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Oshawa Daily Times, 21 Feb 1931, p. 9

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: THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1931 "PAGE NIN ® It Is To Be Bought Or Sold - Times Classified Ads Will Do It J Dental \ For Rent | Time Table Help Wanted--Male CONANT & ANNIS Le RRISTERS | DR, S. J. PHILLIPS, OVER BAS | VICTORIA APARTMENTS = AT Solicitors, Notaries Public, Ete | setts. Upecia attention to Xeray |. fey rentals, electric: refrigeration CIVIL SERVICE, THE M, ©. © | Conveyancing ana general prac |work, Gas oxtraction, Nudse in at | ocr stove, washing machine and tice in Law, Office 73 Simcoe |tendance. oe Howe Ve dryer. Apoly superintendent. Phone | Givi Service School is the oldest WHITBY, OSHAWA AO BOWMANVILLE | ooppespondence school fn Canada, | St. South, Oshawa. Phone 4 G. (DR HN. fAARTN 83th) ; ropar D. Conant, B.As LLB; Ad Fy An north, over Mitchell's Drug Store. | 3} ea, = TOUR AND (Bftwtive on and atte Gvtaer oh, 1030) | et jalising In preparing candidates | nis, B.A, LL.D Gay for extraction. Phone 84, five room suites, eleetric stoves a {Standard Tien 0) fos jhe Canadian Sl Service, Get | W. BE. N. SINCLAIR RK. DANR |DRC) IF ROC K, DENTIST, 16 refrigeration, laundry, conveniences. Arde Arrive hg By he iE skuinations of Gomuerce Building Simcoe St. N., over Dewland's. Phone [ Apply superintendent, phone 2071, Sovmanvile A ay Nein) | all Clerk Cuomo 1 JOSEPH P. MANGAN DLA. pak 8 sh BAW. Evenings by ap (83th) $0 am, 208 a i am, ographers gg re Booklet | rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, [ nnintmen IMIREE AND 4 ROOM APART 20 a, an, an, 5 request, Th eo Conveyancer. Money to loan. Of |DR. LANGMAID, DR. DAVIES | nents. Modern to the uvnute. wR an 430 am, hut am, J190 on request, The M, C. C, Ltd, Joe 144 Rig i Bat, shad, Dentists, 37 King St E. Speci at bone 1350 or HV, (1321) Ny pi, 1310 pan, 1028 pam. 1240 pom, (99 32 83 38 41 44 47 80) ono 445. Residence phone tention to gas extraction and X-ray | CGR RENT =MODERN 1 ROO | LAS pil 2.0 pune 240 pam, TERR A) GRIERSON, ORBIGHTON ® | work. Nurse in attendance. Phone ily electric =NU and Migr B who rings doors bes louks Mo ih, a Bn #4 n mn, 40 pm, | RECIABLE MAN FOR ONE HUN: Fraser, Barristers, ote, Dank of | 1213 and 864 .enl in business section, New Ing for a job, & roan oF any SA pan, 618 pny 6.30 pe 643 pm, | red Etore route; this county: ex: Commerce Bldg. Veteri Jttered for $85.00 per . month. desired objective follows a slow, JEu, [Oban LI bam, berlence unnecessary; no selling: f0UIS 5 HYMAN DARRISTER. eterinary Apply Box 108 Times, circuitous . route indeed. Our Ly dng HY iy ted bm distribute and collect, Should het Solloitor, Notary. Over Dewland's | BR, W. D, FORS VS. (28 jan th) Want-Ad columns not only locate - Seventy Jolly weekly, = Shames Store. Money to loan. 18 Simcoe | Honorary Graduate of Ontario NTSHED TT these prospects for Fou out ale Golo Eat Mfg. Company, New Yoronte, Sut street north. Phone 67. Resi: | Veterinary College. Specialises room, suitable oho of two Rontle. assure an Rnntivte ey ew Lav, bie, Areive Bove (32a. 33a dda B00) 85 Dond Street, West dence 8473W. lameness. Thornton's Corners. | oo * 41) convenience. 