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Oshawa Daily Times, 25 Feb 1931, p. 9

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THE OSHAWA 'DAILY TIMES 'WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1931 ; : PAGE NINE ET. It 1s To Be Bought Or Sold - Times Classified Ads Will Do It Sqr Et GESTED oF SLT OVER BS vo ever I | Time Table |PUPILSAYS ANNE Solicitors, Notaries Public, Bte |gett's. cl attention to X-ray | new low rentals, electric geftigeration | ( y/ ( AY KT) RAW NR Conveyancing hat Sengia) uae work, Gas Eyction gle A at | electric stove, washing machine and tice in Law. Office 73% Simcoe |tendance ne louse ile. | dryer, Apoly superintendent, Phone y - - SER - : OF GREEN GABLES » St. South, Oshawa. Phone 4. G {DR H., M. COOK MUOE § 25%3F, (85tf) Y--- Os in | UM Bi R (0 5 . Busy 4) An a \ : Donan, ob: uleB.; 4 ee a BR ii SIMCOE MANOR « FOUR AND (Effective on and tier (October oth, 1930) W AS KING'S WIFE : PATHOL TW i h : five room suites, electric stoves . BN, SIN I K.C, BANK|DR, J. F. BROCK, DENTIST, 16 refrigeration, laundey, SORveNichoeS. - Sisunieys onl) ve Anive: dwive Witty Hospital ot nerce Building. Simeoe St. N., over Dewland's. Phone 1987, Res. 202. Evenings by ap Apply superintendent, phone tT Bowmanville Yhawa, 08 : AN B.A, BAR pister, Solicitor, Notary Public | pointment. ATER Conveyancer. Money to loan. Of | DR. LANGMA D ES | SIRE 430 ¢ ROOM APART. T- 14% King St. Bast, Oshawa | Dentists, 37 King St. E. Special at | BRU 1560 or 2347W. (13208 fice Phone 446. Residence phone 837 |iention to gas extraction and X-ray OF TENT -NODRRN work. Nurse in attendance. Phone | + OR RENT--MOD 4 ROOMS, 8B who viags doors bels louke IERSON, ORBIGHTON & 1 bath, electric stove and other con: tater, Barristers, ato, Bank of | 1243 and S64 veniences in business section, New JE Tor A Joby & Futin we uHy oy as: erce Bldg Veteri Offered for $35.00 per month desired objective follows a slow, od tory. One of the questons was: rice LOUIS §. HYMAN, BARRISTER. erinary \pply Box 106 TI P a circuitous route indeed. Our om. 9.0 p.m, "Who were the wives of Henry price .....oivi000. 8328 Solicitor, Notary, Over Dewland's | PR. W. D, FORSYTHE," VS. "» eh Want-Ad columns not only locate AS pun LS pane 130 Vine: The amazed principal ONTARIO 'MOTOR Store. Money to loan. 16 Simcoe | Honorary Graduat Ontariu WEF Aen these prospects for you but also learned on reading one student's | 4 R Te y assure an immediate interview Going East answer that Katherine af Aragon SALES LIMITED FOR REN ve \ "Anne of Green 00 Slmcoe Street South For Rent » 2 Claims She Was Final Choice of Henry VII Chevrolet Sedan, 20 model Toronto, -- Recently a western PPICe co iqennnian 8008 school had an examination in his« Chevrolet Coacln 28 model CBP Som E "2885 a8u8 TPTEOPT Tess FE3332233 - "com FSempma pis «588855 zo . Lea: fence 3473W. \ameness. Trornton's Corners | Fooms, comfortable, for light with an interested prospect at Hoopital Whitby Oshawa Bo i | o » BER AND § DAR. | Phone 202-2, ! (9 mar ¢) | housekeeping. Phone 3338W. : the greatest saving of time and Nn bE, Gables', 1he second: ch Mes. Mac risters, Solicitors, eta.y 3414 Simcoe e which Mrs. §t. N. Phone 3160. Money to Loan Optometrist fox RENT TT ACRE FARM, last meeting of the Authors' Asse ALEX C. HALL, B.A., BARRIS CH, TUCK, OP OMFTRIST SPE | jouse an barn, 4 miles from Osh. elation. Her audience was fortu- ete. Conveyancing and general | gjalist in muscle anomalies, eyesight y Midd te enough to have an experience ter, ete. C i d general t . eyesight | AW2 Apply 575 Oshawa St ol Eto} i practice. 