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Oshawa Daily Times, 24 Feb 1931, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1931 PAGE FIVE Women' s Interests in the Home and The Community 'Social & Personal ma Mrs. C. G. Young, of Athens, Ontario, is visiting with her son, Mr. Ralph P. Young in the city. Mr. and Mrs. McCaldon, of To- ronto, were visitors in the city dur- ing the past week. " Miss Ann Britten, of Toronto, spent the week-end at the home of ber parents, Mr. and Mrs, F, Brit- tem, 73 Albert Street. . » . . W. G. Morris and H. Sweet, of the General Motors Central Office in De- 'roit, were visitors in the city yester- 2y. - . ® rn Roy Elgie, of the Canadian Na- onal Railways, Toronto, was a busi- ess visitor in Oshawa yesterday, Captain J. Milton hs was in the :ity on Monday completing arrange- nents for the illustrated lecture vhich he is to give in the Rotary 'all on Friday night. 'R. WJ. Harding and F, A. Bohne, united States vice-consuls at Toron- to, were visitors in Oshawa on Mon- lay. LJ L * J. Lockie Wilson, inspector "of Hor- ticultural Societies for Ontario was a guest last night at the Genosha Hotel. * LJ * Mr. Richard Stockill, Police Court Clerk is confined to his home on Rit- eon Road South, due to illness. LJ * » Mr. A. MacIntosh, formerly of The Times staff has taken up residence in Toronto, where he is taking a special course in aviation, Social & Personal Any social notes which read. ers care to submit will be print. ed - Kindly phone or send them to the Times Office before 19 30 a.m., the day they are to be pub- lished. [tems of news concern ing dances, parties, guests to and from town will be gladly received. KAYSER FULL FASHIONED HOSE Chiffon and Service Weight $1.00 LAMBLE"S Phone 528 Just Arrived 100 New Spring Dresses at THE FASHION SHOPPE 84 Simcoe St. South Phone 3083W Sixteenth Birthday Celebrated by P.M.A.C. Club on Monday The P.M.A. Club celebrated their sixteenth anniversary Monday, Feb- ruary 23, 1931. The: meeting was opened by singing the well known hymn "There Is Sunshine In. My Soul To-day." Prayer by Ensign Dixon, « after which second hymn "What a Friend We Have In Jesus" was sung. Ensign Dixon read a passage of scripture from the fourteenth chapter of Luke, also giving a very inspiring address which was very much en- joyed by all. We were then favoured with a piano solo by Miss Weeks. Mrs. Rice, first president of P.M.A. Club was present and gave a very interesting talk. Recalling old times of when she was president sixteen years ago. Master Teddy Morgan, four year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mor- gan gaye a drum recital accompanied by his mother at the piano. Mrs. Witterick, a former president, gave a talk and read an old yearly report of February, 1925. Teddy again favoured the mothers with a song and drum recital, after which the secretary, Mrs. Green, read a very satisfactory report of year 1930. by The meeting was brought to a close with prayer. Refreshments were then served. There were thirty-six mothers present. Collection amounted to four dollars and seventy-five cents. A hearty welcome is extended to all mothers. Pres., Mrs. J. J. Meyer. Sect, Mrs. Green. i Treas, Mrs. Dolly. Successful Euchre Held by Victory L.O.B.A. A very pleasant evening was spent when Victory L.O.B.A. No. 583 held their Weekly Euchre in the Orange Hall, in Burns' Bldg, on Friday evening. There were sixteen tables, Ladies first prize was won by Mrs. E. Bint; second by Mrs. Bartly; and the consolation by Mrs. J. Massey. Mr. O'Reilly, gentleman first, Mr. Geo. Lee, second and Mr. H. Foote, the consolation. There were also iro o special prizes given and who by son and Mr. Phelps. aon ane were served by Mrs. Selleck, Mrs. Hutchison and their committee and a social hour spent, *Mrs. E. B. Grigg, Young Street, has been confined to her home with | illness. LJ LJ LJ Mrs. Gordon Myers, of Ottawa, is visiting her parents, Dr. and Mrs. B. J. Hazlewood, King Street East. . NN . Messrs. George and Thomas Wil- son, who attended the funeral of their brother in Toronto on Mon- day, have returned to the city. LJ Ld " Mrs. N. Ford Beach, of Ottawa, is visiting with her grandmother, Mrs, McPherson. WATSC IN'S BEAUTY PARLOR Marcel, Fermanent and Finger Waves. Phone 2653. 5 Celina St. ALBERT STREET YOUNG PEOPLE'S LEAGUE The meeting was opened with a hymn with Miss Irene Brown at the piano. We repeated the Lord's Prayer. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Mr. Harold Leman read the scrip- ture. We sang a hymn. Irene Brown, social vice president package holds much goodness for you. The long-lasting flavors appeal to the taste and help to keep the mouth fresh and the breath sweet -- the sugar supplies the body fuel that burns, up 'excess fat and keeps you keen and alert. 