157 Sime with an Intevested pro pect at pn Pe 00 a | stems a . ND EYS DAR: Phone 3202-2, (9 mar ¢) | joe St. N. Phone 1236W. the gta HWTEOR op Ve al PRA 280 an 8 do Situations Vacant } . 3) am, 9.00 am, -- ta Solio ee Stmeos Optometrist (feb, 11 tf) 0,10 am, 9.35 am, 10.00 am, . N. Phone ! oney to : FOR RENT=1TWG FURNISHED 104 am 1H am 10 am. EARN $8 TO $10 PER DAY, AM- Re pm. 2B BL | bitlous, rellable men wanted at C. HA BA. RIS: | &F1 , OPTOMET E: | rooms, comfortable, for light i hE ix aA, and genom | cal Tue OF OIE LS HA OI ero anuble, or. 1 phone em Lo a gin 30pm | once. Part time pay while training practice. 2214 King St, East [qd glasses. Author of Eye Care und Phe . Li 19 fob (£) . ~ 0 bm. be fay tox Aviation meehiuies, garage | Phone 82387. (tf) | Eve Strain, The Child and Its De. FOR RENT" ROO met any 435 pm. 40 pm 5.08 pon work, driving, battery, elaetric = h es ) S40 pi, 6.08pm. 6.40 pam, ' : Ys AJ. PARRHILL, BARRISTER. | velopment. Disney Block, opposite DURgRIOW, cal Ara -- - A 218 pm, iH hw 245 pan. £30 hm, | acetylene welding, Louse wiring, | ote. Money to loan. Alger Bldg | Post Office. Phoue 1 we, wood Fatma Set " Cl 810 pm, 3.50 pam, 00 pa, industrial eloetrlofty, machinist, | Spooaite Post Office, Flore rat EEL to Rotary Park L ig Hg ADDI - Articles For Sale a Bik ILS pws 1348 bow. | bricklayiug, plastering, draftine, PRANK 8. BDHS, DARRISTE M cs + api | hi ] es For barbering and halrdressing, Act JURY & LOVELL'S Salonen Notary Public, Convoy. Humane Society Sis FOR RENT Tr XCR ET A RM {| GTI WARD AND SOFTWOOD | SUNDAY AND MOLIDAY scuipuLg | Qltk: Ret your application in now. OPTICAL PARLOKS ancer, 'money to loan. Third floor | GRFIUN: BYNG ST. TEL. || FORT RENT-ST ACRE FARM R t { (3 b Guing West Write or call for information, Do | 4% SIAN new Alger Bullding, opposite Post | Tel. ¢28, Mrs. R. B, Smith, Presi. | house and barn, 4 miles trom Osh. ||| a es or 1] Stabs $3.50 per load, Also bone Sy Laave Anive minfon Trade Schools, Ltd, 79 | J. W. Wornill, Op. D. Office. Phone 2000. dont. Tel. 2014. awa, Apply 675 Oshawa St. Hil i body wool, \Vaterous Seek Limite Bowmanvitie phtave Whithy Queen Waet, Toronto, Kastern NeSblRL Sncrinty Medical (8 fame f ooo oc 18 aso) sp iJ] Phone 1268 (ape 2000) en, San dam Headquarters, Kmployment ser WOalRte. Sperintin - oh -- uilding § S upphes TOR RENT STURNTSITED PRON assl 1€ Ss i WE AV k WONDERTU A L VAL "0 pil 3 put 248 thi vice --t oes : to const, hone B13 PRETIAZLEWO0OD & HARP, u g Supplies bedroom, alko bed sitting room, || Wee. in result Lngerwoods, hey | Seder Bang Ely (20 20 32 38 44 50 Go 62 ¢8 V4) ) all conveniences, Near GM. S------ [| as serviceable as when new--at less] Sig Bin i Bi § pu, Distey Block. Phos $050. Lan CINDERS, SAND AND GRAVET Phone 1778W i onl ig ' i] | than half