of ~ wood, Mr. . tal is being rus THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1931 Eastern Ontario News | 3arn Destroyed : Crookston.--The barn belonging to _ Mr. Thomas Emmerson was destroy- wd by fire. There seems no way vhatever of accounting for its origin. [he building was situated quite close 10 the dwellin , and the occupants <new nothing of it until some neigh- Sors seeing the blaze called them an the telephone. Found Unconscious Sg, ueensboro.-- William Franklin, 73, is lying at his home three miles north ere in a critical condition as the result of an ident while Franklin, who is subject to weak spells, went after a loa of wood and was later discovered bya neighbor, on the road a short dis- ance from his home in an unconscis sus condition. Store Robbed : . Peterboro.For the second time with- n a period of six weeks, Hebron Davidson has fallen victim to mid- night marauders, who again entered his grocery store at Braidwood and Lock streets, getting clear away with booty in the form of groceries, candy and tobacco. Mr. Davidson after a sasual check up on his stock esti- mates his loss at $40.00. Sent To Jail Lindsay Kenneth Walker, 31 yrs. of age, and a former employee of the Foagen Life Company in Lindsay, was sentenced to four months in the local county jail on a charge of un- lawfully taking collections amounting to $265, of policy-holders made by him, and belonging to that company. Tender Accepted Fenella.--The directors of the Fen- alla Rural Telephone Company met at the home of J. H. Mouncey, the sresident, Earl Boyle, presiding, when tenders for linesman were opened and that of James Waldie for thirty-five sents an hour being accepted Refuses Pension Lindsay.~One interesting feature concerning the recent celebration of the 102nd birthday of Thomas Mason, grand old man, is that this centera- tian refused to the old age pension to which he was entitled On the recent visit to Haliburton of His Excelency the Earl of Willingdon, at that time Governor-General of Canada, Mr. Mason was one of the few honored guests who met him personally and had a man-to-man talk with hin Flower Show Success Port Hope~The midwinter bulb and plant show conducted in the Town Hall by the local Horticultural Society was an exceptional success. The show of itself was unique in the fact that it was held with King Win. ter holding sway out doors while the interior of the hall presented a thor- oughly springlike atmosphere Making Prog Kingston--~Work on the new pots tion of the Kingston General Hospi- fled to completion, A great deal of the painting is done and the plumbers and electricians are busy, The date when the new por- tion will be completed has not yet been set, but it is hoped that it will be ready for occupancy by April 1 Fair Dates Changed Lansdowne. ~Owing to the change in dates of the Kingston Fair, Lans- downe Fair has been obliged to change to Sept. 9-10-11, This is ear- lier than usual, but is unavoidable un- der the circumstances, Married 50 Years * Brockville.--~Mr. and S, Purvis, of Junctown, celebrated the fifty-ninth anniversary of their wedding, Mr. and Mrs. Purvis have seven children, nine grandehildren and one great-grandchild, all living. The aged couple, who have lived for years in the Junetown district, are receiving the hearty congratulations of a wide circle of friends on their anniversary, Mrs. James Ce -- Golden Wedding Selby Mr. sand Mrs, 11. A. Mar. tin celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary recently at their home in the village of Selby, Mr. and Mrs. Martin have lived in Richmond township all their life. Mrs, Martin, formerly Miss Emma Denison, daugh- ter of Robert S. and Ester Denison, was united in amatsage to Henry, Ane son Martin in 1881 by Rev. W. A. Oliver. Mr, and Mrs, Martin have one son and three grandchildren, Choir Entertained : Kingston --Following their annual custom, Mr. and rs. J L F. Sproule, of Westbrook, invited the members of the choir of Sydenham Street Church to their home. Miss Flora Sproule did her full share to make everybody happy. After de. licious refreshments had been pare taken of, and "For They are Jolly Good Fellows" sung, the party broke up. Mrs. Sproule is a valued mem- ber of Sydenham Street choir Visited Bowmanville Port Hope. --A bus load and several cars of members of Durham Lodge No. 78, LO.O.F, journcved to Row. manville and paid a fraternal visit to Florence Nightingale Lodge No. 66, and exemplified the initiatory de- gree. Faces Serious Charge : Brockville.