22% King St. East | nd glasses. Author of Eye Care und > (19 mar ¢) 1, any rely For Y . : woman, with dark. brown mirthfu eeds J PARKHILL, BARRISTER. | velopment Disney Blick, opposite | All conveniences. Newly decorated. a gyes, Tend 4 chapief from ier new 2 Dos N [) ste. Money to loan. Alger Bldg | Post Office. Phone 1310. } Low rental, Apply 271 Jarvis St. book---the eighteenth by her pen; THOMPSON & Ki an _e) (45¢) | | Joyed the fun go much herself, and | V0 Shncoe St. 8! We Deliver she made the most of every good Solicitor, Notary Public, Convey . housekeeping rooms with heat, Ea ancer, money to loan. Third Boor | GFFICK: BYNG ST, TEL. 1017 W, | electricity and water. Phone | JTXED TIARD AND SOFT WOOD | SUNDAY AN SLIDAY SCHEDULR "L. M. Montgomery's" new book, when it comes out, will deal with Office Phone 2906. dent. Tel. 2014, FOR RENT--5 ROOM BUNGA- bardy wood. \Vaterous Meek Limited ----_-- ("hone 1288 (apr 26tf) 300 am, 9.30 a.m, Fig J and is not written with an oye to Disney Block. Phone 2050. Office | STNPDERS. SAND A.) GRAVE! | FOR RUN I =NBW VE ROOM | as serviceable as when new--at less} 7x pm so h ) \ "RK, , RAV i lay NA " ! . A . WW pum. 0 p.m, $13 pon, what she calls * levee," and hours 9 a.m. to 8.30 p.m. Dr. B |: Cie Po insure prompt delivery | house, chicken house and garage than half the cost. Sent tor your ap: | 1000 pun. 10.30 pm. 1045 pan writes her oh bh TA Don't EYESIGHT ' SPECIALIST Surgery and X-Ray. Dr. B. H |4%, W. Borr vale Phone 1618 | north Harmony tour corners, cast per word, iJ] Victoria St, Toronto, (oct 19, 31) d passed on"---gay that I dled, her tn. syesight and glasses, ren's Diseases ad obstetrics, "Undertaking FOR RENT 3 ROOMED HOUSE" insertion 0c, || shes. We have the largest assort- | 10.00am (ils nom, 104 dun, of an heirloom jug has brought | Dissey Bleck « Opposite Post Office day and night calls hor . . ment of paints. v nishes, ete, in the| 0pm. 141s pm 1245 pm, everyone to the 'levee', in rpite of > "as bulance. Residence 542 Sim. | Drew St. Phone M14, (46¢) ive insorth 1 ; } geon, Accoucher. Office and resi | "ast Am i! Ab A bl dbl JE ue) tive iInsortion 1c per West Apr, 25 tf dS pm. 7.00 pam, 7.30 p leasant bit pf history will be drag- 3 > oe, Street, north. Phone 210) and | FOR RENT. 4 ROOMS, CON- word. i hu SALE DRY ErlyuaLy R13 bm 83 bm 90 pa. a out to the leht of doy, While REPAIRIAG toria St., Oshawa. Phone 94. . HAV BOT ¥ veniences on ground floor. Separ- Three consceutive inser |} $15 per cord. Dry tamarack $12 a ie ana a pn Whitby wit | the malicious old testator enjoys WAT A "GRANT BERRY, PHYSIOIAN, [{ SHAWA BURIAL CO, M. F. [ate entrance. Apply at 39 John St. tions for the price of cord. Norman Sanders, King St | 'dndsay Buss herself largely, and leaves her ine ATCAES [ Special Busses fo rall Occasions tentions untold in the end. OUR SPECIALTY street north. Phone 67. Rest: Veterinavy College. hy TL tare Artive Amive | was the first and 12 feb te) 30 am. . 