the cost. Sent for your aps | 10.0 pum 10.00 hoi ha Jatt a a ours 9 a.m, to 8.30 p.m, rn B > * ay one 17T7T8W, (18) | 0 13 @ i Rl "uw and 118 ad ated baal i LB | ER J. Hemlewood, speefal attention to | for sale=To insure prompt delivery Toi TNT = oneness: | Plest Jsartion 11 cents roval Address "Underwood," 145 ___ "AUCTION SALE | Surgery and X-Ray.' Dr, DB. H [place orders in advance of delivery iy > aly 11d pee ward, Victoria St, Toronto. (oct 19, 31) Golng Last "PHONE Ma sein] attention to child: dite W, Borre wilale _Phone | 1618 4 ith conveniences, Apply 16 Rofl Minkmum charge for .one | { FOR SALE -- PAINTS, VARN: Wie ave' soil | WEDN BDAY, MARCH 4TH 22 ren's Diseases and Obstetrics. Sun. Vocal PER ----erie os. Th aertion 300, fishes. Ve have the largest assotts | 1000 an, 1005 ame 1045 a, ction wale of farm stock and day and night calls 2416 or 122 COR RENT ATERAUTIVE |) Bach subsequent consecus ment of paints, v 'nishes, ete, in the B00 pane FAIS pn dS po, | Implements, the property of 1, & | For Your Drug Needs DR. MORAY PHYSICIAN, SUN | MARTON H, ROSSA TOM. WIL| | \lartment, central, three rooms, | tve Insertion to per | city. The Paint Store, ¥ Apr 3 CARE Leal Dodi fg [Ss OYUG, 10%. 8 SoU. BF, BAe THOMPSON' goon, Accoucher. Office and res! | accept pupils iu volee production dectrie refrigerator, stove, hot ! word, | West, 23 tf) 648 pm, 700 pon TN my, Whitby Ip (near Oshawa Harbor), dence King St. Bast, corner Vier | and singing. Phone No. 6, water, Inundry with washer, Rous- [1| mhroo conscentive tiers ||| FOR SALE = DRY TTA ARIVI0D a Jo Jol pan a pan, Male ab 12.40 o'clock, See DillK. | 10 Simeoe St. 8 We Deliver toria 8t,, Oshawa. Phone 04, (12 mar c) | nable rent. Phone 1400, | tions for the price of gl bry tmanach 2 $12 2a pihimes marked Feanet a" Witty win tan Gitford, i re bin o | mm RY y IN, | eeu PR 120) (1 . , ™ cord. Norman Sanders, King St Lindsay Dunses Maw, Auctioneor, 50-0 ci ---------- a DR, GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN, - EE pap ( 1 two tlest insertions (three v Wi Py Special te tall Ootush al nem praia | Surgeon, Obstetrician, diseases of Undertaking oR Puli 3 a el i It cents a word), | teat lone 1774M, (9 fan th Reasslall | vig ne Cae vives A JOR aly pi --ar ghd 8 ron. OM nd | FOV RBTR ---- 5 INGE shed rooms lor Huht housekoeps | A y aa ap {3h ase Luo GARTON, PROPRIETC ckers of : " 8, OL 4 oll ast "Prone {URE BURIAL Resider WII ing. All conveniences, No oh. | a ite tortie: | SEUOND HAND SKA VES," CON BOWMANVILLE. PHONE 0 re Con. 3, East Whitby, Tues: 5 ast, Ambulance. Kesidence sda dime | "pp on soy 130) | i plate outfit $1.60 up, Skates sharp Foi Waltin Room, 0 Princes Steet | day, Meh, 24th, 20 milkers ana | bo. coe street, north, Phone 210] and | Lo 0 ee (120) [1] Box number 10¢ additional. 4 2 Richt Frew le ' PR. DAVID . ¥ TO RENTS ra Xa hl VEYA enod and repaired. 