~Howard Albert Cain, of Lyn, aged 19 years, appeared in olice court and was remanded until 'ebruary 27 on a charge of causing bodily injury by explosives to the person of Victor Quinn, 14, also of Lyn, Contracts Awarded Kingston--Contracts amounting to $8,068 were awarded by the Public Utilities Commission at its meeting in the Utilities Building. The new equipment will include a back-run condenser at $3,462, a multiple con- denser at $3,004, a centrifugal pump at $203 and necessary valves for the new equipment at $407, Hospital Full Poll Tax Delinquents Nrockville.-- Summons to appear in { police court are being issued and served on 46 made residents of the town who have failed to "pay the municipal poll tax. Roads Slippery Kingston, The highways have heen very slippery for the past few days and as a result several cars have gone into the ditch. The soft weather covered the road with ice which formed a very rutty surface. Light falls of snow hid the treach- ots and unwary drivers had eros difficulty in controlling their care Marks along the sides of the road show where several cars have gone into the ditches, but no reports 'of serious damages to persons or pro. perty have been received lee House Is Filled Brockville.--~W. A. Empey has eom pleted the filling of the ice house at Dutternut Day, the ice harvested off that resort being 14 inches in thick. ness and of excellent quality Accident Victim Improves Yrockville.«~The enindition of Dale Price, ®on of Mr. and Mrs, W. TF Price, 114 Abhott street, who sie tained a very serious brain injury at the TFugene T. Phillipe Fleetrieal Works, Ltd, on Tanuary 23, continues to improve. Paralysis of the right ASPIRIN Tio" bass of 12 Latte, Alas horiim of SA md 00k Sovegtonn a? "Made In Canada" i . Tablets 'Aspirin! For Prompt relief from COLDS. ......, SORE THROAT . RHEUMATISM . . LUMBAGO ... NEURITIS .... ACHES ond PAINS Does not harm the heart ire DODD'S KIDNEY 7] M | \lurket, Toronto. Produce OXIra8 sivas eniien gs, Firsts (.oo000 000 Eggs, pullet extras Butter, dairy per pound 0.28 0.32 Do, Creamery, psr pound «.i.vien 036 040 Fruits and Vegetables TORONTO FARMERS' MARKET The followiffg are quotations, re- Wl, in effect on the St. Lawrence 0.40 Regs, BE 0.856 Seas Carrots, 6 bunches ..evvs 0.50 Beets, doz. bunches (seve 10 side, caused through a drill penetrat- basket : ..., ir 050 ing his brain, is gradually disappearing | CADDAES sees . 5.08 310 and the attending surgeon is confi. CaulttoWer .eessass 0. yrod dent he will fully recover in time | Spinach, peck ..esyere=t 94Y from this complication. Mushrooms, per pound .... 0.40 ------ Onions, bunch, three for .. bE Car Theft Charged Leaf Lettuce, three for .... 0.10 Port Hope~~Charged with theft of Head Lettuce, two for ... 0.26 a car owned by Harry Lucas, Co | Carsley. per bunch .... 0.06 0.10 bourg, Thomas Quinn, Lovat Place, | Sele: head severanass O10 appeared before Magistrate Floyd in | Jauash, each ..ecees 0.15 0.35 Cobourg court and was remanded un- Parsnips, basket cassssss O50 til Feb. 23. Quinn with James Sulli- | Beets, basket Ju.iiewases : hi . Ve I'eppers, each van, who is in a Toronto hospital, are alleged to have taken Lucas' car on Herbs, bunch .. ees OMY Sunday morning later crashing into Radishes, bunch ..eveevia 000 a T.T.C. pole at Toronto Sunday af. | ranges, per doz .... 