2 h v { effort, % 9 . Donald gleefully yepeated at the ses. ) not given to many--to see a pretty Phone 8237 (tf) [ Eye Strain, The Child and Its D, 6 ROOMED HOUSE TO RENT. opposite Post Office. Phone 1614. and to hear her read it. She en- FRANKS. DBBS. DARRISTER. ee Hunane Society FOR RENT -- 2" TURNISHEL _- Articles For Sale | story, Trust her for that, new Alger Building, opposite Post Mrs. R. B. Smith, Presi. | 1452M, (460) |} R f vabs $3.50 per load. Also bone dry Laave . - i hy Leav: os SYR J ates or Bown ills. Oi oe Nive the clans in Prince Edward Island, oo . an ¢) | low, north, modern, all conveni- 1.00 0 S Medical = Buiiine Storie === | ences, im1icd ate possession. Apply || 1 ift d Ad WE HAVE WONDERFUL VAL-| '500 pon 20pm 248 pm Sil} 43n 138 Anne Seles Ter PRS. HAZLEWOOD & HARPER, u upplies 29 Buckingham Ave. (4b) | \ ass! 1€ $ ues in rebuilt Underwoods, They are| bi bun 430 pm. 448 pan, ang pT i an ow ne pst ome J. Healewood, special attention to | ca orders in advance 'of delivery | with one acre of land. 14 mile First insertlon=--11§ cents proval. Address "Underwood," 135 say "the decensed passed out or | Speclaliiing exclusively to muscle anomalies ; Léa j Harper, special Attention to ehlld side. (460) Minimum charge for one FOR™ SALE = PAINTS, VARN:[ Wiley Othawa Bowmanville structions ran. The bequeathing| ° 1518--Phone=1518 PR. McKAY PHYSICI PHYSICIAN, N. SUR [LUKE BU RIAL CO. 67 KING ST ST All conveniences and garage. 186 Each subsequent consecu: i city, The Paint Store, 80 King St. 4 id Fo bam, i Date the knowledge that every past un- dence King St. Bast, é¢orner Vie 1045 pm. 1H OO r , Obstetrician, diseases of Armstrong & Son, Proprietors. or phone 500J. (46a) two fig insertions (three : Mone 1774) Surgeon LJ wo fir. insertions ( i}| Fast. Phone 1774M, Reasonable Rates and Careful Drivers | === SESE 1f your watch ig not giving {nfants and children. .Ofice and | Funeral and Ambulance Service FOR RENT-=TWO "OR THREE ! cents a word), i (9 fan th Tesidence 97 Bond Fast. 'Phone A Right, | Faous BW i rooms, unfurnished or partly fur Minimum charge for three [I WCORD HAND SKA VEST COM: BOWMANVILLE PHONE oo se Langu Agents 'Wanted satisfaction we can repair 1155. Sein ies nished. Gas, Every convenience. insertions GOc. 1! lete outfit $1.50 ap Shutes sharp | Oshawa Waiting Reo Room, 10 Prince Street | RELIABLE PARTY WANTED TO and make it tell the correct hone 2283 nN DR. DAVID ARCHER, M.D., C. M.| Spirella "| Apply Box 181 Times (47¢) i \ «ned and repaired. 12 ftichmond ) \ handle Watkins Products in Osh- time JO. ., Edinburgh Phy- -- ne s Ak hd FI ea Yeti ox number -10¢ additional Hig ' 3 ckiel a ; 1 h 8h IB.0. gin Bn DUPER WITH THE NEW LINES OF [49% REN P-BRItH OL ig Professtoninl or Business it, Ena. mes 3 100 1- WO CANADS awa. a tablished, Eafe D. J. BROWN Office' 142 Simcoe St. N. Phone | fashions Spirella solves your prob. | MVC 2 roots, <0 per mops Cards, $250 per mont FOR SALE--HARD AND SOFT "ANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS me b ' THE JEWELER $020, residence 14 Cadillac Ave. | leth, Cull Mrs. Blatter, Manage: PRIY. 334 & 5 (470) for 20 words or less, 1 wood Slabs also dry body wood . RC Wille at on The a, BR. Watiing Official Watch Inspector for Nerth. © Phone 3165. "| Phone 2189M. YC 1% mar ¢) PYARM 3 ) RENT ¥ ACRE conts a word per mont! Fred Lalley. Phone iid ho) Es Montreal. 