12 Richmond springer, 20 yearlings Durham R. DA ARCHER, M.D, C. MN | 210\W. ; fUit RENT ROONED APART: Professional or Business St, Kast (8 jan 1. mo) TAN NATIONAL } kor ng Durl LR.C.P. and 8, Edinburgh Phy |CSHAWA BURIAL CO. M. FT | mont, furnished or unfurnished, | Cardia, 2M por month 13 : ' ; 10) | CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS stoekers, b Yearling grade Durham slofan, Surgeon and Obstetrician | A oly ba Probti Vio marage, 9% Nassau St. or | ArN, per mo | FOR™ SALE=TARD AND 80FT Effective January 1), 1031 bulls, 6 good work horses, 4 sows Office' 143 Simcoe St. N. Phone |prnstiong = Sot, LYOPLetor | Toone 35400. ise) | for 30 words or less, 10 wood Slabs also dry boy wood | (Standard Time) { in pig. Terma of sale, 7 montha nt | . " ' Funeral and Ambulance - Service 046d. : (48¢) 1} cents wu word per month d Dalley. Phone 5O8W Eastbound 1% vor nant. bel EYESIGHT SPECIALIST 8020, Fostdonce, 14 Cadillae Ave | day and -uight. Phone 1082W. 87 | TO RENT-ULONE 10" 08h: | tor sack: additional 'word. ofl 1niey, Jliong hy (23 fob o) 8.23 a.m, Dally, sncent Sunday, Pd per Senl per Junum on APDFOve! | gyeqtaiiiing exclusively tn muscle ansmsalis Nrrth, Phone 8158, a cet) | AWA, 8 ucren of land with 7 roow- | wy 3 TH [6] HT 0) | 113 pm: Daily; encopt Sunday fois ne or yo pieighl aid glassun ®, HAROLD TRICK, OBSTHT |" he S ir Is momen [od house, cottame and chicken | | ans My TRI 8 TOI GooD | i Lm. Luilh a pt Sunday, sharp. 16 cows consist eof Hol | 1816==Plione=151¢ cM, Physiclan and Surgeon pirelia | house, $20 a month ADplY Tairow wood, w H. Thompson, 607 King a4 pn Daily, except Sunday, stains, Rride Durhame,: Ayrshires Dlsaey Block . Opposite Post Office Special reforence to maternity work | WYFH THE NEW LINES OF | and Mordou, 4 Bond St, W, one St W. Phony 14H, a8 feb ¢) ay hor Faaiie: Setanta tirauy, and pars red Jerseys. Eimer Wil. and diseases pecullar to women | paunions Spirella solves your prob- (tau) {| : =u (28 feb ¢ 12.31 am, Daily, bur, Auctioneer; . Office and residence 167 Simcoe | jem, Call Mrs. Diatter, Manaxer. | TO EST 3 TNT ONT Hii | Ask for Classified Ad [ TPUCIAL, SALE OF HONKY AT 36 am, Dat hound : (41-4248.44) Street North. Phone 303. Phone 2180M, (13 mar ¢) | nome, nowly decorated, hardwood |]! Department []| Anderson's Honey Store, next to 135 aoe Dany, Tr Sunday | REPAIRIAG Q TT Ee I Te : ' oh 'avidson's Shoe Store, B8imecoe 6.04 a.m. Daily, . R. W. GRAHAM, M.D, D.S¢,, LLM 1 loors, light, heut and water sup: |}! : carammens! 11 OVC, Phone 1260 9.07 a.m, Daily, except Sunday WATCARES C.C., physician surgeon, gbuteteislan nsurance | plied, Apply 220 Clark St, | =| : iid (30 ted e) i (IS jahiys erupt Bunduy, I OUR SPECIALTY ears post graduunte, Special at: | PA ND). 8 Ch. | aa A nt R---- -- S04 pam. 1latly, : ithe Rn dy og work, Office I vis AND SN Cabana. ie | FORT RINT HOT ON Whi Radio Service {FOR = RALE----ONW ENGLISH 0 pm, we Sunduy, EATON GROCETERIA | It your watch fs not giving 143 8imeoe St. N. Office and rest: | oldest I'ire Agency in OS 3 tre bad ter id y Arial, a WITT SD RADIOTRICIANTTE | iekes Jam 2 Jeriget sendition. ~ ---- " | It Pays To Shop $atisfaction we a repair dence Phone 3020. i | Reputable Fire Companies. | tevmad eta. nagsedslon, Ap. | WAR , all models of radio, powor | one 1749, soll reasonable. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY | BQ A Bi the correct - (Des. 24-1 mo | WHEN PLACING INSURAN( ply A Pascoe, 200 Athol streot pacts, ellminators, at rousonable | i (43e) Elective Junsary 1, 1", 1 , Here Always | time, Co tracing | consul R. N. .lohns, 80 Simca \ (44e) | Jrlees, work guaranteed. Phone | Real E tat fo S le ri { D. J. BROWN n g north. Your insurance wants attend | co RENT VI ROOMS, ALL | 2308W. 2 {sore Burroughs, 1 | in slate for oa . 30 am Nuits, , THE JEWELER UONTRACTING. -- CONCRETE | ed to and your inter ts rotected | conventoncos, $15 per month, We | cPelr Wha his re fall to AR. i RENTS BUNGALO JUST OF BO nr: Dir: xcept. Sunday. Otfticinl Wateh Inspector for lastering, electric or alterations | "Sess a EE " O . p 000 OSHAWA RADIO SERVICE=KI, | " y h 12.08 a.m. Daily, | | { p | T tio havo others, Mack 1000), | ing St. WW. ldeal location, Apply Canadian Natlonal and Oshe Phone 139 for estimates (1881) | ransporta n ' (44a) | PAIS on mall . power Jick and el | 4 Rosehill Blvd, Phone 30589 15 sm. haily, -- | awa Nallronds LRT | rh . Hinators ube teste and supplic * a vy adn / | i q . » | CARTAGE AND SITOTAGT | FOR RINT THREE ROOM | lio pol & p It BALE-< HOUSE BARGAIN Westbound [| .s 20 Simcoe St. N. Phone 180 Veterinary Surgeon Coleman's, 85 Bond west Specialists | fiat, nicely furnished or partly 4 rn or ye uiteriee charg Oiliawa, east end, residental am Pail Visit Cur Store Bit SHIRLEY VETERINARIANS in furniture moving, Storage ware | 'inl hed, eo ovy convenience, elec hartes Wales. 146 Plein Fast 1h, new mix room, three pleced ALS am, Daily exeept Sunday ! AND SER OUR LINY Specialise, Diseases Bomestis Anim: se a movieg van equipment tricity and poo, also garage. Apply Pc O00 With NOU , furnace, sun room, Ifrench ji ham, Datty. q als, Cat and Dog Hospital. 20% | _ne®d Lon Arron Ave (440) lio n e niher. Gvt vr iol td, garage. Five thoucand, one aay co The Fashion ho King West. Telephone 620. IRROWDALE'S CARTAGIE 110 RENT! YOMEKD HOUR fae Ty 4 i Lick v ur tithe tund down, Possession Murch, GRAY COACH LINES v ppe 5) Aug i | eral cutage ond libasehold yun) yy (hie, fie reat. Oak floors down. | oul North : i : IW $2 Sin A. Rutherford, Custlaton, i. - pL Hy 1 84 SIMCOL BT. 8, COAL COAL he ! d © { utalrs, conven'onees, Larve | JARES AOI COATT y NO du . (44 ve Oshawa hasve Toiant ) Ear, Nose, Throat Specia ia ist muercial work. Local and long | garden, Phone 1257W, (440) | 111 motu. -W 4 a ol ALIS J RE FTORE Fol sal AM PM, , AN, TM as Plone 108 DR. I. T. BRYANS OF 180 DLOOT | tance. 609 Carnegle Ave, Oshawd | mo "yponoe.