085 0.70 ternoon. Honeydew Melons, each 0.25 0.40 niin Grapefruit, ® tor o.oo UBL Died Suddenly Potatoes, bag ....i: 100 L1H Napanee «Death came very sud- Cucumbers, six for oi. 0.60 denly to Rueben Brown at Sandhill, | Lemons, per dom i aaa 08D The deceased, who was well up in | Bunanas, per dozen .. 0.86 0.80 vears, had not been seriously ill and | Apples, bus. ves 1,60 B26 lis passing was very unexpected Do. Snows, 6 qt. vy «oc Od This is the third death in the family | Oranges, doz. 036 0.70 since last July. During the month of | Can Green Peas, 6 qt July Mrs, Brown passed away, and basket : vine wan AGS on Friday his daughter, Mrs. Ray | Beeplant, each iia ae Calver of Dath passed away in the [(ircem peppers, basket ... 1.20 Hotel Dieu, Pears, basket dxae sem Th i sweet potatoes 6 Ibs... «.. 0.25 Q0fficial Board Met Cranberries, ate «o.oo 0.26 Sunderfantl="The 1931 newly or. | Pumpkins, cach 0.14 0.30 ganized official board of the United Church met in session. After dis: [TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS cussing various recommendations of Grain dealers on the 'Toronto Nobrd of Trade are making the fol the congregation, the following items lowing quotations for car lotx, were recommended to the Board of Kingston. --The majority of the beds | Stewards for action: A satisfactory Manitoba whent--No. 1 'hard, at the Kingston General Hospital are | rewiring of the upper section of the [03 ci No. 1 Northern, 67%; No. occupied at the present time. Many | church with the installation of new 2 do 6oMe: (elf. Goderleh and of the patients are suffering from | lights throughout the auditorium of Bios ik £3 heavy colds and other ills, particulars | the church. Mr. J. A. Anderson wa Manitohn ont NO PCW ly prevalent during the winter season, | re-elected as treasurer of the con- | 878% ei No, *1 feed, 56%; Noo 2 wie gregation, My, J. Stanley Miller wa Frond. 48% « Car Demolished chosen secretary of the official hoard Manitobt . barle No. 1 CW Port Hope.~Crashing into the side - ------_ ae: No. 4 CW. 28 of a truck load of cattle, R. |. Dixon, A ranting corn. the Cell Por of Peterboro, sustained minor in- | MAYORESS (I AIMS Colbor ie) sic | juries on the highway near Bowman- Aloe: : val outree | ville, His car was demolished, The LU Li ITU Thi 4 1 el a gal, accident occurred on the bridge at | i" ton. $71.05: pharte. por ton, $1. the turn west of town, Frank Sim | | middling. $97.95 + 3x mons, of Bowmanville, was driving t Ontario a Wheat. 65: bate west with a load of cattle, while | ! Ny 4 lov. BSc: outs, 376; rye, Jo uek Dixon, entering the town from the | wheat. 48c. cast, crashed sideways into the truck INM ATE T Soni The accident was investigated by (Thi Uunt - ---- Provincial Constable Smit! hoped ut loaet for some days' rest ------ in hospltal When they leave the! hospital they may have to go hack | Newspapers Says She Is Just | . to a crowded home even more exe Sentimental | haurted than when they left it, "1 am aware that the early eall | ing of patients 1¢ a habit practised nearly everywhere The Jewish Hospital ha that, and {if one hospital ean re-organize the work of the staff it seems to me that others might do the same It 4 detrimental té recovery nnd in. furious to the nervoiis systom to be stiddenly awakened man have onty just dropped into a 1 freshing sleep." that IE] ary to a London.