placed in the Children's Shelter for further in- vestigation. To Hold Seed Fair Port Hope.--Durham County farmers will be interested to learn that the Quinte District Seed Fair for 19381 will be held on March 11th, 12th and 13th, at Peterboro, In past years Durham has made a very dreditable showing in the vari. ous classes and the same interest may be manifested this year it is hoped. Oficial Sworn In Brockville. -- Sworn in before iudge Reynolds as County Crown | Attorney and Clerk of the Peace of Leeds and Grenvilla counties, Har- worth Atkinson, hitherto police magistrate for Grenville county, assumed his new duties with office in Brockville, Wife Deserter Sentenced Cornwall.--Found guilty ot wife desertion Gilbert Lalonde was sen- tenced to two years in penitentiary and fined $200. An extra year wil! be added if the fine is not paid, Magistrate Milligan ruled. After Mrs. Lalonde gave details of her 15 years of married life, the magi:- trate declared the prisoner was 'less than a man and unfit to as- soclate with human beings." La- londe formerly lived and Niagara Falls, Ont. | Lindsay Law Officers Lindsay.--At the annual meet- ing of the Law Association, the fol- lowing officers were elected: Pre sident, L. M. Frost, Lindeay: vieo- president, T. J. Carley, Fenelon Falls; gecretary-treasurer ano librarian, E. A. Gee; trustees, G. Frost, A. M. Aulton and A, 7 Lacey; auditors, R. V. Mark and Eric Stewart. Almost a Tragedy Storm's Corners.--What might have proved a fatal accident oc- curred a short distance east of Storm's Corners when a Pontiac coach driven by Mrs. Moore of Na- panee, skidded on the slippery rona and, turning completely around, landed. with all four wheels in the air, the top securely embedded in the ditch. Fortunately no one was hurt, although' it appeared a mir- acle to those who viewed the car that its occupants were able to es- capa very serious injury. |Jload Kept Open ' { Kingston.-- This fs the first win- | ter that the road from the provin clal highway to the Howe Islana east of St. Lawrence Beach at the foot of Kept open so that the people from the ix land can use it continually. 'I'l crossing on the fee from the isling to the main shore, however, his not been as good as usual Explosion Caused Damage Brockville-- Conalderale by flylng soot from lk stove-pipe: ve through an explocion red In the residence of Mrs. John Maclaren east. Mrs. demas d cayred which cecur Mr. and 14 Pearl st Maclaren wag coolin sausage for tea and had put fresh coal on the kitchen range. The goy from the fresh coal had not broken through the fire when she put some grease from the sausage in the nre pot, . The grease trickled through the fresh coal to the live embers | |below and immediately burst into | lames, causing the gas to explode. Church Banquet Lakefleld.--Nearly two hundred sat down to a delightful banquet provided by the ladies of the Reg ent Street United Church, the oe- in Toronto TORONTO FARMERS' MARKET The following are quotations, re- afl, in effect on the St. Lawrence Market," Toronto. Produce-- Eggs, extras Eggs, Firsts Eggs, pullet extras . Butter, dairy per pound 0.28 Do., Creamery, per pound yaks ras yusl Fruits and Vegetables Carrots, 6 bunches Beets, doz. bunches ...... basket Cabbage «.. Cauliflower Spinach, peck Mushrooms, per pound «ce Onions, bunch, three for .. Leaf Lettuce, three for «..« Head lettuce, two for 'arsloy, per bunch .... 