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Oshawa Daily Times, 19 Feb 1931, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, i931 PAGE FIVE - Wome {7 n's Interests in the Home and The Community | Social & Personal | Mr, and Mys, Ross MeKinnon are entertaining a party of friends at dinner on Friday might. The party will go on to the Blue Devil's dance in the Armorics, N LJ LJ Mr. and Mrs. George WW. Me: Laughlin left the city last night for Halifax, from where they will take the steamer "Prince Robert" which leaves that port on Saturday, February 21, sailing for Beunos Aires, South America, where they will at- tend the British Empire Trade Fair, "n Mr. Harold James has returned to Sudbury having recovered from his operation in the Oshawa Hospital, LJ EL - Ld & Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith, and son Jack, have returned to San Ane tonio after spending three months Social & Personal Any social notes which read: ers care to submit will be print. ed. Kindly phone or send them to the "imes Office before '0 0 a.m. the day they are to be pub. lished. [Items of news concern ing dences, parties, guests to and from town will be gladly received. Just Arrived with her sister, Mrs. E. James, of! Colborne street, » Congratulations are being offer- ed to Master Ivan Lee, Carnegie Ave, on passing his Introductory Plano at the recent examination keld in the Genosha Hotel, A LJ Mrs. ¥. 8. Potter is entertaining at tea this afternoon. - LJ The regular monthly social even- Ing of Miss Jackson's S.S. class was held on Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. C. E. Young, 104 Lander Road. There were about {0 present. The following the direction of Mrs, Mrs, Bell was given. Reading, Mrs. Martin; solo, Mra, Witterick. A debate then followed, "Resolv. ed that a Good Natured Slouch makes a better wife than a Tidy Crank." Mrs. J. Wilson and Mrs. Wirishing for the affirmative, Mrs. I. Trew and Mrs. Forester for the negative. Mrs, E, Clark, Mrs. A. Wright and Mrs. L. Ferguson were the judges who decided in favor of the aflirmative. A solo by Mrs, L. Langmaid and under program and Tears Northminster W. A. Lay Plans for the Future Mrs. MacDairmid, Buckingham Ave, opened lier home on Monday evening, February 16th for the meet: ing of the. members of Group One of the Women's © Association of Nortmminster church. Reports were given by Mrs, Dunford, the secretary treasurer which showed that the work of the association is progress- ing splendidly. The toboggan party held on Frie day evening, February 6th, was well attended. The ladies are inviting the Eldad Young People's Dramatic Society to give a play entitled "Teatoper Tav- ern" in the church on March 6th, It is the purpose of the group to sell home made candy at the Masonic Temple on Thursday, February 19th when the play "Pollyana" is being repeated by the church, The ladies also proposed having a circle sewing basket in their group, at the close of the meeting. | a reading by Mrs, G. Hills was then given. A contest then followed Mrs. Crow and Mrs, A. Wright be- | {ing the winners. Lunch was then served to all. A hearty vote of thanks was offered | Mrs, Young for opening her home to the class. QUEEN MARY LODGE L.O.B.A The officers and members of Queen Mary Lodge NO. Yi, wile A., held their regular meeting ou WHAT NEW YORK IS WEARING An exceedingly © smart be easily made in an hour or possibly two, The small cost will prove a revelation, The fronts cross and close at the ft side creating a charming slen- lerizing effect. Style No, 2933 is designed for sizes ! | | The hostess served a dainty lunch | morning | dress with kimona sleeves that can | By Thornton Knowledge is the precious key That unlocks every mystery. ==0ld Mother Nature. "Hello, Cousin Poter! What are you so busy about?" Startled, Peter