749 Cralg St. West, Canadian National and Oshe DM. HAROLD TRIOK, OBSTET: ep a. JAN scam s | Aplondid loam at Oshawa Haibour, for each ndditiopsl word eb ¢ Daily, posing Sunday : : awa Rallroads DT ROLD, TRICK, on Insurance {ood budcin:s, . fall ughin GET MY TRICES FOR GOOD Bay, except Sunday ---- SLR LIRR 20 Simcoe St. 8. Phone 18 Special reference to maternity work DAVIS AND AM ETTRIT done, ne. Pos A April | Up }) wood w fi, Thompson, 507 King Daily, . : Help Wanted--Male ere a cultar to women | DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE. | 1st, 1531. Apply to G. b. Conont, none 3 it. W. Phone 742J. Dall. except Sunday Office and residence 167 Simcoe hw BY west, Osawa. The Oshawa, ERIE ) (9 (28 fob ¢) aes, Sesvt Saturday CIVIL, SERVICE. THE M,C. C. Street North. Phone 303. o gency in Oshawa. wa us TAT BALE OF IONLY AT R ble Fire C F Sal Ex ge ASK for Classiic t Ad baily, wound Civil Service School is the oldest R. W. GRAHAM, M.D., B.Sc, L.M Reputable Fire Companies. or e or Exchan { ask for Linsyithe Ne ersou's Honey Store, mest to ent correspondence school in Canada, WHEN PLACING TNSURANC FOOD USED PIANOS AND PLAY: (|) Department teldeon"s Bhoe Store, Simcoe kad Daily, except Sunday falizin 4 g in preparing candi- COA COA 0.C., physician surgeon, obstetrician { Daily specia J + Phy (] consul R. N. Johns, 80 INC y¢ planog taken in exchange on |} ; th. Phone 1250. L Daily, dates by mail for the Canadian 8 years post graduate, Special at h tenting To maternity work. Office hopth, a insurance wants attend dion. Sed 'Johy Meagher, 9¢ Sim fi (30 feb ©) ally, except Sunday, Civil Service. Get ready for the Phone 193 ed to and your interests nrotectec coe St. North.'Phone '871W, -- a A Jit CALE---COAL AND "GAS Eieoniicm =BE2CES TTPPEsEs paTTUTTES Dats except Sunday, Spring examinations Yor positions BAW J, SARGANT 143 Simcoe St. N. Office and resi . etter Carrie C Radio Service fabination, MeClary cook stove Daly. as Letter Carriers, Mail Clerks, Yard----80 Bloor Street EB. dence Phone 3020. Transportation STC RI LLL Daily, except Sunday, Customs Clerks, Stenographers, ; v or snle. Reasonable price. 35 John ne Typists, ete. Booklet free on re. Orders Promptly Delivered | (Dec. 24-1 mo . FOR BALI OR BXCHANGE =! | maser oon o : ARTAGE AND STORAGE | soc. 1 roomed. house. tars an. | CERTIFIED RAGIOTRICIAN RE | st. Phone 59OW. (48¢) CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY vest, The M. C. C. Ltd, Toronto Contracting ian' ast. Specialists} srase . haw | Pairs, all models of radio, powc ALE SPECIAL NOTICE Elective January ii Coleman's, 85 Bond west. Specialists | arago. 4 miles from Oshawn oid "on ninators, at reasonable | VR SALE SPECIAL NOTICE, Standard Time) 10. GONTRACTING. CONCRETE | in furniture moving. Storage ware | [deal place for poultry. Apply Freo | Ju anver's potatoes 9( 3 00 89 85 48 7 v AL prices, work guaranteed. phon potatoes $00 a bag, 301 Eastbound (20 32 85 38 41 44 47 50) plastering, elecirle or alterations house and moving van equipment | Conlin, phone 1654 r 14, Cite) | $806% or a saralietd, RL IONO | rrencl Si. oF LL (46c) | Daily. rs one or es : Xo a eee a 19¢) | repair what others fail to fix. FOR SALK---ONF WICKER SET- . Daily, except. Sunday, -_ v Veteri S BORROWDALE'S CARTAGE ~- | FOR RENT--TWO OR 'I HRKRK | (20 mar ¢) [tes and chair. Excellent condition. Daily. so _ TECUMSEHS CLIMB eterinary Surgeon General cartage and household furt | yngurnished rooms for Hght house | OSH AWA RADIO SERVICE=RE | Real bargain, Phone 2833M aft ' | Daily, Windsor, Ont., Feb. 26.