0.05 Celery, head squash, each »..vv I'arsnips, basket Beets, basket Deppurs, each o.oo flerbs, bunch Radighes, bunch coe vees em yeanges, per doz «..o 0.8 Honeydew Melons, each 0.26 trapefruit, 8 or cov enss Potutves, bag 'ucumbery, six for Lemons, per doz Crees Bananas, per dozen oo. Apples, bus. 1 Yasusese 0.08 verses 0010 Sess en tem "es cane "eee EEE RR sete Du. Snows, 6 ranges, doz 'an Green Peas, 6 gt. basket 3 wgplant, each reen peppers, eurs, busket weet potatoes 6 | 'ranberries, ut Juwpkios, each CEC NC Oe OOOPOCOOOPOCOPOOP OOS TI BO 00 BO et OV de nF © ED i TF OO mt EBD Et coco oUoMNcoOMIOTOoOOTIOOMOOCT 0.65 0.10 1.26 0.76 0.25 "0 baslet tbs - 0.16 0.20 TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS Grain dealers on tie Torontu Board of Trade ure making the following quotations for car lots: Manitoba wheat == 1 bard, 6414¢; No. 1 Northern, 2c; No, 2 do., 614e; No. 4 do, 681c (elt. Goderich. and Bay ports) Manitoba oats - -No 34ic: No. 1 feed 334c; 20 4c Manitoba barley - 26140; No. C.W., 2bic. Argentine corn--b6e (c.i.f. Port Collhorne), Millfeed delivered freights, bags Included ton $21.26; shorts, per tou, middling, $27.20 | Ontario grain harley, H8¢; buckwheat, 45¢c. No, 3 CW. No. & feed - No, 3: C N w., Moutreal Bran, per iy 3h; Wheat, 6bc: rye, dbc¢; oats, 21C; i (Buying) Toronto denfers are buying pro- lee at the following prices: lgges--Uugraded, cases roturned wel extras 24 to 20c; fresh firsts 21 lo 2%¢; wocouds, 16 to 18e. Butter--No, 1 Ontario creamery olids, 314 to 82¢; No. 2, 30% to the asion being the annual congrega- | tional meating whieh has been narked by a banquet for the past few years. Appointed Clerk Degeronto.-- The announcement been made of the appointment | of Miss Eva Harvey as clerk of the | Publi: Utilities Commission, and $21.- Produce Prices in the Commercial Markets Churning cream-----Special, 81 to 32¢; No. 1, 30 to 81l¢; No. 2, 27 to 28c. Cheese--No. paraffined and government grad- ed, 14% to 14jec. Quotations to poultry shippers are as follows: Poultry "A" Grade Spring lbs. ea. «19 Over 6 to 6 lbs. ea Over 4} to 5 lbs. each J. vivian Over 4 to 4} lbs. OF ci sopsrans Fatted hens, 5 to 6 Iba us, Over 4 to 5 lbs. ea. Over 33 to 4 etch «iy +o Under 83 1bs, Young turkeys over 13:1bs. ... i... 8B Do, 8 to 12 lbs. .. 82 Do., under 8 Ibs, . Old turkeys 2 Geese, market prices. Old roosters, over b lbs. ea. White ducklings, over 0 1ba. ea, ,... Hi Over, 4 each ... Muscovie ducks, over 1bs, 20 410 5 1b8 visuu 36: a Guinea fowl, per pair $1.25 pair 1.20 DRY There is a lot of Beef Strength in a little BOVRIL I | | f | 1 large, colored, to § 1 bs. Dressed Alive Select M. I" 6 24 21 22 25 Yt 24 19 2 18 23 2 chickens, 18 ey 16 15 14 19 17 (Selling) Toronto dealers are offering produce to retail dealers at the following prices: : Eggs -- Fresh extras, in care tons, 82 to 33c¢; fresh extras, looso, 80 to 81c; firsts, 27 to 28¢; seconds, 21c¢; pullet extras, 23c. Butter--No. 1 creamery, prints, 34c; No. 2 creamery, prints, 83c. 20 1ba. 0.25 he will enter upon her duties in| the near future, The office of the | reommlgsion will be located in the | | Richardson building, which is be- | ng aequired by the town. No ap pointment as manager has been made as yet, and will not be until the town begins the operation of he service which should be in the very near future. SKINNY ? Cheer up! here's