7° ">d and good for you. Inexpensive -- Satisfying. WHAT NEW YORK IS WEARING By Annebelle Wi Worthington ILLUSTRATED DRESSMAKING LESSON FURNISHED WITH EVERY PATTERN At last! Here is a snappy day dress of plain coloured flat crepe silk in fashionable light navy blue, The white crepe neckline band that slips through a tab buttoned closing at end of the V, falling in scarf effect below the waistline is a darling and youthful mode, It's a simple wearable type that fits, so admirably jnto the smart woman's wardroba for conserva- tive day wear. The skirt cut slightly circular has inverted plaits at each side of the front, which adds width and a smart tailored-air. Style No. 2951 is designed for sizes 16, 18 vears, 36, 38, 40 and 42 inches bust, Printed flat crepe with plain contrast, crepy plain and patterned woolens and wool jersey make up attractively in this model. Size 36 requires 31% yards of 39-inch material with 3% yard of 35-inch contrasting. You will see one attractive style after another as you turn over the pages of our new Spring [Fashion Book. Styles for children or the miss, the matron, the stout-----and a ser- fes of dressmaking articles. It is a book that will save you money. Be sure to fill in the size of the pattern. Send stamps or coin (coin preforred). Price of book 10 cents. Price of pattern 20 cents. TTT Street Address "city State took the chair, and a hymn was sung. Miss Jessie Hurlbert sang a solo 'Garden of Happiness." Mrs. Perry gave a very interesting talk on "Prayer." Mrs, Stirtemant, president, took the chair, The meeting was closed with a hymn and the Mizpah Benediction, KING STREET YOUNG PEOPLE'S LEAGUE The weekly meeting of the King Street Young People's League was held on Monday cvening, Feb, 23 with Group "B" in charge. Stanley Harris acted as chairman. The scripture lesson was read by Margaret Switzer followed by a short talk by the group leader, Madelifie Tooley. The business was then taken by the president, after which Rev. C, E. Cragg conducted the reception ser- vice, The topic for the "Modern Religious Movement in Japan To-day." Interesting talks were given by Evelyn Massey, Mar- jon Treasise, Greta Crouse and Jennie Pringle. evening was | light. BURGESS BEDTINE STOR s ~- \: A / Sallipher Respect your neighbors and their rights, : Avoiding thus unpleasant fights. =Peter Rabbit. Peter is very ch inclined to respect the rights of his neighbors. Perhaps it is because he is natural. ly timid and is no fighter at all, Timid fglks seldom are good fight- ers. , Anyway they avoid fights when they can. Now that he was safely under the big brush pile in the Green For- est it seemed to Peter to be the wisest thing to stay right there for a day or two if necessary. He did- n't know where Yowler the Bobcat was, but he suspected that he was hanging around, hoping that Peter would come out." That Yowler was in hidng where he could not be geen Peter felt sure because Blacky the Crow and his friends had stop- ped cawing and flown away. At least he supposed they had flown away because he had heard ther voice once or twice in the distance, after which all was still. Had Fow- ler been in sight they wouldn't have gone. For a long time Peter remained squatting in one place. He was in no hurry to go anywhere and he needed a thorough rest. Indeed hr took a nap there. It was nierh! when he awoke, This didn't make any difference. Peter likes ni it quite as well if not better than day For a long time he listened, long ears of his standing otraight up to catch every little sound. Hearing nothing suspicious and his nose bringing him no suspi- cious scent. Peter began to move about often having to squeeze those | through between sticks that he Snuff up nose; also melt in hot water and in- hale vapors. ICKS VaroRus From Mother of Six "I am the mother of six healthy children. I am 39 Jean old and I do all my own usework including washin and sewing and I feel well an strong. I used to suffer a good | as women do and nothing helped me much. I have been taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound in tablet form and it is the best medi cine I ever used. I will tell any woman more about it if she will write to me."--Mrs. J. H, Lehr, 962 Seymore Street, Van couver, British Columbia, Lydia E. Pinkham's Yeetable Compound By Thorsion W. Burgess could neither crawl under nor climb over. So at last he came to a little sort of room from which led the big opening Yowler the Bobcat had used. This little room was just about big enough for one the size of Yowler to lie down in comfortab- ly and Peter's nose told him that this was just what Yowler had been doing. "He {sn't, here mow anyway," thought Peter. "Probably he ig out hunting. He likes to do his hunting at night. Well, I'm thankful he isn't here. I've seen enough of Yowler to last me the rest of my life. I don't like him and I don't like the smell of him." With this Peter started on to continue his explorations