--Lone ng ture moving. Special attention to] i o a OSHAWA RADIO SERVIC E=-RE hiss § ahva'l BoE don Tecumsehs climbed up aheod PR. SHIRLEY VETERINARIAN Commercial work: . Local and long teeping. Newly decorated, Apply | pairs on ratios, power packs and el epgm. (47a) of Pittsburg and into a tle for Specialist, Diseases Domestic. Anis. distance. 609 Carnegie Ave. Oshawe 198 Div' sion St, (46h) | iminators, Tubes tested and supplied FOR BALE "CHILD'S CHATAQUA third place in the International als, Cat and Dog Hospita Phone 1618. (dee 10 tf) FOR EXC YHANGE '] ROOM {ide pol « for sale. Batteries charg | desk, beds with mattresses, dress- bai: except Sunday. Hockey League standing here to- King West. Telephone 6290. <== | house, all conveniences, garage | ed and repaired Phone 3350) | o 1 J 2 { WM q 7 NG . y Hy ag rs and liioleum, ete, Apply 26% hb night, by nosing out thelr only 5 aug tf) OVING LOCAL, LONG Dis For house or lots in Oshawa Blvd, | Char es Wales, 146 Elgin Fast Simcoe St. South, (47¢) why: Caadion rivals, the Windsor Bull- Specis' jaace cartage. day or night rates) o. apply Box 160 Times (19 mar e) | == Ta GR d by a 4-3 margl eely given. F. Mc Hh : ' . HE TEST Ay COA ops, JY 8 Te mang Ear, Nose, Throat Specia'ist| freely given. F. McQuaid. Phone (470) | THE TROUTLCE Wii: YOUR Real Estate for Sale Effective 4 Seatemin ne 3 A Shinn. 2423W, 115 Annis St. : i : a i RFT BRYANS OF 180 BLOOD (28 fob ¢) | === wossizs | radio may be tubes. Get v ur tubes Jo RE. 4 BUNGALO JUST OFF eave Oubava ua ) eave Torente M P.M, PNET wa S22S8saR 233589 pzz33s233 ¥ 28SS prEToOS NeENA m--lowe BESRR Bi = Bessa sszz:z2 Toes seg amr So tions 2388s Ss acs over Jum, &, Levels (198 Beauty Parlors | RENNANT AD REVI STEN (17 mar o | 16 Rove Divi pine Soar. | Rif 8 eV satan ea paowza-- ai Co, 185 Simcoe St. South | FHT ERAT -- (17 foi ) 10 2.30 p.m., for consultation and treat- | svmery THI pi BE ng J ini EARLS RADIO REPAIRS TON |. .) 8 9.80 3.30 K Ol PERMANEN [| 'es our stock of fabric re inants | yyy" fo wo soli tubes. batteries, | A. DANDY LITTLE HOME--I'VE| 10% 4% KARN throat only. Appointments may be ent, finger and marcel waving. Per | istering purposes feca. OF J made at drug store. Phone 97. manent wave prices $5, $7.50, $10 and . B Durpates by pleca OF | aye apparatus. karl Fowler, 801 | Ottage, 6 rooms, bath and fur- ou. . Second Hand Dealer $15 All other lines of Beauty Cul aL SUP prises will Htatile | French St. Phono 1866W. nace. I pafd $3800 and through 8.3 THE DRL GOIST con ar Pg . Kxpe workman . . vronmitances will sell it for $3100 a0. 3) ture. , Phone 2968, Apply 8 Sim: 5 vour (9 mar c) : or [ ic . pply 8 Sinicoe | pip guaranteed, 25 yours' expert: | coo with a smell cash payment. Box ed 11.3 FOR SERVICE street east. Phone 1617M. ty Ward at Betty Lou I'ermanent Furniture Repaired radio's power pacts and elimina. -- (26 dec tf Wave Shoppe. Marcel and shampoo wi pale | tors, tu'es tested and supplied | -=70 acres plough land, - G5 acres | === STII :| [ UNITURE HKPALLE NT | Phone 271517, (7 mar ¢) bush, good bulldings, Pickering Tenders Want d reet West, Toronto, will be at his u holstering tested free. John Meagher, 92 Sim- 3 8 . of P 8 coe North, Phone FW, Ing £t, W. Ideal location, Aves m7. ps M hs J 3 ment of diseases of car, nose and 2 BS : Wave Shop. ecialists in perman »* portlers, cushions and re-up transformers, colls, ate. Also short ;0t to well my little home, a brick uy : 0 NEW AND SECOND HAND FUR |street north. "nee Th mpers | WESTMOUNT RADIO" SiUDIOR, | Ji -- mp ---- i i h me ¥ : Pr 166 Thneus (21 feb