=NjomLY FURNISHED ansformer: si) uivua, oatigrin L Luy, About five tho and in 07.30 Ha Te HH -- "HMW.J. SARCANT AC A] : ey i" h AF h 4 ners, colls, ete 0 or Liuy, A 3 x Street West, Toronto, will be at hiv Jue 1618, {dec 10 tf) bedrootin, very warm, every coh- uve apparatus. Ka On 0 hut Gea everything, Would accept 1% ad v.30 2.0 . Yard--80 Bloor Street E. D 1OVING He h iu} Karl Fowler, 801 9.50 0 10.44 3 { r ree lee pb EL Lovers rid ance cartage day or night. rates] [STONED Pett reasonable, central [ Vrouch Bt. Phone 1880W, | hawa property part payment, 10.1) 43 14 "0 ROYAL YORK Orders Fiomptiy Delivered ch Baty or : R878 Albert Bt. Phone 2500, P , ¢ 148 Timon. (42¢) na 0 ! nN ' p.mi, for consultation and troat- | freely given, ¥. McQuaid, Phone (14a) | LY mar 4 --m---- ! 0.3) HG ment of diseases of car, nose and | 2423W, 110 Annls St. ¢ i LOY A WESTMOUNT RADIO 81UDIO ATA GROCERY BUSI- A780 Lv] | FOR RENT HEVEN ROOMED | atficle wien dod Ls 00 R10 throat only, Appointments may be £28 fob o) feb o) | | an efficient wervies, all makes ness in Belleville, Would take a 30 . Oran " nt wrlels house, $25; four roomed | » tai a . 430 UR] ge mad at drug store, Pl Phono 97. im r y ' . | fadlo's power pacts and elimin i ume | shaw ' 10,3 ) 2 L ea ~ Beaut Parlors frame, Irench street, §105. 1'hono | tops, ty a4 tosted and supplied J 4 #ouse tn. Ostiawa, Phone bil v He Pekoe Seco d Ha d D | 2091 (440) | Phone 271610 bi i" (44a) me=Kncept Sunday, | n n ealer BETTY LOU PERMANENT! vo nia riNisiie BAR (T mar ¢1 | UR TENT TR TTY oom | Saturday Buoays and Hotld - 10 RENT-ZFURNIRHED 4 ROOM. | sea winnie, | FOR BALLE-~NEW FIVE ROOM Sundays oniel alidays. only 5 w NEW AND SBCOND HAND FUN Wave Shop. Specialists in perish od apartment, heat, ght and Upholstering wue, chicken house and garage, | = i AX y 2, . . 4 I aif Po:nd 28¢ niture bought and sold 180 Bloor | ent, finger and marcel waving Per | water, near Motors, -Immodiate | wore _ 0 " with half acre land, '4 mile north street east. Phone lon l i : rire ware vests 6, $150 Slo and posrassion, Also 4 garages, Apply | RENNES] AND REGPHOLITER. Harmony four corners, east side. Motor ay (26 deo tf) 1 ine seatuty Cu ( borne St. Kast, ide) | 10 Oy 100 Blmeoo Bt, Bouth pa --p---- - w 5 576108 LINE pe ture. 'Phone 2968, Apply 86 Simcoe | LLLoiborn A LSI | doo our stock of fabMa remnants | A DANDY LITTLE HOMB--I'VE FoR TALE=-OXR FORY LOUIE At all Superior Architects street north TR ILIINC IVT "For Sale or Exchange | fo: portiers, cushions and ro-up | "ot to well my little home, & brick | stone Ave, 00 (44h) Stores U0. 0. STENAOUSH GENERAL EXPERT MARCE G BY BEL | ort v 80D PIANOS AND PLAY: | holstering purposes . by pleco or | ""c6, fh rooms, bath and fur (44a) ab) k. 8 da floor | ty, Ward at Betty Lou Permanent . ANOb AND Pl yard, Got our prices on automobilic | Nace, [ pald $3800 and through ER TE ed ond 1406 Wave Shoppe. Marcel and shampoo | *F Panos taken Hid sxchanye Ao and furniture. Expert workman ro con will sell it for $8100 Res. phone 909J. hone 29 radios, i Joy Mes hg Blme | ship guaranteed. 