help. One of the finest appetite-producers and general builders we know of is J. & L. MALT AND COD LIVER OIL $1.25 32 OZ. JAR COUGHS AND COLDS 25¢ a Box BOOT'S MELOIDS And 50c Bottle of Rexall BRONCHIAL SYRUP These two will beat any cold rar 50c TY TINY TOT TALCUM And Pure Rubber CRIB SHEETING 36 in. x 27 in. ro' 50c 80c Vial of the New Popular Jasmine Odor FREE! With $1.00 Box JASMINE FACE POWDER ror $1.00 $1.25 the ok buildings; the tran \ REXALL PRODUCTS ARE ALWAYS RELIALBE Numerous authentic reasons make Rexall products the most | reliable of all. There is a remedy for every ailment, rather } than a few remedies with many funtions. Each product is § based on years cf research in one of the most efficient labor- atories in the world. Ten thousand pharmacists selling Rexall merchandise exclusively, make quantity praduction the basis of great savings. That is why we say "SAVE WITH SAFETY AT THE REXALL STORES" ELECTRIC HEATING PADS Sturdy heating elcments in a soft wool cover of plaid colors. single heat, guaranteed one year. SPECIAL PRICE 3 heat pads $2.98 $5.25 up 60 SHEETS WRITING PAPER Linen finish and 25 ENVELOPES a4 25¢ FOR AUTO STROP RAZOR AND STROP FREE Purchase a tube of cool shave. ing Lavender Shaving Cream for BOc and receive the Auto Strap Outfit FREE B50c Bottle Mi 81 ANTISEPTIS Refreshing month wash and destroyer of all mouth germs. SPECIAL 39 c PRICE HAVE YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED BY JURY & LOVELL THE REXALL STORES KING E--PHONE 28 SIMCOE S.--PHONE 68 CAN'T SLEEP? It you're morrled and can't vleep, let ug suggest a tonic fer those ragged nerves. It will make you eat too. TAKE REXALL HYPOPHOSPHITES $1.00 LARGE 0 BOTTLE 80c Size MILK OF MAGNESIA TOOTH PASTE And a 25¢ TOOTH BRUSH mt 39c¢ 50c Tube of Lavender Mentholated SHAVING CREAM And 38¢ Tin LAVENDER TALCUM For After Shaving, 85¢c ro 50c 35¢c Rexall SHAVING LOTION And 38c Tube SHAVING CREAM , 2% 50c $1.00 RUSSIAN MINERAL OIL = | : Peaches, Apricots FRUITS VEGETABLES THE STORES THAT ARE 98.65% CANADIAN OWNED FLOUR =: 49¢ TIN Oc STANDARD QUALITY Ibs. 3 1 PEAS 3-81 Stop & Shop FINEST PASTRY CHOICE PINK SALMON : - - COFFEE TEA "OUR BEST' Freshly Ground No. 4 5 sTOoP Sieve & SHOP Famous for its IFine ITlavot 6°. NO. Z2 TIN CAMPBELL'S TOMATO MACARONI a . BISCUITS un 1Qe Glacier Sardines 2 15¢ SALMON yn mn 1 Qe Roast ot Beef - SHOULDER Roast ot B CHUC Readicut (Bulk) EXTRA SPECIAL! JEWEL SHORTENING 11. 10- 15¢ COUNTRY CLUB SLICED SIDE BACON 14 FRUIT AND VEGETABLES BANANAS, Choice, Ripe. 19 c Dozen s.........000000 LEMONS. DIOZBN .is ies ionvenaravi 17c 15¢ New CABBAGE. A Se POTATOES. 15 Pounds, Peck ........ ICEBERG LETTUCE. Large Heads Aidiee2 orl dc 19s 1 LB. "ALL GOOD" CARTON SOCKEYE eef BLADE or THICK RIB FISH Fish sold at all stores, supplies arriving daily. Fresh Atlantic Cod, slices . ..... lb. 14¢ | Fresh Atlantic Cod, pieces ..... 1b. 12¢ | Lake Ontario Herring ......... lb. 11¢ | | Smoked Chicken Haddie ...... lb. 11¢ Government Inspected VEAL Legs ..:.......Ib. 24c Cutlets ........lb. 32¢ | Boneless Fillets, 1b, 26¢ | Loins (flank on) 1b. 21c FRESH Weabped v, 1b. Cellophane Pkge. TOP SIDE SILVERSIDE 1.2201 20e "AYLMER"" CANNED FRUITS 10 Boneless Roun Steak Roast - 90 Pound Bag, 90c Cherries, Pineapple Buffet Bartlett Pears Biss 5A 5 Tid-Bits Pineapple ---- "TER" FRUITS VEGETABLES a.

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