tf) m--Except Sunday. niture bought and sold 186° Bloor | EXPERT MARCELLING BY BE a = | efficient wervice, re TRH L Las - 0 8 L i I ent service, all makes of | ere GR TRADE | & "Sinists Ton and Holidays only. | GWONE 378. NEXT THE POST OFF A t chite cts Phone pone 3¢ FINGER upholstered, draperies me t a Ww township, $8500, . Will trade for --_ 0. C. STENROUSH GENERAL | Wavin te pat 3 ¥ ler. Geo, A. Constable 27 [lonu anied "to "Buy Oshawa property suitable for store GARBAGE CONTRACT 1e1 » C. 8ST SE ing hair cutting 25c at La t. East, Phone 3322), WANTED 10 BUY--§ Too | Bex 188: Times. 21 feb tf) CITY OF ae Visit Qur Store 0 AND sen oun LINE Architectural, work Second floor | Parisienne Beauty Parlors Ask for ' sa LA wuts Royal Bank Building. Phone 1406 | Miss Robbins. Phone 71. (Fe' 11 mo | houge, frame or brick, on or near OWRER DROPS §500---1r SOLD SEALED TENDERS will be ro- Res. phone Lb (10 mar. c) | = v SC 7 | Church St. State price and terms, this week, will sell home which | ceived by the undersigned u THOMSON DE LUXE BEAUTY SHOPPE | Watch Repairing | Apply Box 159 Times (i7) | cont $4500 for §3500 and with | 13 g'elock noon 8 p until eras jon q oppe Special Men's Grey Worsted, soclate oN Hor Simcoe 8t. 8 Experts in permanent, finger and FF A, VON GUNTEN EXPER] | a only b/g gash, b rooms and sum- | \jaeupday, February 28h" 1063 5 NICOEET. | Suits to. Clear Over Felt Bros. marcel waves, Permanent waves | Swiss watchinaker. repan shop at | Factory Representative mer ieuon, a Senvenioncd; EAT" | for the collaction of garbag. in the : at . Auctioneer 35, 310, $16. gC inaredld, 2s: 44% King Street West Your pat | g8FAGLI HED BLECTRIC pe, bs ont pays for de City of Oshawa, Ontarfo, for the seen nesserhunibine rims given by is Duquette | ronage is s, livited Ae i . ot aa year 1081-32, . Domini 4 fonage 18 sy Washing Machine Manufacturer | FoR SALE--IN NORTH -- DIs- Bnvelopes containing tenders ion Clothing! Co WwW hone 38, over Ward's store, Sm, A] K PHONE 716). w SULLEY 4 y requires rperesentative for Os ee (27 feb ¢) Motor Cars 5, ve for OShawa | tefet, new six roomed house, fully | must be plain ir 5 AR 08 King St. W. Auctioneer, 346 Scie St. S, Osh p gen --_, and vicin'ty, to look after collee- modern, newly decorated, electric | for orion i anarked Tender EATON GROCETERIA awa, Ont Special attention given to . FOR SALE---=1023 CHEV, COACH. | tions and sales on time payment obi nd 5 household furniture sales and farm Music Motor in first class condition and | plan. We place you fa business for fisttes, garage. Route At 350, 41 ar informution may be had at It Pays T Sh stock and implements. Your patron | TFREERT C (RENEER, AT.C.M | 'conse. $45, Phone 1004F, yourself, Box Number 166 Times. |mymes eA (47¢) 2.0 ey the undersigned. ys To Shop ! §¢.) ¥. BE. HARE, "Here Always age solicited. : : ' RHEIN -- Organist and Choirmaster of King | {480) Foam (46¢1 ATTRACTIVE 20° ACRE FRUIT City Clerk. ER WIL mm Ce a ---- roe Street Church will accept Pupils in Cleaning and Dycing Room and Board Wanted |and chicken farm (n village of (450) Ont., arm and house sale specialty PL organ and wi music | Diamonds? Terms, low, Phone Oshawa 1643 liam Street, East, Phone | THE PrEMIS) RG GFFICE MAN -DASIRES | Junderitnd. Pino bufldings, brick --. X IMISLS AT 21 BOND BT, | YOUNG OFFICE MAN DESIRES | 1, Ww 9 2-4. (28 war & (Sept 2 tf) | Bast, formerly known as the New [board and room