26 yoars' exper). | With a wmall cash payment, Box Th tof ¥ ; Special M Grey Worsted THOM Nau. | MARCELLING 35, FINGER | 00 Bt. North, Phone 371W. ence. (6 mar oy | 105 Times, (21 fob tf) $ Poit of, Montreal normally - || Special Men's Grey SON AND JOHNSON, AS- W £0c. | " 25 | (17 'mar e) | CA -------- i » { FORT i pcomemerance | Handles some 12,000,000 tons of mei« CE Rimnaniad 11 sui to Clear hitects. Simcoe St. § | Waving S0c, hair cutting 25c at La | poner ison sssene | 16 ACRES FOR HATH OfCTRADE | chandise, he i : sociate arch p LOAN WANTED se. The aggregate tonnage of / ) arisienne Beauty Parlors, Ask for : | 70 acres plough lund, 06 weres $2,000 ) WANT { asian Over Felt Bros. oney to an WAN ; vessels handling this merchandise {s 1] | Mo Miss Robbins, Phone 71, le | WANTED T0 "HORKOW==FE,000 | bush, good huildings, Plekering about 20,000,000 tony. | | Auctioneer EY A ¢) LOANS ON Go0b i ny PROPER dotlury on first mortkage on Brick township, $8500. Will trade for - at 4 pre Sunt. Client will give ||| Docs Clothing co . - . PE | ty and farms ply A | Parkhil "near house In north end, Apply | Oshawa property suitable for store. ; | first mortgage on property, s FHONT. er ov. J SULLEY. Experts in permanont, finger and | 37 Kina St Tas he 1614. Box 161 Times, (446) | 10x 163, Times. 21 teh tf) exten. fou, Ss i Sinan tN alaet or 08 King St. W. Phone 9141 uctioneer, 0 imco eam 4 EE LL ETRE an | mem een -- 3 3} 1] F awa, Ont, Special attention given to Mares) waves, Permanent Wa 94 Batter Service For Sale or Rent nt OWNER DROPE ¥B00=-1r BOLD | 1,300 mills in operation, with an in #8000. ' #6, $10, $16. 86o morcels, 20¢ y @ w will sel which household furniture sales and farm | pimg giv by Miss Duauette | gris ow | ve this week, will gell home vermont of $68,000,000, | stock and implements, Your patron. | ime glven by Miss Duquette | GATE AND™ HERVICH PLATE | FOR NALIOf WENT=A MALL | cost $4500 for $3500 and with i | Jo H.R, LUKE | age solicited. SHE 33. 5a Jails pore, Lock Batteries, car or radio bat- | Acrenge, six roomed house, barn, ( only $500 cash, b rooms and sum- | mri and vegetable canning factor Telephones 871 or 087W | y : CHER BUT N Muse terion eharged, 7c, Called for | electricity and. furnace, Close to | mer kitchen, all conveniences, 88r- [joy in Canada now total about 300, amon S) Ont., ;arm and house sale specialty. and delivered, W. If. Platt, 317 | school and town, Box 149 Times, [080. 330 a month pays for it. | with an pnual, production valued at Terms, low, Phone Oshawa 1648 r 0 RT 1) i 'ER, SX. | colina. Phone 13547, (10 mar ¢) | = (420) | 22% LA LLL (L150 10), | about 440,000 Bassett's hs 28 mar o) | Organist and dd of "Kin am ' f ' 24 7 323 ap Street Church will accept pupils n BATTERIES CHATIOWD Tbe Pei vod Decne Pets and Livestock Canada has some three billions of I'l On Oshawa's Main Corner . Hemstitching Piano, Lipe organ and vocal music with rental £100, Repaired and | FRANFON AND POWERS PAP: | BABY CHICKR, HATCHING | dollars Invested in her transporta- f Eo CHING PLEA ING TE 206 illiain Street, East. Phone | rebuflt, Called for and delivered erhangers, painters and exports | 9564, custom hatching Barred | tion systems, including railway and PO TA TOES WENT His. TLE ateaemih. 