turned to fihd his big cousin, Jumper the Hare, watching him from under a little Homlock tree. "Hello, Cousin Jumper)" exclaimed Poter. "I'm glad that it ts you and not Reddy I'ox," Peter grinned, "You may well be," replied Jumper, "I've been watching you for some time and you have been $0 busy you haven't once looked around for enemies. Yes, sir, it is a lucky thing for you, Peter Rabbit, that [ happened along in- | stead of Reddy Fox, What fs so interesting that you forget there is always danger?" "To tell the truth, 1've been | looking for Jimmy Skunk," replied Peter. "Jimmy Skunk!" exclaimed Jumper, "What under the sun do you want of Jimmy Skunk?" Peter looked as if the question made him feel a wee hit foolish W. Burgess can show you several others and | they all smell alike." (Copyright, 1931, T. W. Burgess) The next story: "A Startling | Surprise." LADIES' AID GROUP HOLD SUC. CESSFUL MEETING Mrs. C. Doubt's. group of Simeoe | St. Ladies' Ald met at the home of | Mrs. A. R. Wilson, Alice St. on | Wednesday. The business part of the meeting | was conducted by Mrs, W. H, Jam- | The program consisted of vous | \ al solos by Miss Mavion Ross and readings by Miss Kathleen Harper, Tea was served to 48 mbmbers | and friends. . A very enjoyable af- | ternoon was spent by all, | GROUP FIVE NORTH- | MINSTER W. A, | The meeting of Group Five, North- minster W.A. met at the home. of |! Mrs. Valleau, McLaughlin Boulevard, | recently to make final plans for the tea they are giving at the home of Mrs, Breault, 95 Connaught street on Thursday, February 19th, from three tu SIX, | corated for tho occasion with red {and white novelties. ANNOUNCEMENT WATCH THIS SPACE FRIDAY For The Biggest Bargain Surprise Oshawa Has Ever Witnesseua TR -- medium size pike will require, about hall an hour boiling. Scrve with anchovy sauce, or with a If u bear were to go into a linen draper's shop, whut would he want! --~--He would want muzzlin', streamery and Valentine The guests were receive HOLY TRINITY Y.IM.S, white sauce, to which chopped par- ed by the president, Mrs, Geo, Mal- gley has been added. lett and the vice-president, Mrs, {Cumming and Mrs. O'Netll, ---- There were thirty-eight table BAKED TUNA FISH play and all enjoyed cards through- 1 pound can tuna fish out the afternoon. Shortly after \ cup eracker erumb | Wednesday evening in the Orange Hail After the business or the evouing, the sisters retired to the dining hall, where a tasty 'unci was served by Sisters - Simpso Snudden and Zufelt. A program was put on by the sisters of the lodge, which was on joyed by all. The Worthy Mistress Sister Howe presented the ody with a lovely cushion, for which tiekets were drawn. The cushion was won by Sister McKnight. 8 years, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48 an 0 inches bust. The 36-inch size re- juires 414 yards of 39-inch material with 14 yard of 18-inch contrasting wd 24 yards of ribbon. Rayon novelties, printed batiste, inen, printed dimity, gingham, men's cotton shirting and tub silk appro- "1 don't really want anything of | him," he confessed. "You sce, 1| The wekly meeting of the Trinity thought: he was asleep over near (Young People's Club has been Farmer Brown's and when I found | changed from Wed. evening to Ir. that he was here in the Green For- [day during lent. This is to enabla est I thought I would like to see |the mebers to attend the Wednes- him and just pass the time of day. day evening devotional ' services | pyq o'clock dainty refreshments 1 cup grated cheese "Who says Jimmy Skunk is injand yet not interfere with thelr|wopg gerved by the ladies. tahlegpoons flour priate. | the Green Forest?" inquired Jums- {club's activities, We regret to an- | Prizes wore awarded to the fol 1 cup milk The tiny vestee is removable, It | per. nounce that thero