with refined people st Hl, Stchange on Pets and Livestock | Bassett 8 a ----ns 2, NTT RICHER, L.R. A.M | Method Cleaners will 1 i {In private home, Apply Box 216 Ay GRE HATCH ? . Hematt:ching Supervisor of pj uaie. a £arhenic on March 2nd hy Wm, BY an re rip Times, it, adi (46h) BW, ie - nd Fo -- Li BABY -- hat aS B hy HEMSTITCHING, LEATING, RE venue, BF. ug t old Medal Cleaners. and Dye CTT I I Los t a ound " wh arre A ES pairs and alterations, dressmak |---------- Nursi ===""msmm | We specialize in repairing, Gig "Help Wanted--Female IT» : KINERE Rocks, White Leghorns. Write or POT TO ing, buttons and butiovncles T8¢ ursing Ing and remodelling, (Give us a WANTED --~BXPERIENCED RE- | dog on SB i dor Shsiosus 13370, Oshiva 0%. ny i one | = mo---- eit 8 ; or, I , edi " UNC v J y . ' P arm : 7 boll shop, 20% Shen 8 Phone | RACTICAL NURSE MATER fla We call and deliver, Phone | ljablo cook, . general, household | to name of Topsy. Finder phone | Park Road North, AR ' New Brunswick ......$1.10 F It Bros ity' work, Excellent references, Mrs. z oh 'L) | three, references required, Phone | 1907M or 176 Hlliotl Ave, (21 mar ¢) 'Ontario iis cone 1.00 . HEMBTITCHING, PLEATING, AL | Bi rrowdale. Phone 1618 Ww. rk Wan od TUTE 29194 evénings after § (46¢) | FOR SALE--POLICH . POP, 8 Le eweler " 2 9J evdnings er §. FOR {joe | y (ress (30 feb ¢) ork Want {OBT--A FURL GAUNTLET, ¥iND- | Hogg & Lytle Ltd. The y ading Jewel fred, ALA hose Tore our work 1s PRACTICAL NURSE, DOCTON® TRUSTY OTH tL DESIRES HOUSE: | WANTED er return to M, ©. Fraser, of ae a aod poo . the best in town Damtimar: | .orerence, maternity, invalid, gen- | Work, reference. Apply to Box 158 | ho "al otha A ' r children, . Eetublished 1880 4 nee, usekeeper, able to take charge. B f merce Bldg. | Price : Phone 203 Shoppe, 4 Prince St. Phone 1948W |... nursing. will assiol with | Times, S (47¢) | Apply 4255, tle 4 (416) Canadian is of Com hind 7 a9, Teasomble. 13 Jurke St. 12 SIMCOE ST. SOL JTH Lo (11 mar ¢) | yougework, Charges moderate Elocution Phone 50387. __ (12 mar) | BRINGING UP FATHER IN Foc HON "AND , i : tia sma public speaking tivate or wm elas | orgy ok THD (ITY PROPER BY GOLLY, I'M GOING TO FIND TT's 50.00 A week 15 100 MucH. es. | For terms phone Lois Mund, C 1 ty and farms' Apply A. Parkhill OUT WHY MAGGIE HIRED THAT TO PAY POR A SPY ~ MAGGIES OUT - Wosd8 or 212 PK King St Fad i Phone 1614 NEW SERVANT, HE'S NOT A NOW TLL HEAR MIS EXCUSE FOR } (Dec. 17.1 mo.) Palmist Ch Battery Service : 7 : 4; MADAME . ROWN, . PALMIST GRTET AND "sBRVICE PLATE | KI= : Oe Business s Dlivate., 93 Lenisa Street | Lock Batteries, rar or radio bat- 122 feb ¢) |teries charged, 76c. fled for DAS | and delivered. W. H, Platt, 317 om Psychologist, refable ad. | Celina, Phone 1556J, _viée on business, logs, health, in- (10 mar ¢) vestments, marriage. Melva's 'Pay- AT D chological advice guides to success | with ren $1.00. Repaired and and attainment. 20 years' experi-| rebufit. Cglled for ind delivered. evce in public school teaching. | Prompt service. 'Bligdon, 20 fFhort time only, 102 Albert St, | Mil} St, Yhone 1 . Phone 3857TW. © (45¢) J (Dec. 50-1 mo' Voca = Piniing sud Docorsiin / : | " [ / STARION 18. AAG WILL | roosts rer ernss rar | I yr ri 11L accept pupils in voice production |. p ate Phone Baa {Gane r eting and arn 412 mar ¢) | Pine Avepue, Phone 3065W, (724f)

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