of the big brush pile. It happened that he had not been in that part of the Green Forest before for more than a year, and in that time that pile of brush had grown very much in- deed. You see, it had started with | a fallen tree, one that had been | blown over. Then Farmer Bro=«a | and Farmer Brown's Boy, who had been thinning out the Green Forest | around there because the trees) were growing too cloge together for their own good, had thrown the] small branches cut from trees they | had taken down, onto and around the fallen tree until what had been | a small pile of brugh when Peter | was last therc had become a big | one. Now Peter dearly loves a place | like that. It was great fun to ex-| plore it and he really was having | a lot of fun all by himself. Then without warning he discovered that he had a neighbor, who was fast asleep. It was startling, to say the least A queer feeling ran over Peter and up and down his back. He wasn't exactly afraid, vet there. was something for fear in that fun- ny feeling. It was Buster the Bear. Peter wasn't exactly afraid for | ST ANDREW'S YOUNG | | meeting { Arthur Slyfield, libgarian of the Col- the very good reason that he knew that there was little likelihood that Juster would waken. Once long "efore, he had found Buster's win- 'er bedroom and he knew that like Johnny Chuck and Nimbleheels the Jumping Mouse and some others, Buster usually sleeps all winter. He was in that strange sleep call- ed hibernation. Peter's first im- pulse was to get away. from there at once, but somehow he couldn't. It gave him a thrill to feel that he could sit there so close to this great big fellow who, when awake, was the one person in all the Green Torést with whom none of those living there dared become familiar, Yet here he was, timid Peter Rabbit, sitting right besidc him. Do you wonder that he was | thrilled? (Copyright, 1931, T. W. Burgess) The next story: "Peter Makos a Cood Guess." PEOPLE'S SOCIETY The feature of Monday evening's was a lecture given by Mr, legiate Institute, upon "The Reading { Habit." This talk was primarily a | review of a recent study made upon this subject in the United States. | | One surprising fact was that. those | | people who are most active in other | | matters find more time for reading Married people, of course, read the most, Mr. Slyfield gave a place of pre- eminence to the Bible as the word of God. He said that it was unique in so far as it's message was con- cerned, Tt dealt not in origins alone but in ultimates, directing men's eyes from earth to heaven--from a ma- terial realm to a realm of spiritual realities. At the close of the lecture views were shown depicting library work among the young, Wonderful For Indigestion When your stomach feels bad; when Gas, Sourness, Ndusea or after-eating pains make you feel miserable--a single dose of pube Bisurated Magnesia will Dring you JIustant Relief! For Indigestion, the prompt effectiveness. of this special non- laxative BISURATED form of Mag- nesia is really wonderful. Even the most obstinate cases quickly respond, Pleasant and inexpensive to usc. Ask your druggist. Small Sons of Pickering Home Are Christened On Thursday last a very pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lee, Pickering, when their two little sons were christened by Rev. H, Stainton, Pickering village, an old friend of the family. Those present werc Mrs, A. Lec and Miss Hilda Lee; Rev. and Mrs, H. Stainton and son Ronald; Mrs. Jones, Whitby; Mrs, Emmerson and Mrs. Robbins, Port Perry; Mr. and Mrs. Will Fursey, Oshawa. ap at wm Am offieny" Rep Rose Rost TEA - RCNOCE we oor Label & rss 4 noon"- The Wednesday Price For Curtain Marquisettes & Cretonnes It's a one day selling proposition--'Morning and After- -And the price has been dropped to less than actual cost to make it interesting for you. 36 inch FANCY CRETONNES 36 inch CHECK WHITE MARQUISETTES 36 inch FANCY COLORED MARQUISETTES Wednesday- All Day 14¢ yd. "This Cocoa has a delicious flavour, hasn't it?" OU like to have the refreshments you serve appreciated, don't you ? Your ftiends will always enjoy a cup of FRY'S, with its mellow, chocolaty flavour--almost a fragrance--and its delightful ability to banish fatigue. Precious heritages from the past, these qualities, for over 200 years of skill in blending and Prepasadon, and of faithfulness to ideals of quality, ve marked the progress of the House of Fry. Write for Free Recipe Book. J. 8. FRY & SONS (Canada) Limited, Montreal, Que. 298 TILLIE THE TOILER IE + YOU SFE How SiLLy IY IS To GET A FELLOW TAKE MAC'S Kr ~ WHAT \S |] YOU'RE RIGHT - NOW LL do Yo LUNCH 2 King FPestures POSATION « 18N'Y IT aan "Too NOT My FATHER ? \ ndicite, les, Great AS, AT Mary \ HAVE AN DEA - LETS GET GOING 4% Tween Tug N SO00- WE GOING TO "TONIGHT, TACK yin WR i : i At A a

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