0, (Sept. 2 tf) | Prompt service. Stan Dligdon, 20 on hardwood finishing, Phone | Rocks, White Leghorns, Write or steamship lines, another two billions 00 Ib, bag Be puteons and buitonboler The LEC Ary Eh. ® AM, | Mill Bt. Yhone {ns ; 20-1 hb, (44¢) | phone for salogue 1131], Ontiawe iA Niet highways, and a billion in N " $1.10 i 1 ervisor o usie, & Aghekic or mo! Hatohory & oultry Farm, 14 ew Brunswic! of] Dell Stop, 26% Simcoe §. Phone Ai rm : Furnit ired A ' wun@he ue, 2578T, (Aug 25 tf) | osm _-- urniture Park Road North, Oshaws, e : ros ¥ 1656, fe: me) NT PE "Work Wanted FUTRTTURE KEPAIMED ~XND 4 131 mar 0) The first st patent for homestead fand Ontario cco eves 1,00 ™ I Fewer PLEATING, Al- anted to Buy TC CUTSOLE. Fi &i CASS TAF. | ro upholstered, draperies made to Uider prov clal government control Th terations, hose repaired, (Dress WANTED 10 B0Y--" BROODET, | erhanger. painting tod trainins, | order. (0, Fug Constable, 27 Bona ae Sontination ol FA rich ore to a was granted by the Albers Hogg & Lytle Ltd. e Leading Jeweler Waking a Hesiahy), Ou work » stove and incubator, up to 600 | Prices right, work guaranteed, i |. Last. Phone 5322), i the great gold. copper property. is BoE Promines Mitiva sac nds in Mone 203 Haabiivhed 1449 egw capacity, reasonable. Fleaso | Pine Avenue, Phone J005W, af) | (Feb, 4-1 moO) | announced, eral to provincial control last fall, 4 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH Bboppe, 4 Prince St. Phono 1048W. | i040 make and price to .0; Box " (11 mar ¢) 1 LL, Oshawa, a Si} BRINGING uP FATHER LESSONS IN ELOCUTION AND | BELT, EASTER #0TTS,TADIER | WE LIN Bo, wi : = ev) public speaking, Private or in class |are looking for Spring styles now. K/ bts OF ME Wil AN A SroNED di) p, , MSS TALLOT ? OO € COME es sor terms phone Lois Mundv | Get started during the best selling || You IZ REPAIRING IT LINN' WOULD DO - \ UGHT OVER~ | WANT You ; TO PUK THR No. 35 or 312. neason with Canada's Inrgest made. BAD YOU HAD DOWN y OME © ; Dee, 17-1 mo.) | o.messure ladies'. clothing enthb- © cut "" Shoes R lishment, Exclusive territory, com- KPENDE + plete line of knitwear, for every " "a . SOUTH END SHOE HOSPITAL, | "emson. Knsembles, dresses, linger shoe repairs & speciality, also sell |e sweaters, hosiery and under second hand shoes. Good ss new | err. Write now for particulars, $1, $150, and $1.75, 426 Simeow Uritish Knitwear Limited, Simcoe, South, (21 feb e) | Ontario, (43¢) mer A SADAME , KOWN, . PALMIST, | PRACTICAL NUKSE, MATER. Business private. 93 Luisa Street, [ity work, Excellent references, Mrs. Phone 20701. GV. (22 feb ¢) | Borrowdale, Phone 1618 igh chit lh dm Les (40 feb ¢) Watch Repairing PRACTICAL ROWSE --BOCTONS VA, VON GUNTEN, EXPERT |reference, maternity, invalid, gen- 1 €wive watchmaker, repalr shop at | ors) nursing, Will assist with |B 44% King Street West, Your pat | housework. Charges modorale, | tonic 18 soloed, howe 3953J, £42 isa gt | I. - aaa dy hy -" -- -

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