will be no sleigh owing ladies for Auction Uridge, 2 tablespoons butter is merely fastened at cach side with | "My nose,' party as the weather has not been far. Wallace and Mrs. (Dr) Wil Melt the butter, add snappers, The shirt cuts in three [ can always trust my nose, and |Suitable. But don't forget our nest leq, for Contract Bridge, Mre, Geo land milk and gradually bring to sections and is stitched to the bodice | that tells me that Jimmy Skunk [Meoting, Friday, March 6th, which wep und Mrs, A. McDonald. | the boil. Season, and add the under the removable belt, [1s around bere somewhere, or at |i bea goclal evening; Mareh 13 Lucky Number I'rize, Mra. Feed | cheese, stirring until it {s melted. You will see onc attractive stvle [least has been here very recently. Inspect Rell Tely. plant; March «0 | Haro, ; Add the fish mashed. Turn into Augustus, nervously: "I---er--1I [after another as you turn over the | "on't you smell him?" and 27 games, ete. The members of The Guild are [a greased baking dish, cover with er~--I--er--" Angelina, inter-| pages of our new Spring Fashion "No," replied Jumper bluntly. very grateful to all who contributed crumbs," and bake in a hot oven rupting: 'Well to err is human." Book. "No, I don't smell him, and what Guild of St. | any way to make this such af until brown. Salmon may also Bivies Ao children « Fi miss, the {4g more I don't believe he has been Hoh Homer | To c0! sul event, be served this way. matron, the stout--and a series ol in the Creen Forest this winter. a tn | ------------------------ dressmaking articles, Valentina | ys Colds Best treated without | desing -- Just rub on 100 New Spring Dresses at THE FASHION SHOPPt 84 Simcoe St. South Phone 3083W mn the flour WATSON'S ' replied Peter. a | BEAUTY PARLOR Marcel, Permanent and Finger Waves. Phone 2053. 5 Celina St. FOR, COLDS OF ALL THE FAMILY Wo carry Complete Stocks of GOSSARD CORSETS Solitaires and VALENTINE BRIDGE PARTY The Ladies of the George's Church wero to their friends at a Bridge Party held in the Parish BOILED PIKE He (fervently: "When are you Have F Your Druggqist only college graduates are privileged to All dia prescriptions aith Old Dutch Cleanser does all your cleaning ETTER--because Old Dutch doesn't scratch; contains no grit; protects smooth and beautiful surfaces. Better because Old Dutch cleans hygienically; takes the invisible impurities with the visib that will save you m ney. -Q. le dirt, assuring Healthe Be sure to fill in the size of the pattern. Send stamps or coin (coin preferred.) Price of book .10 cents. Price of pattern 20 cents. No. Slze 2063. It is a book | [tf he had [ would know it." { | "Well, you are wrong!" retorted Peter. "Perhaps you can't smell him over there, but if you will come over here by me, you'll smell him, It isn't very strong, but it's Jimmy Skunk's odor all right. There is no mistaking the scent Jimmy uses, You'll admit that. I can smell it this very minute. Come over here and you will," Jumper hopped over to where Poter was sitting under a beautiful hig spruce tree, growing in a lit- tle opening among the other trees, 80 that its - spreading lower branches were near the ground, Jumper wrinkled his nose. Then he gave Peter a queer lcok and began to chuckle. "Don't you smell it?" demand- ed Peter, Jumner shook his head. hid | don't sme'l Jimmy Skunk," said he. There wna a twinkle in Jumper's eyes. hint Peter didn't see it. "Then there Is something wrong with veur nose," declared Peter. "Yes, sir, there is something wrong with your nose. Here, smell of this branch. Jimmy has left some of his scent on it." Instead of doing went around to the other side of the tree. "Come here, Pater," sald he. "Come gmell of this branch." Peter did as bidden, "There!" he cried trinmphantly. "He has left seme of his scent on this