-~The view hoth unwise and unnece waken hospital patients very early in the morning was recently dis missed in an Interview in the local press, as 'a lot of sentimental rot." The Lady Mayoress of Manche ter dissents strongly from thi view. Interviewed, she dwelt upon "the desperate' need' of suflicient sleep on the part of tha women pa- tients. "I think," she sald, 'that the women patients themselves are the people who ought to glve an opinjon. woman is taken ror her confinament into a hospital nine less the cane Is abnormal or pect od to become so, and in such cf ( cumstances she requres more, and not less, rest than usunl I was n patient there in a private ward when my second haby wus and I found it absolutely to sleep with the nofso of the tram cars passing, the whistling of the engines from Oxford Road RAtation, the noise from a garage nnd fro taxfeabs, and the bustle the n musement-seeking crowd H | really of no use to put ont light and say that patients should go wv» sleep at eight o'clock, hecanrn they ofton ennnot go to sleep HI toward | 1ed netting hung on the pile two In the morning, and then only land from which they find it im through wphoer exhanetion And | possible to escape. The principle | then a maternity patient fa to loan. [the game an that of a rat trap wakenoad at half-past threo Floating traps are also used, the she hag passed throngh a most ex- | chief difference from the driven hausting night and is most in need traps being that the netting is sus- of sleep, pended from floats instead of being "1 am amazed that any respons. attached piles, "The greatest ble person should have made a re-risk in this type of flehing Is the mark ahott the matter heing 'sents trap pirate,' sold Mr. Hill. "Brib- mental. When 3,000 mothers dieery ls tried on the watchmen and every vear in this country in child- very often he is openly attacked birth the rate of mortality has he« 100,000 salmon being worth a lot coma an urgent question which of money. As a consequence, all might well be made a subject of ype-trap watchmen are armed with efal inquiry. Many of the poorer rifles, ¢ woment who go into hospitals have "This type of fishing is confined already suffered from insufficienthy Government regulations to use rest during pregnancy, havein internattonal waters," altered hen one MUCH B.C SALMON CAUGHT BY TRAI'S Ont., Feb 21 today, Mr. Norman it) representative of the Leaf almon Ppekers, can Clover Leaf salmon, e in detail trap fishing fo almon ag practiced today. horn, "Of the many different method ible] of capturing salmon at present used on the Paeifie tha most pro duetive and least contd Is tray fishing, the catch being London, In {Interview FE, loc lover a No an hora of plained ners impo cont average about 100.000 salmon per day. YA fish m f of 0 row swlending oft from shore 1 hundred feet or end of tha piling ar + Into which the fish are of trap econsivtn after to and ' Produce Prices in the Commercial Markets Toronto sing) buy ors are n duce at'the. following tbe pro Eggs-- Ungraded, cases roturned trosh extras. 24 to 26c¢; fresh firsts 21 to 23¢; seconds, 16 to 18e. Butter--=No, 1 Ontario creamery solids, S14 to 32¢; No. 3, 30% to c. Churning cream=--Special, 81 to 82c; No. 1, 80 to Sle; No. 8, 27 to 28a. BS nd) 1 large, colored, raftined and government grade od, 14% to 14je. ig Quotations to poultr, are as follows: y y Shivpwe Poultrye. Dressed "A" Grade Alive Select MF Spring chickens, 6 Ibs. ed. ..iieiv 19 84 237 Over § to 6 lbs. ea 18 22 25 Over 4} to 6 Ibs, each +... ..vvsv 18 81 2¢ Over ¢ to 4§ lbs. Of «oun es 18 19 8) 4 Iba. each and une der «iiiiivvees 30 28 30 Fatted hens, 65 to 6 - Ibs... June 19 238 Over 4 to § lbs. ea, 17 31 .. Over 83 to 4 lbs. each ... +4 +o 14 18 , Under 3% Ibs, ... 13 18 .. Young 'turkeys over 13 1s. 0... 88 Do, 8 to 12 Ihe. .. 82 Do., under 8 lve. . 28 Old turkeys ....... 81 . Geese, market pricos, Old roosters, over 5 hs, ed i. «13 18 . White ducklings, over Ibs. ea. ...... 25 28 Over 4 to 5 Ibs. each . viva 33 38 Muscovie ducks, over 0 1b8: viii anne 30 00 Ws 4 to A lbs, LE SE Guinea fowl, por pate $1.25 pat $1.26 (Selling) : dealers are offering Toronto Speedy Relief RHEUMATISM wards by the operation of a lever in the bilot's cockpit and to cast Out on to the surface of the water Pain stops. Relief comes | & DUMDber of air bags to serve as Quickly .