branch, ton.' "What for?" asked Jumper, "How «hould 1 know?" retored Peter, herinnine to lose patience. "Anvwav vou smell it." "No, 1 don't smell Jimmy kunk's «cent, replied Jumper, "Go all around this tred. Poter. and smell of every branch within reach, You'll find the same odor on all. Yet, T don't balleve that Jimmv Skionk would waste his scent bv leaving {t on every branch of a tree. This isn't Jimmy's scent at nll. It belongs to the tree. Peter's eves onened very wide. "What?" he exclaimed. this, Jumper "It's a fact," renlied Jumper. "Because of it this kind of a tree Is known ag a Skunk Spruce. 1 Makes You Look So Fresh, Young MELLO-GLO, the new face powder, Hall, Centre St., on Tuesday after- | noon. Tho rooms were artistically de-to taste and a little vinegar. lay the fish in ¢old water and | when it comes to the boil, add salt Wraparounds LAMBLE'S going to allow me to kiss you?" She: "Come around [I'riday. That's amateur night." A UNTIL NEXT MONDAY. IS IT YOU'RE THROUGH SO EARLY,DORA? THERE! NO MORE SCRUBBING HOW WHAT DO YOU MEAN? HOW CAN YOU GET THEM WHITE IF YOU DON'T SCRUB THEM? ESPECIALLY IN OUR HARDWATER MY WASHDAYS ARE EASY NOW. | NEVER SCRUB CLOTHES ANY MORE RINSO'S THICK SUDS SOAK CLOTHES THE WHITEST WHITE EVER «SAFELY! n steers Jk ds writo us fetter Rinso. Thousan (Millions use NEXT WASHDAY YOU WERE RIGHT, DORA RINSO CERTAINLY MAKES WASHDAY EASY. WHAT RICH, LASTING SUDS! THE GRANULATED HARD-WATER SOAP » ¢¢ | never boil any more H. S. Linaman much whiter than hing machine. And Rinso suds ae \eans a lot here where ss and softeners wbour and 1 use Kiet TRY RINSO FOR DISH: WASHING, TOO. YOU'LL BE SURPRISED TO SEE HOW IT LOOSENS GREASE "Ringo gets MY clothes rouch, i gop 1've ever used in my wa any 80d ] oY poil things any Sos ick yy, lasfing hat, inn or . 'Chipped-up wi oo things of the past. ip > F the past ; Ringo mn the dishpan, ig i eded 5 out. Clothes Of course 1C8 SPAY No softener 1€ arkable suds, dirt soak e scrubbed threadbare. ¥ 4 are spared, 00. they last much longer. Hands ree Ili [his hard-water goap gies hg ¥ C.D : as the lightweight PX A cup {oF SO ded, even in hardest water! Cl sib linens; the makers © : ACS 5 BIG packa: (Ce it Iry Rinso for di hes, 100. 4 In Rinso's rem don't need to b Get the Toronto 408 i will keep your skin from exposure and preserve its youth. The new | "rench process by which it is made nakes it stay on longer, spread imoother, and will not clog the pores. Its special tint is youthful. No flakiness or ({rritation with MELLO-GLO. Try this new won- derful face powder, sold through all druggists and at Toilet Goods Counters. s Of jX~Lever Brothers Limited, ers of LUX~L y the mak ful Cleanliness. : Guaranteed A SIER=because of the unequalled effl- ciency of Old Dutch, your cleaning is done with less time and effort; it is surprising how much a little Old Dutch will do. UICKER --because Old Dutch removes all dirt, grease and grime with a quick, clean, smooth sweep. Old Dutch will help you make short order of the diffi- cult cleaning task. in tub or washer saves needless pain for thousands of people by relieving heads aches and the monthly pains of women and breaking up a cold ovemnight, . for snowy-white clothes TILLIE THE TOILER 0) By Russ Westove ER. BHE COULD BLEEP THIS MORNING AND VD Do HER 1 [WE "THi= TIME To BOE COMING HOME ERZOM A DANCE For A GIRL WHO Tw ao xe: EN "™ HAS ges & GOSH, Or, RLS REALLY MUST BEB GOING, Do {= DIDNT START UNTIL TWELVE /@LoCK Always keep a can of Old Dutch handy in the kitchen, bathroom and laundry==this will save you time and many steps and is more economical, MADE IN CANADA Listen to the Old Dutch Girl Every Monday, ednesday and Friday moming at 845 AM. over the Columbia Broadcasting System through station CFRB, Toronto, 1 of so) wl Zz

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