- pt ela i floats, The bags remained deflated T-R-C'® 60s and $1 atall druggists produce to retail dealors at the following prices: Eggs -- Fresh extras, in car tons, 32 to 88c; fresh extras loose, 80 to Sle; firsts, 87 to 28c; seconds, 21¢; pullet extras, 28e. Butter--No. 1° creamery, prints, 34a No. 2 creamery, prints, 83c. AEROPLANES MAY BE PROVIDED WITH BALLOON FLOATS Successful Experiment Was Made Recently at Felixstowe London, Feb, 21 An experis ment with an aeroplane made buoyant on alighting on the water in an emergency wos carried out recently at Felixstowe by officers of the Aeroplane and Armament lixperimental Establishment at Martlesham Heath, Suffolk. A similar attempt was made two or three years ago, and the present experiment indicates the import. ance of the subject, especially to the Fleet air arm, in which land aeroplanes are flown from the decks of aircraft-carriers and in the event of engine failure may have to alight on the sea. The aeroplane used In thig ex- periment had been modified so that the sides of the fuselage might be made to collapse out MUCH B.C. SALMON CAUGHT IN TRAPS vi 7 4 Vi SAH rim Lis or SALMON 18 CAUGHT IN TRAPS TOO : Lifting them out in brail nets out on the coast of Briar olumbia, Trap fishing, though the most productive method, is limited by tae Gov 50 that a sufficient number of salmon will escape to the apawning | pin Lines to Central "TELEPHONE 262 5 Direct | until they were needed to support | the machine on the water and were then rapidly filled from bottles of compressed air carried in the fuse. lage. . The aeroplane, alightin sea in the ordinary R308 the most submerged, and then as it lost speed was buoyed up by the alr bags and floated with the up- beg Wing and part of the fuselage above the surface. The machine was left in the sea for several hours to prove the possibility of he Nualning ion long enough r rescue and salva to be carried out. 5. Oporutiony May BRING PLANTS HERE New York, Feb. 21.--Cha automobile discounts for Fring poses on United States automobiles exported to Canada announced last night is expected by motor ear executives here to have little ef- fect on prices, but it may influ- ence some manufacturers to oper- ate plants in that country, HEARING I'OSTPONED Chicago, Feb. 21.--Anticipa disclosure of the reason for 'ha sudden departure to Canada of W. Perkins Bull, K.C,, while' court proceedings required his presence here, wag deferred today when an Lxjunction hearine involving tke an barrister, wa until Monday. & Dostponsd HOPE FOR INDIA Gandhi has sald that the civil disobedience campalgn will con. tinue, not to register any protest against the new constitution but solely against the use of alcohol, the use of foreign cloth, and the salt tax. The attitude of himselt and the Congress Party toward the new constitution has not been an- nounced, but the Indian sky seems to be noticeably brightening. The girl at the typewriter must have been inepired when she made the types say. 'The doctor felt the patient's purse, and declared there was no hope." | Aduiral Pipe $1.00 | | Three 15¢ Pkgs. Turrett Pipe Tobacco » « 45¢| ; $1.45 | This Big Value | $1.00 Al REXALL THR STORES | Jury & Lovell | King E. "hone 28 Simcoe 8. Phone 08 | | | | Nd RA id Te ASP IAT arn eT This tag identifies DH cone-cleaned anthracite D & H CONE-CLEANED ANTHRACITE is so good that a special method of identification had to be devised. € When making up deliveries several cone-shaped, cardboard tags are scattered - the coal . . . tags that guarantee genuine D & H CONEs CLEANED ANTHRACITE. € Look for the tags. They * protect you against substitution. They identify the, coal nearest to absolute purity. They assure you that the coal in which they are found has passed through the latest scientific cleans ing process . . . CONE-CLEANING . , , the process that cost millions to install. @ Again we say, look for the tags and you can rest content that every last ounce is of the highest quality 0 { | - FREE | | One Bag of General Motors | kiln dried kindling wood with | | each and every ton. anthracite, | J 1 f wy